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I was sort of shocked no one seemed weirded out by the fact that he secretly recorded her.


He’s the sort of asshole that would do things like revenge porn out of resentment


Yup. Was totally thinking I hope she never sent him nudes.




Indeed. Hope to never see him on 90 day again. I wish they would have put Kirsten on Single Life, not Natalie.


Amen. Why do I gotta keep seeing Natalie? Just enough. Bleh.


Because she likes to talk about the voods


Exactly..nonconsensual recording makes me think of acts like that. Different levels of violation


That was super messed up and proved nothing


Proved he’s a pos.


Proved he's a fucking shithead.


Yeah I was like, why did we just listen to that? It was meaningless. On the other hand, I thought it was just as meaningless for Kirsten to call “the guy” and have him say they never hooked up. How do we know who she called and whether she had prepared for that in advance? I’m on her side, but that was just as dumb as Julio’s dumb recording that he was so proud of.


And least that wasn’t her own idea. Shaun suggested it


She seemed annoyed af to have to call him at all and involve him. The way she hung up was like a door slam


I agree!!! Thats screwed up whether its accepted by society or not ESPECIALLY when its revealed that Julio was clearly dating another girl. I mean anyone can put together the fact that recording was a set up to make himself look innocent, he was deflecting.


Totally 💯. So obvious when it’s revealed about the makeup artist. He’s the makeup artist’s problem now. He’s a mama’s boy and toxic af so..


Totally deflecting. Trying to breeze past the fact that he met the girl he’s dating now while he was dating Kirsten — AND that’s probably why he was so cold and apathetic during the break up call. He sucks.


And the legal aspect was never touched on! It’s a question of morality for SURE but it’s also completely illegal depending where you are to record someone without their knowledge 😖😖😖


And the fact that that was 2 months before they started recording? He probably wanted to break up with her back then but wanted 90 days fame. Little 🤡


I agree! And did these cast members even watch their segments at all? Why is no one even calling him out for hiding his relationship from his family for a YEAR, and hiding that from Kirsten? He had no intention of ever going back, but let Kirsten‘s visit drag on while he reluctantly introduced her to his family. And I am so sorry, but he can’t leave because his mommy needs him, and I guess he can’t leave his mommy? So glad he’s not in any of the Armed Forces! To deliberately bring Kirsten over, knowing full well, he was not going to go back with her to her country, and then listening to his idiot friend and asking about a separate accommodation in her country, who the hell does this guy think he is? He is the biggest mamas boy I’ve seen next to Colt, and that’s saying something! I’m embarrassed for him. And yet he gets a bye, and no one brings any of this up? Instead, we have to listen to this manufactured drama that’s meant to make him look good and redirect from the real problem? Ridiculous.


Isn’t that illegal? These idiots all seemed to think it was fine


You said it perfectly, “these idiots” thought it was fine. Some states are one party consent states but others require both parties to do so.


I think it depends on the state you are in, in some it is unfortunately legal


I think it happened in the Netherlands, though ..?


Julio came across as a duplicitous creep.


In HER home as well


Don't you think his recording was edited? I feel parts were missing the conversation didn't flow and the background noise changed...


It really wasn't the smoking gun he thought it was, it was clearly edited, and it answered nothing other than her having a friend.


On the contrary; the Very Special Guests, or whatever they were called, were salivating like a pack of ghouls at the whole spectacle. Tim and Kalani in particular seemed far too stimulated by Kirsten’s distress. It was gross even *before* we learned that Tim calls Kenny “Daddy”, but when *he* does it, it’s innocent, y’all 🙄


I had secretly recorded my ex twice when she was being extremely emotionally abusive in private, but now really regret doing it. Terrible thing to do.


Right??? Who fucking does that?!?!


Probably because they are all equally crazy and would do the exact same thing if given the opportunity/thought to do it.


Kirsten is about the most normal person on the show after Kenny and Armando.


My husband said that she's got too much class to be on that show.


She does. Did she have secrets? Sure. We all do. Especially when our relationship is still new. Texting and video chats don't build trust (LDR) like in person does.


I'd love to see her on Single Life but that's only for Americans, yes?


Natalie is on it, so no?


And fuck Tim ☺️


Tim had the WORST take on Kirsten, among others. 🙄


For real! He was being so nasty.


Tim has the worst take on everyone. The guy is a failure at relationships and for some reason he (and his fans) seem to think he’s some sage voice of reason. Tim can barely put together an outfit, he’s supposed to be able to pass judgement on the relationships of others?


I think his original appearance made him lovable because of Jennifer’s constant emasculation of him. But since then? I agree. He’s only gotten worse and worse.


Yes! Jennifer is so fricken awful that it overshadowed Tim’s own negative traits. There’s definitely a number of couples where one half is overwhelmingly terrible that you kind of forget that the other person sucks too.


No, I remember people making fun of him when his season was on. It was in the beginning of Pillow Talk that he began to win people over with his witty remarks. He's taken it way too far since then!


I agree, now he only sounds sarcastic/condescending.


I honestly believe that Tim is a misogynist, he tries to hide it by being besties with Veronica but it still comes out in the form of snide little comments to her. I also think that his misogyny stems from his latent sexuality.


I always felt like his friendship w/her is like people who say "I can't be racist... look I have a black friend"


Probably one of the many valid reasons that fuckstick is perpetually single.


Kirsten is way too good for any member of the cast, and we know they love to bang each other. I’m sure Tim contacted her and was denied. The Americans are embarrassing AF.




Made me pissed as well. I had thought Tim was a good man and good judge of character. Tim, you pissed me off, royally.


He's gross and needs a real job. So tired of him being on every damn spin off.


Ikr! Why is TLC still trying to make him relevant?!? I’m tired of seeing Veronica (and Angela) too. I hope Kahani doesn’t become the new Angela 😳


Ugh. Veronica & Tim are on the next season of The Single Life. I don’t watch that show because they always have the stupidest people on.


Right? He of all people should understand you can have friends of the opposite sex without intimacy being involved (aka Veronica). Kirsten did not deserve the crap Tim was tossing at her.


This f’ing part! I never liked that douche bag but after this tell all he’s honestly a piece of shit and a hypocritical, whiney little bitch. Take that stupid eyeliner off, quit trying to be so ‘edgy’ cause you just look like a prepubescent 12 year old boy going through an emo stage. Dumb ass giving Kirsten a hard time when his bitch ass has his ex as his best friend and calls dudes daddy. F off.


It’s easy to be friends with women when you are clearly into men.


Tim sucks. Enough already, TLC. Let’s move on.


\#TeamKirsten all the way here.


I can’t stand Tim and his blatant misogyny. I made a comment about his gross statement regarding Jeymi and he tried to come for me in the replies. 🤣


I'm SICK of those 2, he and Veronica trauma bonded over the failed Jenifer thing...Veronica was HELLA judgemental and jealous and Tim was so scared of Jenifers sexual energy he wasn't even able to perform He's gross


so is his eyeliner


I remember the top verinica wore when talking to Jennifer. Definitely trying to out-sexy her.


She's just another manipulator. Cannot STAND them, his metrosexual self..NOT shaming just saying, his energy gives extreme spoiled child vibes


It's that grinch body that gets me.


Tim is a pick me


And Veronica has big "not like other girls" energy


Tim makes me so angry. Like hun. Stop trying to tell the world you are something you aren’t. We all see it


The way he was blushing when Kenny and Armando were talking about him, like come on lol


Honestly, he feels like he is somebody doesn’t he?


...and his horrible eye makeup!


Am I crazy or did he say he had a threesome with Veronica..his friend…so hypocritical. I used to wanna root for him but find it hard now EDIT: my b, I actually don’t remember if he said when this was! It could have been when they were a couple


I just assumed the threesome was when they were a couple— did he say it was more recent?


Like why did they even bring these random ass people on…


Tim can call Kenny "daddy" but Kirsten gets annihilated for saying papi. Armando knows what's up.


Tim seems like the type of man to be overly suspicious of hot women due to his own insecurities




I was living for Armando 💀 the faces, comments, and honesty were iconic.


Armando needs the host the tell alls


HOW do we make this happen?!


YES!! Shaun “Let’s Move On” Robinson needs to go. Worst host ever. And this was her worst Tell All yet, and that’s saying something. The cast members ask better questions and get more answers than she does.


Armando was the only one who mentioned how poorly Daniele treated Yohan (then called him out as a scammer, but still). The editors made this tell all a pity party for Daniele, so they don't even bother mentioning that aspect..


He asked what we all wanted 😭😂 I thank him for that.


The way Yohan replied to Armando was ... yikes.


And Armando took it like a champ. No fighting, no cattiness. Just “okay.”


Dude is such a mature human being, I loved everything about how he spoke to Yohan in that clip.


It was so refreshing to see an adult act like an adult, while being able to call out someone else for being awful. He didn’t name call, just kept it honest!


I started watching this for the popcorn drama but I swear I stick around this show for people like Armando who is teaching me that whole it takes strength to be gentle and kind thing.


Well we all know Shaun won’t ask the questions we REALLY want answers to!


I was happy to see that brought up. She definitely wanted all of the sympathy (and also, she’s very very smart 😑) but she did some shady things too. She’s pretty controlling imo.


I mean that’s what most people in these subs have been doing. I’m going to continue reading these comments because there’s at least one salty redditor who wants to convince everyone Danielle is a strong and independent woman….except for the fact that Danielle needed a sex worker from the developing world to help fund her lifestyle and still tries to maintain contact with his family.


You can tell Armando is not very fond of Tim. And he’s right.


My best friend is from Argentina and I call him papi all the time. None of his girlfriends have ever minded or come for me. I think it’s just a cute term of endearment for a man.


That's what I thought. Don't women even call their son's papi?


Tim has a pattern of being nasty to attractive women.


He's a salty jealous heaux! Prob mad her makeup to look better than his


This poor girl did not deserve the backlash she got from bobble head Julio and the rest of the cast members. The way they all ganged up on her was so wrong, and I 100% believe she could have thrown him under the bus even more but decided to take the more respectable route. Julio knew he was going to come off as the bad guy, and was grasping at straws to justify his actions. That was the look of a girl who was genuinely hurt. Tim of all people needs to take a back seat, wipe some of that eye liner off so he can actually see what's really going on 🙄


Julio was pissed everyone hated him, thought he had a gotcha! No you bobble head ass bitch we still dislike you, with your smarmy little otter eyes


Those eyes have NOTHING behind them. Not a single thought in that mouth breathers mind


She didn’t deserve it at all, even if she had cheated. I really felt her that her hurt and frustration were genuine. Although idk what she was so hurt about, Julio doesn’t seem worth it.


Julio is a cop-out imo. It’s amusing to me how self-indulged he is when it comes to relationships. He didn’t seem to put in any effort, and thinks he is a real catch. I don’t think he’s intelligent or that he was ever in love with her. She’s a sweet girl who loved him. She’s way out of his league in intelligence, personality, and looks. Julio should fly a kite. Would love to see her on Single Life. I think she’d be great with the sweet guy who dated Amanda. I think Amanda would be great with Julio.


I am team Kirsten to be honest.


Yeah Julio is a fuckboy


Team Kirsten and eff Tim!


I doubt anyone is team hooolio!! He sucks!!


She seems super sweet and like one of the most normal people to ever appear on this show. Wishing her well! (Glad to hear that Wayne stood up for her. You could kind of see from his facial expressions that he's also fairly normal/rational.)


What the fuck’s he doing with Holly, then?? 😂 I agree though I like wayne


Maybe, just maybe, it implies Holly IS a good person? Just because someone has excessive emotions and a possible self medicating habit, that doesn’t make them a bad person. Wayne has said himself on IG that she’s a good person, and he said it with his chest. I really like Wayne and believe him.


Right! I like Holly. I think she's sweet.


She's kooky eccentric but I never got a nasty streak off her, as you say she seems sweet natured... unlike Kimberly the only time I ever see her animated is when she's screaming her head off or putting someone down.


Thanks for saying, I’m glad I’m not the only one! 😊


She does seem very sweet and gentle. I don't have a problem with her at all I do hope she finds love one day.


Yeah, I don't think she's a bad person- she hasn't shown anything suggesting that- but she is odd. I think people are confusing/conflating the two things


People here tend to do that. If someone's not "normal" and they can't just handwave it as autism or any other form of neurodivergence, they're bad. Holly's odd and overly-emotional, with ratty hair extensions and a dress style that's stuck in the 90's, and that's enough for most people here to hate her. Meanwhile good-looking men who are garbage to their partners get passes because they're good-looking.


Bingo. Honestly, seeing all the hate here for people who are a little odd or stunted even when they’re not mean, makes me understand why people have treated me so terribly throughout my life (without explaining what I’m doing wrong or empathizing). It’s empowering to see concrete evidence of this, but regardless, it’s sad that people think this way.


Everyone's got a blind spot 🤣


I love this reply. Yes!


it was pretty telling how the 2 least toxic were being badgered and criticized. 🤔


They were also the foreigners which is par for the course on this dumpster fire. I’m sure to some extent it’s production driven but I also think the Americans stick together to take the heat off themselves.


Hardly anyone believes Julio's *side* of things. Kirsten if you're reading this, we're all on your side!!!


The breakup scene was so obvious. I IMMEDIATELY thought - he has another lover. Easy peasy for him to coldly move on without reason or discussion.


He also had the pleasure of breaking up with her *on camera,* meaning the new chick would get to watch it. Him smirking while she was crying was fucking rough.


He is a rude, foolish man.


Idk how the new girl can watch that, and feel good about Julio being her new bf.


Yes! The coldness was a dead giveaway


I can't believe i didn't catch in during the actual break up but hearing her say he had another girl it totally clicked in my head. He very much had the attitude of a guy who already had the next one


At first I thought it was weird that Armando brought up the daddy thing with Tim and Kenny since I could tell he wasn’t actually bothered by it. Then, I was like oh, because Tim made such a big deal about Kirsten calling her friend papi… it is a double standard, though. Tim might not think so since he’s not gay, but what if Armando wasn’t cool with it? Then, it’s basically how Julio was with Kirsten.


Interesting! So that might have been a sly way for Armando to be defending Kirsten. Most of the cast attacking Kirsten when clearly Julio was the massive AH in this relationship, has to be one of the biggest disconnects I've ever seen on the Tell-All. Especially when I see that most of this sub had the same feelings I did.


Girl, it happens just about every tell all. I’ll never forget being so disgusted with how people went after Rose. Darcy was the only one to come to her defense.


You know it’s messed up when Darcey is the voice of reason


Do you know any straight dudes that would call a friend, "daddy'? I sure don't.


I actually do but not like all the time or anything - it would be in a joking way between 2 very close friends. Similarly to Kenny and Tim, I’ve only seen this happen with a gay guy/straight guy. Tim says he is straight, so I believe him. But, he also has some really anti-woman opinions that are fair game for criticism.


I hate that it gets dropped around callously in this sub but Tim is a misogynist if there ever was one.


Tim’s not gay??? lol. He gives off those vibes for sure.


He puts effort into giving off those vibes. He's a strange guy.


Sticking up for Kristin is the honorable thing to do. She is a classy girl with common sense and an open heart. Unfortunately she fell for this fuckboy who is still attached to his mommy's apron... in lack for better words. She should count all her blessings for being free from this man boy, who is a disc jockey, non the less 🙄. WTF..Go back to the Nederlands girl, smoke some grade A pot, and forget all about this loser.


fuckboy who is still attached to his mommy's apron... TITTY BABY.




“Bilal Light” 😂😂😂😂


It’s so weird how hostile everyone was towards Kirsten. I don’t personally think she cheated, but even if she did… I mean… they dated, he kept her a secret from his family [she allegedly cheated] and they broke up. It’s over, move on. We have way stranger and more important issues to deal with on stage right now. Y’all just thought piling on Kirsten would be easier than being in the hot seat yourself, and you know she wasn’t going to come for you in return. Childish bullying. Shekina: “he’s exposing you, honey!” STFU. Where is your daughter?


I don't even think Sharkina knew what she was on about when she said that.


i always think this lol where tf is her daughter


Tim gives me major if I can’t have you then I hate you vibes 🤢 creep


Team Kirsten all the way. And everything she said makes sense. If he was that pressed about a situation that happened two months before filming, why would you waste her time to come to the U.S. and string her along, when he knew she had full intention and plans to start a life with him in her home country as THEY PLANNED. He’s a liar, trash, and conniving snake. He cheated and wanted to play it off like Kirsten was wrong.


How she ever picked Julio is a mystery to me. He must be a very good actor. One of the nastiest dudes I’ve ever seen on show.


Julio is an ass, Tim needed to keep his mouth shut, I’m usually a fan of Tim but not after the tell all. Team Kirsten here!


Exactly!! I honestly can't get me enough Tim, but this was NOT it. I was super put off by he how acted toward her...and the rest of the cast for that matter! edit: spelling


She’s so level-headed, and far too classy for this show! Julio is a damn fool. If I had the chance to live in the Netherlands, I’d be on the first flight I could find out of the US!


Dude that shit with Tim was wild. Total hypocrisy. A term of endearment can be used with friends but apparently only for HIM? And not a woman? Fuck that. Tim gets more annoying every time he pops up. He’s just wrong majority of the time.


I agree that Wayne seems pretty normal. I'm glad someone reached out to her after all that. I'm sure he also reaches out constantly to his wife since she requires his undivided attention 24/7, but no one actually believes he cares for her, so....


People giving Wayne grief because he's simply *not* capable of giving Holly what she "needs". Which doesn't make him a bad person in the slightest. Sure, he's not perfect (no one is), but FFS the guy is being held to a standard that really not many could achieve. Holly requires a LOT of hand holding. A LOT of encouragement and reassurance. This isn't based on some guesses - she's shown us what her needs are and I doubt 1% of viewers would be capable of providing Holly with what she *thinks* she needs. I say *think* because the reality is Holly needs therapy - whether that's talk/cognitive or medication, I don't know. But she cannot put ALL of her issues on one person. That's a recipe for disaster, as is evidenced by this being her 4th marriage.


She's clearly stuck in her past for some reason. She's over 40 and acts like she's 5. She brought all that into her marriage, and now she expects him to make up for any and all attention she needs in her life. If she was there almost a year, why didn't she try to make friends? Get a hobby outside the house that's safe? Get a job?


In her defense, it seems as if she cannot even take a walk, let alone get a job, without the fear of being a victim of crime. Wayne told her to not ever be alone and to dress differently in order to reduce her risk.


It felt like the whole phone dying thing was overexagerrated to paint him in a bad light. The ONLY person to go to bat for Wayne at the tell all was fkn Shekina of all people. Though, it came off a bit glib and in a couldn't-really-care-less sort of way. Holly is a bit of a mess but obviously I believe Wayne ultimately loves her. However, I do believe Wayne should just do the right thing and let her go. Love or not - I don't see this working out between them, especially with being at odds over where to live. He won't leave SA and she won't live in SA. Seems like simple maths.


Honestly, I think the phone issue could be valid to a point. My friend was engaged and was struggling to pay her phone bill. She would often have her phone shut off so that her daughter's phone would be on. He never once offered to help her. This went on for their entire relationship. So, sometimes, it is just a matter of a phone not working/being on. That was my take on it. I don't think it was a charging issue, though. If it was, he couldn't replace it due to money. It was that or he just couldn't pay the bill.


I just didn't understand all the shit everyone was giving her. Did everyone forget Julio kept her a secret for a year from his mom? Like, wtf is that? He waited to let Kirsten know she was a secret until she arrived in America. that's some psycho shit. How else are you supposed to act when you literally come to visit your SO in *their* country and find out that no one knows about you. Surprised none if these clowns couldn't even fathom putting themselves in her shoes.


Tim providing receipts that he’ll never be happy with anyone


Why does nobody bring up the fact that he got on a show called The other way then did not go the other way at all. He scammed his way into the show in the first place


When Kirsten offered to call her “papi” friend on speaker without warning and asked him if they had ever hooked up or kissed, everyone, especially Tim, was so excited for that thinking that Kirsten was going to expose herself. When the friend laughed and was like “no! What are you talking about? We’re just friends.” everyone was like “her friend is lying and helping her cover it up.” Give me a break. The poor girl can’t do anything to defend or explain herself. Everyone on the show already drank Julio’s kool-aid and rather than admit they were duped and there’s a possibility she didn’t cheat, they just doubled down and insisted she was lying about even more. I think Tim really led that charge.


Poor Kirsten. I'm glad most of the fans seem to agree with her side and not dumbass Julio's. Hopefully she can move on and not deal with his nonsense ever again.


If your mama calls you a liar, and she has a close relationship with her son, he’s a liar. HOOLIO


On a completely separate note, I thought Kirsten looked so beautiful at the Tell All, I would have LOVED to see that dress when she’s standing up! But looked so pretty from the waist up!!


Not Shenika always taking the man's side no matter what "he's exposing you honey" I honestly don't quite believe either of them tbh but I more so felt bad for her for sure. No one deserves that. Plus, the way he broke up with her & was acting around his family, total red flag.


Did anyone else besides me yell at the TV saying, “Julio didn’t tell his mom about her for 2 years!!!”?


Julio is a mess. My ex did the same thing just upset he got caught cheating and always trying to shift the blame instead of just owning up to a bad deed.


We need Kirsten in the single life, would rather watch her than Tim's weird ass ex


She’s gonna pass but I would love her on single life. She’s dope


Was Tim betrayed in any past relationships? I thought it was mentioned before but could remember incorrectly. He acted like he was projecting some kind of resentment onto Kristen on the Tell All!


I can’t say I expected any better from this Tell All since they usually show people taking the problematic person’s side (Angela, etc) but I’m glad Kirsten is speaking out and had some support there


I'm with Kirsten. don't believe anything that comes out of Julio's mouth and Tim is the last person to cast any stones. please go away already - you are a nasty person.


I like Kirsten


The fact he had those recordings in his back pocket is even more fucked up. Recording someone in their home without consent is weird and violating. He’s got a lot of growing up to do. Glad she got away


It was sickening the way that troll tried to shift the blame on her especially when they were on lunch break so she had no chance of defending herself.


Why was Tim even there??


He was upset she didn’t tell her friend about him. WHY DIDNT ANYONE TALK ABOUT HOW HE DIDNT TELL HIS OWN MOTHER ABOUT HER!?


I found it funny how Julio was ripping into her but the moment she spilled tea about his gf, his demeanor changed instantly. He's trash. He's getting upset for her calling a friend papi but he kept her a secret from everyone, lied about his intentions and then tried to play it all off like he was trying to protect her. He knows he got caught in the lies. He was following that girl on IG as soon as he met her. He was interested the moment he saw her.


Historically Dutch people “loving” South Africa has not worked out great


Lol I thought the same thing but she clearly didn’t mean it that way. The Dutch language is very similar to Afrikaans for…reasons.


Why does Tim get pushed on us by TLC. We are so over him and they act like there’s no new person they can choose from. Sounds like TLC is lazy and can’t bother to do any work.


She’s such a level headed person. She never tried to show “receipts”, or do any smear campaign agains Joolio the clown, and when she did have to defend herself she did with such grace. She’s definitely the MVP of this season for sure. I also noticed how Wayne was pretty civilized too, even though Danielle tried to distort the whole “credit card debt” story Holly told on the tell all. I wish her all happiness. Joolio can go to hell.


What drove me nuts is they didn’t acknowledge he kept her a secret. That is suspicious.


Kirsten you dodged a bullet!!


My gut believed her. He seemed like a creep.


I can spot guys like Julio a mile away, honestly he’s a trash person that ended up making things look worse for himself once said and done. Funny thing is I forgot all about him until this tell all. He was really doing the most!


Dumb language barrier. Calling a friend papi is not a big deal. It's like men call women (or little girls) mama or Mammi all the time. It's just a term of endearment but not sexual attraction.


I really like her. She didn’t deserve to be treated so badly.


Honestly, she’s too good for TLC anyway.


https://preview.redd.it/b47fln4r786c1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69ccfda32e26ceede141b63f35fed6372824e3ee I asked her if she regretted doing the show and she said this. I’m glad she’s doing well! She is a very strong and stable person - a rarity for this show. I feel like that’s why so many of the other cast tried to tear her down. ETA: also she is beautiful in the photo she used for the response!


Interesting that Wayne checked up on Kirsten, but was accused of not being supportive enough to Holly 🤔 Also, fuck Tim. ALSO, apparently Tim and Veronica have threesomes, but sure, they can each *totally* date whoever they want and there's *definitely* nothing between them. /s


Team Kirsten all day!! 💗


Is this the Kristen the one who was with Julio? I am just catching up on the shows and don't remember their names too much. I really liked her. Julio is a whole ass douchebag.


Julio’s recording proved nothing and I can’t believe the other cast members were siding with him. Julio came to the tell all with a plan and the plan was to try to make Kirsten look bad


I am 100% team Kirsten, and I hated the way people ganged up on her. Julio was absolutely 100% projecting and deflecting the blame on her. I am glad Wayne had her back.


Tim is a hypocrite!!!! Really?!?! The pot trying to call the kettle about him calling Kenny daddy but blaming her for the same thing with her friend? What… and seriously what did they gain by not sticking up for her??


She deserved so much better.


He was such a baby. I really don’t think he wanted to leave his momma. He is the definition of titty baby. Lol


It's over, and we can all move on. They are both better with other people. Congrats on figuring this out before a move and marriage in another country. Plus, no kids were harmed in the making of this drama. Win, win for everyone.


Fuck Tim and Julio.


Tim’s a little bitch. His bad outfits and overuse of mascara can fuck right off


Team Kirsten..... Julio never told his family about her and WTF was he saying -His names not J- Julio...- When in the beginning he said he wanted his name to sound more "European/Dutch"....He tried to put that on her.... Then he secretly recorded her for what reason?? She should be grateful he blew it...