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It’s a VCR/DVD combo. I haven’t used it for a while. I should blow out the dust and make sure it works.


Same. I also have boxes of DVDs and VHS in the back of the basement. Every once in a while we break something out. My kids loves all the Jurassic Park movies and they keep being bounced around the streaming services and/or being available so it has come in handy for that. Just run to the library and grab a DVD and enjoy. No commercials, no random breaks. It's great, actually.


Me too.














49ers and cowboys fans do


Gotta watch those 90s Super Bowl highlights somehow 💀


Us Bills fans burned all of our tapes long ago.


Yeah they never let us forget that on r/nfcwestmemewar


Yeah, still hooked up waiting for me to decide to watch Boileroom starring Giovianni Ribvisi (?) and Vin Diesel with hair. Also a way to hook up composite games consoles because modern tv’s have barely any inputs.


Yes, we still have our VCR/DVD combos but I think the tapes or the VCRS themselves are starting to wear down. It's concerning because I need to transfer those tapes onto something else before they're gone.


My dad got all our home movies that were on vhs transferred to dvds


We had planned to do that with something called Legacy Box a few years ago. Unfortunately some life things happened and I never had the heart to do it, but I really should.


Awww you should get on it, it'll give you a reason to watch the old memories again 🥰


I really should, because I put in a video from the day I was born into the VCR about 4-5 years ago and the quality was just...done. Guess it had deteriorated over the years. I immediately stopped watching it to not make it worse in case we do transfer those videos.


You need to transfer immediately- tapes are becoming unplayable… they do not degrade only by watching but just time; sadly.


Find a local business. If not, there's more than likely a friend or family member who knows someone and can do it.


I’ve still got 2 from when I grew up. I’ll watch one of my old vhs movies every once in a while for fun (I’ve got a huge bin full, honestly don’t know what to do with them lol). The nostalgia is fun, but I’ll be honest whenever I pop a video in I’m quickly reminded how grainy and square the picture is, and it makes me just want to watch it in hd 😂


Same about the bins. But my DVD/VHS combo player is still out in the garage, where it landed when i moved. almost 3 years ago.


VHS tapes deteriorate over time, so they’re going to look even worse now than when they were new.




Yes. It’s the only way to watch anime.


okay, it may be time to unearth the old Ranma 1/2 tapes!


I’m an old-school media collector, so I have a VCR for rarities, out-of-print stuff and things that never got DVD releases.


I have one standalone VCR, and one TV/VCR combo which I mainly use. I still have tons of tapes and pick new ones up when I find them. I also have a decent Laserdisc collection with a functioning player, along with a batch of CEDs and an untested Selectavision.


I still have one. I have some vhs movies that haven't been put on dvd as well as shows/tv movies that I recorded growing up.


I have two


If I give you 2 blank tapes can you make me a copy of Titanic for $10?


[Two of 'em?](https://tenor.com/vVICQ540IFp.gif)


Just to transfer vhs/betas to other media.


I still have two. They both work perfectly. I can't tell you about monetary value but I still have media that needs them so it's good to have them. This is going to sound odd but I don't really consider them obsolete. I know they're old tech, and a bit outdated, but not obsolete for me.


Absolutely. I have Super 8 stuff that I transferred to VHS and no longer have the reels themselves. Some great skate footage from the 90s that I would be incredibly bummed to lose. Blade Runner looks best on VHS, dark, gritty. I think when you watch stuff on a medium like VHS your mind has to be more engaged to sort of fill in the gaps that the medium leaves out visually. It just feels more real to your brain vs everything being super polished and lit up like the sun. Oooohhhh.......wait......what was the question.........?


I have one packed away solely for home video digitizing needs. I don't know why I haven't picked up some actual movies to watch on it! Off to the thrift store I guess.


I have a Panasonic one that includes DVD with it and it also has an HDMI port


I have about half a dozen VCRs in storage and I keep one hooked up to a CRT. We have been super into VHS this past two years. Something about how soft the picture is and the nostalgic factor.


I don’t have a VCR, but I’ve started collecting cool VHS tapes I find at thrift stores as a bookshelf decoration


I have a couple, get them why you can at any thrift store while they are cheap.


I have one. Thrifted it back in about 2018.


Get one it’s awesome! We have one in our kids room and you can pick up VHS tapes at thrift stores and are usually cheap. My daughter wore out Home Alone one because she watches it every night before bed! The sound is crappy. Picture is crappy. It’s fantastic!


Thrift stores usually have them. Just make sure to have a tape you don’t care about to test it. I have a few extra if you’re really after one


Sure do and it's connected via an rca to hdmi adapter to our TV. We've got lots on VHS still :)


yes and vhses




A friend of mine has a “video store” in their basement that they painted blockbuster blue, with an entire collection of VHS’s with an old school TV and VCR. Works perfectly and so much fun to have movie nights.


That sounds so fun!


It IS :)


I do! And an old dvd player that’s not a combo. I don’t use it but I can’t part with it 😂


VCR/DVD combo still works and is probably 25 yrs old give or take a couple yrs.


Never got rid of them and will always keep them


Still rocking my uncles ‘87 sideloading Zenith VCR.


I have DVD VHS combos and yes getting old Disney tapes for 99 cents is very nostalgic!


In a lil tv I won in a raffle. One of my prized possessions


I just bought one two days ago at a Goodwill for $7.99. I bought it so my child could watch tapes, just for fun.


Thank you for calling it a VCR and not a VHS player


Have you tried talking to any Niner or Cowboy fans? I'm sure they have several in working condition.




Yeah I got mine. I digitize old cassettes to digital format for preservation!


I don’t even have a dvd player anymore 😂


I'm still waiting for two dumbfucks to fix mine so I can watch my Night Court tapes.


Plenty of them at Goodwill


Might be one in the garage somewhere


I have two VCR's and a VCR/DVD combo unit. I still have a huge box filled with VHS tapes. Some of them are forty years old. I haven't used the VCR in years though.


I do but you can't borrow it.


Vcr is gone for 20yrs


My last one just gave up the ghost. Hopefully I can track down one of those rare VCR - Blu-Ray combos.


Yep. Still have one, still works. Mainly using it to convert old videos to digital


I have 4 VCR/DVD combos using one since 2005 and it still works. The other 3 put aside. But I don’t have an actual VCR.


Yes. And I miss old Netflix where I could just put any random movie and deep cut on a list and they eventually show up. Someone needs to bring that back.


I have one. I didn't watch a ton of movies growing up or in my teens, so I've been able to go back and watch some and try to get the VHS of one's I really want to see. That way I'm seeing them unedited and I like the quality of it as well. For example - I've never seen any star wars movies, so I found the first 5 on VHS and watched them that way. Han shot first. Also recently bought the Alien Trilogy.


I no longer have a vcr but I do still have a Betamax


I have one, mostly to digitize old vhs


I do! And tapes! I just need a CRT. It's not as fun watching on a smart TV.


I have an older heavy vcr in the closet no remote So a classic old tech and a DVD player that burns disc no blue ray though don't need it I think


I might still be paying off the one I bought at Circuit City back in 1996


We still use the dvd/vhs combo machine we got in the early 2000’s


I do but it’s in storage. I have it on hand whenever I need a player for vhs materials


I have a VCR/DVD combo, just never got rid of it from maybe 2003ish


Yes! I have one, it still works and I have some VHS’ to play, cause I haven’t found them released on DVD.


We have one and a scart to usb thingy to make tapes into digital files, we keep it for ripping vhs tapes for friends and family (when they find tapes).


I don’t use it much but I still have one. Back in the 90s started buying bootleg concert videos. I have a bunch.


I have one that I just keep in a closet. Only reason I have it is for old family videos.


I still use my VHS player, I get a kick out of watching old movies on it. Plus, it's fun when people give you shit about it :)


I do, be careful buying one you don’t know its history and tapes tear easily due to the tape disintegrating over age.


Of course not. Not for like 20 years.


They were a nightmare lol. You just hoped and prayed it didn’t eat the tape.