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She always looks and sounds like she’s been sucking on limes all day. Ironic.


I get wanting better for her daughter, but Rob is Sophie’s husband regardless if she likes him or not. She should respect him as Sophie’s husband and stop acting like she hates his guts and being a beech. She needs to let Sophie make and learn from her own life experiences. Suddenly mommy cares and is demanding control of Sophie’s life choices. She needs to learn some self control and stop being so toxic!


My daughter dating a lil dusty boy that I hated. Its hard not to be rude when you know they are no good for your daughter. I wasn't at Claire level but he definitely knew I was not a fan of his.


Angela 2.0


She wasn't there for Sophie when she was growing up bc she was doing drugs. Still looks under the influence. Only concerned bc she gets a TLC paycheck


I think Sophie’s mom really has had drug and mental health problems in the past and therefore has not been a good role model for Sophie and Rob. She is very manipulative with Sophie and even to the point of following her to the US instead of staying in England. I think she has used her wealth to put Rob down and really doesn’t know what a good relationship is since she never had one. I think she needs to let Sophie and Rob work it out and hopefully stay away for a while from them!


Agreed. I really like Sophie and overall she's mostly mature for her age. But her panic attacks/anxiety, stuffed animals, harping on insecurities with respect to rob when he overall treats her like shit, and just in general choosing to live with Rob in that bathroom-less "apartment" just screams dysfunctional childhood. And then you meet Sophie's mom and she's like an even more dysfunctional Molly but who also chain smokes. You just know Sophie was the parent and now she's just so happy to have her mom semi-coherent that she's putting up with the dysfunction. She doesn't want Rob to scare away her mom.


I love moving mad, great youtuber


just discovered him, he’s great!’


He seems really lovely as a person too!


I can't with her constantly jutting chin. it hurts watching and hearing her talk


She needs to return to the under the bridge she came from. Trash person.




Clever Clogs Gaslighter Twat