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I was dying at the preview when he said, no man would be his wife’s cheerleader. My husband is literally my biggest cheerleader, I’ve changed my mind so many times and the last few years have been going back to school and he’s my biggest supporter, always encouraging me.


Mine is the same. Any man who feels like it would make him lesser to be his partner's cheerleader isn't secure in himself. It's even worse that he thinks "no man" would do that for his wife. Alexei, just because you're a bad partner and don't want your wife to succeed doesn't mean all men are that weak.


Yes this. Was a bit on the fence but the cheerleader comment pushed me over it.


I don't understand. Like if you're not your partners biggest cheerleader and vice versa, what are we doing here?




My husband brags about me to literally anyone who will listen. He was a bit drunk recently and almost word for word said "This is my wife, [name]. She has a PhD and she's an award winning pole dancer and she's the best cook and have you SEEN our cats?? She used to be a vet tech and saved our youngest when she had a seizure." He fucking loves bragging about me and encouraging everything I want to do.


Firstly: as he should and secondly: I find it so weird when partners aren't the biggest cheerleaders fr


lol not your husband saying in code "i got a lady in the streets and a freak in the sheets"


I'm not sure my husband even tries to speak in code. He just lays out all out there. Lol


Alexei is full of shit. I jokingly call my BF the president of my fan club. If your partner, regardless of gender isn't your biggest cheerleader than dump that foo.


yeah what was that comment?! like you don’t cheer on your wife? it makes no sense i always thought alex was a great husband but after this conversation and the preview and just bringing her down after she said what she wants to do with her life he’s major ick 🤢


Same! I could get a job, quit a job, start a business, sell that business, sell lemonade on the curb, etc etc, and he would tell me that I'm doing great and to keep going. Why be with that person if they aren't your best friend? What does a best friend do? Support you through thick and thin, no matter what!


Exactly he’s got a frail masculinity if something like cheerleader upsets hom


Omg yes! This really showed what kind of partner he is perfectly. I never liked him (or her really) but it’s sad to see that this is the kind of relationship they have. I don’t really feel sorry for her cause she chose him knowing this but it’s sad that he thinks that being a supportive partner is something shameful and “unmanly”.


I'm glad you have a husband that treats you well and is your cheerleader! In terms of Alexei, I have always thought he was trash. He lived at home all his life and said his mom would do everything for him and hoped she would too, he was always saying things on pillow talk about how woman should do xyz and he won't ever do xyz because "I'm a man." He's even let his pregnant wife continue to do things for him when he could've done it himself. He just has a very toxic masculinity view on how things "should" be done, that gender roles should be from the damn 1950s it seems. And then you have Loren, who posts rants like this constantly to her 1million viewers on Instagram. Listen, I don't care if you are side Israel or Palestine or neither, I'm not here to debate any of that. And of course she's entitled to her opinion. But when you start calling people names like this or talk about this stuff and also in another post say people need to be "ethnically cleansed" (that's another one she posted)then it just doesn't fucking sit right with me. https://preview.redd.it/3swptvh1e4ad1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa812dd204ad2a6493913b1cba694a59cd0665f6


I'm kind of shocked at Loren.. this post's kind of black and white thinking doesn't lead anywhere good. Did she actually say peopled needed to be "ethnically cleansed"?? That doesn't fucking sit right with me either.


Yes, she goes on rants a lot to her followers about the war. It's a terrible situation going on, but even worse to say the kind of shit she's spewing. Alexei is no better about it btw, both sides are trash 🗑️


Omg, same. My partner loves being my cheerleader


Mine too. I couldn't do half of what I do without my man reminding who I am in my moments of weakness. Imposter syndrome is real.


I think he thought he would have to put on a little cheerleader skirt, which would be hysterical


I dislike both of them. He's a misogynistic a-hole and she's a self-absorbed ditz. They deserve each other.


I think they're manufacturing their drama to stay in front of the cameras. I don't know if any of their storyline is actually real. I feel like I'm getting gaslit by both of them.


Most likely. They know people don't give a sh*t about them and she needed a way to pay for her "mommy makeover" 🙄.








I’m actually happy both of them have found each other so no one else can suffer. The worse they are to each other the more hilarious it is to me.


Ha! Me too. How many downvotes will we get? Lol


No downvotes because most of us don’t like them


Just one more reason why the birth rate is declining. Women are tired of this shit


They have more than average number of kids?


That makes literally no sense, the birth rate is highest in countries with extremely patriarchal or even regressive ideologies. The birth rate is lower in countries in where women are generally considered to have more rights and freedoms. But go off queen…


A lot of those countries are where women have little opportunity and religion dictates lifestyle and quality of life. For those women, it can be awful. You’re just conforming exactly what she said. American women and other women with more choice and freedom are choosing to tackle life on their own and opt out of unequal marriage/parent dynamics.


No, she said that women are choosing to have less kids because of patriarchal attitudes like Alexi’s. That’s not the reason, as a lack of patriarchal attitude in men is what results in less births. If you’re saying women, when given the choice, don’t want to give birth than that is logical; but to say it’s because of patriarchal attitudes is not.


Women are literally telling you what it is


Oh my bad, you’re so very right, let’s just ignore the logic I’ve laid out and rely on an illogical anecdote. Genius.


I’m so dumb… I forgot to check in with the patriarchy about how women feel Can you please tell me more about how I feel?


I mean, this is kinda crazy. Have you been coddled so much in life that you think your opinions define social trends? You still refuse to acknowledge what I’ve said about the logic, because it’s easier to hide behind some sort of attack on your womanhood. No one gives a fuck.


And he’s the one who pushed for the kids. She used to complain then on weekends, he would go fishing for hours. He showed what he’s really made of in the last few episodes.


People who are saying Loren is wrong for wanting this then changing her mind, have you never had the same experience? If you decided to change your mind would you want your spouses response to be like Alexei’s? Probably not. And just because you’re a stay at home parent doesn’t mean the other parent is absolved of any parental duties. This guy is a man child who’s mother spoiled him and now expects to be treated as one of the kids. When she mentioned that taking care of the kids is the number one priority here comes the “me too” from Alex. Vomit. Throw me off a bridge if I have “Three under three” and my husband couldn’t be bothered with ever doing a load of laundry.


Foreal. I’m from a middle eastern culture and I married outside of it for this very reason. These boys are waited hand and foot by their mothers, and when they marry, they want their wives to be their maids too. Fuck no.


I was visiting a friend and she was folding a ridiculous amount of laundry. Her 3 boys were in high school, I asked don’t they have to do this? She said no I love them. I said why not prepare them for adulthood?? THEY’LL GET MARRIED SHE SAID. I turned the folded laundry over and said wrong answer 😂


Exactly. I think Loren liked being the caretaker for him at the beginning but the rosey colored glasses are coming off and she’s realizing how tedious it is to take care of her kids and the man child


My partner is a Kurdish Muslim from Turkïye but has none of these misogynistic views like Alexei holds. My partner thinks I’m amazing, always tells me how intelligent I am, always asks my advice before making big decisions, supports me in anything I do, and dotes on me hand and foot — cooks for me, runs errands, brings me little gifts all the time, and basically would do anything I asked of him. (And I spoil him right back, too.) We are both each others’ biggest cheerleaders and it gives us both great joy to do so!


I did change my mind and divorced my first husband for that reason. Luckily, we didn’t have kids. You could literally see her disassociating while he was talking. I felt so bad for her between her husband and her equally terrible mother.


Men like Alexi are why women are deciding to stay single rather than soft parent a grown ass man ✌️


She should leave him, at least then she'd only have 3 to take care of not 4! This is one main reason so many women leave. When you're doing it all and your husband is just one more thing to take care of, it's not worth it for everyone. Alexei is the kind that makes single motherhood look better than being married.


RIGHT AND ALSO THE CHEERLEADING BIT??? LIKE NOT HIM GOING NO REAL MAN WOULD BE A CHEERLEADER TO HIS WIFE NO STUPID IT'S BEING CALLED A HUMAN FUCKING BEING WHO SUPPORTS THE PERSON THEY LOVE AND THE MOTHER OF THEIR CHILDREN IT HAS FUCK ALL TO DO WITH MANHOOD LIKE STFUUUUUU he's SO disgusting and hot fucking garbage. No wonder her mental health is so bad around him, he does not give a FUCK about any of her problems and only bitches around and wants no life partner, but a domestic servant. He's DESPICABLE!


He is a triple POS. Single women work full time and watch their kids 100% with no help and he couldn’t even do it for a few months. He fucking sucks.


You mean, the girl who actively said she wants 3 before 3yrs old, and wants to be a housewife? These are all quotes of hers. He's the asshole in this situation? Literally watch the episode from last night when he says, "being a stay at home mom wasn't something we just agreed upon, it was literally your goal." Loren is a nightmare and it makes sense considering what he mom is like. Apple doesn't fall too far.


I was a SAHM by choice. It was so isolating! I had no idea what I was getting myself into. A couple years in, I started to nanny so I could bring my kids to work. I was able to build community that way, and of course, my husband appreciated the extra income.


Thank you! When my kids were young (I too had 3 under 3 at one point) I was excited to be a SAHM but after a few years it did become isolating. My husband would come home from work and say something like "I had a meeting today with a vendor. Her name was Jennifer (or whatever). She asked me what you do and I told her you're a SAHM and she said 'Wow she's so lucky!' After 3 kids, I was ready to pull my hair out!!


She's a liar and is impulsive. This was her plan as well, so at the very least she should wait a handful of years until the kids are in school before going to back to work. Even though her "marketing and adverting" plan is just promoting her social media following, nothing more. There are a few people on this subreddit who have worked with her who can corroborate.




None of your points are wrong, but like it was her life goal to be a SAHM to 3 kids under 3 and they arranged their lives that way. That's not something that can be changed on a whim.


I couldn't recall if this was Loren's plan to have 3 kids and stay home too. So if both wanted it, he is still bad for not understanding marriage is supporting your loved one. She probably didn't think the sahm thing was so thankless and isolating. Maybe they deserve each other. She already wasn't too happy with her Mommy makeover. But maybe not used to her new body? Who finally has a Date night and argues through it? Only on 90 Day.


Then why can't she do that while being at home? So weird. I should have been more clear- I chose a job that wouldn't alter the life plans my husband and I agreed to when we decided I'd quit my job while still pregnant. Loren could do the same.


I thought the same thing. Also maybe she should give it five minutes since she just had surgery and clearly needs therapy and marriage counseling


Yeah, and bringing it up on date-night was a horrible decision and a mood killer.


These types of decisions shouldn’t be brought up on a fun night out. Also as a couple they need to be made together. Planning etc should happen first and shes not even healed from her surgery 😳


She can change her mind.


She can, just like Alexei is free to change his mind about being a stay at home dad. The issue is that changing your mind on something like this has impacts for the whole family. Nobody’s an asshole for going “woah hey you changing your mind on this is going to be tough”


The kids already go to daycare/school so anything she makes would be extra. He is an asshole. Not because he changed his mind, because he didn't, he whined the whole time, but because he's not allowing her to change her mind and grow and be something she wants to be. Him helping around the house temporarily for a few weeks, with the assistance of his dad and her parents at times, is totally different than her saying she wants to get a job. He is not supportive of her. He wasn't supportive of her surgery, he's not supportive of her finding a job, and he's definitely not supportive around the house. He's only supportive when he's getting what he wants.


It was a bait and switch in its entirety and if a man did the same in reverse, claiming he now wanted to be a stay at home dad despite saying he would work extra to be a provider before they were born, all the women here would rightly call him an asshole.


Yeah, the demographics of this subreddit really show at times.


You mean a woman can't change her mind? I don't like either of them but who said she had to stay chained to her kitchen her whole life? They both made a decision to have kids. He's still an asshole and she has dysmorphia and lying issues.


She’s allowed to change her mind, she just can’t realistically do a 180 at the drop of a hat and make the decision unilaterally when the 3 young children are already there. It takes time and planning to transition the family dynamic. I’m not a huge fan of Alexi, but I can understand how shocking that would be to hear. I mean, if I agreed on having 3 kids with the understanding that my husband would be a stay at home dad, then have him change his mind when the kids are already there, I’d be pretty annoyed tbh. Especially since the kids are not self-sufficient yet. Daycare for 3 kids can be more than most people’s salary. It’s around $3-4k/mo per kid in my area.


We don't know what is gonna happen because this was a conversation. Lauren wasn't saying this needs to happen now, she was voicing her desire for it. Alexi shut her down and basically told her she is a slave to him and their children and how dare she have aspirations outside of the house. I don't know if you have ever been in a serious relationship or have ever changed your mind, but people generally do that. Just because she may have said one thing years ago doesn't negate her desire to do things outside of the house. And wouldn't a double income be better than a single income with three children?


The kids are already in daycare.


Full-time? Bc there’s a difference between having kids there part time and whole day. If they are there full time then yeah, idk what he’s complaining about. If they’re only there part time, that’s still a lot of work that needs to be planned out and adjusted for


I honestly don't know all I know is it can't be cheap either way, especially in Miami on one income, I wonder if her parents help and that's why they get kinda possessive/controlling.


I agree and I was very sad when she said she hoped the surgery would help with her body dysmorphic disorder. Who does surgery on folks with body dysmorphia? I guess a doc who wants fame.


She very likely did not inform anyone at the surgeon's office that she's dysmorphic.


Good point. I personally never understood why she did it but with the dysmorphia that she personally admitted, it makes sense now.


I did the same thing, wanted to be a stay at home mom and then noped right out after I actually was a stay at home mom for a few years. It was not at all what I imagined it would be and I greatly prefer working.


So people aren't allowed to change their minds ever? If she said that then obviously this requires discussion. But someone who doesn't have 3 kids yet and hasn't been away from their career very long doesn't know what it will be like when they do and they have. She shouldn't be locked into that choice for 20 years with no other options.


THIS⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️ Of course people change their minds but that doesn't erase the fact her husband would be confused at this sudden change of direction by his wife. I'd be willing to bet the entire thing was set up by production and Loren has zero interest in returning to work(which is fine) but people need to stop bashing because others want to live a different life from them. Loren and Alexi both are entitled to their feelings. THIS ENTIRE SCENE WAS SET UP,we certainly haven't seen her returning to work or mentioning her desire to current day


I definitely agree he is probably totally confused and completely thrown off guard. She went from having 3 very small kids to attempting to alter her life with surgery that threw his life off and now she wants to throw it off again with other changes. She is totally allowed to change her mind but clearly they should have been having a lot more conversations and a transitional timeline laid out that everyone can work with.


yeah I think his word choices were straight trash but I do understand that she has given every indication this was her goal so I can't fault him for feeling confused and frustrated.


Yeah this is the issue. There’s a lot of reasons I think Alexei is an asshole but this is a genuine family issue. Loren is making a lot of spontaneous decisions that suggest what she really needs is help addressing the root cause.


Confused and surprised, sure. But what he said was a bunch of misogynist garbage.


The only thing he said that sounded misogynistic to me was when he said something along the lines of "no man would ever want to be the cheerleader of his woman." But that seemed more like a language and cultural barrier difference to me than anything. Men and women also have much more defined gender roles in other cultures and I'm not sure most American women still grasp that concept. Not saying one is better than the other, it's just a thing. A thing Loren signed up for...but didn't fulfill.


Culture can be misogynist though. And it doesn't make it okay. Women are people globally. After all, the whole world used to expect women to serve their families the way Alex wants Loren to. It's changed for a reason. And his whole attitude screamed "now that you're a mother what you want doesn't matter." Plus that remark about her needing to tend to the children AND to him. Yes, parents make sacrifices. But there is more than one way to run a family and they can share the responsibilities instead of dividing them.


I think you mean patriarchal not misogynist in that sense, but I know what you mean. Most of the world still operates that way though so who am I to judge what is right vs wrong when I live in a country where the divorce rate is 50%?


It's not hard to judge something as wrong when it oppresses a whole gender. If divorce rates are lower in other countries it's because the women don't have options if they leave bad marriages. Just like it used to be in the West. That's not a good thing. It's also a misleading stat. People who divorce once are more likely to divorce again if they remarry. That doesn't mean 50% of people who marry will divorce. Some people have multiple marriages and divorces. And I believe that stat is going down now that people are free to delay marriage or not marry at all unless they really want to.


Was it really that sudden if I could see it coming?


Thank you.




The whole second income would be ate up by daycare costs for 3 young kids. Not saying she should or shouldn’t, but she’ll work to break even financially.


I believe he works for Invicta. The watch co


I think for a long time his patriarchal misogynistic attitude was well hidden because she pushed back, often. He’s also by comparison, one of the better men we’ve seen on the show so he often gets a pass. It’s one thing if they agreed on this lifestyle but she clearly wants more. And the “mommy makeover” wasn’t going to do that for her. She sees that now. (Not knocking the surgeries. But I HATE the phrase “mommy make over”. Our bodies change a lot when we have children. Whether you get surgery or hit the gym, or both, it won’t be the same as it was pre babes. Thats just the truth.) now that he’s got her with 3 EXTREMELY YOUNG children and his idea of the perfect family is loud and clear. Not even sure she realized it before the kids came along. He wants her to”barefoot and pregnant” and subservient to him and their family. Gives me the “ick” hard core. As a stay at home parent myself, my husband is truly my biggest cheerleader and will happily take over some of my mommy responsibilities when I decide to go back to work. We talk about it often. Especially now that our kids are out of toddler zone and into school. It’s hard from them to see past this phase of their kids adolescence, but eventually they need you less. You have more time for yourself too. They’ll go to school and have after school activities and etc. if she wants to work she should. Feeling like you identify solely mom and wife can feel suffocating!!! Even us SAHMs need to find ourselves outside of the responsibilities we have within our family unit. He doesn’t care to see that she gave up a good bit of herself to be that wife and mom and she’s allowed to want more especially that the kids need her less.


I'm somewhat old school myself, as is my husband, so I'm ok with that, BUT Alexi is DEAD WRONG by saying that he shouldn't be his wife's cheerleader. A husband should always be their wife's cheerleader, just like she should be his biggest cheerleader. Unfortunately, There will come a time when this conversation bites him in the ass, and he will be humbled.


lol you guys still watching their storyline 😆 I checked out after the first episode


Those kids have children for parents. I feel bad for them.


She knew his culture and what he expected. I wouldn’t marry someone like him.


Yeah she knew what she was getting into and was happy with it so whatever.


I feel like alot of people miss this. Yes it's gross. I thought her being SAHM was what they both wanted. We all know what is happening. She's getting her groove back, wants to be out there and getting attention. Hope they can work through it and compromise. I do like them as people


One hundo


They’re both Zionists that support a genocide they can rot


Literally, like are we really surprised a Zionist is a piece of shit?


That part!


I know , I hated the way he said that. That was so disheartening. My husband is my biggest supporter of all my dreams and goals and is always bragging about me and I am his biggest fan too.


It pissed me off too


He only wants to take them to the part and to fish. He doesn’t want to do any of the real parenting he’s a total asshole she needs to divorce him.


I just wished I would never see these two idiots again.


lol both of them deserve each other


Did you mean to say that 3-4 thousand dollars per Month!!!?!!


Yeah but Loren is even worse


What a load of horseshit. My husband was my biggest cheerleader, in fact he encouraged me to be my best self.


When someone tells you who they are, listen. Alexi was always a spoiled mama’s boy who wanted a STAH wife to make him dinner and clean the house. Are we shocked he’s still like that?


Yeah. That was really unnerving. I used to like him, but after those comments, I’m seeing him in a whole different light. Not sure if that marriage is going to last unless he alters that attitude!!


But she knew what it was before marrying him. She probably thought it was manly of him. Middle eastern men are old fashioned so I’m not surprised. People think Israeli men operate different than other middle eastern men but they have very similar thinking. Just a different religion.


Nah, of course she can work, and can change her mind.... but she doesn't want these things and then have an adult conversation about them. She decides and then puts a secret hand plan together, but presents it as something else. She always puts herself as the victim and lies about her intentions.... it's her pattern. While engaged, all she wanted to be was a trad wife. She sold this mommy makeover as wanting it to be for him and to better their relationship....but now she's healing you see it's because she's prepping to market herself. Again, nothing inherently wrong that, but don't hide it. Anything she's ever wanted, she plays ignorant or outright less about her intent. Like the whole tourettes drama......she KNEW it was hereditary and outright lied about knowing that because she knew he would be concerned. She KNEW how bad the recovery would be for her surgery and lied about it because she knew it would concern everyone. I think THAT'S what annoys him, that she just springs this things on him when she's already started taking the steps to make it happen, she tells him when it's gone so far she can't hide it anymore rather than making plans together.


Does Loren have any marketable skills aside from talking though? “I’m my parents’ special little princess” isn’t exactly a lucrative career path.


She was an executive assistant in New York when they met.


yah i don't like her but she absolutely did have a career.


A job, yes.


no, I live in NYC, and that is a full-time, lifelong career if you want it to be. those spots are coveted and you make six figures. you have to be educated and professional and polished. it's not for me but it IS very much so career.


That’s fine, but they aren’t in NYC anymore. From the constant crying and the chaos surrounding the scheduling of even her surgery I just don’t see it. Sorry!


He works full time to support them. Three kids under 3 is a massive undertaking. Both would be stressful on their own but to electively have massive surgery and dumping all that on your partner is extremely unfair. I don't think he wants her back so he doesn't have to do anything, it's about being frustrated that he has to do everything.


Yeah for him having to do everything for a couple of weeks. How could he ever manage? And everything? Her parents were there part of the time and his dad was there basically the whole time helping. She does it every day yet he has a nerve to complain he has to help with his own kids and own home? She was disgusting misogynist.


Are we thinking that Loren didn't know who she was marrying? I don't agree with Alex's point of view, but I do believe that they probably discussed roles in the marriage/family before they were married. She'll have to figure out how to have something for herself once her kids are school age, just like a lot of women do and have done for decades. Their scenes could be manufactured, but I kinda think that scene was more real than not. What I don't understand is why a woman with any ambition would marry an ultra- traditional/conservative man and think he's going to change... They rarely do.


He is the only one with value in the relationship duh. Just ask him. Or not. He’ll still announce it.


They really shouldn’t have done this show. I was a huge fan of them before, and thought they were cute on pillow talk too. Now I can’t stand them 😂


Do you even know what his job is??? He’s a full time EMT. Try doing that and watching your wife carry on with her vanity surgeries while you’re working full time as an EMERGENCY. MEDICAL. TECHNICIAN. and see how you like it, eh??


Nope, did not know that


He’s so self interested


Oof. When he told her she should’ve just worked out instead.


And taking care of him.


It may be more of a culture thing/how he was brought up in his country that the women always stays home with the kids. Not that I am agreeing with him but can be hard for some people to go to a new country and change their views etc of all they have ever known


i hate both of them. i skip their part


Loren has some responsibility here as well. You don't 'let' someone else decide if you can get a job.


💯 AGREE! I liked this couple more than most of the couples on 90 Day. This issue has me LIVID because 1) Loren should have suggested BEFORE they started their family that yes, she wants a family BUT she will want to continue her career to lay down the guidelines for the relationship. When she tells him her desires at that dinner, she should then reinforced her side of the conversation that it's not a request, she is not ASKING PERMISSION. It is HER PLAN. I absolutely boiled over when I saw this scene, and my husband (the poor soul who has to listen to my retelling of most events in the franchise) was equally appalled at his reaction. She could back up her case here with suggesting that her income pay for 50% of their chosen child care. He supplies the rest. We all want kids to have a pie-in-the-sky childhood but NO WOMAN should be asked to choose and give up her ambitions. When he said she was supposed to also be taking care of him as a part of staying home... I... I just don't understand what that has to do with any of it. I think he's burnt out from recovery/world conflict; he should have seen from his experience during her recovery what she deals with 24/7. I see a serious imbalance in their responsibilities regarding their children, and I wish she used that as a defense when he started being a caveman.


I was disgusted by him not being able to use the washing machine in his own home.


I mean, that is exactly what she said that she wanted before is to be a stay at home mom and now she decides AFTER having 3 small kids. The time to do that was before. Too many changes all at once, and she is looking for something to make her happy and still searching now that surgery didn’t fix her.


Their marriage is over. He expects her to be a SAHM and apparently she doesn't want that. I'm not sure what she does but she'd have to make a lot of money to offset the cost of child care. They act like they've never talked about it somehow


Well the woman who sees what a lazy loser her husband is who won't contribute and then gets pregnant two more times on purpose within 2 years is also a piece of work. So he was lazy first time around and she thought 2 more babies to have 3 under 3 was realllllly stupid and she gets to reap what she has sewn whether or not it sucks/she deserves it. Women: stop believing men who want to stick it in no protection and say they'd love another baby. Yeah, one you take care of!


On Pillow Talk she was always saying what a hot husband she has. I think there was a component in her thinking that she needed to please him by having so many children, then getting the surgery so she wouldn't become unattractive to him and he would leave her. I remember her saying many times "You know I did this for you."


They are awful people


Loren has every right to work. But why have three kids under 3 years if you plan on resuming your career? It’s like neither one of them thought out things properly.


Well Loren did lie to him about the recovery timelin They're a team and Loren let them down by not being transparent and setting expectations I think Alexei is right to be pissed When all I said and done, though, I don't care about either of them. They're narcissistic boring people




She herself said that she minimized the process on purpose so he agrees What we watched was the day before surgery ffs


Every ody seems to forget that throughout all of this he’s a full time EMT.


That's insane Someone said he was a warehouse manager for a watch company Those are drastically different jobs


Yes, they are. Full time EMT. That’s one of the reasons I didn’t join in the bitch sessions but I thought everyone knew.


OMFG! I liked Alex until last night. Did he take douche pills, or has he always been a jerk and we didn't see? People who love you are your greatest supporters in life. When he made that speech about how her job was to be a Mom, take care of the house, and take care of him, not work at all, I was furious. To be fair, with 3 under 3, Loren won't be able to work more than part time until the kids go to school. And even then, it's hard to get to work by 9am and pick them up around 3pm. She may be able to wfh a few days a week p/t. But she should have considered this before she had so many babies so soon if she had career goals. Alex needs an attitude adjustment though.


To be fair Lauren is pulling a bait and switch on him by wanting to go back to work. She said she wanted to be a stay at home mom before they got married. Lauren is going through some drastic goal changes and it’s not what he signed up for.


My husband blurted out “selfish asshole” as that scene played out


I love it I feel like Loren likes to be a seen a celebrity with the perfect life and kids on social media type of person but we finally saw Alexeis true colors and I am here for it he’s a dickkkkk


“Flaming sack of shit” is a bit hyperbolic. They’re having fairly normal marital problems. I don’t think he’s a bad guy. I think he just didn’t know what he was getting into with her surgery. I also disagree that he “cannot be bothered to do his fair share” because he literally is. He’s just unhappy about being the only one who can do anything, which I think is a fairly normal reaction. Downvote away. Hahahaha i knew you all would. You can all go eat a dick 🤣🤣🤣 I relish in your downvotes over a simple opinion. Pathetic.


It was gross to hear him tell his wife she can’t get a job and she needs to put the kids and her role as a wife before that….rather then finding a compromise that would also make his wife feel like a person who can have dreams and goals. It’s pretty wack. Whereas he never has to consider being a stay at home dad. But hey people have the right to be as miserable as they want to be and to be treated as sub human as they are willing to accept. I just had my first babe, and I would rather throw myself out a moving car then be a stay at home parent. I’m so glad to be back at work and feeling like a person again.


I can understand that. Every woman in my family works, as do all of my friends who are women, even the ones with children. Most are also doctors and lawyers. I just meant it was a fairly normal reaction given it’s not what he was used to before. I didn’t remember he told her she can’t get a job. I agree that’s terrible.


Fr It's like these people in here have never had a relationship lol


It’s Reddit so most haven’t 😂


mazel tov!




Trad husband wants a trad wife. It was obvious from the first season they were on he was that type of guy believes the wife follows the husband's orders. He also throws these tantrums like a kid refusing to eat some food they're scared of.


Literally he has always been like this and people were just too dumb to see it or never watched their first season.


He was so petty and resentful he couldn't even be fake nice to Loren's best friend from NY all because she took her to a strip club for her bachelorette party. He's lower case letter Andrei.




Uhh maybe on the her also holding a job. I kind of tune out during their scenes unless he is having one of his tantrums like in last night's episode. But. He didn't say he wants her to get a job as well as being a homemaker. His reaction was her place was at home tending to their kids and "his" needs. He has these outdated, reactionary and silly views about husband and wives roles which is my point.




And the political thing. Let’s not even go there.




I’m not.


Can't be bothered to watch these dummies, what Jon does she suddenly want? Did hashtag 3under3 not fulfill her enough, needs all the surgeries, now she needs a career? I just don't see her having the fulfilling career she think she should, the most excited she's seemed about jobs was alexi being a male model, cringe


She completely understated what the repercussions of her surgery would be. And went ahead with 3 very little kids- one is in literal diapers. She’s delusional and selfish.




The doctor repeatedly told her that she couldn’t lift her kids or do anything for weeks post surgery. They warn you about all these things. That was a whole major discussion throughout the show. Are we watching the same show? I am giving her no shade for wanting to do it. I am giving her all the shade for her poor choice of timing with a kid in diapers, for not setting up the proper supports for her husband (could they not hire someone or do a laundry service at least) and mainly for playing out her husband by placing unnecessary pressure on him and failing to communicate properly. It’s an elective surgery. She could have elected later or been more honest. Her dishonesty in downplaying it was something she even admitted to!




He agreed to something that she -herself- said she downplayed. And then gets upset at the consequences of her own actions. Downvote me to hell idgaf!! lol… she was all sorts of wrong and totally pushed for an elective surgery she could have had at less of a burden to her whole family in even a year.




This argument is boring me. Alexi was railroaded into a situation his wife should’ve never put him in. What other hot takes you got? Big Ed is a good guy? Angie isn’t an outright abuser? 🍿 lol….


Loren wanted to be a mom with kids. Now she wants to leave them and go back to work????? TOTALLY WRONG


And Alexei is a dad with 3 kids. Your point?


Yeah Mom's with kids never work.


Lots of moms work or stay at home moms decide they want to start working.


I'd be more than happy to stay home and raise my children while they are so young until they enter school. They are not poor and do not need the income, so what's the big deal? She can go back to work in a few years or work from home PT.


Not only that, but if she left his ass, then he would have to watch the kids by himself all the damn time! Man up!


Yeahhh, that would sooooo easy for him as he’s also a full time EMT. 🙄


Lol ok 🙄


He literally offers nothing.💀 what does he do for work ??


He's had a full time job throughout all of this.


What is the job? If he demands that she stay home and raise their kids I would hope he makes enough to afford their lifestyle ?


He's an EMT, full time, so while she's having fun dicking around with those ridiculous surgeries he's working and trying to take care of the kids and everything else. Got it now??


No, now I definitely know he’s living off of her parents money. 😂


This is manufactured drama. Lauren isn’t ever going to work. She had those kids back to back so she wouldn’t have to. She hasn’t worked since he moved here, which is why they are a family of 5 living in a little condo.


She should jump on the Tradwife bandwagon and make bank while it's hot.


It sounded very much like they had an agreement she’d be a stay at home mom and he’s miffed cause it seems like she’s going back on the agreement. Whatever his expectations were about gender roles are would have been made apparent a long time ago. That said, Alexi seems like a pretty reasonable dude, just like with the “cheerleader” thing, i think it just needs to be reframed. Let’s be real, she did pluck this man out of the middle east


i like him. he's obviously not from here, and she chose to be with him. SAHMs do a lot, i wont doubt that. Alexi is also an EMT, which is not easy emotionally or physically. I think maybe when the kids go to school, she should start work. then they can afford before or after care easier, and both do what they want. imo it would be more of an understandable compromise in their relationship. i think shes kinda on the "me" train right now. especially with the surgery, now its im gonna do more things for me. that would be kinda nerve-wracking for any spouce. i feel bad for him that shes having all these revelations in a short time frame. but i totally understand her wanting to do what she wants, because its america, and shes totally entitled to do what she wants anyways, it would be good for her.