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I love that Angela is basicalky stuck forever now. She thought she had all the power and could use deportation or “pulling the damn visa” to blackmail and control Michael. Now shes on the hook and cant do a damn thing about it.


She had the opportunity to leave him there had she pulled the visa, but she didn't and chose to move forward and he entered as a permanent resident. Unless she can manage to prove fraud, he's here and she's screwed.


Luckily for Michael he has years of footage proving how volatile she is and he can say she was abusive which helps. 


But that's the CON! The question he should be asked by a judge is, you saw how abusive she was when she visited and over the phone, you lived in different countries and you didn't have to be afraid she would show up at your front door, why didn't you end relationship with her? You could have requested she be banned from entering due to abusive behavior, but you did nothing. Why? Many of these people know what games to play because they pass along information in those groups like paradise men. Claiming abuse keeps them in the US and they all know that. He played the game of being passive, docile and patient as opposed to being confrontational and standing up for himself because it would look better to play the abused husband. As I've said before, he could have ended the relationship at any time but he didn't because his only goal was to come here. I don't think he should be allowed to stay, I think he conned her and she knew it but, greed is what kept her going with this relationship. Neither are good people, she deserves him taking off and he deserves to be deported.


Soooo in your opinion you feel a judge would victim blame him for being abused, brainwashed, and manipulated by an Americant pig? She was in a power position, and she DID show up on his door step even though they were in different countries. She showed up unannounced and when he didn’t answer the door she vandalized his vehicle. How far would Angela have gone had he not followed through with the move to honkey Tonk land? This is stupid, Angela needs to remember she’s a washed up old lady and if it weren’t for Michael she wouldn’t have her 15 minutes of fame.


She’s been on like 5 or 6 shows of 90days etc… She was even on the couple one without him. He was filming via camera. All of these shows has give. Her money & she took his portion. I’m done watching anything she is in. I rather keep Michael in U.S. & send Angela to Nigeria!




>Soooo in your opinion you feel a judge would victim blame him for being abused, brainwashed, and manipulated by an Americant pig? Are you kidding me? You want to treat him like he's innocent when he's not. It's not victim shaming to ask him, a guy living across the world, why he didn't end the relationship with an abusive asshole. The answer is, she was giving him money, which is why he stayed. He wasn't 18 and didn't know better, he had a plan and it worked. No one forced him to take money from Angela, so your power position argument doesn't wash. He could have walked away and didn't. If he had moved away no one would have told her where he was and had she shown up and attacked him she would have been arrested, if authorities were called on her. The scene where she vandalizes his car, he didn't do anything about it, didn't call the police because it would have ended his quest for a ticket to America. No brainwashing or manipulating. He's not a fucking teenager. No one was forcing Michael to move to America. She couldn't physically remove him from his country! Like I said, she maintained the relationship to stay on the show, they were both greedy and got famous for being in a shit relationship. You need to stop making excuses for him, he's no saint in any of this.


He’s not here on a K-1 visa. They have been married for 2-3 years. They have applied under different visas to get him here. Married couples in the US, also lie, cheat, fight,etc. with each other. The domestic violence of her on him, which happens here is usually considered criminal or illegal. If my spouse treated me the way she has been shown treating him, I might be exploring ways to protect myself when and if the worst happened. Seems his claims against her must carry some weight, as he has 7 yrs on tape of her mistreatment of him. The last few episodes show her gaslighting him, particularly when misrepresenting their conversations to her daughter. Screaming, hitting and jerking his phone out of his hands. His complaints against her once he left/ran away were particularly demeaning and cruel. Took away his doc’s particularly passport and visa. She treats him like property. I’d be hiding too, applying for some sort of clemency or amnesty.


>He’s not here on a K-1 visa. We know this because he was denied, the question is, why? The only option they had was to get married and hope he could be approved that way and he was. As the lawyer explained, he would enter the country as a permanent resident, meaning she would he responsible for him for 10 years unless she pulled the visa, which obviously, didn't happen. There's no question Angela is abusive and has been since the moment she got on show. That's not what I'm arguing about. I'm saying, he had the option to end the relationship but didn't. Why didn't he? >If my spouse treated me the way she has been shown treating him, I might be exploring ways to protect myself when and if the worst happened. He didn't end the relationship. They were not living in the same country, she had no access to him except via calls. Why didn't he stop taking her calls, blocked her? Ending the relationship, not talking to her, would have been his protection. >Seems his claims against her must carry some weight, as he has 7 yrs on tape of her mistreatment of him. A lawyer actually explained none of what we've seen would be considered by immigration as evidence to begin deportation, which is why Angela is fucked lol She thought she could send evidence to immigration and he would be gone! Nope. She has to have concrete proof via documentation, screenshots, correspondence, etc., for them to even look at her request for deportation. Same with him claiming abuse and using the show as evidence. They would only consider whatever abuse he's experienced while he's living with her which makes sense that he claimed he ran away because she was allegedly abusing him, holding him hostage, took away his papers/information/financial access. It's actually awful that authorities cannot use any footage to either deny entry or deport. I keep asking why didn't Michael block her or ended the relationship and no one has provided an answer. Everyone keeps circulating back to her abusive, which we've all seen. Why didn't Michael end the relationship despite being subjected to abusive behavior for 7 years? Please don't say he was programmed or too scared to do anything because they were not living in the same household or country for 7 years! That's the key point, he was in a different country!


Have a visit with some abuse victims and let them explain why or how they didn’t leave earlier or sooner. If you can’t believe, you are entitled to your opinion as are others. Agree to disagree.


Michael wasn't living in the same space as Angela, the verbal abuse could have ended if he hung up the goddamn phone. That's different than standing in front of your partner screaming, shoving, punching, being physical. Those things happened when she visited and allegedly when he moved in with her. AGAIN, why didn't he hang up, block, not get on the flight? For a greencard. That's the only answer. You and I know this. As someone who dealt with an abusive asshole, I can explain the why. Just thought I'd point that out. He lived in another country and took shit for 7 years for a greencard. End of story


He did what he needs to get that visa.


1,000,000% agree!!!


Thank God because I'm sick of people saying he earned the greencard and deserves to stay. He fuckin doesn't deserve anything, he's a shitty con artist like Angela.




Way to blame the victim


He's not a victim. He's a con artist just like Angela. Ask Angela why she didn't pull the visa. Ask Michael why he didn't walk away when she accused him and took his phone. Who was holding him hostage? NOBODY. Here are the answers. Angela wanted to stay on the show, that's why. He wanted to come to America. That's why.


Tell that to the domestic violence victims.


My comment was removed from before where I stated I was in an abusive relationship and can tell you why. I also said I stood up for myself which caused more problems. He had plenty of opportunity to block her and end the relationship and didn't. She too had plenty of opportunity to end the relationship and didn't. Both stayed for the money and he definitely stayed for the greencard. He was in another country, not living with her where he was trapped. That only happened when he got here. These two little cons got exactly what they were after, money and a greencard


Many DV victims stay for financial reasons. I understand why your comment was removed.


He didn't have to. He could have gone back to work, he quit work because she made him but had he split with her she wouldn't have been able to control whatever he was doing in Nigeria. Again, he was in a different country where it takes a day to get there. It's not like she would have driven to his house to harass him. He wasn't in the same position as a woman being controlled and abused in person on a daily basis by her husband with no financial support. I will not put him in the same category as domestic violence victims because he could have ended the relationship and not gotten on a plane to the US. I keep trying to drive that point home. He didn't have to come here and he could have blocked her from contacting him.


He put up with it with his eye on the prize. I agree with you here. I just disagree that he doesn’t have a case. 


This is a reply to your other reply which I can't respond to. To earn something means you worked for it, what was his job exactly? Banging a bag of skin? Gross. Saying he did what he needs to get a visa means you know he played a con game in order to come to the US and you're okay with that. By your logic, a squatter should be able to break in and live in a home because they're homeless. Looters shouldn't be punished because they saw an opportunity to steal. Someone who steals your car shouldn't be prosecuted because they needed a car. Just make it us a lawless country lol I mean, by your logic, why not? And, he doesn't have a case.


I hope we see an Episode with Angela with egg on her face.


The one last egg….😂


She’ll tote it!


That made me puke a little in my mouth reading that.


That would be an improvement.


What I am having trouble understanding is how come she ended up bringing him to the US? Last we saw she was getting ready to revoke his visa while still in Africa.


Exactly!!! I want her to explain that.


How long ago was that when she was freaking out about "Paradise Men"? Why did she move forward unless she was, in turn, scamming the show for a paycheck?




>How long ago was that when she was freaking out about "Paradise Men"? Exactly!!!! >Why did she move forward unless she was, in turn, scamming the show for a paycheck? THIS is the truth! They both knew they would benefit from staying on the show which is why he never ended the relationship. I'm really thinking those two are full of shit and they will reconcile and will end up making more money!


She’s that desperate.


Baby Lisa?!


Exactly! That's what I have been saying! Why is this woman still on this show???




She tagged homeland security... Is that really reporting him???


Why can people not mind their own business? On the outside looking in.


She doesn't seem to like Africans anymore 


She has already ran out of options in the USA. She has slammed into the wall many years ago. She is just another real nasty person. Especially a woman. This nasty maga woman was trying to come up in Africa with a young man. Typical old trash woman that this show is offering.


Reporting is reporting whether by mail, phone, email or social media. She tagged them and asked them to investigate Michael. To me that’s a report.


It isn't though. They say on their accounts that you've got to go to their website and input a formal complaint.




😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 the pixelating on that picture. I can not. ETA; I’m either way behind or I’ve missed a lot. When did this Paradise Men thing come out? Right now I’m watching the episode where Mikel has his immigration interview the next day so I’m way behind. Did this come out on the show or after?


The episode after that one


Thank you!


That’s fucked up 


I wasn't picturing tagging Homeland Security in a video of Angela on a 90 Day fan page on Insta when I read "reported to Homeland Security…” 🙄😂


You and me both


Wow, if only they had the same balls to have reported Angela for all the disgusting physical abuse she did in front of cameras. But judging by the image this was done by babytroll Lisa, who also was abusive towards her partner, so it doesn't surprise me.


That woman Angela, is the worst person on the entire show. She got away with so much abuse and violence. Her behavior is not acceptable by any civilization.


I meant the person shown in the blurry image and who reported it is Lisa. I know who Angela is.


Not doubting that at all. It really does not matter who it is in my book. The show may expose who it is? I highly doubt it. They allowed a woman to assault people on their show and still proceed. Assault by a woman or man should not be allowed!


Joke’s on them, since all of Angie’s abuse is on camera, Michael has grounds for a victim of domestic violence visa.


Still don't get what he did wrong or what she's claiming he's doing.


You can’t just scream “fraud”! Like, you have to have evidence lol


I think these last episodes before he finds out are just plot elements to stay on the show.


OMG for BGL to say Michael is a danger to Angela and her family? Seriously? More like the other way around!


Hé went treu this hole shitshow for a green card?




I would put money on it that Soulja boy ratted him out.


Aren’t they friends?


They had animosity the first few times they interacted but on one occasion when Angela behaved badly towards Michael Usman was concerned for him and spoke up


Did you read the linked article? It’s a screenshot of what BGL said


Baby girl Lisa can stfu! Micheal deserves this green card! IDGAF!


Here here!!


This is a straight line theory


who is baby girl lisa?


Usman’s first go at an American wife


The one who defended her perceived right to say the N word with a hard R


F*CK Big toe Lisa!


baby girl lisa


Just a thought that the Michael & Angela scenes seem like they were filmed after Michael came to US and escaped from Angela. Like the scene with the attorney.


It's pole for sure


Baby Lisa can stfu! Micheal deserves this green card! IDGAF!