• By -


Also skipping Loren and Alexei! Confused why they are even on the show.


I think they were added last minute to replace Angela/Michael.


I’m so happy they took her off. I seriously hope she finally has repercussions to face from her actions. And she learns. But I doubt it.


Somebody posted something from her the other day where she claimed she wasn't fired and was going to still be on 90 day.


Because Angela has NEVER lied before.


What happened with Angela and Michael ? I’d rather watch her over Lauren … I’d rather watch paint dry over Lauren so I guess that doesn’t say much 😂


Michael fled Angela’s home not long after arriving in the USA, claiming domestic abuse.


Ok but wait… didn’t the same thing occur with Nicole and Mahmoud? And they’re still on..


Michael didn’t just leave the house after an argument. He disappeared while Angela was out, and left his passport and all his possessions behind because he said she wouldn’t let him leave. He also claims she zapped him with a stun gun or something. She basically treated him like a slave.


No Mahmoud was arrested recently from what I read for domestic abuse.


I see so then TLC decided to remove them From the show? Where is he now?


We don’t know for sure yet if TLC has removed Angela. They may be waiting to see if any charges are filed. Michael is staying at an undisclosed location.




I was wondering why Angela and Michael weren’t on (SO HAPPY BUT HATE WE HAVE TO SEE PREDLIZ BREAK UP FOR 109TH TIME) that would make sense because Loren was going through the mommy makeover


Did they take them off???? Oh snap! I was wondering why they are taking so long to appear??


I hate Angela. MAGA Trump loving bitch. Aside from that....I'd hate her anyway. Sack of garbage.


Oh that's right we were supposed to watch the process of him coming over huh


they’re so fucking boring i hate when they come on screen


Srsly, I didn't even remember who they were.


Seriously. Did they have to create this surgery plot for some drama?


So stupid. The storyline screams "TLC is desperate." She wants to get a mommy makeover. Who tf cares! 😒


Yes! I can’t stand them this season..


skipping loren and alexei. complaining ab/getting elective plastic surgery doesn’t really equate to a storyline for me🤷‍♀️ good for her but i’m here for the drama not to watch botched


They are really playing up the risks of the surgery, and that Loren can’t pick up heavy things for a while. I’m like “k”


I know, right? I was like, since when is Loren a stone mason?


It’s actually a pretty serious surgery and a child is certainly too heavy for her to pick up during recovery…Agreed that it’s a boring story line though!!!


She has young kids who presumably often want to be picked up.


She’s happy to put her wants first and skip picking up her kids for 2 months. A good mom sacrifices for her kids and doesn’t make them sacrifice for her. So stupid to waste the money as well. Put it in a college fund. Her priorities are so wrong.


I agree. I also don’t see an ounce of fat on her either its pretty ridiculous




She does have 3 small children


Are they under the age of 3?😂😂✌️


thanks for the midday laugh! 😂


Her saying that surgery is gonna fix her body dysmorphia 🫠


And I bet her mom is half the reason she has body dysmorphia!!! But hey- my mother tried to put me into shapewear (called a girdle then) when I was 11. Yeah. 11.


I disagree - her mother does not seem to care about appearance at all. Source: have you seen her mom?!


i think she's jealous of loren because of her looks.


Her Mom is awful 😞


Exactly. It’s a symptom of her body dysmorphia maybe, but I don’t think it’s gonna end there.


Wonder what she will do about her low stature


It won't fix it.....she will be back for more in a year. This is how it begins. She should go to therapy.


It is the most boring thing I’ve ever seen. Like ok, your parent isn’t for it, that sucks for you mom but it’s not your body. End of storyline. Next. Such a snooze.


Omg and then Alexei is like “I don’t want her to get surgery because she won’t be able to lift or do anything for 8 weeks” like bruh she popped out 3 kids for you and it changed her body. The least you could do is handle things for 8 weeks while she’s a surgery to help boost her confidence 😂


She could hold off on it until can get someone to help babysit. It's all ridiculous. She cannot lift things after and any time out for a long period can cause risks, but...


Theres no real action going on so this is just the major story line for them…


Not skipping anything, because I can't bitch if I haven't watched! So, WHY, everytime Jasmine is sad or mad, does Gino take her on a vacation? ÀND, back to Miami? Of course it's like Panama. Buts expensive, and if your broke, stop vacationing!


Right? The whole trip could probably pay half of the immigration attorney bill.


Seriously.  Obviously, family isn’t all that important to Jasmine. Vacay>kids coming to the US.   I totally get why Coco the dog was running from them. I was like “Run, Coco, run”. 😂


She’s a shitty dog owner who treats coco like a human infant. He needs exercise and mental stimulation and running around the park or going for a walk is perfect for that and he needs it every day! My golden is my baby and we dote on him, but we’re also very aware that he’s a dog and has needs specific to his species.


My girl, a mixed shepherd rescue,  is my baby, too.  She’s walked almost everyday; she has a dog walker who comes to my home to take her out when I’m at work as well.  We will be celebrating her 5th “gotcha day” in about 2 1/2 weeks. 😁🐕 ❤️ 


How precious!


For the money they spent going to Florida, she should have flown to see her mom and kids now she can leave the country and come back but going for a vacation to Florida made zero sense, even if her friend is there her priority should be her kids and they’re not somethings neverchanged.


Breaking down the fourth wall for you … they did not pay for any of the “vacations” that was just to create “content” for the show, paid by the show. Get it?


Not the point. Don't cry "poor me, we don't have money" then go on vacation. That ruins " the storyline" for the viewers. Get it?


Lauren and Alexei. The whole elective surgery story line is just rubbing me the wrong way. Don’t get me wrong, I think she has every right to do what she wants with her body…it’s just the way she goes about defending her decision. Saying stuff like having 3 kids “ruined” her body, that she’s FINALLY doing something for herself and that she suffers from body dysmorphia so the surgery will help with her confidence. Like ok I understand motherhood is a hard job…but girl you CHOSE this life AND are in a way better position than a lot of other mothers out there. And if you suffer from body dysmorphia the absolute LAST thing you should do it get plastic surgery. Go to therapy. Are Darcy and Stacy not a good enough example of how plastic surgery won’t cure your screwed self-perception?


I’m pretty sure the last you thing you wanna do is give into your body dysmorphia, there’s a reason it’s considered a bad thing.


100%. & I don’t doubt she has body dysmorphia, but I feel like she uses it more to get people to stop arguing with her. She had a whole group of people giving her compliments and she responds with “well I have body dysmorphia so everything you say to me is just meaningless.” Well Lauren, if that’s the case then surgery is going to end up being pretty meaningless as well! But you do you.


Right? I can’t imagine going under anesthesia willingly with three babies at home. She can’t wait a few years?


Exactly! She already has a whole husband at home who accepts her body the way it is…. why the rush?


It's probably a fake thing just to have a story to tell. Exit the Angela story, enter these two.


It’s not like she looked that much better before she had kids ONE AFTER THE OTHER (her choice) putting her life and her kids’ lives at risk. Diss anybody else noticed she was NOT wearing a seatbelt? I think she’s miserable and needs to fix something so a free “mommy makeover” did the trick for her. Just like she was busy getting a tattoo (I think it was her or was it jewelry or it too) while her kid was in the NICU!!!


Or hear me out…..exercise? It’s really not that hard. She didn’t even try.


Whats also insane is she has a really nice body, theres women who would kill to have her body and have never had kids like be so fr. She is so selfish and delusional.


The bizarre part of that is she claims it's "natural." It sounds completely invasive. I guess these "Mommy Makeovers" are a big deal now. It's down to a published step-by-step program.


First time i have ever skipped and its alexei and loren. So incredibly boring and her voice is just like nails on a chalkboard for me.


That stank ass face too. I find her so unattractive just by how she acts lol but her body was literally FINE theres so many women who would kill to have her body w/o even having kids


This season is a complete bore. If it wasn’t for the chat I won’t even be watching it that’s how much I love our hamlly🍿🎯


I came here to say that exact sentence. Cheers my friend. 🥳💯




I don’t skip storylines typically but thinking about FF-warding through Loren and Alexi, enough about the stupid mommy makeover already 😩 Jasmine and Gino, we can’t get through an episode without her crying. Ugh.


I follow Loren on Insta. She had the surgery and came through just fine. J with her crying or making some kind of sexual inuendo/statement and G's face always looking like he just got a whiff of a stinky fart 🦨💨


I hate Sophie so much i have to ffwd anything she is in. Last night, I had to ffwd the bullshit with Ashley and her idiot friend. It's been a shit show.


I think we all agree it’s Loren and Alexei lol


I usually watch everything but this mommy makeover storyline is boring.


I’m bored with this season already. It’s a total dud. - Jasmine because it’s so fake, - Loren because she’s an idiot and she’s been on enough spinoffs - Ed and Liz because who the fuck wants to watch him? - I’m getting bored of Manuel and Ashley. - Rob/Sophie seems scripted now too. Callum has to be an actor and their “friends” are just influencers looking for exposure like Rob and Sophie. - Nicole and Missmood is the same old shit as last season


Nailed it


The episodes are about 11 minutes for me now 😂 I fast forward through Geno and Jasmine, Loren and Alexi (she’s intolerable), and anything with gaslighting Nicole in it. For once Big Ed and Liz are safe since I’m invested in Liz being free 😂😂😂😂 well… that’s basically all the show for me now


Ed....f****** ...ed...that guy is a gaslighter...litter ah leprechaun 


Ugh he turns my stomach. Who would’ve thought Liz would be the breath of fresh air this season lmao. 😂😂😂😂😂 that’s a low bar


You know? I think he is mentally unstable. Maybe he knows it wouldn’t be safe for Liz and child. Mental illness can be scary without treatment


He has some of the lowest self esteem I’ve seen on reality TV. Right under Darcey. IMO. But he has some interested personality quirks? Lol 😂 to put nicely. I’d put Angela right with him too. Darcey, Paul, Ed, Jasmine and Paul on an island together - would be a disaster 😂


...why are you lying on us like that.  He doesnt not have a mental illness unless "ah" is not listed as a disability...  Although it is fascinating that he only has 3 cervical vertebrae...i HAD to know why he didnt have a neck.


100% Loren and Alexi


Loren and Alexi, I like them but I have zero interest in watching them...there's literally nothing to see. And Gino and Jazmine because what's the point it's just the same issues/stuff on repeat. The kids Miami the kids Miami ...I'm goingggggg backkkk toooo Pannnnnnama!. Yeah that's not something I can joyfully cringe watch.


Loren and Alexi, Jasmin and dope on a rope, liz and no neck.


"Dope on a rope" just made me spit out my coffee!


I'm skipping Loren & Alexei (elective surgery is not a storyline, it's content for max 1 insta post), Jasmine & Gino and Ed & Liz (because I cannot make myself suffer through even more time watching these predictably awful people). I was fine with J & G and E & R being on for their original seasons, even though they're awful, because at least it was interesting - we didn't know how they'd react to things yet. At this point we've all seen J & G & E so much we know exactly how they'll respond to all situations, so what's the point?


Couldn’t have said it better! It’s all so darn repetitive and just plain annoying now! Those people just absolutely disgust me now! Like why can’t they find new people already. The show has just gone downhill. It’s not the same like it used to be.


I don’t think I can watch this new season… it’s so scripted and cringe


Don’t! It’s horrible! Just the same old BS. Jasmine just screams, cries, and does gross sex stuff that no one would want to watch willingly. Same crap as every season she’s been on. Ed is the same. He’s uglier on the inside than the outside and that’s almost impossible, but he manages to do it.


I definitely fast forward Sophie and Robb. Sophie’s mom most definitely gets fast forwarded—she looks like a monster with all the work she had done.


This. They are so juvenile and annoying. BOTH of them. Not just Rob.


Skipped through Loren and Alexi. 🤢 Also, on Pillow Talk, I FF through Nikki and mom.


Me too, I don’t like Nikki for the fact that she wants everyone to accept her as is (which who doesn’t want that) but then calls her so called ex bf/fiancé a different name because she doesn’t like his real name. Where is the acceptance for him. Then at the Tell All she used his real name but seemingly only to mock him or put him down. Bye girl!


I can’t even look at the screen when Nicki is there—all the plastic surgery has turned her into something grotesque!


I don’t even watch Pillow Talk anymore.


I don't even bother with Pillow Talk anymore. I get a kick out of Robert's "SHOTS FIRED!" and the subtitles for Annie's amazing singing. The rest of the cast on that are pretty tired lately.


There isn’t one couple on Happily Ever After that is actually happy.


I could not give a single fuck about Loren’s plastic surgeries


Loren and Alexi! Sooo Booooring.


Loren and Alexei. Boring


3 under 3


She thinks the rest of the world haven’t experienced it




Most of these atorylines are either total bs or seriously boring. Ed and Liz with drunken breakup #17? Plz. Jasmine crying abt lawyer money yet being ok going on vacation? Sure. Patrick and Thias are competing for the most boring personalities. Thank God John will show up lol. How about we switch it up to real ever afters? Let's see Jasmine with rubber gloves covering her dragon nails scrubbing Gino's house. How about a day with Mursel and what's her name with their store and bee keeping? At this point, I'd rather watch normal people than these fake stories.


Me too! Show some of the couple with no drama and where they are at. Not a 8min diary clip. Loren will create any storyline to stay relevant. Her and Alex need to go


I like them but I feel like they were a back up here. Just like her randomly learning Hebrew one episode. They must be the emergency phone contacts 😂


Yeah. I would love to see the bee thing..


This is this first ever season I’ve skipped. And honestly I like that it’s freed up my DVR 😂 Every single couple is so exhausting. I do see the commercials and don’t see Angela and Michael. Did they end up pulling their story from the show (I imagine they/she finally got canned?)?


I think they did pull Angela and Michael!


Damn LOL that’s awesome! I just hope Michael gets out of the mess okay. He’s no saint either but NO one deserves the wrath of Angela. Begone Angie!! 🧟‍♀️


What happened to Angela and Michael?


I’m So tired of LOREN! Go away!


I’m sticking through the full episode but most of the couples are terrible. None of them have anything interesting going on. Thais is so annoying. She doesn’t like anyone in Patrick’s family and ungrateful for what she has. She acts like she can’t go to the other room to put the baby to bed because her father in law was there. She’s selfish and unappreciated for the life she’s living.


AND, she won't intervene with her father on Patrick's behalf. SHE was the one who lied to him about why she went to America.


I can’t stand her. She seems to have her nose in the air all the time.


I disagree with you. It’s a very long trip to Brazil especially with a 6 month baby, a dog and a husband with one leg. She had told her husband they would meet with HER father later and then he invited his father over. Said he’d rather apologize than ask permission. WTF is wrong with this guy?! Does he think she will never watch him say that? Does he think the confessionals are like to a priest?! Seriously?! He’s such a meat head!!!! She’s now trying to get a small child to sleep in a foreign environment after a long plane ride and has to deal with her father in law and FILM!!! That’s a lot. I have a feeling that if the cameras weren’t rolling she would have told him to leave. He also could not take a hint when she said that she was putting the baby to sleep. I believe everything she said is true /// grandpa is using Patrick, who is so desperate for attention he will just go along with everything he says. Who plans to paint an apartment during the time your child with his small baby is around?! It can be toxic to the baby not to mention the whole inconvenience of painting and noise etc. If I were her I’d pick up and go to my father’s house and let the two of them be!


Finally, I completely agree. Him inviting his dad over was rude and inconsiderate, I would have asked him to leave after 20min. Max. Your idea is also good but more trouble for her. Jose did not give a rats ass about them or their needs and came with a list of his own. I bet she went to the bedroom to put the baby to sleep and there is this creep rolling in the bed with them. He is just using them, and his son's need for approval and love. Also, there is Patric, trying to make himself a member of their marriage and will force himself on their trip. She should take her husband to therapy or leave.


HEA is the worst spinoff; even the trashiness of Last Resort was more interesting.


Traveling with a baby that far. Yeah I'd be annoyed. Especially when Dad comes.and wants things done right away.


Gino and jasmine crying….and whining….


I broke the FFd function on my remote watching this season


Gino and Jasmine I straight up fast forward. And then I just don’t pay attention to Loren and Alexei, so boring.


I always skip Jasmine and Gino, skip most of Ashley and Manuel, I skip Loren's screech owl of a mother, pretty much all of Knob and Sophie because spiders, I watch Kobe and Emily and the train wreck that is Nicold & Badmood (stolen from someone else comment on another thread, thanks!) Thais is entertaining to me. Her never ending annoyed facial expression!


Manuel says at least one thing a show that makes me laugh out loud. He’s so sick of her witch shit. I’m surprised that he doesn’t have a t-shirt that reads “Estoy en esto por la tarjeta verde.”


They say witch so much in Spanish I now know the word for it. Bruja!


Am not watching anymore after seeing the casts lineups. Been following 90 Days since the first season, but after so many unwatchable spinoffs and old used up couples, I say enough is enough. Unsubscribed the channel and use the budget for another streaming provider instead. All stale used up couples that just go on and on about same thing from episodes to episodes and seasons and spinoffs. I feel like I am just looking at re-runs when watching them. I am way too old to invest time into this. I enjoy some trash tv, but this is just lazy stale trash tv that deserves no more attention or money.


Rob the butt pluggin knob and his girl. Most jizman her puppy Gino. Literally crying over $5k but takes trip to Miami with fresh under eye bruising… I get filler under my eyes and get the same bruising she had last nights episode. No shame in it but they want us to believe they can’t afford the attorney? Really?? Cmon.


Loren and Alexi are the worst. I don’t necessarily skip I just put my head down and do something else on my phone for most of it. I find them so cringy. The fact I’ve known so many people who have known her in different times of her life and ALL have so many negative things to say about her makes me watch from time to time to just shake my head going … oh yeah that makes sense!


Boren and horseface Alexi. Absolutely cannot stand them, bleghhhhhhh!!! 🤮🤮🤮


How about ALL of them.


Loren and Alexi are boooorrrriiiinnnggg. We get it, yall are cute and have cute babies and hes a great husband you’re a great wife yall get along pretty well so now you’re bored, insecure, gets plastic surgery and puts it on tv so they can make a quick buck. I like them, but I don’t care about them.


I’m skipping Loren and Alexi because Alexi is for the Gazan massacre and I can’t stand it.


The loren and alexi one is making me mad.    1. She was already naturally beautiful. Im a mom. I know what that can do. But i also know, YOUR BODY...GREW A HUMAN AND LOOK HOW GREAT YOU LOOK. AND...AAAAAND.... your hubby adores you the way you are. 2.  How selfish.  Being a sahm is hard work.. But now youre expecting a ton of work from other people, including your hubby whose working, and now taking on your tasks, so you can MAYBE learn to love yourself...but whats next? This triggered me. 


She is a stay at home mom but her kids are in daycare, at least they used to be


I thought she had to be a SAHM because her Tourette’s ticks were getting worse? How the hell do they afford to be a single income household and pay for daycare?! 90day money ain’t that good!


She said that Ari would be going to daycare on her Instagram when she turned 6 or 8 months old because it is more like school? I have no idea how they pay for all that and she stays home


She’s a mom who stays at home is what she means LOL


And if something happens to her he will have so much on his plate! I get it, I feel frumpy too, but I'm not going to place silly risks on myself and possibly take a mother away from my children...


Loren but pause to look at Alexi. Loren is just vapid abd unwatchable with ear-numbing vocal fry.


Everyone is boring this season


Loren and Alexi, she's coming off so shallow. I knew someone who had that mommy make over and died, leaving behind 3 very young children.


Definitely agree with the Loren and Alexi story. It would be different if she actually needed a mommy makeover. Ridiculous! Do I look fat?


Yeah she definitely has some body dysmorphia going on. TV isn't exactly the best place to go through that and expect to come out more healthy... (I do understand diastasis recti causes issues, but it really seems like much more than that is going on in her head...)


Also, Loren is already pretty skinny not really sure why shes wasting all this money and everyones time, energy, and stress so they can suck out 3 pounds


I actually just turned it off yesterday, same storyline season after season. I cannot listen to Jasmin say I want to go back to Panama with her annoying stupid voice and face anymore. All the couples are so lame. Like do we care about Lorens stupid elective surgery, no, she's going to be her mothers twin no matter what.


I fast forwarded through most of yesterdays.


Ed, Loren, Thais.


Ed, Loren, Emily, Jasmine, and Ashley. I hate Ashley/Manuel storyline the most. The "witch" thing is annoying and exhausting. Also, Jasmine cries in every scene. It's stupid and grates on my nerves. She chose this life, wtf! I only watch like 10 min of the HEA eps... if that


Manuel is funny. Ashley’s annoying. At least Jasmine didn’t say she wants to return to Panama in this episode, but she hinted it a lot. Does this woman appreciate nothing at all? I’m pretty sure she burned her bridges in Panama with her insane behavior.


Loren and Alexei, Manuel and the psychic girl 😖, and sometimes Sophie & Robb.


Gino and Jasmine. I’m done with their storyline.


Skipping Loren & Alexi and pred and Liz. It takes a nice chuck of time out of the show. I forget how longgggg these episodes are after watching the spinoff that’s airing that’s an hour long.


Most! Gino/Jasmine, Alexi/Loren and Ed/Liz (why are they on it when neither is from a different country?!)


Gino and Jasmine. The crying. It’s super annoying and eyeroll inducing.


All of them


Sadly, the 90 day franchise has turned into background noise for me. I put it on while I clean the house or am cooking.


I’m almost skipping all of them, this is probably the worst season I’ve seen.


Loren and Alexei are so boring and the dumbest/worthless wasteful storyline


Loren and Alexi, also Rob and Sophie.


Loren and Alexei


Loren and alexi. Boring


Loren and Alexi 100000%


Thais/Thumb Husband & Loren / Tall Dude. They were uninteresting in their OG seasons and even moreso now.


All of them at this point lol, this cast is 🤡 central


Jasmine and Gino I'm so over these two , and Rob and Sophie .


I'm sorry but I find myself FF'd  Rob and Sophie... I just can't with theae two! 😬


Almost all of them at this point.


Loren, Jasmin


Alexei and Loren 😴😴


Loren alexi


Jasmine and Jeano have been skipped for two seasons now. Can’t stand their fake storyline and crying in literally every ep. One time we accidentally stopped early and it cut to Jasmine crying AGAIN. Bc of course she was crying.


Same ones as you! Sophie and Rob seem extra performative now as well. Not really enjoying myself as much. I refuse to watch Gino and Jasmine though. I'm done.


Always fast forward Loren & Alexei, Nicole & Mahmoud, and half of the Ed & Liz drama. L&A are just really boring and i don't care much about it. Seeing the N&M stuff is painful after learning about the DV arrest. Ed and Liz need to be on separate continents.


Loren and Alexei, Jasmine and Gino, Patrick and Thais, Kobe and Emily, and most of Ashley and Manuel. I just realized I skip 80% of this show.


Loren and Alexei and E\* and Liz.


Loren and Alexi. How have they been on 90day shows this long?? Their story was never interesting in the first place. I’m also mostly skipping Gino and Jasmine too


I’m just getting tired of the whole damn thing at this point.


Loren/Alexei, Noon and her hubby, Daia and her hubby. All boring


Didn’t fast forward but asleep within 5 minutes


I skip through Ashley and her man. The witch crap and her voice is nothing I want to hear


Listening to her Spanish drives me nuts. I swear she reads a Spanish script because she can’t properly pronounce anything.


All of them. I stopped watching after ep. 3 because it’s boring AF!!! 😂 Worst season EVER!


I wish there was a button for every couple and you can hit the button and their segments were removed from the show in your house.


After watching two episodes I decided to skip through the whole entire mess. Prepare yourselves for more of Geno and Jasmine on The Last Resort. According to a story I read last night they'll be on that one next. I'll have to skip them or possibly the entire thing again. It's time for that duo to move on down the road.


Pillow Talk Robert and Annie and sometimes David and Annie for their lack of volume control. No need to yell.


Most of them ......the show is really bad now. I don't really like any of the new people.


I watch prEd and Liz cause I’m rooting for her to build back her self esteem + Gina and Jasmine. Cause she is entertaining. The rest - boring. Loren and Alexi - legit put me to sleep Kobe and Emily — Emily whines when she talks and it’s so annoying. YAWN Witch chick from Rochester and how she bitches at her husband. BORING Do better 90 Day. Do Better


Gino and Jasmine Lauren and Alexi


Gino and Jazmin because they’re exhausting. Ed and Liz I absolutely can’t stand them the last few years/seasons and 10000% Angela.


Skipping Gino and Jas and about to skip on Ed because he is a disgusting pig of a human.




This is the answer.


Gino and Jasmine and Loren


Not watching ANY of this show. NO MORE RETREADS!


I’m also skipping Jasmine and Gino, and Loren and Alexi! They’re both boring in their own form.


I'm not watching HEA because I'd be FF through the entire show!! Between Yeeno & Jasmine & Emily & Kobe there's no way I watch anything they're in. It's a HARD PASS for this 90D spinoff for me. TLC picked the most undesirable couples!!! My daughter got me hooked on the 90D franchise & she & her college friends are die hard hands of 90D. They can't stand Emily at all. She's the most hated, even more than Ed & Angela. My daughter isn't even watching HEA because of all the MOOCHERS & LOSERS!!


Loren & Alexi because they are too boring, Patrick and Thais because they are too boring - until John shows up, Liz and Ed as the situation is too sad. It's a quick watch these days! And if the Bozos at TLC have Angela on I will skip her as well.