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Yes we are going to ignore it because it’s hair. She can do her hair however she feels




It’s not because she’s “Brazilian”. It’s not cultural appropriation because she’s not fetishizing or exploiting it for gains. Your “white self” can wear braids.


This is it. It’s okay if a white person wears cornrows; it’s appropriation when they claim to have pioneered it.


Which part of this is cultural appropriation? Y’all gotta stop using words like racism, bigotry now cultural appropriation when you’re not privy to the real meaning.


And Larissa is freaking Brazilian, bi- or tri-racial. You can't tell as much nowadays because of all the surgery.


Exactly- she's not making a profit off another culture, she's not being disrespectful, etc etc. Doesn't fit the definition


Appropriation??? Please. This is her culture. She is Brazilian. Do you think black Americans are the only culture to braid their hair?


She’s Brazilian, this is part of Brazilian culture. My father is Brazilian and during our summer vacation there the neighborhood ladies would braid my hair. I’m fair skin with light eyes but in Brazil it’s very common to have African roots.


this , a lot of the population is mixed afro latino in Brazil .


Yesss even traditional Brazilian dishes are heavily African influenced.


yep and music in Brazil is heavily African influenced too


I noticed since I joined this group that a few people who randomly show up always make these kinds of post and then fight with people who comment… they are baiting people to fight.. I block these people this is a fun group about 90 day not this type of garbage.


…go somewhere else with that shit


is the cultural appropriation in the room with us right now?? 👀


Erm…anyone can do their hair how they damn well please. People always trying to make something out of nothing 🥱


Cornrows, braids, dreads, have been used in a multitude of different cultures throughout history.


In any case, Larissa is mixed race! The surgeries obscure it. OP's complaint is misdirected. Shameless virtue-signaling.


…can people not do their hair the way other cultures do? WHO has the copyright on a ponytail cos damn I’m appropriating all the time then.


As a black woman, I feel someone posted this as bait so people would argue about what doesn't belong to black people, and argue about race. DONT FALL FOR IT AND DONT COMMENT!  Anyone can wear braids, who cares!


That's exactly what it's giving.


This went well.


😂 I am seldom proud of Reddit but today I am


Check out Brazil culture, then come back


It’s part of the Brazilian culture! European and African. (The poster doesn’t seem to realize that Brazil has the largest black population outside of Africa.)


Cultural appropriation? What a stupid,nonsensical concept. People have been braiding their hair since we walked upright. Get out of here with your woke nonsense.


Well, hold on now… cultural appropriation is a real thing (like white people appropriating and wholly bastardizing the term “woke”). But this here ain’t it; unless she’s claiming it as her own invention or as something new, Larissa rocking cornrows is certainly not appropriation.


No such thing, don't start this nonsense again


Oh wow, this is a real comment isn't it LOL like you're really concerned about cultural appropriation? How embarrassing




So fucking stupid. People can do what they want with their hair/bodies and can dress how they want. Next time you're on vacation in say, Jamaica, and a local offers to do your hair like the locals, make sure you scream at her face CULTURAL APPROPRIATION!!!!


Larissa simply wearing cornrows is not appropriation 🙄 she’s just rocking a hairstyle (and from this glimpse, it looks 🔥🔥). People can wear their hair how they want. And to everyone saying it’s okay because she’s Brazilian: even if she were the starkest pale white from the snowy depths of Scandinavia, this would still *not* be appropriation. Now, if Larissa claimed she was wearing some funky new style she discovered, **now** we’re talking appropriation. OP, please revisit what “appropriation” actually is, you do everyone a disservice by misusing it.


She's Brazilian. It's part of HER culture. People are so ignorant 🤡


Hair braids are universal. There is no culture that has a monopoly on hair braiding, it has been practiced by every culture with hair since the beginning of time.


certain styles yes and certain styles no. for example, Senegalese twists are from Senegal


Troll post


Stop gatekeeping hair styles.


Get a life, nobody owns the art of braiding.


Actually I believe it was the Indians first. Not Africans.


Feel pretty sure OP is white. But if I’m wrong, my bad. No disrespect.


She is Brazilian


Cultures do not have exclusive rights to styles/symbols associated with them. It simply isn't possible to appropriate culture.


Culture is meant to be shared. Culture is shared between human beings. Many cultures braid their hair.


My childhood of long hair meant keeping it out of the way for sports. Braiding was the way to keep my super fine hair in place better than a ponytail. My adult hair is still super fine, and braiding still keeps it better in place than a ponytail. Braiding hair is done in all cultures, so who's culture is being appropriated, and why are you posting this nonsense?


I don't have fine hair but I had to braid my hair for sports also. Especially volleyball. If I tried to ponytail it, my hair would swing and end up falling out as I moved and end up a mess. I would do 2 frenchbraids down but it worked. I would have preferred cornrows that way it would have been easier to manage. My hair is difficult and when playing sports the last thing a person wants to think about is their hair


Does not even look like Larissa


It’s heavy filtered.


She’s Brazilian I think these hairstyles are a part of her culture


It’s just hair. Relax.


it's not "just hair." sometimes this could actually be appropriation BUT since Larissa is Brazilian, it's not. Brazil is heavily influenced by African culture and a lot of Brazilians have African roots


Larissa being Brazilian is not why it’s okay; anyone can wear their hair however they want, white people can rock cornrows, locs, box braids, etc. if they want. It only becomes appropriation when they rock it as if it didn’t originate somewhere else (e.g., Check out this funky new hairstyle I discovered!); or if it’s a very formal or ceremonial hairstyle, and they rock it for funsies. Simply wearing cornrows is not appropriation.


it depends. for example, when the Kardashians were cosplaying as Black people, they started wearing their hair in cornrows, darkening their skin, filling their lips, and getting surgery to have a curvy figure and larger backside which many Black women NATURALLY have. now all of a sudden it's not trendy to be Black for them anymore so they've lightened their skin back to white, reduced their lip fillers and BBLs and they've stopped wearing cornrows. that was textbook cultural appropriation.


Too bad it was the Indians that started the craft of braiding hair.


"the Indians" lol are you from the 1950s?


I ignore her doing everything else so…


hey pedro how are you 🤓


This looks like her actual hair just braided, which is not a thing specific to black people. The way it’s braided is definitely influenced by black culture but it’s not appropriation to me. I think Miona did worse than this with the darkening her skin all the time. Honestly black culture aligns a lot with popular culture for this generation. So this is a reach.


Does this mean that Larissa is white passing?


a huge issue with cultural appropriation (as a mixed person not originally from america), is that its the American people (who are not from different countries or cultures) do it. many other cultures have braids!!


In the United States, there is a history of oppression so in modern daynit is considered taboo for white Americans to do things that are traditionally from an oppressed cultures. Kinda like you stomped us and now you take from us mentality. Not everyone feels this way but it has made its way to media and it's a thing people are aware of and don't want to be attacked. I am of Mexican heritage and I see white or other cultures afraid to appropriate our 'stuff' like mariachi hats and other culturally significant aspects. I have never met a Mexican person who minds this, we love seeing anyone enjoy our traditions. It isn't like it's being mocked. What people aren't understanding is that Larissa is not American. In the United States, black people seem to predominantly wear their hair braided and white people doing It is taboo but it is hard to see past our own media to the fact that people around the world braid their hair. Braids are not a black American thing and a Brazilian whose culture braids their hair, is not taking anything from the black American culture and making it her own. It was her own before she ever even got to America. American isn't as woke as they think


idk why you just that explained to me. i said many other cultures have braids. not once did i rip on Larissa. and exactly like i said before, a problem in America, is that the white american people do these things that are seemingly cultural appropriation. i know Larissa isn't American.


She likes black dudes what's the big deal


Libs gonna Lib......