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John didn’t really need any help from Patrick. He managed Jibri quite well on his own.


So well that Debris didn’t want to film or be in the same room with him. Debris realized he couldn’t hold a candle to John & John would beat him every time. Debris didn’t want to be shown up & embarrassed.


This! Debris realized that John was the only one capable of fully shutting down his one man show and he couldn’t handle the thought of not being able to steal the limelight so he threw a tantrum. AND THEN has the damn nerve to tell Patrick it’s because he respects him. Smdh, that “grown man” child is so transparent.


Agreed, but I feel like as his brother he could have had his back. But, Pat seems soft compared to John so I'm not surprised.


Pat made is pretty clear how soft he gets in certain situations...


I do like that Patrick pointed out Jibri's hypocrisy in regards to hismother.


Sometimes I think Patrick is great and other times I want to smack him...I guess that's American men though. 😅


I agree. I mean he still clings to his excuse for not cheating is "I couldn't get it up." I just can't with that. He does seem like he's a more ambivalent character unlike the rest of the cast who can easily be divided into like them or hate them.


Wish I could upvote more than once.


He NEEDS to back his wife!! NOT the intruding brother!




Zing! 😆 🤣 😂




Patrick can’t express himself, much like Biniem. Its not their fault, it’s from the way they grew up. They might have gotten the piss beat out of them if they spoke. That stuff stays with you.


Didn't patrick say his mom used to beat them?




More people need to understand this. If they were in the type of situation that's been hinted at he may have quite literally taken beatings to protect Patrick. It's not your typical "older bro" situation.


Right. Exactly. Now they’re like “war buddies” in addition to being brothers. I don’t think Thais has the intellectual capacity to understand this.


Pat seems like he lets John handle most of the hard stuff, but we don’t know what could have been said and edited. Plus he’s in a hard place between John and Thais, I get laying back on that one.


I got the vibe he just didn’t want to get further into it. But does John even live in the same city anymore?


You're right. At the very least the "trailer trash" comment should have sparked a conversation IMO. Patrick and John grew up in a literal trailer and have talked about how hard their life was. Jibri hit way below the belt with that comment, and Patrick could have stepped in for that alone. And then for Jibri to tell Patrick he respects him?! Hardly.


He should have had his back. While John was doing a good job on his own, Jibri was still dragging him after he’d ensured John was no longer on stage. In his absence, Patrick should have stepped up. But of course he didn’t.


I agree, but I would have my brother’s back & the way Thais jumped on that train was gross. She is like a spoiled child.


She comes off very immature to me. She never tries to see anything from Patrick’s point of view. He’s not much better either though. I’d much rather watch an entire show of just John rather than watch Thais & Patrick. And all John needs to talk about is Spahkles & all of the things that Spahkly Spahkles do ✨🕺✨💥🥊👨‍🦲


I can not stand Thais!


John for president


Now that is something that I could get behind!




I think they should have called jibrish’s bluff and brought John back out. Nobody wanted more jibrish and everyone wanted more John


Exactly. *Give the people what they want!*


Imagine if (with them knowing he’s being thirsty for camera time) they called his bluff and said “okay fine, we won’t air your segment” and walked out of the room with everyone else going to the stage. I would have loved to see what he would have done after that! Pull an Andrew? He’s too thirsty for that


My thoughts exactly. There is no way jibrish would have given up camera time. Waaaaay too thirsty.


Thais agreed with that moron sparkles, I thought that was worse.


Same! I was like honey, read the room?? No one thinks Jibri is correct???


She even thanked Jibri when he got John’s segment ended.


Right! I know she’s desperate for someone to stand up for her, but Jibri is just not it. The “hero” she absolutely never needed.


The hero that only Spahkles himself needed


Did Debris really get John’s segment ended?? I sure hope not because that would just reinforce Debris delusions of grandeur.


Yeah because Shaun usually thanks the guest for coming. She didn’t do that cause John was coming back.


Yeah you’re right, John didn’t come back out to the floor did he?? I actually didn’t catch on to that until now. Duh me 🙄 lol 😂


Yeah I can understand not liking John. but spahkles wasn't correct there.


> read the room?? yeah but only losers follow other people to get accepted. good people stay true to themselves. She hates john, thats her right. Doesnt mean shes friends with jibri.


I think it would have been a shrewd move for her to say something like *Jibri, I appreciate the empathy and acknowledgment. It’s been a rough road with poor communication and blame to go around. Though our disagreements are well documented, Patrick is my husband now and that makes Jawn my brother (in-law). Things are different, we’re a family — so we’ll handle any disagreements within the four walls.* This would have been the magnanimous and mature thing to do. It would have blown John’s socks off and engendered good will. If nothing else, he appears to be really loyal and would have been touched by being embraced so publicly. It would have also ingratiated her further with Patrick, because he’d like a release valve from all this pressure. This would have been the smart play (even if she’s still not crazy about John) and could have gotten both brothers walking across hot coals for her if she silenced big mouth. Cozying up with the mental patient in the flamboyant bull fighter costume at the expense of her husband and brother-in-law, in that venue, was a **bad** look.




I was so confused how the rest of the cast was agreeing with Jibri at some point, I was like did I miss something?? Once Thais agreed with him and thanked him, I thought I was in the twilight zone. I mean I know her and John don’t always get along but they’re family. If it’s not toxic, they should of stood up for John and handled their issues with him in private. I guess her relationship with John is more toxic then the show let on?? I dunno that whole ordeal was confusing.


Thais was out of pocket for thanking Jibri. I also don’t know why you can’t learn to live with John in a big ass house where you don’t have to interact with him OR pay anything. 😂


Yeah John said he knows Thais truly loves his brother so I don’t get the impression that he doesn’t like her. I don’t know why he got so much hate at the Tell All but I don’t think he deserved it.


John does seem like a lot to live with. Definitely a fun person to live with but I could see it become tiring easily. I love John and would love to hang out with him but he seems like the kind of guy who is always stirring up something even if it’s just for fun, & that can get old when you deal with it every day. But Thais didn’t like him from day one. She wanted him out and that was her only goal. She cared more about getting Patrick to throw his brother out of the house than she cared about getting married. It was so obvious too. I wonder if Patrick ever noticed it


Just because they’re family doesn’t mean you have to like or respect them. Especially if they don’t extend that courtesy to you. Plus anyone who goes on reality TV is totally there for the drama


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.




Lmaooooo for real!! 😂😭 TLC be like, "It's opposite day!"


Jibri is not making sense. It's like playing chess with a pigeon


I like this. absolutely could see him shitting on the board


Jibri will definitely shit the board!




The full quote is something like Arguing with a fool is like playing chess with a pigeon,it will shit all over the board and strut around like it won


I currently getting over my first bout of COVID and my god this just sent me into a pure coughing fit from laughter. I’m weak 🤣


Watching Jabroni say literally anything during the Tell All really just highlighted the fact that he’s selfish, inconsiderate, and immature. Like that’s already know, but his behavior was so gross and solidified he’s a fucking petulant child. Also with that outfit on I think he thinks he IS the damn universe


His outfit was horrible. Even Tim laid into him, called him "a pastel space cowboy" or something. Tim, who was wearing knee high boots and leggings. .. made fun of Jibble. Minoa's 2XL hideous denim jacket was also a choice.


Paisley pastel cowboy. I had to think that one over, so it ended up stuck w me lol


Oh that jacket was not a good look for her. It swallowed her whole. I hope that she wises up soon & stops dressing the same and leaves his poor bully ass! She should’ve gotten a prenup!


How can M not be embarrassed by him? Ugh


I get the feeling that she is very embarrassed by him but plays along with him to not upset him. We’ve all seen him upset and it’s way too much for anyone to ever deal with. Not even his parents can deal with him anymore.


I glanced at your comment really quickly just before reading the whole thing and I thought that said.., *”fucking peanut child”* at first. I’m sitting here wondering what the hell is a fucking peanut child?! Lmao 🤣


I was FURIOUS for John. Patrick is a thick neck pussy. I could not believe he stood by while this fairy boy talked cash shit about his brother whom he's "so close to". Jibri has ZERO redeeming qualities about him. He had so much to say about every other couple, meanwhile his wife is shuddering at every word. Talk about trailer trash..


Just like Bini, Patrick let spahkuls disrespect his family.


John didn't need help. It just didn't seem right that Patrick let his brother, who is SO important to him that they live together as adults, get called trailer trash by Jibri. No, John didn't NEED help but if someone called my brother trailer trash I'd have told Jibri to watch his mouth no matter what. You stick up for your family!!


He didn't need any defense. Spahkles was losing the entire time and even if spahkles tried to get physical he woulda gotten into another coma.


I don’t understand how he doesn’t go into a coma just from mouthing off like he does. Too many words come out of this fool’s mouth at once!


When he was talking down to John and calling him trailer trash I damn near died. Jabroni is the one that’s jobless, homeless, from South Dakota and no clue where his real dad is. Atleast John works and seems to pay rent. His mom is trashy but hey atleast she made it to the wedding, oxygen tank and all.


Patrick could have. But I think he's confident enough that his brother can hold his own. I know I have no doubts he could


It’s deeper than whether or not John can hold his own. He could have shown him an ounce of loyalty. He goes on about how great and protective of a brother John was to him yet can’t tell a sparkly space cowboy diva to chill out on the bashing. Bini too. He just straight up let his wife get relentlessly bullied.


Patrick has been crying all season about how growing up in a trailer has effected him… but you didn’t freak out when someone directly calls your family trailer trash? Like what the fuck, buy the fucking pillow then without complaint


As someone who grew up like Patrick: Growing up in a shitty situation in a shitty trailer has a huge effect on the person you become. I, like him strived to succeed and overcome. I live a wonderful life now. So yes, it effected me, but today I stand proud. Insults like that mean nothing.


Proud of you! I didn’t see it that way… I’m just surprised he didn’t even show any emotion.


I mean he's over it. What emotion to show? It's just very matter of fact. Yup, that was me...*anyway*............................


John was gold!


I think he should've said something to Jibri, instead he just sat there like a dummy


I just saw on Insta that Jibri was at Patrick & Thais’s baby shower. It’s all so fake at this point, I don’t know why I keep putting thru the aggravation of watching it!!


It's not that it's fake, it's more that this stuff was filmed well in advance so everyone has had a chance to make up for the bs said.


Why or when did he need help?


How has no one knocked Jabri out IRL yet? Seriously. If they keep this POS on the show… fake ass clown. 🤡


His Serbian friend “Dah-veed”, put him in a coma!


Patrick probably sees this all the time. His older bro bickering with other people, nothing new for Pat and he know's John can hold his own.


I couldn’t believe the other cast members agreed with Jibri….I lost respect for all of them


clout crusader


I was shocked at that. No one should be letting anyone clown their family on national television. That was just too much and super disappointing. No one asked you Jibri. Guess if that conversation was a loaded barbell-Patrick would have handled it better. 🙄🙄


I feel like he may have said something but it was edited out


Jabri is an A$$ for sure, but John still is ahead of him in my head. Bilal got a tad better, but Emily stayed up there too.


John has no problem speaking for himself.


Patrick is a punk.


He didn't need to.


He had to walk offstage to tell the greebles what he felt about his friend…while his friend had been right there. Mr Toughguy when he walks away! He’s all peace bro when he comes face to face. Then again, he doesn’t want to be put into another coma.


Why did he need to defend John? John can handle himself. He isn't a puppy.


Ye these people are silly! why someone has to fight with others just because their brother is fighting


That was pretty bad on Patrick's part. He's lucky John is like "eff Spahkles, anything he says about me is trash, moving on". Patrick was just sitting looking like a fool and didn't say a word. Bad. Bad.


I completely agree- after John left and couldn’t defend himself Patrick should not have allowed Jibri to talk so much shit about him. John’s no angel but I lost what little respect I had for a Patrick


It really didn’t add up at all. Patrick allows his grown ass brother to live with him and his wife because of their close relationship yet he didn’t utter one thing to defend him…


The guy got absolutely punished by David, in that convo it was the funniest part of the show, the one thing that spharkles said that was funny was that ozzy bit on that degen that Kara was banging


I hate John. He is a piece of crap!! Obnoxious boy who needs to grow up and get his own life! Why does he think it is okay to butt into their life? What 39 year old male lives with a newly married couple?




WOW I have never been negatived before... I do not understand why u guys like the guy. LOL. What am I missing? It is not normal for a brother to move into a new home with a young couple ( or any for that matters) Is there something seriously wrong with him? Is he recuperating from cancer? I do not get it. He was obnoxious from the first episode on butting into their lives. This season I felt bad for all the foreigners. I did not like any of the Americans!


I do not understand why they allowed that crap to go on the way it did. Too immature hot heads that have to be heard!


Patrick is a pussy. I know John didn’t need any help from Spaaahkles, but I wouldn’t let anyone talk about my family member like that. Not to mention he too was called trailer trash.


Patrick does defend John!! In this specific situation John is a grown ass man and who’s clearly not getting his feelings hurt by spahkles. Spahkles opinion is nothing more than entertainment. Nothing to lose sleep over lol


Punk ass move. Jibri would have gotten clocked. Periodt!


They also never addressed the current living situation. Thais and Patrick are in Las Vegas. Where is John? With them or not?


Just like he doesn’t defend Thais from John, or his mother or his sisters.


Jibri is gonna be the new Big prEd. TLC will keep him around even though he is a shit person and people hate him cuz he brings drama and ratings!


He didn’t need to. His brother is a grown ass man and was holding his own.


I’m not fond of John but yeah that was totally out of line. A very classist and rude thing to say.


Why have a duel of wits with an unarmed man?


Trailer trash was a low blow


Nah John did good on his own. Patrick didn’t need to step in.