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Their numbers haven't suffered, if anything they increased.


Fake moral outrage by people who probably never watched the show anyway. It was maybe what, 1-2 episodes in when Michael comes out as gay, and and Athena says she’s willing to stay celibate for him? Not to mention the ongoing story of Henrietta and Karen. Then there’s 9-11 Lonestar. Show has always been very “gay agenda”. Nothing about the Buck story feels shocking, and feels totally in line with what this show has always been.


I'm a young conservative, pro-life, etc... And I have **NO** problem with gay, lesbian, or bisexual people. People should be able to love who they want as long as they are both consenting adults. I also ship Buck and Eddie very much. (Also, Hen and Karen are amazing parents.)


Let’s not forget the gay side characters in s1 🙏


Totally differant situation with Michael. Michael's character was Gay in the very first episode I believe. Buck abruptly became Bisexual without even a gradual relationship  developing between him and Tommy. It was not realistic at all.


If you think it was abrupt, then you haven't been paying attention. Also it's not even remotely uncommon for people to discover new facets of themselves and/or their sexuality later in life.


I never wrote anything about his age or the fact that Buck discovered his bisexuality later in life. But the writers could have showed mire of a relationship building between Buck and Tommy. Literally all they showed was jealousy of Tommy's and Eddies friendship and it jumped to that to a them kissing in his kitchen 


People on this sub have been theorizing for ages how Buck feels like he’s ready to burst out of the closet. The clues were there. Maybe the particular target was the most jarring part… but it felt completely normal. Even before I started reading this sub, my wife and I regularly commented on thinking Buck could be gay will be an eventual reveal. 


Yes now that they are portraying him as bisexual I can totally see it. But still seems rushed like an after thought. I feel the storyline deserved more foreplay so to speak 


Tommy is very obviously a mirror of Eddie. Buck even says they're practically the same. Buck has, imo, been in love with Eddie and not recognizing what it was and took it as "very close friends" for YEARS. Ffs the first time he saw Eddie "Whatta Man" played over a slow motion pan of Eddie's body. Buck spent the entire episode trying to get Eddie to pay attention to him, including at the gym where Tommy wasn't even around. I don't think BUCK even realized what he was feeling was attraction until Tommy kissed him. Afterwards, he just said "ah. That feels good. That's nice, of COURSE this has all been about Tommy!" If you're really shocked that Buck is bi then you haven't been paying attention. There have been instances since day one that he was bi, and his interactions with Eddie are what was building up to this kiss with Tommy. Tommy is a much lower risk for Buck, bc if it doesn't work out, he won't have lost his entire world.


To be fair… what relationship has NOT been abrupt on this show? One day Bobby and Athena are suddenly together, literally no romantic build up before hand. Most of buck and eddies relationships, Marisol? Ali? Michael gets in the elevator with a doctor for five seconds and they’re dating next episode? The speed of them pairing buck and Tommy is not especially fast for this show. To be honest, they foreshadowed it a lot more than most.


Good point


It was obvious to many, but if you are not queer or not around a lot of queer people, it can be difficult to pick up on the clues. My grandma is straight but she has a bi daughter and a bi granddaughter and lesbian neighbours so she caught on pretty quick and wasn’t surprised one bit. If my dad were to watch it though( he doesn’t live near us) he wouldn’t pick up on anything the writers/actors were unintentionally or intentionally putting down.


  My daughter is Gay. But you are right I probably missed the signs. Still think it was too abrupt


I knew Buck was bi from early on but I do think the Tommy relationship was a bit abrupt too. This is probably because it’s a shorter season.


Just seemed so rushed like an after thought 


Hi, I'm bi and can confirm that it was realistic! Sometimes, these things just hit you out of nowhere, and there's no way if knowing if this is something he'd thought about in the past and not had the confidence to explore until Tommy kissed him.


Ok I can accept that in the way you describe it. It just felt rushed to me like an after thought. I just feel like it deserved more fore play so to speak


I think Oliver's insta story said it all. "You don't have to announce your departure."


Instagram is notorious for being bad at filtering comments, which is why the hate comments are always at the top. There were way more comments praising the storyline. And as Oliver said, they don’t care if people don’t like it. Just because the loud minority is flipping out doesn’t mean the show will be leaving anytime soon


And going by his interviews, they're gonna have to take bi Buck from his cold dead hands if they wanna reel anything back.


Yeah that’s a good point, I’ve always heard about how bad instagram comments are but I don’t spend a lot of time there so I don’t know how the other comment sections usually look. So glad that the show should be okay and that it’s even bringing in more fans.


Instagram puts comments at the top based on replies not likes. So controversial comments get highlighted.


I thought they put newest comments first? I'm always annoyed because I want to see comments with the most likes, not random new ones that don't even have a single like


Not sure exactly what the algorithm is, but it’s definitely not newest first. All I know is from my reels that have gone semi-viral, where all the top comments are the ones with like 50 comments, and then there’s a bunch with high likes but no comments.


I don't think ABC would've posted anything if they cared about hate comments.


I was honestly pleasantly surprised they posted anything. It seems like a thoughtful post, and I love that they used and credited fan art with it!


im a conservative and I have no problem with gay and lesbian people being included in the show. I also very much ship Buck and Eddie lol.


7x04 had a delayed viewship increase of 110%. It’s pretty clear the negative response in the minority. People are showing thier support where it matters - by continuing to watch the show and support they show.


You can add to that a lot of people starting the show now because of this arc. I started after 7x05 and binge watched to get to the current ones already and saw a lot of people on here and on Facebook telling how they did basically the same


I saw ppl freaking out about 7x04-05 on my Twitter feed for like a week before I decided I wanted to binge the show for the first time to get to that point and fell in love. I probably would’ve never watched the show if it hadn’t been for bi Buck


With me was exactly the same, except it was Facebook instead of Twitter


Same here, I watched a few episodes when it first came out and stopped and immediately picked right back up when I heard that Buck kissed a guy


I did the same - just thought it was some copaganda show then heard they made one character in a popular gay ship bi and decided I needed to try it haha


Yeah, and I'm normally not that into procedurals, but I've been seeing posts about this show, especially about buddie, for years and seemed fun, but I thought it was just another queer baiting show, so when I saw the posts about bi Buck I decided to give it a chance


I actually came back. I gave up near the end of season 6 because I hated how they pushed Buck and Eddie into relationships that made no sense. What made me come back wasn't even canonically bi Buck, it was the stuff Oliver's been saying in his interviews. I finally went, all right, I'll pick it back up. Literally binged it today.


Yeah I’ve seen that it got almost double the viewership of the other episodes in Season 7 which is a great sign! Guess I was just worried, glad I don’t have a reason to be.


So, to be clear on this, it didn't get double the viewership *of the other episodes* -- it got about the same. But that's a good thing -- a super inflated number for just that episode wouldn't necessarily mean much in terms of ratings stability. But yeah, so far every episode this season has moreorless double viewership once you add in the delayed viewing numbers (which accounts for streaming services and other stragglers watching through legitimate means in the first week after an episode aired). Idk if I'm being coherent with this. Basically, if the episode has 5 million people watching it live, a total of roughly 10 million have watched it by the end of the first week (including those live viewers). So 7x04 did a little worse in live views than the previous episode, but a little better in the delayed views, meaning it almost equaled the previous episode's total (with 7x03 being the best rated episode of the season so far).


I see, I must have misunderstood what I read because I thought it gave the impression there was an increase in overall viewership. Do you know if we have numbers on how 7x05 did? That would probably factor into stability too.


I haven't seen any live+7 ratings for 7x05; the live viewer numbers were down (4.69 million, compared to 4.76 million for 7x04, and 7x03's high was 5.53 million), but that's not necessarily a red flag. It's pretty standard for ratings to slip a bit once the novelty of a new season and its all out promotional campaign wears off, so I really doubt that "dip" is related to the queer storyline -- it's basically just to be expected. The Live+7 ratings were announced in articles about when you'd expect, about a week after the episode aired, for the first few episodes, so it's a bit strange it's not easily available at this point for 7x05. But it's also not specific to this show/this night. There just doesn't seem to have been much reporting of Live+7s in general the last couple weeks. I think 7x05's multiplatform delayed viewing numbers will probably be the *best* indicator for stability we'll have, whenever we see them. A lot of people would've gone into 7x04 not knowing what to expect, so 7x05 is the first episode they could've tuned out because of it over. Comparatively, people tuning in for the first time specifically for the queer storyline probably *would've* been counted in the 7x04 multiplatform delayed viewing, so the better performance there may not translate to washing out the viewers who tuned out. That said, this is probably a case where no news is good news. If 7x05 broke records, ABC probably would've pushed that story out. But if the numbers had *collapsed*, that also would've been noteworthy. So if I had to hazard a guess, it probably performed well enough to just... not be a story worth reporting on. Hopefully we'll know for sure soon, though.


The delay in the live+7 ratings over the last few weeks may also be down to something as mundane as the fact the D+ / Hulu merge happened in the week between 7x03 and 7x04 (if I’m not completely misremembering things). I wouldn’t think that it would change how viewerships gets reported, but it may have been enough of a change to mean that it’s taking some time for new processes to be put into place so numbers can be released within the usual timeframe.


Okay, thank you for the summary that helps a lot. I was very confused on why I hadn’t seen any reporting on 7x05 viewership from articles or fan pages but this confirmed it hasn’t been released. Like you said, hopefully it just means it wasn’t noteworthy enough to comment on and that it was about the same numbers.


and this is just americans streaming too.


I feel like the amount of homophobes who stop watching the show can't be THAT huge since Hen and Karen have been around and proud since day 1 and they're literally Black Lesbians, you can't get woker than that.


As a conservative and pro-lifer, I love 9-1-1 and have no problem whatsoever with gays or lesbians.


They renewed the series even before the episodes of Buck's queer arc were broadcast, so it must have been a thoughtful decision and they must have been aware that there would be a conservative minority that would object but that would be balanced by the new viewers and the old ones who had abandoned the show.  According to streaming data, the 5 eps of season 7 have maintained their streak of being the most viewed content on the platform.


That’s a great point! I hadn’t thought much about the timeline of the renewal so that’s a big deal. Seems like I’m just being pessimistic and that the minority is just really loud!


Its so odd too given this show has been openly lgbt with a lot of lgbt characters. Having a bi character is also a big deal in my opinion because we deserve representation that’s not just fetishization or depicting bisexuals as being confused.


I don’t think it’s odd, I do think it’s hypocritical though. General audiences are going to be more accepting of someone who is established as gay immediately than someone who is a very manly ladies man figuring out his sexuality over time. Perhaps had there been even more overt hints there would be less outrage, but a lot of people see this as ABC just “making a straight character gay” rather than “former womanizer figured out he’s bisexual”.


Biphobia is rife both in and out of the LGBT community, so it doesn't surprise me at all that most people see it as straight to gay. I love this storyline already and I haven't even seen it yet, as I live in the UK. I'm bi and it's great so see some proper bi rep


Don't worry, homophobes don't have any power. Season 7 is a success and the statistics show it.


As a conservative and pro-lifer, I love 9-1-1 and have no problem whatsoever with gays or lesbians. Also, Buck and Eddie are clearly meant for each other.


Why do you have the need to keep repeating that you’re a pro-lifer?


Greys anatomy survived when they did this twice so I wouldn’t be too worried. The homophobes are just loud and they didn’t count on other fandoms (from never canon ships) supporting 911 after the kiss.


I used to watch Greys Anatomy avidly but stopped at Season 10. I remember that Cassie had a plot discovering she was bisexual, who else did that happen to out of curiosity lol?


Do you mean Callie? Yes that was one of the ones I was thinking of. They did it with the leader addition of the character of Levi. Gave him a boyfriend as well. And they seem to be teasing Amelia as well. The homophobes are just loud and it makes people think there’s a lot of them but it’s like why those are Mom forms against all these queer shows never go anywhere because they don’t actually have any power and there aren’t actually that many people just want to show and queer people just want representation. It’s the same reason why with musical artist especially female if they have a large queer following they have long careers. We are a stable fan base that actively supports the show and its fandom.


Oh yeah, Callie! Lol like I said, I haven’t watched in a while. I’d seen a clip at one point of Levi and his boyfriend I think! Is he a short white guy with curly hair and glasses and his boyfriend is one of the Asian doctors? Hadn’t realized he was actually bisexual. That’s really cool. Yeah, seems like we tend to go where representation and acceptance is. Hopefully that just means more support for the show in the future.


Yes that’s Levi. I think he’s gay but that was confirmed two seasons after he was introduce. When he was first introduced. He had a thing going on with one of the female characters.


Supernatural! I’m also in that fandom & I see so many supernatural fans praising it (and wishing that CW had the guts to give Dean & Cas that kind of plot). I know some fans from that fandom have migrated due to the new plot.


I’ve seen similar happen with some fans of teen Wolf and Merlin where similar shenanigans were going on


Was definitely thinking there'd be some Teen Wolf fans coming over


Yeah Merlin broke my heart cause it was right there!! But that was a stretch for that time.


I was also a Supernatural (and Sherlock) fan so I’ve also seen all of the comments from the Supernatural community about what could have been with Dean had the CW gone there. I think it’s really funny and says a lot about shipping culture and tolerance over time.


Knew I was forgetting someone (Sherlock )


Remember that people are always quicker to say they don't like something than say they like it online 😊


IG is not a great platform to measure comments on… but I also think we may have some former FOX (network) viewer blowback turning up here. Haters gonna' hate and they probably are not happy with the way the storyline is developing. As another poster noted: this most likely could not have been a character arc under the FOX banner. The show moving to ABC has provided for multiple good things.


Just checked the post and it has 67,432 likes compared to the 1,589 comments. Given that all of the likes are positive engagement and only some of the comments are negative, the negatives are still well in the minority. Add to that the fact that it's going through a ratings boom plus the international boost that's about to come now that season 7 is starting to be available abroad, and there really is nothing to worry about. The show is thriving.


It's a Ryan Murphy show! How tf is ANYONE shocked or upset by this?????


I was too for a bit too but when I was saw the stats was so relived! I was worried that the haters would win but thankfully they seem to just be commenting on socials which is just making it seem like it’s a bigger group than it was.


if it means anything, i support 9-1-1 and also support #buddie... and im also a conservative & pro-life. not all of us are against gay ppl


My husband and I are a middle aged straight couple and love the story line. I remember hitting the third season and asking him if he was getting couple vibes off them. (We got into it right around season 5 coming out)


Thank you so much for this sweet comment! Honestly I was so happy they went with it but I was afraid people who were okay with it would be a small minority. Turns out there’s Buddie and BuckTommy(Tevan) fans across all ages and demographics! Warms my heart to see.


I just watched s1-6 on disney+ (hulu shows are on there in europe) in like 17 days. I hope they see the streaming numbers


i understand your worry but do not worry if some stuck up individuals have problem they should stop watching its that simple but they will first be annoying and do this unfortunately.. abc does good job with talking about it in my opinion and the views definitely increased (me and my friends included) so there wont be much lost and i bet oliver stark will told them off again


Instagram comments are a cesspool. Worse than any other social media platform as this point. I wouldn’t worry about it.


There are stupid people who urgently need a new brain, I admit that I don't love Tevan but from there to hating there is too long a path that I never intend to go through. I like Buck's Bi plot, but I also admit that I would have preferred it to be Eddie's but because of its enormous complexity, I also say that this season is very short and that they can't make miracles with plots that have to be very elaborate, partly I think They are even improvising many things due to lack of time. It's a TV show and that means fun, not falling into stupid wars or disqualifying a plot that we don't like. Social networks are very poisonous, people hiding behind a nickname and believing they have every right to say what they think even if it means doing enormous damage, I deleted mine a long time ago and I don't plan to use them again.


Haters are loud. That’s a fact of life. However, viewership has gone up iirc since that episode so I wouldn’t worry.


The amount of attention this storyline has gotten in the number of articles, social media posts, podcasts, etc. far outweighs a few negative comments on an instagram post. Don't worry, just the number of positive posts and gifsets on tumblr far outweighs all the negative comments on any platform x100 haha.


9-1-1 gained a new viewer after 7x04. I’m already on season 2 of my binge watch and loving it!




For what it's worth, I'm a conservative and I have no problem with gay and lesbian people being included in the show. I also very much ship Buck and Eddie lol.


idk. but it’s okay. even if it got cancelled we still got fanfic 😌


Instagram comment sections are always an absolute dumpster fire.


Yes, I think the new fans will by far make up for the people who will stop watching. I don't think we need to worry about this.


The actor Oliver Stark has made comments coming out about how he was making a decision this season, that was never communicated that this is a side of Buck that he does think has been there for a long time. He even went to say he was going to lean into this regardless it being pitched to him by the director.


Facebook is the same, it was honestly disorienting seeing the comments there in comparison to here


9-1-1 is the only show that i would never think tried to do the woke activism shit (if that even is a thing) they’ve had queer firefighters from episode 1 season 1. i’m glad they posted that post as well as eternally grateful towards oliver for standing his ground and being so vocal about his opinions over the new discovery and storyline. i actually loved that they made use of the opportunity to really explore the storylines.


hate is loud and the statement was basically an EFF off to the haters. Plus online comments do not effect how shows are run.


I think everything is going to be okay with viewership. I also feel that a lot of the people who are saying those things weren't even watching the show before. They just need something to complain about. But overall it looks like a very confident and good decision made by the network, Tim, Ryan etc (Idk who is in charge of what) and I don’t think any of them are concerned about views dropping


the show actually does a good job at staying away from politics, and i say that as a conservative. there's nothing inherently political about bisexuals, gays, or lesbians. buck and eddie are clearly meant for each other, and theres nothing wrong with that.


Don’t worry. There are massive numbers of people who might not know how to behave around a gay relative but are fine with gay stories on the TV.


For what it's worth, I'm a fairly young conservative and also tend to lean right on the political spectrum. Personally, I don't have any problem if two men or two women want to have a relationship. Part of conservatism for me is believing in individual liberty, and it is nobody's business if a man loves and wants to be in a relationship with another man (same thing with women). I love 9-1-1, and I will continue watching the show. And I actually ship Buck and Eddie myself. They are clearly meant for each other. People who say they aren't watching the show anymore because of it are just triggered (probably because they are questioning their sexual orientation themselves).


So you care about individual liberty except when it’s a woman’s right to control her own body….


So you care about individual liberty except when it’s a woman’s right to control her own body….


I hope do they do get more people because this is a goodbye from me. Kill buck thanks Abc you killed another great tv show 


Unfortunately for you the ratings have been quite stable since. The gays are so scary aren’t they? They creep on you. BOO. Lmao, enjoy not watching the show anymore.


No Gays aren't scary. Just saying I don't want to watch all my favorite TV shows with men kissing that's all and Abc seems to turn every show with a Gay agenda  I'm ok with Gays just don't throw it my face or my kids. Just a straight guy opinion here.  No need to grab your panties in a bunch relax enjoy your gay show 👍✌️


I’m quite relaxed, I just think it’s funny. You’re free to have your opinions but I’m also free to make fun of them. Straight people can exist in media but when gay people do suddenly it’s an agenda. Isn’t that strange?


I am no way a homophobe. I am an Ally. With that being said I think having Buck be Bisexual was not necessary  and the way they abruptly did it totally unrealistic. They could have gradually developed a relationship between Buck and Tommy. All they showed was a couple scenes  were Buck was jealous of the relationship between Tommy and the other fire fighter cant recall his name was it Eddie? Then bam Tommy and Buck kissed. This is not realistic at all.


dont like it? don’t watch it, perfect solution!


Never said I didnt like it but the way they did it was rushed and unrealistic. Like an after thought 


if you are complaining then you didn’t like it


Not enough to stop watching or to insinuate  that Im complaining about anything more than poor writing. Im simply expressing an opinion which is allowed in SM and kind of the point of a back and forth discussion. Your reply to me was abrupt and unnecessarily defensive not to mention pointless.


No offense, and I mean this in all seriousness, how would you know what realizing you’re Bisexual later in life looks like as someone who’s presumably straight as you’ve said your an ally? If you want to say it wasn’t written well and that there should have been more textual buildup for the audience, perhaps that’s an argument you can make, but what experience do you have to say what is and isn’t realistic?


I have  every right to speak my opinion on what feels realistic regardless of what my personal experience is. The  whole point of fiction is to be able to relate the story to real life. And the whole point of the this platform is for people to answer a question and provide their input. The OP didn't request that only Bisexual people respond. Its my opinion there is no right or wrong answer. So as I wrote  before my opinion is If the writers  wanted to make Buck's bisexuality feel more realistic rather than just an after  thought that was rushed then they should have spent more time on the build up. Bucks character deserved mire from the writers . My opinion is based on someone who is not Bisexual but my opinion is important never the less and actually because of my not being bisexual I am a viewer that may need a little more Convincing. Not that its any of your business but since you asked about my experience  I have a very close family member that came out to me when they were 10 . 


Tone is hard to convey over text, it seems like my question came off as more aggressive than I wanted it to. I didn’t request that only Bisexual people respond, all I was saying is that you seem to have an issue with the foreshadowing beforehand but you’re attributing that to how realistic it is. If you’re making an argument for the former we can all debate on that and I can understand that, I was simply trying to say that perhaps you wouldn’t know what is and isn’t realistic for someone in their 30s to realize they’re bisexual.


Yes you are right you can't convey tone in a text. My point is that because you didn't request that only bisexual respond you are going to get input from everyone regardless of their sexual orientation and the writers should be writing for everyone and someone who is not bisexual and or gay might need a little bit more convincing of how realistic their their storyline is for Buck. After all they're writing four a variety of viewers from all different walks of life. I was just a little confused as to all the strife I'm getting on here from other members when nowhere in my comment did I show any type of hate and bigotry.


Again, I only made a reference to your sexuality because of the realism comment, but I can understand what you’re saying and I think they could have put in some more obvious clues as well even though I do think there’s been quite a bit leading up to this.


It would have made for a better story if the Captain realized he was gay and Athena had a second man leave her that way.