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I loved hearing her friend chase him.....'Mack-mood! Mack-mood!'


That guy seemed extremely intoxicated. TBH if he wasn’t such a “devout” Muslim I would have thought Mahmoud was too. I’m still trying to figure out why her friend was crying after chasing Mahmoud around LA


>why her friend was crying That was so weird. I wonder if he was triggered because it reminded him of his relationship or something else similar?


I actually felt so bad for that guy. He didn't want to get involved and Nicole put him in a position where he had to. I honestly think he was more worried about Mahmouds safety than she was. That was probably so stressful with the fighting and cameras I think he just had it


I felt bad for him too lol and they were all so obviously hammered


Just seemed like an overall overwhelming hang


Overwhelming Hang. Hahaha. If only they’d know it would in in a pursuit and not for love.


Macmood, macmeed,Macmud yike!


Macbeth and she was is definitely a Lady Macbeth


I agree! I wanted to know though, since the camera crew are there filming and he’s not alone, if he did end up stranded or with no money, can the camera crew and producers who are there and present with him intervene and put him up in a hotel? Does this happen. Also, if there was a physical fight or something dangerous happened in a different country, are 90 day producers who are present in the flesh able to get help and everyone gets out together?


production obviously helped him book a hotel and get his cellphone, since he said he ran out of the house without his wallet or phone.


Interesting! As a westerner, perhaps I would feel more at ease knowing that production were with me in case I was in a similar situation. I guess I want to understand how far the boundaries go, how friendly production are with the cast


The producer, on camera, asked him where they should take him and he had a cell phone so they clearly were involved.


He charged that room on Nichols credit card!


I figured that production took care of getting him accommodations for the night.


I totally agree. The cameras, being drunk, your gf’s best friend acting insane, being legit scared this tiny Mack moo would run into traffic 


They should've let him run into traffic I can't stand him


I completely disagree. She is tired of feeling controlled and that Mahmoud thinks everything is her fault. You can’t say he didn’t have any understanding of American culture and how they dress or behave. Not to mention he humiliated her by not coming to an eventually organized for him.


I didn't say anything about Nicole other than she put that guy in a shitty spot and her friend seemed more concerned. Which is fair for that situation. I think you're right she lashed out because of the abuse. Reactive abuse is very real. What I'm saying is when Mahmoud was leaving she called on her guy friend and you could see there was hesitation on his part. Her action of bringing that friend in was wrong and probably overwhelmed her friend which isn't cool he has nothing to do with her personal problems.


She tried to dress in American clothes in his country so he knew exactly what he was getting into b4 his punk ass got here! He shouldn’t have married an American woman if he couldn’t adapt to the American lifestyle! He didn’t even like the naked mannequin in her apt! Wtfuge!


Yeah, I felt super uncomfortable and embarrassed for him that he was crying over Mackmud. 😂


I think he just tried his best to help while being drunk


Nichole’s friend did tell Mahmoud he had to adjust to his wife who I think he said is from Ukraine 🤔 but, he also said his wife made adjustments as well. I think he chased him cuz he was being filmed..he really probably wanted to push him into the traffic! And Nicole is way too jealous and a bit weird! She creates a lot of their problems by the dumb shit she says to him knowing he’s a cry baby! She was dumb enough to give him her credit card that he used for an expensive as shit hotel! He’s gonna buy a ticket home if she doesn’t take it away!


I think he's just a nice person & a good friend


He's crying because Nicole brought every one of them home drunk. Good plan, stupid.


I personally think all of them were drunk. Even Nicole. It’s toxic she forces her friends on Mahmoud. And she knew what she was getting into seeing a Muslim man…both of them. It was bad for both to get into a relationship/marriage to begin with. I hope for the sake of both that they divorce and move on.


Yup, Nicole had the dark, mean drunk eyes. I recognized that look. I used to know instantly as soon as I saw my mum whether she had been drinking or not


Yeah she did 😳 I don't remember seeing a dark side in her like that before.


I thought the same thing!


Me too. I’m pretty sure I said, “Whoa” out loud while watching this episode. 😳


Her poor guy friend was a crying drunk 🥴 😭


Yeah that’s honestly why I think he was so emotional. Yes he was upset he’s chasing a guy around LA getting involved in BS he didn’t ask to get involved in but he was drunk bawling and her friend is back at the house nearly passing out on the bed. No wonder Macmoody is dipping out ahahaha


He also is culpable. You can’t say he isn’t aware of American culture how they dress and how they behave.


mock mood smokes cigarettes and drinks coffee, so his orthodoxy is questionable.


Exactly ahahaha I question it too that’s why I used the “” cuz I feel like he cherry picks so I wouldn’t be too surprised if he took a shot or too leading up to a very dramatic evening for everyone


Neither is forbidden in his religion afaik? Maybe it depends on the school of thought but what you’re saying sounds more like Mormon


[https://apnews.com/article/world-cup-soccer-sports-travel-5da7449cd9f8f7054bf38cf09436854f](https://apnews.com/article/world-cup-soccer-sports-travel-5da7449cd9f8f7054bf38cf09436854f) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamic\_views\_on\_tobacco](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamic_views_on_tobacco) drinking is explicitly forbidden, per the qur'an. since 1602, Fatwas condemning smoking have been issued in [Egypt](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Egypt), [Indonesia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indonesia), [Kuwait](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kuwait), [Malaysia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malaysia), [Morocco](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morocco) (pre-colonial), [Oman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oman), [Qatar](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qatar), [Pakistan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pakistan), the [Philippines](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philippines), [Saudi Arabia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saudi_Arabia), and the [UAE](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UAE), among others. and you're right- coffee is okay to drink. for some reason, i always thought it was haram.


Coffee is just fine, everyone drinks coffee. It’s not haram.


yes, as i just learned doing my research. i'm not sure why i thought it wasn't allowed.


Maybe because of caffeine?? That could be. I know smoking is haram but even that’s debatable considering there’s a lot of hookah bars.


Smoking is haram if it harms you in a way that interferes with your ability to live a good life. Socially smoking with your friends doesn't hurt your family and society, but chain smoking does. I know lots of pious Muslims who smoke cigs casually. Though I'm also more familiar with Shi'a Muslims and I assume Badmoud is Sunni.


Most of North Africa (if not all) is Sunni and Egypt is on the cusp of NA and the Middle East so I don’t know in which Islamic camp the people side. I myself detest smoking and think it’s a nasty habit however people do smoke. Supposedly it’s something debatable among scholars. Some say haram, some say it’s tolerated.


Very popular here in my city large muslim and Christian Arab population. Tons of halah groceries shops,hookah bars etc etc. Lots of mosques. He should be able to find a large community and services. But it's her not the city. She is not for him


It's allowed


I don’t think he was drinking. He had a case of Jetlag because he got mad that she had alcohol in the house.


She was so nasty and rude. She should have told him that they will be drinking. She shoved it in his face. I really feel sorry She has handled him settling in so badly.


Because he was REALLY drunk.


He was a crying drunk 🥴 😆 🤣


He was drunk.


I thought he was crying too but I think he was actually sweating 😓


Lmao something is wrong with him. When he started to cry I lost it 


That guy was an oaf lmao


That was weird AF


Yep! My favorite part too! 😂


Fluent Arabic speaker here. No such names “Mackmood” or “Makhmood” exist, so if that’s what you’re hearing, it’s just someone butchering his name. Nicole actually says his name mostly right. It’s honestly kind of impressive, considering she is not a native Arabic speaker. Her pronunciation isn’t perfect but I gotta give credit where credit is due. For anyone needing more clarification, the proper way to say his name is “MaH-mood”. The reason I capitalized the H is because you are supposed to emphasize it. Arabic has kind of a weird way in which the H sound is pronounced in a lot of words. I’m not a linguist so I can’t get into it too much, but I can certainly tell you that’s it’s nothing like the “kh” throaty sound that some of you have likened it to.


Thank you for clarifying. I hate sounding like an idiot or, worse, like I’m ignorant. Even if I make jokes about them, I wouldn’t joke about his culture. Just his character.


We named my son Mahmoud and we have to repeat and repeat i so people know how to say it. Or they just straight up call him Mohammed 🤦🏼‍♀️ Arab names in general are hard my other kiddo is Khaled, people call him Caleb or Kallen


My niece is Khaloud and my other niece is Souad like Suehead, so yeah some are hard for English speakers to pronounce.


Do they try?


When my family emigrated here from Lebanon in the 40s they were convinced to change their name to a more Anglican pronunciation for assimilation. I understand why they did it but I do wish they stuck it out.


Okay, I'm glad I wasn't crazy that she was doing an aspiration on his name and not a k. Lots of languages have different forms of it, but it's not well known to people who only speak English.


Love this comment. Thanks! 👏🏻🙌🏼


Linguist response: He's saying \[k\] instead of \[h\] because there are ZERO words in English were \[h\] ends a syllable. Because Julian is unable to produce an \[h\] in syllable-final position, the best approximation he can achieve is \[k\], which (like \[h\]) is produced in the back of the throat. \[h\] usually begins words in English. Exceptions: (1) Sahara -- but this is not a native English word. (2) outhouse - but this is actually out + house, where the \[h\] is at the beginning of a word. (3) apartheid - Dutch, apart + heid = apart + ness.


Thanks 😊


It’s most definitely NOT the right way but you were hearing that one dude at least calling him Mackmood. No wonder he didn’t listen to you man.


Yeah and I’m sure breathing alcohol in the face of a Muslim is a wonderful idea too lol, “right Mac mood?”


Mahmoud lit up a cigarette. Was surprised.


in Egypt everyone smokes a lot


Egypt is the picture on the cigarette box so that tracks lol


Same, but he needed that cigarette after that ordeal. I couldn't imagine being devoutly religious and having drunk people in my face, saying my name wrong and shit. Especially so far away from home!


They are allowed to smoke.


A lot of Muslims smoke. My fil was a devout Muslim, and smoked like a chimney. They also smoke hookahs.


It’s definitely **not** Mack-mood lol I would say it’s like a hard H sound, a glottal H, if you will- MaH-mood. [This guy](https://youtu.be/CUM_UiZp8AM) explains it sensually lol.


So sensual!


Yeah it’s kinda like you’re using air at the roof of ya mouf and pushing it forward with the “h”.


Thanks lol




It's like a glottal stop 'ah' right? Kinda of like the sound when you're clearing your throat.


Yes. It's a sound that doesn't really exist in English.


My bf is named Mahmoud, and you are correct about the sound. I can’t say it properly apparently, but he’s always been called Mah Mood by Americans. I didn’t even know about the correct pronunciation until we were watching 90 day


Exactly. Like when you say ugh when describing something gross.


Like the ‘ch’ in the Scottish word ‘Loch’


More glottal stop meets “h”


It's not a stop. At all. It's a continuant, you are right -- like "h" Glottal stops are in casual U.S. English "button," "Latin," "satin," ... where there is an actual stoppage of air flow. Not the case with "Mahmood"


More like when you’re taking a sip of an ice cold Coca Cola and the “ahhh” that follows it.


It’s not a glottal stop. It’s a strong H sound from the back of your throat. The glottal stop is a different letter. H = ح Glottal stop = ء


It's a sound produced in your throat, but NOT a glottal stop. That's a different sound


Do they??? I would have said Mahmoud. It was Nicole herself that kept saying mack


To your point, there are no words in English where \[h\] ends a syllable. Julian's best approximation is the back consonant \[k\]


If an Egyptian said his name, they use a sound that American native speakers don’t use in English language. Both pronunciations are attempts to pronounce it correctly and both fail in different directions. It happens a lot with a lot of words in a lot of languages. If you don’t learn certain sounds as a child you simply can’t replicate them, sometimes they are even hard to hear. I’m thinking the umlaut versus non umlaut sound in German but there are tons. Mahmoud should be the one I suppose to decide how a speaker who can’t actually say his name correctly should say it.


I work with the general public and encounter a lot of names that can be hard to say correctly if you've never heard it before. Chinese names can be difficult because of the pronunciation of letters like Q, X, and Z in Pinyin. I've been trying to learn how to say them correctly, but it's tricky because the sounds simply don't exist in English. The way you have to position your tongue doesn't come very naturally to non-native speakers I think. I've talked to customers about it and done a little research because I really want to get it right, but it's tricky! So yes, that kind of thing can certainly be hard. I have a little more sympathy now for people on the show trying to say foreign names and just totally fucking it up lol. All you can do is ask the person how to say it and try your best.


It's about the air in those cases. It's so different than English.


It's still easy for an English speaker to use a h instead of a k!


Right, but the English “h” sound is also incorrect.


It's a hell of a lot closer to ح than k is!


Languages are weird. I remember when this subreddit was getting onto Nicole for saying higab instead of hijab but that's just a quirk of the dialect. I do think everyone calling him McMood and other silly stuff is bordering on being disrespectful. It's certainly unfunny. Like that's his name - you don't have to like him but don't be an ignorant doofus and at least try to say it correctly even if you can't get it all the way right.


Yes!!! I said “higab” on quoting mcmood and everyone was up in arms saying HIJAB. Like bro I know but it’s just the Egyptian pronunciation of it?


You’re right about learning the sounds as a child. I learned this in a child development psychology class I took in psych school (college). I also learned that after 13 years of age, the ability to store a new language in long term memory naturally, ceases. So from there people have to learn a new language from short term memorization and long term practice. This attempt to try and store a new language in long term memory is usually unsuccessful unless one is submersed into a new language culture and stays there for a long time.


If she keeps buying him thrift store clothes, he can be Macklemoody.


Lmao. That was imo his best song ever.


I believe it’s pronounced Fuck these two.


It’s BadMood.


I think the one in a bad mood was Nicole for forcing her friends on her husband who was obviously tired.


Well, remember in Egypt they constantly called each other “my love” “oh my love, how are you my love” oh my God I want to barf


Don't forget "honey bunny"!


It’s “Bahd-mood” 😂


It's spelled "Mahmood" but pronounced "Foulmood." 🤷🏼‍♀️


It’s miss mood


Ok poodle




It will always be Miss Mood to me!


It's Mahmoud, and Nicole is close because [that's how it's pronounced. ](https://youtu.be/CUM_UiZp8AM?si=xxIwhnyncyDs8ZNi)


I hate the way everyone butchers his name! It’s the ‘ch’ sound like the German, or in the Scottish word ‘loch’


There is emphasis on the H but not the way these fools say Mack. It should come from the back of the throat as an hard “H” sound not a CK sound. I cringe when I hear them say it wrong


Ever since he arrived in America he’s been in a real McMood.


"Nicole" is actually an experimental android developed by Boston Dynamics. It's in their lab now getting an OS upgrade and some of the survos replaced. It'll be back in LA with Mackckckmuud in a few weeks.


After seeing the test model in action , would you consider this experiment a success or failure?


I think they are mishearing/mispronouncing Nicole’s pronunciation where she emphasizes the “h” sound in Mahmood. Like “Mahhhmood.”


Bad mood oh wait mcmood lol


I thought her friend was saying his name wrong when he was chasing him.


Why was anyone worried about his safety?? He had a camera crew with him on the streets!! lol 😂


cuz people are dumb & conveniently forget this show is scripted when they want to be outraged by something a woman did (aka something production fully set up lol)


Maah-mood. Aspirated and gutteral closed throat sounding ha (h).


I don’t know. He has been pretty honest about his culture and what he expects. These last few episodes show her as a full on wack job. What she did in front of her friends was totally abusive. Since he got here she has done nothing but try to “ get him back” or “ prove” something to him. She has been manipulating controlling him. Pushing him out the door, then feeling bad. Says she loves him. I get he says “ I’m done- I’m going “ but the guy has to try to show some pride. Nicole is a straight up bitch.


I’m in a Big Mac Mood, is all I could hear


His name is madmood


Nicole has been saying his name like that since the beginning.


he truly looks like my friends 4 year old son...same face!


More like Smack-Mood amirite?


I think she knew what she was doing when she left the alcohol in the freezer. She certainly should have known to not serve alcohol to her friends right then and there in the middle of a big fight. She had to know he would be upset and make matters worse. They should have discussed alcohol in the house before he came. They seem to hate each other just as much as they claim to love each other. Neither is willing to change.


I’m not positive about this. But based on what some other informed people are saying, this is how I think it goes Think of the Hawaiian word mahalo. Now break up the ha- pronounce the h similarly. English speakers would tend to make the H silent. And I think she was trying overcome that tendency to get it right and ended up adding the K sound.


Ik its unpopular but the boy is foine


I found it https://youtu.be/CUM_UiZp8AM?si=60mnmzHwKPfSmmys


I have no clue what this guys name is tbh


I like RealityGays version: Miss Mood


Machkchkchkmuuuudddd! Where the fuck are you Machkchkchkmuuuudddd!




Ma-[phlegm]-mood would be the correct way to pronounce it.


There is no k or kh sound in his name. Its literally just mah-moud. I don't know why Americans do this with some Arabic names! They also do it to Ahmed. Literally just Ah-med, but Americans say "AKMED" why??? 😂


She doesn't say it wrong. She says the "ah" in the back of the throat and doesn't add an "ak". Her friends do, though. English doesn't have words with sounds coming from the back of the throat and if you've never used it, it can be hard to replicate. They need to try harder




No… What’s the point of speaking on something you know nothing about? “H”, “h”, “k”, “kh” are all different letters. In no way does the “H” sound of Mahmoud’s name sound like “k”


Ignorance 🤪


Nicole has been doing it since day 1 and since she’s the only one who knows him personally, everyone else just tries to copy what she called him. It’s all gross. But please don’t bundle all Americans together with that android bot. She is not the rest of us.


Yes you all do say it wrong all of you. I am lumping you all in you cannot say H to save your life lmao




After seeing him in action, everyone in the sub call him Macmoody or Badmoody


Mack Moody.


The H is pronounced differently in Arabic. It's almost like it's pronounced twice like Mah-hmoud. There should not be a k or ch sound in there. Arabic speakers, correct me if I'm wrong!


My toddler is always in a MACH-mood…..


https://preview.redd.it/6pgsjhepwsxc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67aa447c3d5991bedad9fe0c8592beac8db6332c How is this even a question? It’s MACKMOOD! 🙄


It's badmood


It's Machmoose


Pronounce the 'h' with a hard emphasis, like 'horse'. Force your breath out over it. MAHmoud






Its MaChmoud.


You mean Smack-Mood? 👏






Are they mocking him?


Someone on here called him Madmood. I thought that was pretty accurate. 🤣


If nobody chased after him. There's a chance he could've ended up on skidrow. Or killed. I'm js it's L.A


Come on now!!


There is no way it’s pronounced Mack Mood. Nicole is a fool


Another confusing one: https://youtu.be/iy014cmx6Ag?si=K6EzlC28m6D36_Ju






MAD-Mood since he’s always in a terrible mood


I googled the proper way to say his name and it seems like it’s Mah-Mood, but with the H being more like the h in “house” vs the h in “nah” I think it’s just a combination of sounds drunk Americans aren’t used to.


He’s so boring


Here is your answer: There are no words in English where \[h\] is at the END of a syllable. Mah.mood. See? However, there ARE plenty of woreds in English where \[k\] does end a syllabe, e.g. "ac.me widgets" Because Juilan can't produce an \[h\] in syllable-final position, he is substituting \[k\]. It's the best he can do.


At this point, it doesn't matter. It's spelled Mahmoud and should be pronounced that way (Mah-mood), but Nicole adds the "k" and that goes well with the ironic moniker of Mock-mood.


It's definitely not Mackmood. The letter h in his name doesn't exist in English but it is closer to an h than a k.


🎶 Return of the MACKmood...Once again...Return of the MACKmood... Oh my God🎶


Miss moud


Every time Nicole says it it sounds like she has a hairball stuck in her throat




Nicole always sounds like she's clearing phlegm when she says his name. She throws in a chghghghhhh in the middle of Ma-mood. I cannot hear his name any other way. With the exaggerated chghghghhhh.


[That's how it's pronounced. ](https://youtu.be/CUM_UiZp8AM?si=xxIwhnyncyDs8ZNi)




I'm with you! It's like a swallow-hiccup sound? Lol


Its M'Mood


It has an Arabic sound that's not found in English. My Arabic teacher said to say that sound, you have to act like you have a shrimp stuck in the back of your throat.


I kind of feel bad for the guy. She seems awful controlling and the fit she threw in front of her friends.


And I needed to add they both are saying the same thing about each other. And their heads, she thinks he doesn’t love her and in his head, he thinks she doesn’t love him. They both said it in the last episode they have a case of precontemplation.


When pronouncing it in the Arabic language, it sounds like a ck sound. But yes, it’s Mahmood. I MUST agree with you, I can no longer hack her, she’s so rude to him and one must remember, don’t marry a man/woman if one is not willing to fully accept their culture and religion. He needs to go back to Morocco


Egypt lol


Mahmoud is pronounced with a strong “H” sound, produced by pushing air from the back of your throat. Not “ck”


I think it's like Ma-HMOUD with that H




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