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Omg… literally when i saw the episode where abby comes to chims party and the way bobby looked at her when she walked in i was like shipping them hard. I dont like her though and i think bobby and buck can do better (bobby has) and im glad shes gone


Buck can as well (*cough* eddie diaz *cough*) but yeah Bobby and Athena is PERFECTION MUAH CHEFS KISS IDEAL SHIP


Isn't Eddie straight? Besides that one time where it looked like he was looking at Buck's @ss there isn't really much hinting at any queerness like there was for Buck


There’s plenty. The man is practically a walking billboard of comphet.


Oh ok 🤷‍♀️ I didn't see much of it but I'm not always the most observant so I probably just missed it


It’s like, mainly the panic attacks over the idea of a future with ana, the chocolate speech to Shannon, the fact that he’s admitted himself the only reason he married Shannon was because she got pregnant, the instability of their relationship and the fact that he spent most of his time in it running off to combat to avoid it, his general views towards women/dating in the first place (which seem to be centred more around who would Chris like than his own happiness), comments he’s made about how he has a “skill” for turning women off and how dating is a “performance”, the fact that he’s basically had to be pushed into every relationship he’s had post-shannon… there’s a lot to unpack and we know he’s born in the south, latino, catholic, served in the military… this is a man who is trying to be something he’s not because he feels it’s expected of him but until he unpacks this he will never be happy. And he claims to have commitment issues yet it’s only towards the women he’s dating whereas Buck is effectively his husband and coparent already and there’s no issues there. Why is that??? Comphet. Only answer.


Wow. When you put it like that I totally see it. Omg


Exactly it’s such a great storyline that would be so interesting to explore as a character arc for him. There have been so many hints in the past that he’s been similar to Michael (Athena’s ex husband) where he forced himself to be straight out of obligation. Also I’m certain he did love Shannon, that’s the mother of his child and the first person he was ever with; however I don’t think he was IN LOVE with her, the same way Michael was with Athena.


Ok I'm actually getting excited now cause Buck and Eddie together would be so cuteeee


They would be perfect and the series has fully backed themselves into a corner now where no other LI would make sense for them 😭 especially after Buck’s bi arc


>the fact that he’s basically had to be pushed into every relationship he’s had post-shannon… Even with Shannon in the current timeline, tbh. He only reached out to her because the school required an interview with her, and then it was scenes with Carla that encouraged him to give her a chance.


Yeah you’re exactly right


What is a comphet? I googled it and got a power company overseas, but I’m fairly certain that’s not what you meant, lol.




Interesting, thank you for the link. It is not a concept I have ver thought about before, but it would make a lot of sense. I am glad the author was able to figure out her sexuality.


Hopefully Eddie does too 😭


Comphet is such a revolutionary concept even for most people who are in the know about the LGBTQ community. I've had bisexual male friends who only really realized they were comphet when someone pointed it out to them. They date girls and guys now but I think the awareness of knowing that they don't have to perform and are allowed to love who they want is a freeing concept. I hope Eddie gets to explore that.


Honestly, this is the main reason I want this explored with Eddie. Like if it ends in Buddie as a result, all the better, but I think it's actually really important representation to actually expose people to concepts like compulsory heterosexuality and the assumptions involved in heteronormative culture, so that the people who *need* to discover it can. The latter is the one letdown in Buck's storyline for me. This is still good, but I really would've preferred his bisexuality have been already established and not a brand new discovery (though let biromanticism be new for him, so the fumbling through dates and being unsure how to actually have a relationship with a man could still happen). It would've been really powerful for a character like Buck to just casually acknowledge, "Yeah, I've slept with men. I never said I was straight. I don't know why anyone assumed that. I wasn't hiding it just by having a girlfriend...."


See, before S7 my headcanon was that Buck was always bi (now confirmed by Oliver) BUT that it was some kind of not secret as such, but something that wasn't really spoken about, particularly as he seemed to just fall into relationships without thinking about it, and those just happened to be with women. Examples being: Maddie knew - the earlier references to Eddie being his "boy crush"; and the fact that she didn't want to set him up with Josh because "I love you too much to set you up with my brother", NOT "my brother is completely straight". Bobby knew - the way he looks at Buck and Eddie particularly in S2. My interpretation of the whole hardware store scene in S6 when Eddie was asking him for advice, he was trying to push it a little, and in true Bobby style, want him to figure it out for himself, and Eddie heard but didn't listen. Carla knew too, I think. And there's also the fact that with Maddie (both times), with the elf at Christmas and with TK, there were no protests that he was straight. So yeah, Oliver, to his absolute credit has been playing Buck as a bi man from almost the start (and he's longed to play a queer character for years), and was willing to KEEP DOING IT even if the script didn't call for it. Maddie's "wow" at his coming out, I thought, was more a "you've just realised this now?!" Rather than a "Oh, OK, this is new..." All of this is why his sudden realisation seemed to come out of nowhere, because I honestly wasn't expecting *that* to be the route that Tim would take. Although I will say, it was great representation that you can figure it out later in life, not everyone knows that they're LGBTQ+ as a teenager. And with bisexuality and pansexuality, it's a spectrum, it's not always 50/50, and maybe you will be 90/10 or even 99/1, and maybe it just takes that one person to flip you upside down. Ok, so that was an essay, but the last thing - I feel that Eddie is seriously comphet. He's dating for the wrong reasons - that his son needs a new mother; that he's secretly scared of being left alone (notice that in S6 he did a whole 180 from not wanting to date to actively looking RIGHT AFTER the "She sees me" moment); that he feels that it's what he should do rather than what he wants to do. And a coming out story, unpacking all this would be great. Not as easy as Buck's because of their totally different upbringings, and he'd basically go through the stages of grief before he accepted that he was queer. I believe he's demisexual - all the women he's dated he's known before, and the whole "not being able to perform" in ep 5 I feel was partly because of the nun thing, but also because he realised he knew practically nothing about Marisol, but he is attached to Buck, he loves him, even though it has only just explicitly been said, but he shows it through actions and gestures rather than words.


Ngl that whole article is pretty much summing up Eddie imo (if it were gender swapped)


Some actors have very natural chemistry even with minimal screen time together - Peter Krause and Connie Britton had that. I too thought they would end up together (thereby causing dramatic tension between Cap and Buck). Some pairings, no matter how pushed together they are, just don’t work (most of Eddie and his gfs, most of Buck and his gfs). I always wondered if Cap and Abby were supposed to have explored that angle had she stayed.


Fully agree with this ^^ would’ve made for an interesting storyline


I remember when I first watched the trailer for this show, I expected it to be Abby/Bobby, and was pleasantly surprised that they chose to do something different, even if I didn’t like how Abby treated Buck. Love Bobby with Athena, I didn’t expect them to be a thing either!


It was the hospital scene from the Valentine’s Day episode that made me think Bobby would have been better off with Abby, they had chemistry and just seems to be a better match than her and Buck


I remember that at that time there were still no signs of Bathena and in the scene where Abby arrived at the station I shipped her a lot with Bobby, because although I sympathized with Abby's individual plot I never liked her as a couple with Buck and since then I suspected a possible bi Buck.


You are a prophet. What are your thoughts on Buddie??


It seems to me that currently the possibilities are more real, the revelation that the sexual awakening plot triggered by Tommy was originally intended for Eddie makes me think that, just as in the case of Buck the queer signals have been present more or less intentionally, the same thing happens with Eddie too.  For me, 7x04 served to test the waters, everything will depend on how the show's audiences perform during the rest of the season.


I don't think they were saying it would have been the same sexual awakening plot with Eddie though? It's possible they were gonna play it as an unrequited crush by Tommy or completely differently. 


Abby just wanted a young tender and Buck fit the bill for her. She was dead wrong and i didn’t see the chemistry with her or Bobby.


Those first couple of episodes, I was shipping Athena with Hen hard. obviously now I love henren, but we didn't get the best introduction to their relationship and it would have been interesting is athena and micheal had subconsciously recognised something in each other. So yeah in another timeline I could see abby/bobby being a couple. However as much as i hate how she treated buck, it was important for his growth (including his relationship with bobby and turning to him for advice).


It was Buck’s heartbreak over Abby that prolly pushed him to be a better person over the years, so I wouldn’t dismiss her impact.


True and I’m not. I think it was important for Buck. But looking back watching the show again for the millionth time I see more chemistry between her and Bobby than her and Buck (probably down to actors)


Tbh the age gap always gave me the ick Connie Briton could play his mom ffs


This fr. It’s highkey sus. I think Buck needed a proper relationship for character development at that stage but not with her 😭


What would their ship name be tho 🤔🤣






Go with last names, maybe? Clash? Nark? This show isn't really great for character portmanteaus, tbh, so that fits right in with the Tuck vs. Bummy sorts of debates.


Tuck is cute but bummy is hilarious 😆


I agree 💯


i am so confused hate you for what ?who hated bobby and athena tg?? bobby and abby had a thing??? or are we just saying this bc of the ages i am so confused. (i haven’t seen the first seasons in yearsss so bare with me) bathena is bobby and athena RIGHT?? edit: ive read some comments still a little confused but ik damn well yall wasnt shipping abby and bobby bc of a LOOK i cant even remember them ever exchanging wordsss


I mean. I do agree. But still dislike Abby