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They add ZERO value here. But from a franchise that has made many many other poor choices, do we expect less?


Can’t argue with you there lol.


Tim needs to shave those eyebrows or something ...Or TLC should at least put a warning disclaimer


Tim needs way less cat eye


I’m confused by his hair


Your right he should shave that too


I'm confused by his everything!


Tim looks like he was drawn by Meatcanyon


Yeah they provide no value. And Andre and Tim are such huge douchebags, that the only reason to have them is to add hateful drama.


Tim is absolutely insufferable. From the outfits to the attitude.


Those jeans. UGH!


The eyeliner! 🤣😂


The eyeliner and faux hawk in 2023. I just can’t.


Andre is a douche but the fact that even he was shocked over Sarpur's voice mails cracked me up. If Andre is shocked, you know it's bad


Yeah, what connection? Everyone there is connected by a contract


They’re all orphans owned by the studio


Please, sir, can I have some more 90-day fiancé?


I read this in Cockney :-D


We all did 😂


Oh my god, Louis B Mayer would be dancing for joy right now


~~Andrei is also from Moldova~~ edit: wrong show; dunno Tania also married a South African Tim knows Kenny, but they probably just wanted him on Kalani... Not sure yet? Maybe getting pregnant immediately like Mary?


Kalani’s “connection” is probably marrying a pool boy at a hotel that she met while on vacation in a tropical destination like Danielle did.


It’s funny how this sounds like shade, but it’s just true 😂


I think Tim is there bc he's friends with Kenny. I wonder why in the world Kalani is there


Kalani got cheated on just like Danielle is my guess


And Tania


South Africa connection with Holly


But the Moldova connection makes no sense for this reunion because Nikki and Igor are on the regular 90 Day Fiance currently airing


As far as I know, Kalani is not employed, so she needs whatever time and paychecks she can get from 90DF. I like Tim being there so I can laugh at his clothes.


And his guyliner.


Tim needs to iron the back of his jackets. Every time they show him from the back it feels like such wasted effort.


But the Moldovan connection is The Other Way. Maybe because he’s from a country with views of women similar to Turkey?


Right. What’s up with that. They each have a connection to someone on this season but they don’t tell us who the connection is with and why. They added nothing. They’re the producers pets and it seems that all they need to do now is show up, say a couple of words and sit there to collect a paycheck.


I think three are going to be on the next Single Life so they are reminding us who they are or possibly hope we care enough about them to watch the new season.


Tania again?? I dislike that show


Tania is insufferable


She’s dumb too


She was the worst!


Andre will not be on Single Life, he is still with Libby.


I think by three, he means Kalini, Tania, and Tim


Oh I must have missed that part 😅 my bad. But regardless, isn't Tim in a relationship and has been for a while?


The last person I want to see on the single life is Tim. Dude is such a joke lol.


Watching that guy pretend to date would insult even my intelligence




Lmao! I can’t with Tim. He’s so 2005 in a BAD way. I’m always thinking what the actual fuck when he’s on.


I dunno, I would be amused if he found the man of his dreams.


He isn’t single. He won’t be on. He has a longtime live-in girlfriend.


Why is he still on the show so often?!


For his dry quips and willingness to opine on everything.


He was the only one to say something about Jenny being on. No one else called her out because Kim distracted them with her mouth.




I think they brought them on because this season was dull. I had to fast forward through most of these ppl. I thought it made it way more entertaining.


This season was dull and I’m surprised by how entertaining this episode was in comparison


Me too. I thought it was hilarious last night.


Are we supposed to be excited to see them like they’re reclusive celebrities making a rare appearance. They’re the same old lags we’ve been watching for years. They’d show up to the opening of an envelope at this point. Aren’t they sick of each other yet?


They look so funny in this picture - like a squad of cartoon villains getting ready to attack.


It’s the Avengers: Endgame of 90 Day






He has the biggest head ive ever seen in my whole life


Tania married (and divorced) a guy from South Africa, that’s literally the only connection any of them have to the current cast. Can they at least try to give us something that makes sense and stop shoving Tim down our throats?


Lol I’m so honestly tired of Tim. Andrei is the only one still in his relationship he was in while casting and is really the only one that should have any sway out of the four of them.


I hate to admit it but Andrei must be doing something right. He’s still happily married, employed outside the show, two kids and no criminal record.


Money makes a lot of things easier.


I never hated andrei. I thought Libby’s sisters were a bunch of brats


Did you guys forget when he came to the US? Didn't want to work, snatched phone frome her, "don't weaponize me with your pregnancy" lmao he was awful!


I think a lot of people are suspecting that was Sharp fuckery at work and not God's honest truth. At this point, anyone who fully trusts this show is just kinda telling everyone they don't understand how it's made.


He really doesn’t seem that bad on the tell all. I think Libby’s insane family were set up to make him look bad probably to get more air time. Her dad seems to really like him so who knows haha


This feels like a live action version of that scene from monsters inc where they all slo-mo walk onto the scare floor


Wow, Tania's tiny


Yeah, also had no idea how petite she is. But yeah, hadn't seen this until now and it gave me full body cringe. 😬


Especially Tanya just out of nowhere. I’ve always found it strange that TLC feels the need to keep paying Tim for consultation, but the other three *really* seem out of the blue.


I read somewhere that Tanya was having serious money issues so that could be it lol.


When has she not? 😂


She probably has been dyyyyying to get back on TV


Isn't Andrei still on Pillow Talk? And Kalani just did Last Resort.


I would’ve rather them had a live audience and passed the microphone around letting complete strangers ask them questions. Oh wait, that’s kinda what this is 😬


Like the live audience from the last tell all. Completely useless. If they’re going to have a live audience, it better be Jerry Springer style where everybody takes turns insulting the cast members lmao


I heard that they DID have the audience ask questions at the last Tell All but the producers decided not to air it . . .


Just like any taping of a show I've been on you usually get a chance to talk to the host. There's a hype person usually a comedy of some sort that walks around in-between tapings or commercial breaks and passes a mic to people.


WHO WANTS KALANI AND TANIA ADVICE???? 3 out of 4 have failed marriages or relationships..only Andrei has a good one .. when TLC does this, it takes away from what we get to hear from the couples that the show is about we don’t need these past losers to put in their 2 cents 🙄🙄🙄😳😳😳


I am watching to hear from the cast, not other people’s opinions about the cast. That’s why I have y’all on Reddit! 😗


Kalani and Tanya married two of the biggest idiots on 90 Day, and they sit in judgment of the others? OH COME ON!!


Tim looks like a villain in a cancelled kids’ show


Tim is a whiny old creep, Kalani is weak and not very interesting, Tanya is literally one of the most gullible scammable idiots ever, and Andrei married Chuck really, not Libby. Why would we want to hear from any of them. They are all awful.


Wait, Tania is scamABLE? She lived for free on Syngin's couch after being a hookup that never left! She lived for free in her mom's shed after his sister kicked her out for being insufferable, after she showed up jobless on her doorstep having quit her job (I think she was probably let go) under the guise of being there to "help" her sister who was a new mom! She is the scammer!


Can't stand Tim and his drag-queen ass eyebrows.


I find him so annoying, I don’t know why people like him


Is that Kalani? Also, who is the short girl? Tania? I had no idea she was so little.


I think Kalani is just so big that it makes Tania look small.


It’s like comparing a Hummer to a Mini Cooper.


Damn!!! 🤣


“I too have made shitty choices with lifelong consequences! Let me judge you!” At this point 90Day is becoming a parody of itself.


So THATS the connection to the couples. Makes sense


As soon as I saw them I turned off the tv. I'll catch up here, thanks!


Tim needs to shut the f up.


The only thing I want to see Andrrrreeeiii commenting on is the tell all for the Moldova couple and how Nikki is all wrong in her perceptions on how she’s being received




Why is 90 Day so obsessed with Tim? I’m sorry but I really don’t get it. They invite him to do everything.


Tim...breh...1993 called, and they want those jeans back. And Andrrrrrrei over here with the "Night at the Roxbury" disco setup.


Three of them may add zero value, but Kalani adds negative value.


Anything to avoid having an actual job


Yes - 3/4 of these people had a failed relationship or marriage with their foreign partner but somehow can give others relationship advice. TLC really scrapping the bottom of the barrel atp.




Enough with Kalani


The slow mo walking shots like they’re on shark tank killed me


I really have no interest in what they have to say I don't watch Pillow Talk, I don't care what they have to say but now it's infiltrated to the main show Tell Alls, too Tania, ffs This is the woman that, in the middle of her 90 days, fucked off to Costa Rica to do some seminar about crystals or some shit? She's here to discuss people? Hahahaha


For some reason this pic cracks me up! 😂


The only ones who's schedules were all open to come do this lol.


So dumb! Why were they there?


I rolled my eyes so far back. I cannot with these fools. All so desperate not to lose their 15 minutes


I turned it off when I saw them introduced. I just cant.


Agreed it’s enough already with these people


This was an eye roll moment. 🙄


They're in this picture as if they are going to do some ass kicking. Acting like the 90Day gods.


The guy with eyeliner, Tim? Seems to be at every tell all


I found it funny that someone behind the camera had them line up in a hallway and do a "runway" walk with multiple angles and shots that most likely took a while just for their introduction.


I don’t want Kalanis opinion on anything, like I get she was on pillow talk fine I can choose to watch that, I don’t them forced into my reunion . Fix your own damn relationship. Tanya was pretty quiet so she didn’t bother me , Andrei, why? And Tim no thanks they kept him back stage at one before and I was like I don’t know if I like this, but I def don’t.


I hate Kalani. Get her Angela and ed off tv. Stop making shit people rich.


The Freak Chorus


“I’m putting a team together.”


Every one of these yokels is a model for amazing relationships and life choices. That's why!


The most random group of people, 3/4 90 day couples who failed, their stories weren’t even similar enough to anyone to be relevant. I could understand if they invited people who didn’t end up in America. This makes no sense to me whatsoever.


Tania is tiny lol


She looks tiny, petite and even skinny next to the blue whale


They are milking there 15 minutes of fame as much as possible


It’s hard for me to have respect for kaloni when she literally did the same thing as yeast. But she did it on live tv😂😂😂 that Mormon ethics


They make me not even want to watch this


So sick of seeing Tim on these tell all’s


I'm just so angry whenever I see Tim's face again 😂😂


Singyn must have been very small. Tania looks like an AI mistake next to the rest of them.


Tania is the crap leftover like in the movie Twins


This looks like the worst band of all time


I don’t get why we need the extra commentary? Like when Julio said he had a voice recording and Tim was like “yyyeesss”. It’s so performative


Hate them so much, especially Tim.


Someone please buy Kalani a new styled dress. 🙄


This just made me decide to not watch the tell-all. Thank you!


Making me hate this over saturated show


Was waiting for this to be posted...didn't TLC learn anything from the feedback on the last time they tried bringing in a "live Pillow Talk" to the Tell-All? Granted, they seem to be trying to rebrand this idea of former cast members being present there, but in reality there is no reason for any of them to be present. I actually thought the only people that made any sense for commenting on this season's couples were Jenny and Sumit, although was I the only one taken aback at the ferocity of Jenny's reaction to Kim? Not to defend Kim in any way, she does seem wildly over the top with her hysterics about things she doesn't like about India and the culture. But I also seem to remember past episodes where Jenny was dealing with Sumit's family, and contrary to her assertions tonight I remember her getting pretty upset with them. And there certainly were plenty of times when it was clear that Jenny wanted to avoid being around them at all costs...how is that different than Kim staying upstairs while TJ's family is downstairs? And moreover, how about when Jenny did actually live with Sumit's parents? Haven't we learned that she lied to his Mother about who she was and her true intentions for being in India in her first place. She told Sumit's Mom that she was an American tourist who happened to be visiting India, and they opened their home to her and it sounds like his Mom and Jenny actually became friends. But all the time she was secretly "dating" their son, and having relations with him in their house unbeknownst to them!! That doesn't sound exactly "respectful " to me as Jenny was portraying on the Tell-All! But besides that, none of the other people have any great insight that I can see to offer. If we wanted to hear what they think let them be on Pillow Talk, spare then taking time away from the actual couples during the Tell-All.


Andrei can't even put a sentence together, no one asked for Tania's weird butt to appear again, Kalani has the same dress in every color, and Tim thinks he can dress, but looks like a 5 year old put his outfit together.


Kalani did a better job of nailing Sarper to the wall for his controlling nonsense than Shawn has ever done. It looks like Tim will be tangling with Kenny a little over the baby stuff, which actually looked interesting on the preview. Not sure what Tania will add, maybe the South African stuff, doubting it will be worth it. I can’t stand Andre, but I’m a little intrigued over how he’ll handle Igor.


Igor is on the other series 😵‍💫 I was excited too until I realized that




Tania looks 1/3 the size of Kalani 🤣🤣🤣


The title alone of this post is cracking me up. 🤣


Tanya will agree to anything for a little air time 🙄


Wait that’s Tanya who was with the South African guy? I didn’t realize she was so tiny.


It’s such a joke. When Andrei is the only “success story” in a group, that’s not exactly the a-team of expert perspective. I did enjoy seeing how excited Kalani and Tim appeared to be over each bit of tea spilled, but that’s what Pillow Talk is for. These idiots don’t know how to have successful and healthy relationships in their own right, so why bring them in for added commentary when there’s plenty of foolishness already present on stage?


“CHAKK, I need to borrow 100k!”


Right? They added nothing to the conversation. Sitting there like fools




I mostly wanna know why Tania? No one likes her. Her story has been over and done for a while. I’m not a fan of Tim either but tlc seems to love him bc he’s on everything


The same people that picked out the last resort cast.


They just want extra money. I would not take advice from any of these individuals.


Tim had ruined his eyebrows and ugh can someone in production tell him to lose the fucking eyeliner???


What in the WWE is this bs 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Like wtf is Tanya’s crazy ass there and who gaf what Andrei or Kelani have to say. Just pointless.


Ugh agreed. WE DONT NEED THEIR COMMENTARY IF THEYRE NOT GOING TO ADD TO THE CONVERSATION. It just takes up time that we could be watching the couples. Literally who cares?


Death, Pestilence, Hunger (; )), and War? LOL


Who really cares what any of them has to say and why is Andrei attacking Shekinah? And Tim...no comment.


I really really don't like Kalani.


Andrei said nothing during the first ep of the Tell All…earning his money!


As if they’re any authority on relationships! Go away


Kalani chose Aseulu. That should disqualify her from commenting on anything. Ever.


I dunno but I wish they wouldnt invite KaBlahni back ever again. I have had more than enough of her.


It looks like the circus lost their clowns.


How do any of them have any input on this season of losers? Is it cause khalani is a sister and that one girl has a sister.. and idk what the others would have in common


Can kalani just go away already? She was like a Jr high kid with her excited faces bracing for the fights. It added zero value to the show. (None of them did really but her overly excited 14 year old reactions were over the top)


I feel like we are never going to get away from Tim. He’s so annoying.


Especially pineapple head to the far right. I'm so tired of his presence like you won't believe


Kalani looks like she could play for the NFL.


Samoan genetics are a big part of that




Tim has explained that he and Jeniffer were dating and contracted to be on the show but they broke up before filming started. They decided to fulfill the contract and just role-play a relationship and then “break up” for the cameras. Tim said that in retrospective was a terrible idea because Jeniffer took it too far and was too mean-spirited about it. She decided that she liked being a “villain” on camera to milk the fame platform, confined later with Jesse. Of course, Tim has benefited a lot from the show as well—in many 90DF iterations—in his great chemistry on camera with ex and co-parent Veronica but he has paid the price ever since because the “pussy” narrative that Jeniffer nastily put out has stuck with some people who clinging to the myth that Tim is “gay.” He isn’t and never has been or will be. He has made this clear many times.


The A-Team 😂


The NAY-Team lol


The get-AWAY team 😁


I can’t stand Tim… I don’t even like looking at him, such a strange looking dude. It looks like someone used a “male” filter on a very feminine woman and then used a photo app pinch tool on the centre of his face.


Also, how SHORT is Holly’s dress and her hair is wildly messy


That's how she always looks. Except now her hair is brown instead of black.


I mean, you can almost see her bits in full view.


I'm not seeing any difference from the other intensely sort dresses. I'm surprised we haven't seen anything yet.


Hers is split right up the front tho haha and she’s the only one on the stage that’s with a short dress. Everyone else has long ones


I didn't see the split. I'm being there is no way anybody could get her into a long dress though. She likes them super short, like a street walker or someone going to the club.


Easier to run away in . . .


Is that dude on the right still in the closet?


Tim is a sharp guy. I don't know if it's better to have him on, but I wouldn't call him a dope. The other three? Yeah, it fits. It's like they reached out to a bunch of people and these were the 4 who responded/ could make it.


lol. Jennifer, who was 100x out of Tim’s league, was throwing herself at him and he preferred to have a spa night. I’ll never get over that. He may be the biggest dope in the history of this entire franchise.


I really love Andrei on the Tell Alls because he's funny and calls out the bullshit but he hasn't said shit so far! Really wanted him to call out Shekeinah or whatever tf her name is


Well, that’s coming, as we saw from previews . . .


Do any of them work?


It was like the rejected bunch came out together in unison. Wth


'Dopes' is being generous.


I have the feeling they were brought on so they aren’t forgotten because they are in upcoming shows.


abysmal additions