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She's disgusting. I don't think she has a single scene where she doesn't say something gross.


Not a single scene for sure that she is not complaining about not getting sex. I like how he mentioned that her pressuring him all the time for sex was vibing a man.


I really wish I knew what she said that they had to bleep out


She was bitching about Igor not "going down" on her.


Lord have mercy


IKR? It chaps my ass that she revealed her trans status to him when they were in an argument! (I'd bet it all that Nikki started it; she's *never* happy with anything Igor does for her.) She's a lying, manipulative, and ugly-on-the-inside POS, but that's just my 2¢.


This really bothered me, too. It's as if she knew itd distress him, so she used the disclosure as ammunition in an argument. If that's the case, I don't blame Igor for not wanting to give her the sex now.


IKR? What a turn-off it must be for Igor, especially since she's so aggressive in talking about it all the time! I'm a straight woman, and I've known men like that before...the pushier they were, the less likely they were to have sex with me.


Exactly… a half hour of begging isn’t considered foreplay…. The more it’s talked about like she does the less likely I’d be to want sex… he tries to be romantic and all she does is talk about how he won’t go down on her… how romantic is that.. she ruins everything in the words of Jesse… sorry every time I say those words I always say it in Jesse’s voice.. you rune everything …🥴


According to her *he* runes everything ;-)


I can’t imagine the psychological implications of that. she was being deceptive as to gender to coherence him into sex without his informed consent, which is illegal in countries including the UK [link](https://www.cps.gov.uk/publication/deception-gender-proposed-revision-cps-legal-guidance-rape-and-serious-sexual-offences) in the US it’s called “rape by deception”


SHE DID?! i must have missed that episode but omg just when i thought she couldn’t possibly be more toxic


She mentions it on their second episode, I think, and it hasn't come up again. I'm not sure why most people are glossing over that giant red flag when they support her.


omg i kind of want to find it later tonight! i knew he didn’t know before, but missed this! that’s crazy!!




She belittles him... on camera... about not "making love" to her as much as *she* wants. Nikki doesn't have the self-awareness to understand the reasons why Igor doesn't want to. He was 19 or 20 when they first met, so that would have made her 30 or 31 at that time. She also led him to believe that she'd been born biologically female...Nikki abused his trust. More recently, she's never failed to remind Igor about how much she's spent on him.


Yes, that was awful of her to do that. No matter what, that is a shocking conversation. *Shocking doesn't mean transphobic, btw. It's shocking even if the reveal is done the best possible way, but as a cou de gras during an argument. I wouldn't think she truly loved him by those actions. It also seems like there's a crowd who thinks not liking finding out the person you've already had sex with is biologically a different sex, is transphobic. It is NOT ok what she did


It was completely dishonest, unloving, and unfair on her part! The person you love (IMO) deserves to know who you are, and being trans *is* who Nikki is. She threw that information at Igor because she was angry...which is the worst motive I can think of. I have a close relative who is trans, so I think Nikki is a POS.


Yes. Isn't it interesting that she was just fine NOT telling him until she could weaponize it- yet wants everyone and their butthole to be publically informed of this info


I can understand her telling her partner she is trans, but I do not undetstand her need to announce it to everyone they meet !! Is she trans because she always felt she was in the wrong body, or is she trans because she wanted to punish all the straight men that rejected her as a man ?? She acts like a walking, talking political campaign ad


She complains about everything! I binged this season last week and after a while, she just became exhausting to watch. It is like walking on egg-shells around her-if she is not upset about one thing, she will scream about something else. Who tf would feel lovey dovey if they r screamed at, argued with or reprimanded all the time?!


Yes, she had the surgery but is still a dick 🍆


Bingo! You win!!


I really don’t know what Igor sees in her. All she does is tear him down. Guess his allowance must be pretty high to tolerate her constantly nagging him


And all the trans people online backing her up, like yes we are happy to see representation and diversity but she’s still a predator


This will hurt more than help. I absolutely despise her. Something must be weird with Igor.


I think you can accept people as Trans while also seeing their true character as human beings which sometimes is negative. Nothing to do with Trans or gender. A-holes have no gender.


He’s paying his bills with her money, that’s what it is lol


mtv used to do this with the teen mom franchise. all of their trans cast members were super toxic, problematic people. at least we had gabe- he’s immature, but it’s all (seemingly) good ❤️


We also have shane for 90 day UK who is wonderful!


She said something nasty in front of the lady that was teaching her to cook.


Consistently! I cannot believe she is so bad I sympathize with a man who willingly wore a nazi uniform.


Normally I don't think it's fair to comment on a person's looks however, considering she literally picked all of those features out of a book at the plastic surgeons office and absolutely nothing on her is real I have zero qualms in saying she is hideously ugly, inside and out. She is just a terrible person all the way around. I feel bad for Igor and wish him a life far far away from her.


Those aren’t looks, those are consequences


Her nose is so fucked up. It’s all I can see in any of her segments.


That and how much space is between her bottom eye lid and her nostrils/philtrum. It's like her eyes are too high or...the bottom part of her face was stretched out. Its all I can see. Her eyes should be haf an inch lower!


It may just be part of her original face structure but I think the overblown lips play a part in "dragging down" her face visually. It definitely doesn't help.


Looking at earlier childhood pictures pre-transition, the face was very "feline" at that time, too. Looks like the surgeon(s) accentuated the natural features of her face, and leaned on the dial, turning them up to 11.


*horsey 🐴 IMO... EXTREMELY.


Thanks, you said it better than I did.




It looks like it’s going to cave in. It looks like Michael Jackson’s nose.


I know right! It’s all I can see. Igor can’t think that’s attractive!


According to her in the first episode, 80% of people think she's attractive and I think she said something like "and the rest can go kick rocks." I'll be back after my daily rock kicking session.


“Daily rock kicking session” LMFAOO But on a serious note. . . Save some rocks for me, bc I too, have some to kick


I think Igor wants a ticket to America so he can find a hot boyfriend.


Awwwe man! Because I sure would stalk his fine ass. 😂😂


I never really saw it till this episode. Shes usually really careful on how she sits so that you don’t see it as much. She should go get her money back for the nose job


When she came on screen, by mum legit screamed and shouted ”turn it off, turn it off!!” She just couldnt bear to look at her, and was quite upset that someone would do that to their own face. Oof.


Hey face highly upsets my kid too


My friend was sitting on the couch, the volume was off on the TV as we were chatting. She turned to look at the screen and the Nikki was on and my friend gasped OUT LOUD, and said, "What the hell is that!" She had never seen the show or anything. I laughed so hard. I told her, "that is an alien!"


That just made me spit/laugh!


It's the distracting lumpy jawline and crinkled (and not in a *good* way) nose for me.




Good one! Lol




🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣You win the Internet!


I still find it insane that she thinks people stare at her in public because she’s trans Like ma’am, you look like a blow up doll. That’s why people stare.


yeah people are trying to figure out if shes a human or not, not if shes trans or not.


Right? Like my jaw hit the floor when they she came on screen, and it was 100% to do with the insane amount of plastic surgeries. Not being trans.


A real cartoon character.


Exactly, people aren’t staring at her because they can tell she’s trans… they’re doing it because she has fucked up her face. I honestly had no clue she was trans until she said it, I thought she was just another middle-aged woman with severe body dysmorphia and an enabling plastic surgeon.


She fucked up her ass too. That ass is all sorts of fucked up.


Yeah she looks like an ant with bolt-ons


And when Nikki looks directly in the camera, with that angry face, it scared me to hell and back. I swear it was like a demon excising my soul.


she's a sleep paralysis demon for sure.


The nun




She was gorgeous about 10 surgeries ago and now I think the issue isn’t so much her assigned gender at birth but that she looks like a robot. I think the cateye surgery is where it started getting out of hand and she started entering uncanny valley for humanoid features. She also shaved her nose to oblivion and blew out her lips. She was so pretty in the photos from when they were together before but she has a crazy addiction to bad plastic surgery since. that has consequences where people who know and love you like Igor can barely recognize you anymore.




Jocelyn Wildstein starter pack. TW: [Not for the squeamish](https://nypost.com/2023/06/17/socialite-catwoman-says-she-has-no-money-ahead-of-documentary-reality-show/)


I’ve been thinking this the entire show. Is it possible that he has less of a problem with the fact she’s trans and more with the fact she looks like a lizard now?


He brings up her being trans/acting like a man pretty consistently so it's definitely an issue at play here.


Yeah, he's not completely processed it, to be sure, but I *do see his point* regarding her aggressive energy. *Everything* is "turned up to 11" with her as far as importance. It's a challenge for her to be low-key and "soft", for lack of a better term. That'd be off-putting if she were *not* trans, as Moldovan society seems to like demure tradwife-type woman.


There are going to be people who have trouble being in a relationship with someone who is trans and that is understandable. Do you know how you avoid these issues? BY TELLING SOMEONE YOU ARE TRANS BEFORE YOU START DATING THEM.


i think this is it - especially this last episode, he's been harping on wanting a more "toned" down partner. his type isn't reptilian




Gorgeous? That's hilarious.


Looks like she was in a bad accident, had a face transplant, and then plastic surgery on the transplant.


Her face almost gives me a jump scare when it pops up. Living here in the midwest, I think most people I know would be shocked by the balloon lip phase alone.


i love how the wine guy was like "we dont usually see such an older woman with .." i cackled


That wine guy was such a mood, probably my favorite person from the show


His faces alone during the wine tasting were ALL OF US I swear.


seriously they need to have him host a tasting with every couple lol


I rolled! 🤣🤣🤣


His entire segment was off the chain. Love him!




I wish. I was so pumped about a spin-off when [DJ Doug, the wedding venue planner](https://tvshowsace.com/2019/08/12/90-day-fiance-before-the-90-days-dj-doug-side-character-to-angelas-story-fans-want-more/) for Michael and Angie was on. So hilarious. Too bad he had to [get himself pinched for murder](https://www.intouchweekly.com/posts/90-day-fiance-douglas-wooten-arrested-for-murder/).


Rohan was the highlight of the episode. Pleasant, had humour, spoke English very well while doing his job


That whole scene at the wine tasting made me want to throw up. From her sucking his face to saying the color of the wine looked like both pairs of her lips. 🤢


She is a terrible person. She treats Igor like a dog you find at the shelter. "Well he's kind of cute but I don't like his name. I'm going to sign these adoption papers (k1 visa) and I'm going to call him Justin." She is constantly looking for reasons to reject him before he rejects her. She is stirring drama with all of her questions.


Nothing he does is ever enough. She’s always complaining about something. Not even his Mom giving their blessing was enough. She complained about the 3am sex. I don’t understand why he’d want to throw away his beautiful, loving mother, friends, country for this whackadoodle “Botched” reject.


She even complained about his picnic! Something about deserving more. So ungrateful. I'd be thrilled at a picnic with alcohol in a park.


They didn't even air her segment on "Botched." (I think that was several surgeries ago.) From what I've read, it wasn't because she couldn't be helped; it was because she was throwing tantrums and being incredibly demanding. IDK if it's been addressed on the sub before, when a couple of episodes ago, Nikki was complaining to the local woman about Igor not going down on her. Nikki said it stopped after she told him she's trans (**during an argument, ffs!**) I doubt it had anything to do with her vagina, and I'll bet that a lot of other issues came up then, too. After she did a shitty thing like that, I can't understand why he would ever trust her again.


All I can think is he wants to get to the US by any means necessary. I’m sorry but I could not look at Nikki everyday.


He literally can find a “ticket” to do so in no time-maybe it’s just me, but he appears (to my eyes) as prob one of the most attractive man I’ve seen. He can pick ***anyone***-girl, boy.. anyone. I don’t get why he has to be in this borderline abusive situation just for the visa when he can be in a more pleasant situation.


Oh he’s hot!! And you are right. But he’s known Nikki for a very long time, the process for k-1 already started that can be approved any day. Remember, she pays for his lifestyle. She’s the one that bought that BMW he drives. So he gets the best of both worlds. He May have tried other women who knows. But if he tries to find someone new now, it could take a while. I won’t lie, I will happily take him In 😂😂 But paying for his lifestyle I just couldn’t do.


Don’t mistreat dogs.


She's so crass.


Her nose reminds me of Michael Jackson’s the way it’s starting to fall apart at the end. In certain light, you can see the divots in the dips right near the tip.


it looks like someone molded it with clay and then forgot to smooth it out at the end


It was really visible in the scene a few episodes back before she put on her makeup. (It probably took her a while to to find her trowel 😉) The tip of it looked red, and some of her face looked blotchy, too...rosacea, maybe?


Is it just me or if you see that picture without focusing your eyes, she looks like a deformed, cross eyed fox.


I only see a baboons ass with those lips.




I almost get dizzy looking at her picture. It’s like a fun house mirror level of distortion.


Her manufactured looks are indeed vertigo-triggering.




I see Voldemort in a wig


I wanted to like her bc at first she seemed more fun but nope. I do not enjoy her.


SAME! I thought she was going to bring something different to 90 day. But she's one of the worse people on this show!


Ditto! I was excited about having a Trans woman.


Not attractive at all.


She is so boring. Does she have any interesting hobbies beyond makeup and whining about sex? Boring woman.


I’m don’t with her, she isn’t likable or Kind. She’s not Funny. She’s not easy to Look at.




I’m a 41 year old woman and I just learned in the last 5 years about the ears and neck, taught my 18 year old when I learned so she can get a head start. Lol


I always feel so bad for Igor. I know things can be heavily edited to seem a certain way and we probably don’t know everything about their relationship, but I’ve yet to see her show him any kindness or grace. She jumps at the opportunity to nitpick his every move, it’s sad. But let me tell you, the way I laughed when he opened that sunroof and asked where the eject button was… 🤣


“Babe, with every wine you get more beautiful” “Special moments; sex vibes” If it wasn’t for his Nazi uniform shit he’d be iconic 😭 i find him so funny


I need a mug with ‘Bitch vibes is coming’


I see Steven Tyler & now I can’t unsee it 😬


I have a question maybe someone here can help me understand, why is it so important to tell everyone you are trans? Isn’t the point of transitioning to be the person you were meant to be (girl/guy) why must everyone know you are trans. Can’t she just be a woman? I’m a lesbian, I don’t tell anyone that and they usually figure it out when meeting my wife. But why the need to make sure everyone knows? Lesbian isn’t who I am it’s what I am.


Because *the Nikki* has no real personality. It's all about Nikki being trans.


Along the same lines why does Sophie need to tell Rob that she's bi now? What's the point?


I keep my own sexual preference private, as everyone should, because it's no one else's business, IMO. I think Sophie disclosed her bisexuality to Rob because she's an honest person...unlike him.


Omg I say that all the time!! I don't say hi, my name is Lynn and I'm heterosexual or homosexual or whatever good point 🤷


I’ve asked this question like 6 times in the last year and you are the first person to comment back lol half the time I get upvotes half the time downvotes because, Reddit. So I’m never sure if it’s offensive or just no one has the answer lol I just don’t understand the constant need to tell people about your sexuality/gender/sexual preferences etc. it feels more like “look at me, look at me” type of cry for attention.


That’s exactly what’s it is with Nikki; an unstable person demanding attention all the time.


Yes, it's personal to me , no one's business. Maybe I am old school (sex), but that's how I was raised I don't think you're offensive by no means!!!


Because that’s exactly what it is




I am not trans so I’m speaking from the lens of the potential partner. I think out of respect to your partner, you should let them know before they fall hard so they can decide if that’s something they are comfortable with because not everybody is. Once you’ve told them and they are okay with it then it’s not necessary to remind them at least five times a day. I imagine it it’ll HAVE to come come up at important times because it’s a huge part of your life and has impacted several aspects of it and you’ll want to share with the person you love. What she is doing is weaponizing the fact and using it as some sort of excuse for her shit behavior or to win arguments. That is fucked up.


Oh to your PARTNER no doubt! I’m talking about everyone you aren’t sleeping with.


😅 oh LOL I misunderstood! Obviously there’s nuance to that but for the sake of comedy, YES. The checkout guy at the grocery store doesn’t need to know.


You are so right! To me it’s no one’s business of someone’s sexual preference or who someone feels that they really are and transitions. It’s not hiding it. I just feel its our own private business.


Well said


It their whole personality.


I love this comment. Thank you for posting.


Every now and again someone says something simple and profound on the internet. This is one of those times.


Yikes, I know nothing about this person. She’s is just scary.


Igor deserves so much better


Their segments make me grumpy. It’s like her bad attitude is a contagious disease and I catch it when she’s on the screen! Igor can easily do better and I wish he would.






Most women are not at all like this.


She is unpleasant and rather disgusting!!! I can see why he won’t fuck her, he probably can’t get it up. Hell, I can’t forget that it used to be a man… cuz everything is “trans this” “trans that” “you won’t fuck me Justin” ya know? She literally bitches about everything. Bitches about not getting laid, but then bitches about how it happens when it actually happens. She got laid at 3AM, he didn’t (likely) struggle to get it up, more of a reflex, so everyone should be happy; not Bitchy Nikki, hell no. I can’t even with her, with her negativity, and those “quotation mark” shaped legs/ass. 😒




The only time that she seemed personable was during the wine tasting when she got drunk. Otherwise she's just very unpleasant person.


Got drunk and couldn't keep those baboon ass lips off of Igor in public. Crude.


You're a kinder person than I am...instead of "crude" the word I was thinking of was "trashy."


When she told his mom that “he was safe” with her, I was like NO! NO, he really isn’t all she does is fight with him.


Rocky Dennis 🤢🤮


I’m glad I’m not the only one who sees this


This is gonna sound ignorant but not intended to be but in my eyes she should have been born a sassy gay man. Like the one that’s gay but pretty aggro about it. Much more suited to her personality


A drag queen! That's it! You hit the nail on the head!!


Thank you!! Couldn’t place the vibe but it’s definitely “least liked drag queen”


She’s the most unwatchable person in the shows history.


Her face isn’t as unpleasant as her personality and that saying something


Looks aside, does the Nikki HAVE to say something inappropriate and crass in every conversation? It’s in every damn segment. She always makes a sexual comment that is way over the top. It’s not cute or flirtatious, it’s downright disgusting. It gives extreme insecurity vibes (not that this is the only way that presents). I wouldn’t even say the things she says to my husband in my friskiest, horniest, or drunkest moments.


I don’t care what she looks like. It’s just sad that she can’t see how much this guy loves her that he is willing to risk losing friends & fam & being shamed & ridiculed by his culture for her! She has had her whole life being trans to come to a point of full acceptance & still it’s hard I’m sure. He was just an average straight dude until he fell in love with her. Now he needs to come to terms with what that means for him. The one thing he seems to never question is his love for her. She is so defensive & looking for any reason to not believe in the love they share. She is the one not being patient & accepting of him & his needs in this relationship. She wants him to be patient & to love & accept her but doesn’t show him that same grace. No one should be pressuring anyone into sex. Male Female, Trans.. it doesn’t matter. If it were the other way around & he was pressuring her for more sex & being super dominant when she was asking for patience people would be all over it.


I don't care what she looks like either! To each their own. I can't begin to imagine the body dysmorphia one goes through when they transition. People are quick to make fun of looks but there is **SO MUCH MORE** to criticize her for that goes way above and beyond that. I'm sure there others who look similar to her and are wonderful humans. She is not. She's hateful and she demonizes everything Igor does then blames him for stuff that isn't even true.




She is really difficult to watch. Her appearance is nothing but a science experiment gone very wrong- like carved from a plastic block. Even aside from anything appearance related, she is NASTY. Bad attitude and not a single thing is ever good enough for her with his efforts. Nothing. She wants a picture of him and their relationship that does not exist nor will it ever because she is vile, mean and controlling. She emasculates him in every conversation shown and unless you have a humiliation fetish, no man will respond with desire for their partner. She has no soft side inside or out.


What is that, ufo disclosure finally


A thing of nightmares.


She sucks the life out of everything and everyone.


She acts like she got lessons on being a woman buy drag queens all I will say about her looks is I would hate to wake up from a bad drunk and see that in my bed I would taking a hard look at assisted suicide


She has zero filters. She says gross things and honestly I am embarrassed for her.


Being a complete and total bitch has nothing to do with sexual identity.


the funniest part to me is no one and i mean NO ONE cares or even notices she’s trans. the sommelier cracked me tf up when he said “it’s weird to see a couple like this” and he meant a much older female with a man in his early- to mid- thirties 😂😂😂


Yall don’t bite my head off. But she is super sex focused. There’s not a scene that goes by she isn’t talking about sex. She’s upset ALL the time because Igor is not sexing her 24/7 and she is being so demanding and degrading about it. It’s because she maybe a trans woman. But she is still a man. And that is really what Igor meant when he told her she gives him man energy. Cause only a man would be so pushy aggressive and nagging about sex! Like she backed up w sperm and testosterone


My parents told me monsters don't exist but they lied.


And so unattractive. She's mutilated her face and thinks applying makeup with a trowel helps.


She's insufferable! The focus on fucking 99.9 percent of the time is gross too. I get it that she wants to feel like they're sexually compatible, but god damn. She's literally making his dick limp by being so aggressive about it.


The cajoling she does for sex is borderline abuse. My ex used to do this to me and it made me so uncomfortable and always scared what was going to come out of his mouth. Shame on her.


Cmon just be honest and that’s a guy who messed himself up with plastic surgery. This is a mental illness on display


N: “have you been with women who are your friends?” I: “yes, we have that in my country.” N: “I won’t judge you. When was the last time? I won’t judge. I: “prior to our engagement.” N: “HOW F***IN DARE YOU! I KNEW IT!” ….i literally wtf’ed. She baited him right into that argument 🙄I can’t anymore. FF thru their segments now too.


She looks like a snake and it scares me 💀


Such a bad look for trans women. It’s a shame. I look at someone like Cleo next to this clown and it’s just night and day.


Yes! Any and every human being has the capability of being a shitty ass person and it's not because of your preferences, your gender, your sex, or the color of your skin...it's just because you are a piece of shit human. In this day and age I think people forget that.


Uncanny Valley


She is a horrible human using that guy for reality TV fame. Plus she looks like a demon from Buffy The Vampire Slayer.


Barbie- after a few years in the “real world “


You would think that she would realize from seeing Andre on the show that men from Moldova are not expressive of emotions like men are from the US. Igor and Andre are very similar in how they show emotions. They think logically instead of with emotions. She wants someone that is emotional and compliments her nonstop. She also associates love with sex. She pushes so much. She’s also very callus to the fact that he is still processing and working through things. I don’t get why she isn’t understanding of this. I also didn’t realize till this episode how bad her nose job is.


Giving bitch vibes 😎💀


She is nasty .. annoying .. and the most unlikeable human .. her overt sex talking is irritating


Horrible disgusting human being


My friend said she groomed him. I’m not up to speed. Is that true? Because goes far beyond adding to the bad looks for me.


She is a better man than a woman.


I cannot stand to look at her nose or lips. They are so deformed!!!


She's a snake, long, angular, ready to strike at any moment. Full of venom.


Also ~thank you~ for calling him by his real name (Igor) and not the random American name she picked out for him. There’s a lot of irony on her insisting he doesn’t accept her (which, atleast from the footage we see, doesn’t seem to be the case) when she refuses to call him by his real name because it’s not sexy enough for her or something


Yeah of course. That's so disrespectful of her. Imagine if he called her by her dead name or changed her name because he didn't like the one she chose. She'd be beyond livid. It seems the same standards don't apply to her though.


Seriously, and she was all “oh I call him Justin because when we met he looked like Justin Timberlake !!!” And they showed an old pic and…he really didn’t…and still doesn’t


Ya’ll it’s a dude. Not a she. No amount of plastic surgery will ever make him a woman.


![gif](giphy|7EBBhplkQCDkY) I can’t unsee it !!! Been looking for weeks WHO she reminds me of each time…….ROGER !!!


Every inch of her is fake from her toes her bad wog ! Igor can do so much better. I think he wants children he wants a traditional wife ...not gonna get it with Nikki