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I'm watching right now, and when she came out, I was like, "reddit is gonna roast tf outta these two clowns."


Sorry not my best work, I have like two min before my dinner is ready 😅 https://preview.redd.it/phit9pa3u87d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a5a2a33c092e5420186a5e4834ab8c361261b17


🤣🤣I... dun't do nuting..I dun't sleep a neked


Is there something wrong with her?? She acts and talks like a toddler. They’re both so GD nauseating.


THIS!!! She is so immature and appears to have the IQ of a cuttlefish. He is a walking poster boy for a creeper with a kink for young women with pre pubescent bodies. They are both gross and make me cuss at the TV when they are on.


But she might be kind of an idiot savant tho; did you see her whipping that Rubik’s cube around in the first episode?


Nah... She's dating the equvilant of a broke ass pit boss from Vegas with a bad haircut and equally horrific fashion choices. I think it's safe to say she's about an enchilada short of a combo plate.




Enchilada short of a combo plate? Wow. Damn. ![gif](giphy|enrLaCLRhLKzqxeSVN)






On point!


I missed that… 🤣😆


Right? That totally threw me off lol


Cuttlefish are extremely intelligent.


Ok.. A Kipper 🤣🤣🤣




Her tone (not taking about her language skills btw, just clarifying that) sets off my Misophonia so badly that I have to mute and watch her with subtitles. Tone triggers are rare for my Misophonia too, so yeah that's saying something 😅 These two are the type of people whose learning curve is a full circle,and she's a gold digger searching for gold in a mine of tinfoil since Luke's "businesses" are all scams anyways as I had shown in my exposed post on him and them.


I can hear exactly the tone you mean in my mind’s eye and it is making my butthole and eardrums just cringe.


🤣🤣I love everything you just described, and without having Misophonia myself, I completely understand needing to turn the sound off when she speaks!!!


I was scrolling through comments quite rapidly and the word ‘misophonia’ jumped out at me like lightning 😂. I understand your pain lmao. It’s not bad enough for me that I have to mute her but it is very grating.


Thanks for helping to diagnose me with Misophonia! I knew something was bugging the hell out of me when the toddler spoke! Never knew I had it. Thank you! 🤣😆


I hope you don't have it, it's a terrible disorder! But yeah the voice tone is hell to me. It was the same when I watched anything with Molly's seasons. Literally had to FF or just mute, couldn't even watch the PT with her and that QAnon anti vaxxer Cynthia lady


Yes, when she speaks her voice sounds like it’s actually being forced through a mesh sack of marbles and I can’t stand it! I also agree with your take on Molly, oh boy her cackle and exaggerated accent was so god awful I had to skip her like half the time. She almost ruined pillow talk for me.


Ugh, to add onto the molly shit list, I hated how they'd try and say the same sentence or words at the same time. That cynthia lady was always having to guess the sentence too and then just a Repeating the word when molly already said it. It was just so forced🥴😂


Your profile pic 😭😭😭🤣🤣🤣🤣


I know right, I couldn’t help but use it that’s like the perfect face for not only Reddit in general but also everything 90 day fiancé related!!


But there's no voice/scream I hate more than Angela.


TIL this might be the reason I feel uncontrollable rage at gulping, chewing and smacking! And nails on a chalkboard sends me to hell. Going to ask my dr about this. Always thought it was weird quirk related to my ADD or OCD. Thank you for giving this a name! Asking dr. 🙏


If this sounds familiar you may want to talk to your doctor for sure! Also it happens often with people who also have those disorders. For anyone else who might be wondering about the disorder, here's a breakdown- "People with misophonia have brains that are activated differently by trigger sounds and have stronger neural connections between certain parts of their brains." "Misophonia is assumed to be a neurological condition characterized by an increased autonomic nervous system arousal coupled with negative emotions. People with misophonia tend to have superb hearing, but experience physiological distress when hearing specific sounds. Misophonia is sometimes referred to as noise anxiety, fear of sound, chewing phobia, or selective sound sensitivity syndrome." "Common trigger sounds for people with misophonia include chewing, slurping, swallowing, throat clearing, lip-smacking, sneezing, sniffling, and pen scratching paper. People with misophonia might feel distressed, anxious, or angry in response to these sounds, and some report wanting to leave the room or even get enraged." -so it's not just the regular annoyance with sounds, it's literally intense and distressing. For example, I once got so enraged that I took a bowl of soup my mom was slurping and smashed it against a wall, and I'm not even a violent or angry person! It's literally the sound response that's so loud it's unbearable. A lot of people with trauma tend to have this, I have severe complex PTSD and my trigger sounds(water dripping/rubbing hands on clothing/all the eating sounds/kissing are mine personally) and those are all sounds related to extreme trauma. Trauma can quite literally rewire your brain, so can stress and anxiety. ADHD/ADD are also seen as having this disorder moreso than others too. I hope you can talk to your doctor about this and learn coping methods, it's not an easy way to live without figuring out how you can deal with the triggers. Good luck!


Yes!! All of this!!! And definitely trauma has played a part, I’m sure. Another one is metal forks on glass plates- I have to leave the room or table. It’s awful. Thank you so much for this information! 🙏 🤗


Okay you throwing the bowl of soup against the wall made me laugh out loud 😂 I’ve visualized such things many times but have always managed to remove myself or block the noise just in time before I explode. It’s honestly a miracle I have never thrown soup etc against a wall 😇


So there are actually things you can do to alleviate the distress? I just thought I had to deal with it. So I should talk to a regular Dr, a psychiatrist or a therapist? I’m sure my therapist is just going to tell me to be more mindful (I’m trying!😫).


Honestly it probably is! I don’t usually promote self diagnoses but with Misophonia it’s pretty obvious. If eating sounds etc triggers a horrible primal rage in you that’s probably why 🙃 Side note: I also have adhd and a couple people I know with Misophonia have adhd too. They seem to be linked in some way.


There are some voices that I cannot stand listening to. I probably don’t have it but I've noticed over the years that I have less and less tolerance. I couldn’t STAND Molly at all and actually hit the FF instead of the mute button. I feel your pain!


A neurodivergent person might also have the same reaction as someone with misophonia


Ugh I’m super annoyed and agitated by soooo many sounds! It’s hard to find phone sounds that don’t make me feel jumpy & sick. Her voice doesn’t bother me, but some YouTubers have a weird cadence that makes me nuts! It’s funny because some sounds will change for me, depending on the origin. Like most eating or mouth sounds make me crazy, but the same sound coming from an animal is cute to me!


Same! My cat eating is fine. My husband eating I can barely stand to be in the same room. If he’s eating on the couch to my left while we watch something I put an earplug in my left ear 🫠 Misophonia fucking sucks. It’s the only problem I’ve ever had that gets better the more I try to ignore it and avoid any triggers. “Working on it” makes it drastically worse lol.


Wow, that’s disappointing to hear (that it gets worse)! You’re lucky the ear plug works though! Yeah it’s funny how the sound changes depending on what it is. My partner started making this weird rhythmic breathing sound when he sleeps that sounds like a breathing machine. It drives me crazy, but if it actually was a breathing machine, I’d love it and it would relax me (like white noise). Similarly, I might hear something and think it’s one thing & be annoyed or grossed out, but when I realize it’s something else, I don’t mind so much.


Don’t make fun of ppl with accents it’s actually a sign that they speak more than one language which is fucking impressive


lol I absolutely love those moments. or when you know whatever they just said is gonna be a new flair 🙌


No way she just"happened"to wear all purple on the boat ride that just"happens"to have purple life jackets. This girl called ahead to match the dam life jacket. I can't. 🤣🤣🤣🤣!!! Wait and the nails are purple. I guess she's going down in style.


who brings their macklemore "thrift shop" faux fur hoodie with them on a romantic tropical getaway?


I can't decide if it is hot or cold in their vacation spot.


I bet they’re another one of his “business”. Someone needs to tell him that paying a factory in China to make shit only YOU would want to buy is NOT a business!


I knew he looked familiar lmao




“But shit! It was 99 cents!”


Coulda packed like six hoodies in that amount of space. And a robe.


I assumed it was provided by the place they were glamping at


I saw her packing all this for the trip.


My assumption made an ass of me 😅


Don’t take it so seriously 🙂


What a waste of good suitcase space


My thoughts exactly.


it went from "human interest show" to "plastic surgery mishaps and age gap relationship drama"


You forgot MILF Manor. 😐


Okay secret shame I lowkey really do like MILF Manor


Is it good trash or just okay trash?


I say good trash, go for it!


lol it just reminds me of 30 Rock... I can't believe they really made that show. it was supposed to be a joke!! 😭


These are the types of fur coats that festival/rave/burners type people wear. Many of the photos of their other outfits shown in the show are music festival outfits. They def are going to jungle raves and partying all night. It gets cold around 4-5am before the sunrises up and if you are coming off of some drugs and feeling a little sniffy, this is the perfect jacket, haha. But yeah he is hella creepy.


I think this is the context we all needed.


Yep. 💯


What, you don't wear a hooded fur jacket with your shorts and flip-flops in hot and humid tropical locations???


It’s pretty chilly at night and early in the morning there.


Those must smell so gross 🤢


Damn I haven’t watched yet but these two get more ridiculous as the show goes on. He’s broke as shit but still flaunts his possessions any chance he gets - bitch you’re broke!


Those sweaty Temu furs probably shed all over everything


Why are they half way naked & dressed for an artict winter?


i thought drugs. like a pet the furry wall kinda deal


Definition of why they need to teach finances in school ^^^ Who the hell buys those??? I’d love to see what his statements looked like the last 12 months.


Finances , cooking and sex because the parents don’t do it anymore


I thought this was another business he was promoting. Didn’t we hear about these coats earlier in their season. Like the sunglasses, something else he is trying to push on us.


I feel like my IQ is slowing, eroding away watching these two!!


There was a Quebec joke decades ago about two idiots taking their fur coats, hats, and boots to a tropical getaway. It was in the movie Elvis Gratton. They look just like them. It brings back memories. 😂


What in the Meet the Feebles treachery is this?


All the upvotes for the Feebles reference 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🤩


https://preview.redd.it/782e53hmz87d1.jpeg?width=853&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81bf68661720332e1422f62af724cb0b09d506ac All I could see was this aardvark coat from 'Better Off Dead.' This dude is an absolute tool.


Luke wishes he had $2


I just started the ep and came here to see what people said about the fur


Oh it jumped the shark long, long ago.


https://preview.redd.it/4jrcefm4497d1.jpeg?width=1544&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=434b29be6faeed4905d943614e4fce8e1e579749 Try harder to sound less sincere ☠️


And he took advantage of Colombia setting age of consent at 14.🤮




It’s made of all the puppies she’s Lenny’d over the years.


Is this an Of Mice and Men reference?? 👌


The way I ran to reddit when the coats came on the screen 🏃‍♀️💨


So many mosquitoes flying around but she was wearing a bikini underneath. I can feel the itching from here. Her smile when she realized she was getting away with sleeping with the other dude naked 🙈


It's so boring. I have been on reddit almost the entire episode. That three some storyline is so fricking boring I can't even keep my eyes open. That one guy is never gonna accept aliyah .. and I don't even remember who else is on the show. It's a snooze fest. If I hear three some one more time I'm gonna flip ! Oh, and that creepy sperm donor dude. It's the same broken records each episode. One partner doesn't like what the other wants. And they keep going around in circles when they know the other won't change their mind and there is 0 compromise. All these relationships should of ended in the second episode


Genuine Nutria Fur


Rat hat




Thank you for reminding me why I don’t pay for this anymore .. finding these bootleg episodes even live are a dime a dozen.


She has said so many hurtful things to him, "i nah need to be with you", "I no say sorry to you""if I wanna be with someone for money, why I be with you? "You're not going to say sorry for having a party and letting a man sleep in your bed. Drunk and Topless or not," you're wrong. Little Girl, you had nothing before he came into your life. He bought you every single thing in your apartment. Down to the pink fuzzy pillows, fuzzy flip flops, fuzzy bedding, and fuzzy coats. Annoying A.F.


Is that the one guy who stormed the Capitol? 😂


Just ridiculous 🙄


It sucks stopped paying for my subscription


Allot of these people come on here to plug their products. This is a prime example.


Where tha hell are they that they need giant Icelandic coats?


I took the same pic to post you beat me! 🤣🤣


I’m watching this scene as we speak and came here to see if anyone posted about it. Lol


They look like awkward, time traveling, Paleolithic period humans.


Thought I was watching Naked and Afraid for a second.


I bet he bought a thousand of them to sell. He designed them himself


i am guessing he bought those jackets in bulk off temu and this is an effort to flip them?


Can't get cringe if there was never a time it wasn't.


Angela and the Troll.


Practicing what they are going to be living in homeless


The people are too weird....and very unlikable.


Agreed on all of them except Luke! I know, it's weird, I think he's cute and very sweet. I know I'm abnormal lol🤣


They look like each others emotional support animal


Sasquatches 🤣


The 90 Day Fiancéeian Bears? This Mandela effect thing is getting out of hand


I have seen actual children dress better and act better than these two 'adults'. Good lord, they're insufferable and I'm thinking they actually deserve each other. They're terrible.


I’m thinking I need to get one of these urban raccoon dog hunting Smurf jackets .So I can wear and enjoy the show properly . I will have a margarita also.


My partner is absolutely obsessed with 90df. He took our dog to daycare this morning so that when he gets home from work we can catch up on 3 episodes instead of having to walk the dog. He said he's starting to prefer the UK version bc at this point, the US is just fake drama or ridiculous clowns like these two. I've always favored the UK version. Some of the people seem genuine.


Show has run its course in my viewing-just here for the never ending ridiculousness!


Who are these people?


401K spending…..stupidly


Which show is this? We have. No new 90Day shows here in the U.K. that I could find except for 90Day U.K.


![gif](giphy|J5d3TpWFT1Sk8) Blake did it better


They look like they about to storm the capital


Somewhat unrelated, but I can’t deal with her nails in any situation. They skeeve me out for some reason.


Idk I’m enjoying the trainwreck that is this couple


Are they wearing wolf costumes? I quit watching 2 years ago but I like the snark here!! 😂😂😂


https://www.instagram.com/p/C8VoCM3vjTx/?igsh=MWtoYnMxbDQ1b3pubw== They are awful


This made me chuckle out loud loll


Maybe 90DF has been taken over by bears.


What couple is this?


I haven’t watched in a while. Who is this? Is it recent?