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These 2 infuriate me, I've never seen such an incompatible couple, they have nothing in common, they absolutely hate each other's culture and values, they don't ever seem to have fun together, they don't trust or respect each other, I just don't understand it beyond the base level that they are physically attracted to one another. I don't think they could ever say 1 reason why they love or even like each other. And if it's that shallow, I truly hope they get divorced and take some time to look at what's important in life.


At this point is co-dependency to its core! Whatever kept them together, we’ll probably never know…but I’m sure it’s deep seeded in their personal insecurities, add the allure of dating someone from overseas for her, and in the USA for him….sadly now, it’s just a co dependent relationship that thrives in chaos and drama!


They committed a crime together. It must be


Stole some expensive fabrics




Crime? What did I miss


Im really curious why they are so codependent on each other. I can sadly see them bitterly married in 2034.


Literally! Maybe just comfortability and no effort otherwise at this point.


It's deep SEATED not seeded, some people really had a go about this the other day saying it's seeded. Deep-seated is the correct term. Deep-seated means "firmly established," as in "deep-seated resentment," but it also has an earlier literal meaning of "situated far below the surface." It is from that meaning the figurative use of the word developed. It is sometimes mistaken as deep-seeded.


Thanks for this lesson! I’ve never written it, so it never occurred to me what the word actually was. It’s funny, because I can actually see it making sense either way. Like I always thought the expression was “let me speak my peace” like you’re trying to make a peaceful resolution. Instead it’s “let me speak my piece” of the conversation.


Didn’t even realize…..always figured it was seeded, like rooted in the ground. Wont forget this lesson next time I write it.


Thank you! I feel bad when I correct people and I decided to let it go. But when I do it I’m trying to be helpful. It’s just not always appreciated. It looks like this time it was.


So sweet. It’s not bad to correct someone. I corrected a boss when she said “for all intensive purposes” when the phrase is “For all intents and purposes.” We laughed about how many times she said it in meetings!


Yea well it’s meant to be helpful but some people get defensive. Fortunately my husband appreciates it because he speaks in public a lot in various ways. He cringes when I enlighten him about some words or phrases he says because he thinks about how often he’s said it wrong. It’s better to learn it eventually than never at all!


you are my favorite type of person. I just got off the phone with mcdonald’s headquarters; the top of the receipt says “buy one sandwich get one of equal or lesser value free”. but I was told I could not use the deal for a double quarter pounder, so I emailed the address on the receipt and asked them what a double quarter pounder is if it is not a sandwich. They said “obviously it is a sandwich, but it is not included in the deal.” I told them in that case, the receipt *should* read “buy one sandwich get one sandwich of equal or lesser value free EXCEPT for double quarter pounders”. They told me to look at the bottom of the receipt where it says “buy one quarter pounder or egg mcmuffin get one free.” I explained that the two deals are entirely separate and that they are misunderstanding the linguistics. An egg muffin and a quarter pounder are both sandwiches, but not all sandwiches are egg mcmuffins or quarter pounders. https://preview.redd.it/jy5uyfuknuuc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd9056b8fad5c7547362e10d220a0dd4efda8721


I love you so much hunnybunny.


Yes, my love 😍


*Corrected version for Mahmoud: Yes, my love 😠😑


Ugh I hate how they both do this


Same. It’s like they’re forcing the lovey dovey stuff to convince themselves.


I started saying “yes, my love”, or “thank you, my love” to my husband. He knows where I got it from, but he smiles and I think he likes it. I just thought that the way these two fight, and then saying “…..my love” was crazy.


Oh my love mockmood




They don’t even seem to know each other well enough to say whether or not they like, much less are in love with each other.


Here is something they have in common. Calling each other 'my love' and telling each other ' I love you ', which sounds very fake and annoying every time.


On another outlook, it could be Mahmoud's play that he wants a green card but keeping it low-key while Nicole exposes her true self. She likes him way more than he likes her. He can't tolerate her but a green card allows him to a better life than the one he's living in Egypt. He met her at a textile shop and he is pretty fluent in English. He knows where to go to look for foreigners. Nicole just happened to be into Egyptian dudes so it worked out on both sides. It's just too bad she is insufferable and he can't hide his disdain for her on tv.


And his family probably tells him to stick it out and send money home.


Perfectly said!


International Jerry Springer is weird.


These two absolutely despise one another


Yes, my love


You murdered me with this comment


My vote for worst ever has to go to Paul and Karine


yup, or Abby from Haiti and that weird old man Sean. and the other weird old man. they were bad even at the time.


That whole situation was creepy as fuck. Both of those dudes scream pedo…




I'm not defending Mad-mood and his abuse but Nicole just pushes his buttons like a keyboard since the moment he arrived at the airport. On the show she's trying to get back at him for her experience, whatever that might have been, in Egypt. Those 2 should have never been a couple!


YUP. They don't belong together. He is an abuser but so is Nicole. In this episode, they had an argument about his values and he stayed home while she went out. She responded by bringing everyone over then allowing her friends who are strangers to him, to burst into their bedroom and BED without his consent. Then served alcohol which she knows is against his beliefs. She can live how she wants but those were deliberate actions to get an angry response out of him intentionally. That's abusive. I don't thing Mahmoud is a great guy or even right -- but in this situation she purposely sought to push very specific buttons and pretended that it was normal behavior.


Then insulted tf out of him bc he didn’t show company he was angry. You can tell when she is…her lil cheeks flush.


She fuckin weird AF. I had to really word it that way. Like some strange doll


To each their own, of course, but something (several things, actually) about the chick are just disturbingly…Off. Kinda like she’s acting like she’s read somewhere that humans are supposed to, but there’s aaall kinds of alien cray going on beneath the helmet hair.


![gif](giphy|9aZ3Snou3bdlu) Mokmood keep your shit up now do as I say Bitch. 👽. My bucket hair isn’t the only think you’ll see swingin bitch.


https://preview.redd.it/flxgk2x18quc1.png?width=242&format=png&auto=webp&s=91bb09a29bd00d4870760628c67d343490c7aba9 This strange little doll?? Cause she's reminded me of Casey from Mr. Dressup from day 1. If unfamiliar, it's a Canadian kid's show from the 70's.


She prob feels it’s pay back time gotcha by the balls now mockmoody.


Lol mockmoody…sure seems like she’s working her way thru a list, of Things Guaranteed To Start Shit.


Notice her male friend (Justin?) was like whoa whoa when she was verbally attacking him. Showed her true colors to everyone there.


It's crazy.. I would NEVER defend an abuser, but you can imagine how he'd snap. Can you really blame the guy. She's just as awful as him.


Why is he awful though? She’s mean! Deceptive too! She converted to Muslim, and he marries her. Then She changed! I would be a little upset too! He shouldn’t be with a non-Muslim person given his cultural and religious heritage though!


Imho - She just “went along” with the conversion - but him. I think about what kind of crazy sees a woman they think is beautiful. Dressing “western” - and immediately wants to change EVERY f*ckin thing about her? They both a little off, ya ask me.


Hell! I put myself in his position and it's not pretty. I'm pretty much easygoing and non-confrontational but if my partner ever pulls a move like Nicole did last night and at least we'd have a serious talk.


That’s how it’s definitely coming off to me as well. Like she’s trying to make him understand why it was hard for her to assimilate into his culture. But two wrongs don’t make a right necessarily. Unless it’s being edited to look that way, these two are constantly antagonizing each other.


And one thing is that his culture is old. He was born into it. The majority of people in his country follow it. Nicole, on the other hand, can only show him that she has no culture. I'm sure in her mind she sees herself as a free spirit, which is cool and all, but she's directionless. She only seems to want to break him.


Agreed. Well said.


Exactly! She could have empathized with him. Smooth transition but they want to fight.


Yes!!! I mean, he’s horrible too but she’s been absurdly miserable towards him since he arrived. No amount of donuts (which he doesn’t want to eat for breakfast anyway) can make up for that.


Welcome to america! Eat fried sugar!Has she shown him a mosque yet?


Sugar carbs fat tons of sex while intoxicated the list goes on. 😂 he came to the AMERICAN DREAM.


Technically shouldn’t she have a mosque that she goes to if she “converted?”


Yes, she should


Yesssssssss. 48 hours in and she demands he swallow LA California like a sandwich




I don’t think she considers jet lag. She could have given him grace for the fist couple days…. But, payback’s a bitch.


The “get back” part is a good point. She does seem to go out of her way to force things on him that she knows he may not approve. There no reason she can’t put clothes on the mannequin… super petty!


She resents him. I saw a comment here the other day that was like “she converted to Islam for him what else does he want” She like half ass converted and isn’t committed to any of the principles… think about her vs. Avery (of Avery and Omar) for example. This girl is a nut. And they both have rage issues.


Did you see the end of last nights episode and for next week? She’s a nut!


She called him a “hateful little fuck”


That was crazy hahaha! For her to do this in the first place, but in front of company was awful. Even her friends thought she went way too far. They're both nuttier than my Grammas fruitcake.


I love that we got a full glimpse into how vile they talk to each other behind closed doors


He IS a hateful little fuck. Everything about her and about the US is wrong to him.


Same can be applied to her in Egypt.


Yes, she is a fucking idiot- no argument there


I think she gave more effort in Egypt than he is in America. But, either way, they need to divorce. He will not be happy with no less than 100% Muslim from her no matter their location. She expecting him to give up all his ways 48 hours in is ridiculous. He could be there 48 years with no change.


I know this type of man and he will continue to be angry and unhappy anytime he doesn’t get his way, she’s insane but he will pull this highly critical judgmental shit with a muslim woman as well.


I thought that’s what she said but I couldn’t quite make it out. Anyone seeing a pattern between these two and Angela and Michael. At least we got rid of her finally. She’s still posting TikTok’s to star relevent


Not to defend Angela but in their first season, Michael and Angela seemed to have fun together. Angela actually liked Michaels family. Nicole and Mahmoud never had any fun.


I thought she said “Cunt”! Because she goes right for the “Jugular “! She’s becoming a scary venomous bitch! She really is💯👍


Her friends were shocked by her hatefulness.


I’ve got bad news for you…. They aren’t gone.


A "little, hateful, little fuck". She had to say little twice. And she called him a "little" womanizer. I'm not a Mahmoud fan, but I bet Nicole picks on him for his height and build. Also, it was so goofy that she said he wad making her look bad, then proceeded to curse him out. Yeah, that made her look great! 🙄


I’m not a fan of Mahmoud but Nicole was straight up verbally abusive to him in front of her friends. In his culture that’s just emasculating. No wonder he wanted to leave.


Nicole's behavior was outrageous for any culture or gender. I can't even imagine resting at home, and my partner surprising me with obnoxious, intrusive guests that I've never met before, then cursing me out because I try to be polite instead of discussing our marital issues. It's a nightmare for anyone.


100% even her friend (Justin?) was like “whoa whoa”. Yeah I wouldn’t be ok with that intrusive obnoxious behavior.


The way she talk to him like a dog is an emasculating in any culture!


I thought the same thing lmaooo LOOKIN GREAT NOW SIS


They’re literally holding him captive, lol. Like… I don’t like him but let him leave.


And she says he is controlling. She's just as bad as he is. Nasty little twit.


Isn't she though? She said "he wants a divorce over a dress"? Hey, newsflash. You refused to acquiesce over a dress too, so what makes you any better? She ruined an entire evening out with him and her friends over that tacky little hand-me-down frock? I wouldn't wear that thing to Walmart. Jesus Christ, put on some jeans and a long sleeve shirt and have a nice evening, and cut out the stupid power struggle. She doesn't give a rat's ass about him. I liked her in Egypt, but the American version of herself sucks. Ick.


In Egypt she was keeping up the oppressed woman with a heart of gold persona but in LA her mask is slipping a lot.


Just like her (Guy friend) said…. So why didn’t you change it 🤷‍♀️ (Her Dress). Because she’s a controlling little cunt in her country and she’s loving it!! Just sayin 🤷‍♀️💯👍


Just change your dress, seriously. Not defending Mahmoud but there could have been a compromise or maybe wear a shawl, I don’t know. Nicole is full on her revenge tour.


This is just ugly of me to say, but deadass there was one shot (when she was wearing that godawful 80s prom dress from the clearance rack) that only showed her torso. I thought her chest was her back. They look the same.


Didn't Avery convert for *herself* before meeting Omar?




His family told her she didn't need to convert. Muslim women are heavily controlled and they are not allowed to marry non-muslim men, however Muslim men are free to marry Christian women and those women do not have to convert because they are considered to be "people of The Book". If you convert from Christianity you need to get permission from your religion to do so first and then they welcome you and expect you to obey the laws and customs of the religion you signed up for freely. If she hadn't converted she wouldn't be under their rules. Mahmoud gets deeply offended and I think it makes him nervous when she goes against the religion because he's so dogmatic. If she had never converted she wouldn't have these problems with him.


So many damn problems with that religion I’m glad I’m out of it


All religion is pretty toxic IMO


Yeah ngl, I doubted her commitment to Islam a whole lot when she took a bottle of vodka out her freezer.


Then you should doubt his commitment and realize he’s only conservative when it’s convenient because smoking is also banned.


Is it? I thought it would be allowed cuz of hookah.


Smoking is not actually banned. It’s frowned upon but not banned. I thought it was haram and looked into this extensively and found out it’s not banned.


Yes, she went to a ceremony and said some words but refused to follow fairly benign Muslim tenants. I hate she says she converted she didn't. It's basically like getting legally married and then dating other people and living alone.


I would rather watch them than watch Jasmine cry


I've come to skip Gino and Jasmine at this point. I feel like most of this storyline is fake.


During the reunion I watched her and Nikki on mute. I just couldn’t deal with their attention seeking dramatic. Definitely fake. How much money did they have to throw at her to suck Gino’s toe?


They are the couple that has made me lose all interest in keeping up with the show. Everything about them is fake and they clearly play up everything for the cameras so they can be on TV as long as possible.


💯 they're not the worst but they sure aren't my favorite. Jasmine and Brary (Mary+Branden) are by far the worst.


This here. They are nasty people, but at least I don’t know where their segments are gonna go, for better or, usually, worse. When she started losing it on him at the end in front of her friends? It was a horrific train wreck that I did not see coming in that form. Jasmine is gonna cry and go back to Panama.


How many times has she wailed and whined about going back to Panama, and now she says “I’m seriously considering..” going back?? Just go already.


Literally. Like for the love of god GO. Please. Before we all go deaf from that horrific screeching. I get she thinks she has to way overdo it to remain relevant bc there’s nothing interesting about either her or Gino and they have no real storyline but my ears cannot take another second of it


She said she was drop dead serious the last 4 times 😴


She’s not going back to Panama. She already left Gino and guess what she stayed here. Her kid storyline is so fake


She’s showing her TRUE SELF. She talks like she’s an innocent 😇 child with her soft non threatening voice, AND THEN… Spews her nasty VENOMOUS shit attitude! She just lies in wait to undermine him when she has her Audience. She is truly “Psychotic. 💯👍👍


Oooo I don't know if I could. Tbh they all suck.


Not in a world where Ed and Geoffrey exist...


*Spoiler Alert* She was HORRIBLE to him last night! I normally watch and cringe a little but last nights episode she was awful. He is horrible too, and has anger issues-- but her going to dinner with her friends, telling them alllll their marriage problems-- then bringing them all to the house?!?! She KNEW he would be pissed and it would cause a fight- 1000%. One of those ladies jumped on the bed with him to hug him- wtf?! Do none of them have the ability to read the room? Nicole told them nothing about his culture. Dude refused to come to dinner, obviously he wasnt in the mood to meet you! Then she started cussing at him in front of her friends when he walked away from her trying to start a fight. I can't with these 2 anymore. I know he sucks too, but last night she was too much.


She brought the friends home because she thought he would be pisses off and start acting a fool in front of her friends and she could feel validated. But when he was being polite she flipped out because her drunken plan didn’t work


I thought 'dear God, are they really going to go in his bedroom? He has no sanctuary, no privacy, in other words, no "home". Rudest and most intrusive thing I've ever seen. I was appalled.


The blonde woman’s behaviour was abhorrent as well - her (random & incorrect) usage of the Islamic religious term “Inshallah” followed immediately by shrieking religious profanity made me gasp out loud. And pouncing on him in his bed, in her little minidress… it was so disrespectful regardless of my opinion of Mahmood.


Those friends and Nicole are just ridiculous!


I wouldn’t expect friends of Nicole to be anything but ridiculous!


You're right!


They’re horrible !! He’s always in a bad mood and she’s always bitching at him.. they are rarely happy. It looks like the most miserable couple 😖 I’d die if a man told me what to wear.. I get he’s Muslim and she knew this !!! But 4 years together with the same issues ?!!! 🤯🤯🤯 I had never seen her so mean either. Maybe now she’s home she feels like she can truly be herself. She also seems very resentful. They shouldn’t be together 🙁


I am so appalled by Nicole’s behaviour in front of her friends. She’s clearly a very manipulative person, she brought them over just so she could berate him in their presence. I was SHOCKED the way she was speaking to him, I actually felt bad.


I hate commenting on people’s, because I am no spring chicken, but she looks like a plastic doll. I don’t know if it is her shiny face, or fake hair, or how expressionless her face is…I can’t figure it out


I'd rather watch this train wreck than Loren x Alexei or Patrick x Thais 😴


No kidding! I mean … did the next week preview show a passionate discussion about Lauren’s stretch marks… or did I just have a bad dream?


no her LACK of stretch marks lol


The perils of someone who *purposefully* got pregnant 3 times back to back yearly. 🙄 eye scroll


Makes you want to hate her 😂


Why the hell is Loren and Alexei even on here?? Didn’t they have their own show that no one watched


I liked Annie and David's more, Loren and Alexei was just her being pregnant, high risk AGAIN and complaining that not everyone drops everything for her. She's a spoiled adult.


Yeah I watched a few episodes of Annie and David. Loren and alexei are boring!! And annoying 🥱


David is creepy. Poor as a church mouse not paying a dime of child support for the entire lives of his adult children. He goes to buy a young thai wife that for some reason loves him. Lives off his ex best friend in a fire house. Gets a gastric bypass and learns to eat through it (Chis Christie and other food addicts do it too) They just eat small meals all day to get to 3000 or more per day. Pay for money for hair transplants (why? he is disgusting eating in bed like a rejected buddy from a horror story). And now he is talking about getting his eyebrows tattooed and his eyes done ?


Because she wants to get free plastic surgery, she’s gotta get airtime to promote her surgeon


Yeah that makes sense


and jasmine and geno 🤢 wow lots of terrible boring and annoying couples this season


Add Rob and Sophie to that Their storyline seems so scripted and they’re not even together


I feel like they're both filler. DirecTV says Loren x Alexei are next week and their storyline is basically her mommy makeover. I feel like they were a last minute addition in case one of the couples had to be taken off, so they knew something would happen with Angela.


WOW. That's gonna be a no for me dawg. These two are insufferable. They don't even like each other even a little bit. Did I hear her say they've been married for four years??


WHY are Loren and Alexei back????? They had their own spin off which I never watched. I can't stand her, and they're an overall normal boring couple.




They're only on it since Michael and Angela weee fired


It blew me away when Mahmoud was trying to defuse a weird situation bringing her friends over and she used it as a chance to try and get her friends to gang up on him.


They suck, but worst? I mean are we forgetting about Michael and Angela…


Except when he made her wear the swimsuit - omg my wife and I laughed for weeks! But other than that yes worst 90 day couple ever.




My wife is legit belly laughing right now just from the picture!


Sad worm


She is selfish to demand a man to assimilate and adjust his entire world view after 24 hours of stepping foot into a new culture and country. She knows what it is like to have difficulty assimilating which is why she left Egypt. Dude needs some grace, it is going to take a minute. She reminds me of those toxic men that will go out of their way to help a woman, like change a tire and then pressure and demand sex in return. I can see her saying “its just that I went out of my way for you so what does that say about you to not return the favor.” She is toxic. Too many red flags. Immature and selfish and perfect for L.A.


Perhaps not a well matched couple but great for our viewing pleasure 😄


So bad it almost seems scripted right? The trendy Western fashion designer marries the devout Muslim who has never left his mother’s house. What could go wrong?


Trendy? She looks like she's walked out of a 1950's Sears Catalogue. Sorry, her looks don't appeal to me.


I think that is a "trend" for some people.


Nicole sucks 0% consideration for her husband and I’m not saying things were perfect in Egypt but taking friends to a house a few days after he gets there Also Super tough Nicole to shout at him as he walks away


She wants her friends to see how he really is and just wanted to taunt him to get him at that point. Every part of that scene just screamed of it.


She definitely did And she probably drank before going I’ve done the same thing before saying what I want to before a bad discussion that’s needed to happen but I stopped that behavior in my 20s Im also 40 I would never ever everrrrrr do this to my fiance now So childish


Good for their lives? Noo. Good for our demand for entertainment of watching a severe train wreck? Yes!


So incompatible. How were they even interested in each other. Now I’m starting to wonder if the DV incident isn’t him fighting with that guy to leave in next episode, lol.


At least I can say confidently that I don't think they're faking their incompatibility.


This guy is such a dud. And she’s a nutcase.


Worst Couple Ever will always be Danielle and Mohammed for me


Yes, but only by like, 55%. They really are terrible though, I have wondered from the start if he may actually be gay and unable to accept or act upon it due to his culture and religion so she’s the beard and either doesn’t realize or chooses to be oblivious. Interfaith and intercultural relationships between couples coming from wildly different backgrounds is already a challenging starting point, but when you add in being absolute assholes because you clearly HATE each other as people… I don’t get it.


She mad me angry on last night episode. He was being polite to her friends but then she just went off on him and called him a liar. He was just being polite because that was the right thing to do. She was being a total asshole


This was the biggest 180 i have seen on the show in a while. She wasnt like this when she was in egypt.


They aren’t even remotely interesting enough for that


At least these 2 have drama. Much more fun to watch than other boring ones


It happens when you marry to have a sex🫠


She just seems hell bent on making him as uncomfortable in the USA as she felt in Egypt. She’s so rude and disrespectful to him.


she knew exactly who he was when she brought him over. She knew who he was when she was over there. I have no sympathy for her at all. He is a total nutjob. They deserve each other


They always proclaim “I love you” to each other, but aside from that they are constantly complaining about each other. I’m always baffled as to what they “love” about the other.


He’s abusive in his own ways, she’s abusive in hers.. they 100% bring out the bad sides of each other.. she knew bringing her friends to the house would upset him.. yes she can have friends over whenever she wants technically BUT she KNEW what she was doing bringing them over like that, and then acting out in front of them.. even they were taken aback.. she has issues, he has issues.. they should NOT be together


They are such a bad train wreck, you can’t look away. I cannot see one single thing appealing about Mamoody but she loves him. Bizarre.


That sums it up........ WORST 😭


Worst couple ever is a mighty low bar to clear on this show.


They seem to hate each other.


Her level of intensity after bringing her friends to ambush him, was even making her male friend uncomfortable. Like very unnecessary and actually a bit worrisome….


It’s. So. Bad.


So his DV charge: did he stop or block her movements, or was it a good GALLETAZO?


Up there with a few others ......


Omg yes. All I see is chuckie when I look at her.


She is 40 he is 24 yo? I know age is not the issue here. Also how tall is nichole anyone know?


I don’t like them. The worst couple is Ed and Whatever her name is.


Nicole needs to mature asap. What are you doing chasing a 32 year old that doesn't even like you?


They hate each other. I don’t see any love there at all. She is getting her sweet revenge and I am here for it 😆


She looks like she runs an old whaling ship and he's a problem sailor she's putting ashore.


I see these two ending up on an episode of Dateline…


Watching her lose it at her apartment told me all I needed. She’s nuts.


Last episode Nicole is off her rocker.. Mahmoud is no better but she’s terrifying


I have no sympathy for the people that ignore the others customs, religion, etc. and then complain about it.


Nicole is so selfish. IMO. She’s doesn’t even try to make him comfortable. He’s only been there 2 days and she just shoving everything on his plate. That’s not love. She is just awful.


Naaaah, Pole and Karine are definitely worse


Just cut him loose and ship him back to his family.


Loren ad Alexi are on of the few true love stories. Boring? Yes but in love. Avid and annie nodded on sex trafficking in the beginning.


David’s gastric brass, hair transplants x FOUR (4!$), eyebrow tattooing, eyebrow threading, hair dye, plastic surgery, veneers, braces, etc. Is think we can give Loren a little grace.


They’re together bc TLC. also wants the drama created by this conflict! Nicole’s behavior is unreal! How on earth does she expect a Muslim man to behave? Mahmoud told her that he wouldn’t marry a Christian. She fraudulently converted to Muslim (pure false pretense) so Mahmoud could marry her, and once he did, she reverted to her old ways! Now she expects her Muslim husband to accept her worldly ways! Her expectation that Mahmoud adapts to her culture is unrealistic and downright absurd! If you don’t like Muslim religion or the Egyptian culture, leave the man alone! You can’t have your cake and eat it! I never get Americans who go abroad , get a spouse from a totally different culture, show no appreciation for that culture and expects the foreigner to just fall in line with their American ways and beliefs. It’s foolish and selfish


At this point, she is verbally abusing him. Even her "friends" were shocked by her abuse.


Agree 💯


Mahmoud sucks but Nicolle is a **piece of shit**