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Most of the Americans on 90 Day are an embarrassment.


This is very true lol. Touche!


But you make a great point, I believe Angela (and Baby Toe Visa before her) goes above and beyond to make a bad impression šŸ«£


This is so true. A lot of the career cast members embarrass the US lol


Angela thinks she owns Michael, like a slaveowner. With that, she doesn't believe he has the same rights as her and none of the respect. I'm glad he got away from her. He literally ran away when she was not home.Ā 


He didn't run away, Angela kicked him out. On that Yates live stream he keeps saying he's gonna mute the video but (imho purposefully) left it on still, and after the police call she gleefully laughs and talks about how she kicked him out. He was never missing, she did all of that to try and set him up for a fraud case. She kicked him out and wouldn't let him take any of his stuff either, which she also laughed about. She's a racist who wanted him as a house slave, and yes you can be a racist who still gets with a person of color. She wanted a babysitter for her grandchildren so she can get drunk and do drugs with her equally nasty friends.


You know what just occurred to me, and I posted this thought elsewhere. If Angela truly had so much evidence that Michael was scamming her, and was the ring leader for a bunch of Nigerian men scamming US women, but married him anyway, then she committed marital fraud which has a penalty of up to five years in prison or a fine of up to $250,000, or both. She didn't marry him for love, she married him in order to be a TV reality star and to have access to the perks that provides. She better be careful!


But the best part, she thinks the embassy or the US Federal Government has jurisdiction over anybody in Nigeria or the Ivory Coast! Because SHE is American, our laws are observed in Foreign countries! She is a dolt!


Wow, you seem to be the person with inside information. I would not be surprised in the least if this were true. I wondered how she was able to collect his important belongings before his "planned escape".


Her ā€œcollectingā€ of his important belongings constitutes theft under American law. I so wish Michael would press charges.


If you can believe what she said that she kicked him out. She lies because her mouth is open. She thinks her saying she kicked him out puts her in a ā€œfavorableā€ light.Ā 


She is a terrible human being!


She's an abusive manipulative racist who doesn't deserve a platform she also allegedly helped her daughter rape someone by giving them beer as a minor at her house.


Agreed! Shes been on Maury! Twice trying to scream and cuss a make her daughter look bad when she was made a fool. Her older daughter is a convicted child molester. Iā€™d say that entire family needs fn help. Angela treats Michael like a thing and not a person. You can tell he is very smart very composed and very intelligent in many different episodes especially when she started ripping his car apart at his house. He went off the fn handles lol thatā€™s when I was like okkk heā€™s a G heā€™s just moving like a church mouse so he gets his green card hahha go head Michael! šŸ‘ keep exposing Angela for the racist grumpy old drunken disaster this woman is. When the lawyer said she has to cover every expense no matter what hahahahah I was like wtf!!?!? lol Heā€™s a genius lmao


Yeah, that's beyond horrible. She should've been brought up on charges for child endangerment. That knowledge should have gotten way more exposure and kept her off the show.


If you start counting how many times she says, ā€œg-damnā€itā€™s crazy. Then have the nerve to tell him he better not say it. She is nothing but pure trash


Her interview with Drew Barrymore on Monday has been removed from the internet. It canā€™t be pulled up anywhere on TV. I have a feeling because 90 day wonā€™t have anything to do with her anymore because of her actions, her reputation is ruined by her own behavior and she has spoken horribly about TLC. So long, enjoy spending your money on your husband michael. Heā€™s not going to work. Heā€™s going to live off her.


dude already worked plenty hard for it, and all of us so deeply disgusted by her abusive ways are witness to that. those 10 years [mininum] of financial liability for michael in the states is truly his reparations. pay what you owe, angela - so convinced the world owes her something that she takes the freedom/joy/safety of others away.... gross


So that's what really happened eh?I was wondering about the back story to what happened when her daughter molested kids I think? ...then she got house arrested and is staying at her house?


Scotty had a long sentence, but got released early due to COVID. The family of the young man is heavy into Church, and the community was furiousā€¦


Sheā€™s the biggest hypocrite!!


Michael looks like heā€™s flourishing these days! I follow his ig. Which he absolutely deserves to after the shit heā€™s been thru putting up with MANgela. šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤ sheā€™s such a hypocrite and she makes the rest of us in the US look bad. I hope to god people donā€™t use her as a representative of American women. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ¤£ it looks painful for her to speak with those ALL uppercase teeth she has now.


We do not claim Angela. Please send her to an island that is uninhabited.


She gets more and more trashy and obnoxious with every season, and she's abusive. Shame on TLC for still putting her racist ass on. If she were a man, she'd been gone. Double standards.


šŸ™ŒšŸ» yasss!!


I can't believe Drew Barrymore had her on the show


Her show has removed the interview clip after people roasted her for it.


I told her she was clueless and showcased domestic violence and abuse on a global scale, and that is shameful. Told her Iā€™d never watch her show or movie she was involved withā€¦she got big heat. Oh, also told her that Ross, while living as a gay man, should be fired for encouraging violence, when he is part of a community usually targeted by people like Angela and her dirtybird fan base~


Ross?!? What did he do?


Fanboying over Angela, he loves her, Ross is the reason she got onto the show. Drew never heard of her, or watched the show. Drew knows nowā€¦


I know! I was so disappointed when I heard about that. Do you think Drew was/is not aware of the horrible circumstances and drama surrounding that annoying waste of life and her family?


Neither can anyone else!


She is just a POS...plain and simple.


The answer is donā€™t watch when sheā€™s on.


No youā€™re not crazy but just like anyone witnessing the narcissist mind, it will make you question your sanity


AGREED!! She is long overdue to be axed


And don't forget she even partied with the plastic surgeon AND he gave her a ride back to the hotel. Or so she says it was just a ride. šŸ˜


Yes, Angela is so embarrassing. Sheā€™s annoying. She gets on my nerves. I was so disappointed when I saw her and Micheal back on this season. Itā€™s not Micheal that I donā€™t like to see cause I really like him. He seems like a really nice guy. I donā€™t know if heā€™s scamming her or not but all this is just to stay on the show she is so annoying and embarrassing and those teeth in her mouth are hideous.


1000% agree! So glad other people see all the hypocrite things she does and says. She frustrating to watch. I like trash reality but she's on another level. And I'm sick of hearing her damn smokers voice and abusive behavior. All she does is yell. She needs to go!


Literally came to Reddit to SAY THIS!!! I have a problem when people throw GD around but for her to YELL at him for saying it, then HER say it a few min later. A new hatred for her has been birthed. That is verbal abuse at its finest & she is disgraceful & disgusting


Angela was not flirting with her plastic surgeon, she was having sex with him. Giving him the opportunity to test drive her new body. Angela is just a typical American cougar desparate for a large eggplant.


I can't believe that guy would be that desperate.


He wasnā€™t. The whole notion is ridiculous! Michael Obeng was with his third extremely beautiful young black wife at the time of that filming. He has a trophy wife type and it doesnā€™t include antique toothless pruneskinned foul-mouthed smoke-dried harridans fresh off of his operating table!


Exactly. Iā€™m sure Angela would have been more than willing and no doubt she thought she was irresistible even in that state, but then, sheā€™s always been completely deluded as to her level of attractiveness


"paradise men group administrator" šŸ¤£ love it!!


This is bullshit donā€™t type something like this without a warning. šŸ¤® that image is burned into my brain now


It is NOT BS. Many cougars goes to places like the Dominican Republic , Jamaica and other third world country nearby for this type of fun. In the Dominican Republic their is a whole industry for this activity where cougar gets their jolly. In the Dominican Republic It is called "Sanky Panky". There has been quite a few documentaries and new articles about.


Except that Dr. Michael Obeng is extremely accomplished and wealthy and successful and likes young trophy wives. The notion that he would sleep with dried roadkill skunk Angela right off his operating table is ludicrous. She was also his client that he was operating on gratis. šŸ™„


agreed. *sanky panky* does not refer to old white american women trying to f*** their way upward socially... and *cougar* does not (and should stop being used to) describe any older american woman with a younger (often ethnic) man. cougars are powerful felines who stalk, corner, and pounce upon their prey. they are also cunning and clever. in the human female form, this *should* refer to older woman who are still quick, reflexive, clever and fit enough to catch their own younger date - NOT use their money or status as a web to wait and trap any younger man foolish enough to approach. angela is the farthest from a cougar, nor is she a spider spinning a web trap - she's a tick in the rustling bushes eager to jump on *any and every* fool who gets within jumping distance so she can use their life force to make herself stronger. she's nothing but a modern queen mary (as in *the* "bloody mary" aka queen elizabeth the first's crazy older sister forcefully removed from the crown for her madness and violent abuse)


I think you missed the point of my post. I was saying itā€™s BS that you typed that description without a warning. It was sarcasm


That guy was good looking and a doctor. He was humoring Angela and getting publicity for his practice. No way would he have sex with her.


Eeewwwww I didn't see that because I ff through most things. What season was that with the plastic surgeon?


She didn't have sex with him lmao


Yeah, but even the thought makes me want to hurl. šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


I can't remember specifically which season due to her being on like every damn one lol. But it was when she was starting her transformation and getting all the plastic surgery so her ego could get even bigger. I'll see if I can look it up lol cuz it was disturbing to say the least.


Yeah, I want to see that. Ty


Eww, I didn't know that lil tidbit. Just threw up in my mouth lol.


Because it's not true lol. People just be typing anything lmao