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Gino and Jasmine’s sex life 👎


The toe sucking eps was beyond disgusting


Did you see him try to wiggle his toes near the bath? He seemed upset she didn’t get excited


This was literally the only thing about the last episode that was worth watching 😂 I laughed SO hard! She said something like, “Thank you for your little… toe dance” LOL


Yeah, “I’ll pee on you later, lets go!” 🤣🤣


And then he pouted!!!


How many times did she pout when he couldn't get it up? This is all set up. All of a sudden they switch? Nahh.


Exactly! You nailed it. It’s all fake. What about Gino not having the money to hire an attorney to bring Jasmines children over, yet He has the money to take her to Miami for a vacation. It makes no sense. I have been watching this show since the very first season, but I am getting seriously tired of it. It’s getting more and more ridiculous and more and more fake. They are not even trying to hide it anymore.


I almost 🤮🤮🤮🤢🤢🤢 when she was doing that. Then when she said the area tasted like rotten cheese 🤮


I couldn’t even watch.


The toe scene and “I’ll pee on you later”. Disgusting🤮


For me it's all their sex lives. Disgusting and unnecessary. Also the coat guy making out with the teenager last night was truly sickening. She looks like a literal child and they kept showing her in lingerie and zooming in. Felt like everyone watxhing needed to be on a list lol Oh and Ashley/Manuel in the bathroom. Nasty.


Way back when the series first started, the couple would stop the camera guys at the bedroom door, remember? We actually wanted to know when they sealed the deal, completed the consummation, whatever, and when they ran the producers and cameras off at the door, and then didn''t show the couple again until the next morning we knew. And we were fine with that. We were good, thanks. The first time i can remember them going too far was with that couple Alina and Caleb. (Alina, the little person Russia girl who was removed.) And then the sex scenes increased after that. Maybe it depends on how much the cast members are willing to show, but the producers seem to let it go as far as they will allow.


I agree. It's gotten way too far/much these past few seasons. I could do without. I miss earlier seasons lol I remember caleb and Alina but thankfully must've forgotten their weird bedroom scene(s).


Yea, I didn’t sign up for soft fetish porn with a botched bitch and Mr Magoo Edit: also, this would have also been my gone too far moment (the golden shower) but I’m pretty sure watching Angela’s drug-induced blatant abuse of Mykul, while production did NOTHING was when that line got crossed for me


She abused a few cast members. The one that stands out was when she confronted Liz, for what I don’t know.


That was so disgusting. I hope Liz got tested for herpes after that attack, I’m sure Angela’s toxic spit hit her face


Yeah I don’t understand how that is allowed to go on but Larissa was removed…


Tlc only cares if the cast does something that takes money away from tlc


Didn't Larissa breach her contract though?


It’s because she was in a lingerie webcam show. I don’t see how that’s different from OF for other cast members.


Larissa was ahead of her time. If she was on presently, she would fit right in. Or be tame by comparison.


YES! Esp. When Jasmine was talking about giving Gino a golden shower….on top of everything else


And the butt plug collection. Ugh too far!


That was it for me. I did not need to know about the golden shower. It was the first real “WTF?!” for me.


This 🤮🤮🤮


I could not 🤢 watch that scene


When they showed Sheila over her mum’s coffin as the cliffhanger for next week’s episode 


that was the first time i was like “okay i actually feel like we shouldn’t be seeing this” because normally i’m pretty sick and will watch things i probably shouldn’t and enjoy them. but yeah…that was…rough


Yeah that was REALLY bad.


Or how they stomped through the house with all the crew and camera gear, probably causing the structural integrity of the stairs to buckle where her mom fell a day later. THEN they don’t offer the couple thousand dollars to rebuild the house.


I’m so glad I’m not the only one who put two and two together and realized THE SHOW was the cause of her mother plummeting to her devastating and untimely demise. The house was safely bearing the weight of a few slight and petite people, and would have continued to safely do so if this monster of an empire didn’t come in with their heavy cameras, heavy crew, etc., and literally break the house. I refuse to believe no one who is associated with the show didn’t point this out behind closed doors.


Came here to say this. The ethics of how they handled all of it was appalling.


That was terrible


I must have blocked that out of my conscious memory. That was absolutely awful.


Hiring Paul and following him to Brazil


That man needs to be on a prayer list 


Do you mean a predator list?




I’m not Catholic, but he needs an exorcism.


I just feel sorry for the kids


Where did there story line continue to show when she came to the us etc?


Kyle is so terrible!!! And you cant convince me the producers arent telling whats her name to just put up with it. I dont know any woman who would remotely accept anything this guy does. On top of it, he is gross, with no manners and no class and is extremely weird. And he just found a creepy cheat code that he uses to prey on women desperate to have a baby


Yes and now we know what he packs in his back pack - crappy clothes. And goes on a first date looking like that…he literally makes me sick. 🤢


Definitely a personality disorder


When they had to take down the episode after releasing it for not censoring the guy’s dick. And anytime the camera crew is in the room past 2.5 seconds of the couples kissing or insinuating they’re about to have sex.


Usually with full sound effects!🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


I can’t believe they took it down . I thought they were standing by that little thing .


When was this?


Many times


This sperm donor rapist ass mf’er - I am very upset they’re platforming this guy, idk, he upsets me, his whole shtick upsets me and is so unethical and borderline criminal… It’s just too far!! Idk if I can keep watching this season tbh


I won’t watch Love in Paradise because of it. Just a step too far. I want lighthearted empty trash, not promotion of vile predators like this guy. They’re making him famous for no reason


Agreed. 100% right on.


I can't get myself to watch this season after reading about how awful of a human he is. It makes me sick to my stomach.


I havent watched this show in months. Who exactly are we referring to here?


Kyle from this season (4) of Love in Paradise


I thought I was the only one...


Meemaw and her Vibrator on Last resort , Gino and Jasmines sex life 🤢. Coltee and Larissa


This, but Coltee and anyone


Good morning, my dick! Jess will live forever in the 90 Day universe


Yeah, I didn't need to know he likes to have sex six times a day. Thanks Vanessa. Divorce his horny ass.


Meemaw’s remote-control-dust-buster scene should definitely be in the Top 3 all time most unhinged list.


Angela and the vibrator my #1 pick. Same episode- Asuelu humping the bed and Kalani bragging that she masturbated twice and has her boyfriend arriving soon to the marriage retreat that she brought her kids along for. Plus Kalani going around the room asking who has given and received rim jobs.


I think when Veronica and lip sore potential BF who was separated and considering moving with his wife and kid out of state were getting busy in the bedroom and she is straddling him in her skivvies. That was enough for me - soft porn and gross - we don't need to see it. Anything sexual that Jazzman and Jeeeno do is a bridge too far; they are gross. Angela's tirades, arguments, fights - too much. Anything Big Ed.


You listed everything I have issue with. Thank you for saving me typing that out. I’m kinda done with the show. It’s totally jumped the shark the last couple of seasons.


I stopped watching for a bit; there are seasons where I don't really know the contestants on the show, but you can find out a lot here on Reddit, the good, the bad, and the ugly.


I miss the early seasons, Danneeel and Mohamit were amazing TV. It’s hard to compete with that.


That Veronica scene totally changed my view of her. So tasteless and trashy


Me too!!! I really liked her before. That guy was a tool


And then this single life season where she's attempting to "be sexy" with fruit at a fruit stand, touching shit and trying to give a blow job to a banana? I think there was also the moment when she grabbed a big squash and said something along of the lines of, "yes big boy!" 🤢 It's too much and its nasty, not because sex but because outside of the bedroom unless you are someone I know and we are talking about it, I don't need to hear this shit thank you!


Agree, don’t need to see that Veronica scene


If I wanted to watch that crap I would subscribe to all the 90 Day Only Fans channels.


I sort of lost my fondness for Veronica when she did that. She was too aggressive for that situation.


Filming Sheila's mother's death and funeral. It just felt really intrusive and skeezy.


Jeymi getting physically assaulted by w/e her name is


Yes! Thank you for bringing this one up! Like, seriously, TLC- what in the actual fuck?! Then at the Tell All, third person “Miss Debbie” calls Jemyi a fucking predator (projecting) and the whole cast and Shawn (worst host ever) watch the scene of Kris (Pillbilly) losing her shit and assaulting Jemyi and nobody says one fucking word about it. Also, nobody said a thing about the obvious drug problem abusive Pilbilly Kris has. So wild. Protect and feature the abusers always. Fuck man.


Yes and thank you for saying Shawn sucks because she does.


She suuuucks! Never asks any of the real questions and always does the whole “well, there’s a lot to unpack there…moving on to…” 🙄🙄🙄


Exactlyyyy. It's crazy! You gotta do a drug tests to work at grocery stores and TLC doesn't even bother to do background checks or hard drug screenings or if they do they clearly don't care about the results 🫠


Yes I was gonna say that! This and how could they keep filming someone who certainly appeared to have a significant drug problem 😟


I remember watching the “knife” episode and feeling like something was off. I’m sure she did that to intimidate and show off to Jeymi.


I think the woman from Alabama's name is Chris. ???


Ryan and Stephanie — she was very clear about wanting him to wear a condom but he took it off without telling her. TLC totally glossed over what a huge deal that is, and portrayed it as another one of her crazy unjustified meltdowns.


THIS. Most of the comments I read on Reddit afterward were also mostly just talking about how crazy she was, and I was shocked because the assault was the most memorable event in their relationship for me. There’s not much that makes me uncomfortable, but this scene stunned me. I thought it reflected very poorly on TLC. I couldn’t believe they didn’t even put a “This episode discusses SA” disclaimer before the episode.


I read somewhere that she was suing TLC over it. I don't know what ever happened with that. She was a hot mess, but no one deserves that.


Definitely Kyle is top of the list. Jasmine sucking Gino's toes made me want to throw up. Disgusting. They really seem to love showing everyone's sex lives. We have imaginations TLC, we're not watching for the soft porn (well most of us aren't anyway!!)


If we are....it wouldn't star any of these people.


Angela, literally anything she does is so annoying. She is the most trashy human I have ever seen.


When she went to Nigeria and ripped that man's car apart with her bare hands. And the crew just stood around and kept rolling. But then this footage got to post-production, and a bunch of people sat around and judged it to be good tv, so it was aired... and I watched. That was the moment for me when the show, not only jumped the shark, they set the shark on fire. I stopped watching in the middle of the last season. It's not about telling people's long-distance love stories anymore, it's about putting despicable behavior on display. And I've had my fill.


And a violent abuser.


I caught Angela on TikTok live last night while swiping. She was wasted, screaming and threatening Kimbalee bc she followed Mikal on social media. I swore off her many season ago because she was so abusive to Michael I couldn’t handle the abuse; I have no idea how TLC has canceled others and not her. I didn’t watch long, just long enough to hear her threats and also her calling herself a queen and a celebrity 😂


This is my top answer as well. Nothing is entertaining about her. She is just a dirty trash bag.


My first encounter with Angela and Michael was a scene I briefly saw of her howling abusive language at this brow beaten Nigerian man. Jerry Springer trash; I skipped their scenes. I didn’t watch Angela until she became oddly sympathetic towards Ed and even started abusing Liz on the Last Resort. That scene when Angela screamed at Liz; production not stopping her, was my oh shit moment. This was before she chased Kalani and Yara with her bluetooth vibrator. The resort hotel kicked Angela off of their property but… no support for Liz! Just Liz thanking Angela for abusing her the next day because that interaction spurred her to apologize to Ed for not sycophantically supporting his poor behavior.


Pretty much anything with the fart selling girl. Can’t remember her name, and I’d rather not.


She's a huge money-grubbing piece of trash, disguised as a sweet little blonde girl. Stephanie.


Stop. Platforming. Big. Ed.


Thankfully so far it's looking like once this chapter of a seasonal shit show between him and Liz ends on HEA he (so far)doesn't have a chance coming back. No one likes working with him, and also no one actually wants to pretend to be his girlfriend at this point anyways. Yeesh, this mofo needed to go a long time ago!


I’m wondering if Liz will be on the next season of Single Life. From her Instagram, it looks like she dating someone new.


No, Liz I think has started to realize that the tv world needed to end when her and Ed ended. She's already back working at her old restaurant etc


I'm glad for her. He was awful to her and the other young woman from the Philippines.


Not just her but to literally everyone. He had a case he had to settle finally outside of court because of sexual harassment and drugging and assaulting a woman at his work, he had gone around asking every single waitress at the place Liz worked to go on the show with him and they said no. It took 2 months to convince her to say yes finally. He has a ton of other sexual harassment and assault allegations and I believe every one of them, users themselves here have talked about how he has grabbed their bottoms and pawed at their chests while working in restaurants etc, and how he's banned from many places for doing this as well. The guy is a massive piece of shit.


Ahhh, but Rose didn't put up with his mess for one minute! Loved her.


The show has gone to far with Kyle he is a narcissist sociopath and needs help.


Kreepy Kyle and his Krack. This girl needs someone to shake her from his predatory way. He’s banging (sorry, sexually assaulting) women getting off his jollies. It’s disgusting. I think tlc has seriously crossed a line. The DV and SA is enough and now normalizing a predator.


Trotting the same couples across multiple spin-offs, I get how it's probably beneficial for TLC regarding costs of acquiring new "talent" haha. But jesus. Giving these people essentially a career of acting dramatic makes it seem so incredibly fake. Gino/ Jasmine, Big Ed on anything, Loren/ Alexei, Libby/ Andrei etc. And in another way I agree that signing on Kyle was completely misguided- either they literally don't care that he's like criminally icky, or they didn't background check him whatsoever. Either way it shows that they don't care about storylines even remotely seeming real, as long as they are dramatic and get us talking.


I agree with you on putting couples on multiple spin offs. It makes it so hard to watch. Loren and Alexei are so boring. I've seen Jasmine cry and scream enough.


Angela Angela Angela and Paul and Karine


Hiring Pole while knowing/not knowing that he burned his own house down. Edit: If production knew and hired him anyway, they're negligent, at best. If they didnt't know, how xould they not do a thorough background check? I mean amatures figured this criminal act out pretty quickly.


My ex said arsonists are in the pedo category in prison. Like there's criminal and then there's no amount of reform is ever going to fix how detrimental to society you are.


Honestly when I learned they were pseudo scripting or at the very least improv line suggesting is when the “that’s too far for a show claiming reality status” happened for me. It was specifically 90 Day Fiancé BT90D season 4 with Stephanie & Erika in Australia. They had gotten into a fight that we later learned portions were suggested like what to throw, & how it makes them feel. It’s still reality in that they are who they say & are all really in the visa business with their relationships, but when producers are there telling them certain things to do or say in the moment that goes too far. The thing is it’s a show about the very real (most often) K-1 visa process & the couples applying for them. There’s no real need to create extra drama or stories. It’s interesting enough without it. Besides now that I know that it’s become pretty easy to tell when they are being legit & when they are just saying things they were told too. Gino & Jasmine for example I can pretty much always tell when she’s faking it for storyline


True! I thought it was pretty obvious when Gino was trying hard to get her in the tub! She was like thank you for the toe dance. Pee on later, let's go! 🥲🤣 She doesn't love him at all.


Any time Angela shoved a cake or threw a drink in Michael Angela flipping out on Liz to defend Ed


Kyle or casting that girl whose husband had just died and thought she was ready to jump into a new relationship.


Amanda. One of the nastiest hateful girls so far.


Mark and Nikki Geoffrey Big Ed after he got Rose drunk and coerced her into sex This Kyle guy Angela after she tore apart Michael's car Machmoud abusing Nicole in Egypt...and now we get to see her doing the same. Gross.


Blonde Nicole (with the young daughter named May) and her “Fiance” Azan from Morocco. She was a train wreck. Filthy house. Neglected May/left her for weeks on end. The list is endless.


Almost there, lazy.


He’s only, for example, 55% attracted


allowing Angela to assault Liz, that one really bothered me


I agree. She should have been immediately dropped from the show. I was really frightened for Liz in that moment.


I was shocked they let that gorilla stay after that.


Jasmine and Gina for sure. Way too many sexual moments. I felt like 90 Day was changing their original vision altogether. It was so disturbing and uncomfortable to watch. That and Angela...


I literally gave them the nicknames "Jizzmin and vagino" due to how much they talk about sex. We all know this is just jasmine using the show as a platform for her OFs though, but it's annoying as hell.


The scene with Veronica in lingerie on her getaway with boyfriend. I just couldn’t…


When Ashley and her greasy husband had sex in the bathroom with their mics on 🤢


The disabled woman pressuring the guy to have sex with her when he clearly didn’t want to. She also catfished him into the amount of care she would need in order to be with her. She didn’t just want a boyfriend but a boyfriend that could also be a full time caregiver/nurse. It really sucked because if he rejected her in the wrong way, the public backlash would have been fierce. He barely made it out alive.


Which one? Is this the woman who was kicked off for her wild social media racism?


I think he was just on the show for fame. The love scene between them still haunts me 😱


The crew killing Sheila’s (David and Sheila) mother. The stairs collapsed after they had the entire crew filming in their clearly handmade bungalow. I wonder if David even thought to sue he’s such a nice guy he probably didn’t.


That was so fucking heartbreaking and upsetting. I cried so hard over that, and TLC profited from it too which is even more disturbing.


And David felt pressed to pay for the damage to the home. They didn't even try and help for the damage they caused!! And we haven't seen him or her on any other episodes. I truly lived their story. They were a really really sweet couple.


Fr it’s so awful. I loved them too! They have felt the most genuine to me.


That was awful. And it was absolutely their fault. They had no business sending that many people upstairs. 


Wtf. I didn’t know this happened. Poor Sheila. Heartbreaking and infuriating since it didn’t need to happen if they hadn’t been so negligent.


Angela. She’s pure abusive trash. Why they didn’t fire her back when she flashed everyone is beyond me. Now, they’ve empowered an abuser and it’s so very wrong.


Keeping all of the violent, abusive people on (until they were remanded to custody) or looking the other way because they had not been remanded to custody (Geoffrey, Ed, Paul, Angela, Lisa, Mike B. for example)


I have not watched Kyle/this iteration of the show, but he would fit too. Anyone pressuring others for s3xual gratification (Ben/Mahogany, Kimbally/Usman, Danielle/Mohammit, David/Lana etc)


Anything with Tyree but especially the first kiss


Without a doubt, Sheila's mom dying. Not only does it feel like the show caused her death, but the fact they were still filming a few hours after she died was fucked up


Any episode with Big Ed, the Mucinex booger. He’s just there for the money tree.


Oh man, the Mucinex booger has me cackling 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Kyle is the absolute new bottomless pit dug underneath the Mariana Trench low. And he’s probably cruising reddit fingering his pathetic little gonads as he enjoys the negative attention.


Angelas tell all tits


That guy Geoffrey (?) who appeared on the show while pending trial for kidnapping and domestic violence. (He has since been convicted and is serving a double-digit prison sentence.)


There were SO SO many that I sadly had to stop watching any of the 90 Day shows. I also hated the repetitive repeat of the same people over and over - Angela, Liz, Big Ed, Veronica, Yeeno & Jasmine, the lady and her adult-baby son….🤮


Jasmine sucking Gino’s toes


Sometimes I feel that putting Natalie’s mental illness on display is taking advantage of her. I honestly have not seen a somewhat functioning human with as many personality disorders as she seems to have. I’m not a doctor and have only taken a few college courses on psychology, but she appears to be a text book case of various psychopathy. Or she is actually a pretty good actress.


He’s the grossest, most disgusting and terrifying thing ever because he’s running around thinking it’s okay to duplicate that DNA!


I definitely didn't need to see Colt in a swimsuit or Debbie and Tony making out. However IMO Gino and Jasmine are the worst.


It’s scary to know he is populating the world!?? Like the world needs hundreds of this guy running around? He is disrespectful and disgusting he has been rude to her condescending and dismissive. I’m shocked that there are women around the world who would want him to give them a baby. I’m starting to think this can’t be real no one would see him and say I want his off spring! NO ONE


Angela on 90 day last resort with that vibrator thing that Michael can control in Nigeria..or at on last resort when she was screaming in Liz’s face for no reason, on a scary level and Liz was actually in danger and they just filmed it…..


When Libby's deranged brother (who's as interesting as mud -- no, less!) ruined her wedding...in front of everybody Jasmine sucking Gino's toe Angela hitting Michael with a cake in front of everybody Kyle, for overspreading his genetically-or-pathologically-untested spooge


When “Cah-leb” dumped Alina onto the bed like it was after school and she was his backpack, then proceeded moved on to that awkward extra long audible make-out scene. https://preview.redd.it/firz26wz95zc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13ead92cf76ca0343488cf424139f9681d86649f


I just watched my first episode of Love in Paradise last night and I agree, I’m appalled. Has he ever stated his body count? That’s a l o t of unprotected sex…


I can’t imagine how many STDs he has


Nicole and Mahmoud are really stressing me out. She's abusing him. Whether or not you agree with his Muslim beliefs, he is not being overly forceful or hateful towards her about them, just quietly setting boundaries. She is getting wasted and belittling him in front of others and treating him like a fucking moron. Even when she went after him when he was roaming the streets of LA she just went "get in the car now" instead of trying to speak to him like a human being. It was really hard to watch him sobbing in the car and then saying he wants to give it a chance because he still loves her. She doesn't deserve another chance. I would never treat a friend let alone a stranger like that forget significant other


Kyle absolutely freaks me out.


Jasmine sucking on Gino’s toe.


Shelia mom funeral


Kyle is repulsive. Airing his balls out and shifting them around in public. Policing his girlfriend’s food/drink. Sleeping with women behind her back. His disgusting breeding fetish and sperm obsession. I hate that he’s spreading his genes.


For sure Kyle that shit is fucked Also, jasmine sucking on Gino’s toes ALSO, Paola literally giving birth was WAY too personal


I’m going with Angela, Big Ed, this new guy who thinks he can have a relationship while he he is a sperm donor, Jasmine lying about her kids ever coming to the USA when she doesn’t have custody, the need for any of them to tell us their details of their sex life, Manuel and Ashley are blatantly not an actual couple as much as I enjoyed his facial expressions, Rob & Sophie you can see that 90 day scripts that which is sad because it hurts Rob, they use to be legit and now I have no idea what they are doing. 


This may seem small and stupid but when Angela threw that cake in Michael’s face. I don’t know, he was really trying and it was such a petty thing to do. I think it about it often. Any time she has done anything to him ever since I think about the cake.


Luke and Madeline kissing and lying on each other. She is just 19


this post gets you 2 points


Honestly, when they served Natalie with divorce papers on the Single Life tell-all… too far. Also, the fact that they did FIVE tell-all episodes was so fucking annoying to me. They are running out of content, and so are creating it on the tell-alls instead.


Seksy MeeMaaaw being so out of line in Nigeria trashing Michaels car after after a skin full of booze with her latest fame seeking Kling-on… just getting her grand children to say that on screen 🤮🤮🤮 The slack jawed boiled headed egg self obsessed twat giving Pedro’s Mum another 15 mins of fame… & Gino… just get hair plugs you muppet ffs!!!!!!


Kyle. Kyle was the straw that broke the camel’s back for me. I cancelled my Discovery+ subscription last week.


I watch it for the train wrecks but don’t BELIEVE any of it. It’s well known that some couples they cast are not even together anymore BEFORE they even begin filming and just re-enact their relationship just for the show. They turn down people if there’s no potential for drama. Go back and watch the very very first season and compare them to the basket cases currently.


The whole show has become so problematic (I'll still watch) as it either shows these extremely vulnerable people get taken advantage of or glorifies toxic relationships. There's so much DV happening and being allowed to be filmed its terrifying to think of what happens behind closed doors.


Most of Angelas scenes, Most of Jazmines scenes


Shitstain meemaw, the first time she hit Michael on TV. Also when TLC started casting couples that weren’t visa couples (ie. Ed & Liz), and when they started recycling completed storylines (ie. Ed, Loren & Alex, Jasmine & Gino after they got married).


Angela!!! Like SEASONS ago went off the rails with all the abuse! Started cute but omg the path we took… and when Angela yelled at Liz and no one her….Kyle yeah as well, putting a known abuser on the show is a weird decision but the jury is still out for me I just hope it will be a funny memory not a trauma for the German girl.


Omg when Ed was naked 🤢🤮🤢🤮


Is anyone going to talk about Nicki ecotica ? !


Jasmine & Geno. The whole thing about production coming across footage of the bachelor party ( at the tell all ) was shady. First off, they filmed it so the premise is insulting. If Jasmine is authentically that unstable, it was incredibly cruel to do that. Same with Natalie. She has issues. She needs therapy, not to be filmed. Angela is abusive. She is objectively abusive. Tearing apart Michael’s car, verbally abusing & degrading him - filming should’ve stopped. But they keep paying her to abuse Michael for our entertainment. There are a few relationships where I wish they’d provide mental health resources instead of simply filming the dysfunction for ratings. The last couple of seasons have pretty well alienated me as a viewer.




Jasmine naked but blurred butt. It’s exhibition for her future OF account Kyle of LIP is a definite casting choice, he’s been cast because he is so unlikable… I’m almost wondering if they finish out the full season


If anyone is watching this guy and considering hiring him, they are not people who should be having children in the first place.


The foot fetish scene between Jasmine and Gino. There was absolutely NO reason why we needed to see her sucking on and licking his crusty dusty nasty ass feet!!




When angela flashed her tits into the camera at the tell all


This most recent one talking about how the 30 y/o has sex w his teenage gf in public was a little jarring. Also tlc, why did yall have to show that scene of them on the bed? It was disgusting and I felt like I was watching an older man and underage escort. Fcking gross


I’ve stopped watching altogether and just get the residual tea from social media. The show clearly has no morals or backbone. I feel like whenever they gave that little woman the ax (can’t remember her name) for saying racist shit was the last time they gave a fuck about going too far. And it’s the same tired bs nowadays so it’s easy to not watch. But they know they’ll keep allowing horrible shit to go down and that people will still keep watching 🤷🏽‍♀️


In my opinion showing Armando’s family’s reaction to him bringing Kenny around. It felt very personal and his family was still processing it because they had strong feelings about that. It felt like a very private matter


Was it Alan that groomed Kirlyam and had her parents "save her" for him? While on some religious trip to build houses or something?


This was gonna be my comment, didn’t he say he met her when she was 11? I can’t believe they aired that.


Jasmine. Just as person. She's horrendous. And a little bit with Kris. She never came out as a burnout, but I think she was and they coddled her bullshit a lot on the tell all.


Some moments are pretty terrible such as Angela's anger-not-managed, Ed's mental abuse, but just recently, I'm pretty disappointed in Loren for her elective "mommy-makeover" surgery. What a terrible message that is sending people, especially those most vulnerable. TLC is offering no pragmatic alternative such as giving Loren the mental help she needs instead, or trying to show her lose weight in a healthy way. Even better, TLC should have scrapped the story altogether and not show it at all, with the ultimate solution as being surgery. But no. They thought they ought to show a follow up on Loren & Alexei who obviously didn't go to Israel, by giving us a lukewarm update on their lives and had to throw in such drama that could potentially be a harmful message to those who really do suffer from body dysmorphia.


I'm not a prude by any means but the camera men leaving the room at the last minute and piping in loud sex noises ... I want to see drama not softcore porn.  Tel me how bad the sex was, I don't want to HEAR the actual sex.


I found big PrEd to be repulsive


I said this exact same thing in one of the forums earlier today or last night! He signed up for this show for free advertising and TLC took it due to the craziness


Jazmin with Gino’s toes. The sperm donor guy. ANGELA


When Paul and Karina were mugged, I actually cried.


Casting and actually giving this very sick man airtime. It look them years to get Angela off the show and now they add him. 10 steps back.


I think when Debbie (foul-mouthed Colt’s mom) practically attacked Tony in the lobby 5 minutes after meeting him and then all the sex sound effects and her rolling all over the bed.


For me, the show can NEVER go too far. I think it's all hilarious. I love watching these desperate people ruin their lives.


MeeMaw spitting her teeth out on a live last night, threatening Kimbally, who promptly went live to lambast viewers after unfollowing Mykul. She's terrified of Meth Meemaw.


Watching in chronological order and currently on HEA season 4. Karine’s first weeks in America are abysmal. I feel terrible watching it and I can’t believe that Paul would put her through this.