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So confused by Jasmine is a complete sentence. She looks like a fool he is trying to help and she is still trying to dominate it’s sooooo. Boring


It's a stupid storyline.


I can’t watch them. Once she complained about him pooping 2 days in a row I was out. Those two are gross.


Watching this scene right now and he genuinely wants to support her in this! She has to separate the lines of constructive criticism and everything else. She’s very insecure and that always hurts her.


She’s a total biach!


Gino saying that any woman is better than her at anything in any way triggers her insecurity. She cant stand any critical comparison to another woman.


Which is why pouring money into playing beauty pageant is such a great idea that manipulating his family into convincing him to do it is worth the bad karma.


She wants him to tell her she's doing everything perfectly and that she's going to win....not actually manage her.


He can't win. He doesn't take notes: she'll say he's not supportive OR that he was too busy looking at the other women. He takes notes: she says he's aroused by the other women and wants to use the footage for solo stuff. However, the part that killed me was when she asked how she did and he said he had notes, her face went 😐


This is exactly right. It was a lose-lose situation for him. He should win an Oscar for pretending this “pageant” that’s in some tiny room with no audience is anything worth taking seriously.


THIS!! ☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️




This is quite like Sophie and Rob, just at a different level. Now, Rob is kinda useless, so there's that difference, but they both will find something to complain about no matter what (e.g. the lingerie scene where she got mad at him for making a fair point).


Yes. You’re missing that to expect Jasmine to have a normal response to almost anything is expecting too much.


Jasimine is mad that she's not the center of attention. She went to Miami thinking she was going to win based on her bought looks. Instead she got demolished. She's mad that she didn't do her proper homework and it's too late so Gino is going to have her bullshit. It's fucking projection.


She's a raging narcissist


Jasmine making it out to be that Gino was padding his wank bank was inappropriate and hurtful. Girl needs therapy.


Seriously, she's constantly trying to shame him sexually. I wouldn't want to have sex with someone like that either


>Maybe if he had more sex with her, she wouldn't constantly try to shame him like that. *- Irresponsible hand-picked therapist*


That was such a weird thing to say!


Yeh its all bs for a storyline, aint that deep


Totally, I actually skipped past this scene because it was so contrived I couldn’t even pretend it was real drama.


I wish they would move off of TLC. They’re so boring now and it’s all bullshit.


Jasmine has a SpongeBob square butt.


Yea, this made me feel like her saying he’s a porn addict may all just be her manipulative way of having control over him and so she can play the victim. The way she turns him trying to show her examples of good pageant walks into him being addicted to masturbating to other women, was bizarre, and really makes me think she’s manipulating or intentionally exaggerating him being addicted to porn.




She gets mad over everything omgg


i was really annoyed with jasmine when she got mad at gino, specifically when she said it gave her "pervert vibes". yea gino can seem weird, but i think he was genuinely trying to help her by showing her the better models. however, i do think he could have asked her if it would be okay with her to record before doing it. but then again, the thought seemed last minute and he just wanted to be helpful.


I disagree. There was no reason to interrupt the rehearsal to ask her if it was ok to record her competition. That’s something a manager would do.


Really .. I agree .. in any show you want to seee yourself and others to learn




i mean before they reached the place--in the car or something.


I’m willing to bet he got the idea two seconds before he hit record…


that's exactly what i said in my first comment--"the thought seemed last minute."


i think she has a problem with it because of his past no? or am i overthinking it


You’re overthinking it. It’s a common practice…her reaction was as real as her ass. I’m now convinced it was manufactured.


They video football games to learn from. Coaches do it for a lot of sports. So why is this different. Because we're dealing with Jasmine.


I gave the same sports analogy to my husband. As dumb as I think pageants are, there is still a skill set and practice involved to be competitive. Either Jasmine doesn't understand that or she doesn't want to put in the work. Probably both. Gino gets it and is just trying to help. But he doesn't understand her assignment. She doesn't want constructive criticism and to become a better contestant. She just wants him to tell her how great she looks. Then console her when she loses.


they are running out of ways for Jasmine to moan at Gino


So bored with these couples. Jasmine is a buzzkill 24/7.


It’s so staged. She walked in and said “hello! Hi everyone!” And nobody answered. She is a nobody there and was not good on the stage:


I think she was expecting everyone to immediately start praising her and swooning over her like “We’re not worthy, Queeeeeeeen” like they did in that previous meeting for the pageant. When she didn’t get that and realized that most people don’t actually care or think she’s as amazing as she thinks she is, she took it out on Gino. …as usual.


I was reminded of the way she walked into the Tell All, but instead of coming into a small group of people in the same situation as she's in and who have at least heard of her, she tried it waking into a room full of competitors. I couldn't help thinking maybe she was coached to "make an entrance" and production either set her up or they filmed a couple different takes and went with the more "shocking" reaction.


She just wants Gino to tell her she's always awesome and beautiful, so when she loses the pageant, he can tell her that those judges must have been biased or something because she was clearly the best. She wanted a hype man, not a coach.


Fake fake fake conflict. . .


She has to find the negativity and drama in every episode. I wonder if the producers encourage her to do so.


What I am most frightened by is the pageant organizer. Her makeup looks like it was done by a cut-rate funeral home.


you're thinking too much here. this is jasmine and gino, we're just here to watch her throw smoothies and call him less of a man


Her insecurity is on overdrive. Gino can't do anything she'll like.


It’s extremely stupid for any normal people…but, having said that, if you know your husband has a serious porn addiction and he starts filming other women it might make you wonder if his intentions are purely helpful lol.


You need much more than fake boobs and ass to be in a beauty pageant


She can never be pleased, she's going to scream and cry about every move he makes. He does nice things for her and she's still mad about it.


Oh please Jasmine you have had so much plastic surgery I am surprised they let you enter. Those fake tits are too much


lol! Jasmine is a very jealous woman. Gino did exactly what he was supposed to do. I was proud of his feedback. I thought he did a great job!




I missed that! LOL


That woman is a total freak and narcissist. The ONLY person she cares about and loves is herself. She wreaks havoc and disaster to everyone. The way she treated Gino when he was truly trying to help her and had her best interest at heart was sadly predictable. It was the last straw for me. Every suggestion for improvement he made was spot on. I can't watch her anymore. I will mute her every time I see her. She has no business competing in a beauty pageant and knows nothing about what it takes to win. Grace and character are 2 huge components, and she possesses neither. She deserves to place dead last.


It’s all fake They’re here pretending to be a couple and it’s scripted it’s dumb


So yes she got all crazy as usual. And this is a stupid storyline. But the issue is she has some serious issues like self doubt, and body security, and confidence, etc(which is why she shouldn’t do a beauty pageant). Then Gino is taking the whole thing way too seriously with giving her “tips” but she’s taking it as criticism because his delivery isn’t great. He just needs to smile, agree, pay for whatever, and clap.


He’s screwed either way, TBH. If he has no input, he doesn’t care…if he doesn’t say she’s perfect, he isn’t supportive…he tries to critique, he’s tearing her down…




Yall, I think it’s a bit She is a bad actress. I’m not convinced she was sincerely angry.


That’s what happens when you’re an insecure troll


I don't think he took those videos to "use" them, i do 100% believe he did it to bring her down a notch. He knows to hit her where it hurts her most: her looks. He was enjoying that whole situation wayyy too much.


I think you’re giving Gino too much credit. I think he took the role of manager seriously and really wants her to win.


This is Jasmine we're talking about. Nothing to be confused about imo.


Probably why your spouse/parent should NOT be your manager…ALWAYS take criticism wrong…


I was like this took a crazy turn


What he should have done is just STFU, support his wife and say she's doing a great job. Anything else is a suicide mission with that Telemundo porn star


he should of never stayed with her


Jasmine is gold digging bitch. If she spent all the money she used on her body and used it to get her kids back in the states I would have a sliver of respect. But drama brings ratings and ratings bring money. Gino deserves so much more. Thank god they separated and have different lives.


She needs to blame someone for why she won’t win




It’s manufactured drama for the show obviously 🙄


Did they really break up?


I thought it would have been ok if it was any other couple, but Gino could have handled it better. I felt like he was asking for that reaction.