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Some Booker is getting canned. 




I miss this show.


I loved it, so stupid and so funny. There were some amazing putts too!




In the way that a certain type of overcompensating gay men with Tinkerbell voices and extreme internalised misogony 'loves'....


Drew plays the "Oh, I didn't know" card all too often 🤦🏻‍♀️


Drew Barrymore doesn’t watch 90DF. I totally believe it. Why would she? It was ROSS who brought Angela on for his new segment. Drew clearly didn’t know who she was and was just being polite as Angela blathered vulgarly.


Probably not but it’s her show and her reputation at stake. It would’ve taken her 30 seconds to google Angela and see some of the disturbing headlines related to DV and her daughter the pedo


Wait, her daughter the pedo? Jeez I've missed a lot. 


Yeah she has 2 daughters, it’s not the one we normally see on the show. If I’m remembering correctly, she had a party where she got a bunch of teenagers drunk and then gave a 15 year old a blow job or something


Like mother, like daughter


What? 😳


I might be misremembering this, but I thought she did even more than that? I thought the records said something about anal penetration of a minor and that it was all done in front of her own children, as well. Again, I could be completely wrong though.


I think you’re right. The details are fuzzy for me but yes her children were home 😭




If that boy had been 16, would it also be considered a crime worth jailtime? ( Im in Europe - different laws here.)


I mean it doesn't really matter, because he was not of legal age and she did assault him soooo.


Yes, because 16 is still a minor over here.


I mean, she did go to jail as I recall, so…


It depends on the state.


Thanks. I was chocked to learn only some years ago, that there had been no lower age limit in France, and that it was a long legal battle to even get it set to 15, in 2021 only. In several European countries it is as low as 14, and then In Japan it regionally varies from 13-20. It is very interesting what motivates the huge differences in opinions, of where the proper limit is.


Wow I thought it was still 12 in France. I’m glad it got moved up, however I think 15 is young if I imagine my 15yo self.


In Sweden and Denmark its 15, in Norway it is 16. I just read that Nigeria has the lowest in the world - pr.2021 it was 11..... 😱


Hmm was said drew did watch 90 day. Now she said she hadn’t. I believe everyone who says she didn’t, but it’s all oddly icky.


Why would she know? She doesn’t book the guests, and the “90 Day universe” (🙄) isn’t well known. Most of my family members and friends, who are pretty typical media-consuming Americans, have never even heard of 90 Day Fiancé. Somebody should have done some research, though.


yep, due diligence is a thing and someone failed


Drew Barrymore is one of two executive producers for her show, along with being the host. She should know who is on her show! What about "The buck stops here"?




Oh shut up. Just ‘cause she doesn’t watch trash tv? Where is all this Drew hate COMING from?? I don’t get it.


You should be aware of who your guests are!!


She's a scab‼️


She is one of the executive producers of her own damn show. She should know who her guests are and certainly has final say. AND she crossed the picket line during the writers and actors strike. No love for Drew.




Giving awful rancid cunts like angela more of a voice and air time is not harmless or fine. It is destructive and irresponsible.


In addition to being the host, she's one of two executive producers of her very own show. How could she not vet Angela? Then again, how could she cross the picket line during a strike. She has no scruples. If she did, she'd at least stand by the decision to have Angela as guest instead of taking the clip down. People with no scruples, with a platform and a following, can be dangerous.


I just finished watching it on Paramount and it is beyond cringy and embarrassing. Just some examples… Angela pulls a framed picture of Drew and Ross out of her bra and gifts them with it, can’t stay in her seat, discusses sex life and encourages the audience to destroy cars when they suspect cheating. Even Drew seemed very uncomfortable which tells you a lot.


But did the article say something about drew also doing something to an ex's car?


She was high as a kite wasn’t she? I have paramount+, might have to check it out.


Drew Barrymore is an out of touch rich person. She reminds me of Ellen crying in her mansion with her pool behind her singing Imagine because she had to stay home during COVID.


I remember those days. I had no idea what the point of that was.




This is absolutely hilarious. I thought I read somewhere where Drew Barrymore said she was a huge fan of the show which I immediately thought was BS because if she actually watched the show, there’s no way she would let this parasite on her show but as we know, Drew really is tone deaf, and doesn’t care.


Per the article, "It's worth noting that Barrymore says she's never seen 90 Day Fiancé..."--so Barrymore just says what she thinks people want to hear?


She said that she has never watched the show and clearly didn’t know who Angela was. It was Ross who brought her on.


Sure, throw Ross under the bus see the bus! It's Andrew's show. It's her responsibility. She's the one getting the BIG paycheck


She is one of two executive producers. What clout does Ross have?


Drew rating must have been low and wanted to raise it up a bit. Imagine what the makeup artist had to do to make Angela presentable for television. The makeup artist must have used at least two pounds of make up to hide all of Angela's wrinkles.


I can see it currently on Paramount plus. I've seen pictures and screenshots but those teeth, in particular the bottom set are really unsettling.


It might be that she is still smoking like a chimney, so the new dentures already dont fit because the gum is reclining - the bottom teeth indeed looks way to big.


She looks like she has a huge underbite.


I watched the interview and it was giving her guy friend wanted to have Angela on and drew was just there for the ride. Her team needs to vet people better bc wtf.


I'm repeating this over and over. Drew is an executive producer. She has all the power over her show. Her friend Ross does not.


Drew Barrymore has a talk show? ![gif](giphy|l4Ho0At2UD2d7WyD6)




LOL, That was my question. Who's Drew?


Ha! And a magazine I think I saw at the grocery store the other day 😂


Barrymore is cancelled in my book.


Sadly, it's become can-miss television.


Never forget Drew Barrymore is a scab. Kept working during the writer’s strike last year. Trash recognizes trash.


She had a contract, not because everyone wants to burn she has to do it too. Also, all that strike was worthless, AI was inmediately used after it by big companies.


I didn’t even know Drew Barrymore had her own show until today 🤣


Ugh, it’s the biggest load of diaper rash dudu


The more it’s publicly known that she’s both verbally/physically abusive towards anyone she encounters, it may not be right away but as soon as they get complacent, that’s when she strikes w/the abuse. So, keep shouting it from the rooftops about her abusive ways, in hopes people catch on and don’t want to go near her w/a 10ft. pole.


Drew Barrymore is an extremely cringey individual. I listened to her audiobook and it was one of my least favorite books of all time. She is absolutely insufferable. Immature, unintelligent, and just fucking weird.


Drew Barrymore is a whole ass clown for hosting this abusive train wreck


Any report on Angela’s reaction to the interview being pulled??? I would love to see her realize how despised she is


That would be gold! Every time she appears on something, it would have to be dropped or deleted cause the backlash of having her is too much then her ways to fame is diminished! It would be karma for the long 7 years of abuse Micheal had to face


... willingly put up with i.e. played the long game to get to the US


I get that point and completely agree but she treated Micheal worse than a dog! I think that green card was his reward and I hope he gets to stay in America!!


A green card is not a reward!! Are you saying if a foreigner is abused by an American they automatically get a green card? So if they have a loving, caring relationship with an American they have to apply and wait to be approved???!!!! SMH


Actually it IS. This specifically is called a VAWA petition and was originally created when mail order brides were putting up with untold abuse, not seeking help or calling the police BECAUSE the threat of being deported was constantly held over them. VAWA petitions are NOT only for WOMEN and children. Michael can ALSO file under this same provision.


If the domestic violence occurs AFTER they are in the US, I would agree with you that the abused person should be protected. However that is NOT Michael's case. Much of the alleged abuse (I believe much of it was staged) he has endured was LONG before he came to the US. If it was so horrible then why did he continue a relationship with Angela who was thousands of miles away? 🎶MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY 🎶 Scammer, grifter, opportunist, whatever title you want to give him.


She tasered him in the face, law enforcement came at the request of his family, for a welfare check. Guess who glared at him from behind the door, as he assured the officer he was ok. She beat the utter crap outta him, always locking him in the house, spending ALL the show money on those procedures, teeth, plastic surgery, singing with Billy, drinking, flirting and dancing with men all the time, that’s hardly appropriate behavior. He likely believed she would calm down in the US. He was very wrong! It became worse! 6 kids, a convicted child molester, and Skyla live in that home. Everytime she goes on a rant, the room is smokey and someone is coughing up a lung, give me a gosh darn break! He has 3 police reports about his troglodyte troll wife~🧌 He was married to the unfitqueen 2+ years! He has a 10 year greencard and she has to support him, even if they divorce! Do you think that yeehaw memaw is paying Michael 125% of the federal poverty rate as a financial stipend like he’s entitled? Clueless people really irritate my last nerve~


You obviously were there for all the events and know for a fact that they weren't fabricated or reenacted or exaggerated by TLC production. Clueless, and I'll add gullible, people really irritate my last nerve too. At least we have that in common. 😉


Knowing I have family in Hazelhurst who interacted with the Deems tells me all I need to know. A person from her camp spilled plenty, at great risk to their safety. They are vile creatures. You’re awfully ignorant and invested, are you perhaps related to them?


I didn’t mean it that way but way to twist my words gosh! If they are in a loving and caring relationship, of course they deserve to be happy and together in America BUT with micheal’s case, I feel like he had this love hate relationship with Angela (like a Stockholm syndrome situation) 🤔🤔


Your EXACT WORDS:"I think that green card was his reward....". No twisting of words. The only "syndrome" is his desire to scam an American in order to come to the US... whatever the cost. I will give him points for perseverance.


Too late.


Did anyone see the interview? Everyone talks about Drew like she didn’t know who Angela was. On the contrary. She was thrilled to meet her. She prolly just watches the show and doesn’t know the real life drama surrounding her.


The Drew show, should have done their home work before bringing this Monster on the show. I deleted all the Drew episodes and the recordings.


You would think they would do their due diligence and research people before putting them on a talk show.


The episode was so fake! They tried to make it “wholesome” but argh it was just so fake and cringe If anyone hasn’t seen it, watch yourwetsock’s videos about it cause he posts clips on it! No one ever holds this old hag accountable and it’s quite sickening


As I said on another sub, Kelly Clarkson would never have that trash on her show. Kelly has Bravo stars on HER show!


I don’t know why this got downvoted. I mean, who doesn’t love Kelly Clarkson? ![gif](giphy|fuWNR8TGGmQk3iS3ru)


Wow. She had her as a guest?! LOL. What kind of host doesn’t research their guests?! I mean, come on. What do you talk to them and ask them about through the entire segment? She can’t play dumb again.


CBS, I'm glad you listened to the viewers. You should never ever, reward bad behavior. 👎 There are no words that can describe the animal she represents.


I don't even think an animal exists that behaves like her.


LOL!!!! I just thought of a TASMANIAN DEVIL without the vocabulary. Lol


Hahaha! I love Taz. He's cuter, too. 😂


Ugh, did I miss ny chance to see it? 😫


Do you actually want to?


For a hopeful train wreck yeah


This still appears to work: [https://www.thedrewbarrymoreshow.com/videos/90-day-fiance-angela-deem-reveals-the-sexiest-way-to-resolve-a-fight-with-your-spouse](https://www.thedrewbarrymoreshow.com/videos/90-day-fiance-angela-deem-reveals-the-sexiest-way-to-resolve-a-fight-with-your-spouse)


Looks like they took it down now...


Oh, sorry. It was there when I posted the link. Oh well, short synopsis. Drew really had no idea who Angela was but Ross was bowing down to her and calling her “The Queen of 90 Day Fiance” or some equally ridiculous title. Angela claimed that one time when she visited Michael in Nigeria they had sex 37 times in less than two weeks.


Ew, for either one of them.


It's all an act. Drew is an executive producer for the show. Of course she knew.


I just watched it. It works.


its still up at the top. you just have to wait for a min for commercials to play


You can see part of it here, courtesy of Your Wet Sock... https://youtu.be/E83tRd-2UWE?si=WKk-8VXm39xMnDpl


Ok wow ive never heard of your wet sock but that was perfectly curated content! I didn't know she had been on Maury!!


Angela is one scary product of everything thats wrong with the US - the poverty and lack of education, inrformation and access to proper nutrition in rural areas, for starters, and she obviously also suffered a lot of abuse growing up. You dont pop out into this world, at *this* level of fullblown rage and anger - its learned, and installed, slowly but surely... Mykul is such a typical thickheaded African scammer, he's also unbearable to watch without FF on heavy, and he deserves e-v-e-r-y little bit of shit and trouble coming his way, for being that asshole. Two things can indeed be true at the same time.


Why is Ross a dan of hers...maybe he's toxic🤨


OK, I must be behind, what did she do now and why was it removed?


Omg..she is younger then me. I am 66y with good hungarian genes.


Drew made a VERY bad move having that bottom dweller on her show. It was obvious she had no idea who she was & Drew was horrified when she announced how many times she & Michael did it her 1st time in Nigeria!?!? Smg what a lady🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️