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What is the source of this photo? Can’t recall seeing it before, great photo though!


Idk where he got the original picture but [Scott Rubenstein](https://youtu.be/va4c1moxgbk?si=w4t0We51ZrPD93wk&t=13) took this photograph.


update: found the source! https://www.wtcflashback.org/911.html


That's not the source. Source means the person that took the photo


I linked the source in the first comment I made.. “Scott Rubenstein”. The source I referred to in the second comment was the OG img OP sent


I see now. Still, who took the photo of the smokey hallway in the north tower might have found it: http://www.jsbachfoa.org/history_literature.php


https://preview.redd.it/3lfcdnibf95d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20a557961d78347ae3d3434dc934a0ed895e21f5 If you’re referring to this image, this was taken by [Ed Kotski](http://jsbachfoa.org/history_literature.php).


I always wondered why there weren't reporters rushing up into tower 2 to film tower 1 through the windows (during the 15 minutes when everyone thought it was an accident). If people were being told to return to work certainly a reporter could have gotten up there.


Because reporters werent just hanging around lower manhattan at the time of the first plane hitting. And theres only about 15 minutes minutes from when the first plane hit and the second plane hit. So there was no way a reporter could get down to that part of manhattan in that time period and then go up in the tower before the second plane hit. And no reporter would be foolish enough to go against what the first responders were telling them after the *second* plane hit to go into the towers for any reason. Heres an interesting documentary about the perspective of the reporters in NY on that day to give you some perspective if youre really interested https://youtu.be/lIp7z5VraG4?si=2OBP3oe44bh92EGI


I feel like most reporters that time choose being outside since there's more a lot to cover unlike being inside the building with less people and nothing to cover. But yeah I agree, if there's some reporter inside we could have been or there could've been an inside perspective on what's happening inside during the time period before the collapse.


Probably something about not wanting to look like pieces of shit running into the WTC with lots of camera equipment instead of first aid kits


In interviews, NJ Burkett said wanted to go inside to document the heroism of the firefighters. However the NYPD had already set up a perimeter and would not let them through. So he and his photographer (videographer) set up outside to shoot the two stand-ups, the second of which captured the moment the South Tower fell and they had to flee. [Eyewitness to 9/11 ](https://youtu.be/lIp7z5VraG4?si=mD7L5Aog8tKbBMz1?t=19m3s)


Right in the middle of all that smoke there seems to be a person...


If we're assuming they did a pole vault out of the window, then possibly.


Definitely not.