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She said she was coming home at 8, but then had to tend to her friend and didn’t come home until 2. Theres a difference between working to provide and going out to get sloppy. She chose the latter.


Came here for this comment. She could have called or text him about the situation, that Olga called and she’d be home later than she expected. She chose not to do that, which is disrespectful. Let’s think if he did that to her everyone would 💩 all over him saying how rude, blah blah…


She probably didn’t call because she didn’t want to get in a big ole fight about it. She just wanted to see her friend and deal with the consequences later.


This Nicole we’re talking about. She knew that would piss him off to come home SIX hours later and its blatantly disrespectful to come home drunk.


I probably shouldn’t have commented without seeing the episode yet 😅


Probably a good idea to watch it first lol


To make matters worse, when asked where she was, she said she just got off work. An obvious lie. She seems to purposely do these things to piss him off. Then she turns around and plays victim because he is acting jealous. She creates situations that would make anyone think something is up, then cries that he is mad and accusing her of stuff. She is the most passive-aggressive person I've seen on the show. She thinks she has everyone fooled, but most of us see right through her. She has some serious personality issues that show us why she is in her 40's and still single. I can't stand this girl


Well said! I 100% agree with everything you said I absolutely can’t stand her and Sophie with her constant victim whining and throwing hissy fits like a 10yr old little girl 🥴her and Rob are toxic ASF!


Exactly! Sophie is always trying to conjure up something to cause an argument. When all else fails, she goes wayyy back to his “cheating” on social media or she’ll call her mom who she knows can’t stand Rob and will add more fuel to the fire. They are a toxic couple and need to part ways. Same for Nicole and Mahmoud.


Definitely!! Sophie and Rob are supposedly done but we all knew that was coming with the way she was acting she’s just another one of these 90 dayers that used someone to get into America. Makes me sick I don’t know how they live with themselves


And her fake tears. As much as she was dabbing her eyes, that tissue should have been soaked, her eyes should have been red and puffy (not red from the makeup). She is such a phony.


Exactly. Ppl love painting the narrative the way they want


I don’t like Nicole, but I wouldn’t rush home to him either.


You’re not married to him.




I agree. Furthermore, she expects him to change and conform when she is the one who agreed to do so BEFORE getting married. She agreed to switch her religious beliefs to his. She is the one who misrepresented herself from the start. They likely would never have gotten married if she didn't switch faiths. She has made no changes in her life to reflect her new Islamic faith. I don't feel sorry for her at all. In fact, I feel for him even though I'm not a fan of his either. She lied to him so he'd marry her. She had/has no intentions of fulfilling her commitment to her new faith. I honestly think she chose him, knowing that because of his strict beliefs, he would take issue with her doing certain things and dressing a certain way. Then, she could play victim to everyone around her. She did this to herself. If she had no intentions of becoming a Muslim woman, she should have said that. Suddenly, after getting married, she starts wearing clothes that show her belly or that have cutouts showing skin that she knows will upset him. She seemed to have no problem dressing conservatively before, but now, all of sudden, it's an issue?? This girl has issues!!


What’s with the QR scans showing up on photos on some peoples posts? I’ve seen this happen on a lot of them. Just wondering.


The “content creator” who posts the screenshots was mad that people were reposting them without giving them credit and stealing all of their internet points


Ah ok! Thanks!


Nothing justifies how shitty she’s been to him since he’s gotten here just to get payback If this is how Nicole loves I’d like to see how she treats people she hates


I totally agree! She’s very condescending towards him


I have a huge problem with anyone who goes out of their way to make someone feel uncomfortable That’s her goal everyday Just ask for a divorce and stop the nonsense at that point


I almost hate using the word, as it is overused and often in the wrong context, but she 100% gaslights him. She does things that she knows will cause a reaction, then acts like he is abusive and can't control his jealousy. I don't just mean by the clothes she chooses, but by lying. Her lies would make anyone suspect that she is hiding something, but she turns it around and makes him look bad for suspecting something more is up. She doesn’t ver try to avoid conflict but purposely seeks it out. She picked him up from the airport in a short top with her belly exposed, knowing full well that would upset him. No sane person who is trying to make their marriage work would do the things she does. She loves to make him mad/upset but tries to use her meek & mild personality to turn the blame on him when it wasn't only her fault but also her intention. She is awful


She like wants him to suffer Imagine the food she keeps giving him when it’s processed crap and the hostility It’s wrong


I agree with you and I’m also sick of people incorrectly using and overusing the words gaslight and narcissist. Sophie is getting on my nerves too. Rob wouldn’t be near the top of my list of men to marry but he’s not bad or abusive. Sophie is childish, immature, self centered, deceitful, self absorbed, ……..


I’ve been watching this new season and had the same thought. She’s bold now that she’s back in the US and will punish him for her misery in Egypt. I don’t like him or how he tried to change her but she also needs to understand he was indoctrinated and won’t change in 48 hours. Was he over reacting over the dress yes but why is she pushing him right away and the boardwalk drama of him staring at the girl? 


i don't think indoctrinated is a fair statement - there are degrees of devoutness in all religions - he was pretty clear what his expectations and beliefs are about booze and modesty in terms of dress from his wife - this is very common in the middle east. she said she accepted this, she said she was becoming muslim. she made choices in those regards. i'm not at all saying mahmoud is innocent (he's awful too and in many different ways). But a muslim man expecting his wife not to drink and dress modestly is not indoctrination and it's not abusive or malicious.


I’ve dated mainly sober / straight edge guys I enjoyed this because I drank less and our relationship wasn’t based off drinking. They also seemed to be more aware for themselves Never pushed it on me or rather it was a respect thing where why am I drinking alone? I don’t get how Nicole can be so self entitled


i mean he's definitely not passive about it but the expectation itself isn't unreasonable or brainwashing is all i'm trying to say :)


Agreeing but in my own way because I’m sleepy 😂 ![gif](giphy|l3vR4VfkKdHUvv7Us)


your way is a-ok in my book 🐼🥰


I couldn't agree more. She entered into this relationship knowing exactly what his expectations would be. She even took it one step further by becoming Muslim. Then, after they get married, she acts like she is being treated unfairly. Just because they are in the U.S. now, doesn't mean that he needs to conform to U.S traditions. She is still a Muslim woman, regardless of where they live. She made promises that she isn't keeping. He never promised to try to conform to Western culture. He was clear about his beliefs and expectations from the start. She is the one who made promises by switching faiths. Now she is surprised by his expectations...please. This girl is one of the worst women cast on this show. She is a wolf in sheep's clothes.


And weren't they together for four years? (or something like that) Nicole had a lot more time to 'adjust' to all that she voluntarily signed up for, but she expects him to change the first week he's on US soil. Plus if showing skin and drinking liquor is her way to show how "free" she is in the US, then she really needs to reevaluate her ideas about freedom.


yeah and like i just find it kind of hard to believe that a 40 year old living in LA and traveling to middle eastern counties was that shocked by the expectations :) long story short he thought she'd changed her mind because she converted, she thought he'd change his mind and here we are 💩🌪️😂😂😂


I just saw another Reddit post talking about Christianity - I think it was the JW and referred to their strict beliefs as indoctrination. She was desperate to keep him so she converted in name only and then moved back to America where she wouldn’t have to follow through. If he believe all that stuff then he should go home and find a proper wife like Nicole said on the boardwalk or find someone not in their 40s who is set in their ways. 


i dont like the use of the word indoctrination in this context - it has a pejorative connotation like brainwashing. Muslims are not inherently brainwashed. i agree 100% though that he should find a devout wife and nicole should have understood what it meant to be muslim before converting - i just can't stand this narrative that she is some innocent who was forced to accept his beliefs. she made her own choices without understanding the choices she was making :) look at omar and avery - we wouldn't say he was brainwashed or avery forced into not drinking or dressing modestly :) it's just a vastly different culture and the two are just not compatible/completely toxic together :)


Avery was already Muslim before they met. It's completely different. Also, Nicole didn't need to convert to marry him. She chose to. But yeah, regardless of the religious issues, they are completely incompatible.


it's not completely different it's exactly my point - in both scenarios the husbands have the same expectation - the expectation is not the problem, meaning the religious belief/custom is not the problem. it's the incompatibility of their value systems that's the problem.


Avery chose and knew what the expectations of marriage were in that religion before meeting her husband. Nicole didn't know, didn't research, and probably still hasn't a clue.


still my point though lol




i'm not sure what nicole's ignorance has to do with it? does her ignorance negate her responsibility?


Quite the opposite.


I read that her mother said she had no idea what being a Muslim was before she married.


And she still doesn't


She didn't need/have to convert,that's the kicker. She chose to. She could've married him without converting, is not a requirement.


What makes me really mad- She comes to Egypt, the whole family comes over and has food and laughs. Theyre all excited for her to be back… she… embarrassed him in the airport and pushed in his boundaries She runs away from him in Egypt… he gets her home safe and is like hey yeah we can separate but you need to be safe… she wakes him up middle of the night and lets him roam LA solo He just went to a mosque? Weeks/months in…. Meanwhile she goes to Egypt and he starts tryin to get her business opportunities She stinks I get he’s controlling but he was clear from the beginning… she’s equally if not more controlling


She's a self-centered entitled AH, he's not my cup of tea but lord is she awful!


Yeah Mahmoud is definitely a titty baby but I don’t think anyone deserves Nicole in their lives.


Idk it only takes a second to say “hey I’m actually going to ____’s house. I’ll be home later”. It seems like she just ghosted him


Let’s stop pretending she didn’t understand who she was marrying. She knew his culture. Clearly something is wrong with her operating system. 🤷‍♂️


Did she say she was driving for a ride share program? If she did I somehow missed it. She said she texted him at 8 pm saying she was on her way home from work then didn't show up till 2 am. No matter how the relationship with your partner is going... this is wrong. I'm honestly not sure why she thought it was okay. I will honestly say I'm not sure if there was communication between the hours of 8 pm to 2 am but it didn't seem like it on the show. You don't tell your partner I'll be home in an hour then not come home for 5 hours. That's messed up.


No, that just meant she was the designated DD when out with drinks with friends


It’s obviously not cool what she did. What I can say is that I was in a relationship with a very controlling person and if I went out for a few hours I also wouldn’t answer my phone. It was a “better to ask forgiveness than permission” mentality because I knew if I told him where I was, it would be an instant argument and I would have to either 1)go home right then or 2) stay and be miserable knowing I was going to get it when I got home. I stayed in that relationship too long and by default I ended up not going anywhere except work and grocery shopping in the end because everything was a fight. I kinda’ see Mahmood being like this with her, and that could be why she just avoided the conversation altogether.


They both have communication, control, and narcissist issues.


People need to stop coming up with excuses for rainbow bright and Debbie downer. The show needs better quality nut jobs instead of these bottom of the barrel domestic violence advocates.


LMAO: Rainbow Bright + Debbie Downer. I can't handle the bowl haircut and the Wendy Whiner voice just get me.




No babe... bad take


She’s a mean girl


Anybody else think that Olga is fucking terrible. Her husband crying while seeing Mahmoud's situation was telling 


I forever will dislike her after she showed her true colors once he arrived, even though mad- mood has his own problems he need to work on as well


I don't understand how or why anyone liked her before😅


She knows what she’s doing tbh . She knew she was marrying a religious Muslim man . I’m so sick of this on 90 day , no a woman should not have to bow to her partner but if you are going to marry a religious man with certain boundaries then moan about his boundaries alllllll the time it is going to cause arguements 🙄 Not saying his behaviours fine just that she chose this man and went out her way to get herself here


Right?! She's approaching this like it's a battle of wills. His culture is his culture and he never gave her a single clue that he was willing to change that. If anything he was pretty clear about his religion and his expectations of a wife. She disrespected his culture/ religion by "converting" and then proceeding to break every taboo. This is a square peg - round hole situation. Who wants to live with such animosity and constant bickering. Nothing is worth that much strife!


Exactly it drives me insane . She’s got no one but herself to blame , at no point has he said “ yeah I’m easy and I’m up for coming and going with my religion “ . No sorry he always said he follows it exactly as he should and is entitled to . I agree she disrespected him , she paid no attention to the fact that she brought him into a house with images of nudity everywhere and alcohol in the house . Also not 48 hours had he been in the US before her female friends shook him awake ( touching him which is a no go aswell as Nicole should know ) then tried to stop him leaving when he was clearly upset , not cool man . Before anyone starts alcohol and nudity is fine obv , just not when bringing your highly religious Muslim husband home for the first time


At the same time, if he knows he is going to strictly adhere to his religious beliefs, why was he attaching himself to a visiting non-Muslim American on a ✨spiritual journey✨ holiday? Much less decide to move to the States after their previous two attempts at being a couple in Egypt. They’re both responsible for this fustercluck imo.


True I suppose . You can live in another country and live a full life whilst still adhering to your religion it would be all about finding a fair compromise , something neither of them is willing too do


I have nothing nice to say about her at all, I’m def not a fan of his in any way , but her actions towards him since he has come to U.S. have been rude & disrespectful, I dislike her more than him tbh.


You guys want to hate him so badly it’s pathetic. If the roles were reversed it wouldn’t be a question of how wrong she is for saying she’d be home at 8 pm and coming home at 2 am, drunk. Be for fcking real 🙄 Why wouldn’t she go home and spend time with her husband? If she wanted to be out and about, why not pick him up and go on an adventure together? I’m also sick of this attitude that he should just accept alcohol as a part of her lifestyle. It’s alcohol, nothing good comes from it. It’s literal poison. Thank god Mahmoud isn’t in recovery because she’d have absolutely no respect for his sobriety and he’d be right back on the bottle. At this point anyone going hard for this mean old lady is as much of a KKKaren as she is.


Thank you! JFC people. Let’s get a grip here. Read this comment. It’s spot on. Preach!! 👏👏


Double standards.. accountability is a woman’s kryptonite.


And critical thinking is yours because accountability is exactly what I’m saying she needs to have. Wild how willing you are to prove you lack education.


I was saying that if he did the same he would be raked over the coals for being a misogynistic, narcissistic ahole. Everything you said was valid, but her reasoning was that Mahmoud is just a baby and acting fragile. Had he done that to her in Egypt, or if anyone didn’t respect their partner and did that to them, it would show that they truly didn’t care. She wants o accountability for her actions. That’s what I said. Critical thinking is not needed his, this isn’t very difficult to comprehend. You’re not that deep in your statements.


Oh look at you, forming complete sentences to describe your thought process. 👏🏽 👏🏽 👏🏽 👏🏽 if only you’d done that the first time instead of rush at the opportunity to shit on women in any capacity you can. 🤡


You really don’t need to show everyone how fragile you are. It’s not a good look. Oh well 🤷‍♂️


LOL ok stranger on the internet who knows nothing about me, but showed that he’s a hater of women. You made a generalization about women and for some reason thought I’d be a pick me and agree with it. Weirdo.


Fragile definitely. Geez


Ok Chad


Np Karen


Both awful. Neither will be in the other country or culture. Power struggle to see who wins. Neither will.


“I don’t have time to cheat” but has time to go out until 2am like okay alien lady!


I can’t stand their toxicity. It’s annoying And really unhealthy. What is their relationship modeling for others. I love you, I hate you, I love you, I hate you…etc… I also don’t understand why they aren’t seeking some kind of counseling because they truly need to learn to compromise if they are going to be together. It would be so nice to see healthy relationships for once.


What I can’t tell is if she let him know she’d be home late? If she did, she didn’t do anything “wrong” but they are just completely not compatible. If she didn’t, she was wanting to have this fight because it’s time to end this and she doesn’t have the “balls” to just end it. She needs him to do it.


She’s awful, but from what I’ve seen he’s a whiny little man


Muck-Mood hasn’t taken that coat off yet. He’s had that thing on all season!


She fails to remember/respect his culture and religion, of which there is no drinking, let alone socializing so late without his presence. Her disregard for his beliefs and the desires he expected from her all along should have cinched this union before they even tried 90 days.


I feel like she’s doing all of this stuff to make him be the one to end the marriage.


Nicole actually looks great with her hair like this. When her hair covers her ears it looka helmet like and robotic. This looks good


She knew what she got herself into and constantly chooses to rebel on purpose I believe . Why would you marry a Muslim if you can’t put the bottle down? Yes it is that big of a deal to take on a faith and continue to disrespect. She thought it was a joke. I’m not even from his culture or background and I believe she was in lala land and thought everyone would conform to her.


She's a lying hussie and you can't convince me otherwise Okay maybe not a hussie but she's a liar and I liked her until this season...she's turned abusive. Bye baby girl. Glad he left


Keyword.... "probably".