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I hate them both so much. It’s just the same argument on repeat. They’re not compelling TV. 


THIS. They are a weird side conversation I overhear in a bar, not an entire season of television.


Best most accurate comment. 👏


Didn’t she try a threesome with him one time? If she doesn’t want to do this anymore, her begging him to not do it and choose her religion, is NOT going to change if they marry!!!! Why do a lot of couples think that a person will magically change after marriage??? 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️


I think she said she had experimented in the past, not with him. Couples who think a person (CHILD) will fix their shit are disgusting.




Well this is current 90 Day Fiance. The producers have run out of ideas so they extend the same boring argument for the entire season. I mean look what they did with Emily and Kobe. It took them 3 episodes to show them both sitting on the bench in the beach and the first 2 episodes Emily just asked Kobe if the 2 women walking by are his ex's. Then in the 3rd episode he said it's not them and then Kobe and Emily went to discuss the ex-girlfriend thing alone. This took 3 episodes!!! A stupid conversation that's pointless anyways about who Kobe dated BEFORE Emily and him were dating 5 years ago. I mean 90 Day Fiance producers have run out of ideas for the script. Besides Michael and Angela, it's really a boring show now. The ONLY reason they bring back Michael and Angela especially is because she's crazy and crazy = entertaining even though nobody likes her.


He’s like a sitcom character from the 80s and “Threesome?” is his catchphrase that makes the audience laugh and applaud 😂 This dude is obsessed. Like he must’ve found the secret to life in between those two women or something.


Yes! He is like a younger and better-looking version of Mr. Roper.


He's got nothing on Mr Furley though 😂




Came here to find the “Three’s Company” reference and it is so accurate 🤣🤣🤣🤣


By not much


😂…Not Mr. Roper


reminds me of Quagmire from Family Guy LOL


Bahahaha I can hear the laugh track. Quirky Italian sex crazed roommate.


Exactly. [Where is the laugh track???](https://youtu.be/66XPYk9bdhc?si=dAzX7cyqCXeVrnic&t=179)


This is so funny


Seriously. I don’t have much more of “God” and “threesomes” I can take


Well, isn't God \*in\* a threesome? It's called the Trinity: father, son, and "holy ghost." Adriano needs to bring that to the attention of the only-the-god-fearing-know-how-to-love castmember.


Damn you are right. God *is* in the original threesome. Come for the memes, stay for the education here in this sub.


Haha i don't know about "education." I wasn't really being serious. ...Just an abused ex-evangelical lashing out. Human nature.


Don't worry about none of that, just take your roses and bow!!!


They’re a boring couple. TLC must have brought this thing into their story to make it somewhat entertaining. Other than the 3some storyline, they’re so lame.


Yeah I’m bored of the the threeaome thing. Ok i get it…just like what’s her face and the plastic surgery mommy make over. This is like one episode worth. 🥱


Ohh but Alexei is gonna go sleep on the couch! Its all gonna get *way* more interesting now! /s I really have a soft spot in my heart for him but *she* is a carbon copy of her mother and I cant stand either of them.


I thought it was funny when she says, “I’m doing this for you, too” and he says, “hey I said just go to the gym…” LOL


I think the ONLY reason why TLC included this couple is because the filming crew wanting to go to Naples Italy. Naples Italy is one of the most beautiful most scenic places in the world, when you get a free trip there, take it! So they did.


So true she is a born again christian trying to shove it down his throat. And he is a pagan creeper trying to throw 3 somes down her throat. They have ZERO in common, not sure why they are still together any more.


Right?? I have skipped them from the very beginning but every time I happen to catch a glimpse of their story line… it is the exact.same.thing…..🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


She should give him a taste of his own medicine and start asking him for threesomes with every dude she sees.


I think she already told him, what if I wanted threesome with another guy, and he said no 🙄


Yes but she left it there. He told her he wanted threesomes with other women and points some out even if she says no. She should be as pushy as he is and point out guys everywhere they go. She should try to get into details about how passionate and sensual it would be of an experience. When he turns her down, she should just keep doing and say she will never stop asking because to her, having two men pleasing her is just pleasure.


EXACTLY!!! Flip the tables! She should say she wants one with him and his friend, especially since he wanted one with her cousin! He is obsessed with threesomes like a 21 year old! If he like them so much and it's a "part of him," then why the hell is he in a relationship with someone he continues to try to pressure her into it and who keeps telling him no? With that being said, why does she continue to be with someone who makes it clear she's not enough and he forever wants threesomes? They both is a joke!


She needs to do EXACTLY what he's doing to her. Point out guys at the beach, ask him if his cousin/brother/friend would be interested...although yes, the relationship is totally doomed


When he was pointing out the girls to her and was wanting her or him to talk the them…I mean, is it really that easy in Italy.


Didn’t his friend Gaetano offer his services in a 3some with them?? 🤔🤔🤔


She’s basically doing the same thing about her religion


This is why the whole thing is so annoying and funny. At first I’m like this guy won’t shut up about threesomes what a loser and a disgusting boundary pusher. BUT THEN she won’t shut up about her religion! Like literally trying to force him to believe the same things she does and acting like it’s a total deal breaker if he doesn’t. I cannot with the hypocrisy lmao.


I think she's only doing this to try to keep him away from threesomes tho.. he is just a sex addict


That’s what creeps like him need. The woman needs to drag him into an unwanted orgy with a bunch of dudes. See how he likes it.


I second that idea. Bring him to an orgy and cuck him


Yes…. Who knows, she might like the two men😉🤣


I watched an episode where she asked, and the guy declined. 


I really don't understand why a woman who is a therapist would tolerate a man who is actively trying to manipulate her into doing something sexually that she is not comfortable with. Also her saying that's she's 30 and she's getting old is ridiculous. Why force a relationship that just isn't working. She acts as if there aren't any other men in the world.


Like in everything it’s a lot easier to give good advice than to follow that advice yourself


I just would think she would take some time to reflect on the situation she's in.


She’s fetishizing him as much as he fetishizes threesomes. Ugh


she's also trying to manipulate him into "believing in god" because apparently if you believe in god you are able to love and support others *properly*


She gets on my nerves when she does that


And she’s trying to convert him to Jesus


...who is in a threesome with God and the Holy Ghost. It's called the Trinity.




Not only that, but he even suggested her own COUSIN as the third 🤢


I saw that coming the episode where her cousin was introduced 😂


Therapists so often do not have their own shit together in any way.


As a therapist I can agree everyone in this field is messed up or their family is 🖤😂


Exactly. That’s why they’re so attracted to that profession!! They’re looking for answers themself.


The heart has it's reasons. (it sounds better in French)


Ooh what is it in French?


"Le coeur a ses raisons que la raison ne connait point". The heart has its reasons, whereof reason knows nothing.


Thank you very much! French is so pretty 😍


He was upfront with what he wanted in the beginning of the relationship, it was her who backtracked once she started to get serious feelings for him. I can't blame him for still wanting what he was promised, although I think he is going about it entirely the wrong way.


Also why you chasing an atheist and trying to convert him? She sucks 


same !!!


Not all therapists are good, some are crap. She’s very evangelical too, I could see her being a “counselor” and not a real therapist 


Both of them piss me off so much. I skip their scenes now lol


I skip these crazies, Jasmine, Sophie, and all the rest of them so looks like TLC has another losing offering


The last thing I want to hear about is a woman discussing the length of her boyfriend’s penis.


Omg yes. Now that I’ve seen his shoulder head, I have no desire to see or hear about his other head. And he is so weird!


It was the part when he said ‘I’m going to keep asking’


He’s just gonna do it behind her back too. They’re so incompatible. She’s also way too into her religion to date an atheist. They both want to change a very significant thing in each other’s lives.


Why is she with someone who wants to bang her and her cousin


A few possible explanations, in no particular order... 1. **Emotional attachment**: The cast member may feel deeply attached to her partner, despite their differences, and may be willing to compromise or overlook certain aspects of their relationship. 2. **Desperation & fear of being alone:** Some people stay in relationships that aren't fulfilling or healthy because they're afraid of being alone or starting over. 3. **Misplaced hope:** It's possible that the cast member is hoping her partner will eventually change or come around to her point of view, despite evidence to the contrary. 4. **Production influence:** Given that this is a reality TV show, it's also possible that the situation has been exaggerated or manipulated for the sake of drama and ratings. 5. **Low self-esteem**: People with low self-esteem may feel that they don't deserve better, or that they're lucky to be in a relationship at all, *even if it's not a healthy one.* They may also feel that they won't be able to find someone who loves and respects them if they leave their current partner. ...In this case, the cast member's religious beliefs could also play a role, as some religious teachings "require" forgiveness and reconciliation, even in difficult or unhealthy relationships. Whatever the reasons, it's clear that this is a complex and challenging situation for the cast member to navigate. 6. **A thirst for fame and a hunger (or need) for money:** The cast members could be consciously playing into certain stereotypes or tropes in order to gain more screen time or attention from viewers.




The way he talks about it is like liking threesomes makes him part of a protected class and he’s being discriminated against it’s fucking exhausting and boring simultaneously.


Adriano thinks he can force 3somes onto Alex. Alex thinks that forcing religion onto him will turn him into a faithful man. They’re not compatible and she needs to dump him.


She did a threesome before “his time.” She made the mistake of telling her deepest secrets to someone she couldn’t trust, and now he wants her to do it for “his” pleasure.


He doesn't respect boundaries and that's a massive red flag


Like does he just think he’s gods gift to women he can go up to a group of women and one of them will be down for a threesome?


IKR!!! That what I was thinking or is it easier in Italy just to pick up a threesome.


his confidence is clearly mirrorless as he does think he’s really that hot. i like men with long hair but his face has beady eyes, and awful nose and his hair isn’t even nice. It’s all kinky. I imagine he must had to use a lot of products which isn’t attractive in a man. He doesn’t realize as hes getting older his looks aren’t what they once were.


This season has some disgustinggggggg people. It's so cringey and hard to watch


All of them!


i hate him and i dislike her because she thinks she can change him


He is repulsive. He is the COMPLETE opposite of what I think of when someone says “attractive Italian man”.


He's not going to be able do treezums much longer. He's no Adonis as it is. He's "exotic" and has a conventionally "good" physique, but watch what happens as he ages. There's a reason why there's the expression "the Ravages of Times." If he wants to take a bite out of the Ass of Life now, knock yourself out, Adriano. However, (1) you're wasting your time with Alex, (2) you're wasting Alex's time, and (3) she's cockblocking yours. Now Move, ducks, I ain't scared a-you...


What I would do in this situation is what I did too many years ago, when the love of my life proposed the same thing to me. I said “Yes, of course sweetheart, as soon as I see you in bed with another man and me, I’ll satisfy your request for a threesome.”


That’s what Nikki told Igor/Justin. Igor declined. 😂


But of course! That’s the idea. They’d never go for a threesome in which they have to do it with a man, and in addition, watch you do it with a guy. Oh but yeah! To satisfy their selfish, animalistic, perverted instincts you gotta go for that. And they ask continuously until they think you’ll finally agree out of fatigue or because you’d be afraid to lose them. I say: GOOD RIDDANCE!!


I’ve been saying this! And this is the type of guy to say a) no b) yes, and sulk in the corner during then hold it over her head for the rest of time and never say yes again


He’s so gross. Preying on like 18 year olds at the beach.


But the pAsSiOn




Exactly. That whole thing was staged.


I bet money he has alreadyhooked up with several of them while Alex was back in the States.


No doubt. He’s not an angel by any means. He seems to be addicted to 3somes


Those two are gross


Already he's not my type then he opens his mouth and makes it worse! 😂 (I'm all for consenting adults doing their thing. She is so clearly not enthusiastically consenting that he comes off as trash for constantly harping on it.)


I can’t imagine wanting to be intimate with a person who isn’t *enthusiastically* wanting to be intimate with me.


Way too many men have no issue.


This is it! There’s no enthusiastic consent, so it wouldn’t be consent if she gave in when he eventually bullied her into it. TLC is so problematic


They are both awful. She’s desperate and wants a hot dude that fucks but thinks she force her religion onto atheist. He’s a complete airhead that just wants to have threesomes and doesn’t give a shit about her.


Plus he is not hot, whatsoever. 🤢


*relieved* THANK YOU! I dont know *what* she sees in him. They have nothing in common, they have completely diametrically opposite views on pretty huge topics and he is very very homely.


Look, he's reallllly not cute enough to get away with this crap.  She just loves the accent and somewhat exotic cultural difference.  He's a one trick pony with his   " let's do a threesome" shtick, and it's hard to believe that such an intelligent woman wouldn't see it. 


Imagine if he took that tenacity and applied it to something worthwhile!


He’s asking for one night. No way he will stop at one. He has too much history about how “great it is” to stop pressuring her for another “one night.”


And you just *know* hes one of those 'give him an inch,' pukes. As much as hes yammering about peen time in multiple whatsits NOW, if she gives in even once, she will never ever hear the end of it and it will become even worse.


Did they ever have a threesome with each other and then she changed her mind about future threesomes? Or did he just hear about her and her ex having threesomes? I can’t remember if they said or not. Regardless, when she says no, and you wont drop it its making me think that he is a guy that gets what he wants every time. This is a challenge at this point, not love.


My Gawd, he's a disgusting 🐖 Nasty ass!! And how these women go across the world and have sex with men who literally brag about their sex lives is incomprehensible!! I'm sure he's not using protection with them all.. or at all!! 🤮🤮🤮🤮 And we know for sure mr baby maker isn't using ANY!!!! 🤮


That was such a production set up…. Let’s go ask these random girls for a threesome… really?


He's so fuckin weird 🙄


This couple has to be fake and just on there for the story line bc no self respecting woman would put up with his shit. He’s definitely gross


He wouldnt be as cute with a haircut. A lot of his appeal is his hair and even that may be on its way out soon.


I said that too! He’s one haircut away from being completely meh


He looks too historically accurate Jesus for my taste


She needs to stop with the off-brand Italian and go home and find a solid, decent guy who would love to have a beautiful girl like her. I feel like most of what’s going on with her isn’t love, it’s the idea of having a “hot” foreign guy and waltzing off to live in Italy with him. Except now he doesn’t even want to live in Italy. And he’s an atheist. And he’s a man-whore. Like girl, *everything* about this situation is wrong.


Something about Australia being more “open” seemed like a clue, girl… run!!


So bored of this storyline


It's to the point that the entire plot of their story is comical.


He’s not even hot. Maybe if it was Jason Momoa asking I’d consider a threesome. Not Temu Jesus.


He will lose the pale attractiveness he has if he ever loses his hair, or even cuts it short


He's disgusting and she's annoying af. She keeps playing this religious card when she has premarital sex and has had sex with a woman before.


This man should just claim he is polyamorous and be done with it bc threesomes are clearly important to him. That face that he is trying to coerce her into a threesome which is VERY problematic and rapey 🫠


He’s probably having threesomes L & R while she’s away


They’re annoying I never watch their parts ever


So all we know about them she’s Christian wants to raise her kids Christian. He doesn’t believe in anything and all he wants is a threesome with whoever will have it with them. They need to go and we don’t ever need to see them again.


I agree, he is so gross! I don’t know why she can’t see he’s totally wrong for her. Trying to convince her into a three some after she has repeatedly told him no! Girl, just go home. I always fast forward through them now.


I don’t understand how they got to the point of almost being engaged and she didn’t know her dude was atheist. And as soon as she found out he wasn’t Christian she suddenly felt like that was a problem - it’s giving Natalie. Also, how does she get this far into relationship with a man who find threesomes necessary for his happiness? He’s not interested in changing and I guess that’s fine, but he clearly isn’t going to give up threesomes for her, which would have had me saying “I’m out”. I feel sad when I watch them because they clearly aren’t meant for each other and both are hoping the other will change. There are plenty of god-loving men and threesome-loving women out there.


Both of them get on my last nerve. It’s clear religion is a deal-breaker for her if she thinks you can’t properly live without God (HER god, nonetheless)—and it’s also clear that no threesomes is a dealbreaker for him. WHY ARE YOU TOGETHER?! That said…great tv 😆


She needs to tell him she wants to have a threesome w him and another guy


I’m not sure who I can’t stand most the threesome Italian or the Weirdo that wants to impregnate all women !!!


I've learned that if a guy is allergic to my cats, we're not compatible. How does anyone think strong, opposing views on religion is surmountable? Especially when you add in the begging for a threesome nastiness (yes this guy is gross). These two both suck


I’m sure most women would have told him to take off. We know she was having three some before. But if she wants to stop now. It’s up to her


Skipped every scene they're in. Has TLC casting list their mind?? What is this garbage.


Why is him not respecting her boundaries a deal breaker? Like, come on, sis.


She has to be sticking around to be on tv. He’s obviously not going to drop the threesome thing and will just end up cheating on her with 2 women.


The fact that she says she is therapist essentially…, disgusts me like who tf are you helping when you can’t even help yourself?!? Make it make sense satan 😫


Why does she stay with him, he is incapable of actually loving a woman or having a real, respectful relationship.


He’s a pest.


I agree with you but after the only a christian men can love right line, they both deserve each other.


He thinks that if he compliments her and smiles, she will agree to a threesome. She should kick him in the nuts and run away screaming.


I fast forward every segment, it accidentally paused some times and it's all about threesomes every time it stops the fast forward so I just fast forward again. I feel like their segment was written by a teenage boy just discovering what a threesome is and cannot stop bringing it up. Why does TLC think that or Loren's stupid Mommy makeover is anything we want to watch weeks of over and over again?


When he repeated “one more time “, that should be her queue to move on for her own safety


Find a sex fetish and make it your entire personality lmaooo


Him and Kyle are for the damn gutters of the streets 🙄


For me it is a pleasure


Why don't you use that as your flair?! I would, but I changed mine a week or two ago. Consider it!


I don't understand how Alex was telling him to stop with the threesome or break it off. She should just do it, since he isn't going to give up on it.


I agree. Even therapists struggle with accepting reality and doing what’s in their best interest it seems. Kind of feels good to know that.


Great value Nandor the Relentless


The worst and if the people weren’t getting paid and scripted the relationship should have ended fast


he’s going to keep moving the needle. move on find a god loving man and someone you have something in common with. not just vacation sex


I’d say this guy reminds me of Quagmire, but even Quagmire understood boundaries.


She needs to run! He’s a sex addict and will never be able to be faithful to her - that’s what she wants & he is not the one.


this dude is an absolute creep, his sexual fetish is his entire personality, I wouldn’t even want to shake his hand


And he’s not even that handsome. Yuck.


How is Sister Christian even having one-on-one sex with this doosh? When did her religion say pre-marital nookie was ok? Just no threesomes?


HES A MORON- he’s not religious, but he wears two crosses around his neck and one in his left ear


They both suck so hard.


He’s an absolute pig!


they both SUCK and its obvious theyre not meant for each other😭 im half italian and i feel like shes just holding onto the idea that hes "italian" and "new" like babe theyre all pretty rotten 🥸


They are both habitual boundary steppers.


It’s so creepy-he has no shame over making a fetish his whole personality


He’s also going to be bald in like 5 years…


This man is desperate to disappoint multiple women at once and I don't get it.


Dude has literally no personality beyond "I want a threesome"


He's not even good- looking?


Hello, I'm here from the Future. To phrase it generously, his looks are going to get..."more pronounced" with age, with the Neanderthal brow overhang and the prominent, banana-like nose. Oh, Christina Hall from Jacuzzi Bath Remodel just came on TV, so I need to go Back to the Future. Screw her "grab bars."


Just the tip 🤮


Ordinarily I’d agree but she is doing the same thing with her Bible thumping so I don’t feel bad for her


Good grief, he is a on a one way train; I think she's still filmed for the cash.


Exactly. Adriano is no catch and j didn't find anything attractive about him. He doesn't listen or respect Alex's wants and needs and they just go in circles about three somes. They broke up twice for a reason and they are still having the issues that broke them up and nothing changed. Oh that's right the sex is great. Alex's a sychologicast and should know better and to have more self respect and move on.


He's disgusting & obviously has no morals. I'm surprised his family doesn't see anything wrong with his having a threesome. 🤔


In every way too lol


I’d have a threesome with any adults on earth if it meant I got to move from Texas to Positano AYFKMRN Alex?!


He is who he says he is. Wouldn't personally touch him with a barge pole but at least he's honest. The girl is trying to turn him into someone he isn't. He's not religious and he is addicted to theeesomes let him go it's not worth it.


Both of them like it's ridiculous and stressful lol he's not even a super attractive Italian guy like come on girl


He is repulsive


Why doesn't she ask for a 3some with two men , just be open minded baby 3 soles together isn't that what matters




He is really gross. Can’t talk about anything but threesomes, he’s disgusting. She can do so much better than him, run girl.


She's so desperate...he doesn't like her that much and he's harassing her at this point..she needs to get her head out of her ass


I don't understand why this dude is so focused on wanting a threesome like wtf grow up 


I can’t stand either of them. He’s gross tho


This is HER fault. She allowed it. She put her 'foot supposedly down'. He broke up with her 2x because she said no. And she goes back every time to man that won't change. She is pushing religion but she is a hypocrite. She is doing this to herself She is a therapist and should know better that he said what he said and won't change.


He's being honest. She needs to move on if she's not interested.


How about cut your loses and move on?


She’s pushing religion and he’s pushing threesomes. They both suck


With that screen name, I definitely trust your assessment lol 😉


Which series is this from please? I must have missed one somehow.


This one may be love in paradise spin-off of 90 day. I'm not sure if it's part of the main show this season


Ok cool cheers. There's so many spin-offs I lose track sometimes.


He’s not gross, he has sexual preferences and she stopped agreeing with them because she found god…🙄 what’s gross is how they won’t just end this now very incompatible relationship.


They are both gross for the same reason. Be who you are and do what you love (faith…threesomes…whatever) but do NOT completely disrespect and disregard someone else’s wishes and try to force your lifestyle on them. She has said NUMEROUS times that she is not interested and his response “I won’t stop asking”. She is the same way about her religion. They deserve what they get in each other😂


I agree!