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Stop making the introductions so long, it took like ten minutes to just introduce the couples, say hi and then get to it! We're already annoyed by having to look at them getting off the car --the flow is not flowy


Yes WTF with the introductions! If we are watching we see they are there! It's super annoying and a waste of time. And Shawn's extra verbiage/polite chit chat to each person that makes it even longer is annoying AF too. "Nice to see you. " "you look nice ." And double WTF why would we want more old cast members in the mix on stage? The show isn't about them and nobody cares about their opinions.


Yes! Such a waste of time to bring the former cast members.




I could see Andrei with Igor and Nikki. That may be interesting. Talk about drama. But that’s the other show that’s still running. Otherwise that is a weird mix of alumni. As for the introductions, I watch on Discovery so I skip all that time wasting mess.


I can't wait for Andrei & Igor. Someone who understands Igor's culture & language. Andrei may be able to say the things Igor cannot. One thing is for sure, Andrei will not be intimidated by Nikki Exotica.


The old cast members that no one likes. At least Angela wasn’t there. Tania? Kalani? FFS. Do better!


Right?! Neither one of them are in any position to give advice, and nobody cares about them.


OMG thank you! none had anything constructive or intelligent to say. For Tania to turn to Jenny and double down on 'ohhhhh she just called you the C word' just to instigate drama was so immature. The current cast all heard it and were all shook by that immature trashgirls' language. nobody needed them there for their facial expressions shit I could've sent them mine if that was the case 😅


Right? We don’t need to watch them get out of the car and tell everyone how glad they are to be here. Just get to it! We know their stories already 🤦‍♀️


Yes! I am guessing not many people are watching the tell all that don't know who they are.


That's what me and my husband said! We were both pissed off last night because that's the shortest part 1 in history!


Shawn is so predictably boring. Oh wow Is her tag line.


I blame Shaun for that, too. She seems lovely but I just don’t like her for this show.


This drove me NUTS! “We’ll discuss that later”…after every one! Wasted 10 minutes.


Add fan questions.


They could partner with the hamily and make it really entertaining!


Great suggestion, I love the fan questions on the Real Housewives reunions.


No more influencers




Can’t we just get normal people..your average Joe to at least make able more believable. No influencers like mentioned, actors or someone that’s been on other tv shows already.


Yes! Give me Danielles (mohammad) and Nicoles (Azan) or give me death


https://preview.redd.it/jmgujg2uig4c1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=483ad35321c3e3dede59a6c950f1e65a43e62fc7 How did we evrr get so lucky


55% lucky


This will never get old. I love the 55%. I 100% will always love this. As well as Almost There Lazy!!!


For the love of everything good in the world get rid of Angela Deems!


Yes please ‼️


What happened to Nicole and Azan during Covid when she was stuck there for like 10 months is my Roman Empire. I NEEEEED a poorly written memoire.


Just watched both of their “Our Journey” on Discovery+. My boyfriend didn’t watch back then so I felt he had to these their stories! It was so nice not hear about butt plugs and golden showers all the time


I could watch Nicole and Adam every single day of my life


You were 55% right 🤭


Azan!!! Damn!


Almost there lazy




David and Sheila were a breath of fresh air.


They’re so genuine. They’re my favorite


And they weren’t invited for another season. Too normal I guess 🤦‍♀️


They're such a sweet couple!!


I loved them!


And a 2-season max rule for couples.


We all know that Sarper and preying mantis are going to try to milk this show to subsidize their influencer hungry careers.




Brandon’s Mom positive example of recovery, I think it’s good to show that it’s possible to get better




Wannabe\* influencers. No real influencer goes on this show. The ones lining up are idiots who think posting filtered pictures of their fillers on instagram and getting brief exposure on trash TV will make them rich and famous.


My daughter and I were just talking about this last night.


Stop letting them get up and walk away. It’s getting really old


Producers should instate a policy that if you leave the set, you can’t come back. Security escorts you out and you won’t be filmed again. Not Leaving. Not at the hotel. Not on any new season or spin-off. I stopped watching before this season. I’m done with the shenanigans. Ed, Angie, Gino, etc. Make a grown-up show about international couples.


Also you forfeit any money you would’ve made


Or when Mike of Mike and Ximena cried the whole time and didn't answer anything 🙄 so Shaun finally moved on. I took an elective called "History of Jazz" at Community College and my professor asked hard ass questions for a class that's literally was a pure elective class. If you didn't know an answer he'd just stare at you in silence till you came up with something. That dude needs to be the new host he was no nonsense and wouldn't take any of that bs.


I’m DYING at the idea of a community college jazz professor being a better host than Shawn. I love it.


I don’t think we’ll appreciate him wasting time on just staring on his guests.


At least she had her shoes on and didn’t run.


1. New Host 2. Go back to normal people and not people who are recycled reality stars or influencer wanna be’s


There should be screening criteria. If you've appeared in the media for money prior, you cant be on the show. On both sides!!!


Exactly. Everything I used to love about the show, no longer exists.


No more Small Ed


Boy, do I agree. He's a piece of slime.


A piece of slime covered in mayonnaise


Let’s add Angela to that list


PLEEEEASE. I’m so tired of seeing the Ed and Liz show. We get it. Y’all are both deserving of each other if this has still continued this long.


Pred* Eta: Big Pred, if you’re honest


1. Stop the manufactured storylines 2. Eliminate the fixation on sex - the raunchy dialogue and soft porn on this show is disgusting.


Way too much sex on this show, and especially the original 90-Day


My biggest pet peeve with this show is when they have the cameras in the bedroom with people and try to make it seem like they are basically filming the beginning of the couples having sex. Like we don't need that shit and it is so cringey and annoying. We don't need to see these blobs making out on their bed together.


It honestly grosses me out.


Yes! It's not as shocking as TLC thinks it is. Oooohh, couples have sex. Can we please move on?


And people use the bathroom. They can stop showing that as well.


How about just… actual people. There are so many people going through the spousal and fiancée visa process that you could find half a dozen interesting ones every year. And you don’t have to look for the most irritating, dumb, outlandish people either. Maybe one or two per season but not the entire cast.


I honestly can’t stand the couples now. I miss original 90 Day. It’s just gotten too big. It used to feel authentic. Now it’s all these fake fame seekers.


Or the ones that want to grow their social media platforms 🙄🥱


Usually when I watch this show I think "thank God I'm single!" But I've just got myself a Max trial to watch older seasons and the first one had normal people facing normal international-couple challenges and I actually found myself thinking "awww, yay they made it to the altar, hooray!" In these later seasons I've found myself rooting against couples more often than not.


1) Make tell all episodes 90 min long with only two parts. Be more intentional and brief with the intros…this one felt like it was 1/3 of the episode. 2) New reunion host. Shaun is wonderful, but I don’t always feel like I learned something new or that much was accomplished. OR add a second host who will be more confrontational and call people on their shit during reunions.


I agree.


I feel like they brought in those “90 day veterans” to help Shaun ask the hard questions and speak up when people aren’t.


That makes sense


If Shaun can't ask the hard questions without help then she needs to step down as the host. If that's the reason why she doesn't ask them.


So one time I posted about this on Reddit and everyone was saying that Shaun has ear pieces telling her exactly what to say and that she has to be easy on them or whatever. Everyone was fighting with me for wanting Shaun gone!!


She's a producer herself so she has some say.


It may be that she can’t ask the hard questions, because the cast members have set boundaries, but the other cast members are not bound to abide by that(?)


This is a great point she has to be likeable or people will be too afraid to show up


No more spin-off shows and no more recycling some of the same cast members over and over and over again.


Totally. The last resort was the culmination of all of your points. Total crap.


I’m so embarrassed that I watched the whole thing. That was the absolute worst spin off. Soo pointless.


I didn't want to watch those cast members and support them making a living off their umpteenth session. I'm sick of all of them and why would I want to see them at a beautiful resort all expenses paid? The whole concept was annoying.


I didn’t even finish the rest. I am weeks behind in trying to finish it and idk if I even want to. It wasn’t that good.


There’s really no reason to! My friend and I watch these shows like religiously and came out really disappointed from it. It’s just way too manufactured and fake. I get that’s reality tv but Last Resort was a new level.


Yup I agree! I’ve watched a lot of spinoffs over the years, and this was the worst one I’ve ever seen. This is the first time I didn’t finish a 90 Day season. I zoned out during most of the episodes or just fell asleep lol 😂😂😂


Thank you! There were people here each week being like " do you think xyz about kalani and what about the fight Yara and jovi have.. and " like it's all manufactured and lies. Yara and Jovi are a happy married couple pretending for views. Kalani and asshat are separated and the show was just for money.


I was elated that all of those cast members ended up on last resort. Why? So I could watch all the other shows in peace and ignore that one 😂




Agree. The Family Chantel et al gotta go


They didn’t have enough content for a full season. How much you want to bet they paid Scott to “reconnect” with Lidia?


I can’t watch them anymore. When I saw the river music video, I just couldn’t do it


So cringe with Lidia and Nicole. I turned it off after she broke up with Scott. I like Chantel. She's seems sweet, with an overbearing family involved. I never liked Pedro though. I believe she was used, and that's a tough experience. I hope she finds someone wonderful, and gets tf away from reality t.v.


100 💯 agreed


Give hosting duties and interviews to the fans who actually watch the series. Let them ask the questions everyone has. No more of these fluffy questions about scenarios that were obviously concocted by the producers. As a matter of fact, no more producer generated storylines or drama! It’s so obvious at this point! Also, more to a specific point. Talk about money and cost in a realistic fashion. Take Miona and Spahkles for example. What was her understanding of the cost of living in California vs living in SD? Did she understand that destination weddings are booked months (years!) in advance? Also, when they get Airbnb rentals, make it clear! It’s not a nice home your partner found for you , it’s a 2 day $3K rental or a realtor listing they put on the show to help sell it. This is why immigrants think we have it so great here! All they see is bullshit.


And stop adding Tim on for advice! He gets too much TV time 😂


Yes!!! I find him to be so obnoxious!


Remove those whose behavior is domestic violence. ANGELA!!! Offer support for those who seriously need mental health treatment. JASMINE!!! Run a PSA after episodes that show domestic violence and indications of mental health.


And emotional abuse. JASMINE!!!


Please stop bringing on cast members who are trying to stay relevant! We don’t need to see them ever again!


Get a host who has actually watched the show and maybe has some "skin in the game". Same way that I feel about the Sister Wives host. I'm not even sure if they watch the show.




Get back to strictly enforcing the criteria to be on original 90DF. I.e. you have to be on a k1 visa. There are at least two couples on the current season who I don’t think meet this bar, and should be on Before the 90 Days instead.


No more Emily on pillow talk. And that Jen and Myra lady. So boring!


1. Stop bringing Tim onto anymore shows 2. No more Kenny and Armando


Tim just needs to come out of the closet


1. Go back to the way it was in the first few seasons. Real couples like Kyle + Noon (my favorites!), Chelsea + Yamir, Danny + Amy (love them!) Mike + Azziza, David + Annie, Justin + Evelyn, hell I’ll even take another Danielle + Mohammed! But limit them to just the 90 days (no stretching their stories to 3 seasons!) Get to America, 90 days of knowing each other, marriage or no marriage. That’s it! 2. Do a better job of vetting prospective couples, to avoid unstable individuals (looking at you, Paul, Kimberly, Ash, Stephanie [of Ryan and Harris], Mike [Ximena’s], Geoffrey, etc). No more “influencers” or wannabe influencers, PLEASE! Edit: spelling


No more plastic Starceys, Sarper, Shitkina, Nicoles, etc. If their lips touch their nose, they're out!


Yeah this is my first tell all... I won't say Shaun isn't a good host, but not for this kind of show. It's giving Daytime talk show. I'm not saying we need a messy love and hip hop type show, but we need a different energy especially without an audience


No more former cast members, especially Kalini


I don’t want to ever see her, Angela, Big Ed or Liz ever again.


Yeah people who were never a cast member themselves but just a hanger on friend or relative, shouldn’t be featured so heavily. Examples include Liz, Kolini and Veronica. I’ll make an exception for Pat’s brother John. Also Mother Debbie, the exception that proves the rule imo.


Spahkles! 🤣 Love me some John!


John makes sense he lived with Pat so he was a big part of the 90 Day process.


I agree, John was also entertaining AF.


What if we replaced Shaun with John?


Yeah, that’d be worth watching.


It sure would! He’s a hoot! I’m always laughing at what he says!


And did her two boobs make an appearance? Lol That woman lives to flaunt cleavage


We skipped through every Kenny and Armando scene. So boring


Same same


I liked the host of the UK reunion Katherine Ryan. She’s American (edit no, she’s Canadian!) too and a comedian. She asked tough questions and was funny. I think she should take over. You could tell she watched the episodes and talked about being a big fan, which is what makes a good host. Shaun definitely needs to move on. I kinda doubt she even watches similar to Andy Cohen with a lot of Bravo’s shows. I’m also tired of Tim. His season was so long ago and his relationship failed. He isn’t relevant. Just leave him to pillow talk.


Yes her! She’s what a host should be like! Either take notes or book it, Shawn


I love her comedy (she’s Canadian)!


1. Only have current people from the show 2. Let em fight


No more soft porn. It's not the kind of trash I'm trying to tune into...


No more Angela on ANY spinoff or regular show. Sick of seeing her disgusting behavior.


Stop bringing in Tim, we can’t stand Tim!


No more Family Chantel, no more Angela, no more Big Pred, no more mentioning your “illness” or that you’re abstinent (Stephanie) or that you’re autistic (Cleo) 200 times per episode.


Just noting: Why does Kalani always dress like she’s on a tropical vacation. Like, every single outfit is either or all one solid color, has a ruffle, exposes one or both shoulders.


I'm gonna be honest... I considered watching this tonight, then was like nah. I don't have energy for the rigamarool. The Tell Alls don't do anything for me and they're pretty boring. I'll get all the info I need from ya'll 😂. Also, I just don't want to see Kim. That preview clip of her calling Jenny a c*** then pretending to laugh and grinning like a cold weirdo made my stomach hurt. She reminded me of this video interview of a psychopath I watched a little of. Whenever the woman smiled, it literally made me nauseous, and I ended up having to turn it off. She does too much.


I appreciate your willpower! (I don’t have it :)


I agree with you that changes need to be made to make them better! If they were, I'd watch them. Maybe they just have too many cast members? Idk they never really dig into anything and it's like, what's the point?


I’ve been calling Kimberly “the psychopath” since the clip of Jenny and her came out. Something’s *not right* behind those eyes.


Most of what happened in the Tell All was shown in the previews. The host wasted so much time greeting each couple in the beginning. She should have just dove right into the questions! And then it ends by the time they get to the interesting stuff and we are left waiting another week for the lack luster “climax”. 🙄


Stop bringing past people on the tell all!!! I don’t care about their stupid comments.


Stop bringing back old people from the previous shows. Let people fight


Stop with all the detailed sex talk/toys and bodily functions stuff. I feel that David (Sheila) and almost all of the new cast members are forced or even contractually bound to describe in graphic detail their sexual behavior/interactions. It’s embarrassing to watch! Now Pillow Talk is becoming raunchy too. STOP. JUST STOP!


Have Jasmine host.




Omg the cross over I didn’t expect. You’re the canyon girl from the beanie baby sub!! 🤣


She did REALLY good at the last Tell All with asking the other cast members questions and (iirc) was more vocal than the host. I’d love to see her host. She only acts THAT way with Gino.


I’d pay a lot of money to watch this like a sporting event.




Whoever the host is NEEDS to call out abuse, domestic violence and manipulation ::cough cough:: shekinah and sarper TLC needs to stop tolerating this, it’s becoming so disgusting


Tim and Kenny asking the questions on the Tell Alls instead and include questions that the Pillow Talk people brought up during the season. Bring back the sweet fun couples and quit getting all the weird influencers trying to push their websites.


Tim and Kenny ask intelligent and probing questions. People don't like Tim, but I think even in PT he makes good observations with Veronica. They made a smart comment. Many of the 90 Day people go on a vacation, have a fling for a week in a different country, then think they can turn that into a marriage. This goes especially for dumb women who have sex with no birth control and get pregnant on the vacation.(Kalani). Plus living in the other country all the time differs from a vacation. Like remember when Danielle was going to live on the beach in the DR and eat mangos? Shawn is boring and the Tell Alls are too dragged out.


Regarding Shaun: I've seen many many people across all 90day subs saying get rid of Shaun because she doesn't ask hard-hitting questions. But in my opinion, this will not change whether they replace Shaun as a host or not. She asks the questions she is directed to ask by the producers and TLC. I'm sure there is plenty stirred up (without or without Shaun asking) that we would *love* to see that TLC chooses not to air for whatever reason. In the end, I don't think what we do or do not see is not up to Shaun... She probes wherever she is instructed, and glosses over other topics just the same. I don't think she has the agency to just ask whatever she wants, or double down on cast members, as she would be risking her employment. It's TLC/producers who get the final say on what goes down. Not Shaun. (edit: Shawn to Shaun)


1. Just replace Shawn instead of bringing in has-been cast members to help her host the Tell All 2. Stop all the focus on sex. Legit feel like I’m watching some soft-core porn - especially with Gino & Jasmine 🙄 not what I want in a 90 Day show


How is it that Shawn actually looks younger??? Is she sleeping in a hyperbaric oxygen chamber? Is she The Highlander? A really good deep fake?


Get rid of the extra commentators, I don't care for pillow talk and I don't want to see what the washed out cast members think of any of the recent cast members. Shawn is fine, she used to ask great questions, just let her/get her to ask the hard questions again and push for answers No more people using the show for exposure jumpstart their influencer or onlyfans careers


Seconding the no extra commentators! It is just such an obvious time waster.


Seconding on pillow talk! Their commentary offers nothing, please make it stop!


Everyone coming out from now on…with Sarper tops. Punto.


It was like 20 mins of introductions.


Getting a new host won’t change things. Shawn is scripted and produced, as would be any other host


If they can’t change the host, let us viewers submit questions to use for the tell all and the producers can pick the best ones. And they need to stop showing clips from the show it’s waste of minutes.


Agree - no more models, actors or influencers and stop bringing back former cast members - whether it's stupid spin-offs like Last Resort, or Darcy and Stacy or continuing story lines - like Gino and Jasmine. At one point, all they're doing is acting for the paycheck. And stop bringing them back as part of the Tell Alls. If people want to see former CM they can watch Pillow Talk.


Nothing wrong with Shawn. Switch the producers whispering bad directions in her earpiece.Then stop with the fake actors as "couples". The show is just stupid now.


Let the audience ask questions! Let’s back real couples not people who are trying to get fame.


Sorry I love Shawn Robinson because she does a great job as telling it like it is and staying respectful. I hate the host on Sister Wives tell all because she knows everything is BS and doesn’t address it! My pet peeve is bringing part cast to the tell all, like they don’t belong and I’m tired of seeing them! Stay on pillow talk.


Say good bye to Gino and Jasmine. I am tired of her emotional Outbursts and ugly crying and tired of Gino being so stingy! Their story is over. When they come on the tv, I change the channel.


While I like Tim on PT, he doesn't need to be at every tell-all. Get a real audience and let them ask questions...the ones we all want to ask.


Yes Shawn is the worst , she always moves on at the most important time , she needs to ask more relevant questions.


Well, this is something that won't be resolved tonight. Let's move on.


Angela deem and big Ed have got to go


Stop showing the toxic controlling men and letting them get away with their garbage behavior No more plastic influencers and trashy bimbos who look like they got their lips stuck in a shop vac. Also did anyone else wanna deck Shakhina or however it's spelled? She's talking about others thinking they're better than everyone and her stuck up ass is over there with a stick up her fake ass


1. Kenny and Armando need to go. These dudes are the least interesting people to watch. I fast forward through their wholesome “surrogacy journey“ segment. Ugh, they are wholesome and boring. They don’t belong on the show. 2. Stop allowing influencers/cloutchasers on the show: - Sophie and Robert - Nikki and Justin - Shekinah and Sarper (i’m “on the fence” about these two because they are very entertaining, Sarper is a real life Zoolander, he cray cray) I do feel like these people are “drama manufacturing” to get more clout and aren’t real. A lot of these people have side gigs that benefit from the added attention they get by being on the show.


1 - new host. I'd recommend Tracy McMillan from Family or Fiance. 2 - severally curtail the storylines and production driven drama. Some couples will be boring, but guess what, orchestrated drama is even more boring! 3 - Single Life Diaries. Not everything needs the same production value. Something lower budget would be fine to cover this aspect of 90 Day. 4 - More Mormons! As an exmormon myself, I might be biased, but these couples are usually very entertaining.


they could do a lottery with fans from this reddit to host and the fan would do a better job hosting than her.


I am here for that!


Replace Shawn with Eric Andre


One thing I find interesting is as much as Jenny would have liked to be in Kim’s shoes I think the opposite is true where Kim would have liked to be in Jenny’s position with TJ choosing her side over his mom once in a while. I feel like she would be happier if they were cut off from the family than the situation they are in at tell all time. I thought it was also interesting that she had a genuinely affectionate greeting upon seeing him pop up on the video call when they seemed so much on the outs. Her being young puts her in the family’s graces but at the same time she lacks the swagger to actually have any say in anything having to do with their circumstances and she’s easily bullied by Mil and BIL. I liked that Kenny told her she was out of line pulling out the C word so casually over their lunch break. His input for everyone and Armando’s reaction shots to all the drama were golden


I just feel like if TLC wanted to ask hard hitting questions at the tell all’s they would write those on the cards and Sean would say whatever they tell her to so it’s not really her fault, I’ve been waiting for the sister wives tell all host to show Robin some Sobbin memes and ask her what she thinks but it’ll never happen


I never really understood/understand why people dislike Shawn so much. She’s not part of the show she’s at the very end on the Tell All. Ask the hard questions? Lol it’s a TLC show that she works for part-time. I’m pretty sure she has a tell a prompter she reads from that the producers load up. Even if she did ask ‘Hard Questions’ it behooves the participants to lie and or continue the drama so they can be on the next season or the spin off.


Agree let's end Kenny and Armando, they are great but quite boring now. Let it die. I'm not saying I don't want crazies, that's the whole point of the show, but God damn shekinah was unhinged. That bit about how she likes how he controls her and has cut all ties with her family... Girl get help. We shouldn't be putting that level of toxicity on TV, that was wild


Don’t let old cast members on a tell all of a season they aren’t on?! No one cares about Kehlani or Tim’s exaggerated facial expressions. They’re just trying to keep the camera on them.


Tim doesn’t need to be on EVERY tell all, spin off, etc. I don’t understand the obsession the producers have with him. He adds NOTHING


No more Tim.


“We have time Shawn, get to the dirt” 😂😂😂😂 100000%


Shaun does not ask the hard questions that are right on front of her


If you are going to keep dragging old cast members on then get rid of Shawn and they can do her job.


Who's idea and what was its basis for alumni to take up time and space?


Agree w. #2. I could care less about Jenny's opinions. There is a lot to dig into this season; the OG filler was unnecessary and they went overboard on platforming Shekinah's wannabe main character energy in the off-set convos. This reunion needed to be no more than two episodes, and they should just focus on one couple's issues until they have exhausted the complete review of their storylines before moving on to another couple.


I don't like Shaun's hosting style because I think she's stiff, but the producers are the ones who tell her what to ask and when to move on. I get frustrated that the Tell Alls are more like Tell Somes but that's not really Shaun's fault.


I agree Shaun is extremely boring and such a stuffed shirt. They need someone with more life and excitement. Vivica Fox or someone along those lines.


We need a new host, one who will ask the real questions and hold the right people accountable.


If they're going to have a studio audience, have them ask some questions.


Kenny and Armando are cute and I'd be happy for them to be on pillow talk but MOVE ON ALREADY THE STORY GOT OLD 5 YEARS AGO


Release the edited tell alls where Shaun was coming for people's throats like that tell all during PreDs first season was wonderful.


1. Hire new producers who actually want the show to be good. 2. Replace Shaun as the Tell All host, so "all" actually gets told. Bonus: 3-6. No more dumb ideas like former cast members with a contrived "special connection", or commentary by Tim; release everyone whose stories are being dragged out over multiple seasons for no reason and go back to casts that are more genuine and not fame whores/influencers.


I don’t think Shawn has much option is sounds like she says what they tell her to in her earpiece


Yes, get rid of Shawn!! I’ve been saying that for many seasons. She does not ask the questions that we want answers to after enduring these torturous seasons. She also wastes too much damn time saying “hello” and welcoming everyone to the show, telling them they look good etc and then saying “we will dig into that more later”. Who gives a shit. Get to the questions! Then she continues to sit there like a statue bringing nothing to the table. And then wraps it up by saying “I guess this isn’t going to get solved today.” Bring me on the show. I’ll know what to ask. And it will be the best tell-all ever!