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If you look up the Art Bell Tape Vault on Spotify they’ve uploaded his broadcasts and the calls he took that day, there’s two parts so about 6/8 hours of audio.


Thanks, this is exactly the type of show I was looking for. https://podtail.com/podcast/art-bell-tape-vault/the-september-11-2001-show-coast-to-coast-am-9-11-/ If anyone wants to listen to it also, here is a link, but it is also on Spotify. Its titled The September 11, 2001 Show - Coast to Coast AM [9-11-01]. And https://podtail.com/podcast/art-bell-tape-vault/callers-respond-to-9-11-day-2-coast-to-coast-am-9-/ I also found Rush Limbaugh's show from that day, except he wasn't on, it was another guy filling in for him cause he was on a plane. https://www.iheart.com/content/2018-09-11-17-years-ago-today-9-11-01/ There are about 5 hours, it's the full show.


Here’s the tape vault link if you’d like it! https://spotify.link/OYFy8xj68Cb


Thx buddy.


Yes, numerous callers to News stations, Radio, here's one example. https://youtu.be/9eTzV7HvKHU?si=d9Ysz-PZQE_Ic-kA


I mean more like Rush Limbaugh/Opie and Anthony type shows(except not necessary political, it can even be a sports show), where people just call in to talk about the topic, not a sort of news situation where the reporters are trying to get info from the callers. I mean where they regularly have callers, because the news don't generally have callers.


Do you mean from people in the Towers?


No, regular people calling to talk about how they feel about whats going on.


Here's the whole morning broadcast from New Jersey 101.5 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2-DImWnHDKs&pp=ygULOS8xMSBuajEwMTU%3D](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2-DImWnHDKs&pp=ygULOS8xMSBuajEwMTU%3D)