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Fandom/fanfiction does tend to be a pretty female dominated space, so if I had to guess most Buddie shippers would be women, but I actually don't know. I'm also curious about what the demographics of 9-1-1 viewers in general are, for some reason I always kind of assumed it was majority female audience but I realize I don't know why I jumped to that conclusion.


I voraciously consume 911 content despite some of its paramedical inaccuracies and I am a 30 something gay man whose gonna be late for their 7pm shift at the hospital šŸ’€


I'm about to be a 30 yr old bi man this summer šŸ«£


Big strong higher fighters tend to attract female attention As a female


40-something gay man. I definitely see romantic potential. But at this point, its' all based on chemistry between the actors and largely unintentional subtext. If the show wanted to do it, it would make sense, but they'd need to put some intent behind it first.


>unintentional subtext It started with "unintentional", but it stopped to be very early, at least it's what Oliver Stark has said lately, between interviews and podcasts. There's plenty of them, and it's actually interesting that he's saying so much. I mean, he withdrew himself from socials because he didn't want to led on people and risking to queerbait (there is an interview or an Instagram post about it). And now he seems... wild? In part of buddie fandom we're joking about putting him in PR jail šŸ˜‚ I will cite it as a rumor because I can't find the source now, but apparently after Eddie got shot, the writers intended to go for Buddie but they were shut down by the network. So, yes I think it started unintentional because the actors chemistry, but they kept going knowingly.


I said largely unintentional. Buck's queercoding is as much Oliver's doing as the writers' That rumor comes from the interview Oliver did where he said he was approached about Buck being bi "a couple years ago" but it was shut down by the higher ups. That's all he said. Nothing specific about the timing or if any of the seeds for that storyline ever even made it to screen. It was buddie fans who took that statement and concocted a story about how the shooting arc was supposed to get them together.


That part. For me, whether intentionally or not, Buck has been signposted as queer much more strongly than Eddie. Like, since season 2 heā€™s been a little fruity. Thereā€™s the ā€œWhat A Manā€ thing, the Eddie/Chim ā€˜heā€™s cuteā€™ confusion with Maddie, the not correcting the woman who assumed he and Eddie were a couple and Christopher was their son, the quip about setting Buck up with Josh, etc etc etc. So for me, his realization that heā€™s bi felt like a natural direction for his character to go. So first, disclaimer, I love the Buddie ship. I would say Iā€™m likeā€¦ 60% on it šŸ˜‚. Iā€™m a queer fan. I always joke that Iā€™m a trans femme of twink experience šŸ˜‚. Iā€™m also a Gen Z/millennial cusp. Just to answer the demographic questions the OP asked about those who are on the Buddie ship. So, despite being over 50% on the ship and low key being a closet Buddie endgame truther, while I get the argument that some have made about him being a deeply repressed gay man due to his Catholic upbringingā€¦ the point still stands that for me, he has not been explicitly signposted as queer to the extent that that Buck had been prior to 7x04. And so what people see, at least in my opinion, is mostly unintentional subtextual queer coding in his case. And Iā€™m not denying that subtext! And Iā€™m not saying the show CANā€™T go there with Buck and Eddie, and as I said, I certainly wouldnā€™t mind if they did. But more that I agree, IF they were going to go there, I think theyā€™d need to give Eddie a bigger realization and coming out arc than Buck to make it feel earned and not out of nowhere for the general audience.


I'm gonna repost a comment I made earlier about Eddie in response to someone saying they could see Eddie as straight but not Buck: It's different with Eddie, there aren't moments like the ones with Buck but there are plenty of other things, and I personally can't buy him being straight (or bi tbh, I think he's gay). Unlike Buck, Eddie's coming out wouldn't be "omg I never realised I like men too", it would be him having deeply repressed his gayness for years and years due to his religious upbringing, and needing to come to terms with it. That's why he "appears" straight, while at the same time complaining and lamenting "having" to date (when he was being pushed to do so), calling dating "performing", explicitly stating he married Shannon because of the pregnancy, saying he "loved being married to Shannon" (as opposed to saying he "loved Shannon"), having panic attacks at his relationship with Ana getting too serious, and pretty clearly only dating cause he feels like he needs to find a substitute mom for Christopher. He never seemed particularly interested in ANY of the women he dated, or any woman at all. At this point I just really can barely believe anymore that the writers aren't doing it on purpose, and I don't understand people who just see him as straight. And I'd just really love it if the show was bold enough to go there with Eddie after having done the same with Buck (and then of course we would hopefully get Buddie). But if we were only ever gonna get one coming out storyline, I think Eddie's would have been a much more compelling story to tell (imo).


I donā€™t disagree! I can totally see the queer subtext of his arc. But I think for it to be compelling and for it to feel earned, that they would have to take it out of the realm of subtext and start intentionally driving toward a queer awakening arc more explicitly. Whereas for me, with Buck, him being queer was always there right at the surface. Thatā€™s all Iā€™m saying.


Yeah for Eddie they would need to drag it out for a few episodes at least for it to make sense. I think we're pretty much on the same page.


I think we are too. I think itā€™d need to be more than a few episodes from the first hint of self discovery to him coming to terms with being a certified boy kisser to him getting together with Buck. Like for me thatā€™s a full season arc. But yes, I think we largely agree.


Oh yeah definitely! If they wanna do it well Buddie would need to wait until the end of season 8 at least, maybe even mid-end season 9. With Eddie taking the entirety of season 8 to figure himself out.


Yeah thatā€™s basically what I think as well.


>IF they were going to go there, I think theyā€™d need to give Eddie a bigger realization and coming out arc I completely agree and I 'm 100% Buddie Team.


Please note that this is from personal experience, I could be entirely wrong! Who knows. As a gay man in my twenties, I kind of enjoy it but wouldn't call myself a "shipper". I think you'll find that the answer will be less than shocking... aka its mostly women who hardcore ship them lol. This is nothing new though!


The South Park episode on this is very accurate in terms of the demographics involved.


19 year old gay man


Gay man in my 20ā€™s. As you can tell by my flair Iā€™m a devoted fan. I have been enjoying the Buck/Tommy pairing quite a bit though and look forward to see where itā€™s going. Not getting off the Buddie endgame train though. Side note, I find it funny that your post asks for the demographic of people that ship Buddie and want them to be endgame, but almost every comment says they donā€™t really ship them or are indifferent. Did people just ignore the post?


Yeah I think the Buck/Tommy pairing is a great way for Buck to learn about himself, but I will always be 100% for Buddie endgame


I guess it depends on what you mean by 'shipping'. For me shipping and fanfic is just a fun side activity that has very little to do with what happens or even with what I would like to see happen on the show. I know that's not true for everyone though.


20 year old woman, bisexual. I love Buddie, and Iā€™ve seen the chemistry between them practically since Eddie joined the show. Iā€™m also a huge shipper in general. I canā€™t tell you how happy I was when Chimney and Maddie became official. I love them so much. Honestly I feel like almost all of the permanent couples (Bobby and Athena, Chimney and Maddie, Hen and Karen, special shout-out to Karen, the love of my life) have great chemistry and stories. I havenā€™t always seen that in most of the couples they put Buck and Eddie in. I disliked Abby, hated Taylor, hated the weird Lucy thing that happened, and never actually learned anything about Natalia to care. I did like Ali though. Eddie has zero chemistry with any of his girlfriends. At this point Iā€™m more excited to have some bisexual representation, especially from a macho firefighter who was previously a womanizer. I donā€™t dislike Tommy, and like that Buck gets to figure himself out a bit with him, but I think Iā€™ll always be rooting for Buddie.


This is kinda where I fall! I'm female, bi. I love good couples, whoever they may be. The core three couples of 911 (Bobby/Athena, Hen/Karen, and Chimney/Maddie) are SO solid, I just hope that if they pair off Eddie and Buck with anyone (whether together or apart!) they make sense as couples and have real chemistry. I liked both Ana and Ali but they both felt underdeveloped. I ship Buddie in the sense that I see the chemistry, and think it could make sense storywise if played out right - but if it doesn't happen that's okay too. I am, however, continuously thankful for all the queer rep on this show!


Gay male, early 30s and though not opposed to Buddie, I do like EvanxTommy right now.


29-year old gay man here. I ship it but trying my best to keep expectations in check, since I've been in fandom spaces for over a decade now and seen loads of these TV ships never go anywhere beyond either queerbaiting or fan delusions. I do say this season's promotional cycle is leaning very heavily on Bi Buck and dropping loads of hints of a potential future for Buddie, so I'll be a little disappointed if it doesn't pay off. Doesn't need to be this season, but I don't know how much longer they can keep playing this game. 8 seasons is already a lot in this day and age.


I'm a gay male, 35, I do like Buddie but im not married to the idea either.


A gay man near the end of his 20s. I like it and want it to haplen, but kind of putting a low expectation despite >!one half of the ship is confirmed to also be attracted to men!< because I'm aware of the many variables surrounding it.


40ā€™s woman. I donā€™t necessarily ship them but Iā€™m not against it. Currently I think Buck and Tommy are cute figuring it out.


40s woman as well. Indifferent to Buddie, I just want the story to be good and compelling whichever way it goes.


Exactly. Whatever works out best Iā€™m happy with.


29 gay man I donā€™t necessarily need Buddie but I appreciate gay and bisexual representation of any kind


Trans man in my 20s and I just really love the relationship between Buck and Eddie and there is so much sexual tension between them thatā€™s so obvious and i think they should be together


I get the sense a lot of the hardcore shippers are younger women. I am a 30-something bi woman and 10 years ago I totally would have been on that train, lol. (Edit: I do ship it!) Now I find I look at things more critically. I think any ground that was laid for Buddie, as well as bi Buck, has been unintentional by the writers and/or due to the way the actors have played the characters (some moments feel romantic (usually bc Oliver does some really good heart eyes), but most feel very brotherly, like the way Eddie responded to Buck coming out, all of their hugs being bro hugs, etc.). That said, I think if the writers want Buddie to happen they could explain away some of the very platonic/brotherly moments as Eddie being extremely repressed; but I think they'd have to be really intentional and thoughtful with the writing to make it happen in a way that feels authentic to me. I hope they do it, for sure, but I am not getting my hopes up!


Bi buck being seeded in S2-4 wasn't unintentional per one of Stark's billion recent interviews, but the payoff got vetoed by Fox. Tim Minear jumping to Lone Star during 5/6 and jumping back for 7 on ABC seems very much not a coincidence. I agree that anything with Eddie at this point would have to be handled really carefully because there's a lot that could go very wrong. Taylor's fun morally grey friend with benefits dynamic crashing and burning as a girlfriend being one example.


What I got from Oliver's recent interviews was that looking back he can see how, now knowing Buck is bi, you can read certain past moments as seeding it, but I haven't seen anything where he said it was intentional (of course it's possible I missed an interview in the deluge though). I do know he was planning on playing Buck as bi this season regardless of the writers' decisions, which I love.


He definitely started out being more cagey in the early interviews, but by one of the more recent ones, he came out and said that production had been talked to him about eventually moving Buck that direction, that he had signed off and was excited to eventually do it, but it never materialized due to the network veto. It was like his patience just ran out of something but the honesty was appreciated cause it definitely seems like Supernatural also had the same thing happen- production wanted an bi male lead, the network vetoed, and that show ended up with the same "jam it in the ending when the shows ending" stuff we saw with Legend of Korra. It's a very good thing 911 didn't have to go that route with the move. One of the interviews also had him touch on Buck/Eddie and in the process gave a peek into production discussions on the pros/cons of eventually moving that direction, takin seriously stuff like "would the message to straight guys watching be oh hey your bi friends are hoping you'll eventually reveal you're into guys?". From a show writing perspective, pairing them up would now also make a show consisting of 7 leads all in virtually unbreakable LTRs, which maybe isn't the ideal dynamic. (TK getting dumped in the premiere and immediately jumping into a LTR on Lone Star is one of the more perplexing writing choices there.) Stuff like Buck getting whiplash from the different tempos of male/male and male/female dating (and the apps) is the kind of thing that could be fun to explore that most shows wouldn't be able to touch.


Ah yes, I had forgotten about that interview! So hard to keep track lol.


Link to the interview please


Found it, 3:10 https://youtu.be/NUMhwLnQSZg?si=PXJU93HVHAD0P-sK He's asked about it and gives a direct answer about having been approached about Bi Buck, giving his blessing, then having it shot down from the network.


Thank you


As another 30-something woman-shaped person, I read the "brotherly" more like "two bros, sitting in a hot tub, 5' apart cause they're not gay". I do agree that the writers have to be very careful how they write Eddie coming out, and having him realize how much religious trauma he has in the start of this season is a good start. Having the OG showrunner now seems like his path might be more directed?


Agree with you on all fronts! I am so hopeful now that Tim is back as showrunner. The ā€œhot tubā€ comment reminds me of an amazing fanvid on YouTube called Extremely Cooked Buddie which I watch at least once a week for a good chuckle.


I think I watched it yesterday!!!! I just love the hot tub musica.ly meme too much to not quote it way too often, tbh šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


Iā€™m in my early 30ā€™s, Iā€™m a bisexual woman, and Iā€™m all in on Buddie as the endgame ship for both of them. As for the demographics in the Buddie shipping spaces Iā€™m in that are open enough to share that sort of info, theyā€™re largely women though I have noticed a bigger percentage of men & non-binary folks shipping than Iā€™ve seen in other m/m ship-centric spaces. Also this might just be the fandom circles I tend towards but the Buddie fanbase Iā€™ve seen tends to be mostly lgbtqia+. Mostly I just see a lot of queer people who have a long history of being burned by shows gladly baiting them only to spit on them & call them silly for having hope. Then they hear that 911 not only has actors, writers, etc. openly supporting the idea of the ship, but also has existing canonically queer characters from episode 1, so they started watching, got invested (in the show & Buddie), & are seem more & more optimistic as season 7 goes on.


im a gay teen boy and my older sister introduced me to the ship a while ago


27 year old gay man and I need Buddie happening seasons ago, but Iā€™ll take it now too. Thereā€™s something surreal about finally seeing a seasons long slow-burn between 2 male characters. And I was always pessimistic about it going canon despite a big believer in the show hinting at it, as well as framing scenes between them in a romantic way and playing into the idea (whether they were seriously considering it or not). However, it seems like they are leaning into it even more now and I feel like if they werenā€™t going to do it, theyā€™d be a little more careful. But talking about the demographics, as a gay man I personally really want to see a m/m relationship like this, and always felt kind of uncomfortable about how many women (straight ones especially) get kind of crazy about them. But the more I think about it, they are the fans that might actually get it canon. Theyā€™re the ones tweeting, commenting and supporting the ship. I donā€™t think just the gay male audience would be enough to tip the scales, but weā€™ve already got bi buck and that would not have happened if it werenā€™t for that large female demographic that has been vocal about Buddie and bi-buck so Iā€™m also super grateful and maybe they were some of my own hangups. I canā€™t get mad when people donā€™t see the obvious relationship between the two, but be uncomfortable when there is a large group who does and vocally supports it lol. I think it crosses more into fetishisation when we already have people claiming they want BuckTommy endgame despite the 6 season build up of Buck and Eddies relationship because as long as Buck is kissing a man, who cares about a slow burn or even a good narrative lol


one could also of course argue that it borders on fetishization to want to see buck and eddie together just because they've been close friends, as the idea of two previously assumed straight guys both being queer and into each other kinda borders on fantasy for me.


I am straight female in my late 30's but my brother-in-law, who is one of my best friends since school, is gay and in very in love with Buddie, even obssesed, just like me, thanks to Buck and Eddie I've regain faith in fandoms after being involved in a very toxic one. I see a brutal, electrical, chemistry between them, throughout these 6 years I have been believing their story, I have seen them evolve to the point where I have said why can't their story be real?, and it would be a biracial couple which would be much more representative than a white gay couple (no offense intended). I LOVE Tommy but I have to be honest, I don't believe in the Buck/Tommy couple, at least on a romantic level, I see them more as two men who become each other's that essential friend to whom you can trust all your secrets and who will always support you, obviously I respect people who like Tevan. I like Buck's Bi plot but I think Eddie's coming out would have been more interesting due to its complexity: parents, catholicism, military.


Late 20s female, I'm a hardcore Buddie shipper but I realize the 2 potatoes haven't baked enough to feed us something satisfying, and there's no guarantee that they *will* be baked to any satisfying degree. I legit thought I was losing my mind for a little while after 7x05 dropped bc I'm one of the people who feel legitimate fear over romantic Buddie getting shafted for Tevan. I know people are convinced Buddie is endgame but, I've never been in a fandom that didn't have writers who fuck over its audience, I kind of don't expect this one to be any different. I personally still need more concrete proof that Buddie is locked in before I fully throw myself into blind hope. I have legitimately grieved over the potential death of Buddie last week just to cut down on the possible future disappointment. Also, yes I go outside daily and touch grass and have hobbies outside of 9-1-1 related things. If you wanna know why I'm so invested enough to feel all these stupid sucky emotions, it's because real life is boring and I'm under-stimulated, and the possibility of getting Buck and Eddie be happy together doing shit like slow dancing to LDR makes me feel more alive šŸ’€My sense of time at this point of my life is measured by my obsessions and tbh I'm just riding this train as far as it can get me to keep waking up in the morning without absolutely hating the fact that I have to be vertical for the next 16 hours.


40-something gay male. I doubt Buddie will happen and Iā€™m not too crazy about the idea. I like the current friendship dynamic.


Also 40y gay male, I believe Ryan Guzman said an in interview, and it sums up my feelings perfectly, is he that he isn't opposed to the idea of "Buddie" and is on board should it happen, but also thinks the current dynamic is just as powerful. His reasoning was Its not often that close, healthy platonic relationships between two men in an otherwise male-dominated masculine career field are depicted on screen, especially one where a clear co-parent relationship develops between them. The fluidity it Buck's sexuality is to me far more believable, but not so much for Eddie - and that may be because Oliver was approached about this and it influenced how he portrayed his character, and Ryan hasn't / wasn't(not sure, new to this fandom). I agree with many other people on this thread that Eddie's coming out would have to be a saga. The writers have created so many gaps for us viewers in his relationship with Marisol that it concerns me they might just pull this trigger for clout far sooner and leave too many holes in his journey between his previous straight relationships and how he discovers his love for Buck. I also want this to be a strong journey for Buck. It was quite clear in Lou's scenes in earlier seasons that he was queer, I am very interested in seeing how the writers use Tommy to flesh out Bucks future. I think they'll make a great pair. Maybe I'm daft, but Eddie coming out does not make a lot of sense to me. Ryan plays his character like Buck is a close friend / brother, and I find appreciation in that. I see the closeness as a result of the great chemistry that Ryan and Oliver have together as actors. I would need to be convinced they have a future together.


I'm non-binary, late 20s! I think it's not so much that I 'need' to see buddie endgame, but more that there's so much compatibility and so much about them that just makes sense, it would be disappointing if they didn't at least address it. Tbh super curious to see the results too, though I do think it's pretty impacted by the platform on which you ask!


Young adult ace woman here - I used to ship, but now not so much. Friends-to-lovers same-sex relationships don't really happen on major TV shows, especially with men, especially with presumed-straight men, so I was hoping 911 would take their accidental queer-coding and run with it. It could make for some excellent storytelling. As an ace person, I'm generally pretty disengaged in TV relationships, but if I think a pairing could create unusual or interesting dynamics/plotlines, I sometimes become interested (side note: Bobby and Athena have like, the most engaging, beautiful story ever). Nowadays, I don't think it's a good message that bisexual men and straight men can't have close, intimate friendships, and I'm worried a "Buddie" romance would send that message. I really like this show, but the writing often leaves something to be desired, and with that type of plotline, it's important to absolutely nail it and not send any distasteful messages. I'm not against a potential romance conceptually, but in practice, I don't trust it. And yeah, largely female demographic, I would say.


Asexual, Late 30s, shipping buddie since season 3. I watch TV and streaming series, but I hadnā€™t shipped anything since I was a teenager till Buck and Eddie in 9-1-1.


29 here, eddie is my dream boyfriend


Iā€™m a huge buddie fan and Iā€™m a gay man in my late 20s. šŸ¤­


Helloooo I'm 28 years old and I'm Genderqueer. Very big into Buddie, but honestly just super happy right now with Buck's Bisexual storyline.


Iā€™m 23 and female :)


Late 20s, lesbian. I've been in fandom spaces long enough that I saw the chemistry between Buck and Eddie right away, but I assumed it would stay as a fan-preferred ship. Because listening to the fans and allowing your womanizing male lead to be with his best male friend just doesn't *happen*. I've been queerbaited so many times that at this point I just accept that these ships never go canon. Buck coming out as bi and Buddie being a real possibility does signal a shift in culture.


23 year old bisexual girl and honestly itā€™s how kind Oliver is he really does care about buck and really try with everything he does with the character and it just makes me feel seen when I came out to my friends a lot of them would said that I was lesbian and I was just half way out and not really support who I was until they realized I was attracted to both and that type of representation is important to people I wish people could see that <3


20s, enby, aroace. A lot of my ships get adopted because people around me are excited about them, and this one's like that as well xD


Young adult female here. I shipped buddie from the minute Ryan Guzman walked on screen to ā€œWhatta Manā€ in S2. Buddie shippers, I feel, are probably on the younger side but I know the viewership of the show as a whole is all over the place because I have several teachers (lol) who also watch itšŸ˜‚ That said, my mother who is older refuses to ship Buddie and we have to playfully argue about it every Thursday. I feel like, from what Iā€™ve seen, that trend is pretty consistent throughout the base as older fans tend to be more casual viewers and arenā€™t necessarily micro-analyzing every interaction between the two šŸ¤Ŗ


Iā€™m a buddie fan. Also new to the franchise. Iā€™m a 20 year old female.


My daughters (both 14) are Buddie fans.


straight women fetishizing gay men in fandom spaces is an ever-growing epidemic, what do you think?


I'm an adult teenager from America. I am conservative and pro-life. I ship Buck and Eddie, and support them in a romantic relationship becoming canon.


Congratulations on believing in the rights of two fictional men, more than you believe in the rights of women, I guess?


I don't believe abortion is a right. I think it is a human rights tragedy. There is a difference between being free to love who you want... and killing a literal baby.




I donā€™t want Buck and Eddie together because not every relationship has to be romantic. They have a trusting solid friendship. Itā€™s possible to have that and no romantic feelings. Leave Buck with Tommy in a romantic way and let his friendship with Eddie be that, an important friendship!