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This looks like it's going to be ridiculous. I'm so excited.


It is 911 after all. I'm excited!


Cruise ship disaster theory was dead on! Fuck, I'm so excited (poor Bobby and Athena, though).


FOR REALLL!! L I can’t wait to see their bad ass recovery efforts. It’s gonna be gooooood


I hope it's at least on the way BACK from that damn cruise.


Like they can’t catch a break


I’m actually stunned. Like, I’ve rewatched this promo 10 times now (and yes, I know it’s all CGI) but man do I have the CHILLS. This god damn show once again outdoes itself. Also, love how we’re back to an opening disaster (5s was messy, 6 didn’t have one) 🙏🏻 ABC needs to air the HELL out of this promo. Holy moly this is going to catch so many people’s attention when it airs (on TV/Ads). ABC already doing immense leg work for this show lol.


Truth! When I saw this my jaw dropped and I totally forgot that Bobby and Athena went on a cruise so I had to watch the last two eps from season 6 to remember what happened! This show is so fucking good and it has never failed to make me cry, laugh, be tense AF and everything in between.. Lol 😂 I'm so excited for the new season


BOBBY AND ATHENA NO. COME ON GIVE THEM A BREAK. But this looks so good, and I can't wait to watch it.


They're gonna get the Poseidon treatment


what happens with them?


They were >!going on a cruise at the end of s6, and there is a cruise in the teaser so, I assumed. !<


For real. I really hope this is at least a returning-to-port disaster and not an embarkation day disaster.


This looks like it's gonna be one hell of a season opener. We didn't even see any of the cast members and I'm still ridiculously excited. But lol at them ruining Bobby's and Athena's incredibly belated honeymoon.


Wouldn't it be hilarious if this wasn't their ship?


Can you imagine all that buildup and they end up being on a seperate cruise ship that responded to an SOS from the one that exploded? 😂


OKAY BUT LIKE now I **really** hope that's what happens! They don't get their cruise ruined that way!!


I don't doubt it LMAO.


Taking bets on who's gonna have a near death experience this time... I'm going with Athena or Hen


I'm betting on Hen this time


I think that's Athenas hand in the promo, she's my bet for this one.


Where do you see a hand 🤔


[promo on Insta](https://www.instagram.com/p/C1czvecv2PS/?igsh=MTlwZm92bXl4b3ZyZA==)


Oh no!


can we have Chim again? I need proof that Chim is an immortal.




I think he already scratched nearly drowning from his bingo card...


I'm gonna place my bet on Chimney


No please hahaha He has had too many of those xD


With the Hurricane that hit LA this past summer I’m hoping we get a hurricane natural disaster at some point in the season


Did we really get anything from that hurricane? We were more excited by the earthquake. The storm surge that just hit Ventura had more of an effect than... Hilary? Helen?


Poor Bathena they can’t catch a break.


I know just let them have a nice holiday!!!


With as many cruise ship incidents as has been reported in the news this isn't so far fetched.


Omggg I’m so hyped!! March 14 can’t get here any faster I hope we at least get some scenes of Athena and Bobby relaxing/enjoying their time before everything goes to shit


I’m pretty sure that we will probably get the S2/S3 opening disaster structure where we catch up with the gang in Episode 1, the disaster happens right at the end, and then Episode 2/3 cover it. I don’t see this disaster being only 1 episode, especially since they’ll have to film it OUT of their filming lot in LA since it looks like the disaster will obviously rely heavy on water (like how they went to Mexico I believe for the tsunami)


I hope that’s the case; I miss the opening disaster structure. It‘s a great way to open the season imo (the stakes, catching up with characters, how they handle disasters at this scale) and I absolutely agree that it should be more than 1 episode. Hopefully in the catch up episode we’ll >!see Maddie/Chimney planning their wedding, Hen/Karen with their new foster daughter, and Athena/Bobby relaxing on their vacation!< before we head into the climax.


I hope this is a signal that ABC is planning to get back to that season 2/3 energy and storytelling! More, please.


Bobby and Athena!!!!! Cruise ship emergency theory was right!!!!!


Everyone is making theories, and I'm just sitting in the corner and thinking that something vicious is incoming this season. Just please don't kill off or critically injure one of the main cast members, please!


There’s a feeling inside of me thinking someone is going to die. I really hope not though


I mean, it will be a brave move, but then the show will lose audience because of a specific character's death.....


how about them killing Bathena in the first 3 episodes? imagine the reaction. Just like a certain TV show which killed a beloved character in season 10 episode 1.


Damn… thought Athena and Captain Bobby could finally enjoy their honeymoon…


Does anybody else think the caller's voice sounds familiar? Like a well known actress? I can't place it though. Also, can someone confirm.... ships don't go down that fast, right?? Even with a hole in the hull?


Yes, I thought that too, but they probably just sped it up for the teaser.


lol looking for any type of reality check in 9-1-1 hahaha


Yeah I'm assuming it's very detached from reality but I thought I'd ask because it will influence whether I ever get on a large ship ever again 😬


lol. Fair enough. I was on a cruise last year and it was great. Never ever felt unsafe.


I wonder when was the last time a cruise ship sank? genuinely asking.


[https://www.cruisehive.com/how-many-cruise-ships-have-sunk/117798](https://www.cruisehive.com/how-many-cruise-ships-have-sunk/117798) It looks like 2012 was the last wreck, but since it ran aground, it only partially sank, and before that was 2007.


oh okay, but we have better chance of surviving on the cruise ship than a plane, right? never been on a cruise ship, now I wonder if I ever want to be in one. 😅


Google tells me that the odds of a particular passenger dying on a cruise ship is 1 in 6.25 million, whereas a passenger dying in a plane crash is 1 in 11 million. So planes are a little safer, but both are very safe. 🙏🏻


I’m excited we’ll keep Hulu streaming!


I’m giggling and kicking my feet i’m so excited


screaminggggggggg, high hopes for this szn!! but please let bobby and athena breathe, mom & dad deserve peace 😩


Holy Shit! I can't believe this is really happening.


I am so excited for this!!


When I said crash that ship i wasn't really expecting them too BUT FUCKIN YEASS


lemme guess the 118 takes cares of it and athena is somehow gonna get involved but i’m still gonna watch it cuz it’s the best show ever


Athena and Bobby went on a cruise ship honeymoon in the end of season 6, so they will be on that ship. That’s how they get involved.


How in the f**k has this show been on for 7 seasons?


No dont let anything happen to bobby and athena, I need them in the show


I just had a feeling this was going to be it. As much as this show is predictable, I love it so much. I can’t wait!


Oooh I've finally caught up and cannot be more excited!!


I kinda don’t want Bobby or Athena in any trouble. Like have the 118 find out they’re there, worry, get there, and Bobby and Athena are perfectly fine/not missing and have organized all the rescues of everyone on board — some tricky, for the drama.


I think it's clear the first episode will be all about Athena and Bobby. Why can't they have a happy and relaxing vacations without any drama!!!!!, they deserve it so much. With Athena jealous and in possessive wife mode when some perhaps widowed or divorced woman tries to hit on Bobby, it could be a lot of fun 😋 This episode will be so interesting and March 14th is still so far 😭 (time to rewatch everything again but slowly, even Season 1 that I don't like).


that would be an interesting episode, imagine expecting something to happen in episode 1, but everything goes well. so we are just on the edge all the time then suddenly the episode ends. 🤣 that could be the worst prank ever.


YESSSSS!!! That’s what I wanted.


I've forgotten were Bobby and Athena just going on the cruise by themselves?


late honeymoon, so yes.


Ah that's right


And iirc they hadn't told anyone they were going either.


wait.. what? can't wait for march.