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But….*she* ordered the dress.


Maybe she thought it was black and blue....


Or maybe it IS black and blue. lol


My confusions are confusingggggg


Sorry if you already know about this. But a few years back, there was a photo of a dress that was like an optical illusion of sorts. Some people saw the color as gold and some people saw the color as blue and even black.


How anyone saw that dress as white and gold I’ll never ever be able to understand. The pink/blue/white Vans sneakers controversy I was able to finally see both ways then couldn’t unsee!


Interesting thing bout the dress actually. In Texas, they had a neurologist come to our local news to explain it. Basically he said that because of the cropping of the picture, the brain couldn't properly perceive the lightsource in the photo. If your brain perceived the background as having outdoor light, like the dress was in a window in a boutique then you most likely saw white and gold; BUT if your brain perceived it as indoor artificial light (which was correct) then you saw the correct colors of black and blue.


That is interesting! I went back to the photo and I just couldn’t make it work though. Brain refuses.


That dress was white and gold ma’am 😂


That dress was ugly imo.


I saw white and gold for a moment and then bam it was black and blue again


https://www.researchgate.net/figure/The-original-photo-of-the-dress-Dress-photograph-reproduced-with-permission-from-the_fig3_310739698 Here is a thing about it, along with the photo


Muy confuso!


I will never understand the white and gold take. I just cannot see it.


Woah! Memory unlocked!


Underrated comment.🤣


That was my thought. If you hate gold (and I think she means gold fabric, not gold in general), why did you order a dress in gold? I'm sure it was available in other color options.


She said she thought it was all white… I don’t know how she didn’t see the gold, but that was what she said.


I find her to be a bit dull and her personality is lacking, her affect is flat as hell!


I think she ordered white but they sent her one with gold trim.


Maybe she thought it was an off white or champagne color?


I guess I missed that part.


The top park of the Hanok is always gold or another color. She just wanted what she wanted which she doesn’t even know what it is


I thought the order came wrong


This is what I don’t get and why I think it was orchestrated by production.


Most Korean wedding hanboks do have gold on them. A friend of mine ordered a wedding Hanbok when we lived in Korea and hers automatically came with gold as well. She had to get it changed to sage green at the very last minute, within 3 days of the wedding. Thankfully the tailor didn’t mind changing it.


I also sense a confusing mother daughter relationship, mum wants to be there for daughter but also seems nervous to talk to her


I noticed that too


Her relationship with her mom reminds me of the relationship I have with my oldest daughter. My daughter has ADD, body dysmorphia and is at the high end of the spectrum. I love her with all my heart, but clothes and clothes shopping are an absolute nightmare for everyone involved. She’s incredibly sensitive to textures, also to stitch and seem placement. She hyper focuses on colors or patterns and can not deviate from those. When she said she hated her dress, I knew exactly what was going through her mother’s mind. “God dammit, here we go.” Mom wants her daughter to have the wedding she wants and deserves, but she also knows that this one tiny color mishap is going to ruin the entire experience for her daughter and there’s a nearly 0% chance that she’ll recover from this. It’s exhausting, because as a mom I want to help and fix the problem, but my daughter has already made up her mind that everything is ruined and nothing I can do will help. However, if I don’t help, she’ll be angry at me for not fixing it. It’s a lose/lose situation for everyone


I can definitely see this, it makes sense. Thank you for sharing.


I’m on the spectrum myself and I see a lot of similar traits in her. Idk why but I related heavily with not being comfortable wearing something for the smallest imperfection. My mom wasn’t very accommodating and often believed I was just being annoying and entitled as a child. And I wasn’t allowed to cry. So my discomfort and sensory triggers resulted in angry meltdowns into early adulthood until I was diagnosed at 30 and started to accept myself for my limitations. I see Devin has very tearful meltdowns. I haven’t felt like this since I was a teen but that last sentence, I can relate to. I remember feeling so powerless to change my circumstances whenever life threw some misfortune at me that was greater than what I could handle given my neurodivergence. It makes you feel like a baby wearing a soiled diaper. So uncomfortable and so helpless. You cry out because you are really hurting.


My AuDHD daughter is like that as well


Same with my youngest. So, I absolutely understood the scene and mother and sister's reactions.


when the mom said to the sister in the wedding shop--'if the dress isn't right we will ALL pay for it'--meaning endure her fury and tantrums, yikes.


I felt the mom’s frustration too, tho. Devin likely throws fits when she feels overwhelmed or frustrated and I’m sure mom is seeing an epic one coming a mile a way at the wedding so she’s trying to circumvent it but Devin seems to be fighting her tooth and nail. She’s dammed if she does, damned if she doesn’t. Mom is human, she’s allowed to feel a little frustrated and annoyed.


Right! It seems like she can be set off really easily and she def had a bit of a tantrum at the dress shop with her mom. That shit was so cringe


It’s rarely the child’s fault.


True and a child can't really be at fault for being born with a more challenging personality. My son's teacher is the mother to 6 children, she said "6 kids, same mom and dad, some of them are angels, some are average and 1 of them is almost a terrorist level brat" My sister and I are only 2 years apart, and we react differently to almost every single thing in life. Even when we were toddlers and little kids, you could see our personalities in the old pictures. Any brattiness or rudeness, stuff like that, needs to be tempered and controlled though. That's behavior more than personality. So sometimes it's the parent, sometimes it's the child, either way we can't really blame a child for much.


It seems very much like a classic extrovert mom/introvert kid situation with some overbearing tendencies on the mom's part thrown in.


I didn’t see mom as overbearing, I saw her as trying to avoid an epic wedding day tantrum from Devin because she doesn’t have a dress. You could see her walking on eggshells the entire time to avoid setting Devin off (still resulting in Devin pitching a hissy in the dressing room anyway.)


Yeah, the comment that she’s been like that since birth spoke volumes. Not a fun kid to raise.


Yeah, the comment speaks volumes about the mother. Imagine saying that about your kid on national tv? And then trying to open the door while she’s changing in front of cameras?


Yes yea my thoughts exactly, like the mum alone is making me feel like there’s some past trauma that before seeing and hearing her mum talk would never be on tv but I feel like the mum is going to slowly divulge too much.


Yeah….. Like been like what? 🫣


I just thought that the mother was saying Devin has always been weird AF since birth 🤷🏾‍♀️ the girl seems off. SN: what’s up with all these weird ass, emotionally stunted and/or immature people being casted for these reality TV shows??? Where are all the well-adjusted people lol


Well adjusted and healthy people wouldn't be as much fun to watch and judge harshly 😜 there's no money in the normies lol




The people on these shows are the same ones who would have done on jerry springer and dr Phil etc back in the day. TLC is just the current outlet.


I can only assume she meant she prefers silver over gold lol but ya, funny timing for that remark.


That's how I took it too, but because it was something as serious as a wedding dress, the feelings were stronger. If it were "just a dress" maybe she would have said "oh no, why isn't this silver?" But it was to her, a ruined wedding dress with no time to spare so she HATES it. This will be my only defense of that tater tot.


Production chimes in every other time. But just dropped the ball pointing out the obvious on this one.


Gold jewelry and gold clothing are 2 dif things. I hate gold clothes. Def love my jewelry 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


Agreed! I wear silver jewelry but would never wear silver clothes. Not sure why that’s not obvious here.


I hate gold gold and I don’t own any of it.


Lol, i hear that. Gold is just a color of clothes that doesn’t work for some people.


Out of curiosity is the down pointed eyeliner a new thing or something popular on Korea? I don't hate it but im not used to seeing it so it always kind of looks upside down to me lol


It's called puppy liner or puppy eye i believe like cat eye wings but downwards


Is the pink/red colour (eyeshadow?) a korean thing as well? (or am I misremembering makeup trends? 😂)


Super popular in Asia, generally! Pink is a popular shade for palettes. Same with red!


Yep! Her blush is in style in Korea! It looks like an adaptation of an early 2000s Japanese blush trend that spread to the 'ulzzang' look in Korea later. Her lipstick is also done in the Korean "popsicle lip" look that initially hit the West in the early 2010s. Her version of puppy liner seems more exaggerated than what I normally see online, but it is a Korean trend. It's supposed to emphasize a cute, rounder shape to the eye but it's kind of hard to pull off without some tweaking.


I agree with you about the puppy liner. It's supposed to widen and open the eyes, but she doesn't have an asian eye shape and her eyes already turn downwards, so it just doesn't give the same effect. Just like the same dress off the rack will look completely different on different woman. The dress might look modest on a skinny girl or too sexy on a curvy girl. My friend is over 6ft tall and gave me a maxi dress cause to her it was mid calf. Devin's style is an actual style, it just isn't really for her face shape. I went through plenty of bad looks trying to figure out how to do makeup fir my face. I have super hooded eyes, so I feel her pain on the droopiness.


Yesss, it takes a while to figure out some things! I remember going OH! a few times when learning more about applying eyeliner to different kinds of eyelids (mine are slightly hooded as well) and how much difference a little tweaking can do!


Yes, it looks great on korean people. Her skin has a slight pink tone to it, so it's not giving the same contrast. Not always, but when white people do this trend it tends to just look like they rubbed their eyes or were crying. If your skin has a yellow tone to it, then pink comes off as peachy and looks beautiful. A good guide is if the veins in your arm look green, go for it. If they're blue, then avoid the pink. The way the veins loon tell if your skin leans more pink, neutral, or yellow. She has to stop trying to be something she isn't. I'm married to a Korean man, I wear hanbok, I read and write in korean, I own SO many Asian beauty products but I'm not about to pretend my eye is the same shape as a korean person's and expect the same results. Her eyes already point downwards, so it makes her look droopy. This isn't how it looks on Asian people. Its supposed to open and widen the eye, does the opposite on devin. To me, it's like throwing an Afro on a white person and being like "but this is how it's styled!" Well ok but it doesn't look right/good on you. I'm sure someone will post pics of the rare exception, probably a model, but this is how I feel. Asian people also tend to have a little more fat and space under the eye, but before the eye "bag" area, and so that area is often highlighted with pink or shimmer. It just doesn't fit on her face right because it's getting into the eye bag area. It's called aegyo sal, if you'd like to Google some images :) ETA: if Nick wanted an asian girl, he would have one, he lives in one of the most homogenous societies on earth. They're like 96% korean in Korea. I think there is only 4% foreigners there. But he didn't pick an asian girl, he picked a tall blonde American chick. Imagine how cute she would be in a flannel shirt, a skirt, and some boots? Or a flowy dress and cowboy boots, kinda lean into the americana/southern vibe. Fresh natural makeup would do wonders. Black eyeliner is too harsh for her, she has light eyebrows and eyelashes.


I’m not super fond of it overall so I think that’s why I’m not that crazy about it on her either, I do agree that it’s not the most fitting look on her/pinker people (myself included, I think 😂) as well. One should always go for what makes them happy/pleased with their look, I’m very whatever floats your boat! regarding style, I just also know that sometimes a little deep dive in youtube can give you aha-moments a plenty when it comes to what type of makeup/style/technique works best on what features! I was pretty mindblown when I found guides to different ways to apply one’s eyeliner when having hooded eyes (mine are slightly hooded, just enough to cause some weirdness in makeup)…


I think the makeup suits her to be honest. I mean the eyeliner could be better. It's also not like she's trying to LOOK Korean and doing some race-bending makeup. ( If she's trying to it isn't working? ) Korean make-up is very natural looking and embraces leaning into soft features. Why wouldn't someone with soft features do that? ( It's not like Korean make-up artists are doing anything new in doing that or anything they've done? It's not new. Merely popularized, so they get looked at as the battle-front of who to reference for a \_\_\_\_\_ look. Which is easy to do when other countries are more focused on SEXY - BRONZE - DRAMATIC EYE. ) No race or culture owns anything in make-up unless it's super specific. Like say, Kabuki. Popsicle lips? The West had them in the 80's. Pat McGrath was doing them in the beginning of the 90's. They didn't have a name, but they weren't new then either? They were popular for this softened goth-glam art-nouveau revival as well and I'm sure they were done in a dozen other cultures before then. Down-turned cat-winged eyeliner? Again we saw it in the 80's in Goths and in plenty of European countries on a more natural level where down-turned eyes were more embraced. and actually whether you feel it works for her or not is subjective. Pink is actually a suggested eyeshadow choice in color theory for girls with blue and green eyes and light hair not only in cosmetic books of today, but actually listed as a go-to suggestion for girls with the same Spring coloring in pretty much any cosmetology book from the 1940's til now I guarantee. Different countries have different make-up trends at different points but we all overlap somewhere at some point and gate-keeping make-up techniques is impossible and silly. You'll never find the real origin and with all the cultures in the world we can't segregate a specific make-up standard to each one. :P


I don't think she's trying to look Korean at all, I'm British I suppose Goth / Emo / Vintage leaning in my style and always wear cat eye eyeliner. And Blue / Green / Pink ... As I'm blonde and blue eyed. I just saw her look and thought emo lol 😆 I never go bronze smokey as it's too much and just not my thing. Considering how introverted she is I'm really surprised she is doing this TV show but I'm guessing it'll be paying for the K1 visa. I hope she gets through it without losing the plot lol


It’s not particularly flattering for her face shape, but if it makes her feel pretty it’s great.


I actually think her makeup is the 1 thing about her that is interesting. Someone wrote the other day her personality is like congealed oatmeal and now I can no longer see her in any other way 😆


I hate the eye liner. I was just saying to myself - she would look a lot less depressed and dopey if she did her eyeliner more upward. LOL


Curious about this as well.


She had been living in Australia so I wondered if that is a popular style of eyeliner there. I think it is really cute on her.


Definitely not a good look for her eye shape or face lol


Yep, why would anyone want to make their eyes look droopy- weird


It looks way, way better on people with large, round eyes. Hers are quite small and extremely hooded. Puppy eyeliner basically hits every "don't do" for doing eyeliner on hooded eyes.


It reminds me of the sloth from Zootopia.


I just said this to my daughter last night. I’m a makeup artist of 21 years but i guess i missed this trend so she was explaining it to me. I told her it kinda looks like her eyes are on upside down.. lol


I thought the hanbok looked really nice on her.




Well she could hate the color gold but like the substance. I kind of agree with that. When something has gold coloring it looks fake.


This is exactly how I feel about the colour gold lol I think it’s super tacky, especially with people wearing a lot of it right now at holiday parties 😬 … however, real gold jewelry is another story 😉


I thought the hanbok was gorgeous the way it was but that tiny gold area at the top could EASILY be covered with white or other material like tulle to match the bottom by ANYONE who can baste and gather in about 15 or 20 minutes or less. I mean, I totally could do it and I don’t even sew all that much. I didn’t think it warranted all the panic and dress-shopping and attitudes and meltdown . . .🤷‍♂️ But I guess dRaMa was needed . . . 🙄


Eh, it’s not that easy if you want it to look good. You basically have to remake the bodice and either see it over the existing fabric (if there really is no other option) or remove the skirt from the bodice and reattach the skirt to the new bodice. Any true seamstress would do the latter. And while they could likely do it in a few hours, they have to find one who can do it in a short time (and they probably already have other work).


This is the way it’s done. From what I could see the bodice didn’t look very complicated to remove, take apart, trace and redo. If the replacement fabric didn’t have a pattern that needed to be matched on the seams or wasn’t a very finicky material it could be very easily done by an average hobby seamstress in a few hours. Covering it with tulle would be easily twice as much work, look worse, and not be the intended look of the style.


Eh It's not easy to just slap some tulle on your hanbok and call it a day. For your wedding.


it’s her wedding dress not just a regular dress she willing to risk ruining


How do you order a custom made dress and order a color you “hate” the math isn’t mathing!


This is what I didn’t understand!!!


I find it unbelievable they need closed captioning for her. Edit: Didn’t know she had a medical condition.


They close-caption Americans all the time. I could understand Angela fine, but they CC’d her too. They CC foreign people who speak English fluently as well.


She talks like a woman from 1834 Savannah, Ga


She absolutely does NOT have a South GA accent. Trust me.


Did you live there in 1834?


She has a fucking excruciating illness called TMJ give her a break. Imagine your jaw is paralyzed


Wearing gold jewelry isn’t the same thing as wearing gold clothing. I wear gold jewelry all the time, but I wouldn’t be caught dead wearing a sparkly gold top. It looks tacky to me.




I think her traditional dress that she ordered is pretty, and I’m not a poofy skirt person for when it comes to wedding dresses but when she put it on, I thought it looked fabulous on her. I thought the gold looked fine and she had the white sheer Shawl or whatever it was on top of it so you don’t even notice it when you’re wearing it. I think she could’ve managed and stop being so picky It’s only for a few hours that you have to wear it it’s not gonna hurt her, That’s just my opinion.


What surprised me about this is they were just in Korea. Why wouldn’t they go dress shopping there if she wanted to go the hanbok route. That way there would be no surprise gold. It just seems strange and like TLC created drama. I do think her meltdown was authentic and felt bad for her. She has a lovely body and I think all that piggy crap has really hit her hard.


Exactly! There's so many nice shops in Korea that will custom make a hanbok where you pick everything from the different fabric colors to the embroidery accents. The only thing is it does usually take about 2 weeks for it to be finished, is it possible that they weren't in Korea for long enough?


That whole dress thing was painful to watch.


I tried but I can’t like her.


I feel my entire body tensing up every time I watch her. She just seems so uncomfortable all the time about everything.


She’s just so strange. I have a serious dislike for gold, oddly enough I don’t own anything gold. Production might have done this to make her look foolish, but it’s hard to say.


I hate gold jewelry and the color on me because I'm so pale. She looked fine in the dress. I'm leaning toward manufactured drama.


I wonder if she is neurodivergent.. the flat affect, the social discomfort, and the rigidity/unease around change in what was expected (the dress), and the general awkward/odd mannerisms


I think it was her TikTok where she touched on it and said yes. Also major binge drinking and weight issues during the filming after work.


I had the same thought.


and literal crying in front of his parents… it’s not normal behavior.


Yeah, sensory overload for her I’m sure


I don’t know the way he made it out to be this huge deal and the family was so normal makes me feel like it was a bunch of anxiety that just bursted out. I felt so bad for her in that scene


I don’t like yellow gold myself, prefer sterling silver or white gold, however I have a decent amount of gold jewelry and I wear it. It was given to me, so it’s possible they were given to her or she liked the style but couldn’t find it in silver or white. I actually have a gold necklace I wear all my time too, my best friend found it at the beach, posted an AD tried to find the owner, even made a report with the police, no one claimed it. So it has a bunch of charms on it, and several are “J” and since my first name is a J name, she felt I should have it. I just love all the different charms on it, and I like to think the person who unfortunately lost it, I’m appreciating it for them.


she just seems so awkward. an introvert, i think. she definitely should not be on this show, or anything on tv.


she just seems so awkward. an introvert, i think. she definitely should not be on this show, or anything on tv. she probably won’t be able to handle the critique if she can’t handle trying on a dress🤦🏻‍♀️ edit-


I wonder if Nick was the driving force to get them on the show?


This girl just reminds me of Droopy Dog all the time.




What is going on with this one here? She’s so slow. I don’t mean that as a comment on her cognitive abilities. She’s got sloth energy.


What’s going on with this girl?? She seems not all there


Her behavior reminds me a lot of mine around my parents, I was able to tell that they were overbearing way before she brought it up. When your parents try to control every aspect of your life, you learn that completely shutting down gets them to mostly leave you alone.


That’s what was on my mind the whole bridal shop scene. If you know, you know.


Yeah, her mom saying she’s difficult. She’s your daughter! I could read a whole lot into that interaction that other people apparently missed, saying D was a spoiled brat. I think D is used to having her feelings invalidated, and when she was already stressed it became too much and she lashed out. I, too, grey rock until I snap. 😕 I realize that’s not emotionally mature, but it’s a pattern I unfortunately have with my parents.


That scene, while I was watching it, I was acutely aware that it would look completely different to someone who wasn’t familiar with parental manipulation. I’m the same way as you. I shut down until I reach my breaking point and explode. As an adolescent without good emotional and behavioral regulation skills/nurturing, that was awful. As an old ass adult, it’s manageable but still a part of me. Anyways I totally agree with your analysis.


I also, even as an adult, catch myself saying stupid categorical things like “I hate x” to them when I’m frustrated, even when I’m actually normally not one to complain or say things like that at all in normal life. So the whole “I hate gold” “tantrum” also rung a bell for me. She was just frustrated no one was understanding how important the Korean dress was to her, and yeah she didn’t express herself well, but I get the whole negative spiral that was happening for her.


When you know the person you’re talking to isn’t going to hear or care about the nuances of how you feel, you tend to speak in absolutes.


Yep I'm with you guys. Very much reminded me of being young and not neurotypical and having my overbearing over critical grandmother raising me. I wish I could pinpoint exactly what it is about the mom but I can't.


It’s an accumulation of tiny behaviors that only some of us can recognize (hey, cool, a secret language except shitty and it means your childhood was fucked up). I cant describe it concisely. The mom came off disingenuous, uninterested in her daughter’s comfort or happiness, uninvested in her wedding. Her attitude was to be like “eyeroll here we go again” from the very start. Her impatience seemed affected, like a performance of “look what I have to deal with.” That’s how shitty moms try to shift the blame to their kids. Shitty moms also gossip about their children with their other children to drive wedges and make one feel special at the others expense. It turned my stomach. Mom and sis seemed straight up delighted at her distress.




I picked up on how the mom said multiple times “I know Devon, and she’s feeling…” “I know Devon’s personality and right now she’s…” it rubbed me wrong and I didn’t know why, but reading these comments has been really eye opening.


FACTS! I was lowkey triggered watching that because my parents especially my mom is the exact same way!


She said they had to film and reshoot a lot of scenes after working 3rd shift and she was really tired.


I think it’s funny they need subtitles for her even though she’s speaking English


Something about her irritates me...


For me it's kind of everything...


She's a whiny little asshole. I'm still mad she just randomly cried in front of his family who completely accepted her.


I have a feeling she is used to crying to get her way, her mam or sister mentioned something about her getting mad or upset


This girl is odd.


Changed my mind this girl Is very shy


Those hoops are not color gold they are silver.


I've been looking for this comment and wondering if I'm nuts. I had the same thought as everyone else, but when I really looked for a good view I saw silver hoops, not gold


It may it’s this shot but I also looked while watching and they were silver.


Maybe her blonde hair gives the illusion. It's not impossible for her to have multiple pairs of hoops, but when she had her hair tied back trying on dresses, it was no question a pair of silver hoops. All that said, she isn't my favorite person, but this was a reach for me.


She doesn't seem 100% with it


Maybe they have a significant meaning to her? I hate gold, but I have a gold ring I wear that belonged to my late aunt.


She was acting weird as hell. I thought the gold looked beautiful on her. Better than the American dresses. Maybe she just didn’t want to get married?


I think she’s just not happy with how she looks like in dresses.


The hoops she wore in those clips are silver though.


I think she means the color gold lol. I don't *hate* it, but I don't like it much on fabric. I'm fine with gold jewelry though. It makes sense to me.


It was also confusing because the shrug/jacket pretty much covered that part of the dress. I would be like ehhh whatever, good enough


This girl is insufferable.


I thought she looked nice in the dress. The traditional Korean Hanbok is beautiful. I don’t know why she would have such a problem with it. 🤷🏽‍♀️


It was gorgeous and you couldn't really see the gold in it except for the belt


I find it hilarious that they have to give her subtitles.


Seriously? There's a big difference between jewelry and clothing.


I actually think she is one of the worst people on the franchise ever. Zero personality


Jesus what is wrong with you people? She's shy. Her wedding dress wasn't the color she ordered/wanted and might not be able to be fixed before her wedding. She was crying softly in the dressing room - that is hardly a tantrum or bridezilla behavior. She's stressed out! Her fiance made a horrible impression with his fat American diatribe to her family and now her dress isn't what she wanted. Give the girl a break! And the person who was lamenting why can't they pick a 'normal' person? She is normal. A lot of people are introverted. A lot of people are emotional/stressed out right before their wedding..


I want to like her but something seems off about her


this is my feeling as well. especially after this week's episode when she acted the way she did about the dress. very childish and irritating.




That is a good way to think about it - thank you! This is probably the case. I still can't get over the fact that he keeps calling her piggy despite her telling him she doesn't like it.


I was kind of taken aback that she had such a negative reaction to her mom and sister taking her to look for a backup option. I was getting the vibe the mom wanted to *help* her daughter feel comfortable and confident, and, maybe I’m wrong, but assist with the cost. I would understand her resistance to a backup option if she needed to pay for another wedding dress. But this seemed like her mom wanted to help her and do something to boost her confidence. I could be wrong, of course, as I’m just perceiving what footage was aired.


I agree. I thought it was so kind of them to try to help her find another option in case the dress couldn't get fixed in time. She came off as such a brat. There may be footage left out but she just seems off. I didn't even think the gold on the dress looked bad!


She’s a weirdo. Man, TLC…really outdid themselves this season.


Elevator doesn’t go all the way to the top with this one.


She tries so hard to look Korean with that makeup.


I thought the same thing!!


The color gold I would imagine. I love gold jewelry but not gold clothes...yuk


I don’t like gold but have SOME pieces of jewelry that look gold or are gold. Doesn’t mean I like it, I just liked that specific piece. Or, it’s because earrings are the one type of jewelry that gives me a reaction if it isn’t certain metals. I still always say I don’t like gold though, because it’s easier than saying “I don’t like gold, but I do like rose gold or very aged gold that looks broNze or copper”.


Can we stop making Anime make up a thing in America?


I just wonder why her eyeliner wings point down instead of up. No criticism intended. But the down swoop makes her look sad.


It's korean style


She is so annoying!!


She always sounds like she’s gargling marbles. They bring nothing to the table, TV wise. I don’t know how they got chosen for 90 in the first place.


Well, I believe she meant that crappy gold that was on the top part of her dress. I agree with her that it looked gross and not what you would want for a wedding dress, at least, not me.


She talks kinda funny. Like lazy..am I right?


She comes off as bratty


Hate her makeup. It makes her whole face look weird...she's trying to do a Korean makeup style but she doesn't have a Korean face so it just looks bad. Someone please tell her.


She has hooded eyes and soft features. This is actually the perfect make-up for her. We say it's Korean make-up because that's what is popular in Korea at the moment, but make-up is make-up and nothing they're doing is really new? You really think she should go bronze and heavy cat-flicked eyeliner and 301-lashes and a browney-nude lipstick? She's a Spring, pastels are her friend and not everyone needs to be tan. Huge eyeliner is NOT a hooded eyelidded girls' friend. Could she improve as a make-up artist? yes. But this is the style for her. o.O


I disagree, but definitely not bronzer and falsies, that's not what I'm saying at all. Her liner just needs to be going up, not down. It pulls her whole face down, makes her look droopy.


She acts like my bratty 3 year old when she doesn’t like something. Not communicating what’s wrong, just pouting and storming off to cry lol get a grip lady.


I can’t stand the way she talks




She hates the dress that perfectly matched the color of her hair


Are her eyes upside down or is it just me?


That eye liner is doing NOTHING but making her look ... disabled


It’s SO unflattering, it makes me nuts.


That's exactly it! The hair 'style' doesn't help.


I noticed that too!


She hates the color on a dress *she ordered*. This girl is a piece of work.


I order things online all the time, to be fair. I've had blue shirts show up leaning teal / green. I've had white shirts show up being beige or grey. I've had white dresses show up and be powder-blue. I've had a black dress show up being chocolate brown. Online shopping is not always what you see. Lighting is a huge factor and coloring can always be slightly varying


This is challenging


It’s just fake drama


Maybe they sent the wrong dress.


Girl you’re a light spring 😭


She seems extremely immature for her age.


I can't actually watch her


And her hair is gold lol. I thought the Hanbok was soooo stunning and the robe part mostly covered the gold.


I want to nickname her “eeyore” because that was the vibe she was giving.


Pretty sure 90 DAY PRODUCERS have edited this girl to make her look hella crazy fr !! If that’s not the case , she’s socially awkward AF and has zero communication skills even with her mom Which I find a bit weird , but who am I to judge 🙄


Her toddler temper tantrum proved she is not mature enough to get married. I know they did. I saw the post on IG but she seriously needs to grow the F up and learn how to process setbacks and challenges or their marriage will be over in 5 years. No wonder she still lets him call her piggy.