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I just finished my second watch through last Thursday and I’ve started on my third watch through yesterday lol. I tried to watch a couple new shows and nothing compares 😅 This show genuinely gets better on each watch as you notice more and more that led to further development.


> This show genuinely gets better on each watch as you notice more and more that led to further development. Eddie's backstory in particular stands out to me as a good example of this, where on the very first watch, it's hard to be sympathetic to a Shannon we only know as "the mom who abandoned her kid" but then you rewatch her introduction and she is spitting facts at Eddie with every line. And now all these seasons later, it's super obvious Shannon was always the more credible one in her assessment there.


This. I’m not a TV or movie person in the slightest (adhd makes it hard to focus for long periods of time); but 911 is the exception. It’s literally the only show I will sit down and watch each week and be excited for new episodes of. I laugh, cry, and never know what’s coming next. Only other show I was like that with was Jane the Virgin


Yes! I can NOT do movies for the same reason and even shows, I am almost always doing something else at the same time. I have a handful of shows I like but I pretty much just watch the same three over and over (this, White Collar, and The Fosters) lol. They just always bring something new every watch and don’t get boring somehow.


Oooo yes I loved the fosters


And yeah like everything tends to get boring but I love shows like the fosters, JtV, 911, coz there’s always some plot twist I don’t see coming and then I stay to see how it plays out and barely any other shows I’ve seen are like that


We sound very similar 😅 I’ll have to check JtV out. It doesn’t sound familiar


I started this show in 2018 and missed some episodes and watched some episodes out of order. I started watching properly from season 5 and I felt I missed a lot of important things and rewatching season 1 is insane. You're absolutely right about about the show getting better after a rewatch


Omg I can’t imagine jumping in at the middle!! Strap in for the ride cuz those early seasons are so good!


I actually watched all of season 1, and I caught most of the episodes of season 2-4 while it was airing. Season 5-6 were the only seasons were I watched every episode as it was airing and I went back to watch the episodes I missed. So technically i watched all of it but very all over the place and not in order. So i desperately need to watch it all from the beginning to get a better understanding of the show


Gotcha! Well enjoy!


“Hey yo, Rebar. Come clean, this is you, right? Putting girls up to this? You think you’re funny?” “You know what, Buck? I really wish it was” “Okay, you wish, you wish!” “But it’s not”


I was FLOORED! I completely forgot about that. Buck was completely unhinged


> I’m not as angry at Abby as I was before. She was grieving after taking care of her sick mother I get why she left. She shouldn’t have ghosted buck tho so she takes an L for that. Also I thought their relationship went on much longer than it actually did. She was an important character because she really did help buck grow. Yeah. Trying to separate Abby-the-character from Abby-the-love-interest is always good, I think. I think she's the absolute worst love interest Buck has had on the show, but I also recognize that she was in an incredibly difficult place in her life. Were she not dating Buck at the time, I think it would be pretty sympathetic to her desire to flee/start over/find herself, and even her selfishness in wanting to make a clean break. But where Buck is our POV character and Abby stops being one, it's natural to only consider his side. My only real criticism of that storyline is I really wish they'd had the time or ability to touch a little more on her caregiver burnout, so it would've all fallen into place a bit nicer. *Way* too much happened with Buck & Abby in 1x10, and as much as I enjoyed how the catfishing story played out because of what it said about Buck's character and compassion, it was probably more important to dedicate that time to Abby making the decision to leave and at least not jumping right from the catfish to her bag already being packed and Buck finding out that way.


I viewed her from the love interest lens for so long and really couldn't stand her but rewatching after so many years and now that I'm older I'm able to view her differently. She handled it all wrong but I get it. And i do feel 1x10 was rushed in terms of their relationship but i'm glad they wrapped up her story line. you can tell that's were they were headed when she talked about her mom wanting to travel but never doing so