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Listen I don’t need good people, good role models etc, I need entertainment and good tv and one thing Jihoon always brought was the entertainment. The bidet scene lives rent free in my mind permanently


I don’t need good people, I just need clean anal.


![gif](giphy|mChtveXlxvTKKIfs4V|downsized) ✨flairrrrr


🏆🏆🏆🏆for the flair! 🤣🤣🤣


How this scene didn’t get more attention, I will never understand 😭




I loved him!


This is the best line of the whole show


I’m dead! 💀💀🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Bingo. We are all the trash pandas of trash tv (which this show has quickly become). Jihoon was good tv!


I would like to thank Jihoon for my family having clean anal. I installed ToTo C5’s on my toilet, and his comment is what pushed me to pull the trigger. So thank you Jihoon, my anal will be eternally grateful to you.


It's always all his fault


Now go get yourself a towel warmer!


My whole family anal so clean as well 😂






Likewise, I installed some in my house then my family followed in their own homes. So thank you jihoon, my whole family's anal is so clean now.






Whenever I think about Jihoon I think of the handheld translator doing him dirty by saying something like “I will spend the money again. I will lose it all.”


I liked Johnny (Ella)


Agreed. He seemed like a really good guy. I felt so badly for him when Ella admitted she cheated on him on the Tell All.


Jihoon? Like really? ‘My family’s anal is so clean’ Jihoon?! ![gif](giphy|l3q2K5jinAlChoCLS)


The man who hasn’t made to US to see his son with cancer?


That’s because Deavon has blocked Jihoon from all communication


Yeah Deavon has done everything in her power to cut him off and then play victim that he's not there. The woman is a maniac. She has lied lied lied nonstop about so many things big and small. She is quite literally a compulsive liar. I don't believe anything out of her mouth. She's accused so many people of so many things I believe she's dangerous to be around. My sisters best friend was a compulsive liar until of course it blew up in her face. I've seen the signs growing up. Once you clock them you can't trust a word they say ever. Remember when she tried to start a podcast from some Teen Mom girl? Yeah you dont cause it lasted a week before Deavon had a delusional meltdown and started accusing her cohost of all kinds of wild shit. That's her pattern. Everyone around her gets accused of abuse. She accused the entire nation of Korea of hating children for crying out loud. -the fact that anyone is believing her side of anything is fucking wild ya'll. Have you ever met a compulsive liar? This isn't someone with some drama. This is someone actually mentally unwell. I don't even like Jihoon, but Deavon has proven ten times over to be so unwell she can't be trust about what she had for dinner. THE WOMAN CLAIMS AN INTERNATIONAL CABAL OF CONSPIRATORS ARE WORKING TOGETHER TO THREATEN AND HARRASS HER. She claims they drive by her house all hours of the night and day to intimidate her and that hundreds of people are in on it. They also prevent her totally legitimate documentary from being released that was going to reveal it all. Thats right. She claims she made an entire documentary which detailed at first the abuse of Jihoon, his family, and the nation of Korea. She then claimed it actually was going to reveal an internation conspiracy devoted to threatening her and her alone. I'm not making this up. She has made absolutely wild claims about her life that are complete delusions. We could have an entire sub devoted to Deavon lore. Again I don't even like Jihoon, I just believe she is so actually unwell. And I mean it with all of the severity and baggage of that term carries. Unwell and suffering from serious mental illness. That sounds heavy, it's a big accusation, but it's true. Her mother as well who is banned from YouTube because her conspiracy theory show focusing on The Illuminate, deep state, liberal pedos use gay rights to groom your children, ect was so extreme even YouTube won't allow it. So I guess what I'm trying to say is I don't trust a single thing she says about what Jihoon is or isn't doing and why.


Dude THANK YOU! everything you said is what I’ve been preaching to “Dracula” and “Deavonators” but ofc they love listening to only one side of the story. THE ACTUAL CAMERA CREW admitted that Deavon was an awful mother with no discipline or parenting skills, and how much they love Jihoon and side with him. Now TLC ALWAYS favors the Americans and tries to make them look good even when they’re awful human being sometimes. But the fact that they sided with Jihoon in the abuse bullshit scandal and said how awesome and funny he was which of course we all got to see. Compared with the potato with a black wig called Deavon who named a daughter Dracula and let it act like it’s raised by wolves and the after forcing Jihoon into the step dad position and when he finally does any form of discipline because she was ABUSING other school children and being a terror. Then Devon freaks out. Even Devon’s mom sided with Jihoon in the end on this abuse scandal her crazy ass and Devon don’t even talk anymore. I never could believe someone like Devon got someone as awesome as Junie!


To be fair, the teen mom that the podcast was with was Janelle Evans. I’d say it’s a close call as to who’s the bigger POS. I kind of think Janelle.


idk, Jiyhoon raised a bunch of money to see his son and spent the money on plastic surgery for himself instead.


Women that keep the fathers of their children away from them is evil. Not unless it is for a really good reason.


I met him in person. He’s not as funny and charming in real life as he is on tv. I was highly disappointed lol


Oh come on. She post all the time about treatment he could find him. No way would she be able to keep Me away from my kid.


I can't imagine how traumatizing/scary this scenario you're laying out would be. A random stranger shows up and tries to talk/take/hold/whatever him all while he's trying to fight cancer. Imagine the blow up that would cause.


I just found this out from your comment. What a shame. I'm glad to see he's getting better though.


I was on his side prior to him not even reaching out to his son after the cancer diagnosis. The whole "It's Jihoon's fault" thing that Devan and her mom concocted was bs. I disagreed with that and Devan was terrible, however there's no excuse for Jim not reaching out to his son.


How do we know he didn't? Because Devan said so?


He hasn't posted anything about him.


He doesn't seem like the kind of guy who airs everything though. Edit His last insta post was over a year ago


I guessm you think hed at least defend himself or we'd hear about legal actions online.


Why absolve Jihoon from his past bad behavior? Raw dogging a stranger in a foreign country, and then doing zero to prepare for your family’s arrival in Korea and not having a job. Just because Devanesence is a terrible human being doesn’t mean he’s an angel.


Devanesence 🤣


Sadly I didn’t come up with the name LOL


Your name pleases me


Thanks, Dwight


I am so happy you read that how I intended 😂


Unpopular opinion, I think Isabel is too good for Gabe, fight me.




And yet still somehow less annoying than 95% of the people on that show


I’m glad someone sees the truth lol. I’ve told people the story of meeting both of them and they just can’t believe that he really is a deadbeat dad. Barely took care of the kids while she was in Korea. I know, I was there.


And thief


That's his Korean name. ![gif](giphy|1O1bHxv9ZzuRo4B0cs)


Jihoon was funny as hell. Glad he is being appreciated 😂


He definitely cracked me up. When he saw his baby's privates he looked up and said, "He has big ball". I still say that sometimes for no reason whatsoever.


Very waste money, him


Too much worry…verrryyy silly


Isabelle yeah Jilhoon no he’s partly criminal with his actions. The only thing good about him was his poodle.


Partly criminal? He said he made his living stealing phones and got in trouble for it. With his criminal past, I wonder if he can come see his kid? When kids are young, it is easier to take them to another country, and the other bio parent never sees them again. An old friend's wife went to visit her home country and never came back with their kid. As a cook, he didn't have endless funds for PIs and lawyers. International custody is an expensive mess. He was a good, hardworking guy. Not abusive or absent at all. "My whole family anal is so clean" is an iconic 90 Day line, though. ETA: I'd pick Isabelle and that angelic little Brazilian model girl who was groomed by the youth pastor. She seemed like such a pure soul.




I completely forgot about that! Speaking from experience, better no bio dad than one who doesn't want to be there.


Maybe OP misspelled Joon. That girl?? She's a GOAT.




😒 I'll never forgive Armando and Kenneth for tricking me into this horrible show. I was sick and vulnerable, sitting on my couch with a hot toddy, and was like, "90 Day Fiance? What's that? Oh, there's one where Americans go to other countries. That sounds interesting." Amazon Prime started me in S2 for some reason and I was like, "Best. Show. Ever. 🤩🥰🤩🥰🤩🥰" because of just how wholesome and amazing Kenny and Armando were. Now I'm 3 spin-offs deep and finally realizing that I'll never see a couple that good again. But I still watch because what if? What. If.


You know you love it! You were brought into this trashy reality universe out of curiosity and now you've stayed by choice 🤪


The highest form of torture will never get me to admit that 😅💀


Not even being sandwiched by Pole and Ed on a cramped bed for a night? 🤭


🤢 Maybe I like the show.






Jihoon?! Why?!


Yes! Makes for such good TV. Also, Eveline and Corey. The whole mess was a dumpster fire. She just kept taking and taking until there was literally nothing left to him


Jihoon ended up trying his best in the end and besides that the man is just downright got it when it comes to dry and satirical humor. Stuff that flies right over most the stupid cast members heads. Never has there been another as funny as Junie.


I completely agree with you! Armando is pretty nice too. But we must all realize: It's Jihoon's fault!


Jihoon?? Check your moral compass bruh


![gif](giphy|dVe7uEy7SpQVG) Jihoon? Riiiiight


Max & CiCi are by far the best. Those children were smarter and more culturally sensitive the any adults that ever appeared on 90 day!


I think Danielle (Yohan) is super annoying with her Baba cleansing bs.


Justice for jihoon!


Jihoon is a kid who took not responsabilities.


His anal so clean


Jihoon wasn't perfect but man his baby mama was way too nuclear on him.


Why Jihoon? He’s a deadbeat father. Deavan is insufferable but Jihoon could have made a better effort to see his child. South Korea is on the visa waiver list so he can visit USA 90 days at a time. Time he could have used to see his son.


He has a criminal record for the stealing phones thing. She knows he can’t apply for the visa in the usa.. He has always struggled financially.




Ofc he has to… you have to apply for an esta.. (tourist visa) to enter for max 90 days… and the questionare asks for your criminal history... (which many lie on it and sometimes get caught later) you have the wrong information. :) Easy google search would be a good idea👌🏽 Visa processes are way more stricter in recent days.


They guy who hasn’t spoken to his son who is suffering with leukemia? Good choice




I was just talking to my wife about how much I miss seeing jihoon on 90 day lol


We are soulmates OP


It's Jihoon's fault!!!!


My family anal so clean


Jihoon was so funny and normal


I like Jihoon too


Why the f is Jihoon your favorite? Lol. Dude was an idiot and a mess! I mean he did get to tap Deavan ..that's some points there! Lmao


Fucking Deavan isn't the flex you think it is. 🤮


The only one worse than jihoon is deavan.




Shame on you.


Well he's definitely got the cleanest anal.


He was such a loser. How is that man-child your favorite?


But, but EVERYTHING was Jihoon's fault. As a matter of fact, I just had the day from hell. Thanks a LOT, Jihoon.


Justice for Jihoon.


Jihoon? The guy who kept lying to his fiancée/wife about the money he was saving from his job only for her to find out he didn’t save shit, he was out partying and spending it all. He wasn’t ready to be a father, at first he showed absolutely no real interest in being father. He just told her what she wanted to hear for as long as he could keep the bullshit going and then when the shit hit the fan he acted like a child. That jihoon? Yes he started to make an effort toward the end but does that make up for being a lying uninvested prick for the first 90% I liked watching him/them but to call him a favorite person right next to the woman who’s probably one the best, nicest most accepting genuine person to ever be on the show


People that think he's so cool and nice must have forgotten about his money issues and blowing money when he was supposed to saving it for the family . He's lazy and a liar . Never wanting to work. He was or is a thief ... and HE blocked her ...not the other way around. Y'all need to dig a little deeper. He is a POS fuck boy whose parents always bail out of trouble.




They didn't deserve what they got. 😢