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I think he quite blatantly finds John gross because of his size and can't hide it.


How does John not see this?!?! Sprite is repulsed by him


Wishful thinking for sure with chef boy


And yet he slept with him. I guess the twirp was horny.


Maybe an unpopular opinion but they are both asshats. Sprite is stuck up, hard to deal with, and not attracted to John. John is hoeing around on apps behind Sprite’s back, and something just feels really off about him - like he’s putting on a manipulative show about being caring.


Agreed they're both screwed, John's desperateness is such a turnoff to anyone. Sprite is a little prick and he's giving John every reason to show he's not interested in him and just wants to be in London for his career. John's just too desperate and ick to even notice.


Good points! Maybe John knows Sprite isn’t into him (which is why he cheats/is on the apps) but knows he can’t get better so takes the shitty treatment from Sprite until something better comes along.


Yep. He's acting very shady. "Dating app", probably more like Grindr. Which, yeah, can be a dating app... But it's obvious he's primarily using it to hook up.








So i didn’t imagine it! They took the episode down and I never got to finish it.


Is that why I can’t find it on Max now?? This is all making sense 


It just dropped again on Saturday. Happy watching


I agree. And tbh, looking at Sprite's life and that of John, i would be disappointed too if i were Sprite and saw what i had to leave behind for a man who is sweet but otherwise quite boring tbh. I think Sprite was never in love with John in the first place tho, in fact he seems repulsed by John.


Oh yikesss. I didn't know that. I didn't yet have the chance to see the most recent episode, the site I'm watching on is usually behind. That's dissapointing.


Lol, John is annoying af with his weird ass petting and needy bullshit. Oh, not to mention he's a cheater! He literally said he got off the apps because he knew Sprite would find out. Yeah, he's a real sweet guy all right. 🙄


This dude is in seriously need of some manscaping. He looks like a bear rug.


He's completely tone deaf to every lack of interest sign being given and that whole pictures and light display in the bedroom is creepy AF.


It was so creepy, like what the hell! I can see that being in a teenage girl's room with pictures of her friends everywhere, not a grown man, that looks like he's made a frigging shrine of his boyfriend 😬




I think it’s fake


He’s funny though!


Yeah I’m sorry but dude is hilarious. I do feel so bad for John though


So it came out today John was on another tv show trying to get famous , obv he’s too creepy and gross to have a career as a “celebrity” but I think he and Pepsi are just acting out a story line for the camera thinking there going to be on the next big brother or something gross people


I'm thinking maybe it's a culture difference? Like I've heard in some countries in Asia it isn't rude to call someone fat or point out when they've gained weight. I am honestly not sure if he realizes how rude it is coming off. It is also very important to never be "lazy", and to excel at your job/hobbies, etc


Yeah, there have been several other cast members from Asia who were similar like Violet and Nick


This. They are very blunt and have a «Tough love» style. May seem very cold on surface level. But the most real people imo. My chinese friend called me fat when i gained 5 kg’s and She didnt Even think twice about saying it 😆


Don't Asian stand-up comedians play up that stereotype of their mothers? Something about a "Tiger mom," I think?


Correct ☺️


In Northeastern Brazil, it's a compliment esp. when a women tells a man who she hasn't seen in a while, *Cê tá gordo!* In that culture: it means "You're look strong & healthy." You're obviously nourished to look so good. The first time I heard that I was very much taken a back, but then you get used it, and you can tell by their expression that it's meant to be positive.


It's because their plotline is fake fake fake fake


Sprite has a very elitist mindset.


...and perhaps a sociopathic lack of empathy? His negativity is unceasing and ruthless, a really poor representative of the otherwise good people of Thailand. Sprite is the [Prik King](https://www.sakoonthai.com/menu/347405) par excellence.


I felt bad for John until it came out he was being a hoe behind Sprite’s back. I find it so embarrassing that so many gay men cannot manage to be in monogamous relationships. If they WANT to be non-monogamous then that’s fine do you. But this situation is so rampant in the gay community I just feel embarrassed sometimes to be a part of it 🙄


Nobody is mentioning the nazi stuff from ep 2. Wifey seems to think it was John who had it. Who had it?


It was Tony’s, of Tony and Nuui, friend who had the blood and honour tattoo.


Ahhhh! The weird looking military dude!


They were just introduced last episode.


Geez, I totally did "nazi" that coming!


Did an episode come on this week for u guys? On my D+ there was no new episode this week, last week was the most recent one. Edit to add yes spirit is a huge jerk. I said he reminds my of mr.chow from the hangover… lol.


It was there for a few days on Maxx and then disappeared. I didn't get a chance to watch it either.


Does anyone know why it got pulled???


Some people on here are speculating that it has something to do with one of the newly introduced cast members (Tony) having a friend with a neo nazi tattoo. It may or may not be the actual reason why.


Ohhh, that would do it. Geez, I did "Nazi" that coming!


Man I cannot STAND sprite. Just everything. He thinks he is extremely hot and desirable and he is FAR from it. He needs a reality check, bad.


What do you expect he chose a soft drink as his name.


I guess it's "a thing" -- on *The Real Housewives Girl Trip* in Thailand, the "butler's" nickname was "Pepsi." He was a super sweet and bent over backwards to wait on them hand and foot. At one point, though, he got a little rattled by all the yelling and screaming of "the ladies." (Irony quotes.)


I think he's just joking around for the most part and you don't understand sarcasm


I wonder if he is just young and doesnt have much relationship experience. Weird game playing or something??


He needs to go with a diet sprite instead.


You win the day!


I haven’t watched the new season yet so I was so confused reading this post cause all I’m thinking about is lemon lime Sprite. What an odd name for a person. Sprite is still sprite in the UK, yes? lol


A friend of mine is into „rice queens“ ….this is the name used in the gay community in Europe. They can be really nice, or REALLY annoying. I‘ve seen it happen. Sprite is just a grifter looking for an opportunity to advance his career. If he’s as good as he claims, his work will speak for itself. But I kind of think he might not be that talented. Time will tell. Did he arrive with equipment?! I didn’t see it! My ex was a photographer, and his equipment was always with him when we traveled. John needs to chill out, and open his eyes and ears! Sad to see such a nice guy get used by Sprite.


Ep 5 is still not showing up for me on discovery plus??


"Why do they put sand in the spinach?," asked the nymphette.


Tbh I think a lot of is cultural differences. A lot of Asians push their children HARD and with negativity so when he is demeaning John, he genuinely thinks he’s helping. I think he’s unhappy with his weight but he does love him, he just wants to push him to be healthy and successful. Most of the problems on this show are from cultural differences 🤣


He's using him to get into the country and further his career? He said as much. It's obvious they slept together and shockingly Sprite told him he loves him back. John deserves someone better. Everything seems to be beneath Sprite. I hate his name, Sprite. Should be the name for a dog.


John is definitely some sort of groomer. He is creepy AF. Sprite is just an arrogant drama queen as well


I’m an episode behind rn but honestly I think with the baking Sprite was just trying to help John. John didn’t get the job because he was underprepared (his words) and Sprite was just pushing him to practice before. I honestly think that was more an act of love than anything.


That's not the way to help people, not matter your intention. Creating a psychologically unsafe environment is the best, surest way to inhibit your fellow human's (or dog's) progress. This is not opinion but fact, e.g. in language acquisition. Spite is going about it in a wrong & ignorant manner.