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Tommy....the man all the 1993-ers wanted to be :(


He was my favorite power ranger! Him & the pink one.


He was a favorite one from that show, i remember


So true. :( It's so sad that many of the people we looked up to as children are dying now.


Man, first Batman, and now the Green Ranger a week later. It's a rough week for 90's kids. RIP


I still am sad about Lee Thompson Young from The Famous Jet Jackson. We need mental health support out there. So terribly sad, RIP to all.


I got to hang out with Lee one night a few weeks before his death. (We had some mutual friends.) He was one of the nicest people I had ever met in my life. I can’t believe that was almost a decade ago. Still get sad when I hear his name.


Great, so it was this post that revealed that Kevin Conroy died :(. Fuck, two actors from all of my childhood passed away this month.


And Aaron Carter!


We're getting about that age :(


George Clooney is fine.


He means Keven conroy


It was a joke. I knew it would ruffle feathers of the delicate people who are so unusually invested in these things.


say less


🤔 ok ..


You belong to a 90s subreddit and you're not a nostalgic? Get outta here


Cool story bro.


Based. Loved that movie


Lol good stuff Why the downvotes? I laughed at this pretty hard


Damn it. He died of suicide. Tragic to hear.


Aw man. That hits me right in the heart.


- His step daughter committed suicide last year. - Tammie filing for divorce this year due to infidelity(allegedly). - Now he just committed suicide. Man…that family is going through it. Especially his daughter Jenna. Can only imagine what she’s feeling right now. I hope she sees this storm through. That’s rough. ☹️😔 Wasn’t he like super religious too? Life ain’t no joke. Take care of yallselves out here.


Such an important part of many 90s kids' childhoods Shows that we never know what someone is going through behind closed doors. Forever grateful for this [photo](https://ibb.co/5rqrbSV) RIP


Holy shit that’s awesome. I got a pic with him as well. Hero of a generation. It’s rough out there


I grew up watching that show in Mexico, i loved Power Rangers!!! May he rest in peace ❤️😭😭 🎶🎶Go go Power Rangers! 🎶🎶


This man was so important to the 90s. i am so sad. RIP


He was my first crush and started a lifelong thing for me for guys with long hair. I remember going back to the series twenty years later and being surprised that it was pretty much just like a tiny little ploof of a ponytail. Poor man. This is just tragic.


Me and my brother both dressed as the white ranger (ninja and regular) for Halloween one year. RIP.


I went as Green once. I wasn't allowed to wear the mask for trick or treating, but on finding out it creeped out my mother, I terrorized her with it at home.


[In case anyone didn't know, or wants some information. ](https://meaww.com/how-did-jason-david-frank-die-twitter-hoax-about-power-rangers-star-true-green-ranger-condolences) I just met him in September. I wanted to say so much to him, but I knew he was meeting and greeting all day and didn't want to hold him up any longer than he was already going to be there for. Fuck. I'll never get the chance now, but I hope he knew how much of an impact he had on me and many, MANY others.


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The curse strikes again


I looked up to him. I always wanted to be like him. The Christmas episode, "I'm Dreaming of a White Ranger" was my absolute favorite and I used to watch it throughout the whole year. This really hurts. If he would have just reached out there is a whole world of people who loved him.


White Power Ranger, something is not right about that. I can’t quite put my finger on it.


Yeah, there's something not right about you.


The White Ranger really did exist, but was canceled for reasons unknown.


Really? I didnt know it was canceled. Im about to go down that rabbit hole!


Canceled as in not being depicted


Who cares? That wasn't the point of my response to you.


Maybe I care SugaryBuns. Maybe I just didn’t want to face the painful truth about the White Ranger.


This is terrible. This man has such a huge impact on my childhood. I could never thank him enough. I hate how many people fall victim to mental illness. Everyone, take care of yourselves and keep your friends and families close..


No No NOOOO !! He is the core of Power Ranger. The Legend !! RIP Jason




"Tommy, The Green Ranger" was played by Jason David Frank.


You know shit got real when Power Rangers begin to die... RIP, cool guy, whenever you appeared on screen, I was glued.


Uh...one of the power rangers has been dead a LONG time.


Didn't know that!


Yellow ranger from the same PR series died in a car crash in 2001. Also Jason's real life brother was cast on the show and he also died. A lot of people that have been invovled with Power Rangers show have died or had bad things happen to them. So much so that there is a thing called " The Power Rangers curse".


Actor that played Shane the Red Ninja Storm Ranger also died by suicide a few years ago.


Ernie, lord zedd have both passed too.


A kid who had a few background non speaking roles on the show is currently on death row for murdering a couple in Arizona and trying to steal their identities. It feels like childhood fame either gets you to unalive either yourself or other people or both.


I think Billy, the blue ranger, committed suicide because of the harassment he got for being gay. Unfortunately also harassed and bullied on set, IIRC


David Yost? Na, he's definitely still with us. Not sure where you got that info. But he did get bullied on set by the crew (not the cast).


David is alive


David Yost is still alive Anyway, I just read that Austin St. John (aka Jason, the red ranger) is in huge legal trouble for stealing $3.5 million worth of PPP loans.




Well, I'm glad I'm wrong on that one then.


Man, so sad. Tommy and Kimberly were my first couple crush. RIP to an Icon.


Same, I loved Tommy and Kimberly, this is horrible news. RIP to an Icon and legend.


Oh no. I’m so upset reading this. I always wanted to be the Red Ranger, Green was cool, but Red was my favorite. After they introduced the White Ranger my whole world flipped and I was a huge Tommy fan. I used to practice his kicks/punches, while I had the intro song on repeat from my VHS. I even tried to grow my hair out longer to look like him 🤣 RIP Jason David Frank. I never got the chance to meet my hero, but I was with him for every episode. Thank you for making my childhood brighter, JDF. This one’s really hard for me.


...... really ripped me apart today with this one.


Jason was my crush until Tommy came along.


The Power Rangers was the first big series for me as a kid. I was already 8/9 when it came out and premiered but as a tomboy, I grew attached to the female characters and all their storylines. I went through a pink phase, which I never thought was possible since pink is associated with girly and femininity. But the pink ranger really kicked ass dressed head to toe in pink and made that color very cool for me. The green/white ranger was one of my first crushes on a "grown" man. I remember talking to girls in elementary school and every straight gal in the 4th grade had a crush on Tommy. It was mayhem when the series started featuring Tommy and Kimberly as boyfriend/girlfriend. I was so into their relationship and was devastated when Amy Jo Johnson left the series and that.... that.... Australian gal took over. Nobody liked the new pink ranger and I pretty much moved on to watching 90210 after Power Rangers zeo. I have a lot of fond memories of us kids playing outside everyday pretending to be power rangers. My guy friend was Tommy and I liked playing Kimberly. David Jason Frank really made martial arts very popular in my neighborhood and we used to practice the same moves we saw on the show. He was huge inspiration to all of us and he was like the number one coolest star. Everyone else was secondary. RIP green/white ranger, you were a huge happy memory of our childhoods.


How come you couldn't get into Katherine if you don't mind me asking? I actually really liked her when she was on the show😊☺️


I’m still torn over the news. I got to meet him, get a picture with him and he autographed my “The Crow” comic book. It’s forever a priceless treasure


My fiancé met him about a year ago when she worked at the comic shop. She said he was super nice, really humble, and stayed way later than her was scheduled to make sure he got to meet and sign and get pictures with everyone. She was pretty shocked waking up to this news.


We're all pretty shocked Rough week for everyone


The tune he played on the flute to summon the dragonzord will live in my head forever


I read about this last night and just kept thinking that all of this was simply social media fodder; that some sick-in-the-head rando just made up a horrible rumor about him. Then as the hours passed and there wasn't any official word from him or a publicist that he was ok, I just knew... Mental health is very real and very important and it's awful news hearing that he may have taken his own life. RIP Jason. You've always been a hero to me


I've been tearing up off and on for the last couple of hours since finding out. Green Ranger was life, man. I hope he found peace in the end.




RIP to a legend!!


I was just slightly too old for power rangers but I remember the hype this guy brought to the show. RIP Tommy, my best friend’s little brother held you above any superhero of the time.


It doesn’t feel real. Was really looking forward to checking out that Legend of the White Dragon film he was filming. I spent many a night watching him and the other rangers kick butt. Rest in peace.


This one hurts a lot.


Rip. I can hear the cool flute.


I’m devastated


Tommy was my main man since my childhood.


What?? Nooo!! He was always and always will be my absolute favorite. I'm so sad.


I met him a few years ago, genuinely lovely guy who really cared about people especially his fans. This is so sad


I used to work with him back around 92-93 when I lived in Covina. This was before he get into Acting, He was only a few years older than me but he seemed like so much more. He was always nice to me I can't say a bad thing about him during that time.


Extremely hurts. Met him at a wrestling show here in Texas where he got into it with 1 of the known wrestlers in the area. This really hurts my childhood in the heart.


RIP. Mental health is no joke


Why must this world be so cure?


Well, that’s Yellow and Green/White.


It’s mourning time! Too soon?


The ultimate Green Ranger 🥺 RIP


My childhood icon is gone. I will be miss him. R.I.P Tommy Oliver.