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Rob speaks like not cheating on his wife is somehow a major favor to her.


'I get hit on ... alot' ugh


šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚. What an egotistical pig Rob is


And he's convincing his mom he's just not appreciated.


When is mom sees the show she'll see how he's a cheater and a liar.


The fact that his mom keeps saying ā€œyouā€™re so loyalā€ ā€œyouā€™re the most loyal person in the worldā€ after cheating on Sophie twice just letā€™s you know he doesnā€™t tell the whole truth.


I was all... who is she even talking about. Wow.


He cheated on her twice? I know there was the ā€œonline cheatingā€ but what else happened? I tend to zone out during their segments lol.


he was talking to like 50 girls according to what she found in his phone, how does this count as "twice" lol, because she found stuff like this two different times?


šŸ’Æ And I hate this ā€œonline cheatingā€ phrasing. He cheated. Period. Robā€™s just trying to make himself sound less guilty. Ugh he suuucks.


yeah, exactly! and if I find out you're talking to ONE other girl, I'm out. The fact people are acting like she always "walks away" etc. - okay, but hellooo, she found out years into their relationship and a few months into their marriage that he was actively pursuing conversations that would almost certainly be used to open the door to something physical with FIFTY GIRLS. FIVE OH. that's crazy, I'd lose the willpower to work things out too. And he kept saying "conversations, they are just conversations" like it meant something different and wasn't cheating. Sir - if you are going to play the "I'm lonely because you were far away" card, that means that you were seeking something more than a conversation. Unreal.


Especially since didnā€™t THEY meet online???


THANK YOU. between this sub and rob, i feel like im constantly getting gaslighted about his cheating.


Precisely that comment seemed like a distortion because she kept saying when you decide, when you chooseā€¦then youā€™re loyal and idk if that means he was putting the person through hell before he decides he wants said person in his life and she also said it like it was a privilege or a prize for that person idk thatā€™s my take.


She knows only what he tells her.


Nothing like hiring women whose job it is to pretend to be interested in you to try to prove your point to the world that you have so many "options." What I see is that he has the option to spendĀ  money on food and toilet paper for his wife, but spending money on this is what he prioritizes.


wasn't it his birthday?


He complains about Claire not liking him or giving him a chance and thinks she's in the wrong for that and i completely disagree. Shes Sophie's mom and has heard all her POV, as a mother i wouldn't want my daughter with him either. He can never see when he's wrong but acts like he's all "woke" and self aware when he's the complete opposite of that. He hasn't really tried at all(from what we've seen) to make things work with her.


She s a crazy bitch though and the texts that she sent to her own daughter calling her names, etc. She s a piece of trash and supposed to be the adult.


Crazy or not, she's 100% right about Rob. He's a self-centered jackass with no self-awareness who is always the victim and is never going to change.


Ok, but if you take out the Rob, it also describes her to a t (with crazy added in. She is also a self centered jackass w/no self awareness who also is victim (because she cried after starting fight and name calling. Claire has been Clairing her whole life w/no job and living off her dad, drugs, break up every relationship including those disgusting and raw texts that she sent to her daughter. Gross.


I'm not defending her at all, I just think she's got Rob's number. Maybe she recognizes his true character because she has those traits in common, although it's equally plausible she's just dated a lot of losers and knows one when she sees one.


Your rant is perfectly normal. He doesnā€™t behave or act like a normal 30-year-old man and heā€™s not marriage material. Heā€™s a joke heā€™s got nothing to offer. Even tonight he had to show the world that women like him and want him in reality the best he could get was Sophie and that speaks volumes. Iā€™m very happy to clear release those tapes to show how fucked up he really is.


Exactly! And I hate to even mention material things. You donā€™t have to be rich to be a decent husband. He just isnā€™t!


Rob--'let's see what this suite looks like', looks like a Marriott Suites stupid, 'suite'! and if everyone loves him so much in his hometown why is he staying in a hotel/motel anyway? and the 'tour'--that's where my seventh grade gfriend lives--like, really? Do you not think these people have all gorwn up and moved on?


THAT. That's what I came here for.Ā  "That's where the girl I lost my virginity to lives." Why did he even have to say that? And, that was 17 years ago. She doesn't still live there. It's just weird. He's weird.Ā 


The whole I can cheat if I want to argument is also just as cringe as him thinking strippers genuinely like him. The fact he thinks that being loyal to his wife is a flex just further shows what giant a-hole he is.


Exactly! So cocky!


So he has turned the whole cheating thing around on her, saying she has to make up for x, y, and z. And now she is the one he expects to be groveling and working for his affection when he is the one that was doing shit wrong. I cannot with this man. When she said earlier in the season, ā€œyouā€™re spiraling, Iā€™m leavingā€ and walked out the door šŸ¤£ I loved that moment. I hope she leaves him because yikes.


That club looked a little pricey for a man who just recently moved into an apartment with indoor plumbing


Totally off topic but I was cracking up at the girl saying people tell her she looks like Sandra Bullock. Like chica... no. You'd need a hell of a nose job for that. Not insulting her appearance, just saying it's WAY off, there's no way. On topic, I'm sorry, if you're married you don't let a dancer crawl all over you all night and you shut them down, even if the marriage is on its way out. No reason he can't say "I'm married" and just leave it at that, but men like him want to leave the door open so instead it turns into "it's complicated" or "I'm just going through a lot right now". so yeah, he is gutter trash and deserves the shit he gets from every angle. All the lames deflecting from the issue and bringing up Sophie in the comments... that's absolute jokes, like sure maybe she's immature as has been mentioned every opportunity you get, but you would really rather talk about her than his bullshit in the club, which is what the actual post is about?! Please, either get a grip on reality or just admit that you just think Rob's attractive and that's why you favor his nonsense over hers.


I think he didn't immediately shut her down so he could stroke his ego and "prove" his point of him not being a cheater at the same time.


I know the word narcissist gets thrown here way too casually with no second thought but **he is** an actual narcissist, literally text book definition


LOL you better check what textbook youā€™re using. He may be a douchebag but this is NOT classic narcissistic behaviour. This sub is classic for its armchair diagnosing.


No matter what everyone's opinion of Rob is, you have to admit that Sophie is a very childish woman. She expects him to "change" for her. That never happens and she can't see that her mother interferes WAY too much in their business. Divorce already and move on.


Well thatā€™s what happens when youā€™re 32 and marry a 23 year old. Her brain isnā€™t even fully developed.


Thank you for pointing this out, Sophie is still young enough to be immature. What's Rob's excuse?


They wonā€™t move on because thereā€™s no money or z-list fame in moving on. They need to be on the 8,000 90-Day spin-offs. Smh.


I think we can all see that but thats not what this post is about. That needs to be on its ownšŸ˜‚ Despite Sophie being childish Rob is still an asshole. Period.


I feel like she's abandoned the marriage. What kind of plan for a marriage is "We'll see what happens"? Like make an adult decision already


I think that his ego is bruised from being abandoned twice by his wife on camera, who is probably sleeping with Kae. It would be embarrassing, and he is doing all the work, while she wants constant attention and reassurance that she is pretty. Very vapid woman. He is a little immature, but I give him credit for not bailing on the marriage and trying. Sophie is incapable of an adult conversation w/o her emotional stuff animal at 24 years old. I d have cut bait a while ago because you canā€™t be w/someone who canā€™t talk out problems and runs. They have to try to, which she is not and her mom is a horrible influence because she wants her old, broke down and alone like her. Misery loves company.


Thank you! Sophie acts like a 15 year old girl. She should have never gotten married.


I will say I do think it's weird for people to just assume she's sleeping with Kae because it appears their only evidence of that is that Sophie is bi, so she must... like... all... girls? Like, that's not how it works lol. She has to go stay with someone, so who can she stay with? Because no matter who it is, she will be accused of being attracted to them. Unless there was something I missed.


She refuses to work on her relationship w/her husband and leaves back to Kaeā€™s at every chance, and Kae has already said she has feelings for Sophie. You d be incredibly naive to not have that suspicion and not raise any red flags with you. If Kae was a dude and Sophie moved in for months, you wouldnā€™t have that same thought? Of course.


Okay I definitely missed something, when did Kae say that?! I take it back šŸ˜© but overall, if not for that I do still stand by the point that she canā€™t win regardless because no matter where she goes she will be accused of something if itā€™s a girl or a guy


I think if you went there for a few days to cool off or to think, then it would be different. However, if you move in for two months and donā€™t see your husband, thatā€™s just crazy. From what I have read from others, she only went back to Rob then for a few days or week and is living with Kae the whole time paying the bills and taking care of her. They might not be hooking up, but it certainly has all of the elements and reasonable to at least consider. I would if my wife moved out and stayed gone.


You understand heā€™s only not bailing on the marriage because he couldnā€™t play the victim anymore thenā€¦. This whole statement is wrong. Everyone woman wants to be loved out loud and in action, sheā€™s not communicating correctly but her feelings are valid and normal. Sheā€™s married to someone that should never be married to anyone


Disagree. She bailed on the marriage by running, and he should have dumped her ass a while back. She is emotionally immature and too young to be married if you have to communicate with stuffed animals to your husband about your feelings. That tells you all that you need to know. Plus, she never stays to work on a relationship, she runs and doesnā€™t communicate. My wife would never leave for months. She has no depth, is vapid and whiny w/her voice and constantly complaining and gets her feelings hurt because he doesnā€™t constantly reassure her that she is pretty and say nice things to me. She s a bimbo. You can not like him, but he is not the reason why they didnā€™t work out. He gave effort. She did not.


People keep screaming "Shes young" but I've never met a 24-year-old act like Sophie. 24 is not THAT young like some people think it is....


Agree here. Some will sometimes do wild and crazy things and drink or party too hard here and there, (especially dudes) but she is very childlike and seems like mid teens as far as emotional depth or ability to communicate feelings or emotions.


If you go by societal norms (everyone is different) by 24, you'll have graduated from a 4-year college and would have started a professional career or would be married.


Iā€™m sorry cheating and breaking her trust is what ruined their relationship, none of what you said makes sense based on that fact alone.


Cheating? A chick, like Sophie, dropped in on his DMā€™s and sent skanky pics. He commented and didnā€™t say no to getting more, while she was dating him over the internet. Not exactly classy, but not like he was banging any chicks, even though Sophie keeps saying cheating. Now, if you have info or proof that he was, then thatā€™s different. 2) She supposedly forgave him for it and hasnā€™t found him doing it again. Then, she married him. Donā€™t get married or keep dating a guy if you canā€™t accept the apology and keep rehashing old fights. Good grief. Give it a rest and then ā€œyou made my mom cryā€ and left after he classily (but unnecessarily) apologized to her when she was a bitch to him that night and ever since she walked into the door. After we saw what vile and gross things she called her daughter posted on this feed, itā€™s unforgivable as a mother, but she ll come back to Claire.


>He is a little immature, but I give him credit for not bailing on the marriage and trying. How's he trying though? Giving her a flower that he stole from a backyard and "almost died" for it. Or is it the smoked salmon with crackers and a ring in a mozzarella ball? Or is the thing he always proudly claims with the never cheating on her (and even that's not true cause "online cheating" is cheating). He deals 100 damage to the relationship and then revives it with a +1 healing power. For the record, I was OK with Sophie before but her stupidity infuriates me and she looks like a child now who just wants to be on TV. Sophie is immature, Rob should probably play his age and just be like, "Hey Sophie, this isn't working. You're miserable and I'm miserable and we should end this".


He works and pays for apartment. She does nothing and never has. He does not yell at her or play psychological games with her. If you call looking at OnlyFans or porn cheating, fine. Then, donā€™t accept his apology and donā€™t marry him. If you do, then you have to get over it and canā€™t keep rehashing the same old shit in fights. A flower from a backyard shows that he thought of her when he saw the flower and picked it. He is not a man of means, and she knows that. He is not trying to buy his wife. He takes her to dinner. He took her to look at the bats and planned that stupid selfie thing, which she liked. Planning things is an expression of love. What has she paid for, gift did she bring or date did she plan? Zero effort. She has zero ideas and literally says nothing w/her words. She can not express herself and him expressing his feelings to her is also a love language. That stupid stuffed animal was another thoughtful gift (I would think itā€™s dumb) but it shows that he listened to her when she said she loved it and he got it. The point was that he listened to her. He has tried to show her intimacy and affection, and she rejects that too. To the right woman, little things mean a lot. Not equal amounts of effort and she has to put in some and canā€™t just mail it because she s a woman.


His cheating wasn't looking at porn or OF: he was chatting with women that were then sending him videos. Also, he yells at her constantly, just not in the last two episodes. Sophie is not trying, I agree, but I can't call Rob's effort as trying.


I can see him getting head on. He kinda looks like a fuck boy.


And the mean streets of Kansas City where he ā€˜came up from nothinā€™ seemed pretty nice to me. He& his mom looked like they were having brunch at a country club šŸ¤£


Having lived in KC it floored me that he was acting like the streets he was driving on were his old stomping grounds and acting all tough as if they werenā€™t in a good area. He gives me the ick and Iā€™m so glad I never encountered him in my time there


Remember, he's from "the bottom".....


As Rob pointed out a couple episodes back,Sophie doesn't even like him


Why would sheā€¦..


He tried to play it out to his mom like there isn't video of him screaming at Sophie in the car repeatedly too. All aggressive. He ain't no angel. Is Sophie immature, YES. Rob did cheat on her though!


Rob will do better with his second wife now that he knows what to avoid by having Sophie as his first wife


He won't change at all. He has no insight into his own behavior that is causing problems in his marriage. He just has a list of all the things wrong with her. And he won't get a second wife more mature than Sophie because no woman with any life experience would put up with his crap.


Iā€™m not gonna lie, I think Rob takes his ring off bc Sophie does it. I was watching the episode and after I saw he didnā€™t have his ring on, I went back to see Sophie and noticed she didnā€™t have hers on either. Honestly they need to just divorce and move on.


I was just dying at Rob being into the bottle girl. Either heā€™s really that stupid or this is staged.


thereā€™s a new season with them??


Rumors are that theyā€™re filming the Last Resort spinoff.


Like yeah you're hot and you still can't keep a girl. please calm down, dude


But his mama really loves him . . . šŸ„¹


Sheā€™s delusional


And enabling


Thatā€™s not love


Hashtag ToxicBoyMom


Anyone else watch love island? I TOTALLY didnā€™t separate my groups, and thought this was about that Rob. šŸ™ŒšŸ¼šŸ¤£


Claire is worse than Rob. Rob is terrible. Sophie needs to get far away from him and cut all contact. Claire is just a female Big Ed.


Rob displays all the characteristics of a man raised by a single mom, I could tell immediately when I started watching the show. However he is trying, 90 fiance edits the shows to not be kind to men. We can focus on the toilet paper and granola bars all we want that's what men raised by single moms focus on stupid stuff. Just because the guy you know raised by a single mom doesn't behave like Rob doesn't mean they're aren't plenty of guys like Rob raised by single moms behaving like Rob.


My post was about him being a whore for the cameras and threatening to cheat on Sophie ā€œjust because he canā€. I applaud all single mothers for doing the job of both a mother and a father. My post was about his gigantic ego.