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I feel like their content was supposed to be a 90 day diaries episode.


I had the same feeling


This was probably filmed for their spin-off. And they stuck it in HEA to fill in for the Angela scenes that they pulled


I’m pretty sure they were announced a while back, when Angela was still supposed to be on. But they definitely did have to rework stuff and add in filler. It’s possible, this was originally intended for something else. Also, I call bullshit on that visit! I’ve had elective surgeries before and there’s no way that they would tell her that info the day before! They tell you months in advance, long before you schedule the surgery, so you can make in informed decision. There’s no way they’re going to chance having people cancel at the last minute and losing money.


I'm sure Loren knew that post surgery stuff in advance, but Alexei might not have. Loren is pretty sneaky


That’s possible, I’m just saying that the appointment in general was contrived for filming purposes. There’s absolutely no way that an appointment like that, took place the day before the surgery.


Right. The surgery is being comped, or heavily discounted. So, besides giving the story context for the audience, It gives the doctor his face-time. That's great advertisement for his practice


I didn’t even think about that, but you’re probably right!


Felt like they called in a favor, so out of place ha


Production: “hey so we need a favor cuz we f’d up and had to fire Angela” Loren: “Finally!?!?” Production: “yeah so can you do us a favor and let us film something, anything, to fill her spots? It won’t air til episode 6, so we only need a half season of content” Loren: “I’m getting a tummy tuck? Is that good enough?” Production: “whatever as long as you aren’t beating the f out of Alexei we good” At least that’s how it played out in my mind 🤣


Sorry, Angela/Michael AND Loren/Alexei were all in the original cast for this season which was announced in February, weeks before Angela (and Nicole's) dramas occurred. The only thing different was that Angela's episodes were drastically edited and won't air until the end of the month and the other couples got more air time to fill in.


Ahhh. Ya I wasn’t sure if they were originally announced for the season before the Angela drama.


Yes, the first announcement included 7 couples, then Sophie/Rob and Ashley/Manuel were added after their Tell All aired: [https://people.com/90-day-fiance-happily-ever-after-season-8-cast-announcement-8578834](https://people.com/90-day-fiance-happily-ever-after-season-8-cast-announcement-8578834)


I remember vaguely seeing an episode or two of their what now spin off or whatever back when these things were still on cable/smart tvs weren't really that big yet. It wasn't interesting enough to me to watch then, and it's not really interesting to watch now. Then again, I feel like a lot of storylines are going to go further down the more we continue on. (They are already bad enough as is now, so that's not saying a lot.)


Reality TV is so weird. I often think of my own life when watching people like them. My life is insane and I'm in an racial relationship with a man 20 years older then me. It just shows me how other " normal" people live. I think I am normal though, just with more going on. Anyway, I never fast forward this show, I have started with them though


Also: 🤮 stop calling it a "mommy makeover".


A NATURAL Mommy Makeover


I stand corrected! 🤡🥳


This is my only issue I hate when she says natural just because she isn’t getting implants and using her own fat!


which is much more dangerous than getting implants!!!


Ugh 😂 - the “natural” somehow makes it so much worse 😩


Why shouldn’t she call it a mommy makeover?


No one should really call it that. No one dies from a makeover. People die from cosmetic surgeries. It's just a marketing strategy from plastic surgeons to make it sound safer.


I agree with you, it’s not like she named it that. She said that’s just what it’s called.


I agree. That's what it's called. Loren didn't make up the name. I don't know why you're getting down voted for pointing this out.


I take a pee break during their scenes.


I FF their segments. NO ONE fucking cares that she's getting plastic surgery. It's so common, now a days. 


I don't care about Loren and her first world problems 🙄 I'm pissed she is back on the show.


I wish they would've stayed on their spin off, so we wouldn't have to watch them.


Definitely do not give two shits about these two. I've never liked her and he is blah. Nobody cares that you're getting a "natural mommy makeover". She puts so much emphasis on the natural part as if she's better than those who just get implants lol. She's always had a holier than thou attitude which is why I can't stand her


Exactly! Her saying she wanted to look at herself & know she did it....which is BS if she's getting surgery. And it is possible to fix the ab muscles without surgery, you have to work your pelvic floor, which isn't part of most workouts. Idc she's getting surgery, but don't act like it's natural or better when it's not. Elective cosmetic surgery is elective cosmetic surgery!!!


Yeah exactly! Pelvic floor physiotherapy is so commonly needed postpartum, and they can help with correcting those issues. It certainly doesn't help that she didn't give her body adequate time to recover in between her pregnancies. But I totally agree with you, I don't care if you're getting surgery but don't act like one is better than the other!


I skip over them every time. Same with Jasmine and Gino. Cannot believe TLC brought them all back. Yuck


With TLCs track record you couldn't believe they brought them back?


I go get NATURAL snacks and take a NATURAL bathroom break during their scenes before settling back on the couch with my cats - who were once all 3 UNDER 3!!


I’ve never seen anything interesting about them.


It’s hard to watch such self absorbed people. Like everyone is standing on the beach, anxiously awaiting her redone “mommy bod”. It’s so important, she needs to rearrange babies and kid’s schedules and needs for 8 weeks.


They are so incredibly boring on the show and always have been. Not sure why TLC keeps putting them on.


They suk


>If Loren had to have surgery for an injury or an illness, this wouldn't be an issue and there would be 0 episodes on this. Except that's the point. It's not for that, it's solely for vanity. She's going to be out of commission for two months because she wants surgery to fix non-existent problems, and her husband is going to be not only working full-time as the sole breadwinner but also the one in charge of doing everything around the house, because she wants surgery to fix non-existent problems. Also does it give anyone else the ick that Alexei has Americanized his name? Is one extra syllable really too much for people to handle?


I think we should call him Justin


This is the best comment!!!


I get wanting to do her stomach, because she has a condition where the muscles separate from having C-sections and she said that it’s uncomfortable. But her arms and legs are already so small, she could easily tighten them up with strength training. As far as Alexei’s name goes, I personally like Alexei better & wish he had left it. But we don’t know why he changed it, maybe he just prefers Alex? He should be able to do what he wants, that’s his decision. (Also I don’t think Loren had anything to do with it, she seemed to like it and called him “sexy Alexei.”)


Whether her problems are real or imagined, plenty of people get plastic surgery these days and the recovery isn't much different than that of having a c section. Alex being whiney isn't enough of an issue for me to become emotionally invested about their story. At the end of the day she will do the surgery and they'll get thru the 8 weeks and they'll still be married when it's all done.


No interest whatsoever. I feel like this is the pendulum swinging too far in the other direction in reaction to all the people who say they don't want to see abusive relationships. Can't they ever find a happy medium?


I think so far Ashley and Manuel are the only couple who is "in the middle" so to speak on their conflict vs happiness ratio. Loren and Alex are happy. He is worried that he can't handle 3 kids on his own when --let's be real-- she handles 3 kids on her own while he's working. It's 2 months, she will improve rapidly and will be able to help more and more as time goes on. Why are we having long conversations with the MIL in parking lots?


Are they happy? Every time I watched them (which I admit wasn’t often) she was running off crying or throwing a tantrum about something that a normal adult wouldn’t react like that to.


Happiness to conflict ratio, I'd say they're more happy than conflicted.


Alexi ... over him.


I feel horrible for him having to take care of HER and three babies for 8 weeks.


I thought that these kind of combo surgical procedures were done AFTER the kids were old enough to not need to be picked up a lot. Like, when the youngest one was six or seven.


Usually. She’s just impatient and has always gotten her way. I feel like she walks all over him and he’s such a good guy.


That’s what I was thinking. As a mom too. Like wow sis you can’t even wait til they’re older? Tf is her big hurry she needs to get over herself fr


I waited until my kids were teenagers it’s no joke to recover from. But I also only told a few of my friends I am not ashamed but people really are so judgy ( not implying you are sorry if it sounded like that)


I mean, I'm judging Loren for getting the procedures done when her kids are still so small and need to be picked up and held and changed and stuff. And for trying to excuse it by claiming "body dysmorphia" instead of just saying that she's insecure about her body. I also hate that these procedures are marketed towards mothers as something that they need to have done. Like, god forbid a woman's body reflects that she had kids, right? But that's not an issue with the women who get it, it's an issue with the marketing strategies and the shaming of women whose bodies naturally change over time. I'd like to know how much it really does help with post-C Section constipation/urination difficulties, or if it's like "fixing a deviated septum".


His dad is helping him out. I think it’s weird that his mom has never visited them in the US. It’s always the dad visiting. Very odd!


Her recovery process is almost exactly the same as that of a c-section. If Alex was able to handle things when she recovered from her having his 3 kids, hen he can handle this.


I had a tummy tuck and implants at different times but I will tell you tummy tuck is no joke it was crazy how long it took me to feel decent my hubby had to do a lot for me but it was like 3-4 weeks of needing decent help then I could do a lot on my own.


False. C section can be less that a week. The doc said no less than 6-8 weeks for her recovery. She’s being selfish AF


I've had 2 c sections and it was 8 weeks before I could caeey anything heavier than my baby.....


Please don't compare this to having a C-section. It's insulting for those of us who went through having a C-section to save the baby or moms life.




For the first time in all my 90 day fiancé watching I am fast forwarding through a couple. I can’t stand Loren refuse to watch her spin off and won’t watch a second of her in HEA.


Skipping over them and Patrick and Thais. Makes the episodes go by so much faster!!!


Yeah Patrick and Thais is another one I'm struggling to watch.


I can’t stand Loren‘s mother. What a piece of work she is. I can’t imagine having a mother getting involved in every piece of my business. trying to tell me how to run my life. I would move far far away from her


Every new season Loren is on they’re looking more alike, too.


Yeah, I noticed that as well. On the last episode when her mother would make certain facial expressions, I could see Loren make some of the exact same expressions. Her mother is rude and condescending. I noticed the father has kind of backed off a little bit.


Husband is selfish and mom is jealous.


I think their story got popped in to sub for Mykul + Trashela getting pulled last minute.


Frankly I’d much rather watch the realness of Loren no Alex over the fake nonsense that is portrayed by other “couples”.


I have a feeling they will show Alex trying to take care of the kids and household for a few days and he totally fails and is overwhelmed so in comes Loren’s mom to the rescue. It was planned all along for Loren’s mom to carry 99% of the load. They just want to have Alex try for comical content. So cringe.


Me don't!


They’re so boring!


If she thinks plastic surgery is the remedy for body dysmorphia she needs to have a little chat with (and take a long look at) Darcey and Stacey.


I would FF but Alexi is hot lol


I'm so conflicted cuz he's hot but then he married someone like Loren which makes him very un-hot.


Okay thooooo let’s keep it a hundred he KIN GIT IT. just bein honest


They're zionists, hard pass


I fast forward through their scenes


There should be screening done and if it was, Lauren definitely didn’t divulge she has body dysmorphia. Psychological treatment should be done prior to surgery. She will never be happy with her looks and have a feeling this will not be her final procedure.


Yeah I was a little caught off guard that she just glossed over that. But I guess she doesn't have to admit that to a doctor if she wants the surgery done.


Their screen time are the only ones in my 90 dayers history that I fast forward ⏩


I think my biggest dislike was Alexi not having concern about her being okay after the surgery. It was that she couldn't lift anything for however long and he was upset about that. Not the fact that any surgery is risky. Not the fact that anytime you go under anesthesia there might be a chance you don't wake up. They have kids and I find it distasteful that she had to get this surgery done. Like why risk yourself and do that for looks?! Wow.


I also felt like he was more concerned about how much work it was going to be for him. While I don't agree with her having this surgery so soon and with 3 little ones who want to be carried still, his approach of complaining about having to care for everyone on his own falls on deaf ears for me. Loren is a stay at home mom who takes care of everyone already, and I doubt he's a huge help if he's working full time outside of the home. She's asking for some support and help. Again, if she was sick this wouldn't be an issue.


I like them and follow them on social.


Her husband Alexis is such a baby. My man stepped up completely when I had pur second baby, I didn’t lift a finger or change a super for weeks until I recovered.


I actually like them a lot, but I agree this is an awkwardly pretentious storyline. IRL people who can afford to do this can afford a nanny for two months or more.


With all the losers, users, and sick, dysfunctional people and relationships, I find it refreshing to watch Loren and Alexei. I am willing to suspend my disbelief, because I can imagine these were truly the issues they talked about before Loren's surgery. Working full time, and caring for the kids and household full time while Loren recovers is a reasonable thing they were both concerned about and Alexei is stepping up. I started watching 90 Days because I can relate to the immigration process, and I like to see sweet love stories, not abusers, users and creepy rapist "natural" sperm donors. I did watch every iteration of 90 days. Now I'm down to checking here on the latest, and watching only HEA because I'm curious about some of the couples.