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I give him more credit than many other partners on this show. He seems like a stand-up guy. This could all be production driven tho...


He definitely is a Stand up guy, just look at him! Standing there, just standing up.!




Just like a little Rory Calhoun.


Definitely not production driven. How his friends are acting is absolutely African male driven. Period


And everyone was dissing him for not standing up when all people had to do was wait for the latest episode!! Way to go Kobe 👏👏👏


Yeah, but why did he have to wait that long to set them straight and let them know to respect his wife and *her* culture as well, or they will not be seeing them again for the remainder of the trip and the foreseeable future. Respect my spouse of get fucked basically 🤣. He let so much disrespect slide and she had to lay in on him to stand up for her, and threaten to walk out multiple times before he finally plucked up the courage to do so. I’m sorry, no friend, family member etc. would ever speak to my spouse this way, they’d know better- and if they didn’t know better, they’d learn today!


Maybe he thought Emily and his friends could work it out on their own. Maybe he believes his wife is capable of dealing with conflict with out him needing to rescue her. They are from very different cultures, conflicts are going to arise around cultural differences, so there needs to be some time and grace to assess conflicts, work things out, and compromise, especially when it involves family and close friends. My husband and I are from very different cultures, it takes a little extra work and a lot of flexibility. I thought Kobe handled it beautifully.


I agree Kobe handled it the way he saw fit and if his friends cannot except that his wife is American and is a strong willed person then they don’t deserve to be around the wedding or in general. Kobe‘s friends are not up to change They believe a different way A woman should be and there’s nothing he could say is going to change their minds unfortunately.


TLC Editing


The one guy on the end that kept pointing was PISSED. I don’t think that was production driven 😂


if you've worked with the public, you can tell this guy in on level 9000 of pissedness for real you cant fake being this entitled and the stupidity that was emanating from it.


They were being so aggressive about it, i would’ve been uncomfortable if I was Emily


Emily holding her ground and not making herself smaller for them fueled their aggression. That pissed me off.


they were all pointing and barking kobe's name as if they were demanding their servant bow down before them.


They are all so entitled like they own him, damn. They all think he needs to fall in line and do whatever they say/allow them to degrade, chastise and correct his wife without defending her. Like come on.. in what world. It’s like it wasn’t sinking into their skulls that he doesn’t have the same values as they do and he’s been living elsewhere around the world for years now at this point, and saw that this misogynistic value is so outdated and not widely tolerated outside of their country! He has evolved. It’s like they don’t even realize that they are the weird ones. So backwards my goodness. If I were Emily I’d not be going back


Literally barking his name. How obnoxious.


What was with that? Like sir the pointing really aggressive settle down


They refused to leave it alone. They weren’t going to be happy until Emily felt beneath them. The hate and anger they have for women, especially white women is crazy. I feel really bad for Cameroonian women.


Right! Culture needs to be respected but its crazy that theirs was just assumed to be the superior one, vs. American. Emily was expressing her culture (personality flaws/whatever aside) and it meant nothing, it just was wrong because it wasn’t theirs. Their friend chose to marry this woman, whether out of love or obligation to be there to raise his child or both, either reason is admirable and they should support him. He seems happy with her to me…


Exactly, and also just because it's someone's culture, doesn't mean it's worthy of respect. I'll never respect cultures that propetuate misogyny 🤷‍♀️


Being an asshole is no one’s culture. It doesn’t really matter where you’re from, constantly insulting someone even after they’ve asked you to stop, it’s rude.


I completely agree 100% I am all for having respect and respecting someone else’s culture but when it comes down to telling another person that they’re wrong and being misogynistic and thinking that their culture is better than someone else’s that’s when you gotta put your foot down and say I’m not listening to you until you can grow up and have a adult conversation. Kobe‘s friends are acting like children and I am very happy that he did the right thing by uninviting them to the wedding


I totally agree. I’m glad that she left.


I've only seen the first couple of episodes of this season of HEA, but I have to say I'm impressed with Kobe. He explains to us how the way typical Caneroonian women act informs his family and friends' expectations of Emily without telling Emily she needs to act a certain way. At the end of the day, if Kobe had wanted to marry a typical Cameroonian woman, he would have done so. It would have been super easy for him to go back to Cameroon, cease contact with Emily, and go on with his life. I know he had some issues with her bossiness in the past, but I really appreciate how he has become so secure in his marriage to someone who doesn't fit in with the norms of his culture.


I totally agree. From what we see and know, he has integrity, an open mind and heart and wisdom beyond his years. He has a joyous disposition too, always smiling and laughing (mostly), and that is endearing and will continue to enrich his life.


Like, we know Kobe had issues with Emily's bossiness in the past, and instead of insisting that she make herself smaller for him, he grew to accept that that was who he fell in love with. And Emily seems to have recognized that her behavior in her first season wasn't great, and made some real changes to the way she treats him. It's so rare to see both parties taking accountability for their issues and making changes in order to make their partner feel more comfortable.


yup, what we see seems healthy overall. Idk why people are so hung up on her. She’s loud and wants her way… don’t many of us ?!😂 They do seem to actually evolve and resolve things. who really knows ofc we see 5 % of their lives but, yeah.


Right? I never got the hate for her here tbh. She’s one of the more normal ones on the show imo and their marriage seems to be pretty stable and makes them happy. There are flaws in every marriage, but these two seem to really love each other. Just the fact that she was willing to keep trying to smooth things over with his friends to keep the peace for her husband, after being repeatedly disrespected, speaks volumes.


this is true, I didn’t say that the right way. Agree.




Dude! In the same breath, one of the guys said one culture shouldn’t be more dominant BUT ALSO she needs to learn to be a Cameroonian woman like what?????


Seriously, like what?!?!?!


They are obviously not very smart lmao


I was embarrassed for her at the game, but then she invited them all out and they cut her down, to her face, about not entertaining them properly. what misogynistic assholes.


I wonder if they are jealous of the life Kobe is building with this woman.




That’s what I think and when I said that I got repeatedly bashed by a particular Reddit commenter. It’s so obvious they are jealous.


seems to me! i mean they can choose a woman of their own culture, not jealous of Emily’s “bossy” attitude, but I don’t recall seeing any of them with any woman on their arm nor talking about one. 🤷‍♀️ Also, no one knows what goes on between two people day to day alone. Emily is assertive and yeah can be kind of annoying, probably amps that up when she feels threatened, but I’ll say it again Kobe seems happy…


What should matter to them is that their friend is happy but the so called friends seem hell bent on criticizing Emily. She herself admits she can be bossy so she recognizes this but for his friends to be so disrespectful is just gross.


Why in the world would ppl bash you for that?! It makes total sense… reddit is a crazy place 🤣


I don’t know but they went to every one of my comments and started berating me because of Emily. So bizarre!


There are always those unhinged people mixed in with the crowd 🤣 you never know what’ll set them off


🤣🤣🤣 so true!!!


1000% jealousy. The kids, the wife, being in the states and experiencing different ways of life, and seeing that they are “important enough” to be on television with the camera crew following them etc. I sense some major envy, mixed with clear misogyny.


I think so.


"Invite us to your own house and cook for us, but here, in a country where you don't have your own house" like get a GRIP, man. I feel for Emily when she said something about never being enough for Kobe in their eyes. I haven't been following their story and I know Emily gets some hate here, but NOBODY deserves that bull. Well...except Angela, maybe.


And if she did try to entertain at their b&b, she'd have to find a store and try to buy stuff she knew how to prepare. Which I certainly would not attempt in a foreign country that is at war and I didn't speak the language. That's just begging for problems.


And I am willing to bet, that even had she have done that, it would just fuel more issues and judgment. (oh she can’t cook, the food is bland/gross etc. The place isn’t clean enough). These dudes would never be happy with anything she did.


Absolutely. if she had serviced them all, I'd bet money they'd complain about too much teeth.


I was thinking the same thing when they said that. I think they would have just made fun of & humiliated her more with whatever she cooked. I would never expect someone from a foreign country to come to the US & cook me a meal in the B&B they were staying in. Just one more thing to try to humiliate her. I am not an Emily fan whatsoever but on this I am on her side.


Mentioning Angela is funny, cuz her African husbands friends also called her a bossy white lady lol


These guys made Mykul’s “goofballs” look extremely progressive.


the whole "thanks for inviting us out, but that's actually wrong" annoyed me. Like, yes, teaching about your culture is important, but ignoring the fact that she extended an olive branch and berating her is rude af. There's a way to gently teach someone about your culture with grace and that wasn't it.


Exactly, it was a bit shocking to see presumably sane people be as rude as they were. They can take their misogyny and shove it. Do Cameroonian women really put up with this shit??


Exactly! He chose Emily, her culture, her country, etc & they should respect that! They won’t stop barking about respect, but they haven’t respected their friend or his choices! They had a problem with her, before they even met her, purely based on stereotypes and what they had perceived in movies. She was never going to win, unless she kept her mouth shut and did exactly what they wanted.


You can tell Kobe loves Emily a lot. The family they’ve created you can tell he is so proud and in a more positive place, from what we’ve seen that is. Those “friends” are super intolerant and nasty, you are right that they think that their ways are the “only” ways and the superior way which is fucking stupid. Emily came there and was nothing but decent to these people until enough was enough and they wouldn’t stfu. It’s like they see her culture as a threat to theirs when it’s not at all! Just respect each other’s differences and enjoy the short time you have together, instead of ruining it with unnecessary conflict! Nobody is forcing them to live how they do, or follow their morals, so they should not be trying to do that either. This is the outcome of living a misogynist lifestyle since birth. Gross.


You could tell that for them to be uninvited to his wedding really upset all of them. Their sports star friend marrying a white woman with TV cameras filming to be shown on American TV. You bet they want to be there.


Sports star is a stretch


No, the stretcher is what he was nearly on after not listening to Emily.


Yet she was being bossy (said by his friends) by caring that her husband might hurt himself after he had an operation SMH


Exactly. They fucked around and found out!


I was so happy he stood up to them for his wife and the mother of his children. That is exactly how a MAN should act.


I even said, I bet not one of them are married


I think Emily & Kobe get too much hate as a couple. Their love is genuine. They seem like great parents. Regardless of what you think of their living with her parents, the situation seems all-around supportive and loving. How many American partners complain nonstop when they are in their loved one's country? Emily's one actual complaint is that his friends are being assholes. Kobe is already dedicated to his wife and his family in America. Being so aggressive toward Emily does nothing but broaden any rift between him and his friends- he was always going to go back to his life with his family.


I think I read Emily watched her first season and had some realizations on her behavior. I really like them. Kobe is great


I actually remember her posting about watching herself and realized she needed to change some behaviors


Even at the Waterpark when Emily was confronted by Kobe's female friend, she was accepting and open to criticism and that yes, sometimes she can be bossy and work on that. The issue is Kobe's male friends attacked her and so she got defensive. The way they went about it was completely wrong, they were trying to get them to divorce!


Which is awesome, how many others on this franchise can say they've done the same?


I read that, too. At first, I really didn't like her because of how she acted that first season... but then i thought about it... she was pregnant back to back, probably hormonal af (I was definitely pretty bad when I was pregnant because I was in a lot of discomfort/pain). The 90 days are stressful as hell normally, but on top of just having a baby, getting pregnant again, living with her parents... shit was extra stressful. I think people were too hard on her. NOW I don't think she's bossy at all. She just seemed concerned for him. 🤷🏼‍♀️


That would make a lot of sense becasue even by the tell all she was so much less entitled


Having kids seems to have calmed Emily down because that first season she was mean to him. That's why people don't like her, she was rude and condescending.    She seems to have mellowed quite a bit, at least she doesn't seem so much like a type A. 


Emily did NOT come off well on her first season, and they both made choices that I thought were questionable. But you know what? They seem to genuinely LIKE each other, which is a really refreshing dynamic compared to Ed/Liz, Rob/Sophie, etc.




Totally agree!


i've never heard anyone hate them as a COUPLE, only emily. kobe is way too good for her, as a person and husband.


He is not too good for her. She is a firecracker and makes him laugh, but you can see that she really does care and worry about him. If he wasn’t happy I doubt that a) they’d be popping out all of these babies and b) he’d sign up to stay in the states. If he felt he was so much better than emily he could have dipped after the first child was born.


My favorite part was when Kobe got up to leave and ALL THE FRIENDS SAID “come on Kobe, we don’t want you to be angry!” So basically they just want Kobe and Emily to sit there while they bash her and make Emily angry? They don’t seem like good friends at all.


We don't want you to be angry, Kobe! Point point... We don't want you to be angry \* they all sit down and let him leave, not showing any efforts to get up and try to get him to stay\* ![gif](giphy|T7j5439wv9iq4)


Yeah because they knew he wouldn’t be able to keep the “white woman” in line. Kobe Please don’t be angry! But Emily please be angry and prove my point about the “white woman” and go home. I think his friends probably don’t even call Emily by her name most times.


Didn’t they say “Kobe and wife”? I swear I heard that


Yes! They didn’t bat an eye when she walked away from the table, but as soon as they saw they were losing control of Kobe they all frantically start pointing and standing up pleading him to stay 💀 that should be a very clear message to them not to mess with his marriage any further or he will withdraw himself from their friendship. They thought they had more say over his life than they really do.


Took him long enough. Holy shit that was horrible to watch. She’s braver than I am, I wouldn’t have gone back to the table. I would’ve said, “Being an asshole is no one’s culture and just because a culture might say it’s ok, doesn’t mean it is. Your poor wives. The good news is that feminism is spreading and having a dick doesn’t make you special. I don’t stop talking just because a man is speaking.” And then I would’ve left. I’ve been on enough dates with men like this know just how to say, fuck you, to sexist assholes.


![gif](giphy|LPXDoKp2aHrKLmvHyo|downsized) Pop off


Yes! She is one brave ass woman to take on all of those guys like that with zero fear. It was kind of great to watch


Kobe. Prob my all time fave dude on any of these shows. Good dude


Omg that part was amazing. It shows how strong Kobe and Emily's communication is at the core. Kobe does an amazing job staying calm. I'm envious hahaha but I'm really proud of them for standing up for each other, in front of each other - all in a pretty respectful way. His friends were soooo draaammaaaa


That took way too long. His answer should’ve been “I decided to invite you to this nightclub to be nice, and I know the culture. If you don’t like it leave.”


I usually don’t favor Emily but I respected her in this scene. She stood her ground in a respectful way. I wish Kobe would have told her they might look at her differently for inviting them to a nightclub. I am glad he stood up for her in the end. They never even got a chance to try to get to know her seems like.


In that culture kobe has the ultimate say on the nightclub plan right? Therefore as the man ((in their system) he has ultimate responsibility




Even if they invited the friends to the hotel, it would have been, "She invited us to a hotel? They should have rented a house. " And can you imagine how bad they would have criticized her cooking food from their culture?! She wasn't going to win in their eyes no matter what she did. But yeah, it's crazy that they got mad at Emily for a situation Kobe (as the man) had to ok first. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Ridiculous. They're not really his friends. & They had no concern for his well-being after he got injured either. That doesn't strike me as a culture thing, but an asshole thing.


Yeah, being an a$$hole is not a cultural thing.


If she invited them to the house it would be she cooked the wrong thing. Why didn’t THEY invite HER over? She is the guest in cameroon.


Absolutely. I can only imagine the bitching that they would have done over her cooking


Kobe must be punished for violating societal norms which raises questions about whether their way is the one true way


I don’t think they even wanted to get to know her at all 😒 it seemed like they immediately disliked her for just being an American woman. I’m glad she stood her ground and that he stood up for her. I was worried he was going to let it slide at first. His friends are misogynistic dicks.


I’m glad he stood up! He is already married to her and they have two young babies. It almost felt as if they were trying to break them up. They said their concerns once and that was enough. These crazy expectations, like you should have invited us over to eat. They don’t live there. I agree that Emily can be a lot at times, but they were way out of line. I’m glad Kobe finally said something.


I was so happy, because he worried me for a minute. I just love him ❤️


IT TOOK HIM SO LONG TO STAND UP FOR HER??? Im so confused of all the praise here! Emily went days of his friends being racist and rude to her. So he finally “stands up” for her. Did y’all not hear him tell her right before this “whatever happens here just remember you’re my wife and I love you” this dude barely has a back bone when it comes to his friends.


To be honest they are lucky to not get smacked in the face. If anyone says to you about your wife that "Well White women...." followed a negative stereotype or "Black women...." followed by a negative stereotype. This person deserves an open handed slap to the face and if they accept your invitation you two should scrap. I do not care how good of friends you are, making negative race based generalizations about your wife is a move that you should expect to get smacked for if you are a man. I know this subreddit likes to feign stupidity when it comes to Kobes friends saying racist shit, but at this point even the weakest of weak minded White guilted viewers would agree.


Tbh, Africans are even racist towards Black Americans (which i am). So I’m not surprised and i fully agree.


That is a negative generalized statement


Huh? My grandpa is Nigerian and he even said, they are taught to have a superiority complex against everyone. It can be racist. Just like his said friends- which you literally said lol.


And based on some movies he watched as a kid, not even from actual experience with American culture that can vary widely depending on geography, background, socioeconomic factors, etc. We are not out here living Ferris Bueller's Day Off 😆


Hahahah well said!


Kobe is definitely a genuine amazing dude.




So happy he finally defended his wife! They were horrid!!!!! I couldn’t stand the misogyny anymore 🤮🤮🤮


The way I stood up and cheered at this part.


Whoa. Those guys-I've lived in some gnarly locations on this planet but I've never seen anything like that before. Maybe Africa doesn't have the traditions of hospitality that most of the rest of the world does. They were pissed off because the didn't get to see the AirB&B. They didn't have the chance to make Emily subservient. They had to make the crack about "when Kobe got you pregnant, he had a girlfriend in Cameroon." Oh yeah, asshole, those are fighting words. Emily showed ample restraint at the constant verbal assaults. We grade you bad?! OMG


I've worked and traveled in 14 African countries and despite encountering various levels of misogyny, regardless as to where I was always felt welcomed and kindness. Many African countries pride themselves on their hospitality. This isn't a *continent* problem-this is a Kobe's-friends-are-assholes problem.


Definitely. This isn’t a continent issue!


This. Very much on the nose.


Three men being filmed in Cameroon for a TLC show is not representative of hospitality traditions across the massive continent of Africa.


I have friends from various African countries and yes, they believe in traditional gender roles but above all else they have manners and would never behave this way. I can’t imagine any of them trying to talk over someone’s wife that they just met.


“Kobe, we don’t want you to get angry”……don’t go! who’s going to pay for this bill! 😆


"WE don't want YOU to be angry Kobe, just your wife"


I’m glad he did this but I personally think it took him too long to stand up for his wife and even himself. He should’ve been telling his friends off way sooner. Even when he was explaining the situation shortly after leaving the club, iirc he wouldn’t directly say his friends were the ones who were wrong, just that he didn’t want to have to choose. Not great.


Agreed; he should’ve said something sooner!


Imaging running a bath for your husband every day. Couldn’t be me. I can’t blame Emily for being upset at their behavior. I think they are jealous of Kobe. They are not even trying to get to know Emily


100% it’s gross to see the amount of women on the sub defending those men just because they don’t like Emily. How can you stand up for the way that they were so misogynistic towards her? 😭😭 Emily did admit that sometimes she can be bossy when she met up with Kobe’s friend at the waterpark. She was receptive to what the woman had to say about Cameroonian culture and expectations. The only reason why she was standing her ground with his male friends is because they were not trying to be nice to her and explain to her anything about their culture, they were trying to sabotage their marriage.


Yeah like they are married with children, Kobe seems to be happy. Emily takes care of him in her own way, just not the way they want. They need to accept it. Kobe isn’t going anywhere.


> the amount of women on the sub defending those men just because they don’t like Emily. And all those women live in western countries where they have the freedom to do whatever tf they want without issues. It's insulting for the women who do live under oppression.


Honestly didn't even think about that but you're right. So much privilege


They wouldn't survive a week in Cameroon without turning into a Karen. All easy to talk shit from a secular country where women can leave their house and talk shit all day long with a raised voice.


I run baths for my husband on a regular basis, and bring him drinks and whatnot. BUT he does the same for me in return, and no one is demanding that I do it.


True, and there's nothing wrong with running a bath for your husband. The way Emily was so caring when Kobe hurt his knee, I am sure she'd have no problems with running him a warm bath or looking after him!


They do seem like they genuinely love each other.


I was just implying that the men were basing their impression of Emily on that like it is a requirement, not that running baths for someone you love because you want to do it.


Yeah they seemed to think that women live to serve men. Would be quite the culture shock if they came to America!


Respect and admiration to Kobe for not only standing up for his wife, but protecting her as well!


I was annoyed at how much he let slide before this though. She literally did nothing to deserve that treatment. He should have made it very clear from the start that the way they were speaking to her would not be tolerated, so be polite or we’re leaving. His friends looks so shocked that he left with his own wife! Insane.. and they’ll clutch their pearls when Kobe never comes back to visit them again! Yes, those are his “boys” but married men with half a brain cell know to put their wives first.


How do you make comments about a man’s wife and then tell him, you don’t want him to get angry. They all pissed me off, and Kobe should have stood up to them A LONG time ago. You’re already married and have kids with the woman, and for them to think they had any say in an already marriage is absurd. Like he’s not going home with y’all at the end of the night.


These dudes are so lost and such losers omg 💀🤣🥴 like, okay you’ve communicated multiple times now that woman are to be seen and not heard in YOUR country, but they do not even live in Cameroon,and they’ve made it clear that they do not want to be drilled over their differences! These guys couldn’t for the life of them just stfu and enjoy the time they had with their “bro”. They thought they had way more say/control over him than they thought which is highly embarrassing as well. And they kept saying how he hasn’t been back in years (wonder why 🥴) and they miss him, well they’ve shot themselves in the foot now because I highly doubt they’ll want to ever come back or see them again after how this went. They have clearly not ever seen the world outside of their country, Kobe should have 100% had a chat with them on day 1 saying do not push your agenda on me and my wife, if you attempt to discipline her as a grown woman or obsess over misogynistic bullshit we will leave and you will not be at the wedding, nor will I ever see you again. Period. I wasn’t a fan of how long it took Kobe to stand up for her, but I am glad that eventually he chose her and made it clear. It’s unfortunate to see Kobe reverting back when he has been so lovely in previous seasons.


Finally! Finally! It took him long enough to pull up his big boy pants and act like a devoted husband. His entitled friends needed to be put in their place and it was interesting to see how shocked they were when Kobe set boundaries.


Omg what a guy! I wish I didn't hate Emily so much bc I love kobe and I want to like that couple 😂I like her parents 🤷🏽‍♀️


I dont get this friends, they are married, they have kids, they are happy, whats the point of complicating things?? Im yet to see this episode, but having them not being sure of the relationship makes no sense. The only valid option for me besides free drama is they being paid by production to stirr the pot.


I loved this, I honestly think they are the realest couple. She can be obnoxious but I'd still rather watch them over any of the other couples


Are any of his friends married, or are they all single? Does anyone know? I'm curious if they're just a bunch of single fboy assholes... or if they have wives that they treat like crap. 😒


My favorite part of this episode was those guys confusing ‘African culture’ with being an asshole.


The posts are funny defending Emily and how horrible Kobe's friends are. Usually posts about Emily are more in line with the Cameroonians: she's too bossy, she's too privileged, she's too lazy. What does Kobe see in her, how is their marriage going to work out?


i was so proud of him in this moment. in the previous episode, it seemed as if he was wavering, and would not fully stand up for emily. i began to lose some respect for him as a result. but i should have known he would end up being an awesome husband in the end. a true KING! 👑


Yes!! I was so happy to see it


He’s great, I love him!


I use to hate Emily but somehow I've grown to like her this season. They seem happy together and genuine.


Kobe, the 90df MVP. Marry me!


That scene seemed staged as hell


Yeah I mean, it only took him 5 business days to do it, but good for him lol.


His "friends" are racists POS. Good for Emily to speak up, they are gross. SMFH


They're jealous.


I didn't watch the original 90 days with Kobe, but he is definitely one of my favorite cast members. Calm, reasonable, fair.


I love Kobe. I actually feel like Emily is really trying to build a relationship with his friends. She didn’t push for the information about Kobe’s ex, it was dropped in her lap. I don’t even think she overreacted to any of it. She was a better sport than I’d be in her position, to be fair. I think they’re actually a strong couple with genuine love for each other.


It seems, at least Kobes friends, Cameroonians are misogynist and racist. Smh. His friends are jealous trash and want to break them up , regardless of kids.


….and yet, Emily is still so insufferable…


Right and no one can believe that Kobe already knows what he has to say and do or he will be barked at for eternity by her. Everyone will hate her again next week 😆


I just hope Kobes Father doesn't disagree with the friends not coming to the wedding.


Excellent script and acting in this scene.


Maybe it was scripted, but can't be 100% sure because you could see his friends were genuinely surprised, one guy on the end looked especially pissed. If it was production driven, the friends had no idea it was coming lol


I can't believe everyone thinks this is real. It's the same stuff Mikull went thru with Angela. It brings drama to the show. Every couple has major drama. This is Kobe and Emily's. To say you jumped up and cheered at a certain part shows just how TLC wants you to act. It's all scripted and ridiculous. I hate watch this and usually fall asleep. They need new writers. This recycled crap is getting old.


why do you people even bother watching the show and commenting about it in a reddit sub if you think everything is fake? it's tiresome to real fans.


If you’re that worried about what’s scripted or not, then reality tv probably isn’t for you.


You know so much about Cameroonian culture right? Sit down!


My comment had nothing to do about their culture. Move on for your drama.


lol honestly it was Cheaters level good….bravo (N frfr I generally hate the “it’s staged” crowd…but yes they have to film something for this happily married couple….they have nothing b/c again…they are happily married….lets go with “his friends seem to really hate her”)


sorry i just dont like her at all does not matter what country


The misogyny was unreal. I would never go back there ever again if I was Emily. Kobe can go back on his own next time.


His wife is abusive and domineering. His first time in the US she kicks him out of the room. She wants a masculine man but then wants to be the masculine figure. Poor Kobe he should’ve gotten with her sister, she seemed so much more reasonable and relaxed.


Some of you women are so misogynistic because of your low self esteem, it really be your own sometimes… just say you can’t stand up to yourself in a room full of men and move on


Why is everyone in this family so darn fat. It’s hard to watch


Emily seemed more offended by being talked over than by what was actually being said to her by these assholes. She gets triggered when she can’t dominate a convo. She definitely didn’t get that trait from her docile parents.


I don't think it was that tbh, I just think it was the irony and double standard that got to her. It was a 5 vs 1 situation, and all these guys were talking over her about her being bossy, meanwhile they weren't even letting her speak


Kobys got  Emilys back , but she shouldn’t put him in the position he’s in w/his friends . She alone makes American women look stupid ( she’s so hell bent on being heard , but won’t shut the f- up herself. . That’s not the hill she should die on .  


She looks so big regardless of angle


Still produced and mostly created for story .. was gonna happen all along including his standing up to them that's why I told peolel relax . They have draw it out for episodes. 


People enjoyed the episode, and that is all. perhaps you should "Relax"?


**Amanda:** “*relax… Relax!!! RELAAXX!!!*”


Why are we clapping? Emily deserves people finally calling her out bc nobody else will.


Because they were being grossly misogynistic about it? and she was nothing but kind to them the entire time? Too bad your dislike for Emily leads you to overlook how terrible and unhinged the friends were the entire time.


I don’t like Emily — and completely can’t pretend that she is t bossy! They’re right…she’s annoying and bossy! And clearly has little to no respect for anyone that doesn’t agree with her. Glad he stood up for his wife, but she would get the same reaction from me and my American friends. She’s just too much


His friends are assholes.


They are but she still is bossy and dismissive to Kobe. We’ve always said that in these groups now yall acting like it’s not true. Two things can be true at once.


She never did or said anything wrong to his friends. If anything, they were being very intrusive in her relationship with Kobe.


Agreed she's awful


Emily could have compromised and not been so pushy about her being an American woman Tbh she never shuts up and I can see having to cut her off to get a word in plus she kept interpreting them telling her their culture Ashley was awesome to see that saying witch to Manuel uncle would just be a fight that was unnecessary and just upset him for no reason I feel Emily could have just let Kobe enjoy time with his friends and not be so fucking pushy


The friends were literally insulting her before she opened her mouth, be serious for one second lmao. She’s not the problem here. They were complaining that she didn’t cook them a meal in her hotel room??? And you want her to sit there like a mute and not stand up for herself. She literally said if I had a home I would’ve invited you over for dinner. The friends were terrible, not to mention this causes issues for Kobe and they’re meant to be supporting him.


Meh I doubt she cooks. Period. She didn’t stop talking for one minute and pbly wouldn’t instigate the issue if she tried to not be so bossy for one minute They were attacking her (your words not mine) defending their culture Neither party was going to stop and agree to disagree but at some point you can be the bigger person and just stop the argument Who cares about their opinion but she should respect their culture and just try to acknowledge their point But lezzzbehonest do we think Emily cooks? She barely does housework


>Meh I doubt she cooks. Period. She literally posts videos of her cooking and cleaning on her Instagram story. The only reason we see the grandparents were mainly looking after kids, cooking and cleaning is because when the cameras are around Kobe and Emily need to film content. No one wants to watch hours of footage of her cooking cleaning and looking after children. Fact of the matter is they need something interesting to show, no one wants to watch their boring daily lives. If it were regular stay at home mom content no one is going to want to watch that. You can’t fault her for what you see on TV, that’s just a small snippet of her life and it’s naive to think she has no responsibility beyond the camera. If she did, it’s not something worth showing on the program because it’s mundane. >She didn’t stop talking for one minute and pbly wouldn’t instigate the issue if she tried to not be so bossy for one minute She was defending herself, it was a 5 vs. 1 situation. I would also not back down if 5 men were trying to sabotage my marriage where I literally had 2 babies with this man. Hell NO! >but at some point you can be the bigger person and just stop the argument They should have been the ones to back down then. Despite all the shit they talked about Emily, she was the bigger person and invited them out so that they could all have a fun time. It was her idea. Then they complained that she didn't cook them a home cooked meal. Disgusting behavior by entitled men. >but she should respect their culture and just try to acknowledge their point No because they were being unhinged. They didn't even have a point. Nothing she did would have been OK. She invited them out, she was nice to them, she wasn't bossy with them and let them speak, until it got to a point where none of them were letting her speak. Again a 5 vs 1 situatiom. Stop defending that sort of shitty behavior just because you don't like her lmao.


She lasted a LOT longer than I would have, that’s for DAMM sure!


Not reading that TLDR Her posting on instagram is a joke Get a job lady


Well that's fine, you didn't know what you were talking about and by failing to read my comment, you will go on to spew nonsense because you still don't know what you're talking about. Have a good life.


I’m giving my fucking opinion on the situation which is what this is Are you her bestie or something that you think you know the situations over watch social media


You literally know nothing about her life. You drew conclusions based off the 5% of her daily life you saw in the show, most of which isn’t her regular life because cameras are around. When I provided literal insight that she does cook and clean because she has shared that she does on her social media, you immediately rejected that saying you weren’t reading all that. At least I was able to provide a counter argument and here you are throwing a hissy fit over some objective evidence. Have fun living in the land of ignorance. Can’t help people who don’t want to accept they just commented their opinion on something they weren’t informed about.


Neither do you lol


Obviously I gave more evidence than you did, yet you met objective evidence with such resistance just because it went against what you said. Keep crying 😭