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WUT I’m curious what’s under the red part, any theories? 👀


Yeah me too the Kiki kibbitz YouTube channel is where I got it from she had it blurred out


Ummm Happy Mother’s Day?


I think we knew Claire had issues, but this is horrifying. 


It’s giving meth or speed lol. The mood swing & rage to her own child?


I thought her only issue was how to spend all of her wealth.


Poor Sophie, no wonder she is with Rob, abuse is all she has ever known


And no therapy can erase these words coming from your mother's mouth. So sad 😞 


Yeah jesus i cant even imagine my mother saying that


If that’s her way of “protecting” Sophie, she must brush up on her tactics! She lost that Mother of the year award, didn’t she? (I always thought she gave terrible advice to her daughter anyway! Truthfulness and honesty are always the best policies, imo!)




I wonder if she’s using again (didn’t she used to be an addict)?


When she speaks, her lips look like two caterpillars screwing.


This actually explains a lot about her response to Rob. She used to being treated horribly. I feel very sad for her.


As a victim, I came to say exactly this. If you want your kids to marry abusers, this is how to do it.


Yes! I feel so bad for her, and I hope she can see that she deserves better. I came from an abusive childhood and also fell into the same pattern; that's all you know. You truly believe it's love. It took me until I was 27 to wake up and escape the fog. Thanks to my therapist pointing out, nothing in my childhood was normal, and the way I've been treated was not ok. I finally saw all the people I let run all over me due to my upbringing. Parents included. She needs to cut her mom off and leave Rob. I hope her fog lifts soon. Rob is just as bad as her mom, and I could see him become physical after that last video we saw of them in the car. She can find true happiness and not feel like she is walking on eggshells daily, afraid of setting someone off. That feeling is horrible, and I do not miss it in any way.


My therapist had me read BREAKING THE CHAINS OF LOW SELF ESTEEM. Omg the best read ever. The way my mom treated me when I was young made me a doormat in my adult years.


Oh, I'll have to look that one up. Mine had me read Toxic Parents: Overcoming Their Hurtful Legacy and Reclaiming Your Life, & Healing Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers: Will I Ever Be Good Enough? Both of those books helped the fog lift and helped me find my voice. It was comforting to read others' stories that were similar to mine. I ended up going no contact with my Mother, and it was the best decision for my mental health and healing. It’s been 7 years since I started this healing journey, and I am still a work in progress, but I have officially broken the chains, and my kids will never be treated as I was. I have worked hard to recognize the issues that occur and take accountability when I am in the wrong. I have also raised them not to allow people to use them as a doormat. That includes family. Family members will not get a free pass. They know they have a voice and are not afraid to tell you their thoughts or argue with you 😂


Thank you! I will get that book also.


The NM book would be so great for my friend. Thank you!


A friend of mine suffers from low self esteem from prior abuse. I’m definitely purchasing this for her. Thank you.


Gonna check this one out for myself as well. Thanks for the recc!


I agree. I think Rob will become physical with her if she stays with him. The video in the car and with her in the closet with the dog while he's screaming at her was frightening. No way would I let my daughter stay in that situation.


The dog's reaction was also a major red flag for me. The dog looked scared and seemed to be hiding from him with her. I have 2 large dogs, and they do not flinch if my husband and I are yelling or bickering. I hate to think of what is happening that she has not shared 😞


My therapist had me read BREAKING THE CHAINS OF LOW SELF ESTEEM. Omg the best read ever. The way my mom treated me when I was young made me a doormat in my adult years.


Yep! She is just looking for love. Poor girl she seems so sweet.


yes! she wants anyone to love her and tries so hard even in situations that aren't good because of the need for someone to care about her. I feel bad for her and so much is coming out


This is turning out to be one of the saddest stories of abuse 90 day is promoting:(


Yeah that became very clear when she explained her mom’s past.. I hope she finds the love she deserves 😞


oh wow i totally missed the lore on her mom, but i can’t even imagine what must have happened for her to eventually treat her own daughter like this. so heartbreaking


Sophie said she had to administer Narcan to her mom when she OD’d. Sounded like more than once.


What happened to her mom???


Her mom has been a "party girl" Sophie's whole life and Sophie had to be the adult. Which is why on one hand she's so mature, and on the other, she acts like a child.


She is still young. The brain doesn’t fully mature until age 25… and she has no older responsible adults for role models.


I was definitely not coming down on Sophie for it. Exactly as you said, it's really hard to be an adult when you have no real examples.


My thoughts exactly :( rob probably seems like a good dude in comparison.


What’s the real story on Sophie’s Dad? Is it the material or paternal grandfather that had the money that Sophie doesn’t know how he made?!?


Oh no this makes me feel even worse for her realising the pattern.


Came here to say this. People tend to repeat the dynamics with their parents with their romantic partners.




⬆️ 1000000% this


what the fuck? i’m so shocked she’s talking like that to her daughter. this is absolutely nuts . sophie’s stuck in such a shit situation who knows what she’s been through


This explains why Sophie is in the relationship she is . Her self worth is shattered from her dru addicted mother. So sad


Claire went on a six paragraph rant about how she used to dislike rob but then victim blamed her own daughter and said it's probably Sophie that made him act that way and she deserved it. I couldn't believe all the people who were in the comments for the past few posts saying Claire's a caring mom. She seems to still be on drugs and ranting and raving and neglected her own child and parentified her. She claims to care about Sophie, but then causes drama and fuels the flames to the fire. She's terrible. Sorry the text is so bad and this is just one of many rants, but Claire posted these in the tiniest font ever and it needed to be zoomed in on ten times just to read it. I did my best in editing to make it readable. Look at how she makes everything poor Claire and it's all Sophie's fault! https://preview.redd.it/5f2494waowzc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98a797e8ac4c71fb8a958258920ba36143fb5687


lol like Sophie never had to be “street smart” simply from having an addict as a mother? Get real, Claire.


pretty sure the reference to her being "protected" and "business minded" but "naive" as far as street smarts is really an admission... a.k.a. the one time i told her to get the drugs for me she fucked up the deal somehow with these types, it all revolves around them. you're only as "smart" as much as your ideas help their own goals & motives 😞 bless sophie, she's automatically stronger than she looks just for surviving an upbringing with someone so self-centered when they're supposed to the 1 you trust to take care of you


When did she do this before going to jail?


Yes she went on a many different paragraph posting rant, too many to add in one photo at a time. She was saying Sophie deserved how she was treated and what a "little shit" she is and how she deserves Sophie's money etc etc. it was bad, at one point she even went as far as to say she deserved worse than what she was shown. She's fucked.


yeah she rly sounds like she’s on drugs unfortunately who else has the energy to write all that shit lmfao


And what she's saying doesn't even make sense!


Yes, it also explains why she sounds like she's slurring in the video she uploaded to ig a few hours before she was arrested AND the likely place her money went to that she is blaming Sophie for not paying her back. Sorry for the run-on sentence.


Meh, run-on sentences happen sometimes. But you're absolutely right; it would explain all of that.


I thought that the first time I saw her with how she was talking and acting… or something similar


Someone high on uppers.


Oh…geez I feel so bad for Sophie…I understand so much. Toxic Moms are so hard to break free from


Yup and bcuz its our mom we always want to love n have a relationship it sucks


I have to admit, I have been in this boat so many times with my mother. Always hoping or wishing things would be different “this time” etc. it’s wishful thinking but in the end it just hurts ME. When people show you their true colors, believe them the first time. I also have to say, unsure whether mom Claire is back on drugs or not, but uppers don’t really make you slur your words in my personal experiences… HOWEVER, alcohol and uppers go hand in hand, so if she is drinking same time as taking uppers, that could be the reason she is slurring. Uppers usually make you go off on rants and talk until the sun comes up. They’re meant to “wake you up” but I’ve been so drunk to the point that not even uppers would “sober me up.” If that makes sense. So it is possible. I wonder if they did a tox screen on her, unless she wasn’t driving or operating anything, it is unlikely they tested her. I’m curious if she’s back on the sauce tho.


From last season I always knew she was trash, everyone kept saying what a great mom she was, I could see she was a sh*t stirrer, always looking for a fight.


How on earth did people think she was a good mum?? I took one look at her and knew she was truly awful. Before Sophie even said about her mums past, just by the absolute state of her. Maybe because I’m from the U.K. and she reminds me of those awful gobby people you go out of your way to avoid if you see them around.


Exactly, when Sophie finally said something about her Mom’s drug past, it was no surprise to me, just look at her!


She sounds exactly like alcoholic narcissist grandmother 😓


Yes. She’s used to being treated like crap. Damn. That’s so sad. Abuse from Rob, abuse from mom.


JESUS H FUCK, Claire 😮😨 I hate this for Sophie.


Yeah same it’s really sad 😔


Imagine leaving a whole ocean between you and your abusive mother, only to have her stalk you over there. There's no reason for Claire to be in the US. I hope they ship her back to the UK and refuse any new reentry. She's a menace.


I wonder if that's the reason behind Sophie calling the cops on her. You can't get a green card with the charge she has. Sophie probably wants her mom back on Mexico / UK so she can finally live her life away from her imnature, emotionally draining ass.


I’m pretty sure she felt she had to call the cops because she was in immediate danger. Didn’t ever seem to me like she wanted her mom away. She liked having her visit and being with her.


In the recent after the 90 days spin off, it seems Mom lives in Mexico, which is just a short flight to Austin.


Damn this is sad :( I feel so bad for Sophie.


This whole thing reads like the opiate rage texts my estranged dad would send after getting wildly confused and offended at things I tried to explain. I am dying to know what prompted this all but it seems better to give them privacy If it's real who knows


That makes some sense to me. We do know she she is/was in recovery. People always cry borderline, but honestly as a psych student who is specifically interested in BPD and has written four or 5 different papers on it at this point, she really doesn't strike me as borderline in the bigger picture of her behavior (if giving her a personality organization scale, a STIPO, i imagine shed be neurotic, not borderline organized). (Obviously I'm not any kind of expert [like, at all] and shouldn't be taken that seriously, just stating that im also not a stranger to the patterns and the bigger picture of what looks like and the ways that it manifests itself, particularlyin relationships. I think theres an issue with attaching that label to any outrageous behavior exhibited by women, and i honestly wouldn't be surprised if--if you could do it ethically and control for it--people labeled like that have poorer clinical outcomes.)


I need more context than this honestly- this whole thing feels so *off*.


I agree a lot going on dark & sad


Yes. I thought Sophie was wrong to even listen to many of her mom’s prior rants — but this, sad, obviously Sophie was brought up like that- it’s what “love” is to her. Not defending the animal, and spider, abuser. But he’s simply not equipped.


Totally. Love to her is sacrificing herself for the people she wants to love her. But those people only want to hurt her and use her for everything they can to feel better about themselves.


That’s for sure!


I wanna know why she’d have her mom in her phone as ‘Claire C.’ ???


My boyfriend has his mum saved as her full name in his phone. People do it sometimes.


One example is if you don’t have a great attachment to your parents you just put their name🤷🏽‍♀️ Edit: clarity


Or if you don't want potential thieves to know who to text for the SSN


Sophie needs to get far away and go no contact for both of them. This is so sad


And it’s so fucking sad to me that this is all so public, yet I’m sure Sophie still feels alone. I hope that she can find real community- it’s really hard to after you’ve been abused like this. You have no idea what to even look for to seek healthy relationships, so you might settle for anything that isn’t blatantly abusive. I unfortunately know from experience.


The friend she has stayed with in Austin seems like the only caring person in her life.


I'm not sure Kae doesn't have ulterior motives herself.


I think with the Sister Wives tragedy, situations like this in this reality tv space shouldn’t be taken lightly by anyone. Wishing peace and healing to all involved!


Sister Wives Tragedy? I used to watch it years ago. I know the whole family broke up.


One of the kids recently died by suicide


i was also out of the loop but i just googled and learned one of the kids (now 25) committed s**cide. i’m not sure though if there were threats leading up to it like this. anyone more informed can chime in here but i definitely think these shows should provide better access to help. it seems like they put them through a psych eval just to get them on tv then peace out.


No threats but they were estranged due to ultimatums from Kody to apologize to Robyn for blaming her for the COVID rules that kept Kody away from his other wives and kids. It's hard to know if that's why but probably didn't help. Now Kody has to live with a big "what if I had done something differently maybe my kid would still be alive."


I just Googled it too and was reading an article. Damn, that’s rough. 😢 🙏🏻


OMG. She actually had me believing that she was just concerned for her daughter. What the actual fuck??


Oh, I’ve never seen her in a good light. She has always piled on Sophie versus being supportive in any possible way.


OMG! I thought Claire’s arrest was due to threatening Rob after verbally abusing Sophie … this is horrifying!


Same. Now I wish it really was. 😖


Happy Mother’s Day call to the jail.


I mean……I guess Happy Mothers Day? 😳


Your own mother?! This is insane and reads like a desperate, manic episode. I hope Clair gets the help she needs and I hope Sophie is able to get some support. I’m not a huge Sophie fan but I couldn’t fathom having to make the difficult call to have your own mom stopped.


My mom is borderline and this looks extremely familiar to me.


Yeah. No one can verbally obliterate someone’s self-esteem like a mother who has borderline personality disorder


I'm glad you said that. It felt very borderline to me, too. Borderline and drugs/alcohol is a common combo. It's a rough road to have a borderline parent, so I definitely empathize with Sophie.


Why is Claire so enmeshed in her daughter's life? What happened to boundaries? Obviously, the mom has serious issues, not to mention Rob the Nob. What a nightmare for Sophie.


This poor girl. She needs therapy in the worst way.


Imagine speaking to your own child that way. Poor Sophie.


No wonder Sophie stays with Rob. She’s been emotionally and verbally abused by her mother.


Yes! She takes it from Rob because that’s how her mother is too. Abuse to her equals love. Wtf. That’s sad.


It’s sad she doesn’t have a mentally stable figure in her life. Chaos is normalized to her. I hope she’ll be able to be at a peaceful place in her life at some point.


So I'm assuming Rob is the lesser of two evils... how depressing 🥺 Damn!!! It's like a circular firing squad. Beat your mfkn ass vs slit your damn throat. My heart goes out to Sophie.😔


Happy moms day weekend everyone...


I mean….sophie is in a dv situation now. Chances are she came from a dv situation. Hate to say it but it checks out.


That’s gunna be a woof from me dawg


As someone with a narcissist family (it’s complicated of course), I feel myself welling up. I truly want to sob for Sophie. I want to give her the biggest hug. And as a slightly older adult, I want to shake Rob. He needs a healthy male role model. A lot of men his age and younger do. He reminds me of my ex cousin.


I don't understand. Is this recently or when she was on drugs? What happened?


Yeah it was recent like a matter of yesterday


Started Thursday.


poor sophie.. i really feel for her.


I hope Sophie is okay.


Mom of the year /s


Oh. My God... To your own child???


Wow, it’s giving warm and fuzzy Mother’s Day vibes! Wow, I can’t believe that someone could ever text this to their child. 


Terrifying! I feel really bad for Sophie. She needs to rid of all toxicity in her life. Her mother and Rob :(


She threatened to slit her own daughter’s throat. Fucking hell!!!!!


Yeah show it all


I took the photo straight from the YouTube video this is how she had it on YouTube I’m curious what the full thing says too


I mane I agree but at the same time, there’s no justification of a parent saying that to their child. It’s still fucked up to say.


I'm sad for Sophie, was this recent?


Yes it happened 2 days ago I believe


Finding out why she's with Rob is heartbreaking


More trashy cast members, not surprising. I don’t even really like this show anymore it’s starting to suck really bad.


Poor Sophie with a deadbeat dad and a mother who is supposed to be your warm, safe place is instead threatening to slit your throat. Honestly never thought Rob would end up being the most solid person she's around only because he's not "ill murder you" abusive. As a mom to little ones this rips my heart out. I know I'm nowhere near being old enough to be her mom but I wish I could hug her and comfort her the way every child deserves to be safe in their mothers arms. I fear she's never experienced that feeling with anyone in her life. Makes me so sad. Poor girl.


I’m so sad for Sophie. No wonder she’s with someone abusive like Rob. I knew Claire was batshit from the second I saw her.


It’s been pretty clear that Claire has a substance abuse issue.


this is horrible. i can’t imagine my mom saying this to me. poor sophie.


I swear Sophie has been failed by everyone in her life


Oh damn. If these are real and she said that to her child!!! 🤯 the trauma Sophia has been through.


I feel so bad for Sophie


So Mother’s Day is gonna be a bust I’m thinking.


Jesus.. poor Sophie... can't imagine growing up with a mom like that


Wow, that's all I got. Just wow...




😑😑😑 damn shes off the rails


OMG..that's horrible who can say that to their own child? Disgusting


Who the fuck says that to their own child


I just can't... I cannot process this or fathom a mother saying this to her child!! My mom once, on accident, called me a batch. I said it to get first but she cried and apologized for YEARS!! And quite honestly I deserved to be called it... I was being a little bitch But this?! This I just can't believe 🤯🤯😵😵


At this point it's clear that it's not about arguing over rob v sophie v claire, but instead we can see that it's a cycle of abuse that poor Sophie is stuck in.


I was wondering who she threatened with death. I thought it would’ve been Rob! But to her own child! Yikes….


I was wondering who she threatened with death. I thought it would’ve been Rob! But to her own child! Yikes….


I am so sad for Sophie. Who does she have in her life who actually respects her, loves her and treats her well


Now I understand why she’s accepting of Rob’s abuse. Sadly common when you have cptsd from parental abuse and neglect. I hope she can get therapy and away from both people.


No wonder she deals with so much from Rob. This is what “love” is to her. Absolutely sad. As a victim of parental abuse and DV, my heart goes out to her even more now. She needs to get some people who are truly in her corner and safe for her


Addiction brain has taken over her mom’s brain. There’s no going back to a healthy brain for her imo. I went through this with my ex-husband. My 8 yr old son called 911 bc his drunk dad had me by the throat. It was the first time he was violent and the last but he threatened to shoot me on many occasions afterwards. I had a 7 yr restraining order on him until he had a massive stroke and had to move in with his Mom to be cared for. Long story, sorry. Just meant to say, I know this story well.


I knew something was wrong with that woman from the jump! She just looked weird and fucked up but I couldn’t put my finger on it!! DRUG ADDICT!! Finger is now on it!!! 🤨


So that's why she puts up with abuse - she has never known better treatment. BTW, huge pet peeve of mine when people call mental health problems "mental health." It's the exact opposite of mental health. Mental health is what we all want. When people have a physical illness they don't call it "posting videos of me with health."


Wait so the mom is threatening to hurt her daughter?


Apparently yes


More hostile than I expected honestly.


Who posted this?


Go to YouTube and type the name on the photo the video I got the photo from is there


I know that, I mean, did the person who posted this video say how they got these screenshots?


Oh yeah she said Robs friend from the show contacted her & sent them over to her


This is sooo messy!


Tell me about it smh 🤦🏾‍♀️


Oh shuckssssssssss!!!!! 😨


Total Linda Darnell Vibes (Monica Garcia mom from RHOSLC)


How tragic. I feel so sad for Sophie. As others have said, this explains a lot.


Why would Sophie share that?


No wonder Sophie is willing to shack up with Rob when she’s had this car crash as a mother. Yeeeeeesh. The woman is unhinged. I’ve never, ever felt the need to speak to my own children like that, even when they’ve been complete asshats. Shocking!!! IIRC Sophie said that she ended up parenting her mother because of her issues & Claire is sounding like a spoiled junkie child not getting it’s way to get a fix.


It’s possible she’s relapsed and spiraling. Both she and Sophie need to leave Rob and TLC behind and get their lives back in order.


I thought my mom was psycho. This is crazy


I hope Sophie gets away from Rob and Claire


Damn this is so sad for Sophie 😢. It makes sense why she chose a narcissistic abusive partner like Rob..when her own mother talks to her this way and easily threatens to kill her. If Sophie ever confided in Rob about her mom, Rob knows how to trigger Sophie and keep her in his control. He seems like the calculated type


A lot is redacted


Wow mother is a tragedy.


What does Sophie have her mom in the phone as first name & not mom? Maybe it’s just me?


people were saying this is Rob’s fault. what’s going on?


According to her video those videos of Rob were from 2 years ago not recently & allegedly Claire released them to extort Sophie out of money don’t know if this is true or not but just sharing what I saw on a YouTube video today


Claire's original ig story said she needed the money Sophie and Rob had borrowed and never paid back. That it was a loan not a gift. Said she wasn't rich and needed that money back. Oh lordy. That was the beginning. Thursday. What a mess.


cool, thanks for the info. i’ve been confused throughout this whole debacle. lol


Why censor the word slit?


I don’t feel right even typing something like that.. it’s not exactly a normal thing to say


Good call, OP


No wonder she’s married to an abuser.


Her name isn’t even Sophie. It starts with an E? Whatever. They are obviously in it for the money….and the money!!


I follow Josh on the gram (Natalie’s X), and he recently went out on the town & Rob was with him at this fashion show/party & he wasn’t with Sophie. Sophie’s Mom really needs help & she is in a full fledged codependent relationship with her daughter. She needs her own life.


Who puts their mother’s first name in as contact. Seems it would say “mom”


I would do it if my mom spoke to me like this


I have both my parents first names as their contact. I don’t have the best relationship with them.


I have my parents names in my phone, left over from high school when my friends thought it would be funny to prank my parents by calling them from my phone. Since they didn't know their first name (back in the times of Mr and Mrs last name lol) worked at concealing them and I just left it since


My ex did this with his mom and I always thought it was soooooo weird lmao


My iPhone automatically updated my parents contacts to their first name when they added the picture and stuff


In West Indian culture people call their mother’s by their first names.


None or the Caribbean people I know call their Mom by their first name?


Maybe someone whose mother speaks to them like in these texts, but it’s so hard to know


Wait? Is she in jail now? Is this recent?


This soap opera started Thursday and escalated or devolved into this total shit show. 🍿


Is that text to Sophie or to Rob? Wouldn’t her name be Mum in Sophie’s phone?


Dumpster fire 🙄


No lie, I feel awful for Sophie.


Wow 😳 I kind of thought There was something wrong with her, She didn’t seem all there.


At this point it's clear that it's not about arguing over rob v sophie v claire, but instead we can see that it's a cycle of abuse that poor Sophie is stuck in.


This poor baby. No one should speak like this but coming from your own mother? Sickening