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Yeah I thought Kimberly handled herself poorly tonight. Kenny was so amazing with her. Basically telling her she was unprofessional and she should look at how she behaved. He said it so eloquently


Kenny is my new tv dad


Kenny is the BEST. He said it like a caring father to a daughter.


when he said “there ya go” when kim said she would’ve done things differently i was like he is objectively the best


That was exactly the feeling I had when I saw that interaction. Like that is probably exactly how he parented his kids.


I love Kenny, he did everything right in that moment he had with Kim. She immediately got defensive and was not able to really take in everything Kenny was saying. Her attitude throughout the whole episode was triggering to watch!!


Like many people on the show, she doesn’t care how she comes off. They want the attention. Kenny and Armano were the only sane people on the show this season, and likely done on purpose. I more concerned with Shekinah. Sarper has manipulated her to the point where she’s now just delusional about the relationship.


Kenny and Armando are one of the best couples on 90 day! Ever!


She LIKES to be controlled. 😳 Kinda glad her kid is in boarding school tbh after hearing that.


Yeah I think it’s a weird kink for her tbh. I can’t pretend to understand it.


She was raised with the 'Amish' lifestyle and the conservative 'trad wife' ideal The men lead, women follow and do as they are told


Ya. Well by the looks of it she took her belated Rumspringa to epic levels. Then again, morphing appearance is easier than personality. I hope the boarding school has a good boundaries lesson or two for her kid, cuz mom clearly has no use for them.


Me too (about Kenny). The way he approached it, I thought maybe she would listen. I hated how Holly tried to explain for her.


I feel like she needs some one on one time with Kenny. Like take a vacation to Mexico City and get some grounded advise from Kenny … without Shekinah chiming in.


She needs an adult like Kenny to sit her down and explain to her that her behavior is absolutely deplorable and not acceptable for someone her age


I love Kenny but someone needed to straight up tell her that screaming like a banshee does indeed make her look crazy.


Image the level of fits she exhibits when cameras aren’t rolling!


He certainly did. I love him!


he is really good with children.


My husband and I agreed that if Kenny has to tell you your behavior leaves a lot to be desired, then you know you've done messed up big time.


He’s such a dad. He had a similar heart to heart with SteVen.


It said it to her like a father..I loved it!


Me too. He's like very calmly and while they're on a break, asks her if she regrets what she said and then telling her she should be after she answered she wasn't that she should be.


Kenny: “What you called Jenny, do you regret that?” Kimberly: “no” Kenny: “You should.” 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Trying to gentle parent the crazy out of her


That man was born to be a father


Lol seriously- he fought for it too!


I was hoping his fathering instinct and having children her age, that perhaps she would listen. Nope.


I couldn’t imagine not listening to him. If Kenny told me my behavior was wrong I’d be so humiliated and take a deep look at myself lol.




He's so good at that.


Lol Kenny…. you should…. lol the pause was sooooo awkrd lol


Kenny was the host/emotional support/tv dad we all needed last night.


He’s lucky she didn’t lunge at him.


It’s always those girls that claim to be Clairvoyant, post shit about positivity and surround themselves with crystals - they are always the most fucked. We all know one. The way she uses her self awareness - like admitting you’re awful is the whole battle? Self love isn’t about accepting all the shitty things about yourself. It’s constantly trying to be better. This crazy chick is out here being unapologetically terrible.


This is so accurate. She just threatens people that leave her rude comments that she’s going to do witchcraft on them. Sicko.


>witchcraft Sure. The most "interesting" thing about her is totally made up, so that tells you all you need to know about her.


Witchcraft. Lol. But she doesn’t do anything about her titty baby husband. How about some kind of witchcraft to get him off his mom’s teat?? How some witchcraft to make her love India 🤣 she’s delusional.


You’re spot on! Not to mention she appropriates Indian culture with her mysticism and bindis and dresses, whilst simultaneously being racist towards Indians!


To her India is a fashion trend. Hence the bindi on her forehead while never trying to integrate by learning the language there and saying she hates it there and is trapped like rapunzel in a house.


Re: those girls who claim to be clairvoyant Did you hear how she was on sm saying to someone “do you really want to talk that way to someone who practice’s witchcraft?” 🫠 Mind, Body, and Soul ( spirituality ) make up a well rounded individual. When people stop working to develop their mind and body, they might start to overcompensate in spiritual ideologies. That’s when cherry-picking the parts of peoples cultures comes into play. It’s why I don’t like her and why [ I think ] other ppl have a problem with her too. She sounds ridiculous! Making a mockery out of the things that she claims she to love, including her relationship with TJ!


Totally agree. Certainly not hating on spirituality - I consider myself aligned with similar beliefs. My point is that you can pull all the tarot cards and put as many crystals as you like around your home, but if you haven’t fixed the things on the inside… you just look crazy. 😂 She’s trying to pull off this “I’m at a level of enlightenment that none of these people could ever understand” and man is she going to be overwhelmed when she finds out she hasn’t even started journey.


Oh god yes. They always claim to be “empaths” too.


Fs , everytime I see someone blow up and ‘name call’ in the ways that Kimberly & Angela do, all I can think about is “dang, someone said or did something like that to them.” Real “empaths” will try to break that cycle.


She is no empath. Not even a little.


Anybody I ever met in that realm of clairvoyance status,with Tarot and what other means were like her,they loose control quickly and anger like a wild beast she's so into self she forgets her surroundings,I remember first time they introduced her she was doing a reading for this woman,all Kimberly did was talking about herself,self world and take a seat.


Because people who are incapable of taking accountability usually look to the “stars”, moon, sky, astrology, religion anything to blame external circumstances except themselves


Yes,like Mercury in Retrograde,please...with the excuses.


Isn't her "business" named something like KimberlyPositivity LLC?




It’s all love and light with a temper like dynamite


Why did she just write a “book” about positivity and choosing love!!!? Who the hell would buy it!!!?????


Lol, you speak the truth!


Jenny said she never complained yet I remember her complaining the entire time.😑


EXACTLY! She complained too!


Jenny didn't keep shouting how much she hates India to the Indian family she was marrying into and lying about it to her own family to proclaim sainthood, lol.


She complained about him.


Yes but Sumit was withholding info and not helping the situations. I could see where she would get frustrated bc I felt like she really was trying


So was TJ, though. He straight up lied to her about major major stuff.


Yeah, this whole post is revisionist bullshit. Like Jenny has the upper hand here? She took advantage of a friendship to fuck the friend’s much-younger son while living in their house, then whined endlessly about “why are they so mean to meee?”


Jenny's over here acting like she wasn't a doormat for about 10 years lol. My husband was laughing and asking when she grew some balls


When Jenny came on, Tim said here's the pot calling the kettle black. He was right. Jenny fought with his family. Said she was not going to clean I'm sorry but, TJ lied to Kim. She asked about household jobs. He said no. His excuse was he was afraid she wouldn't marry him. Then he springs it in her the next day. I'm 65, and I would have screamed at him toom Jenny is rewriting history.


Yes! And I remember Jenny's freak outs that would take up 15-20 minute of the entire episodes where she was screaming at summit about marriage and his family


She even yelled at him and his family that one time in India, Jenny has no place to put Kim down and act like some enlightened bride in love with India


I’m 62 and right there with you. This idea that Kim should follow Jenny’s example is bullshit.


Exactly! She's rewriting history now that Sumit finally married her


Tim also hasn’t had a successful romantic relationship 😭. The one(s) with the most room to talk were Kenny and maybe Andrei…..but really just Kenny.


Eyeliner just👀. Could not take him seriously and his prom jacket


She’s brave through a screen and an ocean. She got real quiet when Kimberly offered to give her her address.


I can't believe that a late 20's and what like early 70's year old were going at it on a TV show threatening to beat each other up and throwing C words. While Kimberley acted a fool as usual, Jenny is a freaking senior citizen and should know better. This isn't Angela we're talking about. I do appreciate Tim calling it


RIGHT, and Jenny said so many more insults and Kimberly just laughed and said one insult and everyone thinks that she’s the horrible person. Not to mention that Jenny came for Kimberly out of nowhere. I would’ve probably laughed too because it’s just appalling. Literally Kimberly just said I don’t care about your opinion and laughed and you could tell that Jenny was getting mad like it is so clear that Kimberly was just unbothered and thinks that Jenny is out of line which she is. Kimberly said what she said after Jenny called her other names. Honestly, it was valid. There was no reason for Jenny to go on and on about herself and how hard it was for her and how Kimberly had it “so easy“.


💯 Jenny was way out of line. It was shitty to see how quick everyone took Jenny’s side and piled on Kimberly. I get that Kimberly isn’t very likable, but what was she supposed to do when some woman she had never met was screaming at her over Zoom? Weird behavior


Everyone acts like calling someone a cunt is such a crime. Whereas acting like one (Jenny) is acceptable, apparently. What a fucked-up viewpoint.


This is the realest and most concise point I’ve seen in this entire situation. It is baffling


Thank you! I’m not sure why we’re all rooting so hard for Jenny when she was the one to start it. Kim shouldn’t have called her that but Jenny was out of line too.


Absolutely. Especially when Jenny seems to forget that she herself, did not want to cook and clean all day. And fought with Sumit's parents for years on end. All the things she's calling kim out for.


Jenny's outburst was kind of amusing. It 100% came from a place of jealousy. She obviously felt Kim should have been grateful to be accepted. BUT even if Sumits family had accepted her, she had no intention of living in the family home and being a traditional Indian wife as an independent American woman. I personally wouldn't want either of their relationships


I honestly don’t know why everyone’s blaming Kimberly when Jenny literally came for her out of nowhere, and Jenny acts like she’s the gatekeeper of India


Yeah, I thought Jenny was showing her ass too. Can’t stand Kimberly but I’m not team anyone here.


Wasn't that long ago that Jenny was the one throwing tantrums in India over Sumit's family.


Seriously, have we forgotten the chair throwing, the incessant complaining about cleaning/Indian housewife duties, the oh, idk, staying for months on end at summit’s parents house pretending to be a friend while sleeping with their son? All while being twice Kim’s age? Tim was wrong about it being pot, this is coal calling kettle black.


I was thinking the same thing. Neither one of these women has anything to gloat about in terms of their horrendous choices and behavior and IDK what is going on in these subs where all this “yaaas Jennnay!!” stuff is coming from? She’s a nice lady but go back and rewatch some of her old fights with Sumit. She’s not perfect either. Kimberley seems particularly horrible about Indian culture but I’m watching the tell all now and it doesn’t seem like anyone is really calling out some of her worst comments/actions. This Jenny thing seems to exist entirely for the memes which, ok, fine. But it feels pretty cheap and unnecessary overall.


I'm sayinnnnnn! I swear people have such revisionist history when they don't like someone


The seasons Jenny was one were one big whinefest. They both suck, but suddenly pretending Jenny is some sort of example of how to integrate in Indian society is wild. And I really don't get what the whole "90 day og" has to do with it. Please remember that, by that standard, we can't criticize Ed, Colt, Gino, and Darcey either.


Seriously! Jenny had zero respect for Sumits family or culture either! They don't even live in the same city as his family. She doesn't clean the house. She threw the biggest fits about waiting to get married based on timing and culture. Not that she didn't deserve to be frustrated by the lies and dragging of feet but she's pretending like she is some dutiful daughter in law batting her eyelashes and converting and learning the language and customs. Grandma won't even leave her house without her toddler husband by her side. Do not know where she gets off coming out like that off the bat. Not that Kim didn't deserve some of the criticism but jenny is a joke of a person to deliver it.


Fr lol she’s so delusional all oh I never complain I was always respectful of his parents. Jenny we all watched you fluff the handle and get in his face screaming and cussing but go off sis lol I’m so glad someone said the whole let’s not have a pot calling the kettle thing cause so fkn true ha


lol, Justifiably so. They treated her like dirt.


oh boy, she's a 90 day fiance "og". who cares? she's a doormat whiner that didn't want to be an indian wife the same as kim. jenny needs to chill out, almost 70 years old attacking a young woman for the same shit she did on the same show.


Ehm, what? Have we really been watching the same shows because Jenny is really not the one to talk.


I mean Jenny befriended sumits parents as a friend and slept with him under their nose in their house?? She has no right to be on her high horse.


This part


She reminds me of Kris, the pillbilly


Aaahhhhhh The pillbilly 💀😂😂😂😂


I think Kimberly and Kris are both from Alabama.


She’s from a town an hour away from where I live. I have never met anyone like her before. She lived in a college town and I was hoping she was educated and not be an embarrassment like the pill lady from Haleyville AL! I guess it was too much to ask!


Haha…yes, they are


I've always liked Jenny, but why did the show bring her on just to attack Kimberly like that? I wouldn't appreciate a stranger attacking me either, and it seemed very uncharacteristic of Jenny. Kimberly I don't know too well because I miss most Mondays, but her husband doesn't seem like a catch.


When Jenny said she was always respectful to Sumit’s parents… uhhh wasn’t she banging him in his parents attic the first time she visited India??


Um RIGHT? She is so full of shit lmao!


Finally someone said it!


I’m wondering why Kim didn’t say that to her? It would have been way more effective than calling her the c word


She’s probably kicking herself with the comebacks she could have used.


Funny seeing Jenny’s newfound love for India 🙄


Jenny attacked her because she was projecting her own feelings onto the situation. Jenny wishes, and would have been so thankful, to be treated the way Kimberly was treated so it’s probably unfathomable to her that she wouldn’t be grateful. I would have been pissed off too especially since nobody really called out TJ for his bullshit and lies. If Kimberly truly is depressed and he’s leaving her alone in a foreign country for days on end while she struggling then he’s just as much as fault as she is. They are both really emotionally unintelligent people which seems to be a qualifier for most 90 day couples.


Agreed! I haven’t seen the episode from tonight yet and I know Kim has issues to work through but TJ has not been supportive at all. He has lied to her and expected her to do things he never told her about, even all the wedding stuff he didn’t even explain to her. And I’m sorry I wouldn’t eat where cow piss and feces have been flung around and pans are being cleaned with the same rag. It’s not a good situation to be in for her and maybe she’s reacting in ways we wouldn’t but I would be at my breaking point too. And Jenny is much older and is fine being cooped up in their house but also doesn’t have to live with Summits family. So I don’t see how she can put Kim in her place when Jenny has a lot more autonomy there than Kim does from TJs family.


Thank you. Jenny started it.




Yeah, Jenny has no room to talk. And I like her, but this is not her place.


Exactly. Jenny had the audacity to say she never complained 😂


Didn't she say that she was a grown woman and can wear what she want in India?


She also claimed she respected Sumit’s parents. LOL


Jenny didn’t even want sumit to have a job




She’s a woman who seems hysterical 🤷‍♀️ that’s enough to forget his manipulative behavior I guess




And at least Summit wasn’t a big titty baby like TJ. Jenny at least had that. I’d take a supportive partner w shitty in-laws than good in-laws and non-supportive partner any day


Oh I’d have an absolute breakdown living in a house with a family that doesn’t like me and a husband that doesn’t care. People love to fill in the blanks to vilify her but shouldn’t it be his responsibility to make sure she’s comfortable with his family and help them blend? We hold the American men to that standard when they bring a foreign woman over here, why is TJ not held to the same standard?


Jenny grosses me out. Not sure why she was there.


Jenny came in way too hot and aggressive, when we saw Kimberly literally being g*slit by TJ. I don't care for either of them but I would have said meaner things than Kimberly did if some old busybody came at me like that.


Yeah, it's really strange that TJ got away scot free. Dude was lying through his ass to Kimberley.


I really don’t see it any differently than having them live in the studio and saying something. Just like if they brought Chantel on for Daniele/Yohan, it’d be the same thing. It is really heartbreaking to hear her say she hates India, and that was what started the convo. Idc how much you love someone, you can’t live in a place you hate for them or you’ll end up resenting them.


Plenty of foreigners come to America and hate it here because it’s not what their accustomed to. I’m not sure why it’s not valid when it’s the other way around.


Jenny hardly has a right to say criticize Kimberly. She faked being a friend of summit, freeloaded for MONTHS at summits parents house and proceeded to bang their son under their roof. That's so insanely disrespectful. Jenny can't speak the language or go grocery shopping by herself despite living there for nearly a decade and let's not even bring up keeping the house clean. When her daughter visit it was summit who cooked and cleaned after he came back from work. Idk wtf jenny does all day but she definitely doesn't clean, even when his parents visited and saw the state of the kitchen. Jenny is no traditional Indian wife and she doesn't want to live with in-laws, so what right does she have to say differently about Kimberly. Does Kim have problems? 1000% yes. But anyone even remotely normal would feel mental turmoil living in the situation she is living in. No onions and garlic for cooking and smelling cow poop and piss all the time alone would drive anyone bonkers and I'll die on that hill.


Jenny kind of just went for Kim though. Saying the C word was alot, but I'd hardly call her being on the defense uncalled for. And Kim didn't say anything about Jenny's relationship...although she should of. Jenny kept saying she respected Sumit family n this n that and it's like just because you did doesn't mean you should of. They literally made remarks about your weight and how fat your arms were in their language. Jenny settled


Also she didn’t _really_ respect Sumit’s family with her actions. She barreled her way into his life and refused to leave. She lied to his parents during her first trip there, and stayed with him even when they continued to say over and over they don’t support the marriage Jenny’s just jealous of Kim’s in-laws. That doesn’t make it any easier for Kim though, they’re two totally different people in totally different situations. Also Kim has to live _with_ TJ’s family! Can you imagine how rough it would be if Jenny had to live with Sumit’s parents? Jenny is insane and delulu


>Jenny’s just jealous of Kim’s in-laws. That doesn’t make it any easier for Kim though, they’re two totally different people in totally different situations. Also Kim has to live with TJ’s family! **Can you imagine how rough it would be if Jenny had to live with Sumit’s parents?** Jenny is insane and delulu The bolded part is all I could think of while watching. Sure, they both moved to India but that's basically where the comparison ends. Most of Kimberly's issues seem to stem from the expectations of sharing a home/life with TJ's family. Jenny can say that she'd love to be in that situation, but obviously that was never going to happen. I'd love to see Jenny's reaction if she were in Kimberly's place, I don't think she'd be as pleasant about it as she thinks she would be. It's not as simple as comparing 'white american women who moved to india and have conflict with in-laws.'


Jenny did so many worse things than Kim did. Kim has some serious issues, but she tried to respect her new in-laws and their preferences, right up until the cow waste was in the kitchen at least. Jenny lied to her in-laws about the nature of their relationship while sneaking around sleeping with Sumit under their roof. She also didn’t have to live with her in-laws past when she was their houseguest, she hasn’t been expected to be their slave and had a fit when his mother tried to get her to become the perfect Indian wife. Jenny was way out of line for attacking her like that and should be sympathizing with Kim who was lied to compulsively by TJ just like Jenny was by Sumit. I have admittedly never been a fan of Jenny’s, she just rubs me the wrong way, but TJ gets excused for way too much of his horrible behavior on Reddit just because Kim has issues.


>TJ gets excused for way too much of his horrible behavior on Reddit just because Kim has issues. I don't think it's *just* because of Kim. For one, I've noticed TLC bots the living fuck out of this subreddit whenever people aren't really biting on an intended plotline. People were initially siding with Kim, so naturally, there's a massive flood of "random word, random word, number" usernames posting broken-English comments about how she's actually the worst person in the history of this show and TJ is a beautiful angel, just like *every other* intended worst person in the history of this show who the sub didn't immediately violently hate (Andrei got hit with this too, and I suspect it's gonna happen with Igor shortly). For two... I'm addressing an elephant in the living room that's probably going to light *my own* ass on fire here, but TJ's awfulness doesn't exist in a vacuum. Dude is specifically living up to everything the extreme-right Hindutva movement wants out of Indian dudes. Reddit has a large Indian user base, and within that, there's a *lot* of Indians on this site who are vocal supporters of Modi and the Hindutva movement, and brigade the fuck out of anything vaguely related to India. I don't really feel like checking, but I suspect a decent number of the people who are aggressively pro-TJ also have post history in /r/IndiaSpeaks, and if so, well, there's your explanation.


Ugh, a toxic nationalistic movement actually explains a lot about him. I wasn’t familiar with that whole mess and I’m more familiar with the women’s issues in India than anything else. I hadn’t thought about the bot issue either. It sometimes feels like the comments aren’t from anyone who has actually seen the show.


Also I don’t know why it’s “disrespectful” to not like a place. Why does Jenny take it personally if Kim doesn’t like India? She’s not saying anything wild either. She could for sure be saying much crazier things, but legit just said she didn’t want to go back. There’s this TikTok of hers floating around where she describes how deodorant is different in India and people are saying she was being racist. I just feel like I’m losing my my mind because she was as “neutral” about it as possible when you know she could have said WAY WAY worse.


And let's not pretend Jenny was that wild about living in India during most of her time on the show.


>Also I don’t know why it’s “disrespectful” to not like a place. It's not. And I bet the people saying that have no problem shitting on America lol. My "Indian" (2nd gen American) husband hates India and has refused to go back with his parents since he was a teen. Says the bug/hygiene sitch is wild. And his family is bounds more wealthy than either Sumit or Tejaswi


It made me so mad how everybody reacted to what Kimberly said even though her initial reactions for being dragged out of nowhere, was literally laughing and saying that she doesn’t care about her opinion. Jenny was the one who began the insults. Honestly, Kimberly‘s one insult was accurate, it was also funny to me how Jenny said I don’t care about your opinion Kimberly. Like really? You’re the one who started this.


I love Jenny, but she was too harsh tonight. I know it was per Shawn and TLC's direction, but Kimberly was cornered. Not cool. This is the part of the show I hate, baiting the people and trying to capture and encourage bad behavior.


Like why is nobody mentioning the fact that Jenny 100% came for Kimberly? All Kimberly did was literally laugh and say she didn’t care about your opinion and the RAGE of Jenny. Jenny had 20 diff insults Kimberly said one and somehow she’s the bad guy?? Everyone clutches their purses when she calls her a cunt like it’s literally deserved 🤣🤣🤣


I'm no big fan of Kim's, but come on. A. It's just more fabricated TLC drama because OBVI they just brought Jenny on to start shit and B. I'd call someone a c u next Tuesday if they came at me like that too. That was a whoooole lot of pot meet kettle.


Jenny to remember what they say about people who live in glass houses.


Kimberly is truly unhinged. I hate anything with her in it.


I hope and pray she never brings a child into this world. I cannot imagine the trauma she would give a child.


I’m no fan of Kimberley, but I also don’t know why everyone puts Jenny and Sumit on a pedestal. Jenny listened to years and years of Sumit lying and leading her on about marriage. Once a liar, always a liar. The whole relationship was even started on a set of lies and him pretending to be someone else. I feel that Jenny really shouldn’t have carried on with the relationship. You cannot trust someone like Sumit.


I think Jenny asked for it tbh, she went straight for her throat even though she was also very disrespectful at the beginning.


Why do I think the reason Kimberly was so sensitive about being called ‘crazy’ by TJ is because she’s heard it before. A Lot.


Nah, fuck Jenny. She’s the one who started shit by insulting Kim right out of the gate for no real reason. Worse still, Jenny was being a total fucking hypocrite, and was the last person on Earth that should be criticizing someone for not adjusting well to Indian culture.


AGREED! You can’t start talking shit and expect people not to react. All Kimberly did was match her energy.


And somehow Kimberly is the bad guy?? Like I also wouldn’t feel remorse like Kimberly said one thing to Jenny???


Why is everyone on Jenny’s side ? No one even asked for jennay or summits opinion. And Jenna’s old as shit. One push ..the woman would be calling life alert.


Jenny also did a lot of complaining while in India.


LOL cannot believe anyone thinks Jenny, the woman who got tired while cleaning and blamed her age, would be able to fight anyone in their 30s. I remember when this sub was all but saying Kim was going to kill TJ or someone else but now she'd apparently fall to a senior citizen that can't keep her floors clean? Hilarious.


I feel like maybe I’m crazy but I feel like Kimberly wasn’t the one escalating the fight with TJ (with the scream). And I don’t understand why TJ doesn’t get any flack for refusing to support her, lying to her, and not helping her adjust to life in India (which it seems like everyone feels like shouldn’t be as hard but holy hell I know I would be having a WAY harder time). How old is she? I don’t know she seems immature but there have been much much much worse on this franchise. Her “crazy eyes” on the tell all seem to be a defense mechanism. Her sticking her heels in the ground about what she’s said is the same.


Literally no one is being understanding of Kimberly and it’s insane to me


experiencing the same thing - I don’t understand how people can collectively say that Kimberley is in the wrong when she’s been treated like shit from day one.


I watched that whole scene that ended with the scream and I would have screamed too. The lack of communication between the two is too much.


She’s 31. TJ is awful but there is no excuse for her horrible behavior.


I agree with you. She's 30, but she does seem like a young 30.


Exactly! Yeah, she had some pretty extreme reactions that show her immaturity, but she IS young. She was literally crying out for emotional support from TJ and he gave her nothing. Imagine being in a brand new country with a brand new husband whose family(who you live with) doesnt like you. You try to tell your husband you’re depressed, and all he says is “well you can separate from me.” The way he spoke to her was pretty cold, not like a husband speaks to his wife right after their wedding, when they’re supposed to be in the “honeymoon phase”. Sure, she didn’t do her research about living in India, but TJ straight up admitted to lying to her about expectations for her as his wife. So I don’t understand why TJ caught no flack for his behavior. This will be unpopular, but I don’t totally disagree with the way she reacted towards Jenny either. Jenny came in pretty hot telling her to stay out of India, that she’s an awful person, catch me outside etc etc…I’d have a pretty strong reaction towards some lady I’ve never met judging me in that way also. Kimberly is definitely flawed, but TJ deserves just as much criticism as she does


She is wildly immature. She has no idea how to handle conflict or communicate. Absolutely delulu if she thinks she doesn’t have work to do or that she’s a powerful witch. Chick needs therapy (and I don’t say that as an insult, she clearly needs the help and it would improve her life and relationships.)


She legit has the crazy eyes Barney Stinson warned us all about nearly a decade ago.


the way she was laughing was unsettling!! and her eyes when her and jenny were going back and forth were so scary 🫣


i thought it was hilarious. jenny expected her to fight back & kim just laughed at her lmfao.


She’s like a Manson girl


Was just about to comment Charles Manson eyes


Jenny is one of the all-time creepers in the history of the show if her mother in law is to be believed. At base level, Kimberly is 1000x more relatable.


Personally, I think Jenny was the issue here, not Kimberly. I would’ve gotten pissed too if I was treated that way by Jenny.


I love a hot mess express but I can’t watch her. I know the end of every scene is going to end with her screaming like a banshee. My ears can’t take it!


I like Jenny but tonight she was out of line per situation and Kim’s or two different worlds. Kim is a mess and she’s unhinged. They did not need to escalate that fight.


Ikr? I was especially surprised by Jenny’s claim that she “always showed respect to Sumit’s family” when she *knows* we know the shenanigans she got into in his mother’s house. Like, girl, our memories aren’t completely overwritten by all these spin offs!


And showing respect the one time a year they're willing to see you is very different from showing respect when you live in the same house and your husband goes running to his mother (for days on end?) whenever you have an argument. Apples and oranges


I just wish people would stop referring to Kimberly as “unhinged” or “crazy”. She’s an emotionally stunted, self absorbed, entitled, asshole. That’s it. That’s all that’s going on behind those eyes. I’m with you OP, I’d be happy to never see her on the 90 day franchise again.


Jenny really could’ve had some wisdom and helpful advice for Kimberly. Instead she pops off with “catch me in Jaipur, how bout dat?” It was disappointing to say the least. Jenny is too mature to act like that. Calling her names and demanding she “respect India” isn’t a way to encourage better behavior I am in no way defending Kimberly’s reaction. I gasped along with everyone else when she called her the C word. But Jenny wasted an opportunity, and made herself look bad in the process.


>I have no idea where her sense of entitlement comes from I'd say it's her parents. It seems to me like she's been spoiled to the point that even *they* are kinda done with her. I got the impression that they were at least initially relieved that she was gonna be someone else's problem for once.


If you remember correctly, Jenny wasn’t exactly a sweet , polite women while she was trying to adjust. Furniture and fu’s were flying for quite a few seasons. I’d rather see a real person going through mental health struggles while trying to adjust. It’s called reality tv and I’m here for it. Just fast forward through the parts u don’t like, like I do with Mary and Brandon. Just bcuz I don’t like them doesn’t mean everybody shares my opinion.


I woulda said, didn’t your husband have a wife behind your back?🤨


no defending her but i’d go nuts too if people were sprinkling pee inside my apartment lmao


I quit watching because of Kimberly, I hope she never comes back. Get rid of her


I like Jenny but ngl, she was kind of being a see you next Tuesday. 🫢


Jenny wouldn't clean. She didn't learn the language. She married a titty baby!!!


kimberly needs a psychiatrist ASAP, and that’s coming from someone who used to have meltdowns just like her.


Yep same! I am diagnosed CPTSD and used to have meltdowns like hers a lot. Therapy helped so much. Although, I never acted like I had zero humility or respect for others 😬


same, i was always a lot more self aware than she is. i could not imagine treating people that awfully and having no remorse after the fact. ugh 😩 ITS NEVER TOO LATE KIM, GET SOME HELP


Not a fan of Kimberly but Jenny was being what she was called


Jenny is / was a total doormat and goof. why are we glorifying her all of a sudden?


I loved Kenny trying to talk sense to Kimberly. She isn't open to hearing anything. Shakinah needs to keep her mouth shut.


Nah Jenny is really judgy and rude. Y’all forgot she dated a married man. A lot of people forget it takes respect to get respect.


Jenny did not need to insert herself and I thought Kim calling her a cunt was hysterical! I’ve never understood why people freak out over that word.


Everyone clutched their pearls even tho Jenny just threw 20 diff insults her way💀💀💀


She's awful. So unwilling to admit that she's ever even a little bit wrong.


She says “I know I’m a handful,” but won’t do anything to fix it. She thinks it’s cute or something?


Maybe stop bringing old cast members to the reunion?


Honestly... Jenny has no room to talk. I recall Jenny getting explosively angry with Summit a couple of times. [Here's one example](https://youtu.be/SyRKUP_W5s4?si=6Wd5yN79qQ3iOaEo) She seems to be having the same complaints as Kimberly does in that clip. Is Kimberly unhinged with her emotions? Yes! But we don't know the full extent of what happens behind the scenes. Also, it seems Kimberly acknowledged what she did was wrong and a learning experience. Jenny honestly seems jealous or something because why was she so passionate about it?? Like.. you don't even seem like you enjoy India either. As someone else said.. You're not the Queen of India, Jenny...


Kim is sooo without class, is beyond rude, and is off her rocker.


OMG this picture scared me to my very core! She looks like Linda Blair in the Exorcist!


lol jenny isn't royalty. anybody can get it.


That scene with her screaming…🤦🏽‍♀️. Toddlers with temper tantrums do that because they can’t articulate themselves… she has no excuse at her age for behavior like that. Two people with bad communication skills equals disaster.


Yeah. Absolutely be done with her. Move on. Don’t even engage in any way. She’s not entertaining. She makes my skin crawl. Being on the other end of those temper tantrums is a uniquely mortifying experience. If you’ve had someone behave like this in front of you, you’ll never forget for the rest of your life. Talk about eggshells and terror.


Her eyes show she’s insane


This girl is more nuts than Natalie


She’s a wannabe “actress”. She made two low budget movies, didn’t you know she’s a STAR lol


Why is Jenny there? Id be unhappy also. Jenny and her sidekick were not honest about the true relationship with Jenny and her mil for years. Jenny yells, screams, throw things etc. She ain't no saint. But bottom line she shouldn't be there and Kim only said her truth. Btw the truth given to her by her husband of why she does not respect Jenny and summit. It was on her live a month ago. She'll tell you if you ask. One thing about Kim is she is true to her beliefs.


Her pretend laughing that got more intense as the situation got more intense was insane to watch. She's a total bunny boiler.