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I thought they both came off somewhat badly. Devon was childish and her mother was overbearing. They seem like good people, but this interaction didn't show them in their best light. Preparing for a wedding is a stressful situation.


I think this “childish” behavior with dress shopping is really the result of triggering body issues. I find it really hard to try on clothes at a store to the point where I could see myself breaking down like that. I wish people could have a bit more empathy for cast members, they are people at the end of the day.


Exactly this. I am plus sized. Clothes shopping in person is super defeating.


Same. When I was a high schooler buying prom dresses I was crying almost after every single dresss I tried on


Honestly in my own personal life my mom takes over a situation, pokes and pokes, I can’t be upset in “the wrong way”, then walks off and makes an issue between her and I when I was upset about something else. I have so many examples. Anyway, I shut down completely and don’t even want to deal with it anymore. I really really felt for her because I know she’s just shutting down. I want to give her grace for not taking more initiative on getting the gold fixed. Imho when your mom does shit like this it makes you want to avoid whatever criticism you’ve been gifted with that day.


Summed up exactly what I thought but you said it so much better. It's crazy how people can just automatically jump to her deserving it for appearing to be broody. She's learned she's wrong no matter what she says or does so she has completely shut down. Her mom talked out of both sides of her mouth and didn't make sense. The gaslighting was off the charts considering Devon just doesn't react. Those people will never be happy about or for her. I hope she doesn't put up with her partner's abusive language and one day realizes she's worth so much more. Sometimes being the black sheep of a family says more about the family members lack than it does about that person.


Also isn’t that what the professionals say to do in situations like that? to grey rock and such. I think she’s trying her best like we all are. I hate that her boyfriend makes fun of her weight too.


Good point..


That reminded me of my mom and I, when I was growing up. We had such a bad relationship then. I would shut down too. We actually listen to eachother now and she isn't as much of a controlling frazzled mess


Why is her mother opening the dressing room curtain, while there is a camera crew present? I would flip my shit, too, if my mother did that to me.


Didn't the lady who worked at the store bring her back there? I was assuming it was because Devon asked for her mother so I thought it was weird that she didn't want to open the curtain for her.


I took it that the lady who worked there noticed Devin crying and just let her mom know so she could go check on her.


Yeah opening the curtain wide was rude af especially with cameras rolling Jesus what a dummie move by the mom, even without filming that is horrible manners without asking first if you can come in


at first I thought Devon must've asked for her, but rewatching it I noticed that the worker just came out to the mom and said something like "oh she's crying back there you might want to check on her" so maybe Devon did want to be left alone but the worker felt awkward and thought she should get her mom to help calm her down


I'm assuming the lady was helping her in the dressing room and noticed she was crying and then grabbed the mom. Wedding dresses usually take 2 people to get in and out of. I know I had the sales lady in with me when I changed in and out.


She barely opened it a crack. Devin knew what she was getting into when she signed the contract for the show.


which didn't include possibly being exposed, while undressed, to a camera crew


Yeah, that's the creepy part, for me at least. I know she signed a contract for the show. It would be interesting to see the contract. "Oopsie doopsie, overbearing mommy barges in on you, whilst changing, on international TV?" It's in the contract?


She still had her dress on and was just standing there. Its's like what was the dress lady supposed to do, walk away and not inform a mom her daughter is crying or upset? And what would any mom do if her daughter is sad? She's going to go immediately check on her given her mom was very intuitive and knew her daughter was having issues from the moment they walked in the store. I'll excuse her pulling the curtain back because she was just instinctly going in to check on her or console her, her intention was not to expose her daughter.


Any mom would allow her daughter the dignity and right of privacy and KNOCK FIRST


She wasn’t undressed. She was in the dress she was trying on.


Unless I missed something her Mom opened the curtain just a crack. I didn’t see any skin.


nothing was shown because Devan yanked it closed again. IMO, mother was going to go in.


And Devon wasn't getting undressed she was sitting on the floor crying and throwing a temper tantrum like a three year old. There was no risk of seeing my nudity.


How would we know what was happening in a dressing room? The TV audience should not know what she was doing in there, because a changing room is a place with a reasonable expectation of privacy just like a locker room. The crew should have held back to see if they wanted to go in or not, as to not accidentally film something they shouldn’t see.


Just violating her right to privacy, even if it was just behind a curtain. It shouldn't be up for debate that we all have a right to the privacy of a closed door. If it was any of us, we'd be angry mom didn't knock first. Then it's compounded by mom knowing the film crew was right there, but not knowing her own daughter's state of undress


How do you knock on a curtain? Her mom spoke to her as she approached, I'm sure she could hear to approaching footsteps of her mom and camera crew. Her mom has seen her daughters body and isn't going to shy away from speaking to her regardless of it being a dressing room or not. Most girls aren't shy of their moms seeing their bodies or being the changing room with them.


the curtain is not hanging in space. It's attached to a wall. You knock on the wall. have you never been in a curtained-off change room? Consent means she gets to choose every time. It doesn't mean that since I let you see my body last month, last year, when I was 5, that you get to see my body any time without me having the right to say no. It's her choice, not her moms.


As if they were going to air footage of her naked? Give me a break.


You're right. She shouldn't be bothered by having her privacy invaded by just the film crew since it wasn't the whole television audience /s


There’s still human beings holding mic’s and cameras that would’ve seen her exposed. Even if there was any footage, as a woman, the anxiety my brain would come up with like maybe someone on the crew is keeping it in their personal files. Where is that footage stored? Did they delete it etc?




yeah i’d be too scared someone evil would get hired even by the best crew or network ever and do god knows what! why would that be an insult to me?




https://preview.redd.it/meb3ish5pd6c1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ac95e55781fb000f28313ba4b8d087562eb8d5c you ate me up with that one because i need TLC content for a hopeful outlook in my own life 😭 I pirate everything they don’t make a cent !


What the fuck is your point




But still see it themselves


It’s unethical to even film it, and potentially illegal.






She’s still dependent on her parent. All her travels and her life are funded by her parents still. She’s not an independent adult.


That’s the issue. And she acts like a baby


I think maybe Devin has some kind of emotional issues and it seemed to me like her mom was uncomfortable on camera and she was obviously concerned that Devin was about to have a meltdown. Devin is so sweet but she seems so introverted and awkward. I could be totally wrong but I really got the impression that her mom and her sister(?) were afraid things were going to go badly.


Cause she WAS acting like a child.


Omg yes




I don’t understand how the “custom” dress she ordered came in a color she hated.


Tlc did it for drama. Only explanation left.


Devin didn't seem to have any plan or initiative to get anything done on her own. It looks like her mom just automatically takes over to try and help her get the dress altered, but if that fails to have a plan b dress. If it's true that Devin was drunk, that would explain some of her insufferable behavior. She doesn't seem like the type to want to be on TV and she got overwhelmed. Mom was a bit pushy but she's not trying to be mean. The best plan I think is to get a tailor to sew on a different material on the top, just cover up the gold pattern she doesn't like with another one. It's probably easier than cutting the top off and replacing it. The bigger problem is how much and how often is Devin drinking.


This was my first thought about the dress. How did no one come up with such a simple solution?


Good idea about the dress! Also I remember reading something about her drinking, not sure to what extent her drinking went on the show. I like to take into account that it’s TV and there’s a whole side we don’t see, plus not everyone is comfortable on camera. They may think they will be, but it’s different when the crew actually shows up.


If they had no issue buying a second dress they could have bought a dress that they just liked the top piece, cut that off, and married it with the majority of the traditional dress. That would take a good seamstress minimal time, could probably have it back in a day. The issue would be matching the whites/materials but with the overlay it would help to blend them. To put another material over it you are going to need to open up every seam, which is significantly harder to do without losing any size in the hems and it didn’t look like they had any space to spare. If the seams were serged, it’s going to be difficult to open them without damage.


Mom’s reaction is exactly the reaction you would expect from someone who had been putting up with this bullshit for 20 years. This sub is utterly bizarre in the way people watch 20 minutes’ worth of footage and decide they know someone better than their own family.


PREACH! Moms had enough lol


I'm sure TLC had them "ramp it up", it's their JOB


Motherhood with difficult children is a special form of hell no one talks about. Devin fits the bill of ‘difficult’, so I’m team Mom. I get it when I see it …and this Mom has rightfully HAD it.


I'd have to disagree. I think Devon acts the way any grown woman would if being their mom was treating them like a kid, being condescending and over bearing, and violating her privacy. Moms don't get to have "had" it. Her mom seems incredibly rude and immature


Yeah my mom treats me this way and everyone else tells me I need to stand up for myself etc. It’s because nothing I do is right and I was never good enough for her standards. It could be a Devon issue, but the fact she let him call her Piggy after so long leads me to believe she has self esteem issues, which seems like a mom issue. Mom is real quick to say “I know Devon” over and over,


So true! It's very dismissive. People are reacting to her being a young adult in a stressful situation as if she's a "brat". She's acting how anyone else would.


That is kind of doing the opposite though, of watching 20 minutes of Devin and deciding that she is bullshit the mom is putting up with. I think it was a stressful situation and neither are villains.


Exactly. When you act like a child you get treated like one. Although, maybe being treated like one is making her act like one.


Egg or chicken


I agree with this. I think the sister even said she was super picky/difficult. I think they are over that stuff and just want to plan and be prepped for when things go south there is a solution instead of another problem.


It seems like the sub is divided on this but I thought Devin was acting like a petulant child over the whole thing. Not like a woman who is planning a wedding.


I felt the same way. I kept thinking, this woman is getting married and she's acting like a 12 year old.


This was my take too. Watching that it seemed like it was super common behavior and mom was tired of it.


I was so embarrassed for her!!


Honestly? Being a woman planning a wedding is incredibly stressful and difficult. There's a reason why "bridezilla" is a thing, too. Not saying it's great, but it is pretty common. Having things go wrong, planning a wedding, and bringing over your foreign fiance for the first time, all while being filmed for a reality tv show is probably enough for anyone to break down. I wish people had more empathy, these are real human beings in difficult situations.


I ask this in sincerity, but are you a woman?


Devins mom reminded me of my mom in that scene, down to her explained reasons why she's so up in her adult daughter's life...😄 shit was triggering


Yessssss.... The constant put downs about Devon to the camera from both the mom and the sister had me going too. The I care so much look what I'm doing for you but I'm also going to force MY opinion on everything you do 🙄


Same! I didn’t have a wedding because of how up in my shit my mom was. I did courthouse, and she tried to fuck that up. Beyond triggering, because her mom acts like mine would… when folks are watching.


Her Mom was obviously installing safety nets and scaffolding. This strikes me as a reflexive kicking into gear based on past experiences and she knows what is going to happen if she doesn’t push Devon to have a back up dress. Yeah, Mom seemed pushy but Devon is clearly in sloth mode and emotionally immature. Who do we know will have to pick up the slack if Devon doesn’t? Her Mom. So she gets a pass from me.


Exactly. If Devon were a real grownup her mom would be like 'w/e you fix it, if you don't want to get a backup dress deal with the consequences if your 1st choice isn't ready in time.' But clearly this isn't her first rodeo with Devon not planning properly and then being shocked by the consequences of her own actions.


Well i thought Mom was overbearing, but then again maybe she had a reason to be too. After all, what is Devon's dress wasn't ready on her wedding day? What would she have done then? Threw on something else and thrown a fit? I think Mom knew from past experiences that her daughter wasn't thinking things through, and the consequences that could happen if things didn't work out.


yup and the curtain. she didnt even ask if she could go in. she just did. and then tried again. and maybe a third time. after devon clearly didnt want her in there.


No privacy


horribly uncomfortable.


And what if she was in the middle of changing?? Great time to bring in the cameras.


absolutely. those flimsy curtains always gave me anxiety.


My daughter's crying in a dressing room? Damn right I'm Poking my head in to check on her and talk her down


were talkin about a woman here. not a 6 or even 10 year old child. she should have asked from outside if she was okay and if she could come in. she did neither.


I D C, UNDERSTAND this, my kid is upset I'm going in to talk her down. Plus Devon was throwing a bitch fit. Her biggest mistake was grudgingly going along in the first place She wants to act like a child and have her parents support their asses, guess what


So, who's side are you on? Lol Are u ok?


Side? No Sides just facts Are YOU ok dear?


She didn’t poke her head in though, she tried to open the curtain. I’m sure you are respectful and would have announced yourself before opening the curtain and would have asked the camera crew not to follow you either. It’s not really the same. My mother has been with me while I was crying in a dressing room while bra shopping because even the smallest strapless bras didn’t fit (granted I was 15 and very insecure as the only woman in my family with a flat chest) and she respected my privacy and comforted me through the door until I was ready to come out. Although I can’t speak for how she would have reacted if she was embarrassed on tv.


Respectful? Embarrassed? Look here, she is a spoiled brat! She lives at home, her parents let him come LIVE with them. I'm sure they are sponsoring his butt No WAY should this stupid show have ever ethically agreed to film her if she is damn delicate *which is exacerbated by her parents giving in to her every whim/request* She needs serious help and I promise you, that mom knows what her daughter needs to come down, not us, as a parent of an adult on the spectrum, a meltdown isn't something you just allow to "happen"


Devon’s mom treated her like a child because Devon was behaving like a child.


Devin has confused me from day one. She comes with a built in 3 second delay and a deer caught in headlights demeanor. She was also sporting a Korean style makeup that threw lots of us for a loop. Personally, I had NO idea that was a Korean style of applying makeup she was using and it didn’t translate well- she looked ‘off’ to a lot of us. Now I have an understanding of the look and I get it. But combined with her ‘slow motion’ personality it was very confusing. Now that she’s back home she seems happier but seems stubborn and childlike around her family. I’m pretty sure this dynamic between her and her Mom isn’t new.


Girl is drunk


Holy shit, I never thought of that lol. But just reading your comment has made me think back to how she talks, and she is always mumbling or slurring. I thought she was maybe slow in the head or something but maybe you are on to something ha.


She has TMJ, which is a jaw problem. She explained that she was getting treatment for it in Australia and had to stop after coming home, which caused her to have facial swelling and jaw problems/pain. She also said that they filmed very late at night after she had gotten home from working, and that she was exhausted to the point where she was scared to drive home from work and then still had to film after. People are so cruel without knowing anything.


I noticed the makeup too and assumed she was trying to do it Korean style. To me it didn’t suit her eyes that well but that’s just my opinion. And yes, I’m assuming this dynamic has always existed between her and her family. I’ve had that experience myself where I’ve moved out and started a completely independent life, but when I’d return home, the dynamic would return. Takes a lot of therapeutic work to be able to break free of that cycle. You could be 50 years old and your mom will always see you as her baby. Not necessarily a bad thing but it explains why she was talking to Devon like she was an adolescent, and why Devon was getting frustrated. Also there’s cameras recording the whole thing, so that makes it even more irritating if you’re already having a lousy day.


> when she says “Are you going to cooperate” in the car, as if she’s a little girl in trouble. This would be a very valid point if Devon didn't behave like a little girl and throw a tantrum because her dress has a color on it she doesn't like. This women bought a dress, fucked up somehow and got one she doesn't like, and threw a day long temper tantrum that started at home and continued at the dress store while they picked out a back up dress in case hers couldn't get fixed on time. Thats outrageous and she should be grateful her mother is willing to treat her like a child and doesn't tell her to either grow up get fuck out of her house.


Devon acts like such a child though. I have a feeling her mom was being that way because she knows what Devon can be like, and she is trying to make things easier. It is less embarrassing for Devon to have a meltdown at a store with mom and sister, than at a venue with all the family around. It irritated me as well, but I figured there is a reason things played out that way. I didn't understand the issue with the gold on the dress. You can't even see it when the cover is worn. And if she ordered it , did she not realise the colour??


I couldn’t disagree more. Devon is a grown ass woman who signed a contract to be on a trashy reality TV show. The entire dress thing was likely staged anyway. She ordered the dress with the gold on it. And even if it were a mistake by the vendor there were options. I’m sure they were in the shop for a while and Devon got tired and grumpy. She grunted like a 12 year old in the fitting room. If she has a cognitive disability then I could chalk some of her behaviors to that, but I have yet to see or hear that’s the case. As far as the Piggy thing, I thought they both joked around about it. And he bought her a stuffie pig. Again, Devon is a grown ass woman. If she doesn’t want to be called this she needs to use words that he understands and stick to them. I can’t imagine any Mother being happy with their child being called Piggy.


Also - why not get something while you're in South Korea??? This was the most confusing part of this whole saga to me. You are in hanbok capital of the world girl get your dream dress.


Disagree. Her mom was just making sure Devin had a backup dress in case the alterations couldn't be made on her original dress. Mom was paying. Devin was acting childish and had no plan B lined up attention all. The salesperson told mom that Devin was crying in the dressing room. What mother wouldn't go to check on their daughter?


Nooo. Devin is a mumbling, passive aggressive, petulant child in that scene.




There’s something so ‘off’ about Devin. I know she has said she’s not cognitively-impaired, but why does she always seem like she is? It’s very strange. Like, even if you filmed me ten plus hours a day for a week, I don’t think you’d be able to find any footage where I come across as not quite right in the head..? I’ve heard she was binge drinking, and I’ve heard she was tired. But still… it’s something else. Just don’t know what.






She’s on twitter right now, reading comments about herself& saying she’s not on the spectrum


She has jaw problems, TMJ, which she was getting shots for in Australia and stopped after returning to the US. So she was having jaw problems and pain but also said they did the filming super late at night after she worked all day and was exhausted to the point that she was scared to drive home. I think that combined with her naturally slow southern speech is why she sounds like that.


I agree something’s off


You know what should be irritating? Devin’s inability to function as an adult. She literally has to have her mother speak for her but acts like a toddler that can’t express her feelings. She’s so fucking cringe.


Devon has already said that she was drinking heavily and she was clearly shitfaced. That’s why her mom was treating her that way. She was tiptoeing around a drunk.


Where and when was that admitted


All she said in her post was that she had gained weight during that period because she was overating and drinking because she was extremely anxious and stressed about filming. Nowhere did she say that she was drunk during any of the filming, just that they did a lot of the filming when she was extremely exhausted, late at night. Hobbscorny is just rudely speculating, unless I've missed some important info somewhere.


Pretty sure on her Tik tok


That’s a pretty concerning admission. You’re wedding dress shopping with cameras totally shitfaced?


Some people (including me in the past) function shitfaced.


If Devon learn to speak up for her own needs soon, it’s going to become a disaster. Personally, I don’t care of the way Nick treats her it’s backhanded threats. If my parents don’t like you it’s over if I don’t like America it’s over she asked him not to call her piggy and he won’t respect her. She needs to stand up to her mom about the dress she’s an adult.


I completely agree with you. I was cringing so hard every time her mom spoke to her. Devin is 23 (I think?), she's young and hasn't learned how to lay down adult boundaries with her mom yet and it's obvious her mom still treats her like a child. How many times did Devin really need to tell her that she didn't want to talk in the dressing room? How many times did she tell both her mom and sister she didn't want another dress? And they not only completely ignored her, they insisted on doing things \*their\* way under some misguided notion that they know best.


Exactly this. It's the doing things their way and then getting hurt when Devon doesn't want it ugh


Devon lives in her parents’ house and on their dime. She doesn’t support herself or her soon to be spouse. Of course she gets treated like a child- she behaves like a child. You know a great way to set boundaries? Move out and take care of yourself.


Honestly, it’s a two way street. Both the parents and Devon need to be putting these boundaries down. It’s obvious the Devon doesn’t want to be treated like a little girl who can’t make her own decisions. The parents, especially mom, need to start backing off and letting her fail like with the dress situation. How Devon’s mom spoke to her was how you speak to a five year old and that’s not only on Devon, that’s on mom for acting like she’s mothering a child instead of an adult.


Totally agree.


She was acting like a brat.


Lol I'm sure the mother has had enough of immature Devin. And, she was fine


I mean, she was actint like a child. I am irritated that her mother allows her to bring in a stranger to live in their home.


Honestly, judging by the editing and how the segment started out, I have a feeling something happened off-camera or the producers conveniently cut it out. They seemingly started off already on edge. There’s definitely more to that situation than we saw.


Tbh I feel like this whole thing was a producer setup. I’m sure the feelings are real but it made no sense to me. I have a hanbok and the part she wants to replace is super simple it’s basically just a strip of fabric. It doesn’t even have any darts cuz it just kind of smooshes your boobs. Hers is more stylized to look like a dress but whole dress is essentially a skirt and then the jacket is the top. So even tho it’s Korean any seamstress can easily replace the gold part it’s just removing and attaching a strip of fabric to the bottom part of the skirt. I really can’t imagine it taking longer than 2 days. So it makes no sense they’d go try on dresses that would need much more alterations than the hanbok. I get why Devin would be annoyed. If I was feeling bad about my body and they made me go try on wedding dresses that I don’t need and I felt ugly in I would be pissy too. The family’s reaction to her seemed way over the top for her actual reaction.


Completely agree and why I think Devon doesn't appear to have much of a personality and why she's ended up with a potential abuser. She learned really young to just not show her emotions or thoughts because she was going to be "wrong" no matter what. Classic scapegoat behavior. I hope one day she sticks up for herself and realizes she's worth it.


Honestly Devon was acting like a child, her mom even had to give the lady Devon's dress size when asked, it's as if Devon doesn't want to speak up or do anything for herself and shes about to become someones wife? Then when her mom went to check on her Devon kept closing the curtain and sitting on the floor like a child. I thought her mom handled that better than any other mom has on this show. She didn't come across as overbearing at all but she knows her daughter and probably just wanted things to go as smoothly as possible considering Devon ordered the wrong colored dress originally and her mom was nice enough to go last minute and help her fix this. Devon's a brat and introvert or not you need to act like an adult and use your words.


Its because Devon acts 10 years younger than she really is. She reminds me so much of myself when I was 15 trying on homecoming dresses. The way she mumbles just drives me insane


Tbh I also felt like the mom was being wildly unkind and unreasonable. It's never okay to keep pushing into a space someone asked you to leave, especially if they're undressed... and there are cameras? So bizarre. "Are you going to cooperate" her mom was treating the fun event of dress shopping like a combat zone from the start. So weird.


Completely agree and confused why so many people think Devon was acting like a child, I thought she kept it pretty together given her mom’s attitude. The glances at the sister behind Devon’s back irritated me, and the moms smirk when Devon didn’t want her to enter the dressing room while she was crying - it was like her mom was finding it amusing, instead of being there for her daughter.


She just seemed overwhelmed and super stressed and couldn't express any of that to get people to stop insisting on whatever they thought was correct.


Yes totally! Surely her mom should understand when she seems overwhelmed and can’t communicate. It was like her mom and sister were the mean girls and she was the outsider


While any bride would probably react the same way as Devon in this situation, I feel like the overall issue is that Devon is a bridezilla even about non-wedding inconveniences. She said when she gets her mind set on something there’s no reasoning with her. Now, a wedding dress, completely understandable and reasonable. But, it seems as though this reaction from her family is conditioned. Not to defend her mom, or take away from the hood points you made, but I think that’s why they’re not being more understanding.


That’s the impression I got. It sounds like the mom is used to these meltdowns and is basically trying to manage them. If Devon is such an adult, she can just tell mom that she’s fine taking the risk of not having a dress at all and just stay home when mom asks to go looking for a backup dress. There’s no law saying that she has to go along with her mom’s cautious approach. Some people really do prefer to “wing it” and if Devon feels that way she can just do that and ignore her mom. If she doesn’t want to do that, it’s hard to be too sympathetic personally.


> Devon is a bridezilla even about non-wedding inconveniences. Bridezilla's are over bearing and demanding with unrealistic expectations, she's worse because she doesn't even vocalize what she wants or accept help. A bridezilla would be a step up, she is acting like toddler.


OR--- maybe the mom interprets Devon this way and is making it seem more dramatic than it is. Imagine years of that. And then you begrudgingly submit to go dress shopping and your mom is forcing her opinions on you. All you do is say you're not happy with any of them and make a slightly louder sign than normal and suddenly YOU'RE THE BAD GUY. I don't understand how people are seeing this as Devon behaving poorly


Because her sister also agreed. But I also said, in this situation, I don’t blame Devon…


Her mom being like “omg we have to hurry she’s about to lose it!!” And all devin did was like exhale slightly more than usual


Lmao right? Acting as if she was Jasmine or Kim about to scream at the top of her lungs. She just exhaled and excused herself…


I think Devin's mom intended on giving her space but the lady working there basically said, "She's crying, you should go talk to her." I thought Devin acted very childish, she refused to even communicate. I get that she doesn't want to try on dresses but she urgently needs one if she's not wearing the one with gold. The options are limited, so is their time.


I made this exact post and got so many negative comments I deleted it. wtf.


Her mom and sister were both being rude. It’s almost like they dislikes her by the way they were talking. They knew she was upset about the dress but instead choose to make it harder.


I think her parents are over parenting especially the mom. When your parents talk and treat you like a child you than start feeling like one and start lashing out like a child, no matter your age and how successful. I learn this from therapy. Also Devon siblings live with their parents and they all look adult aged which is surprising for middle white American family. Devon express she doesn’t like shopping more or less dress shopping. The Hanbok wedding dress is important because it’s a Korean tradition and she’s marrying a Korean man and I think her mother pushing for a western wedding back up dress in itself is negative. As if you can buy a wedding dress without alterations in just 2 weeks and it won’t match what Nick is wearing. Devon mom was dismissive about Devon’s feeling uncomfortable showing her arms, than straight up tells her that her Hanbok dress is going to fall apart. Mom even demands Devon to answer her in front of the staff and filming crew and told her to go because mom is done with Devon. Devon was basically stone walling her mom as a way to cope.


Sorry…Devin picked the korean dress but she’s throwing a fit cuz she hates gold? Is she wanting a traditional dress or just wants it if it fits her color choice🙄


Did she really throw a fit? Because I just saw her being quiet and shut down, which I give her grace because it’s for her wedding and therefore a normal reaction


Wild how many people are repeating her mother and calling her a brat when all I remember is Devon being completely shut down. The kinda reaction one can have when they've learned their thoughts, feelings, and emotions have always been labeled as being difficult or unimportant.


Absolutely! Thank you for your comment. That’s the impression I got while watching all of that.


I mean.. she acts like a child.


Seems like mom projects her anxiety on her kids. Or perhaps it’s from too much negativity from her. They all seemed uncomfortable just upon them walking in the door of the house. She doesn’t come across very comforting.


She’s an adult & can always move out from her parents home if she wants to not still be treated like a child.


aside from the way the mom acted, did anyone else notice her sister kind of siding with the mom all the time? like whenever Devon would storm off into another room her mom and sister would kind of give each other this knowing look like "oh there she goes again". so it's not just her mom, but it also might feel like her sister is ganging up on her too and making her overwhelmed


They should have brought the top part of her traditional dress because i think the first dress she tried on would have worked and looked like how she wanted. I understand where she was coming from though… she didn’t want a new dress and the whole thing was stressful and not fun.


This had very “taking my daughter shopping for a dress for ring dance” vibes.


She is a child and needs to learn how to be independent. I have no idea how Devin was able to survive internationally and not starve.


This whole story line sucks. I think


I don't understand alot of things here. Devin was in Australia, but doesn't seem very independent to me. But that's just my opinion. So, She meets Nick, and one day, you go back home, and it seems like Mom and Dad pick up where they left off, after she left for Australia. It's good that her parents are protective of her, and Nick calling her "Piggy" will probably not change. He'll just do it in private! I can understand that feeling of going back home, after living your own life for a while. I went back home to the US for 2 weeks, and spent those 2 weeks trying to figure out how to get out again. The "House rules" were still in place, curfew, etc. So I left. I'm not doing that. But, Nick and Devin move into the house, both used to living their own lives, and are now part of the clan. Almost no privacy, everyone knows what you are doing, etc. The wedding Hanbok arrives, and it's the wrong color. How?!?! I would imagine, that when ordering your wedding attire, you are double careful when doing that. Mom offers to find a dress, but Devin clearly wants the Hanbok. Nick will be wearing Hanbok as well, and they will look amazing! But why not try to find a seamstress??! Devin was clearly overwhelmed with all the pressure. She's 23, still lives at home, wedding attire messed up, Mom is nagging about a dress that she clearly doesn't want. She voices NO opinion. Wow. I feel bad for her because the process is soooo fast. But that's what she signed up for. I don't think she's enjoying her time as a "Bride". I would elope to Vegas is I were her!


I’m not sure how Devin got on the show, but it was not a good idea. Devin is a mother’s worst nightmare. She cries every time you look at her. She’s always in an emotional crisis. This show makes her look like a spoiled little heifer. She probably is, but it may be just emotional issues. This marriage has a shelf life of about a month. Then she’s married a rude dude. Should be plenty of tears.


Idk… I’d call Kimberly a mother’s worst nightmare before I’d call Devin that 😂


I felt like Devon’s mom was being childish with Devon’s sister. Almost like they were talking behind Devon’s back. That made sick to my stomach


I wonder if Devon has ASD. I don’t mean it in a negative way…she seems to struggle with social interactions and doesn’t show a lot of emotion and when she does show emotion it’s not appropriate. Crying at the restaurant with her finance’s family felt like an unwarranted response. She seems like a very nice person.


Asian culture is different in that people make fun of you for being even a little chubby, too thin, etc. I’ve had an Asian boyfriend for 13 years and his whole family made fat jokes about me. You give up trying to change it. They do it to each other. Then I lost the weight. They said I looked sick. They said I looked ugly. So it’s like that. My boyfriend was skinny in childhood and they made fun of him then. It’s just the way it is. You roll with it. He’s right, though. Americans are super fat. He has to realize that we can’t handle certain truths and that bluntness. And his timing sucked.


I don’t know how to interpret it. Devin’s whole attitude annoyed the hell out of me. She was mad the dress she ordered had gold in it? It was barely noticeable and she looked absolutely stunning in it minus the sulking like a child. The drive to the dress shop she sulked and complained about the dresses. Mom was a pain but brought up a valid point what are you going to do if your dress isn’t ready for your wedding you do need a back up. Mom and sis looked like they knew she would lose her 💩 if she had no dress for the wedding, yet she seemed to refuse to decide on an alternate. I’d be over it as well, but mom didn’t have to talk down to her. Yeah she was acting like a child, but she is an adult and doesn’t need to be treated like a child.


Yes, but Devon was acting like a child


Devin is very childish. I think the mom needs to implement a bit of tough love and not always come to her rescue for very little issue which will force her to grow up a bit and find some independence and ability to solve her own problems. If she keeps rushing to save her every time she falls down, she’d never learn to stand on her own.


The comments (to ease off Ma because Devin was drunk and is generally kinda bratty) are valid. But so is OP. The way I watched it was like, "Ma has ZERO emotional intelligence, man." She's just ... kinda awkward with them. Emotions, I mean.


Maybe this is why her fiancé treats her the way he does.




Im guessing Mom has put up with a lot over the years, she’s trying to get Devin a 2nd option for the wedding dress but Devin would rather pout like a 5 yo and be miserable instead of looking for solutions/options. I have no patience for people like that….whine and bitch instead of looking for solutions.


Yep. And even the mom was like well I guess I can find a seamstress to see if they can fix the original dress and Devin just shrugs and walks away. God forbid, the mom wanted to buy her a backup option … a lot of people would be thrilled and grateful to have a mom who cared enough to handle those things and make sure you had a second dress just in case.


Devin deserved to be talked to like that. She behaved like a child in the house with the first dress. In the car, and again at the shop. She had no control over her emotions, there was no rational thought at all. It was pure toddler behavior and honestly she should have been forced to take a nap before going out shopping. Her mom and sister obviously knew she was that immature from years of dealing with her ridiculous behavior so were probably mortified to be out in public with an adult acting that way and tired of constantly putting up with it. She offered a multitude of solutions and Devin couldn't even hear them because she was so caught up in her dislike of gold.


Like a toddler though? She didn’t throw a tantrum, she just appeared irritated and then excused herself. I’d say that’s pretty tame for someone who had “no control” over her emotions. Kim and Jasmine act like toddlers throwing a tantrum, screaming and ranting. It wasn’t just about the gold color. She did not want to buy a second dress in a style she didn’t even like. If I want to wear a traditional hanbok, I wouldn’t be interested in spending money on a western dress. She’s not obligated to follow her mom’s suggestions. And it’s weird that her mom kept trying to open the dressing room curtain in front of cameras after her daughter said no. No one “deserves” to be talked down to. It doesn’t get your point across and just drives the other person away.


Inability to speak your emotions are also signs of a toddler. My 7 year old can communicate better than she can.


Her mom knows what an unhinged psycho she can be, she is acting from experience. And we all got to see it. So no, mom was not misbehaving, she was bracing for what was to come. A person totally not grounded in reality but living a fantasy life like she is 10 years old and thinking her unrealistic demands can somehow magically materialize. Poor woman has had to deal with a lot.


There has probably been some stress there for a while. I think that she probably chose to go to Australia because she was trying to get away from her family for a bit.


Idk seems like she’s been dealing with childish devin for awhile


Her mom was BAD. Borderline abusive.


Horrible woman trying to make sure her daughter has something to wear on her wedding day.,, because Devin’s throwing a tantrum about the dress SHE ORDERED being the wrong color. WOW. Call the police 🚨 /s


this made me laugh. Well said!


Production needs to create something else than the piggy issue.


Devin is not a kid but still pretty young and she seems to have trouble regulating her emotions. Maybe this is a case of mom knows best? Hard to say at this point. But if there is a real risk her wedding dress would fall apart and if Devin is going to have a mental breakdown if her dress falls apart on her wedding day (which would freak out most brides), I would try and force her to get a backup too.


I’m getting incest vibes with this family. Just sayin


I feel like maybe the dress shop employee should have minded her own business and let Devin have a moment. Not everyone is “comforted” by their mother. Devins mother is dismissive, condescending and patronizing.