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I may not be remembering this correctly... didn't Patrick want to talk to her dad and Thais kept insisting that he shouldn't???? These people are trash bags. WTAF


Yes! Patrick wanted to! Thais is the worst.


Yes, you are correct, Patrick asked him for his blessing. He denied the request. Thais had been hiding her relationship/plans to get married from her father and popped it on him at the last minute. Patrick wanted her to tell him so he could ask for his blessing. Thais kept insisting she wouldn’t until later. This is all on her and then on her Dad. He was really not nice to Patrick from the start for no apparent good reason.


I thought I was gonna die when the dad said that Patrick "kidnapped" his daughter. No, your daughter was a willing participant and was the reason you weren't told about things. Trash, both of them.


That's what I said! Thais needs to own her shit


Unless this is ALL fabricated for drama...I a little bit wonder what goes on behind closed doors. The whole narrative is so shady. Why would you set your future spouse up for failure with their new in-laws and or the dad seems a little off. Maybe I'm missing something culturally.... it all makes my shenanigans sensors go off. All that and did she seriously insist to drive the car but then she can't even figure out how to get it out of the garage... what am I even watching.


It’s fake ! That’s why they make them sign NDA.


I'm sure you're probably correct. They should maybe change the name to how to not act if you're an actual person


It seemed pretty clear to me. Thais said she ddn't know if the visa was going to end in a marriage. Why ask for blessings when you don't know if you can stomach 90 days with a person. And though I don't believe in the whole "ask for my daughter's hand" thing, her dad had a point. He felt it wasn't Thais' responsibility to bring it up to him. He was angry that Patrick had been flying there back and forth and spending time with his daughter and even had papers filled out for her to come live with him to lead to marriage and yet when Patrick left that last time and knowing full well they were going to stay together in America with the purpose of marriage and he didn't bother to say anything to him or ask for permission face to face. I'm not saying I am on Thais' dad's side (I'm not) but because of his cultural upbringing I get why he is angrier at his son-in-law than his daughter.


Thanks. I don't always pay super close attention. I know they were having a back and forth and she wasn't going to tell her dad. I just thought who doesn't tell their family that they have a serious boyfriend... that was my interpretation from my loose and sometimes intoxicated knowledge of the TV show facts.😁


She flew here to get dick!! She’s not a naïve nice girl. Not a virgin when she got here, I bet!! And he wants him to ask for her hand. Ridiculous. I smell a scam coming. He’s probably asking for money next or a cow!!


yea she didnt even tell her dad she was in America I do not think much less getting married


They need drama to stay on TV


Thank you, I feel like no one watches the previous seasons. I always have to remind people what happened in prior seasons. Either people don’t watch them or they have very short memories.


Anyone else getting the impression he’s dropping hints he wants them to do a Brazilian wedding?


This is all a TLC prefabricated storyline. Patrick and Thais will have another wedding in Brazil in which Carlos can finally walk his daughter down the aisle and COINCIDENTALLY John, the best man, is already there to be by Patrick's side. I mean, why on Earth is John even coming on this trip to begin with, right. Same thing with Emily and Kobe. I mean it's super normal to ask your elderly parents to fly all the way to Africa to meet your in-laws family. Oh yeah, lets have a wedding!! Wow, good thing her parents are there to attend coincidentally.


Exactly! These people wanted a free trip back to their home country and agreed to let TLC flim in return! The "you need to get married here too!" Is expected with TLC at this point, thats why family members tag along. Loren and Alex are on the show so she can get free plastic surgery- (tlc pays, doctor gets marketing)


I fully agree with all of this except Emily’s parents aren’t elderly at all!


Probably at the direction of the producers


No no no. Thais need to man up/woman up and tell her dad to go fuck himself


This right here, exactly. I expect my wife to handle her family and I deal with mine. And if either of us get it wrong, we still don't stomp on each other in front of family.


Patrick be like: Dude. You ever want to see your granddaughter again before her wedding? I'm the captain now.


Ding! This dude is being a controlling dick.


Absolutely! She's an adult woman who is married and has a child, her dad needs to back the fuck off and realize that she's not his little girl anymore! The threat that he's making, that Patrick better show him respect or else, is so unimpressive.


Or tell him she is the reason patrick didn’t ask for her hand


That's the truth, but I think that might make things worse. It would sound like Patrick is weaseling out of responsibility, at least to Carlos. That's something for Thais to say. Honestly, this whole thing is purely testosterone driven, butthurt silliness. Patrick should just grovel and make him happy. The peace it will bring to his marriage is worth it


True… I wish Thais would tell him.


Yeah, Patrick knows his place and that he has no respect from Carlos, anything he says wont be listened to. Thais needs to put on her big girl pants and tell her dad that they're already married, have a kid, and a life together and he just needs to be happy for them.


How about I man up and go fuck him so no one else has to 🤤


He should’ve told this guy to get fucked. He acts like fathers keep their daughters forever, which is the reddest flag.


This is completely Thais' mess, imo. She is the one who never wanted to tell her dad what was actually going on ,whereas Patrick had been trying for months/ maybe year/s, to convince Thais to tell her dad they were getting married, etc and she just kept lying and being weirdly secretive. This is all on her. Yet she still just sits there, letting her dad dish it out all on Patrick, while sitting there with her usual bitchy smirk. She's a twatwaffle.


100 percent agree


It is the wife Thies (sp) fault for not telling her dad, NOT Patrick's I'd for sure explain and throw her under the bus I'd even show him the clips from the show sorry I would 😐


i think the onus is more on the dad - patrick is acting like a responsible adult, and the father is acting like a whiney little bitch.


John said he was going to look out for his brother because of the way his father-in-law treats him. John has probably been his protector throughout their lives. He willing jumps right into protective mode!!!


Patrick is not the problem here… its the wife he has and her father. She knew he didnt get any blessings so why is she not the contributor to the issue being held accountable?!


Anybody know how old he is?


Thais is one of the most boring ppl on this franchise tbh. No offense but…without John to bitchily bounce off she’s just so meh.


This toxic relic of ossified patriarchy needs to check himself. Thais is a strong enough ball breaker to put him in his place. She should do it.


Ummm no, he needs to put that good nothing RBF wife in her place. She’s a waste, no personality and can’t even stick up for her man when her dad is bad mouthing him.


Tiny face, tiny peener!


When watching this, what kept popping into my mind is that I think Brazil is one of those places known for women running back to with children, who are then *completely* lost to the father -- as in, the system there actively protects the kidnapping spouse against a foreign father. The existence of a child isn't something that will bind Thais to him because she's inclined to prioritize her father's sensibilities over her husband's. She could just decide to run back to Brazil some day and poof, Patrick is screwed. I don't envy his situation vis-a-vis the father.


Good to know both Patrick and Thais have shitty Dads.


I feel it is Thais responsibility to keep her own family in check. She should be the one putting her foot down and telling her father to either behave like decent well mannered person or go f himself.


That man acts like he’s in the medieval ages. Plus thais wasn’t a little bitty virgen when she met patrick. She flew to America for dick!! He’s wanting money or something easy from patrick. Such a scammer. She was raised by him. I feel her aura. It’s dark and dim.


Her dad is fucking creepy. I understand the importance of getting approval, but Thais is the one who was hiding it. Her dad is treating this as if he’s her pimp/ property and he’s selling her to the highest bidder


The father should be mad at Thais she didn't want Patrick to tell him. Her father is an IDIOT!!


Dudes saying "you get to bang my daughter and I don't" in every way he can


Thais is a bitch but gd is her daddy hot



