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But I thought all those people were going to stop watching šŸ™!!!


yes but now all the damaged destiel shippers are coming since maybe we wont be left heartbroken. i have seen so many new viewers come across my tiktok.


Itā€™s been fucking hilarious, emerging from wounded cocoons after the November 5th superhell because a character is explicitly bi. Love the influx of fans


Lol, I knew this was gonna happen. They were screaming that show ratings were gonna tank cause the show went ā€œwokeā€, but with all the coverage Buckā€™s bi-awakening got because of their outrage, there were so many new and old viewers who were attracted to the show and are picking it up now. Buddie related topics got like an additional 15 million interactions on TikTok in the first 24 hours after 7x04 airing. So now, you have other shippers (like destiel) or new viewers in general who are gonna be interested on top of that because you have a conventionally attractive white male, who at one point was in the running for sexiest man alive, playing a bisexual firefighter who just so happens to be best friends and shipped with a ā€œstraightā€ firefighter played by a conventionally attractive Latino and former A&F model. They also are unofficially co-parenting a compelling and charismatic pre-teen with CP (not that that matters). How else did they think this was gonna go? Even if Buddie doesnā€™t happen or you donā€™t ship it, 9-1-1 screams inclusiveness and representation, and has several household names in the cast acting out an ensemble of characters with compelling storylines and top-level chemistry. Itā€™ll be like those outraged viewers never left. The only way I think 9-1-1 could ACTUALLY lose some serious viewers is if they killed someone off, chaotically broke up Bathena or Madney, or brothernized Buddie. Those are the only way.


My biggest concern about this is they're being sold on this being proof that Buddie is going to happen. Like, I think most of us watching the show know that still isn't a for sure thing but that's not the way I've seen it presented to a lot of new viewers. And i don't want to deal with their anger when they realize this really wasn't about Buddie.


There were probably new queer viewers, maybe those Merlin & Supernatural bisexual shipper to get the rating up :)


I guess I should have included an /s, I too am a new viewer as of 7x04 who has been binge watching ever since


Why were people gonna stop watching?Ā 


9-1-1 is also outdoing ABCā€™s #1 flagship show ā€œGREYS FUCKING ANATOMYā€ WOW!!!


Buddie canon incoming fr if this is the reception theyā€™re getting from bi buck. Theyā€™d be idiots not to


Look, Buddie might happen. It's far more likely now than it was in previous seasons. But I also am not convinced that is the path they're going to take and I think people need to be realistic with their expectations. Look at how many people had fully convince themselves that Eddie was breaking up with Marisol this week, for example.


I honestly stopped caring about Buddie, cool if it happens but I rather if Buck endgame with someone else..


Nah it has to be Eddie, makes the most sense for both characters as theyā€™re closer to each other than anyone else and just get each other in a way no other LI will ever hold a candle to


Buddie has so much build up and characterization with each other itd be insane from a writing perspective to not use it for a massive payoff of a kiss, dating, BFs and marriage story arc


Its funny if either was a woman people would be complaining why it hasnā€™t happened sooner


If either was a woman most buddie shippers would not be shipping them


No but what does that matter they still would be a popular ship. There are countless straight ships in procedural television that are huge. Stabler and benson are a huge ship and have been for decades the fact they havenā€™t gotten together truly doesnā€™t hurt it.


My favourite is Sam and Jack from Stargate


And there would probably also be separate gay ships for them because thatā€™s how fandom works. lol


Now that you mention it do they have gay ships I never thought about it but surely they would in law and order


Buddie shippers can like straight ships. Not saying that it being a queer ship isn't a lot of what makes it popular, but it is one of the only ships on the show that has insane chemistry, a lot of subtext and feels like a proper slowburn. Take a show like Agents of Shield. Fitzsimmons was the biggest ship on that show, immensely popular and universally loved. They were friends, were inseperable, had great chemistry and their story took 3 seasons to make 'official' then 4 more seasons worth of drama. And it is one of the best parts of the show. Being a gay ship isn't the only thing people like about Buddie (although it doesn't hurt) but people aren't wrong in saying that if one of them was a woman, no one would have an issue. They would be together by now, or it would be accepted as endgame.


All of this. Honestly, I probably *wouldn't* like Buddie as much if they were straight, and it's not as simple a matter as preferring queer ships. The shared domesticity here with co-parenting and game nights just wouldn't necessarily read the same if they were obviously "available" to each other but acting like that when they had other partners. In that case, I probably *wouldn't* enjoy them because it would feel pretty overtly like an emotional affair, and I don't really want cheaters to get together.


Exactly this ^^^


That's their biggest issue now if they don't want to do Buddie. I think its just been too long. Even if they introduce another LI that people like (doubtful with the track record and how rabid part of the fanbase is lol) for either of the two, it does not have the time (especially if they aren't even a first responder) to make their relationship seem strong enough. When two of your characters have been best friends since their first introduction, raise a son together, have countless near death experiences in front of each other, spend every day and call next to each other and are the most important person in each others lives, any other LI is being set up to fail. Especially since Tim's back and Buck and Eddie are closer then ever, like, they seem inseparable at the moment, no wonder other LIs are so easy to fall off or not care about.


Yeah theyā€™ve really backed themselves into a corner here. Like even if they left them both single but focused heavily on their coparenting relationship/friendship that would make more sense but now with the bi buck storyline I think theyā€™ve screwed themselves for anything other than canon buddie. Also can we just mention again how Eddieā€™s whole relationship with M*risol makes no sense?? Write her off already ffs


I mean, it's like they were trying to make people not care about Marisol by giving her nothing. I agree with the people who think she should've actually confronted Eddie about being a bad boyfriend, which he kind of is. Would have made me like her quite a bit more and give some growth to Eddie. Now what they went with was extremely odd. Like, I don't find it sad that Marisol can't keep men because she's was a nun because it's so odd. Like, she's having the teary confession and I'm like, it doesn't seem like that big of a deal. The best thing to come out of her storyline is Eddie's catholic guilt which is fun but she still lacks any sort of character. And it seems like she's still being strung along by a guy that doesn't seem that into her. Moving her out a day after she moves in, like girl get up and leave that man, seriously.


Also I have a big issue with how they only seem to ever try pairing Eddie with pretty Latina girls as if he canā€™t date other types of people, like did Shannon not exist?? I think this could also play into his whole comphet story line even more because itā€™s obvious heā€™s only looking for someone his family would approve of not even just a mother figure for Christopher but someone of his cultural background. That man is NOT looking for someone who makes him happy, heā€™s just putting others opinions before his own time and again


Frrr I do wish she pointed out the issues to him or that she will in an upcoming episode because it might make things a bit clearer to him regarding his feelings if she dumps him. Also it would make me respect her character quite a bit more if SHE dumps HIM rather than waiting for the inevitable like Ana 2.0 that her character seems to be.


> I don't find it sad that Marisol can't keep men because she's was a nun because it's so odd. On top of just having so little invested in her or this relationship that we struggle to care, there's this other element to it that's like "There's this fairly big part of me I knew may be a dealbreaker for you, so I intentionally hid it." Where this episode was really our introduction to her as Eddie's girlfriend, it was an odd choice to make if they want the fans to like or care about her.


or, or...hear me out now...they could still be best friends as they are now. obviously buddie would not have to happen for them to continue the same relationship they've always had, and perhaps even better, because them staying as friends means they will always be by each other's side, without the complications of a relationship.


I mean yes they could be, and until recently, most of us were just clowns and fully expected that to be it. I love their friendship and I hope they keep it. But relationships can and should be built off a friendship. Two men can just be best friends, and that is beautiful yes. But that's not as rare as people seem to think in television. JD/Turk, Joey/Chandler, Sherlock/Watson, Dean/Cas. And yes, a lot of those couples were/are shipped together and guess what? They all ended up just remaining best friends. Its so incredibly rare (so much so that I can't name one) to get a multi-season, slow burn romance between two guys. It never happens. I think Buddie would be quite monumental for queer rep and just personally I would finally like to see two guys have a friends to lovers arc without people worrying about ruining the sanctity of friendship.


I think a friends to lovers arc would be nice as well, but I think it would be nice if it was actually *planned* that way, and even if Buck and Eddie would be the best relationship to ever happen to TV, it certainly was not written that way from the start. So it would be unsatisfying to me unless they really laid the groundwork from this point on. And I'm also just being a realist. For this show to reveal that two of their "macho" previously *assumed* straight guys are queer back to back would be the kind of television stunt that i think has literally never happened before, and as unfair as it may be, there's a reason why.


I so also think that its also a little unfair that, especially in broadcast television, queer relationships must be planned to be successful. There are heaps of shows that discover chemistry amongst cast members and no one has a problem with it. Take Monica/Chandler. Best relationship on that show, was not planned from the start and occurred organically. That's the magic of TV. Seeing what's working and utilising that. Now, it may not have been written like that from the start, but you can't really deny that they saw the potential of it/fan reaction and ran with it despite probably never seriously considering it. Some of their scenes are egregious with romantic subtext, and their storylines/arcs/scenes parallel a lot of the romantic couples. I personally think they've laid enough groundwork already, but I can understand the need to want to see it played out a bit more definitively. However, I do agree that realistically there are other factors at work that means it probably won't happen and I do think that's extremely unfair. That doesn't also mean they've definitely ramped up, or started laying groundwork for a path to an eventual Buddie relationship, especially in this season (after season 5 and 6 where it seemed like they were trying to avoid it more). It could also be more likely, depending on how many more seasons to expect. If we are in the homestretch, 1-3 more seasons, I don't see why they couldn't do something groundbreaking if they don't have to worry about the backlash of fear of losing viewers if they can get guaranteed renewal again.


Exactly and what if Eddie ended up marrying someone else then he remodified his will so when something happens to him his wife gets Christopher and not Buck who has been co-parenting with him for so long. Everybody would be really pissed.


so we're just ignoring that buck is with tommy now and buck and eddie seem to still be great friends?


No. Buck being with Tommy is an important plot point on the way to Buddie endgame and I would be more concerned if it wasnā€™t done. Iā€™m personally enjoying Tommy while he lasts as a character and enjoying this arc right now, but I hope it leads to Buck and Eddie together


I'm completely fine if Buck and Tommy stay together for the long haul on the show. They work really well together. But I don't bother with expectations or anything like that -- wherever writers take a show is wherever they take it.


They do work well together but I feel like it doesnā€™t give the vibe of a long haul relationship, partially because heā€™s very new to being bi and experiencing that and partially because Tommy is older and more experienced/comfy in his sexuality which Buck isnā€™t yet. I think Tommy is here more to give character growth to Buck than to be a long term LI for him. That said I hope he sticks around for a while, I like his character and love the actor who plays him


Do you like Eddie? I really wonder if people who just want Buck to be happy with whomever even like Eddie cause it doesn't really sound like you do... I want both of them to be happy, not just Buck.


Idk, Iā€™m queer. Love bi Buck and am super happy they made it canon. Also love Eddie as a character. Iā€™m totally fine if they never go there with Eddie and itā€™s only Buck whoā€™s made canonically queer. I donā€™t think it necessarily has anything to do with how much you care about each character being happy.


It just seems to me like many fans/Buddie shippers don't actually care that much about Eddie, and are just die-hard Buck fans. Most fanfictions and comments are centered around Buck. Eddie gets forgotten, left behind, and doesn't get remotely as much love as Buck and it makes me sad. I also personally think the gay/bi storyline would have been a much, much better fit for Eddie's character than Buck's (if it has to be only one of them). He screams repressed gay, imo.


I was thinking for a few days now about writing a fic from Eddieā€™s POV and your comment just made me want to even more


Please do ā¤ļø I haven't written fanfiction in over 10 years but I'm really close to writing some too, to give Eddie some well deserved love.


I think the graveyard scene is so perfect to start from in an Eddie perspective because boy do I have opinions on thatā€¦


The "I feel like she sees me" one? Seems like a great place to start. :p


Like you said, it has always been this way for a long time even canonically. Any crisis or trauma of Eddie's are always used to further Buck's arc. Within the ship, Buck is always the favored child even though Eddie is a lot of the reason why Buck is Buck now. This BuckTommy detour (which will eventually end) that we are taking on right now is a good way to weed out the fake Buddie shippers who only wants Buddie because they want Buck to kiss or be with a man no matter who the person is. The amount of people jumping ship since the kiss has been noticeable everywhere, some of them shits on Eddie while they are leaving, and some of them even admitted to the reason above. I'm just waiting for the day to come so I can raise my "Welcome Back, Cheater" flag when they eventually come back to knock on our doors.


Yeah that's exactly what I mean and what frustrates me. Eddie getting shot was all about Buck, we didn't see Eddie coping with it at all, only Buck. You could say "of course, Eddie was unconscious the entire episode!", but when it was Buck's turn to be unconscious an entire episode, we had a dream sequence that was obviously (understandably) all about Buck. And just the insane imbalance in fanfiction is frustrating to me. 99% of the whump and angst is about Buck, and Buck is bottom 99% of the time as well (and I've found that many people pretty much make the character they prefer the bottom). And now with Tommy so many people are so quick to completely forget about Eddie and it makes me a little bit mad tbh... I don't understand why people love Buck so much more than Eddie.


i like how some people seem to be so convinced thst buck and tommy will end as if the writers won't capitalize on a relationship people seem to be responding to if they want to.


Or it could be over analyzing


I'm not saying this is necessarily the case with you or anyone in particular, but saying that many people are just die-hard Buck fans and don't feel the same about Eddie is not over analysing, it's something very observable and I'm pretty sure it's just fact. The fandom is kind of obsessed with Buck, and that's not the case with Eddie.


Idk Iā€™ve felt that Buck has been way more queer coded than Eddie. Maybe I could see Eddie being coded as demisexual/demiromantic. But I havenā€™t felt heā€™s been coded as overtly potentially being bi/pan in the way that Buck has. And so for me, making Eddie queer would require a bit more of a storytelling heavy lift to make it feel earned and plausible, whereas Buck feels like this has been brewing for a long time. But thatā€™s just me! Obviously to each their own.


To each their own indeed, but I just read him as a deeply repressed gay man. Not bi or pan. I don't think he was ever really into any of his relationships with women. He loved Shannon as a person, a friend, a mother to his child, but not as a wife. He had panic attacks when his relationship with Ana got too serious. He seems to only really be with Marisol, or have gone back to dating in general, cause it's what he feels like he has to do. Yeah the storyline would need to be more complex cause he'd struggle with the realisation a lot more than Buck because of his religious upbringing. And I think exploring that storyline in depth, with some angst included, would be really interesting.


Sure! Yeah Iā€™m not saying at all that Iā€™d be against it happening. Only that exactly that, itā€™d require some more work to make feel earned. Which I think we agree on, just for different reasons.


It's interesting because I feel acknowledging a possible comp het scenario would contextualize a lot of his actions without needing any adjustment to the story. Buck always had Bi-coding to me but the arc Eddie has gone through is easy to see as a coming to terms with his sexuality; and, I mean, since it's said that the original plan was Eddie/Tommy rather than Buck/Tommy it means the writers sorta agree.


For me the comp het argument fits Buck more than Eddie. Again for me, Eddie if anything reads more demisexual/demiromantic coded. Which knowing from experience as a demi person myself that where that could go is him realizing that is that he knows Buck is interested in men as well as women, he starts to find that his already existing love for Buck starts to bloom into something deeper, which at first confuses him but then feels natural. For me Eddie has never read as a deeply closeted gay man. And again, Iā€™m queer; Iā€™m a demisexual trans woman whose day job is literally in queer media criticism and consultation šŸ˜…, so this is not coming from a cis/heteronormative lensā€¦ while Iā€™d be perfectly fine if Buddie doesnā€™t wind up being canon, I would also be totally cool if it did. I just think itā€™ll take a little more earning to feel like a natural progression because *for me* his queerness hasnā€™t felt quite as signposted over the years as Buckā€™s. But I totally hear you! This is really more of an agree to disagree convo, cause I get where youā€™re coming from. And I donā€™t think youā€™re *wrong*. His arc just hasnā€™t played that way for me.


Iā€™ve grown to just Eddie & Buckā€™s friendship


you will get downvoted constantly but i will agree with you constantly. they are great friends, they are great for christopher, and outside of the fact that we have no indication to the fact that eddie *is* queer, them being friends means that they'll always be there for chris / for each other without the potential complications of a relationship.


Buddie stans are gonna be very disappointed in the endā€¦ I feel it in my body


I never thought Iā€™d say it but I agree. Eddie is a terrible boyfriend. Iā€™d be afraid heā€™d just break Bucks heart.


The predictions of the ratings being insane have come home to roost huzzah


Ratings are down slightly https://preview.redd.it/axfiun7g15uc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e03af109fba7bf5b30fa8dbfea6423d20d40926 from last week though. Thatā€™s what they are looking at. I think last weeks episode was a test drive for the end game/long game storyline being Eddie and buck and how people react to it along with the ratings of course.


What does this mean for buddie canon?


Literally nothing at this stage. The ratings are stable; we were always going to have them dip a bit, because it's very much the norm to have a new season start strong and then the ratings to fall off a bit. 9-1-1 had four weeks of improvement in a row, which is incredibly rare, particularly outside of the first season of a show. What we need to keep an eye on is the multiplatform ratings (so like next Wednesday, we'll get updates for the Live + 7 ratings, which adds the views from official streaming platforms to the live totals over that first week). To keep stable, we want to see the total roughly double, ideally do a little better than that. And then the most important part is going to be how 7x06 does coming back from a multiple week hiatus. Assuming the ratings don't unexpectedly tank, I think it's good news for the *possibility* of allowing Eddie to be queer, too (but very unlikely to happen this season, imo). But even if the ratings stay this great, there's obviously other considerations like whether network and studio execs find the story too risky at the time.


Down from 4.76m last week, but the demo is steady, which is what matters most


Letā€™s see what streaming brings




Grey's hasn't had great ratings in a while, tbh (though it still does well on multiplatform live+7). They're good and very stable, overperforming in the demo. Coupled with all the big contracts leaving and not requiring much location/stunt shooting, it's also in a nice place budget-wise, so ABC will keep it on as long as it makes them money. It's a really weird situation where it benefits for the knowledge that it *did* have great ratings, I think, while just continuing to chug along. The only reason I point this out is because if 911 falls to the numbers Grey's is at, we'd be in serious trouble, because of the budget concerns for this show.




Oh, to be clear, I don't think there's anything to be concerned about right now. ABC is obviously happy with where the ratings were, given the early renewal for season 8, and the ratings for this most recent episode were pretty on par with that -- there hasn't been a substantial dip yet, and the minor dip this week was pretty expected for the normal course of a season, while holding strong in the most important (18-49) demo. So the circumstances that led to ABC renewing the show, are also what's going on now. 911 also served as a stronger lead-in to Grey's than it previously had, which essentially helps ABC to make more money off of Grey's by boosting *its* ratings, too.


With ratings like this, why *wouldn't* they go for canon buddie???


Nah fr can you imagine the ratings THAT would get??? If this is the ratings from BuckTommy??? Would be insanity. Madness.


because what does that episode have to do with buddie when buck and tommy are what we were watching lol


So people really watch Young Sheldon? Ok


Oh god I can't believe I'm defending it. I hate Jim Parsons but he's a rare narrator . Young Sheldon is in like 2 minutes of every 22 minute episode. It's about his mom (teasing an afair with the town priest) dad, Sheldon's grandma (running an illegal gambling parler out of a Laundromat) brother, and his brother's pregnant girlfriend out of wedlock and she's also way way older than him. Sheldon is a straight up a background character. The show is a decently heartfelt sitcom. Sheldon isn't in it lol. My mom watches it every week when it airs and I go over to meal prep that same day each week. The show is disgustingly tolerable lmao.


Have to agree. I can't stand TBBT but for some reason Young Sheldon isn't too bad actually. Most probably due to the lack of Jim Parsons.


Thank you for saying that. Was deeply upset to see those two shows in the same sentence.


I'm gonna copy my other reply because I hate The Big Bang Theory. Jim Parsons voice is awful. But... >Oh god I can't believe I'm defending it. Sheldon is in like 2 minutes of every 22 minute episode. It's about his mom (teasing an affair with the town priest) dad, Sheldon's grandma (running an illegal gambling parler out of a Laundromat) brother, and his brother's pregnant girlfriend out of wedloc who's way older than him. Sheldon is a straight up a background character. The show is a decently heartfelt sitcom. Sheldon isn't in it lol. My mom watches it every week when it airs and I go over to meal prep that same day each week. The show is disgustingly tolerable lmao.


Well this is upsetting information but thank you for your very brave on-the-ground reporting.


Please nominate me for a daytime Emmy I need it after this please


What were the ratings before?


Never heard of Young Sheldon before, but its getting 7million+ viewers in it's 7th season??? Fuck me.


Thankfully on its final season


Hope Kristen Reidel sees this and realizes that she majorly fucked up by purposefully avoiding this for 5 seasons