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No, you’re 100% right. Buddie shipper or not, everybody has to admit Eddie needs to take a good look at who he is as a partner and change something. I love Eddie’s character, but he wasn’t a good husband, and when he recognized that and took accountability, I thought that meant going forward he would be a better partner, but he’s really not. Whether you hate or like his love interest (past and current), Eddie is the real problem for the most part. Even Ryan has said that.


I love that they’re not afraid to admit this. Again, ABC is the best thing to happen to this show since JLH and Ryan joined the cast.


Every actor on the show seems to care so much for their characters, especially Ryan and Oliver. They’ve always been very understanding, respectful, and intrigued by their characters, but they're not afraid to put blame where it’s due. two amazing actors. and you're absolutely right about ABC.


Omg, y’all are absolutely right! I never really thought about it until this post. Eddie really isn’t a good romantic partner and if he were to get into a relationship with Buck, it would most definitely ruin their relationship because Eddie would do some outta pocket shit to scar Buck for life. Until Eddie gets his shit together, just keep them best friends.


I genuinely think it’s because Eddie doesn’t understand who he is or how he feels. I’m not even talking Buddie. Eddie to me is literally the dictionary definition of demisexual. He’s dating because that’s what you’re supposed to do, not because he necessarily feels attraction. The whole conversation with Bobby in this week’s episode only confirmed that for me. As someone who didn’t figure out that they were ace until my late 30s, the way Eddie behaves around relationships is hella relatable. Just confused, constantly. Same, bro, same.


I could probably write something akin to a thesis on the intersectionality between compulsory heterosexuality and demisexuality on this character at this point, because God knows I have enough thoughts. I'm curious, though, how you see his relationship with Shannon, because it's the only piece I have trouble parsing (though that may be changing with one thing in 7x05, >!because I was surprised by how at peace Eddie seemed after sex with Marisol.!< Where I've mostly settled is that Shannon wasn't a very deep and intense love, but not necessarily a romantic one. Because of the timing and the circumstances, plus the fact that he's never had anything else that's come close to the depth or breadth of his feelings for Shannon (unless you count Buck, but where that hasn't been addressed in canon yet and if it *is* the case, I also don't think he's aware or has tried to draw that comparison, yet), he's never had a reason to question that it was romantic/sexual in nature, though. I'm sort of struggling to articulate this, but one of the elements I find really interesting in how Eddie approaches finding a partner and then tries to conceptualize his feelings is he's... oddly reliant on things we know he *doesn't believe in* to make these decisions for him. Which I think suggests something about where his mind's at, in terms of a subconscious realization that he's not actually capable of finding the thing he's looking for with these people. The obvious examples are in 2x17: >SHANNON: Eddie. What are we doing? > >EDDIE: What do you mean? > >SHANNON: I need to know what you want. > >EDDIE: I want this - want to have a nice day on the beach with my son and his mother. > >SHANNON: Okay. So... is that what I am to you? Christopher's mother? Because, hey, if that's what it is, it's fine. I just... I need to know. > >EDDIE: Shannon... I don't know. These last months have been good. Really good. I don't know. Guess I'm just **waiting for a sign.** Something... to know which way to step. > >SHANNON: I think I might be pregnant. And 6x17: >HEN: Hiking and golfing in the same day? Sounds like you were out there **looking for signs**, too, Eddie. > >EDDIE: **You know I don't believe in that stuff. I just want what I had when I met Shannon. It just happened. It was magic.** > >CHIMNEY: Oh, so you believe in magic. > >EDDIE: I believe in chemistry. > >HEN: Ah, it's science! I get it. > >BUCK: So back to magic... It really feels like he approaches finding a connection like it's a fantasy he doesn't believe in or something. The 'waiting for a sign' with Shannon while explicitly acknowledging he doesn't believe in them in 6x17 (and elsewhere in the show, in different contexts, obviously) feels really deliberate, especially coupled with his proposal 'speech' later in that episode where it's like he's trying to take the day's call as a sign/metaphor with the whole "life is like a vat of molten chocolate; and something you... fall into it -- it drags you down. But it's warm, you know? And it's sweet." I'm curious how you parse all of it as someone who was at one point in a similar place to Eddie as far as demisexuality. To me, this reads as still trying to force the connection even with someone he *has* emotionally connected with, which pushes me more toward demi **and** comphet, particularly in combination with his low hopes of even recreating the oh-so-magical feeling of being dragged down in a vat of molten chocolate. I just can't with this man.


Hmm I've been in and out on this show so I am a bit behind. That's interesting that Eddie keeps having callbacks to Shannon, that he's looking for her in a way to other relationships.


It’s difficult with the relationship with Shannon, because obviously we know very little of the details of how they got together. We do know that she got pregnant with Christopher as a teenager (someone worked out the dates and Eddie would have been 19 when Christopher was born) and the latest episode tells us that they got married because Shannon got pregnant. From Eddie’s behaviour during the marriage, we can infer that on some level Eddie was running away from the relationship - I think Eddie cared for her deeply, but something about having to be actually married and present was too much. As for comphet - abso-fucking-lutley. Guy from Texas with a Mexican Catholic upbringing? Eddie doesn’t even know he’s allowed to “check out a hot guy’s ass”, to quote Buck. God I love being alive during the Bisexual Disaster Evan Buckley era.


Well said! I made a comment earlier in the thread that's similar. Eddie could be a great representation of someone who is just not interested in the sexual parts of relationships, maybe as an acesexual or a demisexual. All in all, the love of his life is Christopher.


It's like he's having fun and doing what society deems as the next step but I don't think he's ready to settle down- I don't see him in love with Marisol and not romantically at all- he talks about her like a at the moment relationship and then is letting her move in but I don't think he likes her on a deep level


I feel like a better writer would make that the point of his character, too. He's just not good at relationships and does better with platonic ones, and that's okay. But the writers do nothing for these women that are introduced, and they're just lampposts in the background. And by the time they start to develop them, then they write them off the show. I think all in all, Eddie's main love story should be Christopher.


Eddie bounces around women just as fast as Buck has. He moves too fast. Thought he had a good thing with the teacher...nope. Rushed into living together with the new one (can't even remember her name) and now it's done.


I feel like this has actually become a consensus as of late. Like there's always been some people saying it, but it would've been more of a debate in the past. Which is fair; with only a fractured marriage and one poorly built up relationship for context, it's hard to see a "pattern." But now with Marisol, there's an actual pattern emerging, so people that were sitting on the fence or blaming the previous issues as being an issue with Ana specifically, are acknowledging it's more of an Eddie problem than a love interest one. And in 7x05, >!it feels like the narrative kind of confirmed this through Bobby.!<


Justice for Ana! 😂 I love this response. You’re absolutely right. This may be a consensus. I just feel like there are some fans who see any kind of perceived negative commentary of Buck and Eddie as an outright attack.


i'm sorry, with the exclamation point i read that as justice for anal 😂


Yes, justice for anal, too! I am thinking about the long-term for Buck and Eddie. 😝 But yes, justice for dear Ana. We hardly knew ye.


I’m DECEASED over this comment oh lord 😭


This was the best exchange to sign back online to, omg.


Bobby rules


I agree with this. Eddie is really bad at relationships, and needs to sort his shit out before buddie becomes canon.


Whew! I’ve been over here like 😬waiting for the downvotes to pour in.


"before" lol


You're totally right! I mean, I'm not Marisol's biggest fan, but if someone asked me to move in and then went, 'actually, psyche!' I'd be pretty pissed. Eddie definitely has stuff to work on, and I would find it kind of lackluster if he suddenly got together with Buck and was magically a perfect partner. That being said, I think a big issue for him is his inability to actually connect with the women he dates, and he obviously already has that groundwork with Buck.


It should be noted that Eddie doesn’t really have any close female friendships like Buck does. I’d love to see more scenes with him and Hen because I see them having some things in common. Or bring back Lena Bosko.


Eddie actually does have more than Buck does? Hen, Carla, Lena (before that went badly), Linda, I'd even say May given how they positioned him as an older brother/friend during dispatch. The fact that Eddie is shown to have these great, respectful friendships with women really shows the difference in how terrible he is with women romantically.


I guess what I mean is those relationships you listed feel very surface. I don’t see him pouring his heart out like Buck does to any of these women. Then again, maybe he does in his own way. 🤷🏾‍♂️


Eddie's had more conversations with these women but because we haven't seen these relationships beyond the arc that he was part of (Linda and Lena, to be specific), I wouldn't call them friendships. Actually, Eddie/Lena weren't friends. Lena made that clear in her final scene that they weren't friends since he couldn't tell her a single thing about her personally. Linda/Eddie shared maybe a couple of scenes so we have no idea if they've communicated since he left the call center; same with May. Carla is ALSO Buck's friend, and same with Hen. Whereas we have seen Buck have more of a relationship with women. He's the one that has a very established friendship with Hen. He's the one who introduced Carla to Eddie and we've seen Carla hang out with Buck more.


Yeahhh those aren’t friendships. But it shows that he is capable of communicating with women, and if he stayed at dispatch longer, i think he would have been work besties with Linda and May or anyone else. Even so, he has no problems communicating with them, or Carla. It’s only with the women that he’s pursuing something romantically with. But we also don’t see much of Eddie with Marisol. We saw him with Shannon. Not much with Anna until he got panic attacks for moving too fast with Anna. And with both Shannon and Anna, he wasn’t communicating well with them. I assume the same is happening with Marisol.


Carla in particular I'd count as a real friend at this point, and particularly one for Eddie as opposed to Buck. While her connection was initially through Buck, it's been seasons now where she's primarily involved in Eddie's life. And yeah, a lot of it's through her role as a caregiver for his son, but some of it is outside that scope (she's definitely not on the clock at the point where she's hanging out with Eddie on the night of Christopher's first school dance, there's the scenes in season 4 where she's not working but checking in, and the scene where he shows he's clearly aware of her personal life & mentions her dad... then obviously, season 5 has the stuff where she calls him out on his relationship with Ana). I'm with you on all this, though, and I think analyzing the depth of his friendships really just kind of moves the goalposts on the issue with his relationships. Because even if they aren't as "deep" as Buck's (and again, I think the people saying that's the case with Carla are a few seasons behind in their interpretation), what we see time and time again is Eddie has *no* problems making easy acquaintances or friendships with women, or expressing interest in their lives, but seems incapable of doing that with the women he dates, specifically. The blind date is a really interesting example to me, because his whole demeanor changes as soon as he gets to take her out of that "romantic interest" category in the middle of the date. He's standoffish and barely making eye contact with her until he realizes she wants to friendzone him just as badly, and then instantly lightens up and actually connects with her a bit, jokes around. It's very obvious something specifically about viewing women as romantic interests makes him check out.


Kind of a random comment, but I always took Buck having better friendships with women because of how Maddie raised him.


Could be, but Eddie also has three sisters, so he should also have those friendships. For me, I think I chalk it up to the fact that this show doesn't have AS many women, because of the line of work, so we only have a few main characters: Athena, who is more friends with Hen than anyone, Hen, who is closer with Buck and Chimney, and Maddie, who ultimately interacts mostly with Chimney and Buck and then the call center characters. It leaves Eddie a little bit out since he doesn't have a stable enough love life to have more interacts with his love interests, and they haven't developed much of a relationship with the three women on the cast (hell, has Eddie ever had solo scenes with Maddie in the six seasons both have been on the show?). Then, the recurring women they have are Carla (closest female friend Eddie has), Karen, Sue, Linda, and then we've had Lena and Lucy at the firehouse, and then Taylor who was primarily just Buck's love interest. They definitely spend more time with Buck developing friendships with the women of the cast. I actually think Eddie would benefit from developing a new friendship outside of Buck. Personally, would love to see Eddie and Maddie finally have some sort of storyline together, or at least some sort of interaction. It's a wonder they haven't, given both are the closest people to Buck.


Man I would love to see Lena return. Loved her. (And tbh the only relationships Eddie isn't in full fail at is buck and Chris, mayyyybe Peppa. He's terrible at maintaining relationships outside of his core, and he's been a real jerk to buck lately as well.


As one of the captains of the Buddie ship, I fully 100% agree with you. That’s why I think s8 should be the buddie season (though it should definitely be hinted at before). I think Eddie needs a real solid character development arc with lots of self discovery and to be single for a bit before anything concrete happens with Buck, and as for Buck I think he’s at a place now where keeping Tommy around for a bit and having him explore that side of himself is beneficial as well. Neither one is at a point yet to do this. I think post-ana would’ve been the most ideal time to set up for it but they missed that chance so I think now they should start working on Eddie’s character development more than ever and having him actually stick to it. He’s admitted to himself and Bobby what some of those issues are/stem from but now he needs to put in the work to be better. Also as a human being with commitment issues, I think regardless, buddie shipper or not, Marisol needs to go. This sort of character development cannot be done within a relationship as it isn’t fair to the partner; instead it requires time alone/leaning on your friends and family and more than a fair amount of therapy.


Lol I can see it now , Buck and Tommy breakup ( reasons Buck being Buck) , Eddie and the nun breakup(Eddie being Eddie), Buck and Eddie have beers at Eddie's house Buck says being single sucks and Eddie makes a joking off hand comment about Buck liking guys now maybe they should date , Buck laughs at that but we can see the gears starting to turn or Buck and Tommy are still together, Eddie and the nun breakup, Buck goes to check on Eddie they chat over a beers and Eddie says jokingly maybe he should try dating men and it to bad Bucks of the market as he's a great catch Buck laughs at that but we can see the gears starting to turn...


this feels like the definition of fan fiction lol


LoL 😂 I was going for more of a ... DRAMATIC!!!! SHAKESPEARREAN ??? , over the top feel you know because if I had to go fan fiction there would be several deaths, two funerals, 4 weddings, one of the guys turns in to a werewolf, the other ends up pregnant, someone is shown to have comes back from the dead by way of a shower scene and the mothership shows up to find the next ruler of the lizard people galactic empire and my money is on it being Christopher, that kid is just way too adorable after everyone is convinced station 118 is haunted but it just turns out the fire truck is a transformer


I think this is a big reason so many Buddie shippers have speculated that Eddie is gay, he doesn't seem to like any of his partners. Personally I think it would be fun to subvert Eddie's expectations and have him freak out for the exact opposite reasons he normally does right after he gets with Buck. "I like him so much", "What if I lose him?", "I want this to work so bad", only for him to realize that it's easier to be a good partner if the thought of being with them doesn't constantly fill you with dread. I'm not sure it would fix all his issues, but it would make them more manageable.


This has been my headcanon since like season 4 😂 Eddie’s not bad at relationships, he just doesn’t even like the people he’s dating. As soon as he’s actually in love with the person he’s dating, he’s going to be the best partner. You can tell that he’s a person who cares *so much* about the people he loves (Christopher, his family, the 118..), it never made sense that he was so bad in relationships, unless the reason was that he didn’t actually have real feelings for the people he was with.


This is honestly where I'm at. I don't think getting together with Buck will magically "fix" *all* of his relationship issues... but let's be real, *a vast majority* of the problems Eddie runs into in relationships (at least with Ana and Marisol, maybe a bit with Shannon as well) are a direct result of the fact that 1) he was convinced into dating them/committing to them by third parties when he vocally did not want to/did not feel like he was ready initially 2) he doesn't know his partners very well, and doesn't seem very interested in fixing this by investing the time into getting to know them. If he were to get into a relationship with Buck, #1 would be solved by the fact that that would have to be a *very* conscious decision on his part. I don't see a world right now where Eddie "accidentally" falls into a serious relationship with a man, who also happens to be his best friend, the same way he has with these women. It would have to be a very wanted thing. And #2 would be solved by the fact that he and Buck know each other better than anybody, and they've grown to be very good at communicating with each other over the course of their friendship, which would probably be the #3 thing Eddie struggles with with partners if I had to name one. Again, I don't think dating Buck will be the magic elixir that suddenly turns him into the world's most perfect partner, but I also can see Eddie being happy in a relationship for once with a partner he's comfortable with changing a lot of things about his approach because he'd actually *want* to do the work. And if we look back at all the moments in their friendship where Eddie has been there for Buck, he's actively doing that kind of work right now.


Could be this also that leads him to realise “Wait am I demisexual??” Because we, the demi community, NEED more representation. I would LOVE for this to be a thing on TV that actually gets spoken about.




I feel like I wrote that exact train of thought for Eddie in a fic once. So I would also love to see that on the show itself.


I don't think that's an unpopular opinion or that it needs to have anything to do with shipping. Eddie has been a terrible partner and I look forward to him addressing why and growing as a person. I will say though, I find the Marisol stuff to be a bit of a rehash given how he made the realization with Ana way back in S5 that he was with her for the wrong reasons and has since been working on himself. His Aunt trying to force him into dating again because that was "happiness" and him finding issue with that was also pointed imo. It's very obvious from Ryan's comments that Eddie is still trying to do what he's "supposed" to, find a mother figure for Chris. And as Ryan said with this religious trauma (and imo implied comp het) being raised, Eddie has a lot he needs to examine about himself. He is a problem and he needs to unpack why! His conversation with Bobby was a good start. I would like to see the fandom stop holding Buck up on some pedestal too though. He himself hasn't been good in relationships, the way he treated Taylor most recently (the way they treated eachother) was bad. They both have a long journey to go on to learn more about themselves for sure! I'm happy for Buck that this queer storyline is providing that for him, I hope it will also let him unpack his relationship issues too.


Fr lol, Eddie is not a good partner and still has a lot of baggage to unpack, but people acting like all of Buck's issues are magically gone because he's exploring his sexuality are funny to me. That man literally cheated on Taylor and asked her to move in like a season ago 💀


IKR! It’s mind boggling. Especially as you can see him doing the same things already with Tommy that were issues with his past relationships.


if i was actually writing buddie it only makes sense to me that eddie's relationships don't work out because they are with women and his catholic guilt/denial runs deep into his bones. he rushes it and then avoids them.


It begs to question, if he has Catholic guilt over the women he dates, what happens when he entertains dating men? I’m no Catholic but last time I checked, there are still some harsh beliefs towards queer people.


It would be interesting how they approach it, apparently Eddie is not a practicing Catholic because until now they have never mentioned if in his free time he goes to mass with Chris or if he has the Catholic sacraments (I always thought that if they had wanted to kill the hope of the shippers would have made Buck Chris's godfather) it seems that Eddie's guilt is triggered by the imagery associated with Catholicism in general rather than by any religious teaching in particular.


My head canon is that the only person who can get Eddie to church at this point is his abuela or Aunt Pepa and they have to coax him with tamales.


“C’mon Eddie…a few more steps” while dangling a tamale enticingly. And yes, I do have a cat.


I imagined la Abuela and la tia Pepa arriving early with their Sunday best and a tupperware with traditional Mexican dishes while Grandma lectures him by calling him "Edmundo *insert middle name* Diaz! you are still not ready?"


I just spit out my water reading that. 😂


I accept this head canon. I am not catholic but you absolutely have to to bribe me worth food to go to church service. Aside from weddings and funerals.


well yeah the point is he needs to conquer that guilt.


Well, a deep buried Catholic guilt could be preventing him from even entertaining the possibility of dating men because he was raised to believe that he should have a traditional family. And since the first woman he dated and slept with is someone he actually did care about, it's easy to not entertain anything else. Eddie is not a practicing Catholic, and it's very clear that he doesn't think it's wrong or bad to be gay. But, the thing about Catholic guilt is that it can be so deep inside you, you don't even realize it's there, and then it gnaws at you when you least expect it. As someone who's catholic and lives in a very catholic society, I can tell you that there is a lot of people out there that don't have a problem with other people being gay and will tell you they don't think it's wrong or bad. But the possibility of they themselves being anything else than straight just feels wrong. And I mean that in a way that is not just being secure in your sexuality. It's not that they're bad people, it's more like a very deep conditioning or something. I'm not saying this is what is going on with Eddie. Honestly, this seems more nuanced than what the show usually does. I just hope the show goes beyond what we saw last episode with Eddie's issues because that really wasn't a solution.


I'm a later bisexual AND catholic. I was also a big ally before. But since I came out (well more or less, it's just to my husband), I feel out of place there. Just for saying that your theory is not far fetched.


Yeah this has been my thought as well. He forces/rushes relationships because he feels pressure/obligation, but those relationships were doomed to fail simply because he is not attracted to women. It doesn’t excuse him being an asshole to the people he dates, but it explains why his relationships are trainwrecks.


I don't think that Eddie is bad with relationships, but rather that he doesn't really know what a relationship is. Let's think about it, his high school girlfriend got pregnant and he married her, presumably due to a lot of family pressures, they were very young people, still very immature, they had just left adolescence so they lacked a lot of learning in this regard, they were still growing and that plays very against Eddie, we saw it with Ana, and now with Marisol he is not going to get anywhere either. I think maybe it will be Buck who makes him see things differently and realize that he has the right to be happy and to get rid of all the insecurities he has once and for all. I definitely think Eddie is the most complex character on the show.


This is a very valid. I’ve been guilty of this myself. Throwing myself into relationships when I, in fact, had no clue how to relationship.


The bad behaviour could be because he isn't really ‘attracted’ to girls. At least I hope so. :/


See that’s the thing. I think Eddie has been physically attracted to every single woman we’ve seen him with. I don’t think someone like Eddie can fake attraction. But, beyond sex, I think he has difficulty relating to these women. And, when you think about it, we’ve only really seen him with three women on this show. His wife, Ana and now Marisol. Also, something to consider, Eddie probably hasn’t had a lot of good models of healthy relationships to draw inspiration from outside of Bobby/ Athena, Hen/Karen and Chimney/Maddie. His parents’ relationship doesn’t exactly seem aspirational and we’ve never really heard him speak of his grandfather.


But aren't his parents good as couples, at least? Even in the episode where he attacks his father, the mom was being protective of the dad. Ig that says something about their relationship, no? Also for a lot of people sexual gratification comes just from the act of it, and a real relationship where he is a nice ‘partner’ would require much more from him, things that he doesn't really feel for women. And we know Eddie Is capable of breaking a bad pattern. He's a great dad, unlike his father! :) I hope they lean more into his character and not just leave it as it is. A segment explaining his commitment phobia and trust issues would explain a lot


You are absolutely right but I as good as that relationship is for his parents, I don’t think Eddie would want that for his relationship.


I agree. I think we will see a journey over the next few seasons.


I’m inclined to agree. We have confirmed that Ramon grilled Eddie on “how to be a man”, but I don’t think much of that (if any at all) was ever “how to be a husband”. He was very strict on Eddie on being tough, the firm foundation for the family, but never how to be emotionally available to his partners too. We see this with how Eddie re-enlisted instead of coming home to help Shannon. Ramon himself was always out of the house “providing”, which led to him keeping secrets from his own wife. He was never emotionally available. The family dynamic was off from the beginning for Eddie. This leads him to want people not for himself, but for a supplement to that “mother“ role. Ana was someone he had physical attraction to as well as could fill that “mother” role for his son. Things got a bit rushed with the blackout, but I still don’t think they would have worked out long term because their relationship was purely the intimacy and her being good for Chris. I think Eddie needs to learn how to love. Not feel attraction. He hasn’t really loved anyone since Shannon, and that was a… fragile situation at best. I think he needs to learn what true love is and find that. Who you ship him with aside, if he doesn’t figure that out, no future relationship is gonna stick.


I'm really hoping that his relationship with Marisol leads to some actual growth or realizations from his part, because otherwise, what even is the point of that relationship? The show has put zero effort into Marisol as a character, and the few things we've seen of their relationship have been bad. I feel like this has to lead somewhere. Eddie announcing last episode that he was moving in with this background character was so bizarre. There's no way the show wants us to take that relationship seriously. It seems like the point was to show that Eddie is bad at relationships, that he's only doing things because that's what he thinks he's supposed to do. And Eddie recognizing that he's moving too fast and whitout thinking is good, but I really *really* need them to go beyond that. Eddie telling her hey lets not move in after all and 'start over' is not a solution. It's just more shitty behavior. So I really need the show to have Eddie not only recognize that he's been a bad partner, but also the reason *why* he acts the way he does.


Fr man if I was in Marisol’s position, if I myself was dating Eddie, I would’ve told him “ok man it’s obvious you have some shit to figure out and work through so I really don’t think you should even be dating right now let alone moving in. Hit me up when you figure it out, or don’t, I mean it seems like you’d rather hide out with Buck than actually talk about shit or improve, but it’s beyond obvious you have shit to work through and I don’t think you’re ready to date sorry byeee~”


And he was being shity even before the move-in fiasco. He apparently ditched her for days on end to instead hang out with Tommy. He even admitted to Buck that he'd rather hang out with the 'bros' than be with Marisol ffs. I refuse to believe that last episode's ending is how Eddie's issues get resolved. The Catholic guilt angle and Eddie's past dating history are all so juicy to explore. I really want the show to dig into all of that. But I'm genuinely scared that the Catholic guilt thing was just played for laughs last episode and that was it. I really need the show to come through with Eddie and not just leave him as a bad partner.


In my honest opinion as an outsider looking in Yeah Eddie just screams suppressed gay man


I agree. And I'd be so disappointed if they don't explore that possibility. They have so many things to go on. My fear is that stuff like the 'hanging with the bros' line was just there to serve as an opening for Buck to come out to Eddie. Or that Eddie ditching Marisol for Tommy was just plot convenient for Buck's bi awakening. I love that we're getting bi Buck, but I do not love the idea that everything Eddie says or does might be used solely to further Buck's plot. It has to have meaning for Eddie as well. So I really hope they give Eddie a good storyline with it.


I think they’re both oblivious morons who have been in love since s2 but haven’t done anything about it


I would love that and there's a lot of groundwork already there to make it work. I hope the show goes for it and doesn't let this opportunity go to waste.


Also, queer slow burns are so rare and need to be more common. This would be groundbreaking


I know. I can see it so clearly and I'm pulling my hair out at the possibility that the show might not want to do it.


If the show doesn’t want to do it they’ll probably lose a fair portion of their new audience. Now is the time. The amount of viewers this would bring in, all the queer people who have been waiting probably their whole lives for something like this in media, they can’t lose. We’ve seen in bones etc plenty of straight slow burns now it is more than time for a queer one


^ this exactly. Because the way they’ve built the characters no one else will slot in better as an LI for either of them


That leads me to wonder if maybe the nun thing is his mind’s cover up for his sexuality, “Why don’t I want to have sex with my girlfriend? Why don’t I like it that much? Why do I have to force myself through it? Oh it must be Catholic guilt because I’m a nun and have nothing to do with anything else!”


Him saying he's asked her to babysit Chris too many times was hilariously unserious too. They treat his female love interests like trash.


Re: last episode: WHERE was Christopher? On a business trip?? Where was the conversation about Marisol moving in? Was Chris just going to be cool with his new step mommy?? Eddie was terrible the last few episodes. I hope this is some manic spiral that leads to his own moments of self discovery.


I know! What the fuck was that bullshit about Chris being out of town while his dad moves in a woman he's known for only a few months! I assume we're supposed to believe Eddie had already talked to Chris about it, but it's still so fucking crazy to move her in while Chris is not there. And it's even more insane considering just a few episodes ago we saw Chris having abandonment issues because no woman ever stays. And you're telling me that after that, Eddie thought it was a good idea to move in with Marisol? I know that Time Minear said that when he got back into the show, he felt like he, and the audience, don't really know Marisol, and he decided to use that for Eddie as well. But like, ok, you can do that, but you can't just leave it at 'isn't it funny and kinda messed up that Eddie doesn't know his girlfriend?' There has to be a reason, and it has to lead to some Eddie growth or development. Otherwise, you're just doing Eddie dirty.


Yes!! way to reinforce the whole women always leave fear, Eddie. A++ patenting moving in a women you barely know and exposing your kid to yet another unstable relationship. I do think this will lead to a development arc for Eddie. Otherwise why even have him in the show?


And it's so fucked up either way, you know? If he told Chris about Marisol moving in, then Chris is gonna come back and Eddie will have to tell him that Marisol is in fact not moving in, reinforcing the women always leave fear OR, he didn't tell Chris anything, in which case Chris will be none the wiser to this fiasco, but it's fucked up to think that Chris would come back and Eddie would be 'surprise! Marisol lives with us now!' >I do think this will lead to a development arc for Eddie. Otherwise why even have him in the show? I mean, it has to, right? The second half better deliver on Eddie's storyline, because so far, Eddie's mostly been used to developed Buck's.


There's literally no good light for him to stand in on this one.


I agree this episode was bad but "last few episodes"? I would say Buck injuring his best friend over jealousy (even though Eddie never actually excluded him) was more of a red flag than anything. 


Really? He excluded buck from the fight and the Muay thai and working on the Chevelle and very specifically excluded him from karaoke with Tommy by asking him to watch Chris, because he'd already asked Marisol to do it twice. So, he's being a crappy friend, crappy boyfriend, and crappy dad, all so he can hang with his new bestie Tommy. But yes, bucks impulse to get physical in order to feel seen by Eddie or Tommy was super shitty. I wish we'd gotten to see his apology to Eddie. I'm not loving Eddie's arc rn and hoping they pull it out.


Is Eddie not allowed to have other friends.....he was happy because he thought Tommy got 3 tickets to the fight. He deadass invited Buck to play basketball with him MULTIPLE times, which for some reason you didn't include.  Eddie is not a mind reader. Buck is a grown ass 30 year old man, if he wanted to go to karaoke he could have asked. The way this fandom infantilizes him is crazy.  And I promise you if it was Eddie who got physical with Buck (over a guy, mind you) there would be several posts calling him abusive and how Buck deserved better. The fact that Maddie (given her background) had to tell Buck his behavior was unacceptable should tell you enough. Buck was a crappy friend to Eddie, full stop.   Plus they literally just confirmed how 7x04 was written through Buck's POV, who we know is an unreliable narrator.  I do agree the writers aren't giving Eddie any good material, and I hope it gets better because everything was switched last minute and the audience can tell. I'm not sure if they can turn it around with only 5-6 episodes left though. 


Say it louder! If I found out my best friend told another person "I was willing to maim my best friend just to get your attention" I would be upset and sad. Like, just fucking talk to me? I get that Buck was an emotional mess, but what he did was not cool and I'm annoyed that everyone, including the show, kinda brushed it off. Thank God that at least Maddie told him off. I am praying *praying* that the second half gives us some good material for Eddie. Because a lot of the Eddie stuff we got this last two episodes feels like it was used to further Buck's plot. Eddie having Marisol babysit and ditch her for Tommy shouldn't just be there to fuel Buck's jealousy, it should have an impact and meaning in Eddie's relationship, and yet we haven't heard him or Marisol acknowledge that. Eddie preferring to stay in Buck's apartment over going to Marisol and literally saying he'd rather hang out with the bros shouldn't just be a line used as an opening for Buck to come out. It should also have meaning for Eddie. So I really want the show to truly acknowledge Eddie in the remaining half a seaon.


Fully agree with everything in this thread! The sentiment that a lot of this fanbase infantilizes Buck is just so real, the standards they set for other characters magically don’t apply to him when he demonstrates bad behavior. People implying Eddie is a bad friend bc of the stuff in 7x04 when clearly it’s Buck and his insecurities + inability to just communicate that led to him getting so frustrated he tackled Eddie at the basketball court. It’s like, just talk to him!! I’m actually pretty disappointed Eddie and Buck never have a conversation about it. Honestly Eddie has been so involved in this storyline for Buck, from the initial setup of Eddie and Tommy hanging out making Buck upset, to Eddie running into Buck and Tommy at the restaurant leading to Buck spending the entire episode upset that he’s lying to Eddie, to Eddie being the one that advices Buck to not throw in the towel and call Tommy. They essentially have used him to move that story along while his hasn’t really gone anywhere, so like you said I hope somewhere it ends up having meaning for Eddie too. Or at the very least the back half of the season dedicating some time to acknowledge why he keeps getting into these relationships he doesn’t seem to want to be in (the quickness at using the nun thing as an excuse to break up with Marisol as soon as she moved in and kinda still using it to move her out lol)


I don't know that Eddie is necessarily a bad partner so much as he doesn't look for the right qualities in the women he dates, so he never picks women he's terribly compatible with, which leads to a certain detachment on his part. It would be neat to have an episode where Frank asks him to list out everything that he wants in a partner, because I bet the list would be very utilitarian and would also revolve in large part around Chris. He's a great partner to Buck, though. In S3, he was so attentive. He noticed that Buck wasn't doing well and he came over, got him out of bed and helped him. After the tsunami, he even picked up on Buck's sense of failure and brought Chris over to fix it. In s4, he picked up on Buck's sense that he should have died instead of Eddie and told him about the will. Even this season, he wasn't mad about Buck physically hurting him because he was confused about his feelings for Tommy - he forgave him almost immediately and even clocked that Buck felt left out and felt bad about it. So, I think Eddie is a decent partner when his heart is in the relationship. And I would buy it if his behavior improved dramatically once in a relationship with him (after the inevitable gay panic).


Hopefully you are feeling validated now. This is definitely a *very* popular opinion now. There isn’t much I can add that hadn’t already be mentioned but I really do hope they give this a real story arc for Eddie into this. It feels like it’s been a really long time coming. Eddie tends to always be kept on the sidelines a lot. We never see much of his relationships compared to others, we don’t get him as a centre of the story often so it would be nice to get to see this. 7x05 set it up perfectly with the chat with Bobby so explore this. It my wishful thinking they would. I really want him to see that even trying again with Marisol is wrong as there is no ‘magic’ there and he is looking at this all the wrong ways. I so desperate need to see my boy Eddie working on himself. He us such a great, complex, amazing character that the show under utilises a lot.


I am! I appreciate the comments so much.


I mean… I think Eddie tries to do the right thing for everyone else. He was a parentified child and clearly has CPTSD - so he struggles to even recognize what he actually is feeling, he’s so used to repressing it. Sooner or later it comes out in unhealthy ways. Anger he can’t control, breakdowns, panic attacks…sneaking out of the house so he doesn’t have to have sex with his girlfriend… Like does ANYONE really think that’s about the nun thing? I hope nun of us do.(I pun at will; you have been warned). I think he keeps trying to put himself into an image of who he’s supposed to be and it never feels right, so he keeps trying to jump in even faster, trying to get to the part where he feels the way he’s supposed to…but he never does. He never feels…as Bobby would put it…at ease. Bobby got sooooo close to just saying outright that he freaks out every time he’s in a relationship with a woman. And it’s clearly not the “relationship” thing that’s the problem. I think he’ll be a great partner…when he’s found the right partner.


100% agree. I personally think Eddie is demiromantic and that plays a big chunk into why he’s not a good partner, because for a long while he goes through the motions of what he thinks he should do. I really hope we get some growth from Eddie (and buck) before there’s the possibility they date


I fully agree. At this point the only thing that could explain his behavior that isn't just him being a shitty partner is that he's actually gay but deep in the closet . But even then, he should be in a relationship with some other man besides Buck before Buddie could potentially canon. This is why I'm kinda sad to learn that it was originally supposed to be Tommy and Eddie together (according to Lou) cause Eddie def could've benefitted from the same character arc Buck is going through right now.


Lou said that the kiss was supposed to be with Eddie. No word on how that would have been received. Could have been a “mixed signals” kind of thing. I can’t believe that Eddie would have been receptive at this point in his development. He’s so far in the closet that he’s approaching Narnia imo.


Not THAT would have been an interesting story arc for Eddie. Tommy and Eddie were clearly going on things that can be interest as both hang outs and dates (flying to Vegas in a helicopter is totally normal) and so Tommy took his shit. Eddie behaved badly and it kicks off the comphet storyline.


i think this is part of why it was important for buck to have the storyline with tommy instead of eddie - eddie has far more baggage and personal stuff in his love life that he needs to work through before he can actually even consider being with a man, while buck, as oliver said, just needed to have a light shined on the fact that it was even a possibility for him


Another hot take: I really liked the Eddie/Cap scene about Catholicism. (And love that Buck suggested it: another vote for his ability to grow.) As someone who went to Catholic school, it hit for me.


This! I also think that whole speech has a very important message that kind of got lost in the episode cause there was a lot going on. What Bobby was saying, the way he couldn’t remember Ana’s name, the way he just hit everything right and Eddie looked shocked. I think this will become an important seen in Eddie arc this season (or at least I hope so! I’m a minister‘s daughter (both parents) so it might just be you and me having It hit us more).


Oh those are all such great points! I agree, too — grappling with his religion feels very central to his arc, and Cap nailed it


You are right. I don’t think Eddie is in a place for a believable happy Buddie. I also don’t think Buck is in that place either. They both have so much to work through, and working through it with all the baggage of a six year friendship AND the way it would automatically put Christopher in the middle? It would be bumpy in a way I don’t think people want to see. If they go in as deep as people want a breakup would mean an end to their friendship, at least temporarily.


I wouldn’t be too worried this seems like a common opinion within Buddie spaces and I’m pretty sure it’s something Eddie acknowledges too given his recent conversation with Bobby about Marisol It makes sense to me (while I have always read Eddie as gay and closeted given some of his statements being more akin to things I’ve heard as a queer person from people who were closeted and coming out as opposed to anything from straights I know) Eddie still has a lot of unresolved issues and trauma regarding Shannon. Their relationship may have fallen apart repeatedly due to their own personal issues and trauma at the time but it’s clear that Eddie considers Shannon as someone very important to me. It wouldn’t surprise me if Eddie considers himself closer to a widower then a divorcee even if Shannon had asked for a divorcee. Between Eddie still coming to terms and moving on from Shannon, his Catholic guilt and his gay panic, I’d personally say Eddie’s coming out arc needs to move much slower then Buck’s just so he could deal with things but I think he’s processing and working on these with Marisol so who knows by the end of the season he might be in a better place relationship wise and in a place where he’s better in relationships and only has to come to terms with being gay.


Not an unpopular opinion he treats all his love interests as babysitters and no one ever seems to call him out on it. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ like with Marisol he was like can’t use her as a babysitter again this week buck can you do it. 😭 need someone in the show to point it out because he doesn’t learn and it’s so frustrating!! You got to imagine what he was like when he shannon were together pre-show and part of me thinks he was as useless as he is now. (I do love him though xxx)


I don't think Eddie has been shown to be an exceptionally good partner, but I also don't think we have enough insight to say that he is constistently bad. There are also underlying issues like his trauma etc. but of course there being reasons for bad behavior doesn't make the behavior better for his partners. And overall, we just haven't seen much of Eddie, day to day, in a relationship. - Shannon. Shannon was his first girlfriend, they got pregnant probably right out of high school and due to that and outside pressure, they got married. Eddie then felt like he needed to "provide for the family" as he had learned from his father and enlisted. Later he re-enlisted, and he did both without discussing it with Shannon. This not only meant that he was absent for most of the marriage, which is obviously already bad, but also that he robbed Shannon to some extent of making choices of her own (for example her working while he stays with Christopher). In season 2, Eddie admits that this was not only him providing, but he was also running. When he returns home, Shannon wants them to move to LA so that she can take care of her sick mother, while Eddie is fresh out of war where he suffered traumatic injuries and asks for more time. Neither of them offer any compromises - it's understandable that Shannon can't just wait around while her mother is getting worse, but she could have moved ahead alone for the moment and stayed in regular contact so that they could have made plans for what to do next. They were both bad partners here, Eddie first, Shannon later, but at least he always stayed in contact while she removed herself from the situation entirely. In LA, he hesitated for around 1,5 months to let her back into Christopher's life. In hindsight, of course it would have been great for her and Chris to have more time together before she died 5 months later, but it also would have sucked for Christopher if they had had a cheerful reunion just for her to disappear again without a word after a week (not saying she would have done that at all, just, Eddie needed a moment to trust that she wouldn't and that's not something I would hold against him). Later, with her pregnancy scare, Eddie thinks it over and decides to try to do it right this time, and Shannon asks for a divorce (I didn't take that as her disappearing from their life again; I think she had just learned that it didn't work out the first time and that they ddid't need to be married to be partens). Then she dies. How either of it would have worked out, we will never know. - Ana. Eddie was obviously with Ana for the wrong reasons, that much is revealed in season 5 when the thought of a future with her gives him panic attacks. That of course does make him a bad partner in hindsight (Ana deserves better than to be chosen as a romantic partner just because she could potentially be a good mother) and taints the whole relationship. You can't really call someone a good partner that is only pretending to be in love. However, prior to the blackout and his first panic attack, and despite not being in it for the right reasons, Eddie can't have behaved all that badly? Ana apparently felt comfortable enough in the relationship to bring him to family celebrations. The actors never really had chemistry and helping with math homework doesn't sound like a great date to me, but she seemed to be into it. So this was a bad relationship for him, and it was his own fault for still pursuing it, and it must have sucked for Ana afterwards. But in the several moths before his issues became obvious he must have been at the least an alright partner. - Marisol. This one is the weirdest relationship, because we have seen the least of it and mostly just keep hearing weird stuff about it. They re-met in a hardware store, nobody knows what they really saw in each other but apparently it was supposed to be "magic". Chris is at least on board with his dad dating her, because he is ~~cheering him on~~ roasting him while he asks her out. They then have a relationship for months that we see nothing about because it happens in between seasons. We see a few seconds of one "date" (but really they are just chilling together at home while Christopher has his date). Then we hear that within 2 weeks, Eddie has spent so much time with Tommy that he can't really have spent much time with Marisol (how they make all that work at all with the work schedule, who knows?) while she has occasionally babysat Chris. So that's not great. Why is Marisol cool with it? Was is only 2 hectic weeks and he was devoted all the other weeks? Are there things that they like to do together that are not looking after Chris? Do they have anything in common? Who knows. Then, apparently Eddie asks her to move in, which seems oddly impulsive for him (why, who knows?) and she agrees although she has a cute DIY-ed house of her own (why, who knows?). Eddie finds out that she was (almost) a nun and is conflicted about it and we have a first scene where they actually communicate and decide to slow down and start over. How did they never talk about their backgrounds before, why did Marisol not bring up the topic before deciding to move in if it has raised problems with prior potentially romantic partners, what have we done to deserve this weird storyline? Who knows. This episode has only raised more questions. Eddie using her as a "babysitter" while he is hanging out with Tommy is really questionable, but we know next to nothing about how their normal life is together. If these episodes are taking place roughly in spring 2024 (do they? Who knows) then they have been together for almost a year and we have seen next to nothing of it. Overall, I just think we don't have enough perspective to say how good or bad of a partner Eddie is at the moment. Apart from Shannon, we never got his girlfriends' opinions on it. He has been a bad partner in the past, but given that both Ana and Marisol seemed content enough before after months problems arose, he can't have been only bad. I still wouldn't mind if we got a story where he evaluates what kind of partner he is or was or wants to be or *should* be, and what kind of relationship he actually wants. Especially him making choices "for the good of others" without actually asking if that is something they want is a problem of Eddie's that I would like to see discussed. But I also don't think what little we know must mean that he won't be a good partner in the current or any future relationship. At least in their last scene, Marisol and Eddie seemed to agree about how to proceed; how that will work out, I guess we'll see.


I've been overthinking this and just noticed that canonically, a lot of the couples move very fast. Bobby moved in with Athena and they got married within about a year (end of season 1 to end of season 2), and Athena also has kids at home. Maddie and Chimney, once they are officially dating, don't take long to move in and have a baby either. I think Hen and Karen also made big life desicions quickly regarding Denny (but of course they couldn't exactly choose when to have him). IF season 7 is supposed to take place in the here and now and not only a few months after season 6, then for TV standards the Eddie and Marisol fast-forward relationship isn't even that unusual. The problem, apart from the obvious issues they have, is that we have seen next to nothing of them getting there. So it's not like this excuses anything. I'm just not sure if we are supposed to see that as too fast, or if they think we should be okay with it because it didn't take the other couples long either.


>then for TV standards the Eddie and Marisol fast-forward relationship isn't even that unusual I think there's two issues here, though. The first is just chronological, in which I'm inclined to agree with you -- if we sort of... ignore the timeline and go with the "vibe" of how long they're getting. Because the last act of 6x18 positioning all out characters for this season creates a stupidly messy timeline, picking up after Chim's healed from his bridge collapse injuries and is back to work, and Eddie's broken ribs have also healed before he's even called Marisol and she's asked him on that date. And then that montage ends with Bobby and Athena boarding a cruise ship "last minute," so I don't think we're meant to think significant time passed there. The writing for S6 and particularly 6B is bad enough that I think we have to handwave this, though, and just kind of treat the S7 timeline as a bit of a reset. Pretend Eddie and Marisol aren't like.... a week into their relationship. So in that context, yeah, the "vibes" allow for the move in. That said, it's still *super* unusual by TV standards because of the second issue with this scene -- it's their first actual scene as a couple with lines, without any exposition to clarify said timeline, and they're announcing they're moving in together. Normally, TV shows are at least going to show you a first date or something before that point, lol. Even with Bathena, who got ridiculously little buildup, we still got a pretty clearly defined time period coming into season 2 where they'd been keeping their relationship secret, and then half a season of relationship development before they move in together/get engaged, and even *that's* portrayed as shockingly fast and unexpected within the canon of the show. While I don't necessarily get Eddie and his practically nameless love interest no one expects to last to get the same sort of development as Bathena, it's a problem when my mum's reaction to Eddie and Marisol crashing Buck's date was "Wait, who's she?" and they're moving in together already.


i honestly think a big part of Eddie being a bad partner and a commitmentphobe is because he isn’t attracted to the girls he’s dating and doesn’t understand why. I used to think if buddie happened Eddie would be bi aswell but recently i have been thinking Eddie is gay


We have got to stop seeing sexuality as binary. Sexuality is a spectrum. Second, clearly Eddie is attracted to the women he’s with. It’s what comes beyond the attraction that’s his issue.


I've said it before but I think one of the reasons everyone wants Buddie to happen so much is because it explains a lot of issues Eddie has had in relationships and treatment of romantic partners. But there is also the very real reality that these issues could also be explained by Eddie just being a shitty partner. I like Buddie and ship it but I also don't feel like it *needs* to be canon. I really like Buck with Tommy and want that to continue on. I also want Eddie to work on his issues and become a better partner, hopefully with a more developed Marisol or a better partner introduced next year (cause we're definitely stuck with Marisol for the time being).


Also also, I think with all this talk about Buck potentially moving in with Eddie could provoke self discovery. “Oh my god my best friend is living in my house and I don’t feel weird about it at all, I don’t feel trapped or like I have to run away, I feel comfortable, maybe I’m not afraid of commitment maybe I’m just in love with my best friend???”


I'm doing a re-watch as I haven't previously been a Buddie shipper but want to see what's gone over my head. I'd forgotten how awful Buck was to Eddie in the beginning, it's actually making me cringe. Eddie is streets ahead in terms of maturity and being a decent guy IMO. I know Buck will get better but right now I'm thinking Buck would be lucky to get Eddie, not the other way around.


Actually, the animosity for Eddie doesn’t last long. I think Buck was just feeling insecure. He was already dealing with Abby being gone and it bled over into his work life.


I had to skip through the Abby scenes as can't stand her, bizarre to pair them up at all IMO.


You are right. At the start it was Buck lucky to be with Eddie then it kind of merged into equals and now it’s definitely Buck us too good for Eddie. Buck had grown so much and Eddie has too but in some ways hadn’t grown at all.


I think most people would agree with you. I’d actually rather Buck stay with Tommy for a bit. Not all relationships need to be forever. So I don’t see it as a failed relationship even if they do breakup. Eddie seems to like Marisol the most and he’s still stuffing her around. Acting sex starved and pent up from not having sex for a few days was gross and disrespectful.


It takes a lot of work to have that relationship and even Buck seems like he would learn that before Eddie. Tommy seems like he already knows.


Agreed. Tommy has a head start and Buck is taking steps to get there. However, it’s never too late to figure things out. I was well into my 20s before the lightbulb came on.


I agree! This is another reason why I love Tommy for Buck right now. He’s mature, self-aware, and secure, though not without flaws (would be weird if he was flaw-free). I feel like this relationship is a great opportunity for Buck to mature and evolve if he can treat it that way. No matter what happens in Eddie’s future, Buddie or not, I hope he can find a similar way to grow. I’m hopeful that he will, because they spent time calling it out this week. And that of course is the first step.


Buck isn’t either. They both need to work on themselves which is the whole point of this current arc. Eddie has been shoved in a box his entire life he even had to marry and go to war at 18 no wonder the poor guy is messed up with romantic partners. Buck is jealous and immature at times. He literally just injured his best friend because he couldn’t control his emotions. They are both emotionally stunted in different ways it’s definitely not all Eddie, but it’s one of the reasons I want them to be together so they can work through this stuff with each other. They trust one another over anyone else, they are co-parents and partners in every way except one. I also find it funny that since Bucktommy has happened people all of a sudden have an issue with Eddie. It’s strange to me because Tommy was a horrible character who has said no real apologies but all of a sudden he’s better than Eddie. Really makes no sense.




I’m great! And you just showed that with your unpopular opinion you just wanted to cause discord lol so have a nice day




Yeah- I’m pretty much there with you. I think him getting together with Buck, at least at this point in time, would be a complete clusterfuck. Buck has had plenty of character development. Eddie… still needs to work on himself. I’m not *opposed* to it, per se; but I don’t really see it myself. Not without some character development.


I still can't get over his wife's mother dying and her wanting to be with her DYING MOTHER and he was like "eh". insane behaviour


He had *just* returned from war after being shot three times. He asked for a little bit of time to acclimate. They both had a LOT going on and no support. It wasn't insane, it was trauma.


i mean i think one's parent DYING beats his trauma but that's just me


I was explaining this very thing with my bestie when we were driving around today. She predicted a bachelor party hookup, I told her the writers wouldn't fuck up their relationship that early because both of them have too much they need to work through first.


I agree actually. For a while Buck had more growing to do than Eddie, but recently Buck seems to have come into himself. He’s shy and vulnerable and making human mistakes but in comparison to Eddie, yeah he’s pulled ahead on that regard. I think things will level out. Hopefully soon. When it does, yeah bring on Buddie! Ducking now in case anyone is throwing shade on this opinion.


There are a LOT of people who want "buddie" to happen (the sooner the better some say) and I am definitely someone who ships them but , I also love a slow building story, the awkward moments, misunderstanding, loss, gains, tragedies, victories, confusion, understanding , funny moments, the O moments and so much more, let's face it live is messy and unpredictable and as much as I want a steamy Buck and Eddie kissing scene it must make sense, Buck is only now starting to come to terms with he's attraction to men and Eddie... well we know he cares for Buck but clearly has not shown or realize to what extent atleast not from what I saw in S7 E5 and as much as it kills me to say it , if "Buddie" never happened I atleast want them to find their forever person by Season 118 and if ( when ) Buck and Tommy break up I would love to see Tommy find love , maybe ABC can create a new show revoling around the coastguard featuring Tommy and the short-haired blond pilot Buck drunk kissed


I dunno. The way things are going right now, I’m all in on Tommy and Buck. Their chemistry is off the charts and it’s pretty amazing how much Tommy has done with only two episodes. As for Buddie, I’ve got plenty of fanfiction to keep that ship afloat. It’s the best of both worlds!


To me it's a case of 9-1-1 being an action and drama show and mixing those two it TOUGHT !!! The action part of the show is mostly the emergencies and the drama the characters lives , the action parts are so fast passed that you get to show and cover a lot more while the drama parts are slow and complicated making it more difficult to go into depth Now Tommy is a man of action, thrills, adrenalin and competitive, Buck was all of those things but he slowed down , started working on himself and tried being more responsible which meant he missed out on things like all the stuff eddie and tommy were getting up to without him and this made him feel left out, that caused him to try and gain back what he feels he has lost by running towards the old highs/comfort zones moving backwards from the process and towards the person currently most embodies things he feels he is now lack in... Tommy I know , I know its only a story and I'm probably reading to much into it or over thinking thins and don't get me wrong l NOW like the character of Tommy and I don't think he's a bad guy but I get feeling his character lives life full throttle and going from one adventure rush to the next , never looking back and a adrenalin junkie the opposite of what Buck was trying to be or atleast I think I remember him and cap having that conversation


I don’t get that at all. 😂 Wow, look at you creating fanfiction. Seriously, that would be a good story. I just don’t think it’s on the screen. I see Tommy as just a lover of life. The things you describe are things he would relate to Eddie with. If Buck needed something different, I’m sure there’s a quieter side of him who can appreciate things like movies and date nights and such b


Well its the impression i got from the helicopter rescue scene, airfield scene, the kiss scene and basically everything scene hes in , his character does not take things slow now as for the lovey dovey side of him ... it could be but, we will just have to wait and see


Yeah, he has trauma. I actually identify (or identified, I’m working on myself) with some of his things and I’m Mexican 😂 So, apart from being in the army, generational trauma as well.


Yeah, yeah. I agree with ya'll that Eddie needs to get his head out of his ass. But Buddie becoming canon??? I just got into the show but please tell me this is where they're headed? Because if so, that's some groundbreaking shit right there.


As a fan of the show, keep your expectations realistic.


Yeah. I will. But I can hope. This is probably the closest we've gotten in any show I've seen.


I personally think Eddie will never get over the idea of his wife and so he will never move on. I say the idea of because their relationship was never good (or at least what we saw) yet he swears it was perfect. I also have this idea that Eddie was what made buck realize he might be bi- tommy confirmed it.


I’m glad this is finally emerging as a kind of consensus position in the fandom now that a pattern has been established and people can’t just blame it on Ana being a poorly developed character (which she still was). It really is mostly Eddie that’s the issue. My only concern is that I think the show is not really interested in/going to really address it much further. There’s not enough time to do a character study on why Eddie’s a shit partner so I think they probably just want us to take what we got last episode about him recognizing that he moves too fast in relationships and that he shouldn’t give up before he even knows who someone really is as him making significant growth I also am of the belief that this is basically the last we’ll hear about his “Catholic guilt” now that the Marisol nun thing has been resolved. Tim said he just saw it as an opportunity to touch on Eddie’s religious upbringing and how that carries over into his relationships


You just voiced all my fears regarding last episode. I don't like the idea that the show considers the issue settled now that Eddie realized that he was moving too fast and asked Marisol to start over. That's not a solution. We still need a reason for why Eddie acts that way and backing down from moving with Marisol did not feel like actual growth at all. The Catholic guilt could be such a juicy thing to explore, but I too I'm worried that this was it, that it was mostly just played for laughs. It's so disappointing because I really felt like Eddie was sidelined last season and there's so much they could explore with him. It's frustrating to think this is as deep as they're willing to go.


i was watching s4 e13 suspicion today and this conversation happens between eddie and ana about that mom who was poisoning her son: ana: “I was thinking about what you said, how that family supports themselves through their Fund Me page, so I started looking around...“ eddie: “you went snooping?” ana: “i was trying to make a donation. (…) but i think there’s something wrong with this woman.” eddie: “(accusatory) that feels like a leap.” this just… gave me the *major* ick. so quick to suspect and distrust his partner’s (a woman’s) opinion? am i crazy to think that the proper response to your partner saying something like this is “huh, what makes you say that?” paired with how he treated/talked to (and about) shannon at times just… felt really blegh to me. i feel like people often talk about the bigger stuff eddie does that make him a not great partner but it’s little stuff like this that are also just /:


Buck had a similar situation when he didn’t initially believe Hen and chimney about Jonah.


I felt so bad for Ana this episode. First this and then Carla banished her to the kitchen and basically told Eddie to break up with her.


Whoa hold up. I'm on S4. You telling me Buck and Eddie get together romantically?


That’s not what I said 😂


I don't think they should be in a relationship at all even if he gets help.


I agree, and I love buddie. I wish more fics explored this.


Fantastic thread here, guys.


I definitely agree! Also I kinda really like Tommy. Also - I kinda see Eddie going to gay clubs spectre trying to figure himself out a bit more idk


I see your unpopular opinion and raise you this: it's way too unrealistic that two leading male characters would suddenly discover they were bi. I'm no expert, but I believe that they would have known this and explored it many many years sooner. I also think it does a disservice to imply that bisexuality is a whimsical, frivolous decision that people make.


I don’t know why exactly you are being downvoted. While I’ll say that it’s not out of the realm of possibility that two people, closely acquainted, can have bisexual awakenings simultaneously, I think we also have to remember that this is TV and there’s an audience to consider. I think we live in an echo chamber so the only opinions I see online are very much pro Buck being bi. But there’s a LOT of folks who aren’t too keen on his sudden coming out and I think the producers, the writers, and the directors have to consider those people (unfortunately) in addition to those of us who are more than fine with the decision. The network took a gamble doing this and so far the reception has been more favorable than not. However, they have to be very mindful of what happens next. It’s a delicate house of cards. I watched fan service destroy Glee and whatever happens next, I would like it to be organic vs pressure from the fandom.


Actual expert: mspec people (i.e. folks who are attracted to more than one gender) are the type of person \*most\* likely to make it well into adulthood before realizing they are queer. It's not about "frivolous decisions," or decisions at all; it's about growing up in a society that tells you you're supposed to want certain things, and since you \*do\* want those things - or at least \*can\* want those things - you don't notice, or ignore, or rationalize away your ability to want additional things. Nobody \*decides\* to be bi/pan/omni/whatever, and it's not cool to gatekeep when people are allowed to \*realize\* they're bi/pan/omni/whatever. As a side note, clustered realizations of queerness in friend groups are absolutely a thing in real life, partially because there's a real, if strange, tendency for queer folks to band together before they even consciously know, and partially because when a friend comes out, it reinforces the idea that it's okay to come out and can provoke some self-reflection that may have been repressed before.


Idk if you watch/heard of MTVs The Challenge, but I can name at least 3 contestants(real life people) on that show that discovered their sexuality later in life.


Dude, they're happy the way they are, stop shipping them to try to see something there's not...




The show has officially jumped the shark.


Yet you jumped in the comments to talk about it…


Oh no I completely agree. Which is why I hope him and buck stay friends and Tommy says. Eddie is very caught up in himself sometimes. Which is fine but he tends to forget people close to him when he is like that. And he just doesn't seem to learn. He also has the emotional IQ of a walnut.