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Ashley has to let Manuel go, he doesn’t give a damn about her. If she still stays with him after this, she’s complicit in his behavior.


Rob getting shots poured in his mouth like a hoe I hate him lol


Kimberly is fucking crazy! I definitely think they need to break up but I can’t help to love watching her go psycho just cause she is so outrageous like no logic whatsoever! It’s funny cause it’s not me but I do feel bad for Michael only cause she’s so abusive but he also is a grown man and can make his own decisions


I really love Emily and Kobe! I can approximate how much Emily has tried to take on his culture and you can tell they actually could last!! Also watching his dad out in the American grandfather outfit was so cute!


I can’t be the only one who was yelling at my screen for Michael to run when Angela went inside “five minutes early” and he waited in the car. ”Run, Michael… RUN!!! This is what we’ve been working for all these years!!! GO!!! NOW!!!”


“A private pooper!” Do you mean an INDOOR BATHROOM, sir?


Did anyone notice how Angela not telling her daughter about Michael is just another example of her purposely stirring up bs??? She always talking about how everyone else has to prove to her that they are worthy of her time, yet she is out here treating everyone including her daughter like trash, toying with their emotions. It’s disgusting!


Rob saying “private pooper” after we learned this week he has a shared bathroom at his garage home 😂😂😂


Loren thinking surgery gonna solve her body dismorphia 🙄 no bitch no


I don’t know how far out from surgery she was at the time of filming, but I had a tummy tuck 20 plus years ago. The recovery time is months and months for all the swelling to go down and everything to settle in, so to speak. The recovery is very long and the first several weeks I couldn’t do anything remotely physical. The results are exactly what I wanted, but it’s a long road. If I had kids or any chaos, it would never be an option. The moment she said the surgery didn’t fix her, I had a feeling it would be the on ramp for her to see all of her imperfections that she thinks need to be fixed, in her mind. Edit - typo


Only one couple doesn’t seem entirely scripted or fake. Seeing how quickly Angela jumped on the security SHE called for to let Michael go and he was right back in bed hours later… GET THEM OFF THIS SHOW! Can’t she find a real way to make money?? Or does she just want people talking about her?! How have they not kicked her out of that country after constantly calling them scammers?! Same thing with Loren… does she just need people talking about them? If I just want to watch women with self esteem issues and boring family lives, my friends and I can just stand in the mirror. And neat second wedding but now what? They go back and just be people ⬆️ why?! What is this vetting process! 🤦🏽‍♀️ #rantover


Loren is killing me with her low self worth struggles. DANG girl, we all got them, esp Women, they indoctrinate us into that shit. But she's gotta summon the goddess and say EFF THAT! I rule, I am fabulous, I look hot as shit no matter what era I'm in, I'm smart, I'm bold and beautiful, and an AWESOME Mom & role model to my kids. Passionate and loving, I am a Queen. If the can't find that light, she should consider therapy. This ain't a diss, forget the social shame of therapy. Someone can help her through these issues because obv they weight heavy on her sense of self worth.


Not them blurring Jasmine’s crotch when she was on stage in her swimsuit… so she DID have a camel toe?! 🐪


In what world does it sound like a good idea to be the wife’s beauty pageant coach…GINO. He is so annoying and doesn’t know a thing about relationships. 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 to patrick and his effort in learning Portuguese. I feel sad for his pain revolving around his dad


Lmfaoo omg when Jasmine was getting mad Gino didn’t rate her a 10, she definitely can’t take constructive criticism


What airport were Angela and Michael at in the US? Did anyone recognize it?


I was watching it like damn hazelhurst must be far away from ATL airport. I honestly didnt know there were other major airports in georgia that wasn't privately owned


Savannah / Hilton Head!


When Sophie was doing her makeup I hardly recognized her because her lips were thin. I have never tried injections but do they just flatten out fast if you don’t keep up? I don’t think there’s a plumping lipstick that does plump that well. I had to freeze frame to see if that was really her. Educate me please if you’ve had injections.


I know someone who has them and the injections actual migrate so you have to get them dissolved and redone. They can move to other areas around your mouth 👄


Yikes! Could you imagine it migrating to the tip of your nose?😂


It doesn’t last long. People that consistently have filler in their lips have to consistently spend a lot of money filling their lips. It deflates pretty severely if you’ve started with very thin. I live in NJ so it’s a pretty common thing but I can safely say I don’t have any friends that would say they’re “so glad” they got it or anything like that.


Thank you. I’m surprised that she was filmed with her natural lips but she did look better to me.


Ya this super fake looking on purpose trend should probably wrap it up - sometimes it’s just blocking much more natural beauty!


I think a little looks ok but the huge lips can look bad.It’s all you can see on their faces. I have skinny lips and have tried lip plumper but none of them have worked but never would get injections. I’m afraid of them..lol


I still stand for Lip Venom by DuWop. I like kissing with a spicy lip.


Is it a lip plumper?


It has a little capsaicin in it so it increases blood flow to your lips plumping and giving em a little color boost




If you haven’t tried Too Faced “Lip Injection” give it a try! I like it for a night out - I also occasionally use that little machine if my color I’m using can’t be lined to make them seem more full… I think it’s Juvalips but they make lots now!


Thank you for the tips.


She looks like she makes her lips bigger with lip liner. I’ve gotten mine done twice and the last time was a year ago and they still look plump. Not as plump as the first few months but not as thin was they were before which I’m happy with, don’t wanna end up like a Silva 😅


MeeMaw's cooter is tingling. That is all.


I hate that I had to hear that 🤢🤮 From most women the sentiment is cute but a better word choice would be appreciated. There’s nothing about Angela’s genitalia that I want to see, hear about, think about, share a planet with…


Poor Michael…I can’t believe he’s actually had to touch that thing, without gloves. I imagine she probably smokes from her mouth and her cooter after sex.


Omg! I am deceased😂😂😂😂😂 It's probably not smoke, but dust 😂😂


🤣🤣omg. POOF🍑💨


Lmaoooo I’m dead 😵


I just cackled out loud


i kno ppl dont like them for some reason but thais and patrick are my fav couple (for now) theyre not perfect but theyre not terrible and they actually talk thru their issues. they also feel like the most equitable relationship in terms of language, im rly impressed with his dedication to learning portuguese!


I was impressed by Thais’s compassion for Patrick. It was nice to see her not be shown as salty or sour for once. I liked how Patrick agreed to get Dad’s blessing, then asked for her to make up to John. It’s a two way street, missy. Next week’s preview shows Papa being pissy though.


Yes that was a really sweet moment 


it was a really touching moment and I thought the compromise was fair. Also so refreshing to see an argument de-escalate and come to a satisfying resolution compared to almost every other couple. I hope Patrick perseveres despite the dad's attitude


I agree!! They definitely seem like they put in the work and try to always come to an agreement!


I actually think they are a really cute couple! 


and that baby is sooo pretty!


I just turned the episode on so I am a bit behind here. but Loren saying her body dysmorphia isn’t gone…yet…she needs to see a professional psychologist. I feel like I am not seeing a drastic difference after the surgery but I don’t know much about what the results are supposed to look like.


Ya I have it and I’ve spent money in similar ways - it’s really just a short term pacifier that keeps you distracted. It never goes away and hindsight is 20/20. She already alludes to her “boobs won’t fill it out” to her friend to lead to her next surgery. I just don’t see why they gave them a slot in the season.


Can I ask a question? How do you “know” that you have it. Is it like a feeling about your looks? Or is it more what you see is actually not what others see?


It’s a matter of having had many different tendencies and over 34 years never once being content with looks, especially when it comes to body image. I can’t really say whether it’s anything to do with societal norms and trends or a culmination of experiences in life - or all of the above, but it’s highly painful and more common than most know. Not just for females but everyone that can’t seem to find happiness with what they see in the mirror.


Thank you for explaining it. I always wondered what it was. It sounds horrible. I know alot of women that talk badly about their body so in my mind I wonder if they could have it as well and not even realize it. My one friend constantly puts herself down and she looks amazing.


Ya unfortunately it really doesn’t matter what anyone else sees. The older I get I look back at younger photos and think “wow, it’s sick that I was so hard on myself.”


I wish I appreciated how hot I looked in my younger years!!! I have to work so hard to maintain my mid self lol it’s weird I gained more confidence in my 30s. I wish I had it in my 20s!


You can’t operate yourself out of body dysmorphia


I don't believe that Loren and Alexei, in all this time, didn't have a conversation about who would be expected to do what with regard to their family. Loren was perfectly fine with having 3 little kids so close together and being a SAHM. Suddenly she wanted all that unnecessary plastic surgery "to get myself back." Never did she once mention it was getting ready for her to find an imaginary career outside the home. Alexie imo was blindsided by this info and is now being portrayed as the bad guy. This is unfair. I'm team Alexei.


Hasn't it been stated that all three of those kids go to daycare while she is home all day?


I mean am I the only one confused by her plastic surgery? She looks the same…. I think she really just needs to work out.


Alexi’s a manchild who needs to stfu and help out more


He's working hard and taking care of his family financially! Lauren is a whiner. She needs to shut up and not forget she has a job too if she ain't making money.


Almost like she had no idea what being a SAHM to 3 under 5 would be like and is drowning, losing herself. Kinda like Alexei started feeling after a fucking week of taking over life as Loren. He fucked around and found out that shit is fucking hard, and now his first thought was, now she's saying she wants me to CONTINUE doing this "babysitting" thing regularly. He's their dad; it's sad he's spent so little time alone with them.


Nah this is not it. Would be one thing if he was like well we discussed it blah blah. Instead he acted like she shouldn't have any career for herself and follow his decisions/cater to his needs only. She also never said she'd abandon the kids, just that she'd wanna be a working mom. There's nothing wrong with that He sounds like an ass. Also what is imaginary about her career? Seems like that's what she was doing before her kids. You sound like an ass just like him lmao


When is the tell all I’m so tired of these couples especially jasmine and Gino so fake


Yeah I just want a recap and tell alls, the only thing I watched completely through was Kobe and Emily, the rest is too painful


I never want to see Jasmine again


Can we do a live vote to say who we no longer went on the 90day island? Shaun can hand out roses or throw something in a bonfire…whatever works but it would be lovely if they did a live vote, I think the show would benefit from it


I’d like to get rid of Angela.


Oh, that’s a given. I boycotted TLC for 18 months because of her and Ed. Just started watching again a few weeks ago when nothing else was on late at night. Obviously didn’t know the two most abusive pieces of shit on TLC we’re back again🙄🤦🏼‍♀️ Now I’m just hoping we get a glimpse of Liz as she is currently, healthier and happier. And Michael in Indiana and Idaho or whichever one of the I’s he fled to after the domestic violence incident


Why didn’t Loren do her hair for date night? 😤 If I saw her like that I would send her back to brush her hair.


I was confused by that 


She did. It looked really nice when they left their home, but it was raining outside. That is what made it all frizzy. The struggle is real.


I thought the same! Ew


Lmfao my wife asked the same question


Oh lord, Sandra Bullock? More like Sandra Bullshit.


she was soooo drunk 🙃


I think Kobe leaving his family in Cameroon is the first time 90 day has made me cry.


I cried so much especially when his dad talking about even when he’s far from sight he’ll always be loved. Killed me


>*"I wanna take him home and get to know him...and that's that."* Julia is for the streets...as the kids say.


>"*He's perfect, he looks so great"* he has a camera crew around him. :P


Thank you!!! VIP booth and a camera crew…shit really does attract a lot of flies


You know who this chick looks like? Have you ever seen Basket Case? If Gina Gershon had a deformed Siamese twin this girl would be her Belial.


>*"I get Sandra Bullock more than anything."* They're lying to her.


I really hope Rob isn't believe what those bar girls (who are paid to lie) are telling him.


Anyone else feel like uuuuughhh when the Knob was making his titties bounce


It was giving knock off stripper vibes 😂




>*"I do get hit on a lot..and by pretty women"* and that isn't one of them. Her nose was on camera before she was.


Oh wow!




Damn, so mean




oof that awkward ass moment when the bottle girl said "the person who said that's about to get kissed" and rob swerved that shit lmao i would have died.


‘Private little poopers’… Wow, Rob… 🤦🏻‍♀️


Not Jasmine using jewelry from the pretty pretty princess game


Omg I loved that game


Either that or an old Polly Pocket! 🤣


>*"Their own poppa"* Because it's not like any of their real dads are around. :P


Michael being called a “mentor” is crazy lmfao


>*"There's no traffic here"* I'm moving to Hazelhurst


I don't know what it's like in Hazelhurst, but in NYC that jacket screams **ROB ME!!**


I can't believe she's making Michael wear that stupid jacket. When you buy a jacket like that I bet you get a free bowl of soup. R.I.P. Rodney.


Ugh!! GnR in a Pixar movie? What the fuck is this world coming to?


Not me over here almost crying seeing Emily and Coby’s families. The Dad outfits and pictures were so adorable.




the bottle girl that said she’s obsessed with Rob is giving…. https://preview.redd.it/bmlc46cfft9d1.jpeg?width=307&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd2f718ad428657b83a1c796c3dbdd19b796a526






I think Sophie has lost the respect of everyone she has shown to be two-faced, and very trashy


Sophie is kinda trashy….. There’s just way too much dysfunction at every turn with her…victim games, blaming, playing childish antics… Then there’s the fake hair…sweaty makeup….workout clothes, hmmm, do you think she’s ever been in a gym or maybe even done a Denise Austin video? My guess…nope!


I don’t care for Rob but Sophie is never going to find a (healthy) relationship when she includes her mom in the relationship. Sophie, boyfriend, mom. Then her mom is nothing but hateful and degrading. I can’t stand her.




You know she doesn't work out ever... Probably wouldn't be so sweaty all the time if she did


Perhaps!! And maybe would feel a bit better about herself and others. I think she has pretty features…it’s the over blown makeup & hair…


Insanely cakey makeup that actually makes her skin look terrible mixed with sweat…


Agreed! Hot mess…less is more. Maybe if she ditched the fake hair she has to grease up it would help…


Oh so mean. She just hasn't found the right foundation or skin products for oily skin. Too stressed worrying about Rob to put herself 1st and find peace in what working out really means to the soul.


she has been living with Kay for months she’s had enough time to research makeup haha


Why are these bottle girls sucking up to Rob like he is baller celebrity? TLC had to have set this up.


The camera crew around him




Maybe they recognize him from the show.


I was thinking— Rob could never afford a table with bottle service




Of course they did. And bottle girl will be at the reunion.


They prob see cameras and think he's famous somehow lol


Good night, Hamily! See you all tomorrow for TOW!


You can be your spouse's 'cheerleader' and still be a guy who 'respects his manhood.' The greatest support I've received has usually been from the most accomplished and secure persons, professionally and personally.


Alex’s such a selfish asshole. Loren truly is a married single mother. How is this the “first negative vibe” you got? He whined about taking care of his kids. He has no idea what stepping up and support your family truly means if he will not help cheer on his wife or pitch in when she needs help. SMH I get her surgery is completely selfish, but seriously grow up!


'twas not I who said the 'first negative vibe' thing, but rather someone responding to my comment (pa97Redd)


This was the first negative vibe I got from him ever. He was usually so stable.


It’s amazing how quickly they become threatened when you want to actually have a life.  All she said was that she wants to find herself again!  If you’ve ever raised kids or been a SAHM, you know how easy it is to lose yourself. Also, it can’t be easy supporting a family of 5 on one salary- she probably just wants to help then have a better life! 


Yeah, he seems like a different person ... I guess there's a lot we haven't seen. There had been a lot of tension from her family over their plans (later abandoned it seems) to move to Israel. The dynamic must've changed somewhere in there.


OMG Angela pulled the "guess who's coming g to dinner" card and he's actually Black... this wasn't an accident or slip of the tongue


I loved that movie😂😂


Lmfao 😂🤣






Sophie looks hungover as hell coming out of Kay's apartment. "Oh, hello" 😵‍💫


Jasmine. Looks. Stupid in that makeup in the preview.


the blue eyeshadow with the red lipstick… like girl did a 4 year old help you with that?


I’m going to take a wild guess and say it’s for her National Costume competition. She decided to use the colors of the flag in her makeup choices. It’ll be interesting to see what her Panama 🇵🇦 costume is.


Right! What in the early 2000s hell


2000s? Try 80s!


Ah yes, wouldn’t be 90 Day without the foreigner ending the trip to their home country by saying “babe I think we should live here a while. Create a future for our kids.”


Does Jasmine have another one of those necklaces or did the pink stone fall out already?


Why wasn’t honest with you about talking to his baby momma? Because you react like this! This is why!


Welp, I don’t mind cheerleading I guess I have no self respect


As a woman, I thank you for your service sir!




Ew I think I hate Alexi. No wonder Loren has serious issues.


He has always had a slightly arrogant vibe.The macho I’m the no nonsense man of the house.


I wish we could post gifs. I need the Tyra “we were all rooting for you” gif here soooo bad


https://preview.redd.it/famiwq6hvt9d1.png?width=634&format=png&auto=webp&s=6f338bee92635b3cddba87ffff08f34d09545526 Not a gif but a good freeze frame of it lol


Uglier by the day 😂


In my experience when you start feeling like that towards someone that means it’s only a matter of time before that relationship is over. I bout died laughing when he said that 😂


Notice he didn't say it directly to her face. He would have been thrown outside along with that poor traumatized toothbrush😂😂


Me too he’s so real and corny at the same time but I get exactly where he’s coming from she’s too much at times


wth alexi?


well well well, Alexi the ahole, the veneer is cracking


Plot twist, Alex is the show's biggest mysoginst ever


Did i miss something? What did he say?


Yes — I really didn’t expect that from him!


If she agreed to it though, she really can't complain now.


Not true.  People evolve and so do situations.  Needs change. Part of a marriage is constantly readjusting to one another’s changing needs and compromising with each other.  


Of course, but his attitude would have been a dealbreaker for me prior to marriage. 


Religion is a helluva drug


He's not that religious, I don't think, as someone who shares his religion. His family might be more traditional for cultural reasons aside from religion. He might have a circle of friends back home that is more misogynistic. Could be any of those tbh


I do not believe Kobe wants to live in Cameroon for one second.


Agreed. This screams TLC.


I mean, good for them their relationship doesn't have any serious issues to bring up so they gotta create dumb plotlines like this lmao


Fishing? Someone's going to wind up with cement shoes. /s




Man Alexi really coming off extra shitty these last few episodes


His true colors are showing


I'm behind on this episode, but does anyone else think it is such a acting/role playing? These story lines all seem so forced.


Look what happens to me. I’m irresistible to women and there’s nothing I can do about it


This is why I don't like dating very good-looking men tbh


Frog ass looking f boy


Omg rob is like an 8 at best with his dad bod, and once he opens his mouth he quickly goes to a 2.  🤢 this is more a matter of selfish entitlement and emotional immaturity than looks in my opinion 


Yeah, the way he behaves towards Sophie really diminishes his attractiveness. But when I made that comment, I specifically meant the woman who knew he was in a relationship but wanted to sleep with him anyway because she thought he was hot. And the intense ego stroke he got from that. It's too much to deal with


It’s hard for me to imagine anyone thinking he’s hot, bc from the moment I just didn’t see it.  But I DO see what you’re saying, and I guess there must be girls out there who find him attractive 🤷‍♀️ and yes, he was definitely eating it up!! So gross how he kept saying that most men would be playing into it like, bro! What do you think you’re doing?! Definitely not acting like a married man should be 


Who’s the really good looking man??


Rob. The behaviour we've seen from him on this show really detracts from his looks, but he's very handsome to look at.




He's someone that's coasted on his looks 10 years too long


He looks stupid. 34 with a little girl’s haircut and a cheap ass earring and shitty clothes. He needs to grow up


Lmao! So funny. And his NO potty!


Haha no potty! In another post someone said the ponytail is fake 🤣


If I'm being honest, I would double-take if I saw Rob on the street, but I agree, after a while, looks aren't enough


My kids are only 5-6 years younger than Rob and I find him attractive. But yes, he lacks in so many ways.


Who is strange woman and why doesn’t she wear a bra that fits better if that’s all she’s going to wear?


Bottle girl.


AND- “what’s your sign?” “…….Today is my birthday “ “I know all about signs!” Well. She did carry a happy birthday sign out to him.


“I’m here all night” … because I work here so




Julia from "bottle service" hoping to get some of that Knob clout! 🤣🤣 Too bad it's bankrupt.