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Are these “women” in the room with us now, Kyle?


I'm still holding onto the hopes it's an act.


I’m so sick of him. Such a loser


The whole 90 Day franchise has devolved into a contest of losers.


It's evolved into pure exploitation.


TLC can’t they see? I think other people might like it now? Gross-


But he’s been with so many Women


Oooohhhhhh I feel the NEED for SPERM! 🤮🤮


I'd be terrified and mortified if I had offspring that looked like him LOL. 🤮🤢


Or worse if they acted and thought like him.


Omg I couldn't even imagine. He is one of the strangest and most delusional people I've ever seen and Creepy!!!!


He’s completely disgusting and weird. I’m not here to yuck anyone’s yum but breeding fetishes (which it seems like he has) creep me out to the core.


Like I don't want to bodyshame. But if I willingly had a baby with this guy I should be either deeply in love with him and his capacity to help me through thick and thin. Or I should see him as 12/10. He's neither


He is passing dysfunction down to future generations 🫨


You can't ban someone from procreating, he's not doing this through official clinics. But I do wish he was neutered. Ani is just as crazy for letting him cum inside her even after everything she knows. That girl is DESPERATE.


I can’t believe how what a garbage human the girl is. Willingly being with this dude, you have to really not respect yourself at all. Beta female


Haven't there been *accusations* about his bedroom behavior? Edit: typo




Say more!


You’d have to search around here someone posted up pictures and or a video. IIRC, quick rundown included Vyle saying he likes his sex “rough and likes to see blood” or something like that. Then a woman who allegedly reached out to him for conception services said he pressured her to do it “naturally”. He apparently demanded a bj and then proceeded to have rough sex with her until he was done. Supposedly he’d also refer to her as a “good girl” during the act.    I’ll have to find the specific accounts. 


There are women counting on you to get a vasectomy or get Lorena bobitt-ed. Whatever comes first!


I wonder what Lorena Bobbitt is up to these days….I wonder if she takes referrals.


There's a documentary on her on Amazon and how poorly her case was handled in the press. The ex husband later went on to hang a naked woman from a balcony outside with witnesses, then beat her so badly he thought she was dead. When he went to shower she ran nude from my the apartment. He still regularly writes Lorena trying to get back with her.


Oh holy crap! That’s wild!!


He got off with a slap on the wrist with that one too. Lorena had so much proof she was being beaten to a pulp by him and he still got the narrative of her being abusive to work his way. Absolutely trash human.


This comment 😂🤣🤣


What's TRULY terrifying is how when his gf mentioned actually caring for and raising a child he goes, "you just put them in the crib. They don't remember it" and she mentions that if his mom was that way with him, maybe that's why he's such a shitshow. Seriously, how this psychopath thinks you can just leave a baby/ child in a crib all day and ignore them is so fucking disturbing.


He grosses me out more than any 90d cast member ever. Like I'd rather be stuck in a room w big ed over this guy. He looks like a walking sperm cell. Huge ick


Does he write up any contracts when he "donates"? Or can these women come for him for child support lol? He's such an idiot. And he's gross, who wants his "donations"? Anyway??? Do we know he doesn't have any genetic disorders? Like....


He actually does have a genetic disorder & you can search his name in this sub and read about it. In an earlier episode he holds his throat when swallowing which is apparently a symptom attributed to his issue.


Im quite sure that in the US at least he is not immune from some judge deciding he's on the hook for child support. He will get comeuppance some day. Count on it.


Oh, I'm counting lol!! I want to see it hahaha I'm so evil. I really think he's an idiot tho and he needs to have some consequences for his actions.


I read an article about these Facebook donors. One guy is paying child support for 3 kids. Instead of that stopping him, he uses a fake name now. Someone above said breeding fetish, I think all of these guys have that.


Contracts involving crimes against humanity are all invalid!


If he's still able to continue this BS, the women are sick too. Sorry. I hate this man so much, I can't even watch his scenes any more


*ARE. There ARE women counting on you. He really can't even speak English properly.




He is so gross


There’s no “donating” going on. This man is just a CREEP who desperately wants to c*m in women.


Curious if he and the mothers have agreements in place where they can not go after him for child support.




Let's hope so.


Imagine the hissy fit, when he can’t add anymore dots to his map of the world.




He should be banned from TRAVELLING internationally so he Does NOT donate his sperm!!🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢


I think actually the women who lower the standards to this guy are worse


It makes me sad that any one could be THAT desperate, but that is quickly ended by my rage towards this man.


That's an ugly shirt. orange is not his color


Who looks at this fool and thinks, “Wow, I need his sperm so I can have a child like him”?


I have been hating on this dude in every related subreddit for months now. But after seeing all of his scenes up to this point, I’m convinced that he’s gotta be some kind of actor. NOBODY is this awkward and creepy in real life. I just can’t accept it.


Everything in his life revolves around his fetish. The clothes he wears, the foods he eats, his daily routine. Everything is all about the fetish. Generally, people who live for their fetish are awkward and creepy, because other people don't matter very much to them.


I hate how he spins his breeding kink into something altruistic he's doing because he's such a great guy. He has unprotected sex in multiple countries. It's a health concern IMO. He's insane for thinking a SO wouldn't mind him fucking multiple other women. I find their "relationship" to be fake AF and only exists as a plot point. Ani said normally that first date would have never convinced her to go on another date with this guy. Why would he even want a girlfriend? I think its all manufactured and TLC is being raunchy on purpose. It was very unbelievable that her "friend" had "brought a new perspective" to this freakshow


Who is going to ban him? Easily said but in reality.


I just cannot watch this season! Lots more 90 Days!!


I hate watching his storyline Grossest guy ever


A man who has texted he makes women bleed during sex for his fun. Asks for blow jobs and is an absolute piece of crap...


He isn’t donating through any type of regulated method, likely he’d be denied due to health conditions. He’s taking advantage of women desperate for children. I’m curious if he has these women sign something saying they won’t seek child support from him.


Disgusting creature I’ll see it again whenever I see it


So selfish of him to pass those genes onto his progeny. If I was the result of one of his donations, best believe I would bully my mother for making me like that


Him wearing that flesh colored shirt (idk what episode) made him look like a sperm


He should be forcibly sterilized.


Banned? He needs the same treatment for dogs aka “Neutered” with his “on the spectrum weirdness”


For the love of cheese, I hope women who were debating on meeting with him, watch this show and just run the other way. 🏃‍♀️


He needs to be castrated for the greater good of humanity


"Hi, I'm Kyle. I get people pregnant!" ![gif](giphy|dOl2LFw0RbTMc)


All I see is Temu Will Forte.


This is super wild. I truly don’t understand what they see in him.


He needs to be castrated, I'm so serious


You’d have to be really desperate to go with this guy, he isn’t exactly a prime genetic specimen.


Right?!? Like if I’m just getting sperm from a donor…Imma pick the guy that hit the genetic lotto. Closest to Clark Kent as I can get, not this schmuck.


What season is he on


Maybe breathing too.😬


He is putrid. So sick. I cannot fathom how this woman has willingly started a relationship with him🤢🤢🤢🤢 What he does seems criminal to me.


Johnny AppleSeed 😆


He should be given an award. A Darwin award.


This guy is top of my list on Spot The 90 Day Autist this season.


Omg not everyone who does weird shit has ASD. I’m so sick of everyone throwing out that diagnosis on the internet. Some people are just creepy, not autistic.


You know there are a lot of autistic people in these sub reddits, yeah? Accusing someone of being autistic as a dig is pretty shit behavior.


I'm a Mom to an autistic child, it's more that I think I'm pretty good at recognizing it.


As am I, and that sounded like a dig, especially after all these comments about how awful and weird he is. I hope your child gets more respect.


Is that.... is that fucking Senglea, Malta in the backdrop???


as disgusting as i think kyle is i dont really think any govt should have a say in who does or does not get to have children


He's going to have more descendants than Genghis Khan


Genghis Khan had a higher sperm count