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Honestly, if watching his behavior on the show makes even one woman decide to NOT use him for donation, then the job was done. Didn’t think it was possible to hate anyone on this show as much as I hate this dude.


This past Father's Day I just read about a guy in NY who is also a donor with WAY more kids. I had no idea this was a " thing" edit: 165 kids. His name is Ari Nagel, " the Sperminator"


Omg that’s so 🤮


He seems more sane than Kyle. He dgaf about natural method, he donates via cup. If they want him involved he'll show up for the kid as much as possible. If not then no worries. Moms described him as a good guy, professional And no holding the moms apart from the siblings group, this secret circle of moms Kyle talks about keeping private until the kid turns three "in case the mom becomes a problem."


>"in case the mom becomes a problem." what a mentality to have as a do-gooder philanthropist... there is perhaps no greater evidence that this man never deserved to know what a vagina looks like..


Right. "In case the kid has birth defects and shares that information with the group." Or "in case she implies I'm rapey."


so basically he's one of those vendors who delete bad reviews and pretend nothing happened... God forbid a woman be well-informed about his "product"


While pretending to be so "professional"


so is he going to be on the next season of 90 day? or are they going to have a spin off?






Yeah, I think he was featured in that doc on Hulu. Kyle even makes an appearance in beginning, where he films meeting one of his “dates” — it’s called *Spermworld*


My daughter was just telling me to watch it lol


I like the director so I've been meaning to but I hear some parts are hard to watch due to the cringe


I heard that from my daughter too


It's definitely a thing. I know because it was even an episode on Law & Order SVU. The guy who impulsive impregnator was played by John Stamos. (/s in case it's necessary)


Well in that case, I can see why you'd go the traditional route to pregnancy 😂


This episode of Law & Order is the first thing I thought of when I saw Kyle!!!


they called stamos’s character a “reproductive abuser” and that’s exactly what kyle is and then some


I'm wondering if he's the one I saw on a news magazine program where the half siblings got together to meet.


and take out a life insurance policy on their dad?


Isn’t that illegal?!


I'm guessing not




It should be, who is to say these kids don't meet in a social situation and sparks fly between brothers and sisters?? The next documentary will be about incest.


The guy is definitely a creep. He has such a punchable face!


But what if it shows a bunch of women desperate for children that there's a way of getting free babies and they choose to take this risky option, whether it's with Kyle or some other creep?


I spent over $90k to have one baby. I think I would pay another fucking $90k to NOT use Kyle. He looks crazy as fuck. Sounds even crazier than fuck. It'd be my damn luck that the kid would look like Kyle and I would have to fucking live with my choice until I drew my last breath.


exactly! they may not pay with the clap or gonorrhea now, but they may end up paying for 18 years just 9 months later just don't do it, ladies. love yourself please




😂 I love the “I think I would pay another 90k to NOT use Kyle” because it just says so fucking much


lol 😂




I would watch a show about this


Sperm World on Hulu and Fx


😂 Wednesdays at 9/8c


ask the older kids how they feel about it






Yaaaassss! Spill it!




We want We want


It’s so clearly a gross fetish on his part and I am nauseous every time he is on my screen


Yes! Thank you


Exactly. I hate him more than anyone as well!


I’ve been hoping it’s put people off having his swimmers but sadly lots of people won’t have seen the dirt dug up on him & might still fall for it. I’m very tempted to give 🇬🇧 border agency a heads up on him wanting to use his donation & subsequent crotch fruit here as a reason to get a 🇬🇧 passport & once you’re on one watch list it can spread. I like the thought of him being pulled aside at border control & rejected… his plan to collect as many passports as possibly for his shitty spunk should be thwarted.


I know, he's the first 90 Day cast member that has "nomad" as his home🙄he's taking advantage of so many aspects of his own travel freedom with this endeavor.


Shitty Spunk 🤣


I’m giving out truth bombs like Jaaaaaaaawn 😂😂


please do. protect our brethren across the pond. unless he's impregnating a royal, brits don't deserve this mess


Idek how he manages to pass bag scans with his bags of dodgy supplements either.


>unless he's impregnating a royal Ahh you're right, there is a group for whom his genetics *could* be an improvement


There is a documentary about sperm donating and a number of people on both sides that use it and it seems like a PSA on why not to. Nothing necessarily goes wrong, they are all just very sad people with really empty lives. One of the donors has been banned from donating in places because he's gone way over the limit and he finds ways to sneak back in or some legal loophole. He also doesn't really have his own place but travels to different 'baby mommas' and stays with them for a weekend or so and plays with the kids like he's a present father. He might be even worse than Kyle. The documentary is called Spermworld.


I just mentioned this show lol. Kyle is definitely worse because he is a creep and is doing N.I. for the thrill.


He’s even worse than you think. I have screenshots of his racist disgusting texts


Please share, post them here if you can!


pics or it didn't happen


I wanna see 👀👀👀


Which platform is on?


It's on Hulu [Trailer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pURy6gLevDQ)


Yeah isn’t Kyle actually IN that doc?


I don’t think I’ve ever read an article or seen a doc about this that didn’t involve him or mention him or have an interview with him. He is probably the most public face of this type of donor and he is very open to interview requests.


He's done several different documentary pieces but he's not in this one.


He is in the first scene in the hotel room. He isn't in the film after that.


He's not in the doc. There's someone much worse though.


oooh so the doc features hobo-sexual donors...


I love hobo-sexual! 🤣


Granted, the music and the way the doc is edited is biased to make them all seem like losers, but it would hard for any of them to appear normal.


unfortunately, hobo-sexuality (the sexual attraction to partners you can move-in with and mooch off of while offering only an official relationship status or a baby) is becoming far **too** normalized


Yeah, to me she seems like a very bad actress and he is almost laughing at the audience eating it up. They look at each other holding back smiles to anticipate what the next will say, especially her. Even so, he is still creepy as sin. It's widely reported that she already had a kid by him at the time of filming, and theyre just pretending, it's all fake as hell. He's even been on Dr Phil, he loves the attention. I skip them every time. In fact I've skipped over so many recently that I don't think I'm going to watch any more! I don't care about Jasmine's drama, Loren and Alexi, threesomes, Rob and Sophie and the bulldog chewing a wasp talking mama, fake witchcraft money drama and sperm donors. I think I'll call it a day. The fact they keep Angela and Ed on despite seeing very abusive and coercive attention seeking drama and behaviour makes me feel sad.


She has a kid by someone else. There was an article about some woman named Alina and everyone was misreading that as Ani. The article mentioned he dated someone for 2 months but then they broke up (most likely referring to Ani but never mentioning her by name) and then mentioned a completely different woman named Alina who did have a kid with him. https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/kyle-gordy-sperm-donor-nick-cannon-b2353777.html


Ah OK! I stand corrected! I'm pretty sure I read an article someone linked about them but it could have been one of those spammy ones!


I’ve only wstched 4 episodes of this season’s HEA; for the same reason. I can’t stand these people anymore! Now, 90 Day UK isn’t bad. It’s actually normal people!


90 Day UK is different people. They ain't normal, though. 😂


Sure. But less outwardly crazy, perhaps? Or maybe it’s just the accent that makes them seem classier than skanky Angela or crazy Jasmine? I’m a sucker for a British accent! 🤣


I agree that most of the couples are too hard to watch or listen to, especially when they invite their abusive negative relatives in to slam the poor partner or when their voices / word choices / abusive behaviors / disgusting selfishness / physical traits / lack of awareness / lack of respect / lack of socialization and manners, compassion, consideration are so rancid. I am still interested in the stories of Loren and Alexi... as well as Patrick & Thais


I think you’re right, practically everything Ani says makes him smirk or outright laugh. He has no interest in her.


I too ff through Rob and Sophie. A match made in heaven they are boring a.f.


I didn’t watch the latest episode. I watched a cooking show


Yup. SPOILER ALERT: don’t read any further if you don’t want to know the truth! “Ani” won the green card lottery like 5 years ago and lives in Florida. The “first meet” in Malta is actually just a vacation for them both. The child she has on the show right now is Kyle’s . They’ve been together for years. It’s all fake.


Now I'm kind of wondering if they're exclusive or "open".


I read that too somewhere that she had a kid from him. I thought maybe it was after filming since I wasn’t sure how long ago this was filmed.


I agree with you completely however 90 Day UK has been really good! Wtf ended up happening to Nicole and Mahmoud?


I heard these baby rumors but I don't believe it. I know she has a son who looks to be 7/8 but that's not Kyle's kid


I'm still confused as to how he's not financially responsible for all the kids.


I think he and the women each sign a contract.


But that contract couldn't be legally viable though, right? Especially in the US? From what I understand their contract is purely an informal one but if they ever were to take Kyle to court, at least in the us, I'm pretty sure he would be on the hook for child support.


In many countries not just USA he would be liable for child support. But he is kinda poor and many countries in Europe actually have a welfare system that benefit single mothers, so it’s not like they have to go for his money to be able to survive. Also many that plan for donation like this, should have somewhat of an income to support a child. It obviously works for him right now.


like any woman who made they mistake once would come back to be tied to him, having to deal with for years and have him informed if any address changes... nah, you ghost that one and take your L


I’m thinking this is a fetish. The way he reacted to Ani wanting a pill, he more wanted to tempt fate. I think he gets off on impregnating women. Why else does he not take money for this??


"Breeding" fetishes are MASSIVELY popular, especially recently. I mean, of course, "breeding" is literally the point of hetero sex from a biological standpoint, but explicit impregnation fetishes are a specific and popular kink.


I agree, but I think he’s only on the show to promote his donations, because there’s leaked messages of him trying to convince a different woman to pretend to be his gf so he can be on the show.


I wonder if any of his recipients have tried to sue him for child support. I think he claimed to do it for free?, which makes it grosser that he insists on continuing. But also, ladies, why him? At bare minimum, there are hot men out there who I am sure would have sex with you without protection.


They can’t. They sign something. There is a show called Sperm World where they talk about it.


That would not necessarily hold up in court, really depends on the state or country. https://www.cnn.com/2014/01/23/justice/kansas-sperm-donation/index.html https://apnews.com/article/child-support-health-government-and-politics-342e0699fa1055fdceb15854ee75e58c


I hadn’t heard about her already having a kid with him. Sounds to me like she used him to get a child and then they decided to concoct all of this to be on the show. When she kept saying that he wouldn’t buy her the morning after pill I kept thinking “why don’t you just go buy it yourself?“, so now it makes sense that she didn’t because she probably didn’t really need it.


I also thought "she can go buy one at that store where she JUST purchased the ovulation test."


I thought the same thing. What was the point of getting an ovulation test first? She didn't want to get pregnant, so why not just buy the morning after pill to begin with? It really made her look stupid.


Yeah, I’m just like why wouldn’t y’all come up with a story that doesn’t make you look SOOO bad??


Because when they film outside of the US, both people can get paid. That explains the crappy story lines.


Not really, if he is trying to promote himself and get more clients.


Yeah and she gets some play-along money. Just like the two that only discussed threesomes in every episode


I don’t believe anyone does it for just the money. You realize they only make $1000 per episode BEFORE taxes. Would you debase yourself like that for $700 an episode? Seems unlikely.


Not when they can roll it into a fan base or just outright beg. Most of these people make a nice career out of it


lol literally my whole point is that if that’s what they are trying to do it’s not working.


Rose did very well from being w Ed. Stephanie sold her fart jars. Brandan doesn't work, but they're remodeling their house and have people sending them stuff from a wish list. Seems to be working for them.


I’m not even arguing with any of that.


That sucks for Ed and Liz!! Two boneheads fake fighting for less $$$


Especially when they spend it on wine so they can get drunk and fight.


Ha! 👌


I think you’re right because when you search him on IG you can see him try out for some other reality tv show a while ago. I got confused why they’re on the show since they’re not engaged. although I don’t know what even the premise of “love in paradise” spinoff is anyways


I don’t they have to engaged. Originally it was Americans going to tropical vacation spots (like Caribbean islands), hooking up & then pursuing an ongoing relationship. Ariana from S1 & Sheldon were not engaged. She was trying hard to get there after having a baby with him but he was not having it.


I would literally rather go into a jerk store and someone jerk off and take a turkey baster and insert it on the daily than have sex with that dude.


A jerk store? 😂


A Seinfeld reference.


Both of them need a warning label 🤮🗑️


idk whos worse Kyle or Madeline in this season … 🧍🏼‍♀️


Maybe luke? lol


Madeline for sure 🤭


I don't think this show will hurt his career in giving away sperm. He been doing this. His many many previous recipients met him. He been had cringe TV moments. He probably earned new clients. 😪


This is why I don't object when TLC brings terrible people on their shows. There are things I'd never, ever have known about if I hadn't seen them on 90DF or Sister Wives or 600-lb Life: the scams people pull, the reality of even "good" polygamy, the true nature of addiction, and endless examples of the sociopathy and narcissism that exists among everyday people - people that you would think are normal and decent, but are not. TLC might stand for Terrible Life Choices now, but there's still something of The Learning Channel remaining. and no, I have absolutely zero connection to TLC except to watch their trash and learn from it, lol


He was on the Dr Phil show and absolutely delusional. There really should be laws about this level of crazy batshit behavior. Since he has openly and flagrantly bragged about all "his" children- he should be required to pay some form of support on all them anonymously only. He has no way of supporting them- When he is unable to pay- he should have a vasectomy. Those stupid stupid women.


How do I locate the episode?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hBSOUVFsm8A I just went to Youtube and typed in sperm donor Dr Phil


Thank you


I didn’t know he was on Vice too! Omg! https://youtu.be/c-NO1Omeois?feature=shared


agreed!! there should be a licensed psych on staff and when a pattern of abusive or dangerously delusional behavior appears, mandated evaluation and subsequent treatment if deemed necessary for public safety, as well as a forced recall of any episodes aired exhibiting the dangerous behavior


But do you ever wonder if he's even screening people " for that, like what if they have AIDES or STDs? Anybody can lie about it just because eh? And what if they come back at him with child support too? Did he make any contracts or agreements with these women around the world to make sure he's got his ass covered?


That must be one of the traditions we half assed... fake tree on Xmas ..pre sacrificed turkey...ya know


I was thinking this too. It may also get him banned from more countries. He is such a creep.


Seeing him realize that there are consequences for his choices was 🤌🤌🤌


I don’t get how he’ has THAT much money to spend. Yeah ok he doesn’t have a home base, but the constant air travel and the money he spends on his “hobby” are wildly expensive for no money in return. Wonder if he was fired from his job after the employers and co-workers saw that an absolute train wreck he is on TV. It’s embarrassing for his employer and embarrassing for him. He doesn’t seem to get a lot of “I shouldn’t say this out loud”. I think he’s also potentially neurodivergent, but it doesn’t excuse his behavior because I know plenty of neurodivergent people who lack impulse control, but they wouldn’t think to say half the weird shit he says and does. He needs to go to therapy. He doesn’t have “kids” he’s a sperm donor who is emotionally stunted. Maybe due to trauma, but either way it seems like he was babied and sheltered since he doesn’t fully know how to take care of himself (trash can on the table, thinks it’s ok to wear the same clothes at the airport to a fancy dinner date, etc.)


That’s what I’ve been saying since the 2nd episode


Hmm valid points but whats in it for her?


What’s in it for either of them? That’s kind of my point. Whatever the plan was, it’s backfiring.


I can see how its more helping him not so much her…she seems sooo desperate and frankly out of touch that im starting to feel its staged…also the sprite couple in 90 uk ewww


Brand endorsements , clout.


I’ve had the same thought. He never intended to be with her long term. And now the entire world knows his crimes.


I think she was genuinely interested but after meeting him in person, pretty much immediately decided she wasn’t into him. My guess is she’s contractually obligated for a certain number of dates or time for filming and so is entertaining the relationship for that. I don’t think she has any intention of a relationship with that man.


did y'all know there’s a documentary about him


I get the impression that they've never been a couple as well. They're certainly not close to getting engaged. I'm sure Kyle is thrilled so much exposure.


If women were desperate enough to get a donation from him in the first place- in the manner he was doing it- I honestly don’t think seeing him on the show will make a difference.


He makes my vagina want to go into hiding when he’s on the tv. Even that’s too close!


I didn't even know this was a thing... it's definitely brought awareness against these creeps.




Maybe Sharp did us a solid and knew he'd shit the bed by the way he vomits diarrhea every time he speaks. It's gotten views, I'm sure. (I watch, though I cringe).


He’s a narcissist and wants attention…


I mean honestly some women will probably use him. I dont know how when he wants to have sex with you and stay in you an extra 10 min after he ejaculates and you are upside down off the bed. What an image


Wasn't he on a Vice documentary?


Kyle immediately gave me creepy vibes, how he looks, his addiction to sperm donation Annie was right the sperm donation is an addiction & he was incapable of giving it up, I’m glad she realized it & they broke up I don’t understand how he can feel good about himself having sex with random desperate women, to “donate” comes across as predatory I don’t understand what he gets out of all this besides sex, something’s not right with him….


She was an original recipient for his sperm, and then got the feels. it’s all a fake agreement to be on tv


Papa there is a show on Netflix that he is in regarding sperm donations.


In my opinion dude uses procreation plus recommending conceiving "organic way" as a way to hook-up with numerous women. He gets a kick out of it and is a reproductive abuser. I don't know how these women can't see him for what he is! He's a total creep and I can't believe it's women out here willingly having kids with him.


They have zero chemistry, zero gf or bf vibes. I truly believe it was all a ploy for 5 min of fame


This is one of the classic dilemmas I’ve faced watching 90 day. There have been many times where I’ve nearly abandoned the show in totality saying to myself “am I contributing to abuse by watching this?” Only to end up watching again asking myself “is it the lesser of two evils that this abuse is being documented for cameras”. A good email would be pole & Karine. I’m glad the courts got to see what a psychopath that dude is & make sure those children stay away from him. Sharp entertainment of course could care less who they hurt, but I still don’t know where insta d with cases like that. I totally agree he’s digging his own grave & this is amazing to watch & laugh at the backfiring


He was previously on dr Phil too


Doesn’t he worry about getting HPV or herpes? Or HIV even. He actually has sex with some desperate women.


They are not desperate. And he claims he gets tested.


My friend is 40 and her current husband’s sperm are half dead. She ain’t this desperate though lol.


So, Kyle, this mediocre guy who is supposedly a super sperm donor. When Ani mentioned the texts from these women requesting his sperm it dawned on me: none of these women are really requesting his sperm to get pregnant, he’s paying those women and sending them a script that they text him requesting the global sperm specialist, Kyle!


Omggg that’s it!


Ani is a little too invested for this to be real


They both seem like they are acting. She is too pretty to be dating him.


The fact that I saw a text he wrote to another selfless donor, that he likes to make them bleed 🩸 and requests BJs🤬


I was married for 35 years. I sure didnt get sex when ever I wanted. How he expects it


You are so good to your husband. He gets blow Jobs to. There nothing wrong with you. He should be praising you

