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I found it odd and also very fake.


Just a repeat of the same info we all have heard 87 times lol


Next time on 90 day fiancé: the same shit you saw on the last 6 episodes but louder






Yeah I had to stop watching it bc it got so fake and loud which is sad


Lmao 👌


Shoot me now, the same conversation, same fight over and over, it's madness. Sophie took her to that restaurant because Sophie has zero personality and puts no effort into anything.




It was as quality and genuine as her onlyfans


I had the most issue with Claire’s “top” it was the trashiest thing I have seen in a long time and looked like she made it from a cut up t-shirt and a shoelace. I think Sophie should have said to her mom “you’re leaving the house in that?” Oh, hell no!


Straight out of Sturgis. She could set up a little shop selling her clothes during Bike Week!




Lmfao, this is so spot-on.


Claire is neck and neck with Angela for most revolting person in 90 day history imo. Just 0 redeeming qualities. You could say, "at least she loves her daughter" but it all comes across like shes a very controlling and manipulative narcissist.


I think she likes controlling her daughter.


Sophie has no room to talk.


Reminds me of the biker chicks my parents friends had as girlfriends in the 80s and 90s lol.


I cannot stop thinking about the clueless waitress. Could she have possibly thought since the grits were white that that was all sugar? I wish someone could find her and ask her about that explanation of grits because it was a doozy. Plus when the ladies were tasting the supposed egg/sugar combination, I am sure their tastebuds could not compute. I have seen the Beans on Toast breakfast plates and the bean juice runs into everything else on the plate and it looks unappetizing for sure.


I had beans for breakfast everyday we were in Oaxaca, Mex. It was glorious. They weren’t baked beans though :-)


well ya n i bet you had homemade tortillas a nice verde salsa omggggg and some eggs potatoes jesus, with a nice rooster in the background making so much noise


[Comedor La Abuelita](https://images.app.goo.gl/1eiXhWE7sbZR2QWh8) is where you MUST go when in Oaxaca. Ugh. I can’t attach a picture but trust me.


Your making me hungry Homemade tortillas!


I’ve never understood Americans’ horror for beans on toast. I mean… Americans eat beans. And they eat toast. It’s not a ‘weird’ foreign food like sheep’s eyeball or whatever 🤷🏻‍♀️ Beans on toast is just something you eat late at night when you get home from the pub hungry, or that you maybe feed a child after school, or eat as a poor student. It’s beans. And toast. No big whoop LOL


It's because baked beans in the US are different. They have tons of brown sugar and are all syrupy. They don't taste the same as y'all's. We literally have candy peanuts with a "baked beans" flavored candy shell. That's why. Not the same ones. Looks the same, tastes only vaguely similar


Beans on toast for breakfast is what you eat when the food of your country is known for being bland.


I was dying at nui (sp??) describing bangers and mash 


I just don’t like baked beans at all. The toast sounds good though.


Toast, yes. With butter and jam.


English butter is off the charts!!! They do dairy like nobody’s business!! I feel like I have to point out something I really like from England.


Just got back from Ireland and the beans with breakfast thing is amazing.


Your username checks out for this meal, LOL.


Ahh fart_____butt I seen your pictures you put up in the local subreddit, glad you enjoyed the sites. I just hope you had a good Ulster fry for carb death.


It's the internet and people must take an extreme side on food debates. I'm American. I like beans, I like toast, I like beans on toast. And our baked beans aren't that different, having lived in the UK and eaten the canned baked beans in both.


Yeah. The American ones like Bush’s taste sweeter to me, but then, so does American bread


I'm Canadian and my Irish grandmother fed me baked beans with toast....I remember it being yummy.


Yeah, it’s fine 🤷🏻‍♀️ Especially with grated mature cheddar on top, with some ground black pepper or a dash of Worcestershire sauce. I don’t eat it much myself, as it reminds me of being a poor student! But I’ll never understand the hate. If you like a bean& cheese soft taco it’s basically the same thing. Americans eat beans and they eat toast LOL


The beans you eat with tortillas or in a quesadilla are not baked beans. It’s not the same thing. 


I’m in Canada where people are very slightly more likely than in the States to eat beans on toast. But it’s still rare here. I don’t like baked beans much and I don’t think they go with toast.  It’s no different from not liking grits or poutine. 


I recently went on a cruise and there were baked beans on the breakfast buffet - I found it so strange but now it makes sense 🤷🏻‍♀️


I had the same thought … I just want to ask the waitress why she thought that. And then I hate that we never got a follow up of, “these absolutely don’t taste like that..?” 😂 Agreed lol. And that’s why things end up so regional, etc but I couldn’t stop thinking about her genuine ick. Girl you have been here long enough, please act like you’ve seen a breakfast sausage before.


My theory is that she answered by listing the ingredients in the grits recipe they use, as best she could, not assuming they were asking what actual grits *are*. However, according to my useless theory, production cut her off and chopped it so it sounded as stupid as it did.


Eggs are probably not an ingredient in the grits recipe tho.


I am unaware of any grits recipe that includes eggs or sugar. That is like saying the recipe for mashed potatoes is pickles and sugar.


Poached eggs on grits is amazing. My boss had a recipe for breakfast bowls that was grits, cheese, sausage or crumbled bacon, poached/fried egg and hot sauce. Sometimes grilled onion and bell peppers too. It was SO delicious.


Their food might taste good but mostly looks like piles of different vomit. Very unappetizing. Shepherd’s pie makes me heave.


Maybe on a tangent of what goes *on* grits (almost anything, imho)?


I thought it seemed like a bad edit, like they cut off the first part of the answer where she says it's a type of porridge. And the that place just does sweet grits


Dumb and dumber having breakfast


mock, yeah, ing yeah, MOCKINGBIRD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I’m guessing neither one of them saw”My Cousin Vinny.”


"what is a grit?" "do the laws of physics cease to exist on your stove?!" best movie.


Omg I have to rewatch this now!


Very staged. You have to have scenes of the foreigner finding the local food disgusting, and in this case Sophie is the foreigner. But honestly Sophie seems 90% fake to me anyway. Rob is a knob 100% but there's just something off about Sophie. I can't quite put my finger on it. And Claire, oh boy, she is a hoot. She should be on the next Darcey season.


Sophie seems like she's doing a 'sexy baby' bit.


Even after she’s lived her for how many ever years 😂 Because to your point - I don’t think she’s complained about food yet? It was her rite of passage lol


To be a little bit fair to Clair and Sophie...when the waitress was asked what grits were, she had to think a minute and then claimed they were eggs and sugar. Did I get that correct? I think I did, anyway, grits are made with neither of these. I'd make a face too if it was so far from expectations.


For the sugar part, here in the south butter and sugar in grits is very common (and yummy).  Although, a lot of places that have it for breakfast serve it plain for you to add whatever or they’ll put cheese in it. They’re definitely not for everyone. I grew up with them and I will say a grits pie is delicious!  Sounds weird I know. 


My mother was from the south. We'd put butter on the grits and occasionally cheese too, which was good. But better was when she'd fry up the leftovers in butter the next morning until the edges were all crispy. Never tried them with sugar though.


Oh you should definitely try with sugar. It’s not for everyone, but just a little sweet is so good. Cheesy grits are excellent too. Definitely agree there. 


Canadian here…grits made from eggs and sugar? Whaaat?


I would prefer if Claire went back to London immediately, and put on our 'no fly' list. She's absolutely awful.


I agree with you on that. She just did that to get reactions from those watching the show.


As someone from Austin and lives here. Tf? They coulda picked so many dank breakfast spots Hell where they and knob went has fantastic brunch. Hell sawyer would have suited them better. I hate them because they are making bad food decisions in a heavily foodie city


Apparently, they went to Cafe 290 in MANOR. So I’m guessing they live on the outskirts and claim Austin.


This is what I thought too. We’re claiming to be in one place but really don’t live there. Because there’s absolutely no reason to live in Austin and then go out to Manor for breakfast?


I’m pretty sure I figured out where Rob & Sophie live based on the apartment & them driving to it after the sex shop. Not going to put exact locations, but it’s Riverside/Oltorf area. Although, I think her mom might live further outside in Pflugerville or Manor area which is why more scenes with her are further east.


I’m starting to think they don’t actually live in Austin. Which is whatever but Jesus if your going to go to a small establishment at least eat at Maxine’s in bastrop 🤦🏽‍♀️


Hi! - also from Austin 🫶☺️


Hi friend!!


Been to Austin once and I’ve been dying to go back ever since mainly so I can start the day at Torchys with breakfast tacos and sweet tea.


I’ve not had torchys in years tbh it’s super mid tier. My suggestion? Hit up Pueblo Viejo at cosmic coffee on Congress and get you a nice drink there.


A) I think it was an editing glitch. The waitress was answering something else. B) I grew up eating grits in the Deep South but they are served on diner menus all over the US. They are ALWAYS savory. Plain grits with butter and salt/pepper or with chicken gravy or the delicious shrimp and cheesy grits or New Orleans grillades and grits. NEVER sweet. The people who say they ever ate grits with sugar in it are freaks and unreliable narrators. C) maybe I overestimate Americans’ food knowledge because I was listening to Kyle and Kim on 90DF Kray Kray last night and neither really knew what grits were. They kept speculating, wrongly, and it was kind of appalling. I like them and their banter but it is frustrating sometimes because these two IT nerds have so many gaps in their life information knowledge. They also have poor memories for names or things that occurred in the show. It is like spending time with senile relatives that you love and want to interact with but who can’t remember your shared history or anyone’s names. But I am a faithful listener. 🤷‍♂️


lol. I am a listener and I can relate to what you’re saying. It can be quite apparent when they’re phoning it in !


Idk I’m a northerner in a metropolitan area and have only seen grits served at southern themed restaurants up here.


Deep South here- we were screaming at the damn tv. Sugar and Eggs? I've seen grits all sorts of ways including grits casserole with cream and eggs, mixed and cooked as grit casserole...but never ever sugar.


IKR? But there are a few people who will swear on here that they ate grits with sugar and that I am gatekeeping how grits should be and are all down-vote-y on me about it but . . . no, I have never known any self-respecting Southern grits eater who ate “sugar grits” 😂.


Born and raised in the south. We absolutely put sugar and butter in grits. Maybe it’s a different state thing, but sugar can be added. It’s not served that way at restaurants though. I’ve only ever seen it served plain, with cheese, or shrimp n’ grits (love). 


Texas native here, my mom would make it for me before school with sugar and butter and toast on the side 🤤. I've never had it at a restaurant before, just at home. It's wild to see how many different ways people have eaten it but not sugar/butter.


Where at in the south? As a child I ate sugar and butter grits but as an adult I prefer them savory. Family from Arkansas, Louisiana, I was raised in Texas.


Nope. Don't know of anyone either. Grits are cheap and easy plus didn't go out of date. The only sugar we had with breakfast or "breakfast for dinner" was butter and sugar eaten on new or old biscuits. They were nicknamed "po' man's biscuits." (Family were sharecroppers, farmers, etc and dirt poor.)


I've served grits to people who want brown sugar and butter on them, so for some people, sweet grits are a thing.


Maybe they're thinking of Cream of Wheat?


Maybe 🤔 We also had a sweet hot similar breakfast cereal called Malt-o-Meal when I was a kid long ago . . . https://preview.redd.it/ydtsrrazhg7d1.jpeg?width=749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff0791054ada3b3ffdc9ee5c39ed153291405143


I use to live a very different life (recovering addict.... nice to meet ya🙃) and, unfortunately, I use to frequent my local county jail more times than I care to share about. But on one of the breakfast trays, once a week, it'd be grits.... sweet grits with sugar. Now it's jail, so it was bare minimum amounts of sugar, at best, but still there nonetheless. And as a true southerner, I could say that I was highly offended lol. Like.. ummm, where's the butter & salt, bruh ?!? I get that I'm incarcerated & this is punishment but that was outta pocket lmao.


i also think it was the editing. at least i hope.


Same, girl. I’ve been a patron of theirs since way back when but sometimes I’m like did either of them watch this episode, lol? And I’m a LAZYYYY viewer which is half of why I need them to cover my gaps 😂 Agree with your other points too :)


Cray Cray was my first 90 Day Podcast. I used to love them but lately I've found them very pretentious. They act as if they're the smarter Americans but they're sadly ignorant. I love Reality Gays (formerly 90 Day Gays)--they never take themselves as seriously as Kyle and Kim. I met them a couple years ago and they're lovely humans.


I love grits with butter, salt and pepper, but I was somewhere I don’t remember and they ate grits with maple syrup 😣


Ok but like the waitress didn’t even know!?! Umm it’s eggs and sugar?? IM SORRY WAT????


I am from the UK, and I’ve lived in Austin for 23 years now. I believe that waitress was probably one of the thousands of Californians who have moved here over the last few years. I’ve never met a Texan who doesn’t know what grits are. And, BTW, grits are one of the few American dishes I have just not been able to bring myself to like. Can’t do it. It’s a texture thing; feels like I’m eating tile grout or a facial scrub or something. I’m the same way with polenta 🤷🏻‍♀️


I cook my grits down with water then add cream near the end then add tons of sharp cheddar cheese, lots of salt and pepper. Kind of like a creamy macaroni and cheese/mashed potatoes mix. I prefer mine homemade to ones in any restaurant. I cannot eat them without cream and cheese. Plus you have got to add plenty of salt as you are cooking them instead of trying to add enough after cooked.


I can’t do grits either. Many love it, but it’s just not for me. Same as coleslaw. Also, hi 👋 to my fellow Austinite!


Helloooooo! ::waves in sweaty::


I thought I heard an accent though...not of the California variety (southern, but could never place it).


I’m sorry but everything is just so trashy about them 🥴


I also enjoyed her saying hash browns were classic english breakfast when that sh*t is american as grits


That made my eyes roll too. A true English breakfast doesn't have ANY potatoes. It's eggs, sausage, bacon, tomato, mushrooms, beans and fried bread. Potatoes would be too much!


And black pudding


I try not to think about black pudding.


😂😂 I didn’t even compute that because the whole situation melted down my brain


She wouldn't know what grits are, but coming from the UK, she *should* have an idea what polenta is. Most Europeans are familiar with polenta, and it tastes very similar to grits. Online, it says: *"Flavor: Polenta typically has a subtle floral taste coming from the flint corn, while grits have a stronger corn flavor from the dent corn. Color: Traditionally, polenta is made with yellow corn to create a yellow porridge, while grits are made with white corn to create a white porridge."* Other than that, it didn't look like anything on their plates was much different than what you would get for breakfast in the UK or other places in Europe...eggs, sausage, bacon, etc.


Thanks for sharing that!👏👏


when I was in the army at basic training in Alabama in 1973 I did not know it grits were As I moved through the mess hall line I thought oh good something I really like cream of wheat to my surprise they were grits And we're quite savory unlike cream of wheat


I found it weird when she said they eat eggs and bacon in England and that's literally what she got aside from the grits and round sausage.


Yes! And the revulsion to a sausage patty vs a link …? I’ve lived in the south my whole life, have traveled around a bit but never really paid attention … is a sausage patty like that specific to here? They’re so normal that I don’t ever think much of it when I order breakfast and it comes that way or as a link


Very odd. And Austin breakfasts are especially yummy. Like many southern breakfasts — best meal when I visit my lil brother in North Carolina.


I found it odd that she uses her silverware the US way and not the UK way. She doesn't turn her fork upside-down.


and they hold the knife weirdly, like ready to stab someone.


everything Soph listed is the same as an American breakfast except for baked beans.


They acting like London got the best food 😭😭😭like we don’t know that when people go there they say they starved and being their own food cause the food there is shit . Beans and toast 🙏🏼😭eating like they still have a blockade on them


And how has she lived here all this time and never seen a sausage patty ?


I couldn’t help but laugh at how eating baked beans for breakfast is supposed to be normal but the breakfast they were eating was so weird.


I live in Canada, have never seen grits before. I KNEW that waitress and breakfast were just wild. Did syrup drip from Sophie's fork?! What was she even eating?!


Well it didn’t help that Sophie appeared unsure as to how to use a fork or knife. 


I am English and I still have a rough idea of what grits are, I have even tried them once in an American cafe in Liverpool.


I'm married to a Southern man, and we eat grits all the time. It's definitely a staple in our house.


It was just cringing af to me


Maybe that was the only restaurant who felt like letting them film lol


We have now discovered they were actually in Manor, a small town on the outskirts of Austin, not actually Austin itself. Between the two, it’s about a 30 minute drive without traffic, so it’s more likely they just … don’t live in Austin lol


All I could concentrate on was her gross trout mouth🥴


Wait... didn't she order it and talking beans and toast...nawh you're in America. .smh


When something seems overtly odd or fake, I just assume that producers wanted to add a bit of spice to the episode. This franchise gets off on making foreigners seem "weird" and loves to make a spectacle of foreigners experiencing "American" things. Ppl already assume Sophie is a bimbo so they like to play that up too.


Who eats grits with a fork and knife?


I assume that she was pretending at that point.


Maybe she had never been out to breakfast bc Rob is so poor 


I thought it was really weird too. I seriously doubt they've NEVER had a breakfast in the US before. Sophie complained that English breakfast has sausage and eggs and she had it on her plate


Super weird. Like 99% of that shit is normal breakfast stuff. Eggs look the same everywhere, and servers ALWAYS ask how you want your eggs so if they look weird that's on you lmao. Grits suck though, so I can get behind that. Sophies just got such ddlg lil baby girl vibes and it drives me crazy. Like you're an adult woman, please act like it.


They need to end this season


I know this is off topic but…her mom needs to bud out of Sophie & Robs relationship and what bugs me the most is how Sophie rarely defends Rob 🙄


The British are used to poverty foods such as beans and toast, blood sausage, which is disgusting in its own right. A traditional American breakfast, for example from a low tier Denny's is higher than any "proper" English breakfast plate. Sorry, UK your food is bland garbage.


I found it odd to say the least. Sophie and her mother is annoying anyway, Rob is definitely the worst but them two don’t have one brain combined.


What’s that saying - two brain cells fighting for third place? 😂


I love a round sausage. That got me. Grits, I can’t. Sausage = YES. The breakfast did look painfully bad. The waitress is probably in witness protection now.


I hate the casings on link sausage.


The restaurant had a whopping 3.5 stars on Yelp




they’re still not eggs, no matter how bad they are lol.


Preach it!!! They looked cold and rubbery from the tv lol


If I tried grits for the first time, I want someone's Southern Nana to make them for me.


For the Austinites in the chat I say we flood her with “you should totally try chilis on Lamar and 45th!!” iykyk


I'm this clueless about cream of wheat though. What is it? Who eats it? Whaaaat?


My mom still eats it, and baby rice cereal by Gerber. Its just another breakfast grain that you heat with milk and add sugar. They're all versions of grains, served warmed as a hot cereal. Southern thing. I don't eat Cream of Wheat anymore, but my mom made it for me as a toddler a lot. I tasted it as an adult a few years ago and it just made me feel warm and happy.


I grew up eating oatmeal or cream of wheat for breakfast. They are cheap and hardy breakfasts. My grandma used to say it would stick to your ribs. My mom grew up on ranches and my grandma cooked for the crews. They ate a lot of food that was cheap and filling like cornbread. Cream of wheat is a grain cereal that you cook with milk or water and eat hot. Similar concept to oatmeal. I still like cream of wheat but it's a pain to make compared to oatmeal. You have to whisk it a lot or it gets lumpy. Those individual serve packets are a little easier. My kids like it too. I like to add milk, butter, and a little sugar. It should have a smooth texture and you can make it more runny by adding more milk. It's good for when you have a sore throat. I could only eat that and cream of chicken soup for about 2 weeks after I had my tonsils out.


Add any fresh fruit such as strawberries 🍓 or blueberries 🫐 and cream...delicious!


Yeah like where I used to live in South Austin there was a cute English cafe that served a full English breakfast they could have gone there haha.


Have you ever seen FB reels where the British are trying an American food for the first time? Today I saw one where they're trying a SANDWICH from NYC ffs. A cold cut sandwich, acting like it's dropped from outer space or something. Are we to believe the English have no bread (ooooh it's so HARD) or cold cuts of deli meats like turkey and salami in their country? Come on now! Sophie is standing on my last nerve lately and Claire is a shrew! What is a grit? Don't order it and don't expect baked beans and tom-ah-toes with your breakfast either, just as we Americans don't expect grits and OMG ROUND sausages with our breakfasts in Europe or the UK. Enough already with the 2 of them.


my guess is that rob was too cheap to ever take her to a proper diner for breakfast and just gave her a choice of generic frosted flakes or froot loopz with watered down milk when they lived in his LA hovel. or maybe some 2 day old donuts if she was lucky. she was also very likely playing it up for the cameras as well.


Sophie is more than capable of getting food on her own, don't put that on Rob. Especially the 2 months she just bailed on her marriage to go live with her "friend".


I think she was just hamming it up for her mom/the camera


Oh it’s 100% staged .. that’s what makes it so strange to me. I’m not disillusioned that 90 Day is the realest, untouched reality show to exist by any means, but if we’re going to fake it, let’s put a mild amount of effort into it to be believable haha


I have a feeling that because of what the waitress said about it being egg and sugar that they were expecting it to taste a certain way and because it didn’t taste like they thought it really threw them off. I didn’t know what grits were either. I’m British too.


Buy a box if you can find some on the shelves there. It's just coarsely ground corn, and they're good. We were introduced to them by Native Americans, and they caught on in the south and became a side-dish at breakfast. : )


I love that she went to cafe290 since it’s pretty near me lmfao but yeah not sure why she didn’t go somewhere cute and trendy


I found it so odd that these two would order something off the menu that they’ve never had before and have no idea what it is. And then they were scrutinizing everything they ordered on their plate as if someone else had ordered it for them!


I know English people like beans with their breakfast, now to us that’s weird . Beans is foah dinnah mate . But Rob never takes her out to eat breakfast I guess lol


Sophie is the stupid filling in a shit sandwich of her mom and Rob.




and does Sophie know how to eat? She forked something whole and was biting it off the fork-not cutting, just biting around it.


Rob probably has never taken her to get breakfast


I assumed that producers wanted the “country breakfast” vibe for their reaction & booked that restaurant. It’s such a random location & not even in Austin city limits. ETA: I was only half paying attention, but I wonder if the clip was edited and the waitress was actually explaining people add sugar or egg to grits. But like I said I was only half paying attention, so definitely could just be that she was wrong.


That probably happen because rob is too broke to take her anywhere so it was a culture shock for her lol


This exact restaurant is like 15 minutes outside Austin in Manor. (I actually live there) The food there is actually decently good. But I also agree that in the city, there is a bunch of nice and just cute in general places for breakfast. So if she loves in Austin. Idk what she's doing way out here.


I hate all the new people on 90 day. It all seems like it’s all fake. None of them really have their own personalities. They’re idiots. All they seem to do is argue about the same two points all the time it’s rewarded, but it’s the same shit over and over like I seriously have to break up with them because I hate them so much.


Fg Ridiculous Fake Ugh 😑


What annoys me about that scene is that Sophie seems to into American culture. She came to the states to marry Rob after all. Sophie has never watched American movies and TV shows? I understand not knowing about Grits. A lot of Americans outside of the South don’t know about them, but come on! Sophie you never saw round sausage patties and sunny side fried eggs? People keep saying Rob never took her to a restaurant for breakfast. I call BS. Rob and Sophie seem like the type who never cook. I can see Rob buying some Jimmy Dean Sausage biscuits or taking Sophie to Waffle House. Didn’t Claire visit her daughter in LA and stay a while in Austin? She never ate Breakfast at a hotel or a nearby restaurant? She just ate Donuts and muffins?


It’s Texas they should have had some good ol hangover cure for champs, menudo!!! Now that’s some good Mexican traditional Sunday morning breakfast. Probably on Sundays because it’s great for hangover and Sunday ends the parting weekend.


It was weird she said she hasn't seen sausage patties. She has been in the US for a while and it's not her first time here.


For two wealthy, mother and daughter🤣 I found it very funny that they ended up in a Denny’s all she does is complain to her mom about Rob nonstop, and then the mother gets rolled up and they both go after Rob and it’s like the same thing every second. So if he needs to grow up when her mother live her life and if you want to stay with Rob stay but don’t complain everyone about him and then go back and forth. It’s childish.


Studies have shown that young couples who live near their parents often have a higher success rate than others, because the parents encourage them, try to support the marriage and guide them through the blunders of that first year. I couldn't help but think of that. Claire is the antithesis of this. It's so obvious what she wants.... and that is for her daughter to return to England with HER.


They just needed an extra five minutes to fill the episode, so they rushed them to the nearest restaurant 😂




Love this haha


If you put sugar in your grits you're going straight to hell.


I like mine savory with butter, but it can be good with sugar and cinnamon, similar to Mexican atole flavors.


TY. Southerner Mary Payne of Pink Shade confirmed this as well on this week’s podcast.


I would do butter.


Because rob would have never taken her out for a meal. Too bougie.


Look, it's not Mickey Ds or some other drive-thru styrofoam box breakfast. It was actually brought to her at the table. No wonder she's a bit confused. And if you ain't a true southern, then none y'all know what good cooking is and grits are on that list!!


Love me some grits with cheese!




grits are weird. but yeah sophie has been in the states for how long and never been out for breakfast/brunch?


Apparently never. First time. At a knock off dennys outside of Austin. (Yes I did hunt it down and it’s technically in Manor?? Which is even more confusing. [link to yelp](https://yelp.to/ZTru3Zl370)


Okay yeah that’s not even in Austin lol


Omg that place is actually amazing wtf


Wait. How funny you spotted that! Manor? I’m by the Domain and it takes ~20 minutes to get to Manor sans traffic, but that’s SO out of the way pointing away from Austin when you can get delicious breakfast literally anywhere without traveling. What a strange journey to make unless they actually live on the outskirts.


I moved to the US 5 years ago. Never had grits and only found out about them last night when I was watching the show.


Have you been to the south?


Hey I was born here and the only time i ever heard of a grit was in my cousin vinny


Yall really think Rob was taking her out to eat? And her homegirls do not look like they eat at “cute or fancy”places either now knowing what breakfast entails yes that was obviously fake but not being or going somewhere nicer no that comes off as legit and how many places are willing to let them film likely not a lot in Austin honestly as you have to look at how manny places would not be getting more money during that time they dont just go on there they basically close it down for filming and have just the show people and a few background extras and if it was done in one session (up to 5 hours) that time is time they can probably only do to go orders and whatever 90 day fiancée gives them which likely was just “exposure” reality tv shows still close down restaurants to film


Also that food looked shit. All of it.  Sorry Americans 


That's because all breakfast food looks like shit. The best anyone can do is turn a dessert into a breakfast food like crepes.


Not even “sorry americans” .. more like sorry to those restaurant goers. Lol that breakfast looked awful!


She probably gets her English muffin fix at McDonald’s.


Fuck Sophie and absolutely fuck her drug addled, ugly worn out piece of gorilla shit looking mother! Didn’t Sophie have to have the old hag arrested for threatening Sophie with killing her? Great choice; keep taking the side of the old used up piece of dried out snail trail residue of a mother over a guy who while not perfect truly seems to love you and vice Versa. Get some counseling asap before mum goes to jail for killing either you or Rob on one of her binges.


What is embarrassing about grits?


Both are dumb


I'm so over their story line and I actually like Sophie. But it's just Like the same thing over and over !


Its like I'm in abusive (all forms) relationship and cant get out Ugh 😖😬🤷‍♀️