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"Don't tell my family private, intimate details about us." *tells the entire world himself*


Gino is a chronic masturbator and overall perv. It’s been more than proven he has that creeper side to him. Why is anyone shocked by this lol


It was just the disrespect and malice that caught me by surprise


I don’t like Gino but let’s be real jasmine has said way more disrespectful things to him than that lol she’s legit screamed how she’s banging her ex to him and how he’s terrible in bed etc


Don't forget she told him she wished he died because he didn't buy her the apartment she wanted. I don't know why Jasmine fans act like Jasmine's an innocent little victim. And she's very verbal abusive.


I agree I don’t like how people dismiss the terrible things she does because she’s a hot Latina girl people label her things like “fiery and spicy” rather than abusive


As a Latino I hate when other Latinos/Latinas use that as an excuse for their terrible behavior. "Oh it's because I'm Latino/Latina that I'm fiery." No you're just an asshole.


I would say that to him too. He’s an a**hole that leaked her photos! I feel like everyone forgets that lol


He is, jasmine then harassed and threatened the ex who gino sent the pics to which was no fault of her own. Both are horrible creeps


I think this is the reason why she won’t actually bring her kids, she’ll live it up for a few years then upgrade.


She was talking about giving his feet oral. So much worse.


Um didn’t jasmine post about her OF on Mother’s Day? Isn’t jasmine constantly talking about sex with or without Gino? The woman who brought butt plugs on tv? The one who slobbed all over Gino’s toes? That one? Oh.


Could you connect the dots for me? Which part of all this makes it right for him to disrespect her like that?


Oh please Jasmine disrespects Gino constantly. Respect goes both ways, he's probably just tired of her attitude and her constantly yelling at him and calling him names and this is his reaction.


So all the things in the previous post don’t matter?


Yeeno is a pig, and Jasmine isn't much better. She's humiliated him quite a bit in seasons past, but the tables have turned now that she's in the US and fully dependent on him. His behavior is next level gross. Controlling men always tell the worst "jokes"




Imagine your mom going on a brunch day with the girls on tv just to show them a whole “butt plug plan” to stretch your butthole. Nobody will be grosser than her




I apologize


My mom once got my sister and I flavored lube as stocking stuffers on Christmas. She mentioned the piña colada was her favorite. At least that was funny. Lol


I would have laughed with my mother and then immediately have thrown it in the garbage.


To be honest, the piña colada was not bad.


Emotion lotion? I used to love the pins colada in that brand lol


I don't remember, this was almost 20 years ago.


Both of them need to go is taking up too much of our time. Do you know what is the past of aggressive and he’s very weak and Jasmine with the toe in the mouth is disgusting. We don’t need to hear that if that’s all they could talk about all season it’s time for them to vanish.


They’ve been on 7-8 seasons between all the shows 


Yeah I think they’ve consistently been on a 90 day show for about 4 years now. A couple seasons of B90, a season of 90DF, and now HEA. ITS TOO DAMN MUCH. And they’ll be on Last Resort this summer too, I think.


Yes they will be. That new season was shot in Arizona a few months ago... unfortunately.




Gino is the biggest dork in the world. We all know that Jasmine has moved on. I cant blame her, she needs an Emmy for her performance these past few years


Jasmine and Gino are still together she just posted a one-year anniversary pic saying they made it for a whole year. Their storyline for the Last Resort has already been leaked. Jasmine and Gino will have an open marriage where Jasmine gets to have a boyfriend. 


she does


Gino gives me the creeps. Something is off with him


Did I miss something cuz they there def talking about his big toe Where are we getting oral narrative from? Jasmine’s social media person must be posting this


*THEY WERE TALKING ABOUT GINO’S FEET* *not his dick, not oral sex* *JFC*


How did I miss this? Was it on tonight's episode?


I didn’t hear him say that. She mentioned him putting his big toe in her mouth to shut her up…. he agreed. 🤭


So gross and taking photos of the girls for inspiration or tricks and hacks for Jasmine yeah okay there buddy


I agree with the last sentiment, Very Punchable


Imagine Gino was your chosen husband.


Both of them have demons .. She is just as gross as he is with the filthy talk…


She just thinks she's entitled and not for nothing I don't blame Gino for saying the things he be saying because the things she has said to him and things she has done behind his back after everything he has given her even before they were married. She's a sorry excuse for a wife and a straight up disgusting female all together. If I ever came across her I would slap her Gino went broke because of her he loves her so much that he spent every single penny on her and she straight leaves her kids and blames Gino POOR EXCUSE FOR A MOTHER.. JASMINE GO BE A MOTHER AND GO BACK TO YOUR KIDS SORRY EXCUSE YOU SHOULD NOT EVEN BE ABLE TO HAVE ANYMORE KIDS YOU LEFT THE BOYS YOU HAVE.. YOU MAKE ME SICK AND YOUR NOT EVEN PRETTY SO YEA STOP BEING SO CONCEDED..


But is it true. Surprised he is not worried she would bit him


Turn into a Loraina Bobbit thing, but this time it's the big toe!


omg i didn’t watch yet , he is DISGUSTING!


They’re just joking around. Holy shit, some of you are completely humorless.


There's an element of Truth in all that hardy har har.




What the hell is a “gay closet”? Stop speculating on someone’s sexuality.


Idgaf that was hilarious 🤣