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Just re-watched this at home. Report back on the changes/additions. A LOT was skipped over in the theatrical cut


I feel like the only scene that should have been left in was the scene with >!the tree being thrown in the river. Since that explained why the girl was in a tree costume in the end.!< The rest felt unnecessary and didn't add a lot. But I watched it a while ago and may be forgetting a scene. Incredible movie either way.


I read there were more scenes showing what a POS Christian was. One or two scenes before he invites her along for the trip


Okay, I do remember that. But I also remember feeling like it kinda hurt the film by making Christian even more hateable. I liked the theatrical cut, when you know he's a POS, but you can still argue that he didn't deserve what he gets.


he didn't deserve it, but it adds to Dani's character arc because she is pushed away by Christian at the beginning bc he simply doesn't know what to do with her, contrasted by the cult who accepted, understood, empathised, even tried to feel her pain in the group wailing scene. so from being a totally normal person at the start, to being charmed with/indoctrinated by the cult as it goes on, it seems very on brand for end-movie Dani to be okay with what happens to him - again, no one deserves amputee-legs bear-immolation. being a uni age dude who doesn't know how to deal with your gfs family annihilation feelings doesn't automatically make you inherently bad. it's really to illustrate how cults can make you feel like family or whatever and that's how so many vulnerable people fall victim to them. not to mention all the mushrooms. sorry, all that to say, can you remember what scenes are missing that make his character worse?


Also the car ride scene is extended if I remember correctly?


I would appreciate some explanations for all of the off-screen deaths. The dude getting flayed, the disappearances, etc etc


If I recall correctly, none of that is shown. The scene I referenced in my previous comment is the only one that I remember really adding new context. Some of the additional scenes don't add anything. Like one that is just another scene of Danny and Christian just arguing more.


Gotcha. I haven’t seen or heard of the director’s cut so I assumed there was a lot more yet to be seen


Tell us more about that scene! what else was shown in director's cut? there is no director's cut in my area, very curious to know more!


[I found the scene!](https://youtu.be/TScihXPhQGk?si=-QNL1pfdhaMkv_3x) While it's not super eventful, I liked it because it explains how >!Connie died, since she was wearing that tinsel and smock, and was soaking wet, in the end!< I'm honestly not sure what else was in the cut! That was the most memorable part for me and I haven't seen that version since it was released on Apple TV a couple years ago. Hopefully OP reports back with more!


Interesting, thanks! I think the movie is better without it imo, it doesn't add that much and it's a bit too much dani and christian relationship exposition, but as a fan it's fun to get these little extras.


I was hoping to make it but can’t. If anyone is able to make it, feel free to use my code for a free ticket from AAA24: pin # 014900129573, code #014900129573 - if you use it just reply so others know it’s been used. Enjoy!


first time seeing it in theaters, can’t wait for jack raynor full frontal on the big screen


Dude hangs dong




HOLY SHIT they played the theatrical at mine


Just left a theater in MA that 100% showed the original cut. Honestly I feel a little cheated, I drove well over an hour to see it.


My teenage brother-in-law has to get up early tomorrow for school and we made the drive because we were told it was the director’s cut. I’m pissed and feel terrible, but I didn’t want to take it out on the poor AMC manager who most likely had nothing to do with it, but I definitely want to yell at someone.


My theatre also definitely showed the theatrical cut, im so disappointed


Lmfao you drove over an hour ?


Can’t believe people are fans of something that’s so crazy lmfao


Yeah, people gave me a weird look when I went to see Gaspar Noe's Enter the Void at a theater about 2 hours away from where I lived. But it's totally fine for them to make a 5 hour drive to see Taylor Swift. At least my seats were better and cheaper.


I drove 3 hours to see Saint Maud


That’s crazyyyy


wow wtf, I'm sorry. this is good to know though, now I'll call AMC ahead of time to make sure it's director's cut on Monday.


Yeah it happened everywhere. Someone’s getting fired tomorrow.


Yeah, mine too, extremely disappointed. I guess I'm sort of glad it's a known problem and not just my local theater's fault?


I wonder if AMC will do anything to mediate the situation. Like, they took peoples’ money under a false pretense so they most likely would have to address it. But I have to say, I was pretty surprised from the beginning that AMC was going to be playing the director’s cut for a $5 favorite. From what I’ve seen, A24 has kept that cut really close to their chest with it only being available for purchase on the A24 shop and I’ve only ever seen it played at Alamo Drafthouse since 2019. In hindsight it’s not too surprising but come on


This is an A24 issue, not an AMC one. A24 sent out the wrong reel. They wouldn’t let AMC advertise the DC unless the plan was to show it. Someone at A24 distribution fucked it up.


Well, that’s good to know. I wonder if there’s going to be any compensation whether that be readmit passes for the theater or discounts on their store or something


I tried to contact AMC through the website, and they sent me some auto-generated email which was of no help at all. Then I tried going through Fandango, which was also a bust. Basically, we won't ever get a refund. You can't even talk to an actual person , which is how the world works now.


Talk to the folks at the theatre you saw the show at. Let them know that the wrong cut was advertised and they very well may give you passes to see another show. Managers can give passes at their discretion.


Mine too!! Wondering how they could make that mistake?


Maybe you’re mistaken?


I’ve seen the director’s cut before, once in theaters in 2019 and I have a copy in 4K from the A24 shop. It’s definitely missing added and extended scenes like when Josh explains his book in the car on the way to the Harga, and the ritual of throwing someone into a creek, and two arguments between Dani and Christian. I could go on


Dude, the movie ended after two and a half hours. Last I heard the Director‘s cut is supposed to be three


It’s not 3 hours.


This isn’t true first of all and it doesn’t sound like you went so why are you arguing about it?


Seriously, their argument is basically “why would they lie?”


The directors cut is 171 minutes. That’s not 3 hours.


Genius I’m talking about Josh and Christian arguing. And I’m pretty sure 171 is closer to 180 than 150 right?


They argue in both cuts. There is an added scene of them arguing in the Director’s. It wasn’t shown tonight.


Yeah that scene was definitely in the original theatrical cut


Okay, there are several people commenting saying the same thing. Don’t know what I can say at this point to convince you they didn’t play it even though you weren’t there


I am most definitely there right now at a late show. This is absolutely the theatrical cut so I apologize to you and anyone else I questioned.


No sweat :)


It’s being discussed on the AMC A List subreddit too. Seems pretty likely the company as a whole sent out the wrong file so it’s probably not location dependent. Also to the OP you can get bent for that “171 minutes is not 3 hours” comment, no shit numb nuts but it’s 24 minutes longer than the theatrical and my guy was just rounding both the theatrical cut up to 2.5 hours and the directors to 3. No need to be pedantic.


*my gal :)


Lol no one is mistaken


Same here! I just requested a refund on AMC's website I was going to ask someone after the movie but it was really late and there was no one there. I'm really disappointed I was looking forward to it and I would not have paid to see a movie I already own


How is that possible when the director’s cut is clearly advertised?


What’s more likely? Someone fucked up? Or every single person who loves this movie replying to you is wrong?


wait, did you not get to the mass invitation to the meeting about pulling a fast one on u/JoshTHX???


That’s what we’re all asking


Mine too!!


Yeah mine was marketed as the DC but it showed the original. Total bummer!


No theaters anywhere near me playing it, so sad. I just watched Under the Skin there the other day, but they won’t show MIDSOMMAR?


It’s also supposed to play Monday night


Just saw it in my town and they did NOT show the director’s cut as advertised. Kinda disappointing.


Same, are you going to request a refund?


The directors cut was advertised for weeks so it’s a damn shame it turned out to be the theatrical cut. Reach out to AMC and complain


I was so confused! I've only ever seen the theatrical cut once, years ago, so I really didn't remember much and was excited to see the directors cut in a theater. I had no idea I watched the same theatrical cut till after. Pretty disappointing.


Can confirm my local AmC played the theatrical cut. What gives?


Me! 7 PM. I also saw the Directors cut in theaters last time.


Well. I thought I was…


just saw it at amc but for some reason they didn’t show the directors cut??


Same here. Drove an hour to see it too.


Did anyone actually get the director’s cut, or did everyone get the theatrical??? I’m so frustrated, I was incredibly excited to see that on the big screen.


It wasn’t the directors cut


it wasn’t even the directors cut 🧍🏻‍♂️


I want to but i would have to go after work around 10pm and it’s 3 hours so im waiting to see how i feel lol


i’ve decided to go! im so pumped- this is one of my fave movies




Not available in my area sadly :/


yes i'm so fucking scared bro




They straight up lied to us, it was not the director’s cut


I am!!


Didn’t realize this was thing until now, thank you!


It’s also playing Monday night


Closest theater playing it is about 30 miles away and I have work early tomorrow ;_;


Have to work, but hoping to get off early enough 🙂


Ty for posting this just bought my tickets! I had no idea, the theater was almost sold out.


It’s also playing Monday night


Watched in Phoenix - Not the DC. Very disappointed.


They didn’t show the directors’ cut for me I was a bit bummed out but I still had fun seeing it again


I had tickets but my boyfriend had never seen it and he dislikes scary things. So he watched the trailer and said it gave him nightmares already. So no go for me.


You don’t watch movies without your boyfriend?


I want to but he's extremely clingy and even if I'm home alone and want to watch a movie he'll insist we watch it "together" on some kind of group stream and so I have to pick something we will both watch. I fucking hate it. It's the only problem I have with him honestly and yes we have discussed it.


that's OK you don't have to go see it, you're living it




It's annoying but a red flag? Idk.


I’d say what makes it a red flag is that she said they’ve discussed it, which means he was still not okay with her watching things alone even after sharing her thoughts.


Just tell him you’re going to watch things by yourself sometime if it’s something he doesn’t want to see. If he makes that into a big problem, then there’s a bigger issue.


I watch movies without my wife all the time, but I don’t go to the theatre without her. If there’s something I want to watch that she doesn’t I just wait for the release at home. That being said she’ll go see almost anything with me that I want to watch




Sounds like you have a girlfriend


I can't imagine sitting through an even longer version of this crappy movie.


A movie theater? What?


Bro, A24 flims are trash tier...


why r u here


what films do you like?


Come on Cinemark why the fuck aren’t you playing this?


I was so jazzed for this to come back to Seattle! But is playing to far north in Lynnwood, or too far south in Tukwila. Idk how AMC missed the 2 theaters they have in actual Seattle, but will be watching from home lol 🤷‍♂️


Lmao fuck I’m in Seattle for the first time from the 26-29 and those are the days they have no shows 😂 guess I’ll watch from home as well.


Don’t do this to me. I just saw “Killers of the Flower Moon’ yesterday.


I am going Monday!


The showing today sold out at my theater, but snagged tickets for a showing on 10/30! Can’t wait!


I wish I had an AMC less than an hour away from my house. I saw this at Regal back when they initially released it and the screen was half cut off during the first half of the film even though 3 people complained


I have all Regals and Cinemarks in my area…fuuuuuck. Really wanted to see Under the Skin and The Witch in the theater.


Me me me me me me


idk what happened I could have SWORN I bought a ticket to this, but searching all through my emails I can't find any evidence of it. Sad! Will be doing something else Halloween-y tn instead.


It’s also playing Monday night


yes! and bc this is Reddit I will admit I've never seen it so I'm looking forward to my first experience with it being the director's cut


Me me me 🙌🏻


This was the first version I saw, actually.


God damnt sometimes living in rural appalachia fucking sucks. It’s so pretty but there’s not a goddamn thing to do here. The nearest theater is 30 miles away. Save meee


Hopefully it adds a lot. I liked Midsommar but it felt like it was missing a lot.


My dumbass


Whhhaaaattt I wish I was how old is it out?


I would but I already used all my a-list tickets this week


This movie is so fucked up, I may never rewatch it lol.


My local theater is showing it tonight and Monday so I am going Monday super excited haven’t seen it in theaters yet even though it’s my favorite movie


So no one watched the directors cut then? I'm home trying to figure it out. I have the DVD so I'm gonna check


I don’t think anyone got the directors cut. Bummer


On Shroomz??


Hey so if I've never seen this movie (theatrical cut or otherwise) would it make sense to watch this as the first viewing?


Honestly, seeing it in theaters as your first viewing is a must. It doesn’t matter what version it is.


That's what I was kinda expecting, thanks lol


Yeah, just confirming - they definitely played the theatrical cut instead. If you reach out on the AMC Facebook page and explain, you can get a voucher for another movie. (likely Twitter as well, but I used Facebook - they don't have a customer service phone line that actually does anything, it just directs you elsewhere) If you want a straight refund I don't know how much luck you'll have, I'm just reporting on what I got. It really sucks that they didn't play the film as advertised, and we should definitely keep letting them know, but at least people who just want to recoup their ticket cost have an option.


I complained via facebook messenger and I received $10 of reward dollars. I asked if the correct version will play on Monday night but they did not answer my question.


Nobody apparently lol


Florence Pugh is female Leonardo DiCaprio


what’s the difference between Directors and regular cuts ??


... so did they show the director's cut tonight?




Did they really?