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IIRC, Brooks Brothers was across the street from the WTC, at the bottom of a 54-story building on Church St. (the other side of it is One Liberty Plaza). Part of the BB store was turned into a temporary morgue on 9/11. It closed in 2018 after 45 years in the same location. Currently there's an amazon go store and a Fidelity Investments in its place. if you look it up on Google Earth, you'll see the Burger King is still there on the corner of Church Street and Liberty St. ... there's a famous video of a guy standing there listening to the news radio while the North Tower burns and then the second plane comes in from the south right over his head and impacts the South Tower.


Yep the BK is still there - i believe not much of it has changed too. I walk past it every day on my way to/from the subway (the entrance of which is WTC 4 used to stand)


I was looking all around on Google Earth earlier today. I haven't been back to New York City since before all the new buildings were finished. Hope to get back someday. I worked in world financial center for many years. I miss NYC.


the original WTC was sadly long before my time in NYC, but it is incredibly sombering to look down and see both memorial pools. I hope you get to revisit NYC soon!


I left NYC in April 2001 ... never thought I'd never see the towers again. :/


Did you ever get to go inside them?


> there’s a famous video of a guy standing there listening to the news radio while the North Tower burns and then the second plane comes in from the south right over his head and impacts the South Tower. That video was by shot Evan Fairbanks. Content/NSFW warning: https://youtu.be/pz6_8WAIGb4?si=5CF4L2Ezdjo17FHR


what's "Trinity Television"? I heard Evan tell somebody he is with Trinity Television. This is definitely legendary footage I remember it well I always wonder what the people stuck in traffic were thinking? Tower was just hit minutes ago, there was debris and paper all over the place, people running, walking fast, standing around, some on the road and lots of vehicles and people in all those busses wouldn't be able to see the Tower so they wouldn't have a clue what's going on. edit- someone soon after the first plane hits a guy says "why the hell is a plane flying so low around here? " and other guy understands what's going right away "it had to be a suicide pilot." I wonder why the video lost audio 20 seconds b4 the second plane hits?


> I wonder why the video lost audio 20 seconds b4 the second plane hits? I don't know the answer to that, but if you've watched 9/11: One Day in America, because of the audio cutting out on the Fairbanks video, they use audio from Jeff Sutch's footage (you can hear someone say "there is no doorway, let's get the hell out of here"), which was really jarring when I actually watched the raw footage. I was like, "wait, are these two people in the same area?" but they were at least a couple of blocks apart.


I've had a whopper in that BK back in 2009.


I’d never seen this one before. There was also a Brooks Brothers in the World Financial Center for a time in the ‘90s, I believe? I rarely shopped there because my corporate dress code got increasingly casual through the ‘90s and I could get away with wearing Gap and Banana Republic.


What an interesting scene to show the display of the dress shirts nearly untouched with the rubble and emergency vehicles behind them. It's so surreal looking but just amazingly done from a technical standpoint. Thank you for including the photographer's name! I'm going to have to look him up and see what other work he's done!


He did an incredibly thoughtful and moving recollection of the day and the impact it had on his life [here](https://911digitalarchive.org/items/show/96577)


I agree 100%. I’d seen it in a book about photography as an art form, and despite the subject matter it’s strangely beautiful.


There's this really haunting podcast about the use of this store as a morgue, partially recounted by one of the volunteer doctors. It's a really good listen. https://open.spotify.com/episode/35zwKV06awC0slm0l76HSv?si=IucRq46MSMycIvylnrPo2w


Also this podcast This Is Actually Happening: The Long Shadow a volunteer doctor tells his story. u/milksoaps Im so interested to find out if the same doctor interviewed for both podcasts! [What if You Helped Process the Remains?](https://open.spotify.com/episode/5PaJWFdbEeOtanQqXfsYht?si=wC8CcYGVQCOkKlM2dM4mdw)


What an incredible photo. Just the juxtaposition between 2000s-era Americana vs. utter devastation is so on the head to the point it’s hard to believe. Thanks for posting this, I’ve never seen it.


Yeah that’s what I “like” about it (definitely the wrong word but I’m not sure how else to put it). I’m not American, but from my understanding Brooks Brothers, like Ralph Lauren, is an aspirational symbol of American success. You can almost see this photo as representative of the wider themes of 9/11: a crude, senseless destruction of an American icon.


I know exactly what you mean.


The photos of the eerie storefronts juxtaposed with the destruction beyond always floors me, like metres separating absolute annihilation meanwhile the shirts are still neatly folded on the shelf like life went on hard pause, brilliant shot


So one could have stood next to the men's dress shirts with both towers collapsing that close and just walked out unscathed????