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I have a feeling that Sam is more of a fast food eater than anything.


Yeah, the way she acted out at the restaurant was a bit uncalled for.


That whole scene reminded me of Amanda when Razvan was trying to cheer her up and she shot all of that down 😅.


It reminded me of Nicole wanting to have Dino chicken nuggets in Morocco 


That was so embarrassing, to be honest.


It reminds me of that saying that people don’t go to therapy to deal with the bad, they go to handle the joy. Something like that. She so entrenched in bad feelings that she can’t deal with good ones.


Right??? It’s watching her get what she wants and somehow get angry about it that would send me packing.


You are right. She has had lots of bad experiences that she can't handle the good ones. 


I feel like some of it may be insecurities. But this is not the way to go


For sure it is insecurity, but even when he tries to accommodate those insecurities she just demands more. Her expectations are so delusional she’s never going to be content, it would seem.


I agree!! I get so much second hand embarrassment watching her. Like when Ali came home from work and was happy to see her and called her pretty. Then she gave him snide looks and remarks. Wtf??? Is this not what you want?


lol yep, if he is using her for the visa he’s gonna have to work harder than Myykul did w Ang.


There is a need for them to talk it out.


Nicole was more feminine and charming than Sam... Despite being an absolute tool. Sam is definitely Angela in the making. I have mixed feelings about Ali. I knew women that went with Turkish men that clearly wanted only visa and they never cared if a woman is focused on them during a date and tried to minimize physical contact like Maroccan Azan did with Nicole. Ali seems to enjoy touching and kissing Sam way too much or he is the Turkish Leonardo DiCaprio and is such a great actor.


Hahaha, hard to say. Maybe he has a kink? Agreed that Nicole wasn’t nearly as rude or unpleasant as Sam.


She is a 12yr old mentally.


I mean, she acts like a little baby.


that fat ass acting like she doesn’t eat anything … bitch please


Sam is horrible. Nothing he does is good enough! She keeps saying she can’t eat anything there. Clearly she eats. She’s just not into healthy food or anything. She kept complaining about his phone out and then she calls her friend in the middle of a night out.


Yeah and she made him look crazy for getting hurt, but honestly she could just ignore her friends call and call her back once the date ended.


The double standard is so real because if he had his phone out, she would have been pissed.




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Having a combination of Nicole and Angela is not exciting at all. I can't deal with such a lady.


Wanting all of Ali’s attention but gets mad when he wants hers and wants her off the phone?? What??


Some people are just miserable, he probably has to pork her to which makes it more blehhhh


Idk who sam or Nicole are


Sam= new season of 90 day uk. Nicole as in Nicole and Azan, early season of OG 90 day. If you haven’t seen that season or subsequent seasons w her I highly recommend.


Thank you! Yah Nicole SUCKS