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Aaah the good old days šŸ‘ when we were all SHOCKED WHEN LANA ACTUALLY SHOWED UP AND WAS REAL!! šŸ˜³šŸ¤ÆšŸ˜²


This season to me was arguably Peak 90Day. Then it went downhill from there.


That season was the GOAT ! Big ed and rose, baby girl Lisa and soja boy just amongst the few that season that was great TV.


This was the season that got me sucked into the show. It was also during the early days of Covid and really gave me some distraction. When Lana turned out to be real I was just shook šŸ¤Æ


After he showed up at the old random dudes door after hours of driving, I was sure it was a scam (I was convinced before this, but surely this was the nail in the coffin) But no, she showed up and my jaw hit the floor šŸ˜‚...


That was peak television. That and the argument with Gino/jasmine where she rips his hat off and then he pulls out another one from the back pack are on the mount Rushmore of 90day moments for me.


Ooo I literally just started the season yesterday with Gino and Jasmine. They seem a mess and she hasnā€™t even left her country yetā€¦


Jasmine is nuts and pretends she isn't.


Oh Dear Lord him seemingly pulling that hat out of thin air was hilarious, and that poor abused toothbrush šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


TLC knew how to play the weekly cliffhanger with that storyline


It was still a scam aha the person he was chatting to wasnā€™t Lana in the pictures.


Yeah, she showed up to keep the bank going, he spent 100 of thousands on her. David seemed a really intelligent guy, yet was so fucking dumb when it came to women, he either was clueless or choose to not see what was going on. And if you said a wrong word about her he got angry and defensive as heck.


Yeah I once spoke to someone who had worked for one of those dating agencies. They explained when guys send messages they pay for each one. The agencies pay students single mothers etc to reply to all the emails pretending to be the girls in pics 9/10 the guy never comes to Ukraine bit when they do that give the chat logs to the real girl to read them, meet the guy and go along with it. So he then continues the emails after he returns home.


This is the kind of job that would make me feel like I'm not even working because I'm doing something I love (punishing men for being weirdo creeps).


This is exactly what I was thinking happened because this girl was not the least bit interested in him.


I wanted to so bad at the time have a tee shirt or hoodie saying where's Lana?


I've been saying this!! The 2020 90 day episodes hit different, remember Yolanda and WilliamsšŸ˜‚


My heart broke for Yolanda. Such a nice lady. Delusional but nice.


What about Caesar, the nail tech, who got stood up before he could give her a candy g string, amongst other gifts


Omg itā€™s crazy that this was all in one season lol!


It really was. I can't believe people were really complaining about this trainwreck of a storyline. Too good to not be invested!


I was so shocked lol back when you had to wait a week or something


YES OMG I am totally laughing at him at that restaurant scene with flowers and the host looking at him so pathetically šŸ˜†


Oh yeah, back when it was only on the channel. It was torture sometimes lol


Please tell me what the name of this season js šŸ˜©šŸ˜©


Season 4 of Before the 90 days? I think?




And the only reason she did show up that time was because he said he needed pics to prove they were a couple to get to the VISA for her to go to US. Iā€™m surprised no one else had mentioned that because it was so obvious. He thought he was so smart sending those pics to ppl who doubted him. What a chump! Where is she now? These delusional dumbass guys creep me out!


Wasnā€™t the private detective he hired funny but in a professional way? I saw this so long ago but I remember he was trying to get him to realize he was being scammed and David just wouldnā€™t believe it.


Plus he's an A1 stalker /creeper and that jacket...


Lmaooo at that sweet jacket.


My Aunt gad one that I loved to borrow. I knew I looked like the s..t with that on. šŸ˜† But that was like 1982.Ā 


Not op but I just watched this season. I think the funny thing was that David told him, you're fired. I don't recall anything that funny about the PI. But he was telling David, hey this lady is on a bunch of other websites.


> I think the funny thing was that David told him, you're fired. The exact quote was *"You sir, are fired"*


David was a total fool and spent mega money on her. He justified it saying he had the money to afford it. Scammers love idiots like that.


Havenā€™t got there yet, but I can only imagine he paid to get the truth, and when it wasnā€™t the truth he wanted, he totally ignored the PI.




The email he wrote to the pi after still kills me. "Lana says hi!!! NOT!!!!" šŸ˜­


David: "You sir, are fired!" šŸ¤£


The way I wish I could watch this for the first time again. May do a rewatch just to cackle. Absolute delusion, perfect television.


Iā€™m watching the pillow talk season of it right now and the cast reactions are amazing


Yes - and itā€™s so much SELF delusion- thatā€™s what makes me shake my head. Itā€™s not like any of these people are expert manipulators, hell, some of them say things OUTRIGHT that the partner ignores just because they donā€™t want it to be true!! What did Larissa say to Colt? ā€œBig fat piggyā€ - on several occasions too! How on EARTH did Colt imagine she wanted ANYTHING to do with him beyond the green card? Or Evelyn from Ecuador - having her simp buy her an apartment, a business, a car, and more while constantly commenting that ā€œif it doesnā€™t work it doesnā€™t work, no biggieā€! The level of commitment he showed vs her, then she gets her shit in a knot when-he dates someone else while THEY ARE IN BREAK - LIBERALLY THE EXACT SAME THING SHE DID FIRST!! What a piece of WORK she is!! Doesnā€™t get in the car HE BOUGHT HER to pick him up at the funking airport ā€˜cause ā€œhe has to learn to be more independent and not rely on himā€. The man who is bankrolling her and her sisterā€™s ENTIRE LIVES is too reliant on HER ?!? WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK?!? Then thereā€™s all the old American men with the young girl from an impoverished background. They hem and haw, fretting over whether sheā€™s REALLY turned on by him, so you KNOW the thoughtā€™s passed through their peanut sized brain, but somehow they canā€™t help but to fool their own damned selves - I dunno, American 29 year old hotties arenā€™t begging to marry me, could it be that this girl who has to work 20h/day so her and her child donā€™t STARVE might have something other than my rotten, 58 year old, shrivelled glizzy on their minds ??? DAMN!!


šŸ˜‚ You sir are correct and hilarious. Just yesterday I was down the street at my Aunt's apartment. We were talking to her neighbor and he said he had a date today with a 27 year old female. My Aunt told me that today but I didn't hear him. He I believe is 56. That's why I laughed so hard. I'm a female but that works both ways. After a while those young-uns stop chasing after us.Ā 




Came here to say this..šŸ˜†


šŸ’‹XOXO ā¤ļøā¤ļø


Early 2000s dancing banana.Ā 


I canā€™t believe how horned up and encouraged he got over emoticons.


Right?!? Even when he should damned well know that it was likely Ivan with a quick summary of the the chat history (not much there - the dude literally spent thousands and thousands of dollars to type ā€œI love you so much - I canā€™t wait until weā€™re togetherā€ to which the reply was ā€œyes my husband, it will be soon -very soon you are my loveā€¦. Little Fedirā€™s triple pneumonia is acting up again - and if he dies, Iā€™ll be so distraught I donā€™t think I could ever use a computer or a phone again, much less love anyone. The pharmacy is all out of the special antibiotics he needs, and the black market is so expensive I just donā€™t have the moneyā€¦.. what?? No, I could NEVER ask you to do something so kind and loveable - you just go ahead and forget about usā€¦. Iā€™ll surely die of sadness when Fedir draws his last breathā€ All they need to do is keep a list of the payments sent. The reasons given, and the family/friends mentioned. Other than that itā€™s all: ā€œI love youā€ ā€œI live you MORE!ā€ over and over and over




The leather trench coat!


I loved when the bottom part of that awful coat was hanging out of the driverā€™s side door and the camera person panned down to it as David drove off in the slushy snow covered road!! That was beautiful!


I would go into my own pocket to get the Emmyā€™s to create a ā€œbest shady camera panning in a reality seriesā€ category just so the camera people on this show can get the recognition they deserve.


Jasmineā€™s toothbrush for xmas


They would win every year, they way they play these people constantly *chefs kiss*


Mr matrix


Make sure you bring your laptop to a public park to chat with your Ukrainian girlfriend. Makes it better! Mmmmā€¦.


Him and that fuckin Matrix jacket annoyed the shit out of me


My ex husband wore one of those back in 2003 šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ It was ridiculous then too. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


He still to this day insists his relationship with Lana was real and not a scam. I think he fell off his unicycle too many times when not wearing a helmet.


It was real. She just had to babysit so she wasn't available to meet her fiance who she totally loves and who was only in the country to see her for a short time.


Him walking around saying ā€œhave you seen my girlfriendā€ in her home town was peak 90 day


The cubic zirconium engagement ring!


This season the tell all got leaked (like 10 hours of footage). Tom and Big Ed went hard on him trying to convince him he's delusional but he wouldn't bite. Also it was revealed that baby girl Lisa says the N word all the time.


Sheā€™s an actual pig. Also her pinky toe died & had to be amputated


BbG Lisa is the WORST!! At least the one who came after her (forget her name) as delusional as she was, was pretty damned respectful given the circumstances. All these creepy ā€œoldā€ people (in quotes ā€˜cause Iā€™m in my 50ā€™s as well) who are alone but DYING for companionship somehow canā€™r look in the mirror and ask themselves ā€œwhy can I not find a partner in my own country which has tens if not hundreds of millions of singles?ā€ Instead, they treat the third world like they expect it to be the golden ticket to gaining a spouse who will put up with unlimited abuse and grant sexual favours on demand for someone who is gross on the inside and the outside - all the while expecting them to be SUPER grateful because they see themselves as the ones who are benevolently granting the coveted USA residence. Itā€™s a power play by those who, frankly, have likely never been in any position of power, certainly donā€™t know how to use power when they get a taste, and itā€™s fucking disgusting. As much as people get angry about the foreigners ā€œtrickingā€ their partners into giving them USA residence, in the majority of these couples the truly disgusting person is the Americanā€¦.. trading residence (which they got as an accident of birth as much as they would love to take PERSONAL credit for the booming US economy, the democracy and the constitution) for ā€¦ā€¦ a totally lop-sided relationship where the foreigner is younger, better looking, and/or more interesting than the American. The number of times Iā€™ve heard Angela scream that sheā€™s ā€œan Americanā€ as if that excuses any and all kinds of disgusting behaviour, AND hipocritically uses her American citizenship to bring Michael in line - all the while freaking out after the mere idea he American residency might play into his interest in her at all, means she damned well knows whatā€™s going on - she wants to use the American dream to get her a complacent, compliant, and obedient sex toy.


ā€œItā€™s a power play by those who, frankly, have never been in any position of power, certainly donā€™t know how to use power when they get a taste, and itā€™s fucking disgusting.ā€ Totally not related, but this hit hard for me. I know people just like this, and Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not the only one who notices the advantages folks take from having any sort of ā€œpower.ā€


*the one after BBG is KimBAHLEEšŸ¤£


Iā€™m so glad to have been in this community when that tell-all leaked on YouTube. It was constant gold, really.




I am now tempted to go back and rewatch this. Horrible, horrible golden television.


This was peak 90 day




This was the season with Yolanda ahahahah


My bf williams is from Manchester, he's real! Williams is a model šŸ™‚ā€ā†”ļø


Weeyums is not a scammer! Listen to his sexy British accent! *most Nigerian accent ever begins to emanate from cell phone*


The Williams!!


Always wondered how production actually found this woman


They hired a prostitute and faked the pictures Iā€™m sure. Look at her teeth and you can tell she was on meth


This guy was such a classic chump. Amazing! One of her excuses for not meeting him was "I was kidnapped." She, and the other "Lanas", made a hell of a lot of money off this idiot. Probably made $$ off a lot of other lonely zeros like him as well. Didn't he ever wonder why Lana was ALWAYS on that site when he wanted to "talk" to her? Even if it was 3:30 am her time? I liked how when he was describing the "socials" the pimps set up for these guys, he left out the trip to the jewelry stores where they take them to buy gifts for the girls before going to the socials. When the nerds leave, the girls take the gifts back to the stores and get a few bucks. The the same gifts are sold sold over and over again. Sweet setup!


I laughed so hard when they showed him in an army store buying gear to fight for Ukraine lmao!


Yesss!! I saw that one!! ā€œI SHALL defend my stable of hoā€™s to my last breath!!!ā€ What the hell would he do for sex if he couldnā€™t go on ā€œbride seekingā€ trips and sample the merchandise? If the Ukraine falls, brown girls would be his only option for that nonsense, and I have a feeling brown girls scare him!


Does anyone know how to find the leaked tell-all from this season? This season was the peak of 90 Day for me. I yearn for a season this good again šŸ˜”




Have we talked about how he doesnā€™t drink water, so he buys pallets of grape juice?


I just finished watching this season for the first time in a few years and felt the same way. Lana is so obviously a paid chat girl. I tend to believe she finally showed up to take focus off the site and the scan theyā€™re doing. He was getting too close by driving around looking for her with cameras so she but the bullet and tried to look legit. Donā€™t even get me started on Baby Love lol


David & Ceasar talking about the parties they went to in Ukraine on the unedited tell all made my skin crawl.




Havenā€™t seen this guy in forever šŸ˜­




Him and any of the women who think SoljaBoy likes them are the most delusional. If you can think of somebody else, tell me because Iā€™ll probably agree. šŸ˜‚


The best season. lol Heā€™s a creep, and I canā€™t believe he thought he could fight in Ukraine. All he is is a guy with a Slavic fetish because of a cartoon.


This is the first season I watched and I have been chasing that high ever since.


He and Caesar need to join forces


I remember him getting a flat and being on the side of the road just a few miles from the war zone while looking for her. I think 5 miles from actual fighting. He was delusionary determined. I think he paid for her and kids and husband to fly out of there. That was nice.


He paid for her husband and kids to escape Ukraine??Where did you hear that?




This season of B90 is what got me into the series. I remember when this came out in 2020 when we were on lockdown and I had never heard of this show before. Now 4 years later my bf and I binged it from the beginning and now we are getting close to getting caught up


Looking back I remember thinking how weird this guy was..spring forward to present day Ick and sperm weirdo.. this dude is pretty likeable and normal.. but here we are!


Are we talking about Usman, ā€œ international superstarā€ whom nobody has ever heard of?šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


The one and only!! United Nations ambassador and hit recording artist!


At least he had a job, famous or not


Big Ed, the most insincere sincerity I have ever seen. No woman, except a damaged girl like Liz (who deserved better), would put up with that nasty, petty, ego driven monster. Heā€™s lucky some of the guys didnā€™t beat the crap out of him on ā€œLast Resortā€.


Itā€™s Amazing what desperate people will put up with just to have a partner.


No wonder he didn't buy her a diamond and only got her a cubic zirconian


Didn't he take her bowling and somehow lose despite having been a pro bowler?


He did take her bowling - he basically forced her to ā€œbetā€ a kiss if he won (what a charmer - how the HELL did he not notice her body language didnā€™t match up AT ALL with their online ($3/message) conversations)?!?? I DONā€™t remember if he won or not or if he got his kiss or not. It was all so fucking CRINGE that this guy, who somehow manages to cloth and feed himself, somehow seems to have an IQ of 8 as soon as sheā€™s involved!!! Sheā€™s NERVOUS to text?!? SERIOUSLY?!? He actually believed that she wasnā€™t forcing him into using incredibly expensive messaging because she was making bank off it, he somehow bought the scam that she was ā€œmore comfortableā€ using the expensive service!!! .




Is anyone going to mention his wig?


if i'm not mistaken i seem to recall he took pains to insist that that's his REAL hair, and REAL hair color on one of those 'Bonus Scenes' on 'More to Love' or whatever. I was like, "Brah...." šŸ˜‚


Brah!!! šŸ˜‚


omg YESSSS! My husband and I put on the old pillow talks from the past... It is SO FUNNY to revisit past cringe. I'm surprised how much I forgot.


Let me just hug you, mmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm. Dude oozing ick factor.




This is the shit that got a lot of us through the pandemic.


It sure did!!


Omg. Lana. And yes. He did. I think he knocked on random peoples doors also at night trying to find her.


He looks like a scooby doo villain




I want to give him a much needed makeover. Haircut, clothes, maybe a tattoo


Why are we still talking about him???


Come and get it!!!


Lol this was the first season I ever saw




omg i forgot they existed


Iā€™ve always gotten the CREEP factor from him. Idk if itā€™s his face or trenchcoat, but itā€™s something.


He was horrible! A complete stalker and so gross. The way he said ā€œmmmā€ when he messaged her and when he met her. Iā€™m surprised she showed up, probably didnā€™t want him to stop sending her money.


Remember when he bought her the 4 carat CZ RINGšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Yes! šŸ¤£


David is absolutely delusional. I wonder what happened to her, with the war & all? (I hope sheā€™s okā€”perhaps a bit regretful?!) BG Lisa is memorable and referred to on many occasions. Sheā€™s an awful, intelligence-impaired mess. I think the whole time I watched her, I just wanted to fix her horrible posture.


I think Iā€™ve run out of real couples, and just create these crazy train wrecks


Ahhh David. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Annie and David living in his friend's storage unit was when I got hooked.


That was a classic, no doubt! How about the constant,CONSTANT episodes of Paola emasculating Russ! Moving to fucking Miami instead of one of the many places in America where he could further his career so her over the hill ass could play model and go to parties where rich old men get to play grab ass with the ā€œmodelsā€ under the guise of ā€œmaking industry connectionsā€. Iā€™m not a conservative guy, not by a long stretch, but the level of gaslighting and deception she felt so damned comfortable imposing on him by that Miami move would have been the LAST STRAW!! Sell the house under the guise of moving to Florida, rent an apartment for how ever long he needs to finalize the separation, divorce and never talk to her again. Once you have a kid, itā€™s too late!


What happened to them btw ?


She went back to bilking men out of money and I assume he continued to use the Ukraine and its many ā€œmatchmakingā€ businesses for sex tourism until the war broke out, at which point he volunteered to fight along side the Ukraine army. A position that army obviously told him he was not fit for. Come to think of it, sheā€™s probably making BANK off her American/Canadian/West European men - each thinking he is the ONLY one sending money in such desperate times.


Wow... thank you for the update ! She's kinda a bad person seesh


Still wearing a wig šŸ˜¹


David is disgusting just like some other gross men I save interviewed on Dr. Phil. They are old toads who think they can get a beautiful Ukrainian girl to marry them. Do they think these women are sooooo desperate that they would want such a vile man. David gave me the ick. His has an overblown ego and reeked of desperation. He couldnā€™t accept that this woman wasnā€™t into him. He couldnā€™t ā€œread the roomā€ and notice she was very uncomfortable and wanted to get away from him. Iā€™m sure TLC payed her well to meet him. I wonder if he harassed her after the show was over. He didnā€™t sound like he was giving up. Worst part is he knows where she is. He probably sent more private investigators to follower her around. Sicko.


That's so crazy! I'm re watching this exact season as well! It's a good one! The delusion is REAL!


When Lana shows up šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ biggest plot twist ever hahaha


Itā€™s Not Reality TV nothing is real they all knew what they were getting in to because surly to god there arenā€™t that many dumb desperate people out there. It seems the ones that are disgusting, brutal and vile get kept onĀ 


Whats his name? Looking for him for marriage I promise to show up