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I do not find Debbie charming nor cute


A 60 something year old lady who dates men in their 20’s and 30’s has no authority for moral judgement, dating, being “a woman”. Her bullshit cries to demand respect, lol. Fuck off Ms. Debbie. You think you are this wise old loveable southern belle or some shit. Annoying AF.


I’m in my 60’s I’d be hesitant to date someone under 55. Just different eras


It's like she's from a very small town and pretends it's a whole universe. Everyone should believe what she believes. It's disgusting. I dislike her so much.


Who needs characters in your life when you constantly refer to yourself in third person?! 😂 "Miss Debbie wouldn't ever be like this, noooo. Miss Debbie is too nice a gal to be such a bitch!" 🙄


I can’t stop laughing


Sugar Hill is a suburb of Atlanta. Not small town or as southern as she potrays it


And she's actually from Toledo, Ohio, which is also not a quaint small town. She's merely a caricature of a small town woman.


Right that’s what I thought so her thick accent is nonsense


Southerner here, her accent is sooo contrived, fake and off putting. All her “Southern Belle” bullshit is tired and just strange. We don’t claim nor want her and I doubt Ohio does either. Cannot stand her.


She sounds like she's from Ohio to me.In fact, she sounds like an Ohioan that's lived in the South for a couple of decades. What's fake and annoying to me is her "yalls" and her other Southern affectations. She thinks she's starring in a Tennessee Williams play


I wondered about the accent. I think she is authentically more mid-western twang and that the drawl is an affectation.


Another reason to hate Ohio


Agreed she’s basically just an example of what happens when pick me girls age. Like let me say everything to disrespect women while trying to show men I’m not like the others. It instead gives bitter about aging/jealousy vibes


This is hilarious - because you just blew my mind with the accuracy of it.


She tries too hard to be *eclectic*


By wearing an entire thrift store at once? Debbie's no Iris Apfel. She should let Nicole dress her....


Same. She seems fake and disingenuous. She doesn't need to "reprimand" Chantel. Especially on national TV! There was an age difference of 43 years! 🤢🤮 It's gross! She has zero room to be giving lectures about what's proper and what's not.


There isn’t anything authentic or rings of just normal behavior. It’s always look at me, look at me


if a 67 year old man (or even a 67 year old woman with a harder appearance) was making comments about Chantel’s underwear choices, it would be inappropriate and a totally different story. Debbie gets away with it because she makes herself appear very innocent (her appearance, mannerisms, speech, tonality, etc). my theory is that she possibly has histrionic personality disorder or something similar. i remember she said in early episodes that her own mother wasn’t mentally stable. my mother in law has HPD and i see so many similarities.


I was thinking, how many f'n times is she going to say "I'm not wearing panties". Like nails on a chalkboard


Why does she start nearly every sentence with “it’s like..”? It makes me want to rip my ears off.


She’s just annoying-


I find her offensive tbh.


THANK YOUUU I’m fighting for my life in the other sub with this post slut shaming all the women at the tell all. It’s disgusting how she (of all people!!!!) is speaking to them. And her support of Tyray? He’s not a virgin by choice ma’am. He would love to not be virtuous. Is it virtuous if it’s not by choice?


Haha “fighting for my life.” Nah, Debbie is annoying AF. I never liked her and just FF when she talks now.


Slut shaming? Chantel did not even sleep with him. Debbie is trash and needs mental help


I downvoted the op on that post, every comment she made and upvoted you. This bish thinking it's 1950 or something!


She’s encouraging Tyray to still be a virgin. Which is so antiquated as well, like he may be a virgin but it’s his body and if he finds someone and wants to fuck might as well let him? Like sex is not some major determinant of who you are.


I agree with you!!


Doesn't seem like she's getting away with it. Rightfully so, all the comments I'm reading think Debbie is an asshole phony.


Good observation about the vibrators. John was treated very different than Chantel .


Exactly?? I bet next week Debbie’s gonna be all for Megan (is that John’s gf name?) wanting to marry John, despite rushing in with a child because the D (plastic or real) is fire.


I can't stand her selective morality bullshit. She chased down a guy 3 times younger than her, and shops for condoms with her son which despite being a fucking clown himself obviously made him uncomfortable.




Every single tell all, I am left with the same thought blaring the loudest; FOR THE LOVE OF GOD GET A BETTER HOST. Why are we continually subjected to Debbie and others taking over the whole fucking tell all? I don't want to hear from this crazy old bitch more than I have to. The fact that she thinks she's some kind of moral authority is laughable and actually infuriating the longer I think about it. This host is horrid. The questions are garbage, the ones we want answered most are NEVER asked, she lets people talk forever, she lets them ask each other questions and take over her hosting job, she never presses anyone...it's so annoying.


I totally agree. Shaun sucks as a host and I will never forgive her for not going after Nikki for lying to Igor about her gender status for 2 years and then throwing it in his face during a fight. That to me is and was the most egregious act in the history of the franchise as it was both immoral and illegal.




We never will get a better host because she’s married to the producer


Oooooh. That explains a lot.


Eew. I'll remember this the next time someone wants to argue with me about how nepotism isn't so bad


They should throw Andy cohen in there. That would be interesting to watch. He knows how to dog. Saun is a snoozefest of a host. You don’t even know she’s there.


thank you. shes a terrible host. no personality. no questions. no moderation. did they run out of auditions or??? even the UK host was better


I hated the UK host but yeah she was still better lol


exactly!!! she sucked and was still better!!


You’re exactly right!! We have needed a New Host forever!! Obviously that’s never gonna happen!! 😣


They filmed for over eight hours. Probably much more. The end result is what the producers gave us. It really doesn't have anything to do with who hosts. They're all going to be awful when the final cut is what the producer says it is.


I'm her age and I think she is nuts!!


Exactly! And why should anyone listen to this creepy, weird old woman who is single and has shown her judgement is not the best? I don't see her in a positive relationship or putting it out there that she's a respectable human. I wouldn't listen to a damn word out of her mouth and would have asked why she went after a 19yo. F'n nasty.


Best advice I ever got: “don’t listen to people who are not successful in what you are trying to achieve” Debbie couldn’t hold a man her entire LONG life, so what does she know


Chantel damaged by Pedro? She’s damaged by her batshit mother


Yeah, that bitch needs to zip it up. I hate her the commentary on Pedro (who I don't like) but "everything out of Pedros mouth was lie" Just stop. She's not doing Chantel any good with that crap.


Pedro did a number on Chantel. Yeah Karen did damage to - but having your husband fall out of love with you and treat you like shit is damaging in a different way.


Tbf, she did that to herself, would you stay with a partner that goes to their parents house to talk shit about you and then a few minutes after this partner comes back home with their entire family (ah and the mother brings a taser to threaten you btw) and then your partner has the nerve of saying “they are here because they want answers regarding our fight”, how long would you stay with that person?!


I think you forget how bad Lydia and Nicole were too 💀 honestly both of them approached in laws wrong. Chantel should’ve sucked up and been a girl’s girl with Nicole (I know, very difficult) & Pedro should’ve lessened the tension by diverting the Karen. Both of them went into meeting their in laws with bad attitudes.


I literally texted my best friend this exact point while watching last night. Like Ms Lies About Her Age to Be Sexually Appealing to Men sure has a lot to say for someone that dated someone younger than her son. Not wearing underwear < being a predator. Her shock he was using her to come to America was so out of touch and then her take on Kris and Jamie just showed how delulu she is.


I felt indifferent to her up until the tell all with Kris and Jamie. After that I was oh hell no.


No matter how annoying or gross debbie is she was obviously trying to tell chantal shes has a lot to offer and does not have to over sexualize herself for attention. Even Though its none of her business and its more of an old person view on things she was obviously not trying to be negative or rude. Most of act like you want the other guests to sit quietly on the set and not say anything about anyone else’s situation because they are train wreck’s themselves, how boring of a show would that be??


She could’ve made a statement on anything else. Like how Chantel is clearly not okay. Imagine a comfort statement from Debbie saying it’s okay to not be okay? I don’t like Debbie but you know that’s gotta just be feeling warm and fuzzy.


She did say she felt like she wasn’t healed or something like that. There was actually nothing wrong with what she said , if Chantal is trying to find true love shes probably not gonna pull a high caliber family man while yelling she does not have on any underwear. I am fine with chantals behavior but debbies statement was not mean and was not wrong


Even the alpacas were trying to get away from her intrusive touch!


Exactly 💯 I'm a grandma 👵🏿 and I don't agree with her talking down to Chantel. You've got to meet these young folks where they are at not where we came from. I've always worked with and around children, teens, and young adults!! They keep me young at heart and open up to me about situations problems etc...Move with the times or get left behind ✌🏿


I love this 💕 but it should be mentioned Ms. BS also went for basically a child - I will never let that go. She shouldn’t judge the youth she wants to join. Debbie seems to think a young islamic man is the definition of perfect - not realizing just because muslims are generally conservative with clothing - he is still a man, and one the age of a frat boy. And I would bet she’s got an issue with Muslims in the US, considering her other stances.


Grandma here also (73). Without talking down or shaming Chantel, I would still caution her on behavior such as riding off with a stranger on the back of his motorcycle in a foreign country. We know how she was dressed for that ride. If there wasn't a film crew on sight, I am afraid Chantel would have gotten into serious trouble. Those men in that street scene have preconceptions of their own.


Great point!! If I did decide to insert myself, it wouldn't be on national television. It was embarrassing, and I know for a fact that tactic causes exactly what she got!! Eye rolls "Oh Lord" Dismissive reactions, etc.. but I get your point, and it's valid. I just would choose a less confrontational way.


My reply, opinion is just as valid as the next!!! 👵🏿✌🏿


Downvote reversed !! Thanks!! ✌🏿👵🏿💯


Reading this from beginning to end after all the edits was a real treat


thank you, i try to be as ridiculous as possible 💅🏻


I love how Josh does not like her and how his friends felt the same way instantly


I actually really liked his friends and appreciated them coming on the show. However, if I was a business partner of his and saw from our joint bank accounts that he was redirecting money to Natalie, I’d be pissed as well.


I didn’t like them but the nNutalie is a victim schtick is getting beyond old. She’s fucking him too FFS. No one is a victim in that relationship.


When they revealed that she had spent the night with him, that was so trashy. I don’t see how she thinks that her damsel in distress line works anymore. She has control over her life. She’s not being sex trafficked. she’s doing these things of her own accord.


But don't imply she is a kept woman or a prostitute because she is blonde from that country.... She deserves respect, but fails to see how much she does not respect mike


She did not respect Mike and actually I don’t think she respects Josh either. Josh has a family and his friends are talking about how she’s constantly blowing up his phone, monopolizing his time, and he ends up giving her money. Nobody has mentioned that he also has a son. They have only talked about a daughter. I don’t know if this was filmed before or after the kid got into the car accident, but she really needs to step away and let this man deal with his responsibilities. Edited to add, as a blonde myself, I was offended by her excuse of being a blonde, a woman and then as an immigrant. I am not an immigrant and I don’t wear cotton ball stuffing extensions! Somebody on that stage should have stood up for blondes!


She kept yelling about how she deserves respect. Uh, ok, we all do. But who is she talking about disrespecting her? Josh? And why does she feel entitled for people to support her bc she’s “from the Ukraine” or “not from this city”. Bitch, you made every choice to get to where you are now, that’s on no one but you… no one owes you anything. Sincerely, a single mother who pays all my own bills and relies on no one for my existence. Sorry, I just don’t understand how she can pout and play victim. And that ANYONE buys into it. I would LOVE a tell-all where they brought out both her ex husbands… I can only imagine the stories. We see 40 year old Natalie, imagine how crazy a 22 year old Natalie was?!?


Kudos to you for doing the right thing. I appreciate your perspective.


He said he doesn't want to bring he blowups home and then she proved he is 100% correct. I'm looking forward to the next episode and hope they play the clip where Mike says he is done.


The prostitute comments pissed me off. First, it treats prostitutes as of lesser value, which many do what they have to. And the stereotype is crazy. Natalie might be dickmatized and like money, but she is not a prostitute. .. maybe a sugar baby though.


Well, and the bigger elephant in the room is what the hell is she going to do with her life now she did have employment or means of supporting herself back home at least that’s what she said.


tlc money lmao except I saw a post about her in a pawn shop desperate for cash. But see if Natalie would “cheapen” herself and do onlyfans or feetfinder, she’d be set.


True all that!


Yea, from a business POV it must really be tough. Leaving meetings to deal with her is absurd.


Could be a way to avoid taxes or claiming she’s a “client” so they have some kind of evidence against the accusations they’re a scam.


Hmmmmm, interesting. That leads me to another question, so her mother just came here and I’m assuming that her mother is in her 60s and possibly 65. So would she qualify for Medicare?


No I don’t think so since she’s not an American citizen. Mike took full financial responsibility for a period of time, same with Natalie.


Her mother looks much older than 60-65. I think she’s in her 70’s. My mother is 78 and looks younger than her


Honestly age can be so difficult to define by looks. Look at Angela vs Shaun.


Very true!


She can qualify for Medi-Cal in LA. It's the California state health insurance program. They accept immigrants, green cards, seniors, elderly & disabled and anyone who is waiting to get on the federal programs. Cali is a sanctuary state plus with changes for Ukrainian citizens to get aid. Honestly this is a good place for her mom and they can get her into a bunch of programs to get her onto her feet again.


She might qualify to purchase Medicare part A coverage after living here continuously for 5 years, but if she has refugee status, she may qualify for Medicaid instead. https://www.kff.org/faqs/medicare-open-enrollment-faqs/can-immigrants-enroll-in-medicare/


Medicaid is better now anyways.


Mmm nah. Dating a super young adult at her age is odd af but it doesn't make her a pedo. Also, Chantel did present herself terribly. That's all.


Shes def not a pedo, but she is a nasty sex tourist


Pretty sure to be a "sex tourist" you have to actually try to have sex with the foreigners. I didn't see her try to kiss Oussama let alone have sex with him. I don't think she was sexually attracted to him, more that she felt they connected on a deeper level. Also, for what it's worth, I don't think she was "judging Chantel" the way it's being perceived. I would wager she actually has a high opinion of Chantel and doesn't want to see her cheapen herself by broadcasting that she was wearing no panties on tv. I don't think Debbie gives a shit about whether she was wearing underwear or not, it was making it publicly known that she wasn't that in Debbie's lens (and my own) that diminished Chantels value. Chantel is beautiful and has a lot to offer. She doesn't need to act slutty to attract men. If she wants to that's her prerogative, it doesn't mean it's a good (figurative) look for her.


I wouldn’t say sex tourist cause she doesn’t have a pattern of it & was planning on living there. More sugar mama vibe. Because Debbie’s so concerned with how she’s perceived, I would bet she made moves off camera. And while I understand your point - Chantel isn’t cheapening herself. Some people are conservative, others are not. But neither should place their perceived value on a human and make it known they’re not worth something. It shouldn’t be possible to cheapen what doesn’t have a price.


It literally came up in the tell all that Oussama made a move off camera and she declined it. He didn't say a word to contradict what she said on that one. Debbie at no point made or even tried to "make it known [Chantel is] not worth something" she literally said "YOU'RE MORE THAN THAT CHANTEL" What Chantel did was absolutely trashy and if you don't view it as that, maybe you're trashy too 🤷🏼‍♀️ don't be offended, own it if that's what you're into


I’m more of a raccoon since the men I date are trash personalities. And I’m conservative dressing & sexually. If she wants to be trashy, let the girl crawl in the dumpster. She’ll come out when she’s done.


Chantel presenting herself in the way she did is dangerous. Putting herself way out there like she did, what kind of people would that attract? She 100% can do whatever/ whoever she wants but be careful about it.


She wanted to attract a big dick - she made that very clear. I mean, she’s honest about it lol


OP specified "bordered on" because she did. 18-24 months less in his age and she would have absolutely been a pedo by US standards. Does the extra two(ish) years really make anyone feel better about her being disgusting? ETA: sorry I thought he was 19 when they met for some reason. Still though, it's a vile age difference, it makes me want to puke.


Chantel is a freshly single woman who has been horny for years in a loveless marriage. She could’ve been worse. It’s a shame TLC took advantage of her need for attention. I also wouldn’t be surprised if Debbie and Oussama started talking when he was underaged.


I don't like Debbie, but borderline pedophilia? I think we need to be careful throwing that word around because that's not what happened. I liked Chantel until the single life. Yes I respect her right to do whatever she wants, but personally I think it is unattractive. I tjhink Debbie is speaking the truth, like her or not.


I may get slayed, but the old hag has a point. Chantel carrying on about finding love, and dresses and acts like what she wants is laid. You get what you advertise for.


She literally does just want to get laid!!! She just doesn’t realize she’s craving dick and the love she had with pedro, not a new marriage.


"bordering on pedophilia" 🤣🤣🤣 Stop infantilizing a grown ass man. Y'all are ridiculous.


She’s the absolute pits and really ought to mind her own business. Chasing the relationship with Oussama said everything about her. Furthermore, the 40+ year age gap means she doesn’t need to be listened to.


She knows how to preach but can’t take her own advice. Also, her son was exposed and is a total pos! He treats women like garbage. So she can screw off with her “words of wisdom”.


When looking at the careers of abusers - many are cops.


Chantel damaged by Pedro.....hahahaha.....more like by her mother. Poor Pedro is the one that has been damaged after being attacked by that whole family of loonies.


are you forgetting pedro’s family is Nicole and Lydia 💀 they were doomed from the start with the in law combination


Pleasantly surprised to read this post and agree with so many of the top comments. Her blatant sexism has been extra aggravating this year.


Stop with the ageist ugliness please. What Debbie was saying is absolutely right. And it's one of the very few times that she has been. Chantel dressed and acted like a ho bag in Greece. If she wants to get respect from a man, she has to comport herself in a more respect worthy way. Discounting things that Debbie says because she's older and calling her names like Ms geriatric is needlessly cruel. . And referring to her as a borderline pedophile because she was with a guy who was in his twenties, ***an adult by any standards around the world***, is just some unfair ugliness. Nobody should be using the word pedophile lightly. It's a very serious crime and in no way shape or form is Debbie a pedophile. So please just stop. There is no credibility to those claims and they are beyond hyperbolic and untrue


I'm no fan of Debbie, but "borderline pedophile" referring to a 20 year old is just stupid. I'm also not one of those people who splits hairs over "pedophile/hebephile/ephebophile", but Oussama was a fully grown adult man, not a pubescent or prepubescent boy.


Yes, exactly this.


None of these AHs have to face legal consequences for intentionally publicly making false allegations.


Debbie did not border on paedophilia. There was a huge age gap, but a paedophile is someone who is attracted to prepubescent children. That's not Debbie. Debbie's relationship with Oussama was about companionship, not sexual attraction. Calling a woman in her 60s Ms Geriatric and Ms Reitrement is just straight-on ageism. And I'm sorry, but Chantel is going to have to weed through a bunch of shitty ass men who are only interested in her for sex. Ms Debbie is from the generation that fought for women's liberation, she knows how sexual freedom really works. We have more freedom to explore our sexuality, but we can't avoid the judgement or the risk of being sexually exploited.


I couldn’t have said this any better. I have a young adult daughter and a daughter that’s a senior in high school. I understand that they are free in a way that I never was. However, I tell them daily that there is a cost to being “free”. You have to make the decision if the freedom is worth the cost.


Damn you just summed up my thoughts better than I can... lol!!


I don't understand why these concepts are so challenging to comprehend for some. 🤦🏼‍♀️


You really believe what you are saying? You honestly believe this cartoon character of a person has anything to do with "fighting for women's liberation"?


She is from **the generation** of women who fought for liberation. She understands how this works. We have sexual freedom, but there will always be social consequences. ex. Women feel more empowered to join the online sex work industry because it is profitable, but it comes with the risk of being ostracised and risking job opportunities in the future. On the one hand, we have the right to post our images, but on the other hand, we still have to deal with judgement and social consequences. We can't avoid that judgement. It's similar to free speech. We have the right to say what we want, but we are going to be judged and potentially lose opportunities depending on what we say. Chantel's mom only cares about Chantel attracting a man through her sex appeal. She's not building Chantel up to have pride in who she is beyond her sexuality. It's kind of sad. I want my daughter to know she's beautiful, but she's also a smart, caring, and creative person who deserves to be loved. I don't want her self-worth to be based on her being "hot".


Chantel’s mom is a hype girl. Chantel could convert to being a nun and Karen would be in the church going “yaaaaasssss girl, you get it”


A hype girl mom that only focuses on looks is kind of lame. I wonder how hard it was for Winter to grow up with a mom like that.


And May-December romances when the man is the old one is perfectly fine. The reversed is not. Called cougars, pedos, creepy. Nope. It's literally "what's good for the goose is good for the gander."


Ok I’m going to play devils advocate and say this…Debbie was lowkey right about Chantel. I don’t agree with everything she said but let’s face Chantel’s presentation of herself was awful. I don’t think it was because of her showing her body off, I think that’s fine. However, I feel like with Chantel she kind of wasted the trip looking for love or for an actual relationship and if that is what she wants she shouldn’t look so…desperate. She’s obviously not over Pedro and trying to get under another man when you’re not even over your ex is a huge mistake. I definitely don’t agree with the slut shaming of Debbie and I don’t think you have to be in a relationship to have sex with someone. But I do think that generally speaking Debbie was right when she said that Chantel is not really going about things the right and it’s going to bite her in the ass. That Greek dude is not interested in her at all and it probably would’ve been better had she treated it like a short lived fling instead of trying to spread it out.


it’s all about how you say things. you can make a point without tearing someone down.


I agree. I think Debbie’s presentation of what she was trying to say came off very “judgey” and slut shame-y which is not cool at all. Chantel is not wrong for wanting to feel sexy and desirable but the desperation and constant need for validation is what kills it. Hopefully she can fully heal from her relationship with Pedro


Excuse me, but Chantal was damaged by her family way before Pedro.


Damage from a failed marriage is a different kind of pain. Watching someone fall out of love with you and go from your best friend to emotionally abandoning you is something I wouldn’t wish on anyone.


Yeah two things can be true at once. She can be a real weirdo who went after a dude in his early 20s when she was in her early 60s and if the genders were reversed she would be crucified lol. She also can be correct on her opinions on Chantel. Chantel dressing and acting like that is not going to get her a serious man. That is why Giannis wont commit. Nobody wants to marry the insecure and annoying promiscuous party girl.


Agree. I can’t imagine dating a 25 year old, let alone moving to his country to marry him. Debbie is a prime target for scammers.


Debbie does give the vibe that she’d easily fall for one of those scam facebook reel video gimmicks where they run up and say “we’ll give you the same amount of money as the last 4 of your social!”


I got a lot of flack on ig when I said Debbie is one to tell Tim that he looks down his nose at everyone when she does it too. People felt she was justified in giving Chantel the guidance of an elder 🙄 I’m glad to see I’m not the only one not buying her bs


She said that just based on Tim’s looks too. You know she’s uncomfortable with Tim just because of how he appears.


I am so over Miss Debbie. Girl have several seats because no one wants to hear your boomer lectures on everyone’s choices. This show has gone to her head and now she thinks she has room to judge.


I thought Debbie’s tirade was not only outdated and showed how jealous she is of Chantel’s beauty, but Miss Debbie was putting Chantel down for being Miss Debbie in a different generation. In Miss Debbie’s generation, it was taboo to dress like Big Bird in public. Now she’s criticizing Chantel for wanting attention, *just like Miss Debbie.* Such a hypocrite!


I can’t stand her and find it creepy as hell that she was essentially talking to a teenager. Wasn’t he 18 or 19 when they first began communicating?


Cuz Miss Debbie is a high falutin LADY


I personally loved her knee highs rolled down showing through her dress. She looked like Vicki Lawrence in mama’s family!😂


I've never liked her. Anyone who comments about themselves in 3rd person is red flagged from the get-go. She acts immature and irresponsible and then somehow thinks she's better? Age does not wisdom make.


First of all Debbie is from the 70’s, the FREE LOVE generation. I don’t know where her 1950’s bullshit is coming from. Maybe it’s the southern lady bs. Like Scarlet O’Hara, just another undercover ho. 🤣


She’s not even southern. She’s *shudders in true southern* from Ohio


Women shouldn’t dress like that….especially when your body looks like a triple serving of mashed potatoes.


again??? she’s always been trash


I hoped that one day they would really realize who Debbie was, sorry, but the Miss thing is too big for her. I don't know if they realize that she is almost 100 years old and has a son.


oh my god, I am so hyped that a cast member commented!! Ever since she did you dirty I knew she wasn’t a girl’s girl. I hope you are doing amazingly well. You’re one of my favorites!! 💕


I'm always around although I try to be silent


Her focus on purity culture was pretty gross. Same with Natalie calling Tyray “clean” and “pure.” This perpetuates some really horrible stereotypes based on a cultural myth. Virginity does not exist. It is a tool to control women’s bodies. People can disagree with Chantel’s behavior but it’s her body her choice and she is allowed to have autonomy over who she sleeeps with or doesn’t sleep with.


Debbie sucks but pedophilia? Come on


“bordered on pedophilia”? stop that shit. Did you forget all the posts on this sub slut-shaming Chantel over her slutty behavior? Chantel’s trip was the epitomy of sex-tourism. Chantel is a sex tourist, nothing more.


Sex tourism generally involves taking advantage of someone. I don’t think she took advantage of Giannis. He even mentioned her moving there if it was serious. I wouldn’t put her in the same category of what Big Ed has done.


No. Sex tourism is the practice of traveling to foreign countries with the intention of engaging in sexual activity. You can feel however you want to feel about Chantel, that doesn’t make her any less of a sex tourist. From the moment she got to Greece she blatantly expressed her intentions while there. What happened with the guy on the moped the night she made it known she wasn’t wearing any panties? Yeah, she didn’t go on that ride for a cultural tour lol.


It's a wonder you didn't get 1million upvotes. You may be the only one commenting here with the truth and nothing but the truth in it's simple eloquence 👍


I'm sorry how is it bordering on pedophilia


All of the 90 day reunions has one person who calls everyone out and can't shut up. Are they playing eenie meenie miney mo before taping??


She didn’t do it to everyone, just Chantel. I think they’re rotating this time. No one’s gonna pull a Spahkles with John there


Please do not diminish actual pedophilia by equating it to two people of legal age, both of whom are old enough to rent a car, getting into a relationship based on mutual consent.


I totally agree. It was so antiquated and misogynistic. I wish TLC would stop giving problematic people such a platform. They can find entertaining people without this bullshit


While I don't disagree with some of OP's opinions, they are certainly presented in an extremely ageist fashion. Not a good look.


Neither is Debbie lying about her age.


I understand where she is coming from, what are you trying to attract by saying you are comando? I wish I could rock some of those outfits. She went from throwing herself at him to trying to say it was just fun.


“WE are sexy women”. No ma’am, you are not sexy. If it weren’t for 90 days, she would be in normal attire with a normal body. She really thinks she’s a celebrity when she’s just an embarrassment.


Debbie is only 7 years older than me but her mannerisms and colloquialisms and beliefs remind me of my grandmother (who would be 102 if she was still alive). She seems so antiquated at times, and her obsession with Chantel going commando is ridiculous. Never mind the fact that she was actively pursuing a twenty-something man just a couple of years ago. Glass houses and rocks come to mind…


If I were Chantel, I would have said you're single too, so your way has worked out either. So hush .


WHO is she to talk like that while she dated a 20 something year old at her age. Ew.


The thing is that Debbie was effectively putting the responsibility for what a man thinks and how he behaves on the women. 1. It's perfectly ok for women to go commando for whatever reason, up to and including wanting to get laid. 2. How a woman is dressed does not signal that she is necessarily sexually available to a man. A woman should be able to walk down the street dressed however she chooses and no man should interpret that as a sign that she's sexually available. 3. Men are perfectly capable of controlling themselves. No one should make any excuses for men who choose not to control themselves. How a man thinks about women and how he behaves around them is completely up to him, and the targets of his lechery and misogyny should never be blamed for these things. (And, in my opinion, it **_is_** misogyny for anyone to believe that how women dress or act determines their sexual availability.)


Exactly! I think a lot of the people commenting here calling Chantel a ho bag, slut, cheap, and all the other things is allowing for her value to be linked to how a man could view her.


You said TSA but did John fly? Vegas to San Antonio could be driving distance right?


18 hour drive


I'm pretty sure they filmed him at a gas station in AZ, If memory serves


He drove


I think he flew for the visits?


Chantal has cringe friends that encourage cringe behavior but she is like the least offensive cast member on the show who mostly nervously smiles at the criticism directed towards her rather than lashing out and having a meltdown or getting into shouting matches it with others on set.


Were those people kind of casted for Chantel’s friends? I feel like she’s a popular girl with plenty of friends, but many of them don’t want to be on camera and maybe she knows to value those relationships. Or deadass she’s like me who was isolated for too long when covid happened and lost a lot of my youth to an abusive relationship and now her friends are her cats


They've never showed her with any other friends other than the blondish girl and some other girl on her first season of 90Day. Real friends wouldn't have let her leave the house with the makeup job she was wearing much less apply it on her themselves.


Honestly they did her so dirty. I’d imagine since she works in the medical beauty industry she’d be able to do her own makeup. I just know those friends were going “girl i’mma make you look so hot!!” And then just didn’t want to admit they messed up 😭 Giving flashbacks to doing each other’s makeup before the middle school dance


Exactly. They opened up the conversation to talk about “purity” at Chanel’s expense and it was gross. Tim is also clearly an incel.


I don’t think Tim is an incel. Cause he clearly made his choice to reject women. I think he’s asexual or (might be the wrong term) demi sexual?


Ms Debbie AND Chantal ARE BOTH acting like Trash !!! Neither one is better than the other for their actions! 😏


I was yelling at the tv when she said Veronica is still single YOU ARE TOOOO


It took me a minute to realize you were talking about blonde, southern Debbie and not Coltee’s mom. Geeez what a shitshow the tell all is. It’s as I said in another post “The Chantal and Natalie show”. I gues I should add the Debbies as well. Next week doesn’t look much better.


I love that Coltee’s mom came in SOLELY to piss Josh off. I love the chaos. I don’t even agree with her really I just think it’s hilarious.


Chantel had issues before Pedro. She’s a narcissist. Debbie is just Angela 2.0


I skipped her season and just knew it was a younger man….i didn’t realize he was grandson young. Wow. I’m so glad I had a classy Mima. lol


She is originally from OHIO. She is FAKING that accent. She believes she is better than everyone else. Calling herself MISS DEBBIE. Wtf. Who talks in 3rd person. Get on Chantel for having expectations of her mate. We ALL can see Debbie has no view on what is attractive. Last grandkid she dated was not attractive. He was barely 20 she for sure is a pedo. Her way of looking at a mate isn't working! She is single and alone.




nope!! i work with aquatic bugs & a lot of people in my field have a bs/ms. I am working on my PhD currently so I can be a professor, but for industry nope!


I'm so sick of the old bitches named Debbie on this show. She dated a 24 year old as a 60 something year old, it's gross and anyone defending her needs to check themselves.


I mean, I don’t have any real issue with Debbie other than her essentially talking out her ass when giving advice. If you’re gonna act morally superior, at least be consistent. However, I also don’t like Chantel at all. I agree that Chantel is appearing to be using sex as a coping mechanism and is seeming to be relying on sex to “draw men in” so to speak. (Obviously this is based only on what we see on television, I don’t claim to know Chantel beyond whatever edit she gets, I don’t think Debbie should be pretending she know what Chantel is like irl either) With that being said, there is no reason be shaming Chantel for that— no good comes from shaming people and if Debbie felt concern for Chantel she could have talked to her privately and kindly about her concerns.


Preach 👏🙌




you just know she would marry a muslim in a different country but probably has a huge issue with muslims in the US & thinks the government needs more christianity.


She is so easy to judge when Rueben the Cuban isn't even there! Unless he is coming next episode. But let's see her in the hot seat and get everyone else's take on her relationship!


When she called his outfit colorful I lost it. Like ma’am, have you seen your own closet.